micer2012 · 2 years
Hey, in regards to your EvilX iceberg, when did Keralis die and not get mourned or remembered?
O! that is in Carnevil 3, Xisuma, Pooka, Biffa, tsxcom (pooka's brother i think?), The Dreamer, Generik and Keralis are all in a group running away from the Jeffpocalypse, and Biffa and Keralis are captured.
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Now, of the main 4 people are captured on screen, 3 of them are remembered by one of the survivors as the person who they have the strongest redstone bond (power of love/friendship) with and who's spirits help them fight back against Jeff, Kolumi for Pooka (his wife), Bdubs for Generik, and now Biffa for Xisuma. But Keralis is NOT. anyone's power of love fridged wife like the others. he gets revived/freed alongside all the other hermits at the end of CE3 but I think it's very funny he dies like 2 seconds after Biffa all Dramatically and he is Not remembered and his love used to power up someone like Biffa is to Xisuma9I0VDU8SYIVOSD. sad. well theres other guys
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tripping balls as i am watching old mcyt videos
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mayflowers07 · 2 years
lofi beats to study/fight generik to
This made me snort pina colada up my nose so congrats anon
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generikspb · 1 year
Купить дженерики в Санкт-Петербурге с доставкой по самым выгодным ценам. В интернет-аптеке представлен широкий ассортимент дженериков для повышения потенции у мужчин с быстрой доставкой заказов по Санкт-Петербургу и области. Работаем напрямую с поставщиками продукции. Наши менеджеры проконсультируют и ответят на все вопросы, касающиеся правил приема Сиалиса, Левитры и Виагры, подберут наиболее эффективный препарат.
WEB: generik-spb.ru
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BIG SALE, Call 0811-8779-004, Vitamin Untuk Daya Tahan Tubuh Pada Anak British Propolis
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ORDER https://wa.me/6281380143836, Vitamin Untuk Daya Tahan Tubuh Penderita Diabetes British Propolis, Untuk Kolestrol British Propolis, Obat Untuk Kolesterol British Propolis, Obat Herbal Untuk Kolesterol British Propolis, Obat Alami Untuk Kolesterol British Propolis
Juragan BP - Juara BP - Champion Community - Mentor Bisnis Cikgu Anita
Jl. Swadaya I RT 08/RW 08 No. 10, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia.
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BIG SALE, Call 0811-8779-004, Vitamin Untuk Daya Tahan Tubuh Pada Anak British Propolis
ORDER https://wa.me/6281380143836, Vitamin Untuk Daya Tahan Tubuh Penderita Diabetes British Propolis, Untuk Kolestrol British Propolis, Obat Untuk Kolesterol British Propolis, Obat Herbal Untuk Kolesterol British Propolis, Obat Alami Untuk Kolesterol British Propolis
Juragan BP - Juara BP - Champion Community - Mentor Bisnis Cikgu Anita
Jl. Swadaya I RT 08/RW 08 No. 10, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia.
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TERBARU, 0878-8138-9755 Distributor nyeri sendi lutut sebelah kanan GRAMAFIT
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"Distributor nyeri sendi lutut sebelah kanan KLIK https://wa.me/6287881389755, nyeri sendi lutut kiri Kemang, terapi untuk nyeri sendi lutut Mengwi, nyeri sendi lutut dan bengkak Gunung Putri, ramuan untuk nyeri sendi lutut Ngawi, nyeri sendi lutut dan tangan KarangtengahManfaat GRAMAFIT: 1. Boswellia Serrata berkhasiat untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri akibat radang sendi 2. Mencegah inflamasi dan mengurangi rasa sakit 3. Memelihara kesehatan sendi dan tulang 4. Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh 5. Membantu memelihara ligamen pada tulang 6. Membantu dan mencegah osteoporosis dan osteoarthitis 7. Melawan infeksi pada tubuh 8. Membantu menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi dan kolesterol Terdaftar BPOM: POM TR 202355231 Pemesanan & Konsultasi Hubungi Endang Wa:0878-8138-9755#atasinyerisendilututjembrana, #nyerisendilututsetelahvaksintulungagung, #nyerisendilututdansikumalang, #nyerisendilututkakimuaraenim, #terapinyerisendilututgodean, #tanamanobatuntuknyerisendilututpalopo, #obatnyerisendilututuntuklansiaplered, #apaobatnyerisendilututgempol, #obatherbaluntuknyerisendipadalututbantul, #makananyangmenyebabkannyerisendilututtomohon"
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obatdiabetesblitar · 2 years
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KLIK https://wa.me/6281230394909 , Jual Obat Diabetes Cair – Klinik Online Blitar, Jual Obat Diabetes Cara Herbal – Klinik Online Blitar, Jual Obat Diabetes Cepat Dan Alami – Klinik Online Blitar, Jual Obat Diabetes Tanpa Efek Samping – Klinik Online Blitar, Jual Obat Disfungsi Ereksi Diabetes – Klinik Online Blitar
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Diabetes Adalah Penyakit Kronis Yang Ditandai Dengan Ciri-Ciri Berupa Tingginya Kadar Gula (Glukosa) Darah. Glukosa Merupakan Sumber Energi Utama Bagi Sel Tubuh Manusia.
Glukosa Yang Menumpuk Di Dalam Darah Akibat Tidak Diserap Sel Tubuh Dengan Baik Dapat Menimbulkan Berbagai Gangguan Organ Tubuh. Jika Diabetes Tidak Dikontrol Dengan Baik, Dapat Timbul Berbagai Komplikasi Yang Membahayakan Nyawa Penderita.
Kadar Gula Dalam Darah Dikendalikan Oleh Hormon Insulin Yang Diproduksi Oleh Pankreas, Yaitu Organ Yang Terletak Di Belakang Lambung. Pada Penderita Diabetes, Pankreas Tidak Mampu Memproduksi Insulin Sesuai Kebutuhan Tubuh. Tanpa Insulin, Sel-Sel Tubuh Tidak Dapat Menyerap Dan Mengolah Glukosa Menjadi Energi.
Diabetes Tipe 1 Dapat Berkembang Dengan Cepat Dalam Beberapa Minggu, Bahkan Beberapa Hari Saja. Sedangkan Pada Diabetes Tipe 2, Banyak Penderitanya Yang Tidak Menyadari Bahwa Mereka Telah Menderita Diabetes Selama Bertahun-Tahun, Karena Gejalanya Cenderung Tidak Spesifik.
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Beberapa Ciri-Ciri Diabetes Tipe 1 Dan Tipe 2 Meliputi:
Sering Merasa Haus.
Sering Buang Air Kecil, Terutama Di Malam Hari.
Sering Merasa Sangat Lapar.
Turunnya Berat Badan Tanpa Sebab Yang Jelas.
Berkurangnya Massa Otot.
Terdapat Keton Dalam Urine. Keton Adalah Produk Sisa Dari Pemecahan Otot Dan Lemak Akibat Tubuh Tidak Dapat Menggunakan Gula Sebagai Sumber Energi.
Pandangan Kabur.
Luka Yang Sulit Sembuh.
Sering Mengalami Infeksi, Misalnya Pada Gusi, Kulit, Vagina, Atau Saluran Kemih.
Sangat Penting Untuk Melakukan Pencegahan Diabetes Jika Anda Memiliki Faktor Risiko Diabetes. Misalnya, Jika Anda Kelebihan Berat Badan Atau Mempunyai Keluarga Dengan Riwayat Diabetes.
Lakukan Beberapa Gaya Hidup Sehat Ini Untuk Mencegah Penyakit Diabetes:
Mempertahankan Berat Badan Ideal Dengan Mengonsumsi Makanan Rendah Lemak.
Mengonsumsi Makanan Tinggi Serat Seperti Buah Dan Sayur.
Mengurangi Konsumsi Makanan Dan Minuman Manis.
Berolahraga Secara Rutin Dan Banyak Melakukan Aktivitas Fisik.
Mengurangi Waktu Duduk Diam Terlalu Lama, Seperti Ketika Menonton Televisi.
Menghindari Atau Berhenti Merokok.
Tindak Pencegahan Diabetes Sangat Penting Dilakukan Sedini Mungkin Mengingat Penyakit Ini Dapat Menyerang Siapa Saja Dan Tidak Bisa Disembuhkan.
Bila Kesulitan Menerapkan Cara Mencegah Penyakit Kencing Manis Apalagi Jika Anda Termasuk Golongan Yang Berisiko, Konsultasi Dokter Akan Sangat Membantu.
KLINIK ONLINE DIABETES BLITAR – Menawarkan Solusi Untuk Pengobatan Masalah Diabetes Anda – Segera Konsultasikan dan Hubungi Kami di WA : 0838-4966-5522 Biar Kami Bisa Merekomendasikan Jenis Obat yang Cocok Untuk Kesehatan Anda.
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hmshermitcraft · 2 months
The identify of who upkeeps hermitcraft has been a secret ever since Generik left. With him gone, and no one claiming to have the role of admin, it has to be someone right? But no one has ever stepped forward.
A lot of people think it’s Keralis, but he vehemently denies it, and no one with a sane mind would make Bdub’s admin. Joe neither claims nor denies that he’s the admin. X is too much of a derp to run the server.
At least, that’s what they think.
The only reason X didn’t talk about it was because he was given the role when he was very socially awkward and unsure of how to approach others, and he didn’t want to draw attention to himself. But he’s not sure how to discuss it now, until he was actually caught by Scar on the edge of falling asleep while working on the code.
Xisuma took the role on because of necessity - the server had so much potential for good, somebody just needed to keep it going. That person became him.
He worried about being treated differently by the Hermits, especially as the server grew in size. The server's admin became a figure of myth, some mysterious figure behind the scenes. And that's not Xisuma! Xisuma is a little clumsy, always willing to help and he likes to think a friend to the Hermits. Not a mystery.
And then, one day, Scar finds Xisuma barely awake, resting his head on his arms with various screens in front of him. He was chunk pruning, necessary for the health of the server and sure, technically it didn't need doing just yet but he was awake and once he started, he might as well finish-
He begs Scar not to tell anybody and Scar just laughs, patting X's head.
"What, that you've been working too hard again? Come on, X, let's get you in bed."
Xisuma still can't tell if Scar didn't know what he was doing, or if he pretended not to. But he resolves to come clean to the hermits... Soon.
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ohnoitspheo · 2 years
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Nobody: Me: *Designs one million fictional brands for my webcomic because I can!*
My Nocturn species may be lizard monsters, but capitalism is still alive and well in their society- which leaves SO MUCH room for parodies and jokes!
🦎 Descriptions of all the fictional companies below the cut! 🦎
Hexburger: Monster mcKie Ds. Get your edgy ink black hexagon-shaped food here! Inspired by modern day burger joints.
EVOPARK: My favorite location in the story. A wildly dangerous monster theme park with no safety precautions and mysterious claims of making you stronger. 
The X-treme Coaster: My riff on the popular ride X2 in Six Flags Magic Mountain. It’s at least 200% more insane… 
PREDATR: Alpha male, hyper-masculine brand (Haxx’s fave) 
neøphyte: Cute little clothes for your little baby hatchling nightmare. Also, eggs. 
EXOBREED: Futuristic Bio Techwear (Nova’s fave) 
Epicenter: Department store with earthquaking good deals. Totally not a rip-off of Target.
ANOMALY: Sexy lizard clothing for all genders.
Bands & Stripes: Skin and scale care. Exfoliate that stuck shed… 
Cupid Crash: “Edgy” Nocturn clothes aren’t black, they’re pastel goth and poke fun at cherubs. Angel-themed.
Generik.: Black and grey shirts for the normies. Based on the most generic logo of all time.
byotic: A medicine/biotech company 
<HEXEL>: Tasty Shapes. Salty hexagon-shaped snack available in a vending machine near you! Somewhere between a Ritz cracker and Pocky. 
What store would you want to visit? I’d hit up Cupid Crash tbh. Angellic Hot topic for Lizards? I’m sold. 😂
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rosenight143 · 1 year
(Ok so I got bord and made this so injoy)
Xisuma is a voidwolker and grian and pearl are watchers not strong ones meaning they can't really defend themselves. They where taken from there home and for 4 years they where treated badly, chained to walls, they where hardly feed and give not alot if water, they never learned how to speck English so they can only speak in galactic but they understand what the other men are saying.
One day grian pearl and xisuma are being moved to a slave seller but they had to go through some servers to get there. They didn't make it through the first sever. The admin stop it and banned the hunters that has been harming the three for years.
The admin opens the doors the where the three are and he sees xisuma out of the three is the most hurt scars all over his body, his left leg looked to be broken in different places, grian left hand looks to be broken, and pearl shoulder looks spraned.
Xisuma see's the admin and gets infront of pearl and grian the best he can with how bad his left leg looks.
The admin holds up his hands to show them he means no harm but xisuma just stays infront of the two watchers.
Admin: hey it is Allright, I want to help you
Xisuma: ↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣ ᓵ ᔑ ∷ᒷ,_, ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ || ᔑ ∴ᔑ || ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ ⚍ᓭ. (Don't care, stay away from us)
Admkn: you speck galactic, so you must be a watcher or voidwolker right?
The admin gets alittle more closer and that makes xisuma panice and uses what voidwolker magic he has to push the admin away.
Xisuma: ╎ ᓭᔑ ╎↸ ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ || ᔑ ∴ᔑ || ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ ⚍ᓭ! ( I said stay away from us!)
Grian wraps his arms around xisumas waist meaning he is getting really scared at this every moment and xisuma can see pearl is shaking and isnt lookingat the admin but her older brother on how pale he just got after using the last of his powers.
Xisuma puts a hand on grians hands that are on his stomach to make him feel alittle safe.
Xisuma holds pearls hand with his free hand to tell her he will be ok.
Admin: my name is Generik I am the admin of this sever, I have friends that can help you, you don't have to trust me but you three need food, water, baths and maybe medical attention.
Xisuma went to say something but starts to cough like crazy pearl gets closer to xisuma and scans him with alittle watcher magic then her eyes go wired and goes to Generik and points at xisuma.
Pearl: ⍑ᒷ ╎ᓭ ∷ᒷᔑ ꖎꖎ|| ᓭ╎ᓵ ꖌ,_, !¡ꖎᒷᔑ ᓭᒷ ⍑ᒷꖎ!¡ ⍑╎ᒲ. (He is really sick, please help him)
Generik runs into the truck and picks xisuma up bridle style then tells the other two to follow him.
They run to docs base, Generik lefts his foot up and kicks the door open and runs inside looking for doc.
Generik: doc where the hell are you!
Doc: wow, wow gen what is wrong why are yo-
Doc walks into the room and goes to him but stops walking to them when he sees xisuma in his arms.
Doc: what is wrong with him.
Generik: some hunters had them in a truck going somewhere through the sever but i stopped them and i found the three of them in the back hurt hungry and the the giel says he is really sick and he is coughing like crazy you have to help and he is a voidwolker he needs end air now and the other two might be watchers.
Doc takes xisuma and yells for ren to get etho and stress.
Doc then lays xisuma on a bed them gets a air tank that has end air in it.
Doc puts the breathing mask on xisuma, and xisuma then gaspes as end air goes into his lungs then his coughing goes down alittle but not alot.
After about 6 hours they where able to help xisuma and also patch pearl and grian up to help there broke or sprand.
Keralis and scar came in after the check up's where done and generik ask if Keralis can take care of xisuma since he knew alot about voidwolkers and he also ask scar to take grian and stress takes pearl.
Keralis takes xisuma when he had the ok to do so, and Keralis started by earning xisumas trust, it was slow but he got it and xisuma felt safe around Keralis and he knows now that Keralis won't hurt him or his little siblings (he thinks of pearl and grian as his baby brother and sister)
Keralis has been teaching xisuma how to speak English to no avail but xisuma was able to learn asl so he uses that when he wants to speak to others but they still work on him trying to speck English.
Pearl and grian have learned it fast and are real chaters.
It has been a year since the admin found the three and it was a normal day Keralis just finish up with xisuma's English lessons but xisuma is still having trouble with saying words which is ok.
Keralis headed out to go get xisuma and himself some more food.
when he step into a exploding prank. He went flying and the hermits ran over and they checked him to maks sure they can move him, once they did they quickly ran Keralis to his base to help him more.
About a hour in they got him stable and he was wake alittle. Everyone has there attention on Keralis they didn't realize or hear xisuma walk in and seeing what is going on he got worried and he got Everyone's attention to see if Keralis was ok but galactic didn't come out of his mouth.
Xisuma: k-k-keralis?
Keralis sat up fast, not caring about the pain as he frantically looked for xisuma.
once his eyes landed on the voidwolker he saw xisuma was worried but he had to clear up if he heared what his voidwolker said just now.
Keralis; sweet face, can you repeat what you said please
Xisuma: k-keralis
Said man starts to tear up with happy tears and he moved his hands in a movement to tell xisuma to come here so he did.
Once in range Keralis pulls xisuma into a tight hug and saying how proud he is proud of him and xisuma just snuggles up close to his human happy that he is ok.
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BIG SALE, Call 0811-8779-004, Vitamin Untuk Daya Tahan Tubuh Pada Anak British Propolis
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ORDER https://wa.me/6281380143836, Vitamin Untuk Daya Tahan Tubuh Penderita Diabetes British Propolis, Untuk Kolestrol British Propolis, Obat Untuk Kolesterol British Propolis, Obat Herbal Untuk Kolesterol British Propolis, Obat Alami Untuk Kolesterol British Propolis
Juragan BP - Juara BP - Champion Community - Mentor Bisnis Cikgu Anita
Jl. Swadaya I RT 08/RW 08 No. 10, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia.
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bellshazes · 2 years
I promised so here it is: my favorite bdubs mindcrack episodes. was gonna do etho too but this list is already humongous so I will simply have to make a separate post.
s1 ep 21 - in which bdubs tells his audience we are NOT going to bother etho for help with his spawner situation and etho chats him in the middle of saying so to ask if bdubs wants help. continued in 22 and 23 where bdubs invites etho to move in with him and we learn what sports etho played.
s1 ep 59 - bdubs promises to kill someone on the server in exchange for etho providing him the means to stay alive. etho showers him with meat (not clickbait) in ep
s1 ep 86 - appraising beef's castle. it's a whole thing
s1 ep 96 - b-team mafia threatens etho. rub jobs.
s1 ep 100 - all-time fave. just before the Trial, etho and bdubs hang out, explode a common area, bicker about filling in holes, and lie to each other about wanting each other dead.
s1 ep 107 - b-team redstone shop.
s1 ep 121 and 124 - etho gets blamed for the latest e-pranker actvity. etho decides to show bdubs what a real quality etho prank looks like.
s2 ep 6 - redstone with bdubs!
s2 ep 10 - the most iconic horse bdubs has ever owned and the beginning of etho and bdubs' joint horse projects.
s2 ep 28 - bdubs building co begins.
s2 ep 33 - beginning of the nether hub, but also doc's perimeter project, witch farm edition.
s2 ep 34 - bdubs tries so hard to kill etho in the nether. it ends spectacularly (poorly). also, TWO BAJS intro, and subcontractor beef gets a lesson in using inferior materials for the broadcast station.
s2 ep 35 - includes a bit etho cut from his episode in which bdubs gives him a hard time for being sick. etho teaches bdubs how to do a fishing rod kill and gets upset that bdubs doesn't look at him when giving him the best gift of his life.
s2 ep 38 - the only noises you're gonna hear from me and etho is [perfect ghast noises]
s2 ep 43 - etho tries to kill bdubs and it goes spectacularly (poorly). dinnerbone pranks bdubs. maybe do not watch the intro in public due to the um well bdubs used to get really out of breath when doing combat. so.
s2 ep 50 - the explosive return of the e-pranker.
s2 ep 52 - bdubs builds a two-car garage for beyonc?. ymmv here i just love beyonc and i love his stupid little garage on his goofy little house with his silly little manicured lit lawn.
s2 ep 57 - we learn the identity of the e-pranker
s2 ep 81 - the beginning of yet another season-ending collaboration. continues notably in 82, 85, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, 105, 110.
s2 ep 84 - the b-team become french pastry chefs.
s2 ep 101 - a review of all the builds he'd done so far - not much jungle stuff in this list so you can see it here too. talks about trying to build perfect adventure maps for others on the server!
s3 ep 2 - the beginning of bdubs' hatred of nighttime dangers. he suffers a lot in his forest base.
s3 ep 23 - the beginning of the horse racetrack western town. it's NOT an arena, doc jokes, because he doesn't want the server to reset. little does he know that etho + bdubs horse courses are even more cursed. continued through the majority of the rest of the season. which ends before it's done, of course.
s3 ep 28 - tnt & redstone. what could go wrong
s3 ep 31 - etho and bdubs horsin' around. bdubs cuts out him being ill but we all know how that went down.
s3 ep 39 - redstoooooone with bdubs! generik quizzes bdubs' redstone knowledge.
bonus: bdubs irl insane cutaway moments in UHC 9 and UHC 11 make me cry laughing every time. the way he crosses his legs and tries to make the outcome seem ok instead of complete disasters... you just have to experience them for yourself.
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megabuild · 6 months
I have not been keeping up with hermitcraft/the life series where did that delightful lil bdubs creature come from
here, it's not in hc/life i have no idea what generik was up to but he's def not in either lol
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obatdiabetesblitar · 2 years
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KLIK https://wa.me/6281230394909 , Obat Diabetes Terawan – Klinik Online Blitar, Obat Diabetes Tetes – Klinik Online Blitar, Obat Diabetes Termahal – Klinik Online Blitar , Obat Diabetes Untuk Ibu Hamil – Klinik Online Blitar, Obat Diabetes Untuk Gagal Ginjal – Klinik Online Blitar
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Diabetes Adalah Penyakit Kronis Yang Ditandai Dengan Ciri-Ciri Berupa Tingginya Kadar Gula (Glukosa) Darah. Glukosa Merupakan Sumber Energi Utama Bagi Sel Tubuh Manusia.
Glukosa Yang Menumpuk Di Dalam Darah Akibat Tidak Diserap Sel Tubuh Dengan Baik Dapat Menimbulkan Berbagai Gangguan Organ Tubuh. Jika Diabetes Tidak Dikontrol Dengan Baik, Dapat Timbul Berbagai Komplikasi Yang Membahayakan Nyawa Penderita.
Kadar Gula Dalam Darah Dikendalikan Oleh Hormon Insulin Yang Diproduksi Oleh Pankreas, Yaitu Organ Yang Terletak Di Belakang Lambung. Pada Penderita Diabetes, Pankreas Tidak Mampu Memproduksi Insulin Sesuai Kebutuhan Tubuh. Tanpa Insulin, Sel-Sel Tubuh Tidak Dapat Menyerap Dan Mengolah Glukosa Menjadi Energi.
Diabetes Tipe 1 Dapat Berkembang Dengan Cepat Dalam Beberapa Minggu, Bahkan Beberapa Hari Saja. Sedangkan Pada Diabetes Tipe 2, Banyak Penderitanya Yang Tidak Menyadari Bahwa Mereka Telah Menderita Diabetes Selama Bertahun-Tahun, Karena Gejalanya Cenderung Tidak Spesifik.
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Beberapa Ciri-Ciri Diabetes Tipe 1 Dan Tipe 2 Meliputi:
Sering Merasa Haus.
Sering Buang Air Kecil, Terutama Di Malam Hari.
Sering Merasa Sangat Lapar.
Turunnya Berat Badan Tanpa Sebab Yang Jelas.
Berkurangnya Massa Otot.
Terdapat Keton Dalam Urine. Keton Adalah Produk Sisa Dari Pemecahan Otot Dan Lemak Akibat Tubuh Tidak Dapat Menggunakan Gula Sebagai Sumber Energi.
Pandangan Kabur.
Luka Yang Sulit Sembuh.
Sering Mengalami Infeksi, Misalnya Pada Gusi, Kulit, Vagina, Atau Saluran Kemih.
Sangat Penting Untuk Melakukan Pencegahan Diabetes Jika Anda Memiliki Faktor Risiko Diabetes. Misalnya, Jika Anda Kelebihan Berat Badan Atau Mempunyai Keluarga Dengan Riwayat Diabetes.
Lakukan Beberapa Gaya Hidup Sehat Ini Untuk Mencegah Penyakit Diabetes:
Mempertahankan Berat Badan Ideal Dengan Mengonsumsi Makanan Rendah Lemak.
Mengonsumsi Makanan Tinggi Serat Seperti Buah Dan Sayur.
Mengurangi Konsumsi Makanan Dan Minuman Manis.
Berolahraga Secara Rutin Dan Banyak Melakukan Aktivitas Fisik.
Mengurangi Waktu Duduk Diam Terlalu Lama, Seperti Ketika Menonton Televisi.
Menghindari Atau Berhenti Merokok.
Tindak Pencegahan Diabetes Sangat Penting Dilakukan Sedini Mungkin Mengingat Penyakit Ini Dapat Menyerang Siapa Saja Dan Tidak Bisa Disembuhkan.
Bila Kesulitan Menerapkan Cara Mencegah Penyakit Kencing Manis Apalagi Jika Anda Termasuk Golongan Yang Berisiko, Konsultasi Dokter Akan Sangat Membantu.
KLINIK ONLINE DIABETES BLITAR – Menawarkan Solusi Untuk Pengobatan Masalah Diabetes Anda – Segera Konsultasikan dan Hubungi Kami di WA : 0838-4966-5522 Biar Kami Bisa Merekomendasikan Jenis Obat yang Cocok Untuk Kesehatan Anda.
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