#from peter pan I think?
weaponizedmoth · 18 days
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Hook sketch.
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lostinbooks14 · 1 month
I just recently noticed that MLB is like the stories I used to make up as a 7yo.
Includes over 20 animals (eh, animal based superheroes- tiny difference)
Keeps going on for an unholy amount of time with no glimpse of an ending
New characters turn up every 5mins (episodes) with no prior warning.
Random backstories out of the blue.
New plot pieces getting added only to never be spoken of again after 10min.
Random really dark and disturbing parts that have no lasting consequences.
Ends up in a completely different point from where it started.
Inconsistent characters who get redeemed or damned just cause
Honestly, the only difference is that in my stories the villains actually had to deal with karma.
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personinthepalace · 4 months
Happy Closing Night to Peter Pan Goes Wrong on the West End!
from pangoeswrong instagram
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// Arin “literally just a happy little kid” Hanson 🥰
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lucky-numberme · 1 year
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2/20 Queer Book Draw Challenge: Peter Darling by Austin Chant
[ID: An illustration of two men (Peter and James) in a dark cave dimly lit by a single match on the ground. James is lying on the ground, one shoulder lifted so Peter can wrap it in fabric. Peter is kneeling over him, stretching the fabric taut around James' bleeding wound. Their gazes are locked on each other, expressions intense and unreadable. End ID]
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atlantic-riona · 1 year
full offense but if you write a book about Neverland or Peter Pan and have there be a romance between Wendy and Hook I am sending you outside to consider your crimes. don't bother coming back inside until you repent
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burnbrightdoll · 4 days
i saw an edit on tiktok to peter from: ttpd and it was about peter pevensie from narnia.. and i need three days and a pill to attempt to recover from the emotional pain from that. 😭
(also it was basically re-contexualizing the song, with susan writing it to peter - so yeah, the emotional pain was REAL).
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pixiedust-poppers · 1 month
Ya know I think Athena is the first person whose recognized he’s an asshole and dislike him for another reason than just “oh the show butchered and dumbed him down >:(“ like holy shit I didn’t realize how extensive his asshole crimes were like huh he yeah still is a villain. Sure he might not be “ill murder you in broad daylight” villain but he’s still a dick of villain
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grantaireble · 23 hours
Ok so Fortnight is a Crazy! Fucking! Song! so jot that down.
Also I had a thought.
So fortnight comes from "fourteen nights." We know this. But the song is, like, teeming with double meaning and irony and contradiction and entendre right?
And with the word Fortnight, if you break it down and sort of take it literally it's:
"Fort" + "Night"
Some of us have also discussed "making forts under covers" so
Fort= Hidden / Secret
Night= Darkness / Shadow
Hidden Darkness? Secret Shadow? Does this have legs or am I stretching mine??
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jihef03 · 1 year
There was something so entrancing yet ominous going on in the Darling Nursery in Spielberg’s Hook that unfortunately gets lost the moment we set foot in Neverland it drives me crazy.
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The tone. The ambiance.
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The tension. The chills. Like something cold is running through you spine. Something dark and magical. And the PAINTINGS !
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And the scene where Wendy reveals to Peter who he used to be, are you kidding me??!! The rising choirs. The entrancment. The dread
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Now *this* is my ultimate depiction of Peter Pan. *This* is what’s about. A wild child with unkempt hair, a sword and a cocky grin. Innocent yet menacing. Perfect.
And pretty much everything is lost once Peter lands on the Pirate Village. The rest of the movie becomes a Theme Park. A really fun one and I do like a fair bit about it, but I just wish we’d get more of what was set up at London.
I don’t know why we didn’t get it. Maybe Spielberg thought it was the best course of action to make Neverland a more colorful. Maybe others people told him to tone it down a bit. Anyway , I wish the movie had kept going in that direction.
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thebirdandhersong · 10 months
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thewertsearch · 2 years
AG: Hey speaking of which, what will the name of our team 8e? AA: uh AA: the blue team AG: No no no no no. I know that. AG: I mean the name of OUR team. You and me. Just uuuuuuuus. AG: ::::) AA: i havent given it any th0ught AA: n0r did i think such a thing was up f0r c0nsiderati0n AA: but if y0u want t0 pretend we b0th have a separate team t0gether AA: and name that team AA: then kn0ck y0urself 0ut
God, this is so funny. Aradia’s so fucking done with this girl that she’s spontaneously developing emotions again, just so she can be sarcastic. 
AG: I just thought it would 8e really fitting. AG: Kind of like a fresh start, you know?
It sounds like AG is trying to patch up a falling-out between the two. It seems like an obvious lost cause, so I’m not sure what her angle is. 
Depending on the timing, she might not realize that post-Accident Aradia is essentially a different person. You can’t really be friends with a Voice-puppet.  
AG: I don't know, what are our shared interests? I guess I never really thought a8out this! I guess I'm used to thinking of you as the enemy. There must 8e some overlap in profiles. [...] AG: Man, it'll 8e great. We'll 8e unstoppa8le. Surely you must admit it will 8e nice to re8ound from the Team Charge de8acle!
They were enemies? That’s certainly easier to swallow than the idea that they were old friends. 
We’re almost certainly talking about the LARPing Incident, so maybe troll LARPing is competitive in some way. Like, maybe different ‘Teams’ roleplay as different ‘sides’ in a faux-conflict, and one day, things went way too far. 
AG: Hey speaking of which, that loser isn't going to 8e on the 8lue team is he? AA: which l0ser AG: Your old team 8uddy! AA: n0 AG: Oh thank fucking goodness! Talk a8out dead weight. [...]
This is probably Tavros, the previous target of AG’s harassment, and the only guy we know who LARPs. Unfortunately for both of them (but especially Tavros), they’ll be merged into the same team later on. 
AA: i didnt exclude him f0r that reas0n AA: 0r at all AA: y0ure just n0t getting it AA: y0u never listen
Tavros simply isn’t ‘destined’ to be on the Blue Team - but I doubt AG is a fan of fate. Predestination is a sign that you don’t have control. 
arachnidsGrip [AG] ceased trolling apocalypseArisen [AA] AA: d0nt d0 that its really childish AA: uh w0w
Unlike with so many other trolls, there’s no ‘I actually like you’ exchange at the end of this conversation. 
Things are really dire between these girls. 
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You try to be the mysterious spider girl and fail. She's way too mysterious for you to be her yet! Seriously, what's up with those glasses? What's up with that robo-arm? What's her deal!
Yeah, I’ve made an OC like this. I think we’ve all made an OC like this. 
Did she rip the sleeve off her shirt, just so she could show off her robot arm? That’s amazing, and I totally get it. 
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masteraqua · 1 year
still thinking about peter pan and wendy
i really did genuinely enjoy a lot of the movie and thought that the majority of the updates they made to the story felt not just natural but necessary
and the biggest thing that i feel this adaptation gets right is something i haven't really seen in any other version of the story: the protagonist is wendy
not peter, regardless of what the title says
it's absolutely, unequivocally, indisputably about wendy
this is her story. her adventure. her journey. and the movie never loses sight of that for a single moment.
the other characters exist to serve her character growth, which revolves around her fear of change: peter is what happens when you refuse to evolve past childhood; hook is what happens when you let resentment stunt your growth in adulthood; and tiger lily is what happens when you accept change as a natural part of life and a chance to determine your own future (aka you become extremely cool). it's through interacting with all of these people that wendy finds a resolution to her fears.
and honestly i think recontexualizing these characters in this way is really brilliant. it feels like a logical evolution of the source material, as though the pieces were meant to fit together like this all along. and i for one find it refreshing.
hhhhhhhhh and like i feel like there's so much more that could be said and analyzed in regard to neverland itself as a metaphor for escapism, the place you run to when you want time to stop, where the story quite literally never changes, and again how this relates to wendy's desire to retreat into the fantasies of her childhood as a coping mechanism for her anxieties. but i don't have the mental capacity for that right now so i'm going to stop now
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outplacedwriter · 2 years
There's a belief that classics are unquestionable when it comes to criticism of their content, but time pass, society and culture change -- sometimes they evolve -- and this is why it is always fair to criticize a book with new perspectives.
I haven't read Coraline, so I won't argue in its favor or against it. All I know is that Coraline is already treated as some kind of horror story, but Peter Pan is treated as a magical wholesome tale when it is not. My focus will be "Peter Pan and Wendy".
Perhaps, the main reason why J. M. Barrie's book is worthy of criticism it's because of narrative framing. Narrative framing is the perspective one gives to a fact, for example:
The underdog team wins the soccer tournament. It's a happy ending if you're looking from the underdogs' POV, but if we told the story from the other team's POV -- a team who has trained for longer, spent bigger money, and had way greater pressure to succeed, maybe this win wouldn't look as joyful or fair.
Children's books can and should contain some darker themes, but it is the way these themes are framed or portrayed that changes everything.
I have seen fantastic books touching upon subjects such as rape, abuse, violence, that are dealt extreme care. JM Barrie had no care whatsoever about anything he presented.
One could argue that's because the book is old -- but I've seen older books more sensible and way more intelligent in their development of dark themes, so the "time period" excuse doesn't hold that well. Then again, I've heard this wasn't supposed to be a kids' book, which is super confusing and a bit ridiculous, but if it wasn't for kids then it's still disturbing for the way it was written.
Now, why is it disturbing?
A problematic protagonist who is treated as a hero and a good person by the narrative, who never learns anything, who never gets his faults even questioned, and sold as a grand example. Not only that, but it is true, and clearly said that Peter kills the kids who 'dare' to grow up. Not a way of saying he expells them, he kills them. In the literal meaning of the word. He doesn't allow the other children to be smarter than him or talk about 'mothers' because he doesn't like it. So fuck everyone else, this is his dictatorship. Peter lets them starve sometimes when he feels like he doesn't want to eat real food, just make-believe food, and no child must dare to question his sound logic and wishes. At no point the narrator -- who seems to love this boy -- gives the reader a solid reason to like him. He just isn't likable, and it is fine to have an unlikeable protagonist, but the book treats him as if he should be loved and cherished. Which is very hard if you're paying attention to what's being presented.
Appalling racism and misogyny. We have natives bowing and treating a white ass jerk boy as their king and hero, and respecting him almost as a god. The narrative also simplifies their existence and cleverness, making them almost ridiculous at times. Wendy is there to be a "mom" and that's it. We have Wendy's lineage becoming Peter's eternal housewives after being ridiculed, ignored, and forgotten by the same little jerk. For no reason, they keep coming back at him and obeying his silliness.
Violence, murder, and children constantly murdering people. All of this treated by the narrator as "an adventure", something cool, something great, and beyond silly dumb things like "going to school". We have an actual MASSACRE SCENE. Where a minority group is wiped out and no one, not a character, barely the narrator, bats an eye at this, and it's all made to be like a fantastic event. Kids constantly talk about how they kill pirates and it doesn't affect them in the slightest. Because, again, this is shown as something awesome and adventurous to do. Every single of their adventures narrated by the book had someone being killed or almost dying. We have the narrator stopping the book to take the reader to see how Hook coldly kills his crew, for no reason, and treats it as "it is what it is".
I have highlighted numerous horrid passages that I'll leave under the readmore so everyone can see I'm not lying about the awfulness of this story's portrayal.
Disney and the 2003's movie had done a FANTASTIC job adapting the horridness of this story. Still, they carry a lot of its faults, but the portrayal is so much more sensible and responsible that I can't help but congratulate them.
So, if you know all of this and still can't see why it isn't appropriate for children, you're just being biased by your attachment to the character/story, or you're being dishonest.
Awful passages ahead with "spoilers" (?)
"Peter never quite knew what twins were, and his band were not allowed to know anything he did not know, so these two were always vague about themselves, and did their best to give satisfaction by keeping close together in an apologetic sort of way."
"All wanted blood except the boys, who liked it as a rule, but to-night were out to greet their captain. The boys on the island vary, of course, in numbers, according as they get killed and so on; and when they seem to be growing up, which is against the rules, Peter thins them out;"
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avieary · 1 year
In my head the physical ages of the nations are just realistic potential numbers they’ve chosen for themselves (for convenience, e.g. they need to put a birth year on a document). England actually looks 19ish and is stretching the limit of what people will believe, because in his mind, age = seniority and importance, etc. He’d love to say he’s 30 or 35, but he doesn’t want to push it too far lest he be ridiculed for the attempt.
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