#ft this random guy called Shawn looolll
surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
Short Prompt #6
TW: Robbing mention, criminal activity, lonliness mention, violence
It had started as just another day at work. Well, whatever 'just another day' meant for Hero. A few robberies, a petty criminal with enough brains to escape their prison cell, but still not quite enough to keep it up for long, and more trivial crimes of the like.
The only 'distruption' of the steady, familiar rythym of their patrol was the absence of their nemesis who, without fail, showed up to every single fight, regardless of the circumstances.
Maybe they were sick. Or cooking up some heinous master plan to doom the city. There were a million and one reasons as to why Villain wasn't around, and while it made perfect sense that the crime-fighter would be suspicious, there was another reason why they couldn't seem to stop thinking about the matter.
The sensation they were experiencing could only be described as foreign, for lack of a better word. They really weren't starting to care about exactly why their enemy hadn't shown up, right? Side effect of lonliness the solitary nature that their profession so reasonably demanded, something they were completely fine with.
They were snapped out of their reverie by the rough, low voice of a man, "Don't you think you're going a little overboard there, Shawn?"
With an irritated huff, Shawn folded his arms across his chest and glared at him, "I believe I brought you the stock you yourself said you couldn't procure elsewhere, and no one else is this fast. So be a good boy, and pay up."
Registering all this, Hero took a careful step closer in the shadows, curiosity immediately overtaking them.
Without warning, they were pulled further into the shadows against someone's chest, a hand clamped onto their mouth and the death grip of a muscular arm kept them in place, but they stubbornly continued their tirade to struggle out of their assailant's grip.
"Don't move," the familiar voice of Villain whispered curtly into their ear. The hero's body immediately went still, a stark contrast to the rapid thumping of their erratic heartbeat.
Still fixing them in place, the villain's hand shifted slightly so that they were caressing the hero's neck gently with calloused fingertips. "Relax," they commanded, and even if it was only slightly, the hero did.
Notes: Whatever Hero feels could be either romantic or platonic. You choose. Also, I have no idea why I named the guy Shawn. Don't ask me who Shawn is haha. No offense to anyone who's actually named Shawn on here!
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