ethernalium · 1 month
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Final Fantasy Tactics (1997)
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Round 1
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Gabranth: Will sell out his own brother for one corn chip.
Gaffgarion: Will kill his own mother for a nickel.
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corpsebrigadier · 2 years
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I am never playing this game unmodded again.
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officecyborg · 2 years
Dycedarg: Our little mockingbird is taken wing, Gaffgarion, and it leaves me wroth. We cannot have her free. Catch her, crush her, and make silent her song. Lady Agrias's and the others' as well.
Gaffgarion: And Ramza?
[Dycedarg rises and walks to the dresser, where he pours himself a drink.]
Dycedarg: The fool. He soils our name, dogs my every move. I thought this a chance to let him learn the harsh truths of the world. But the boy is too stubborn.
Gaffgarion: Too much of his father's penchant for justice, that one.
Dycedarg: Father coddled the boy too much. If he stands aside, more the better. Should he interfere, there's naught can be done.
[He drinks.]
Gaffgarion: And you his brother. The blood curdles. If the cardinal moves to defend the mockingbird, what then? Duke Larg himself could not reach them in umbrage of the Church's wing.
Dycedarg: Worry not. That potentiality has been addressed.
Gaffgarion: Ever three steps ahead. You are a frightening man, Dycedarg Beoulve.
Dycedarg: Truly? Would it not be prudent, then, to better guard your tongue? There are so many frightening ways to silence a bothersome one.
Gaffgarion: Come now, my lord, I am your ever-faithful man! And not near so stubborn as a particular Knight Devout - if I might be so bold.
Dycedarg: Be bold. But let there be no more missteps.
I was gonna just post this cos it’s hilarious villain banter but actually just caught that at the end there Gaffgarion straight-up accuses Dycedarg of murdering his dad (Knight Devout is Barbaneth’s unique class). as a funny bit of villain bants.
I had a look at the other scripts to make sure that it was Barbaneth he was talking about here, and yeah,Barbaneth is a 聖騎士 / ‘knight devout’ (which is not transcribed on the wiki, but that’s how you write it), which is different from ‘holy knight’ or ‘sword saint’ or any of those, and that’s what Gaffgarion says. weirdly PSX thinks it’s Ramza that Gaffgarion is talking about, even though the wording is unambiguous? usual PSX reference problems. I’m guessing there were either different translators or they hadn’t gotten as far as the murder reveal, didn’t understand what he was talking about, and just made it Ramza since he was also described as ‘stubborn’ earlier in the scene.
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5yn · 2 years
the character:
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playing FFT via emulation with save states is the best/worst thing that's ever happened to me. I never used to care for the steal mechanic with its low chances, nevermind the fact that usually the gear wasn't really worth that much to me. Now it's just 35% chance? more like [reloads reloads reloads reloads]
Took Gaffgarion for everything he was worth and then some, forced him to watch as I piddled around with all his soldiers on the other side of the gates, then I finally put the naked man out of his misery.
I've also been abusing the fuck out of the orator skills via save states too. Poor Ladd only had 60 faith when I picked him up, now he's sporting a crisp 76 that I intend to raise even higher.
For the most part though, i generally let battles play out normally unless I'm going for something very specific, or the entire battle has gone tits up and this ~36% chance is my one shot to turn it around. It's been very fun tbh, makes the game a bit less frustrating to play.
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ladyswillmart · 4 months
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After playing this game with Red Comet as a regular party member for a while now, I've learned something: Everyone in Ivalice must've run Bozja at least once because every enemy unit targets the red chocobo ASAP, like forget Ramza or Agrias or whatever, priority #1 is to kill the red chocobo, whether it's up against a roving band of Mind Flayers or Gaffgarion very aggressively asserting his lack of interest in anything that isn't money or mustache wax.
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mrfippstuff · 6 months
Opera Omnia Burst Themes 6/6
And now for the final piece of this self-indulgent series where I express my love for the music of this series.
Final Fantasy Tactics Mustadio Bunansa: Tension Rapha Galthena: Run Past Through the Plain Marach Galthena: Trisection Cidolfus Orlandeu: Thunder God Cid Meliadoul Tengille: Apoplexy Beowulf Cadmus: Under the Stars Reis Duelar: Unavoidable Battle Construct 8: In Pursuit Bylos: Espionage Delita Heiral: Decisive Battle Orran Durai: Antidote Alma Beoluve: A Chapel Ovelia Atkascha: Desert Land Argath Thadalfus: Enemy Attack Goffgard Gaffgarion: Back Fire Weirgraf Folles: Remnants Zalbaag Beoluve: Zalbaag, the Holy Knight Dycedarg Beoluve: Dycedarg's Theme Messam Elmdore: The Pervert Folmarv Tengille: Bloody Excrement Ultima: Ultima, The Perfect Body Marche Radiuju: Walking in Ivalice Montblac: Undefeated Heart Ezel Berbier: Law Card Ritz Malheur: Painful Battle Shara: Battle of Hope Babus Swain: The Path We Both Aim For Cid Randell: Beyond the Wasteland Mewt Randell: Surpassing the Wall Remidi Randell: Incantation Llednar Twem: Unavoidable Destiny Luso Clemens: Green Wind Cid: Mad Dash! Adelle: Eternal Time Hurdy: Knowledge of the Adventurer Frimelda Lotice: Determination Al-Cid Margrace: Unpreparedness is One's Greatest Foe Illua: Resolution Ewen: Looming Crisis
Final Fantasy Type-0 Tiz: Vermillion Fire Lean Joker: Three Hours That Changed The World Qator Bashtar: The White Weapon Cid Aulstyne: Show of Power Arecia Al-Rashia: Arecia Al-Rashia Zhuyu Voghfau Byot: Divine Fire Caetuna: Vanishing Soul Qun'mi Tru'e: White Lightning Nimbus: Arms of Steel Claes Celestia Misca Sancest: The Azure Spirit Gala: Tempus Finis
Final Fantasy: The Crystal Chronicles Black Knight: Oh, Light! Alahanalem: One-On-One Battle Gnash: Fight Meeth: Meeth Running Wildly Cu Chaspel: Temple of the Moon Galdes: Pope Galdes Larkeicus: Last Battle Veriaulde: Boss Type A Undead Princess: Boss Type B Belle: Girls, We Have To Win This! Althea Sol Alfitraria: Althea's Waltz Blaze: The Awakened Beast King Leo: Knight of the Realm Mira: My Life As A Dark Lord Main Theme
World of Final Fantasy Tama: Mega Mirage Melody Hauyn: Hauyn's Melody Serafie: Comical Melody Goblin Princess: Labyrinth of War Quacho Queen: Another World of Battle Brandelis: Final World of Battle Pellinore: Giga World of Battle Segwarides: Terra World of Battle
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins Ash: Battle: Fiend of Earth Jed: Battle: Fiend of Water Sophia: Battle: Fiend of Wind-Motif from "Flying Fortress" Captain Bikke: Battle: Captain Bikke Nil: Battle: A Future for Whom
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carnage-scissors · 1 year
Hi, hello, for this wonderful occasion of it being FFT 26 birthday I am now thinking of Headcanons that make me go insane!
We know that Dycedarg wanted Ramza dead. He even hired Gaffgarion to ensure if need be he would do so.
This makes me think of a few things: We know that Ramza and his older brothers did not have the same mother. We know that Dycedarg at least did not have a care in the world if he died or not. If anything it would help him out. From how he talked about Ramza he did want him dead.
A horrible Headcanon of mine is that when Ramza was younger, Dycedarg did try to get him killed. He tried to kill him in the most inconspicuous way. Maybe one winter when he knows that the ice hasn't frozen over fully he would adopt a smile and tell Ramza, who has been looking forward to the snow and ice, that the lake he and his friends love to go to should be plenty cold to go play around! He's the eldest so of course he would know! It would be their secret that he let Ramza go out and have a little fun. He is just a boy after all.
This would simply just be a horrible, horrible accident. No one could have known that the youngest Beoulve would have fallen into the winter lake and drowned to death. After all, the one who told him was his older brother. He had no reason to think he lied. Or to think he'd want him dead
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Daily Free Draws Part 2
Each day, players get 1 free single daily draw on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game. The rates are trash as always, but there is a very rare chance to get something good from this pull. 
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Recently, we got a campaign wherein we get a daily 10-draw instead of a single 1. There’s no guaranteed gold, so you’re more likely to get 10 trash items. Aside from the usual trash, I’d sometimes get a rainbow or 2. They may be new but most are basically useless so I didn’t even bother to take screenshots.
Well, one day, a daily free draw actually gave me something good although I didn’t think so at first. Lately, my pulls have been utter trash with most being all bronze and silver crap or the occasional rainbow or 5-star item.
This particular pull gave me 2 rainbow orbs and 1 disco orb. Dr. Mog didn’t even show up though so was already expecting to be disappointed.
Was like, probably gonna end up with a dupe or a Glint+ or something. Didn’t even pay attention to the 5-stars when they showed up on the screen, not even when they turned out to be new. 
The disco orb turned into this strange thing. It looks like some sort of animal. Didn’t recognize it though and, like I said, I thought I was about to be disappointed again so didn’t bother taking a screenshot.
Then I got to the draw results screen and - OMFG! Couldn’t believe this. Just got Enna Kros’s (from World of Final Fantasy (#ad)) Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Godly Geocrush.
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So freaking pleased to see this because I already have her Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), The Creator’s Rules. 
If I’m remembering correctly, I got her Sync by tossing a Realm/Elemental x11 ticket on the Earth Elemental banner. This banner features all earth-type Soul Breaks.  
Really need more physical and magical earth tech so was very pleased when Enna Kros’s Sync showed up. 
That was my first relic for her though so I’d always hoped that I’d someday be able to get her Awakening as well. Needless to say, really happy her AASB has decided to come home now as well.
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This is only my second relic for Enna Kros but these are her best Soul Breaks so it’s fine.
Also, just checked and it looks like most of her relics can actually be obtained from the The Record Lab via Anima Lenses. 
The only things that can’t be bought there are her True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB) and her Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB).
On another daily free 10-draw, I actually got 2 disco orbs and 2 rainbow orbs. It was a pleasant surprise, especially when all of them turned out to be new. 
The 5-stars were outdated so I didn’t bother taking note who they belonged to and what they did. One of the 6-stars was a Glint+ Soul Break for a char from Final Fantasy XIV.
The other 6-star I got was Krile Mayer Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Bestial Exodus. Nice. 
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This could go with the other relics I got for her like her Limit Break Glint. Now if I could also get her Sync, then she’d definitely have a place on my magical earth team and possibly even my magical fire team.
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Another daily free 10-draw gave me 1 rainbow orb and 2 disco orbs.
The 5-star turned out to be nothing more than a dupe of Goffard Gaffgarion’s (Gaff Gafgarion from Final Fantasy Tactics) Legend Materia Relic (LMR), Dark Knight’s Revelry. Meh. 
Have nothing else for this guy so this LMR was beyond useless to me. Thankfully, the 2 disco orbs more than made up for this lousy 5-star because they both turned into new Awakenings. Hell, yes!
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The first AASB I got was Cater’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Tri-Color Shot. This is my first BDL relic for her but still pleased to see this since I could always use more BDL relics for Type-0 characters to help me with the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dragonking Dungeon fight and other Type-0 realm content.
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The second AASB I got was Tellah’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Earth Vortex. Missing his Sync but I have his other Awakening so I’m pleased to get another BDL relic for him.
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Another daily free 10-draw only gave me 1 gold but at least it was new and useful.
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Just got Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) AASB, Stygian Wave. This is my first BDL relic for him.
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Another daily free 10-draw gave me 2 disco orbs. 
The first one was meh since it turned out to be Krile’s Final Fantasy V realm Chain Soul Break (CSB), Dearest Friends. 
I prefer to get an elemental Chain since fights where you’d want a realm Chain will actually provide one via the Roaming Warrior.
At least the second disco orb turned into a new Awakening. Just got Ignis Scientia’s (from Final Fantasy XV) Flameboost Bite.
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Have his Sync and a few more of his relics so was pleased to get his AASB. He’ll definitely be of use in Final Fantasy XV realm fights.
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Another daily free 10-draw turned out to be a massive disappointment. Got nothing more than a dupe of Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s (from Final Fantasy XV) AASB. 
Ugh. How utterly disappointing. Was so annoyed when I saw the Soul Break Rank Up screen. Why couldn’t this have been something else instead? Sigh. 
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Another daily free 10-draw gave me 2 rainbow orbs and 1 disco orb, all new. One of the 5-stars was Cid Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Legend Materia Relic, Spacefarer. I don’t use Cid so meh. 
I think I do have his AASB but I’ve never used him since I have plenty of other chars that also deal physical wind damage and who I actually have more BDL relics for.
The second 5-star was Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Glint Soul Break, Mako Abyss. This is for the dark element so it’s useless for me since most of the relics I have for Cloud are for the wind element. 
The 6-star turned out to be Ovelia Atkascha’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) AASB, Fleeting Thoughts.
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It’s nice to see an Awakening and a new one at that but I don’t think I have anything else for Ovelia. She’s a healer but I already have better healers and supports and even buffers so not sure if she’ll ever see use unless I can get more of her relics.
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Another daily free 10-draw gave me a dupe Burst Soul Break (BSB) that belongs to a Final Fantasy XII char. It’s a gun so I guess this belongs to Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa).
The 6-star was Hilda’s (from Final Fantasy II) AASB, Blossoming Peace.
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She’s a healer like Ovelia. And like Ovelia, don’t have much for her either so she’s been overshadowed by my other supports and healers and buffers.
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So, what about you? What relics did you get from the daily free draws? What do you think about the daily free draw banner? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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tikorduro · 6 years
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I find dead men rout more easily. -  Gaffgarion
Image by copepe
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superslooper · 7 years
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And your four super powerful friends, I guess
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annelidist · 3 years
fft loves to put ramza in a room with a guy who can kill him in two turns and tell you to figure it out
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corpsebrigadier · 1 year
garfield gafgarion
You put this in my inbox. This is a concept I was made to witness.
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endeavorsreward · 7 years
T I M E C R A S H (Pt. 1)
The mercenary team hired to protect the princess marched forwards, leading the chocobos along the river. Slow but steady, like the passing of time.
The Algost Mountains formed a shelf where the highlands ended. During the dry season, at the river's calmest, there was a fordable pass which some enterprising merchant or cutthroat had found in a century past and linked with a simple bridge of rope and wood. Lesalian nobility had men come and fix it annually and kept it tax free, not out of largesse but to provide a route for their own to ferry contraband. It was patrolled, but only lightly. At some point, its nature as a way around the official crossing had left it named for history's most reviled traitor, but its location was something of an open secret. He'd have to bring the princess there, but once past Germonique's Crossing, he might well be into the arms of the Black Lion and lost to them.
Gaffgarion had gotten ahead of them somehow, but the young man that the others kept looking to for guidance, he just moved steadily and with a grimace. And then, suddenly, there was the cry of a hawk somewhere to their north, and he broke into a run.
The young man, for his part, was puzzling over his own motivations, his own feelings. He knew who it was that he'd find at the Crossing, and he couldn't yet fathom what it would mean to face him here, in this place, with these stakes. He vaulted over a boulder and turned the corner at the cliffside, and as the bridge came into view it took his fears and gave them form.
His rival there stood, weapon drawn, but not at the princess, who cowered at his back, but instead at five knights whose own blades were raised in turn. Another two lay dead at their feet. Despite standing on the Limberry side of the Crossing, they were of the Order of the Northern Sky.
“Stand aside, ser!” The knight's leader pointed with his blade. “You are defeated! Surrender the princess, and no more blood must needs be spilt!”
“You mean yours?” Seifer Almasy let his gunblade hang in his hand, almost lazily. “You're full of it, and I'm not gonna let you kill her.”
Squall Leonheart drew his own gunblade, preparing to charge the hill, only to see Gaffgarion standing at its crest, by the bridge, looking directly at him. The knight on the river's other side called out.
“Hmm. It seems we are no longer alone. Gaffgarion! Kill them all!”
Squall's fellow SeeD formed up behind him, and his trigger finger twitched.
The cart’s wheel hit a stone and jostled, and he awoke suddenly, gasping at terrors that fled in the hot Ul’dahn sun. He rubbed at his face; he hadn’t meant to fall asleep.
“Y’all right lad?” A grizzled merchant in a too-heavy coat and a blond beard gave him a sympathetic smile. “You were moanin’ somethin’ fierce for a while there.”
He sat up straighter, glanced at the other occupants in the cart, a pair of white-haired twins of no more than sixteen who were making a point not to look at him. He sighed, waved the older man off.
There was a whistle out front and the sound of talons in dirt, and the cart slowly ground to a halt. Weighed down with goods, the wagon needed the support of the balloons tied to either side to lighten the load enough for the two chocobos to tote it; slowing down was a gradual, awkward affair.
“You there – halt!” called out a rider ahead, and Wiegraf Folles placed one hand on the hilt of his sword. The merchant, however, shook his head, and he forced himself to relax.
“S’only the Brass Blades, lad, relax.” The merchant, whose name was Brendt, shifted positions and crossed his legs to appear further casual as one of the men came ‘round back to inspect the cart’s cargo—and its passengers. “You’re dressed as one of those new adventurers... guessin’ you really are new to Ul’dah, eh?”
“I don’t remember,” Wiegraf mumbled.
The female of the two twins glanced over at him, but was quick to look away. She, both of them, had longer, pointed ears.
“That right? Hmm.” Brendt scratched at his beard. “Since the Calamity, memories have been all kinds of messed up, can’t argue with that one.” The word Calamity resonated with Wiegraf in a way he couldn’t define. He mopped at his brow, watching instead the Brass Blade root through the crates and sacks. “Most folk can’t recall the Warriors of Light, but you hear now and again about someone forgetting more.”
Which is how he caught the man remove a small pouch from his own belt before holding it up. “Somnus.”
Brendt only smiled. The boy twin’s mouth edged ever so slightly downward.
Wiegraf wanted to speak up. To say something about the honor of knighthood, maybe, or perhaps even that if he was so willing to be unsubtle in his ploy for extortion, there was likely someone above his rank and class to which the technique would be better suited. But what happened next was that a cadre of beastmen attacked. He did not know them as Amal’jaa, only saw their scales gleam in the high sun. They came with weapons drawn, and chaos erupted quickly.
The Galbadian streets to each side of the procession were solid masses of people, rising and falling in waves. The leader of the sniper team gave the scene one last glance before he was to head underground, where the carousel lay. The eyes of the people were glassy, one set after another, and their expressions didn't match the words and gestures coming from the float where the Sorceress and her knight were taking in the hollow adulation. He shook his head and descended—time was short.
The marksman, for his part, was already waiting, seated, checking his weapon in silence. They exchanged a single look, and waited for the carousel to rise. As well, his other teammate, kind-eyed and soft, gave him a warm look that flashed once to fear, then again to resolve.
Elsewhere, they knew the gateway team was poised within the arch in Galbadia's central plaza, waiting to trap the parade float beneath. The timing had to be perfect—too soon, and the Sorceress would see the trap and be free to react. Their most professional member lead that team, and he could close his eyes and picture her adjusting her glasses, telling the young man with the upswept blond hair to be quiet, the young brunette to sit still. Her hand was likely resting on the switch, ready to throw it.
20:00:00. The carousel began to rise.
His fists clenched as the machinery roared and the air rushed into the compartment, as their platform reached up towards the sky. Holograms flared to life around them. The marksman took a long, deep breath and took aim.
The gate clenched shut before the float, and the marksman fired straight and true.
And then everything happened at once. With a casual wave, the shot dissipated, and he was leaping over the side. Time to, as an instructor once told him, “display adaptability in the field,” and he didn't wait to see if his teammates were following behind as he took a parked vehicle and launched it top speed towards the float, cutting a swath through the throngs of possessed (and dispossessed) gathered to see his target. The crowd erupted in flashes of red...
...As a series of crimson cloaks were flung to the sky.
He was leaping from the car through the bars of the gate onto the parade float even as his team began disarming the guards surrounding the arch, but it seemed he was expected. As his head rose to view the Sorceress, her knight took a step forward, blocking his view and drawing his weapons, a pair of corkscrewed bolt sabers that sparked against each other and then split apart to reveal a face contorted in anger.
Ace took one look at Machina, and drew his cards.
In the depths of the Mist-soaked tomb of Dorgalua Raithwall, she stood before the door, watching as the rotating crystal shattered, felt the brand of Belias, the Gigas burn into her. Her hand went involuntarily to the place where it sizzled, her skin feeling almost as if the brand crawled across her like an insect, dug in its fangs, just above her left breast.
“It was guarding the treasure all this time?” asked the pilot behind her, and she turned.
“It is the treasure.” Power enough to start changing things. Power enough to make it right.
“Oh.” His shoulders sank. “Foolish me, thinking it would be something that’d get us out of this mess.”
She rolled her eyes and approached the door, which opened to her without a touch. The heavy stone slid with the weight of history to admit her, and they all followed as she climbed the stairs to where the Dawn Shard lay, suspended in air, in Mist, above a plinth of sculpted metal.
They stood there, stunned at the sight of the prize they’d sought, and she finally moved to take it...
“What?” she whispered, as a vision appeared before her, faint but real, standing, watching, and her hand fell at the sight of the eighteen year old girl who smiled back, welcoming, regarding fondly.
Lightning’s knuckles shifted inside of her gloves as she found herself rooted in place, watching Serah watch her. Not seeing the boy at her side take a step forward either, not realizing he saw it too, as nobody else did, though the person he saw was older, and far beyond reach, beyond Hope.
The elder twin scaled the steps slowly, one at a time, already feeling the air rush down the stairwell and whip his long hair about. The tight space made it easy to slip, actually, but his eyes were closed, determined, already knowing how it would end.
His brother stood atop the roof when he arrived; one foot on the crenelations, taking in the whole of their responsibility in its most tangible form. His brother had always looked outward and ahead; he’d stared at his own feet. It was his feet now that carried the sensation, the life of their home, pulsing, ready to change, ready to move. Basch felt that rumble in his bones, and wanted to hold fast, but only a fool fought the wind.
Noah had his face forward so that his brother would not see him cry. His voice was hoarse when he bit out “Empire of murderers...! They won't get away with this!”
Basch came up alongside and tried not to let the beauty of his homeland pull on him, pull on the ache he felt. Their father had just died, and they two were all each other now had. Someone had to be the responsible one.
“Basch,” Noah said quietly, at last, when the wind had dwindled to nothing. “Let us leave this place together. Forget it all and live as we’d dreamt. You said you’d never wanted it, yes?”
“A life of freedom?” And Basch allowed himself the dream. For a moment. “Let us decide with a flip of a coin. Whosoever calls its side, they will be free to choose their own path.”
And he flicked the coin into the air, where it seemed to hold forever.
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5yn · 2 years
I think the fan translation with the French Gaffgarion might've been onto something because when I was huffing something back last year I realize I struggle to come up with what Poissonrie is supposed to look like that isn't...just...bootleg Gaffgarion...
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