#fo: 💚the big house💚
chrissykissy · 2 years
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updated/better organized version of this old chart i made for my muppet f/os !
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alyssatjuhhh · 2 years
Question for all of you, If you where really MC what would be your relationship with the characters?
Tw: bad relationship with food (nothing detailed)
First time seeing him I would be like: "Daddy? sorry, daddy?-" Can't lie alright.
It would probably start with a mutual roommate relationship.
Just like, "ok I guess I live with you now" kind of relationship.
I would think he's attractive but he's kinda mean so I would not have a crush or anything maybe later or something
I would probably follow the rules, because you know, it's litteraly his job to make sure I'm save, so I would probably listen to him.
Since I take alot of time to open up to people and he does too, it's gonna be like that for a while.
I think it's gonna change with alcohol.
We're going from: "dude I live with" to "Drinking buds"
And that turns into bonding over daddy issues. 😃👍
And that turns into: "Let me make fun of you, grandpa!"
I'm gonna make fun of him so much.
And he's gonna make fun of me so much.
It's going to be great.
First time seeing him would be like: "Lucifer come get your child."
Oh... Mammon stans don't come for me.
I... Wouldn't like him in the beginning..
Why? Simple, him, Levi and Belphie remind me the most of my little brother.
"finally done babysitting."
Mammom: *Breaths*
"never mind"
Don't worry my big sister instincts will kick in and I'll adopt Mammon before Simeon can finish the sentence: "what the Jezus was that?"
So I'll probably see Mammon as a little brother.
And I would sneak him out of the house, cover for him and stuff. (as long as he's safe)
But I would not give him money.
Nope nope noppedy nope nope.
My poor ass gets enxiety the way he handles money.
First impression would be like: "Damn this guy talks waaayyy to much, I wanna go to bed."
Same with Mammon at first I wouldn't like him, same reason.
But yes I would also adopt him.
Fun fact, obey me is the first anime something I really consumed so we can't bond on that.
I do like video games
I would discuss the entire fnaf time line with him.
And we would do a pokemon soul link nuzlock!
How can I not.
Anyway, I feel like I can just forget about my problems when I'm with Levi.
Like he would just talk the night away.
Also everytime he says something bad about him self
At first I would be like "no your not"
But after awhile I would just give him a light bonk on the head, as in shut up.
First reaction to be honest would just be like: He has a cool bowtie? I want a cool bowtie." 🥺
this would be my first friend
No doubt
I also think he would try and kill me but I don't think I would notice tbh.
I'm very oblivious.
I think we would be fast friends because, I mean look at him
That's a face that says: I read fanfiction and I'm proud!
I think Satan would be the type of friend that after you got there trust would back you up. No. Matter. What.
I respect that
I also feel like he likes to hug/cuddle platonically.
I would love to go to cat Cafés with him.
I would introduce him to my 2 cats.
Also Satan is totally the Matpat of the Devildom
We would totally play fnaf with Levi and piece together the lore.
But his fashion sence is hideous, I would force him to change those colours.
Sorry Satan.
Satan, I would marry you platonically. 💚
How can someone be cute and handsome at the same time that mother fu-
The only reason why Satan and I would be faster friends is the fact that Asmo would kinda overwhelm me.
Listen I'm an introvert, talking to people exhaust me.
I think he would be feel like a sugar rush to me, kinda, if that makes sense? 🤔
I would like him
We would thirst over men and woman together (I'm bi, bi-theway)
Also we would react to anti-gay content together, to make fun of it of course.
Oh oh! We would totally go to pride together!
Asmo and I would be good friends just not everyday please.
He's hungry give him a snack >:(
To be honest, the only reason why we would not get along at first is that my relation with food is not... The best.
And I feel like everytime he says "I'm hungry" could be a little bit triggering for me (I mean even in the game it kinda was lol not THAT bad or anything)
But it would not be so bad that I would not be his friend.
I think we would have a Rocky start but we would get close.
Adoption number 3
If anyone DARED to mess with Beel I would go up to them and-
Tell Lucifer about it. Listen I love Beel but I know damn well that I can't fight a demon.
Also when I heard that Raphael used to be mean to Beel back in the celestial days.
Let's just say that the avatar of wrath got a nice dinner that day.
Well hello there, Mr. Voice.
I would not trust Belphie because like I said, I would trust Lucifer.
But I would probably just ask Lucifer about it (like I said I'm a very oblivious bitch) but considering that I would be dead then let's just say I did the whole pacts and lilith thing.
I would forgive Belphie pretty quick
But I would aslo never let him forget it.
"Can you give me my pillow."
"It's litteraly laying next to you."
"Just like my corpse was laying next to you. You know... When you KILLED me." (I'm petty, I know okay)
This would probably be another adoption.
I'm lazy he's lazy, we just GET each other
I wouldn't mind cuddling him to sleep
I would think he's a brat
He wouldn't care
And we would be perfectly happy with that kind of relationship. 👍
Holy shit he tall-
(btw, I'm Dutch and I'm gonna tell you that I thought that 6 feet tall meant like 2 meters but it's not wtf 6 feet tall is like average here. So I'm just gonna add 1 feet to all the characters cannon height except Luke, fight me. So Diavolo would be 7.3 I think 🥵)
Oh, we would be buds!
I think I would be hesitant at first because of Lucifer telling me to respect him and bla bla bla-
It depends on him on how close we get.
Like of he tells me to call him Diavolo I would, because fuck what other people think.
Let the man live his life!
I would definitely call him Dia or D, at first to just piss off Lucifer (ones we got to the, let me make fun of you- relationship)
But if it makes him happy, I'll keep calling him that.
We would have a brother, sister relationship
I think he's the only one of all the characters that would feel like the older brother to me tbh
Who knows maybe I can get adopted by his dad?
Speaking of Dads 😃
Bonding over Daddy issues part 2-
We would have so many sleep overs that barbatos would just not let me in lol.
Anyway, we would be chill, I would feel safe with him.
Sebastian that's you?
I would not even notice him at first lol
He's just kinda in the background when we meet everyone you know.
I think it would be after the first interaction/conversation that I would develop maybe a tinyyyy crush on him..
But I would also kinda be scared of him?
Maybe I just want to do the nasty with him tbh
I don't know
I think barbatos would kinda get annoyed at me lol
Every time I talk to Dia he would glare at me lol
I think I would enjoy helping him with cooking and stuff
I don't think he would enjoy me helping him tho
But it's alright because I would probably not even notice lol
You know those ship scenarios?
Us would definitely be without a doubt, affectionate fool x hates them but secretly enjoys the affection.
I'll let you guess which one is which.
I think when people ask: "what are you?" we would respond with:
We're "friends."
But we are actually friends.
What the fuck, how? - I? - Daddy?-
First crush, no doubt about it.
Have you looked at this man?!
It's as if he was made by God himself-
I don't think the crush would go anywhere, but I would definitely have one lol.
Simeon and I would be close.
But not that close because of that damn crush.
Anyway after the crush dissappeares.
We would be good friends.
I feel like Simeon, Satan and I would work on all the group projects together lol.
I would sleep over alot because I need a break from the brothers lol.
I would have him in my D.D.D as Baby Daddy
Because of Luke...
Not because of other things...
If Luke and I are walking in the human world and someone ask me: "is this you're son?"
I would say yes, and then Simeon would call me and I would say: "oh, look, the father is calling."
We're Luke's parents now, I don't make the rules.
In short, we would be good friends but I would still have little crush on him lol.
Speaking of crush, if I knew what happened to Lilith I would never tell him.
Not that I would in the first place.
But it's kinda like the thing that breaks my crush on him. Sad but whatever.
Uhm... Who left their child in hell?
I would immediately feel the need to protect Luke
Like as if he's my responsibility
Simeon will be like: "He's not." and I would be like: "but now he is!"
The final adoption!!!!
Luke would probably not like the baby-ing in the first place
But I would not care.
Tbh I'm a cool mom and Luke can do whatever he wants as long as he's safe.
Wait Luke can bake?
Barbatos can bake?
Ah! Connection!
I would encourage Luke to go bake with Barbatos.
And just like that Luke got 2 dad's and 1 mom.
Tbh I think Luke would try and get Simeon and me together lol
He would probably ask barbatos for help.
And if it wouldn't work he would try to get me with Barbatos lol.
Luke would want me to live with him instead of with the brothers.
I love my son! 😭
Look it's Harry Potter!
Oh.. A human..Ew
Just kidding
Not really
Now that cool
Can I do that!? 😀
No? Oh... 🥺
We would be CHAOS together
Like it's so bad that they don't let us sit together on road trips.
Or in class
They would never let us sit together tbh
We make fun of each other so much!
But it's more like kinda insulting lol
"Look it's a painting of me in 1812! Damn I look good."
"You're old, we get it!"
I feel like Solomon, Asmo and me would go out together.
You might think that Solomon would be a bad influence butttttt-
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, yes trust me"
Lucifer: "MAMMMOON!"
So that's what I think would happen if I was Mc and yes I didn't really include any romance because it feels a bit awkward.
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❤️💛💚💙💞💓💗💖💘💝 with any of your f/os!!! (from @rose-wine-selfships) 😚👌
AAAAAA thank you @rose-wine-selfships!!!!!! I may have done. Several beans because I am an Indecesive Lady© and there was a bunch lol- but I loved doing these!!!!
❤️ - do you steal their clothes? If so, what is their reaction?
(F/o; Dazai)
I am a canon clothes thief, you can take that to my grave, clothing thievery is just something that I do ٩( ᐛ )و can’t stop won’t stop. I tend to take his coat when he’s at home, since it Big on me, it’s cozy, and smells like him. Also dress shirts are pyjama bait, sorry not sorry, I yoink those all the time.
Dazai is convinced that it’s just the cutest thing. Every time he catches me wearing his coat, he always gets this smirk on his face and kisses my cheek going like ‘what did I ever do to deserve you?’ and saying I should wear it more. Even if it’s too big more me and basically eats me alive sometimes. He’s actually taken to just putting his coat around me instead of on the rack when he walks into the house, because he likes it so much.
💛 - if LGBTQ+ what’s your favorite encounter with a supportive stranger?
(F/o; Akiko)
OKAY BUT this is like… my favourite story with Aki;;;;;; we were out shopping together (a common theme, but what can I say, I’m basically her shopping assistant) when we came across this super sweet old lady, who was struggling getting something into her car, so Aki and I helped out. She said that we seemed like ‘such great friends’ after thanking us fo the help, but Akiko just went like ‘oh we’re not friends, she’s my girlfriend’ with zero hesitation. I just about had a stroke because I was so nervous, but the lady just lit up and said ‘oh, your girlfriend is helping you shop? How sweet! You best take care of her too, now.’ and just. Drove off. It was bizarre but also;;;; so cute.
💚 - most emotional moment together?
(F/o; Shoto)
This will come as a shocker to literally nobody on the planet ever, but it was after we started to open up to one another about our pasts and the things we’d been through more properly. We’d noticed a lot of crossover in some of our responses to things, but also some key differences, so we decided to truly open up about it all since we trusted each other so much, and because we wanted to help each other as much as possible. It was a big deal for us both, but with plenty of hugs on both sides Shoto and I came through to the other side a lot better than before. It was emotional, yeah, but good for us I’d say.
💙 - how do you sleep together?
(F/o; Homare)
This. Dork. I can’t stop writing and working sometimes, so when he insists I need ‘enough sleep’ to ‘preserve my beauty’ (isn’t he a sweetie?) I tend to get basically dragged off to sleep. Thusly? A cage of a hug to make sure I can’t escape. He tends to put one arm around me and use the other to pull my head towards his heart, since he knows I’m comforted by the heartbeat sound; knowing he’s there with me and I’m safe. I tend to hug him back as I fall asleep, and then we don’t really move through the night. We always seem to wake up exactly how we fell asleep.
💞 - have any children? (if so tell about them!) if not, plan of having any? How many?
(F/o; Undertaker)
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this, but me and Undie have two kids together! We have a son, older by a year, named Llyr, and a younger daughter named Clementine. They’re absolutely lovely, and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Llyr looks pretty similar to me in terms of face shape, and he has short, slightly curly silver hair and bright chartreuse eyes with those brown rims around them. He can’t see too great, so he needs glasses, but he’s a very sweet boy. Shy, like me, and tends to hide behind his dad a lot. But he’a certainly a trickster and absolutely loves jokes- it can be hard to keep him out of trouble sometimes!
Clementine, though, she has hair just like mine- thick and fluffy brown hair, but she has chartreuse eyes with brown flecks in them. She’s also pretty near-sighted, although hers didn’t really come from her dad’s awful eyesight and more my end- she ended up with the same condition on her eyes I was born with so she needed surgery and glasses, but she won’t need them when she’s older. She’s more bubbly and outgoing, but definitely introverted, and really loves science! Clementine loves talking with both of us about it and it’s so cute.
💓 - weird habits that you guys love about each other?
(F/o; Elsa)
Elsa has told me that she finds it very cute how I tend to straighten things out. Just little stuff like adjust curtains or pictures to be in just the right spot, fold blankets so they’re in just the right shape… always messing with stuff. Although she also knows I do that when I get paranoid especially, so she tends to swoop in to comfort me too when this happens.
On my end, I’ve noticed that Elsa has this tendency to hum or sing softly when it’s quiet and we’re doing something a little mundane- like signing papers or reading some important documents. It’s very, very cute. Also her tendency to sing at night when she can’t sleep is wonderful too ♥︎ she just has such a good voice.
💗 - perfect date?
(F/o; Itaru)
Okay, this one is simple; a. gamer. date. I rarely ever beat him- like, super rarely- but it’s game central. We spend the night with snacks playing all our favourite games, and even better we can stay up as long as we want since we share a room in the dorms together. I always get to snuggle into his side, and when we play co-op instead of competitive it’s the best. Although for competitive the winner gets a prize, and Itaru tends to ask for kisses when just;;; melts my soul;;;
💖 - funniest moment?
(F/o; Dazai)
OKAY OKAY SO Dazai seems to just be out to make me laugh, so we have tons of little funny stories. But my favourite is probably on our first case together as a couple. We had just gotten out of a fight, and I hadn’t deactivated Pet Semetary yet, so Churchill was still hanging around. (The ability simmons ghosts, the basic, weaker form of the skill summons animal ghosts- the major one is a powerful ghost of a cat named Churchill. For context, he’s HUGE, like twice the size of Atsushi’s tiger form. He a big ghost kitty.)
So I was giving Churchill a little ‘good job’ pat, when the client we were guarding (who had passed out during the fight) saw Church and started freaking right out. Full on losing it. The guy had also had been flirting earlier, so Dazai got this idea. He just went ‘Hey, I have a trick to make him disappear!’ and then just. Kissed me XD so of course Church vanished since my ability summoned him, the guy stopped freaking out. Then the guy got upset though, complaining that ‘how come you let HIM kiss you! Is it because he’s your coworker? Am I not good enough?’- a ‘nice guy’ tantrum really. Dazai just said ‘actually it’s because I’m her boyfriend’ and guy just deflates. We couldn’t stop laughing for awhile after the client was gone and we told the rest of the agency’s because it was kind of ridiculous.
💘 - PDA, yes or no? How much and how “severe”(for lack of a better word)?
(F/o; Homare)
This depends… does spontaneous poetry count as PDA?
That aside, he can be pretty affectionate, but it’s not super ‘severe’ or anything. He’s a passionate guy, but he leans more towards sappy words rather than actions, since we both write and it’s how we initially connected to begin with. He’s also a gentleman (or at least does his best to be one lol) so he doesn’t want to embarrass me; and sticks to classier things. Thusly, he sticks to an arm around my waist, holding my hand, kissing my cheeks etc. I’m shy so I’m not super public myself and mostly stick to hugs and such. So I wouldn’t say very ‘severe’- although some of the poems and stuff he says can make others gag XD I love it though, and Homare knows that, so there’s zero chance he’ll ever stop.
💝 - how often do you give each other presents? What presents do you give?
(F/o; Nikolai)
Did you think I’d leave him out? lmaoooooooo no way
Niko’s actually surprisingly into giving presents when he can find an excuse to give one. So I’d say pretty often- any opportunity he can snatch, like some kind of achievement he wants to celebrate, a holiday, I’m feeling down, etc, I’m getting something. Usually it’s a dress I’ve been eyeing, some kind of lipstick I’ve pointed out before, or something small but is a ‘comfort’ thing like sweets.
I give presents less frequently, because I tend to prefer giving him nights out or doing stuff like cooking dinner or cleaning things up around the house to make life easier for him. But when I give him something, I tend to make it by hand. I’ve made him shirts, blazers, the like- also baked goods like cookies since I’m good at that kind of thing. I find shopping for others a bit nerve-wracking so sticking to handmade stuff is more my style.
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chrissykissy · 3 years
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if you havent noticed. i fucking love making charts
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