#fic idea: rune factory
teecupangel · 8 months
Tee, I'm adding another fandom to our Isekai Protagonist Desmond bunny bank. I finally got around to playing Rune Factory 5 (after being distracted by a bevy of other games) and was hit by the idea that Desmond would find eating BREAD to gain new crafting recipes to be really fucking wild. Like. How in the hell?! And that, to separate them from normal bread- they're. They're just. They're just called [Insert Craft] Bread and that's it.
For example! You want to make a potion? Gonna have to scarf down some Chemistry Bread! A new battle-axe with added poison damage? Weapon Bread! Wanna learn how to make some, I dunno, soup dumplings to woo the local wolfman himbo? (Or himbo wolfman, either way he's pure of heart and dumb of ass.) Well, you might need to level up your cooking skill but once you've gotten a level (or three or ten), then you might get lucky after chowing down three or four Cooking Breads but when you don't get any sudden bursts of enlightenment after that then you're gonna need to level up again!
All of it might have Desmond questioning reality some more but at least he's got some eye-candy to make up for it all! (And we could even make some of the potential husbands local expies of his usual AC partners. And yes, you can choose to romance and marry your own gender now in RF and it's non-fantasy sibling game Story of Seasons.)
(Just in case anyone is wondering, Story of Seasons is the real Harvest Moon sequels, not whatever ‘Harvest Moon’ game Natsume Inc is publishing. If you’re wondering if it’s a real ‘Harvest Moon’, any Harvest Moon released in the US by 2014 named ‘Harvest Moon’ are not part of the real series under Marvelous/Xseed)
Okay, so let’s talk about Desmond waking up in some weird place he has no idea ever existed in his own world. People assumed he has amnesia because he ‘forgot’ so many things about their world but Desmond is pretty sure he’s been transported to a different world.
Exhibit A: monsters.
Exhibit B: the logic behind these… ‘specialized’ breads.
So Desmond is left with no choice but to… well… go with the flow.
He has no idea why they gave him a farm though but… it was nice.
There was something nice about how everyone was helpful. It made Desmond feel like he was truly part of Rigbarth. SEED sounded fishy as hell though so he didn’t agree to joining them (also, he didn’t want to join any organization right now).
Desmond liked to think of this as his retirement.
And it was fun trying to figure out how this world works. There was a lot to do for the farm but, even though that was true, Desmond had never felt more relaxed.
There were also a lot of kind people who didn’t mind joining him in exploring what lies beyond Rigbarth.
Hell, he even got a monster ranch going on in one part of his farm.
And then…
A man with amnesia going by the name Lucas arrived in town and…
He believes he knows Desmond.
He doesn’t seemed to remember when or how though but it was a clue. A clue to why Desmond had been sent here…
But the real question is…
If he finds the answer to his questions… would he be able to return to his old world?
Did… did he even want to?
Unorganized Notes:
I kinda like the idea that the bachelors and bachelorettes remain who they are and this will be a case of Desmond finding love in the ‘strangest’ of places.
His children though… the game gives 3 (1 older and twins) so that means we can have Desmond’s children be reincarnations of Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton (called Connor in this one). The twist can be hidden at the beginning on and Desmond learns they’re really his ancestors later on. This does mean that you’re free to choose who Desmond falls in love with (or make it a vote idk).
Considering Lucas’ true identity in the game, this might end up being one of those “eternal love” setup where Lucas used to be an Isu who created the world Desmond is sent in as some kind of simulated universe and placed his conscious there to escape the Solar Flare millenias ago. Minerva’s last ditch effort to save Desmond pushed him into the Grey and Lucas noticed that Juno was trying to take him so he grabbed Desmond and yanked him to his ‘safe world’. Lucas lost his memories because Desmond isn’t part of his world so Desmond’s sudden appearance caused a chain reaction that ended with Lucas’ amnesia (as he’s being repaired). His children being ‘reborn’ is actually his Bleeds gaining their own bodies.
Will Desmond make his own Brotherhood in this one? Probably not. At most, he’d teach his children Assassin-like tricks to help them be safe but not train him the way Bill did. That’s why it took a while for Desmond to realize his children are his ‘ancestors’. Ezio was the one who realized something fishy was going on at the start because (1) his older brother is named Altaïr and (2) one of his parents is named Desmond. The monster and fantasy-esque setting of the world he was reborn in offkiltered him a bit though XD
Up to you if you want to have an actual ‘oh the world is in danger… sorta’ plot as well or you just push it in the background with Lucas and Radea and let Desmond have his retirement.
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aashiyancha · 5 months
Didn't finish the next skit part this week (just means next week's will be even longer. Woohoo!)
So instead, enjoy this doodle of the siblings and Lucas eating noodles in Heinz's attic
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And ofc, because I can't not turn everything into a joke...
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kindlystrawberry · 10 days
Made up fic title game!
Sunrise & Sunset
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it (accepting!)
So, for this title, I'm thinking a 5+1 fic sort of deal. Maybe something about the time of day, where I start the fic with a sunrise thing and end it with sunset? Or maybe just 3 Sunrises, 3 Sunsets, or 5 Sunsets and 1 Sunrise, etc. I think that would be fun! And when it comes to those more structured fic genres like 5+1 things, I love using/adding an extra semblance of structure, like times of day, seasons, etc.
Since I am forever in RF4 brainrot, an RF fic comes to mind. I can't think of a particular ship, but it would probably be fluffy and emotional, and show the progress of a relationship. Like, the last sunrise or sunset is them looking towards the future together after having confessed their feelings or something.
Thank you for sending this!! Sorry this took me a hot minute to reply to.
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darkacey · 1 year
I’m curious - those of you who have played some (or all) of Rune Factory 5, what would you change about the dungeons and why?
I’ll go first: I wish Atohl’s End was actually scary. It’s played up as this super spooky place, but when I got there… it felt like just a reskin of the last two dungeons. Yeah, it introduced the breakable walls and a pretty interesting underground cityscape, but essentially nothing was different from Kelve or Meline in the sense that it was just Room with Monsters > tunnel > Room with Monsters > tunnel > Room with Mining Rocks > etc. I would have liked there to be trap mechanics (like the wall/floor masters in Legend of Zelda) or some sort of puzzle (secret doors behind paintings, find keys). Heck, I would’ve been happy with just some more lore about *why* there was an underground city. Is it connected to the Sech Empire? The Forest of Beginnings? If it’s not a real city, is it the ghost/echo of one or some amalgamation of cities that were ruined in the decades of war? I want to know.
Maybe it’s asking for too much bc I’m a big Zelda fan and like games with a lot of environmental storytelling, but it would’ve been nice to have some more variation.
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tinylantern · 1 year
I had mentioned a lonnnng while back one Asafure fic idea that's been on the brain since forever is Frey joining Arthur on at least one of his business trips
And I can imagine the set up being pretty goofy because everyone has noticed Frey is overdoing it yet again and want her to take a break, and when they find out which city Arthur is traveling to next, they're all telling her "Hey, you should go with him! You've barely left Selphia since you came here, and it has so much to see! Besides, Ventuswill can handle the town for a week. She was completely in charge of the town's affairs before you came here, anyway."
Frey, of course, insists that it would be a bad idea since even if Arthur let her come with him, she'd just get in the way of his work and would probably spend most of the trip by herself not knowing what to do... Except when asked about the possibility, Arthur is absolutely delighted since meeting with clients and business partners is only one aspect of his trips; he often spends a great deal of time browsing local shops and marketplaces, sampling food at street stalls and restaurants, and otherwise experiencing aspects of that place's culture, whether by visiting museums and historic sites or attending events held throughout the year.
This is totally not an excuse to have them visit an aquarium together. Or go to a dinner party where formal wear is a must.
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by-glass-and-waves · 5 months
Intro post time :o
Hi I'm Glass, 29F (she/her). I spend way too much time with worldbuilding or story ideas or exploring themes SIGH. I'd enjoy building/upgrading my computers if I had the money and space for it >:( I also find driving (without traffic or a ton of stoplights) while listening to music super relaxing (eg my story playlists)
I really like to draw/write about Narinder/The One Who Waits 🙃
I've got four Cult of the Lamb AUs/storylines on a sliding scale of dark to lighthearted:
Depression Quest (fic, cw: abuse, self harm, depression)
The Courtship of the God of Death (fic, cw: unhealthy/toxic relationship, obsession, jealousy, manipulation, violence, gore, emotional/psychological abuse)
Restart (cw: violence, gore)
19th Century AU
More on the AUs below the cut
Interests: Dragon's Dogma, Cult of the Lamb, Final Fantasy IX, Neon Genesis Evangelion, No Man's Sky, Rune Factory 4/5, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas/4, Nier Replicant/Automata, pre-Destiny Bungie lore + Destiny's Book of Sorrows and a few other bits + Halo's Forerunner Trilogy
My name comes from something I wrote for my oc worldbuilding project:
He pressed against the glass of time, feeling it crack beneath his fingers. He stepped into the tides of space, seeing the water part for his feet. … He broke through the glass, looked down at them again. … He swam through the rising tides to a new world.
Depression Quest:
My very First Idea™ for Cult of the Lamb. It follows the canon ending of Lamb conquering The One Who Waits. Essentially, the Lamb turns Narinder into a trophy husband, and Narinder does not have a good time.
This is my darkest au and includes things such as abuse, self harm, depression, etc. My favorite thing is the fact that Ratoo and Narinder eventually become friends. I've written a chapter but the fic won't be updated often. Tag: #cotl depression quest
The Courtship of the God of Death:
This is the fic I've published on AO3. Follows the alternate ending of The One Who Waits regaining the Red Crown and his freedom, but instead of sacrificing the Lamb, he accepts their proposal to become his Consort and rule over the Cult by his side. He enjoys his victory, deals with the Lamb's affection for him, and processes what happened between he and his siblings.
It starts out lighthearted, then becomes a descent into darker themes such as obsession, jealousy, manipulation, emotional/psychological abuse, and the toxic relationship between the Lamb and Narinder. It also includes some violence and gore. It borrows some stuff from Depression Quest, and involves the majority of my headcanons/worldbuilding. Tag: #cotl courtship
Follows the alternate ending of The One Who Waits sacrificing the Lamb and regaining the Red Crown. He gets bored and decides to time/worldjump to another version of The Lands of the Old Faith, replacing Ratau/the Lamb as the crusader against the Bishops. Too bad he's a thousand years out of practice.
This is more slice of life and includes Narinder and Lamb arguing like a married couple but there's some drama in there. It does include violence and gore since Narinder does have to go on his Crusades and fight his siblings. This one does not have a fic written, it's more ideas I've doodled. Well, I did have a chapter written, but it may be posted as a separate piece instead.
tl;dr Narinder goes New Game+ and becomes the player character (but he really sucks at it). Tag: #cotl restart
19th Century AU:
Created after watching of Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Emma. It follows Prince Narinder of the Kingdom of the Old Faith Amenthes, investor of Ratau and Ratoo Trading Company, who has just moved into Acheron Estate. He bumps into the Lamb by chance while meeting with Ratau, and hires her as his servant after being intrigued by her fiery personality.
It's a slice of life and is a silly, self-indulgent AU written as if it was a screenplay. Maybe I'll post the scenes on AO3 even though they're out of order. Tag: #cotl 19th century AU
Also made a concept playlist (ask box post with song list, WIP) on the AUs because I'm absolutely nuts
I've also written mad ideas and wrote a few bits on an OC worldbuilding thing I've had since like 2010 or something no idea if people might be interested in it and it's as convoluted as the Kingdom Hearts series soooo Tag: #three kids and their pet ghost
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None of you understand how much I love Rune Factory 4..... I need to write a fic where Lest lives through the plot and months after the 3rd arc Frey is found in the forest. And it will be so wonderful. I have so many thoughts and Ideas
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I hope this is not weird but i want to share I how happy it makes me to see someone else posting abt rf3, I spent so many long summers just playing this game on my ds growing up and I feel like I never meet anyone who even has heard of it. Anyways it's one of my favorite games ever and I'm so glad I decided to look in the rune factory tags on tumblr <3
Not weird at all! I've been replaying it on my modded 3DS and having a blast! Actually kind of sad that all there's really left to do is have one more kid and finish the Sharance Maze, because getting reacquainted with the characters and sharing all their silly dialogue has been way too fun.
But at least I also have 1 and 2 waiting for me, and am planning to give those the same treatment. (In a little while tho, I know I'm going to get a million fic ideas, so I'm waiting until I've written the big things I've come up with for 3 and 5.)
Thanks for the message! Have an awesome night!
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Tag Directory
aka i guess i should be organized and put these things in some sort of accessible list if i want them to be useful to anyone. first things first MY AO3 IS swiftishere if the other link isn’t working
#the nemesis speaks: ALL original posts, and any reblogs i added significant text to
#the nemesis answers: answered asks. asks will also be tagged with the url of the asker (anons will be tagged as #anonymous)
#nemesis art: visual art
#swift writes: for fic. a mix of regular textposts and ao3 links
#swift plays (hollow knight / subnautica / flight rising / dragcave / deltarune / rune factory / half life / final fantasy 14): i sure do!
#dr analysis: deltarune. the narrative is ALIVE
#fashion: aka swift drools over dresses
i don’t have a general tag for pla/submas because i gave up on it that one’s on me whoops. most of them are primarily asks/random posts instead of fic or art. unfortunately apparently chrono tags break on mobile so... yeah, desktop people, you’ll have to diy that one.
general, non-au tags
#pla analysis: for meta, character Thoughts, whatever
#pokefic pitch: grab bag of au/fic concepts that were one-offs/i never did anything with. a lot of more involved aus also start here
#surveyfam: the survey corps is a family!!
#strong pokemon... weak pokemon... maybe the trainer should just git gud: making fun (affectionate) of ingo and emmet’s starters/teamcomp. i mean they have to be so good to make it work but also why the rock lee ankle weights my guys
#hisui timeline debate: it is NOT in the 1800s
#volo’s evil togekiss: my conspiracy theory that the reason that volo has a togepi he manages to evolve is bc it is also super on board with the “reach god through violence and rewrite the universe” idea
sneasel: the funny animal pokemon: drawings of quadrupedal sneasel line (mostly sneasler) bc i think they're fun
substantial aus/things with fics:
#jailbirds au: aka Ounce of Prevention, my currently longest-running fic. kamado puts the rift travelers in prison and also emmet finally arrives in hisui after an ATROCIOUSLY long delay. it got wildly away from me and now there’s politics and every single minor character is involved
#galactic commander emmet: aka Fate of a Lost Comet. an extremely tense alliance is developed between cyrus, who wants to imprison the gods to rewrite reality, and his new commander and right-hand man, who is openly planning to sabotage him as soon as he gets what he wants: dialga on a leash.
#gligar emmet: aka Copy Corruption/silent loyalty. ingo's partner gliscor is actually emmet, who got stuck in a pokemon body upon arriving at the same time he did. they can’t communicate, but he’s very worried about his brother and is determined to stick with him
#pladoption au: Sinnoh is Silent. an au where akari falls like, IN the temple of sinnoh, and then gets really lost and then ingo finds her and he just keeps her. very minimal plot. mostly just fluff.
#immortal volo: fic: Nobody Writes Them Like They Used To. volo's immortal, but it’s been a few thousand years since hisui and he’s matured. he’s normal now. ...then he finds a pre-hisui ingo in unova.
#warden fusion au: wardens can fuse with their nobles. yeah like in steven universe. this one has a fic too: Covalent Bonding
#warden emmet au: emmet falls in hisui alongside ingo but lands in the wrong spot and they get separated. whoops!
#lord zoroark: a subset of warden emmet- the forgotten lord of the mountain, zoroark, finds a dude in the snow and decides to keep him. emmet lives in a cave with his dogs now
#living history au: a bunch of major pla characters get yeeted into the future. ingo does not get to go with them.
the following are aus that were more just posting/throwing stuff around w/ no real fic or art or anything. in no particular order:
#leader swap: adaman's now the leader of the pearl clan, and irida's diamond. the wardens are still the same
#ley lines au: magic fantasy au with some real worldbuilding happening
#timeloop protag: a "pla protag loops time when they die" au, except ingo is also conscious of the loops happening and has no idea why they are
#surveyparents: the protagonist falls into hisui as a toddler. cyllene and laventon are parents now and also The Plot is their responsibility
#card fortune: did you know the miss fortunes used to be galaxy team? what if they took the protag (counterpart) with them when they left? ...akari, who’s akari, i only know the Bandit Card
#the magical misfortunes: spinoff of card fortune based on a couple random posts. they’re teen superheroes/magical girls in a modern setting
#origin visions au: due to consequences from falling through the spacetime rift unshielded, ingo now has prophetic dreams. sort of. it's complicated
#hisui n au: N takes the place of the pla protagonist and has a bad time in hisui
#hisui fallers au: ultra wormholes take mohn, anabel and looker to hisui along with ingo. also, there’s more wormholes and they’re extradimensional monster magnets
#frenzy swap: swapping which noble of a region is frenzied—wyrdeer, ursaluna, basculegion, sneasler, and braviary instead of the canon 5
#legends creation starters: instead of rowlet/cyndaquil/oshawott, when transporting the protagonist to hisui, arceus offers them a newly-created egg of one of the creation trio
#zoroark twins au: ingo is a unovan zoroark but still has amnesia, leading to some Complicated feelings about his human guise. meanwhile, emmet dies shortly after falling into hisui and comes back as a weird dog
#dragon champion ingo: ingo’s a chosen champion of the unova dragons but he forgot. one day he summons a deity by complete accident
#distortion subway au: gear station has always been a little Weird, actually
#rift ghost au: instead of falling through a rift into hisui, ingo gets trapped in the distortion world. wardens think the rifts are haunted. also, turns out staying in the distortion world long-term is not so good for human minds and souls
#twin dragon curse: ingo and emmet are descended from the original unovan heroes, and their bloodline is cursed
#guardian of ideals: arceus’ champion was sent to stop volo at any cost. ingo, zekrom’s champion and divinely-ordained guardian of ideals, was sent to save him.
#zero constructs: the area zero professor decides to use their time machine to recover Champion Dawn and Subway Boss Ingo from their place adrift in time. unbeknownst to them, and unfortunately for dawn and ingo’s loved ones, they do not have a time machine, they have a wish-granting machine, and it does NOT know how to put a dawn and ingo together
#magearna twins: “hey the shinies for regular/oc magearna look sort of familiar”
#platinum clan: spawned off of living history- the clan leaders and wardens never figure out how to get back to their original time and ingo becomes the de facto leader of both clans, eventually unifying them into one
#tringo: SUB-subclass of platinum clan. ingo goes to unova and gets turned into the three legendary dragons
#giratina champion ingo: much like the protagonist is arceus’s champion, ingo is giratina’s, unknowingly serving volo and giratina’s will
#emissary au: spawned off of giratina champion/living history—after the leaders vanish, ingo is approached by a shadowy entity that claims to be almighty sinnoh, and which makes it his priest. giratina Is Not Evil, and is in fact trying to protect reality from a greater threat... not that the rest of the world believes that
#anthro legends arceus: i’m doing a miserable job beating the furry allegations
#modern hisui: rei and akari, totally non-suspicious teen twins, wind up in a small town full of cryptid stories
#nobel lady sneasler: this one is fully a stupid joke that got out of hand. pseudo-1920s-au, pokemon all have recognized sapience, and the clans are two rival groups of scientists with their own pet theories, trying to prove themselves right in time for an upcoming award. get it. nobels
#arc vessel: hollow knight au. ingo is the ghost and emmet is the hollow knight
#pokesouls: grab bag. some of it’s elden ring, some of it’s ds1, some of it’s ds2, some of it’s bloodborne. we are just vibing
#msaxpla: pla/mystery skulls animated crossover. unlike 99% of my crossovers this is a “the characters exist in the same universe” crossover bc we are hyperfixation multi track drifting. vivi is the protagonist, lewis died in hisui and became a zoroark, and arthur’s a depot agent doing really inadvisable things to one of the train engines (it’s fine emmet okayed it)
#subnautica au: ingo crashes on the degasi. several years later, emmet chases his voice recordings across the crater, hoping to catch up to him (and find him alive when he does) (they both end up fine dw)
#pla dhau: submas/pla dishonored au. no listen listen. ingo and emmet were twin princes, but one family assassination attempt and several years later, ingo’s an assassin-turned-vigilante with no memories and emmet’s smiling in the lord regent’s face while turning the palace against him behind his back.
#pla rf4: rune factory 4 au. the wardens etherlink with their nobles to sustain both adaman and irida. if you know what that means congrats and also come yell with me about it
#poke slayer: demon slayer au that is, i will be honest, mostly about torturing former darkness hashira ingo
#the legends zone: taz balance au. an ipre consisting of ingo, emmet, elesa, prof. rowan, laventon, cyllene and one stowaway. emmet and elesa are liches, emmet gets stuck in a whistle, rowan voidfishes everyone and becomes kamado and founds the galaxy team to fix their mistake with the light of creation (arceus) and the nobles.
i don’t post much msa anymore and most of this is not particularly Up To Standard but i GUESS i’ll compile those tags too
#msa analysis: for meta
#fic pitch: approximately 2 billion msa au concepts that never went anywhere bc my brain is a pinball machine
#msa mermay: i did two of these! it’s mermaids! more or less 100% art!
#mystery hate blog: aka kitsune (derogatory). i DON’T hate him as a character but i DO bitch a lot about how Everyone Except Me Is Wrong About HIm
#mori and arthur are friends: i think it would be funny if they bonded
(most of the following are also au concepts that span maybe one sketchsheet or a few posts, because again, brain. pinball machine.)
#precave lewvithur: you can't textually prove that they WEREN'T all already dating and lewis just forgot
#search death au: arthur dies while looking for lewis and comes back as a ghost whose death mission is to find him. this uh, raises some conflcits with lewis’ own existing death mission
#ot3 fake dating: no cave no mystery skulls au where, for Reasons, lewis has to pretend date both arthur and vivi at the same time. not as a throuple just. two legally distinct fake couples he's gotten accidentally involved in. at once.
#spooky kids with magic powers: au based on the idea that lewis was a station experiment where they (lewis, vivi, arthur, reverb's also there i guess) are All science experiments
#vampires au: everyone in the gang is a "vampire” but they’re all following different cherrypicked rules about it
#shards of winter: a sort of ambiguously period au? lewis is a... something, vivi and arthur are... something else. this one is a fic! it's more interesting and coherent than it sounds here
#noir au: fantasy noir, vivi’s a detective and arthur enlists her to find lewis
#western au: fantasy western, specifically. arthur made a deal with the devil. lewis is a ghost.
#little mysteries: little nightmares au
#msa celeste: lewis, vivi, and arthur are all mountain climbers with their own issues to work through
#msa hk: vivi is hornet but also the protagonist? arthur is the vessel. it’s convoluted
#dishonored au: you know the grimdark stealth action game series dishonored yeah i made a msa au about it that i have brainworms for and almost exclusively talk about in the tags
i think that’s all the major ones but i’m almost definitely forgetting something anyway. whatever. i’ll pin this post i guess
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I have a break coming up and I might be able to actually write and post things soon. I have a small backlog of little things and a lot of half finished works. Most of what I have is for LU, but I wouldn't mind branching out more, especially since the new Pokémon games inspired some ideas. Not to mention, I've had a few Hades and Rune Factory ideas in my head. Feel free to reblog and specify what you want to see from me. I want to write more while I have time ^u^
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arc-angel-o · 11 months
Check out my fanfiction and original works on Ao3:
My Bad Things Happen Bingo card (send prompts!):
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Priority WIPs/Schedule:
Whenever I can refer to the Goats book - Prisoner
Before Rabbit Season 2 - post s1 stuff like the theories series, Finish Last, Makeup Stab, Protect My Daughter, and the first half of The Search, get my headcanons and ideas out into the world, probably Double Booked
Summer - The Caves of Arizona
Winter - Figure skating au, or fic for something like Yuri on Ice or Zero Chill with canon typical ice skating
Whenever soon - Rose/oc, Goats LiS au, Killing It vampire hunters, Cleonita stuff, My Girlfriend is an Alien stuff, Kaz/Cathy breakup, Arcangelo coda, Forces Far Greater Than Field Hockey, Kazbert fs au, Neo Yokio in Rune Factory, K'inzel stuff, Comatose, Frenzzy alien au, Steddyhands vampires, real psychic Gus, for a Rabbit, alien Toad, Rabbit vampire au, REAP THEIR SOULS, Rabbit 1920s au, Rabbit fnaf au, bullet wound whump, why all the good ones go, Walp rarepairs
Check out the web series that takes up most of my brain now:
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aashiyancha · 16 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers:
(Tagged by @thebeckster : Thanks for the tag Becky!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I only just started using AO3 so there's just the one rune factory 5 fancomic there at the moment.
I have quite a few fanworks and original stuff dispersed around tumblr though! I believe the total number of works is up to 7 now. They are as follows from oldest to most currently worked on:
1.) Pokemon Black and White fancomic ( this is a dead one. I don't think I'm ever coming back to it)
2.) Digimon cyberspoof / just another side skit ( I was getting so close to finishing this one! Might give the games one more whirl just so I can finish this one off)
3.) Rain on a Summer Day (an original romance story that I started on webtoon but wimped out of continuing so it's in wip hell rn)
4.) The Flower Boys (an original mystery story that currently remains a mystery haha)
5.) Sweet Hero Puffbun (original supernatural sort of hero adventure)
6.) Rune Factory 5 Special (the fancomic that's been eating up most of my free time for the past while now haha)
7.) Our Life Derek Route Fancomics
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
20,724 but the site can't register words that are on the comic pages since they're on the image so deffo more than that.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Basically anything that catches my interest but I can't find enough of the content I'm looking for is what I write/draw!
In the past that's been Pokemon, Digimon, Hamefura, Rune factory, Fire Emblem, Our Life
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'll answer this based on popularity across platforms I've used since I haven't posted many fics on AO3 yet.
Our Life: Derek Fancomics >Rain on a Summer Day> Rune Factory 5 Special> Digimon CyberSpoof > Sweet Hero Puffbun
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments! It's especially fun for fanworks because I get to gush about the game or show with other people and we all know that's tons of fun! Bonus points to people who comment about stuff I've added to the story because then I get to delve further into the concept if people bring it up :]
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Never ended anything yet....
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Never ended anything yet....hahaha :,D
8. Do you get hate on fics?
On some of my stuff that's broken containment it's happened...some people are just a biiiit homophobic and really seem to want to let me know of that. Other than that though, people have been super nice, engaged and supportive!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Don't really plan to do so either I think. Just not really my cup of tea.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Haven't done so yet but I do like the idea. Might do a crossover in the future
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet. Could be cool to have my stuff available in more than just english though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet. Sounds like it would require a lot of coordination. Could be super fun though!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Uh......Hm. Honestly, I'm just happy so long as I see the happiness and supportiveness from the relationships so I can't really pick a favourite. All ships I like I like equally.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
....All of them
16. What are your writing strengths?
I am fast! I am so so fast hahaha!!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I go too fast and don't notice mistakes before I post. Then I get too fed up to fix them...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've considered trying! Just it's been a while since I've done out of country travelling so all my language skills have gone stale. It might be a disaster if I tried to write.... hmmm but it would be good practice too....
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think wee little me wrote a few fancomics for hetalia back in the day.
Should go searching through my old notebooks to see if I can find them someday.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I've barely posted any of it so far but honestly I am so hopeful with Sweet Hero Puffbun! It's probably my favourite story that I've got. One day it will all be ready to share and hopefully others will enjoy it too~
Tagging some people! Ofc no pressure though! @silicon-katydid @darkacey @thornowl and anyone who wants to play, feel free to say I tagged you!
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jake-marshall · 1 year
🌻 and 💥 for the fic writer asks!
Hey, Asha, thanks for the questions! 🌻what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going? Honestly there's not anything I can think of currently that would make me give up on writing. I mean, I definitely take breaks/hiatuses from certain fandoms sometimes depending on Certain Experiences, but that doesn't my impact my desire to write. A lot of my writing is self-motivated, even though I genuinely adore getting feedback/praise from my friends and from random stranger readers on the interwebs. I think a lot of my motivation also lays in that I want to read about my faves, and there's many of them (*cough* Egg *cough**cough*Landstrom *cough*) that either don't have much if any fannish content, or if there is, it's stuff I don't really jive with. So I want to see my interpretation come to life. So I write it. 💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it. Okay well I have two fics that have 4 kudos, my lowest amount. I'll pick "Alvarna Gone Wild" which is a piece I wrote for the Level Up! Rune Factory Zine (@/rfadventurezine if you want to check it out - its completely free to download!) Something wonderful? Well goddamn, I Think the whole thing is wonderful! I think it's well-written and humorous and that my love of the side characters that it's about (Natalie, Douglas, and especially Gordon, from Rune Factory 2) shines through. I had a lot of fun writing it and sharing my ideas for it with my fellow Rune Factory partner in crime, @/belleofhell. I know it's SUPER NICHE but that's kind of my M.O. anyway so whatever. xD Send me writing questions from this meme!
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darkacey · 2 months
Chapter 4 of Hanami (Ari’s Interlude) went up last week, and chapter 5 will come out on Monday (so long as I don’t forget again.) It really feels like the weeks fly by faster when I have a fic to post.
Progress update on Act II: I’m currently working on chapter 12, and it’s roughly 29,000 words.
I’ve accidentally started yet another side project/interlude, this time focusing mostly on Oswald and Ludmila. Yeah! I wasn’t expecting Ludmila to catch my interest either, but her perspective is fun, and Oswald’s POV is also a riot. Gideon gets on his nerves so much. It’s been interesting exploring their brains and really digging into what these antagonists have been doing in the background. I have no idea yet if I’ll post these chapters (it spoils a lot of Act II’s mysteries, and they don’t really stand well on their own yet?), but I’d like to at some point.
Last but not least, my editor and I have officially written over 81,000 words for our Hetalia/Rune Factory Sechs Empire AU crossover. I think we’re roughly halfway or one third of the way through the story? I’ve begun seriously editing the master document, and man, it’s such an ambitious and indulgent work. This past month we’ve been developing more of Lucas’ genderqueer side (partially thanks to @kardia-library-official’s A Story From Another Body), and the underground LGBTQ scene in the Empire. In our search for inspiration, we’ve found so much about irl drag history. Most of this story is still focused on class struggles, workers’ rights, and anti-war activism, but it’s neat to highlight how these groups intersect.
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tinylantern · 2 years
In which I say one terrible, horrible, mean thing about every RF4 character
Lest: Starred in a bad ecchi manga (which is officially licensed material btw.)
Frey: Stole from Hatsune Miku's wardrobe.
Luna and Noel: "When I grow up, I'm gonna marry mommy/daddy!"
Vishnal: Won't stop giving me failed dishes.
Clorica: Slept in the middle of the town square while it was raining.
Doug: Spends the first two acts repeating the same small pool of early friendship dialogue because his LP won't go above 3 until Act 3.
Margaret: If she's grossed out by squid, she's grossed out by Cthulhu and that's not nice to Cthulhu.
Kiel: Cannot be trusted with secrets.
Forte: Just admit you like girly things and sweets there are multiple FE characters who are knights and openly enjoy those.
Arthur: Refuses to go to bed at a reasonable hour. Actually, it's a miracle if he goes to sleep at all. God help us if he discovers coffee.
Xiao Pai: I don't want to say anything mean. She's so nice and trying so hard and already has inferiority issues why would I do that to her.
Dylas: Hates being called a horse yet keeps screwing himself over by eating carrots and whinnying in his sleep.
Amber: Desperately in need of an exorcism but helping her is locked behind playing as Lest and dating her.
Leon: Not only is "A Day in Leon's Life" the biggest case of false advertising for a town event, but it has gotten in the way of multiple festival-exclusive dates during my playthroughs.
Dolce: Why do I have to go out into the woods to buy my clothes when I could pay her to knit them instead?
Pico: Masochist
Ventuswill: Tried to blame the royal mix up on Lest/Frey when the true culprit was Volkanon
Volkanon: Literally tells him not to give my child any ideas and he does it anyway.
Eliza: Secretly the most important character in the game but she's just a box with a hat so no one realizes this.
Jones and Nancy: "Jones only loves Nancy because she sneaks love potion into his food." No, they're just really into aphrodisiacs.
Blossom: The fact that she is a sickly old woman who views Doug as a troublesome grandson makes her perfect fuel for angst fics.
Illuminata: Writing department screwed up badly in one town event and now she is designated worst girl.
Porcoline: Keeps adopting random 20-something-year-olds off the street. He's too nice. Someone stop him.
Bado: I do genuinely hate this man and his entire existence and yet I'm forced to admit that he has his moments. Fuck you, sir. You are actually useful from time to time and I hate it.
Yang Fan: Considered so inconsequential as a character the devs didn't even bother to give him his own character model or portraits.
Raven: I want to know her better but Rune Factory 3 Special hasn't come out yet.
Barrett: I want to know him better but Rune Factory 2 Special doesn't even exist.
Ethelberd: Ethelbitch
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WIP challenge
Rules: "post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!"
I was tagged in this by @koba-chii (thank you sm!!! :D)
Don’t be afraid to ask about my wips. And you can ask about multiple wips.
They're multiple fandoms here including (in order): DCMK, Gegege no Kitaro, Idolish7, Rune Factory, Legend of Zelda, Twisted Wonderland, Mairimashita! Iruma-kun, Bungo Stray Dogs, Rhythm Thief, Dragon Quest.
AO3 fanfic wips (some are fully written out another's have a sentence or two to thier name)
-- DCMK --
Kaito Kudo AU [beta] (DCMK) [This was an initial idea of a huge au I have, though it’s changed] {Kaito x Shinichi}
Kaito Kudo AU [new] (DCMK) {Kaito x Shinichi}
Ace Attorney: Case Closed (Detective Conan & Ace Attorney) {Phoenix Wright & Conan}
Kaito Kid looks after the death child (DCMK) {Kaito & Conan}
Digging Deeper (Detective Conan) {Gin & Conan}
The Phantom Thief who hates death (Magic Kaito) {Kaito & Conan}
Starlight Alight (DCMK) {Kaito x Shinichi}
High School AU (DCMK) [they’re all in the same hs] {Shinichi & Heiji & Kaito & Hakuba}
Magic is real you idiot (DCMK) {Shinichi & Kaito}
An odd relationship (Detective Conan) {Gin & Shinichi}
Curiosity didn’t kill the cat (DCMK) {Gosho boys (platonic)}
Why does this have to happen again? (DCMK) {Kaito & shinichi}
To look ahead (Detective Conan) {Conan & Black Org}
How to accidentally become part of the mafia (Detective Conan) {Conan & Black org}
KID in a box (Magic Kaito) {Nakamouri & Kaito}
Once upon a murder scene (DCMK) {multiple e.g. Ran x aoko, Ran x Ai}
The odd dove (DCMK) {Kaito & The Mouri's + cone}
A family to fight back with (Detective Conan) {Conan & Everyone}
To meet you again, like we did that one summer. Would mean the world to me (DCMK) {Kaito x Shinichi}
Gone in a flash (DCMK) {Kaito x Shinichi}
A New Waiter at Cafe Poirot (DCMK) {Kaito & Shinichi}
The Kuroba Kaito Stalking Case (DCMK) {Kaito & Conan}
The inverted magician (DCMK) {Kaito & Conan & Hakuba}
The spectral necklace (DCMK) {Conan & Kaito}
A x DCMK (DCMK & Avengers) {Conan & the avengers}
The Yokai Murders (Gegege no Kitaro & Detective Conan) {Kitaro & Conan}
-- Gegege no Kitaro --
Just for one day (Gegege no Kitaro {Kitaro & Medama-Oyaji}
-- Idolish7 --
NANA is Online (Idolish7) {Riku & Tenn (mainly)}
I just want to say... (Idolish7) {Riku & Tenn}
Lights, Camera, Action! (Idolish7) {Riku & Tenn}
The Riku Nanase Disappearance Case (Idolish7 & Detective Conan) {Idolish7 & Conan}
-- Rune Factory --
Brotherly Bonding (Rune Factory 1) {Raguna & Ivan}
unnamed Gaius x Micah fics (Rune Factory 3) {Micah x Gaius (duh)}
Family (Rune Factory 3) {Micah & Blaise}
The effects of a love potion (Rune Factory 3) {Micah x Ondorus}
Ff7 x Rf3 (Final Fantasy 7 & Rune Factory 3) {Micah & Cloud}
What actions can do (Rune factory 3 & Rune factory 5) [One quote I have for this fic is “anyway the furry got executed and went “umm... how about to” and landed his ass across the country” I felt like I just had to put this here] {Micah & Rigbarth residents}
Added by ? (Rune factory 1 & 2 & 3 & Oceans & 4 & 5) {Raguna & Kyle & Micah & Aden & Lest & Ares}
All together now (Rune Factory 1 & 2 & 3 & Oceans & 4 & 5) {Raguna & Kyle & Micah & Aden & Lest & Ares}
-- Legend Of Zelda --
Family is not blood related (Loz:botw) {Link & The champions}
The little knight (loz:botw) {Link & The champions}
A Rito, goron, Gerudo, Zora and two hylians live under the same roof... this can’t go well... (Loz:botw) {Everyone & Everyone}
Courage of the Zonai (Loz:botw) {no main relationships just about Link}
Just a bit sick (Loz:Botw) {Link & (x?) Revali}
Link Journal (Loz:Botw) {no main relationships just about link}
Child of the forest (Loz:Botw) {Link & The Koroks}
The Lynel Child (Loz:Botw) {Link & Urbosa}
-- Twisted Wonderland --
Sing a song about wishes and dreams (Twisted Wonderland) {Yuu & Azul}
How stress can effect a person {Yuu & Everyone}
-- Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun --
Do you feel my? Take a look inside my brain (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) {Kelego & Iruma}
Then hit with your crocodile tears for fun (Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun) {Iruma & Kelego}
I found a man in the woods today (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) {Iruma & Sullivan}
Two is too many (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) {Iruma & Iruma (Normal & Evil cycle)}
The Iruma Suzuki Disappearance Case (Detective Conan & Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) {non though maybe Iruma & Conan}
-- Bungo Stray Dogs --
The Tiger who came to tea (Bungo Stray Dogs) {Byakko & Atsushi}
Tiger in the office (Bungo Stray Dogs) {Byakko & The ADA}
Sleepy Kitty (Bungo Stray Dogs) {Atsushi & The ADA}
Darling just go and cut your hair (Bungo Stray Dogs) {Atsushi & Dazai}
What’s Nine plus Ten? Twenty one (Bungo Stray Dogs) {Atsushi & Kunikidda}
Grandad and Grandson (Bungo Stray Dogs) {Atsushi & Fukuzawa}
Partially Lost (Bungo Stray dogs) {Atsushi & ADA}
Signs of Abuse (Bungo Stray Dogs) {Atsushi & ADA}
Instinct (Bungo Stray Dogs) {Atsushi & ADA}
Following Fear (Bungo Stray Dogs) {Atsushi & ADA}
5 x BSD (Persona 5 & Bungo Stray Dogs) {Akira & ADA}
-- Rhythm Thief --
My Guardian Angels (Rhythm Thief) {Raphael & The Donatello brothers}
Two dancing as one (Rhythm Thief) {Phantom R & Raphael}
Three phantom thieves step into a bar (Rhythm thief, Persona 5 & Magic Kaito) {Raphael & Akira & Kaito}
-- Dragon Quest --
What does it mean to be alive (Dragon Quest Builders 1) {Builder & Everyone}
Again, don’t be afraid to ask. Maybe I’ll get some progress done on these fics lol
(again thanks for Koba-chii for tagging me, IDK who to tag and I juts realized I have to tag soo many people....)
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