#giggling i looovveee them
someonewhos-world · 5 months
Jett munches on the uncooked noodles of ramen. Jack looks at him like hes the reason why Chris accepted their auditions.
Jack has a glass eye. It's fake. His left eye,where the scarring is, is so fake. Tyler's walked in on his cleaning it in the confessional because yk, that's kind of also the bathroom. They both screamed.
Jett forgets hes the only one who has like. Prosthetics. On the plane. So when he pops his legs off very casually or when someone kicks him in the leg, he doesnt entirely react.
Both twins have tried to sabotage challenges during their time on team Victory. Again, as I mentioned in an earlier headcanon post, they didnt exactly have to because the team was losing anyway but they did sabotage it a little. Just a teensy bit.
Jett has caused at least one (1) uproar with uno. He even got Chris in on it. Someone got hit with something.
Genderbent??? Who said they arent feral when genderbent.
Jess almost shoved Simon to a feral Elizabeth. Almost. Never quite did it though. She did, however, lock him in the confessional and had to hold the door shut while Jace ushered Noelle and Jody to a picnic date on the place in the cargo hold.
Like, she had one foot planted on the wall,the other bracing on the ground while pulling on the door while Simon is banging on the door.
Genderbent or not, these two screamed when the scarabs were released and jumped into the other's arms.
Jack broke a nail once. Once. And didnt fucking notice because he was running on adrenaline during the Amazon episode, realized it and cried because a. His FINGERNAIL IS MISSING AND ITS SCARY AND HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT TO DO and b. THEY WERE ATTACKED BY GIANT CATERPILLARS AND HES ALL ITCHY AND EVERYTHING HURTS.
Jett literally would fight Sierra if he had a given chance. Maybe. But he knows for a fact that when a girl fights,She fights to kill,maim and rip you apart. Jett likes living. Jett likes having (most) of his limbs intact. Hes swell, hes good. Have a nice day ma'am.
Jack wont hesitate. He hesitates with children, gives them a very testy look that's like "try my patience, I dare you" and they back down. As for people older or around his age, square the fuvk up. Square up.
Jack keeps mostly to himself and just smiles when someone looks at him. He does this to mostly get people off his back because people will find it weird when you smile at them intentionally with no motive.
Jett just keeps his headphones on and mostly ignores people. He doesn't speak unless spoken to and even then sometimes he doesnt answer.
Jack cried when Jett was left behind in New York. He had to be held back by Owen so he didnt go after Jett who was sitting on the ground stunned.
Jett, on the other hand, was fuming and very worried for Jack. I'll write a short fic about them I promise
Jack almost lashed out at Chris for this and Alejandro convinced him not to, just to win for Jett and Jack just kind of was like ">:("
It's ok because they reunite and never leave each other's sides.
Jack rides with Noah!! In the ambulance and visits him. He might've had flashbacks of the accident but didnt really say anything. But that plane ride to Hawaii is lonely.
He wonders if Noah likes caramels.
Jack left Jett alone for like one night to go to work and he comes back and Jett goes "it's so funny, I like started choking on a gummy worm and vomited with how hard I was coughing" and Jack just screams "YOU WHAT ARE YOU OKAY????"
They're so chaotic I love them.
Jess doesnt mind doing her own makeup but Jace insists on matching eyeliners. So someone has pink eyeliner while the other has blue
Jess snaps her compact mirrors close so hard that both mirrors break. Jace has snapped her nail file at least twice.
Jack has nails. He scratches himself and others on accident. Jett trims them. They both have small hands.
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bakugoyelling · 7 months
I’m thinking about baker!bf Giyuu and him inviting you over to his place as a casual date and you guys are baking sweet pastries. Giggling and being cute the entire time. You mess up on some of the measurements and Giyuu just swoops in to fix it but can’t hold back a laugh and smile while doing so. He just finds you too cute. Teaching you how to bake these sweets and loving your devotion to making sure they come out pretty and delicious.
And then those moments in between, waiting for the dough to rise, sweets to bake, for them to cool down before putting on the icing, are just so sweet. Giyuu is so so happy you’re here with him and won’t let you forget that. Hugging and kissing you. Laughing each time the timer went off and startled you. The atmosphere is just do domestic and cozy agsjskeks melting. Melting for my cute baker bf Giyuu 🫠🫠💙
(I’m just so in the mood lately to bake sweets lmao this is what made me start daydreaming about him)
Omg yess, I love when you share your thoughts with me, and hello, baker Giyuu!!! 🫶🏼 🥖 This would be so perfect with him 😭♡ He would like how excited you are about it too!! Baking is something you also enjoy, so when you get to his place and see all the ingredients laid out, you’re eager to get started, ooh-ing and aah-ing when he tells you what you’ll be making. He can’t help but smile at your enthusiasm — plus, you look adorable in the apron he gave you — he’s definitely leaning in to kiss the top of your head while you measure the flour 🤭
Grrrrr oh my gosh, This is SO cute crimson!! I can just picture everything 🥹 I love how Giyuu is so happy to be with us! I’m just imagining him hugging us and kissing us in between tasks 🥹 and telling us that our bakes are going to come out perfect and how they’re looking good in the oven and all that, eeee I love him(ʃƪ^3^ )
The house smells so delicious too, which makes the house feel even cozier and when you get to taste what you made — oh, it’s delicious and perfect, and Giyuu kisses you with a little crumb stuck to his lip. he is so in looovveee!!
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hanjisungslag · 7 months
attack on titan headcanons #7
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## - training with them
genre - fluff
pairing - aot x reader
word count -
warning -
notes - i have SO much to stay rn. 1. i did a rebrand, we like?! 2. the last episode has me in pieces, i’m just a vessel of a woman i once was. 3. IM BACK BITCHES!!
as soon as you asked for him to train with you, he JUMPED out of his chair. he was so excited. he’s super determined and is genuinely a good help... 30% of the time. the other 70% is spent by him failing the training miserably - he just wants to impress you. he wants you to think of him as the super cool, manly, passionate kind of guy. although it’s a tough watch, you always reassure him of how cool you think he is.
you’re getting put to WORK babe😭. if you ask her to train she’s gonna TRAIN!! she makes you go through the whole shabang from jogging, running, lifting, practicing with odm gear, practicing slicing napes on the practice titans, like by the end you’ll be sweating gallons. however, if you have done enough work (in mikasas eyes) and you’re feeling tired.. she may let you have a little break. because she’s a secret softie ;).
you two.. training ..?? girl be so fr, you two are the mfs who sit in the back of p.e - sure you’ll train if you need to refine a skill or two but it’s pretty bare minimum. like you’re train until your tired and then stop. armin is suppperrr encouraging though, so lovely to have him around when you’re training.
you guys train so well, until you don’t. it always starts off really good, you’re both really focused and executing the moves perfectly but then as soon as one of you cracks a few jokes, it’s all over. you start messing about, picking on each other, picking on connie and jean as well and then keith ends shouting at you two.
THIS BOY 😭😭you get ZERO (0) training done. he just loves to see you smile and laugh and that includes during training. him and sasha are just huge goofballs and tbh, it never fails to make you giggle. however, when keith ends up shouting at him and calling you guys something like ‘love birds’ he gets very embarrassed and decides to actually focus.
# humbled
you just looovveee to fuel this man’s ego when you guys are training. he’s really good don’t get me wrong but, same thing as eren, he just wants to impress you!! but even if he does fail or do worse than others, you always make sure to give him compliments and he really appreciates it so, keep it up!
you guys are THEM guys during training. like you execute everything perfectly especially when you’re together. you guys just got rhythm when it comes to training together, you work so hard to achieve it of course, but it looks so effortless! although the captains want everyone to be in tune with each other like you guys are, they never split you up because you’re just too damn good!! (also reiner loves helping you, it’s so adorbs)
she makes you train. like trainnnn. worse than mikasa fr💀 you go through everything until you’ve perfected it to annie’s standards - to be honest, she just wants you to be safe! she knows she can handle shit on her own and you can too but, it’s just nice for her to know that you’re FULLY prepared. when she sees you starting to struggle, she gives you a quick kiss hehe. (when keith isn’t looking ..)
your work out is picking up all the stuff that man knocks over. he’s good at what he does, don’t get me wrong but he’s sooo clumsy😭. but mins being a bit of a klutz, you guys get ur bloody training done!! but, at the end of the day, sometimes you feel you haven’t done enough and head back in the evening to refine some skills and he’s always right behind you, being your personal lil’ cheerleader.
you train more than him seeing as he’s been there, done that! and he’s literally levi ackerman. that man doesn’t need training! tf! anyways, since he is SO good at what he does and you still need that extra bit of help, he acts like a coach! quite a strict coach at that however, compared to other people.. this man may as well be spoon feeding you because he’s so much more gentle and patient. there is still that part of him that’s always pushing you though because he wants nothing more than for you to be safe especially in battle.
this man also, doesn’t not train as much anymore. he’s literally the commander, he’s always out in battle but he’s also got his paper work to do! instead of being like levi and acting as a coach, you just start training less and less.. he’ll come to see you and you’re incredible at what you do so, he’ll pull you out early or say you don’t have to go because he genuinely has full faith in you to survive on the battle field and also, means he gets to spend more time with you if you’re training less ;).
you guys don’t train much! you and hange trained A LOT together a few years back, when you were younger, just some random soldiers in the corps. but back then, you guys didn’t know each other too well but somehow always got put together as partners. almost like you were destined to be together.. anyways, when you trained, you always knew how to have a good time - you’d train to make things fun and exciting instead of the same old routine. after a few years, you mostly took an interest in science and stuck with that and now you guys experiment in the lab together mostly.
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franklyshipping · 3 years
Okay but just imagine a lee tickling someone to relax cause they love hearing giggles and snuggling them afterwards
This is a soft mood i looovveee 😆💜
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melyaliz · 7 years
Like a sky at the beach
Summary: Underage Jennifer accidently get’s drunk at a college party and runs off. Dick and Maia go to find her 
 Parting: Dick x OC
Notes: I’m having too much fun writing drunk people... I’m sorry.  This is based off an ongoing running Joke between me and @royslittleharper that Jennifer keeps missing (before disappearance) Maia which led to, what if they met but Jennifer doesn’t remember. 
Also, Jennifer’s college friend's call Dick “Little Hero” because Jen wrote Hero on his arm during a concert. 
Maia @royslittleharper
Annabella  @the-shadow-of-atlantis
Tagging: @guns-n-lilies  @coffee-randomness @daisyboobear @werewitchling @nightwing-rules 
"Hey little hero... we have a problem"
Dick froze at the sound of Jen's classmate Lucy on the phone. Music pounded in the background and he could hear people laughing and talking. "We didn't realize she was drinking the punch. I mean, she was acting totally normal then all of a sudden she started laughing and telling us all about these crazy facts about human genes then she said something about wasted youth and ran out"
There was a voice that sounded like Lucy’s boyfriend telling her something on the other end of the phone. “Yeah, I’m talking to him right now. Hey, Dick?”
"So we are looking around here but we can’t seem to find her and well… most of us can’t really drive right now…”
“Ok Thanks!” Dick said already halfway out the door pulling on a hoodie as he stumbled down the stairs only to notice Alfred in the next room. Shoot, he couldn’t let anyone know about this. Quickly he ran back upstairs. Where did Jennifer stash those bed sheets?
“Hey Dick”
At the sound of Maia’s voice, Dick froze, “Uh… what are you doing here?”
The girl shrugged, “in the neighborhood and figured I would come say hi to you and Annabella.”
“She’s uhhh out and…”
“What’s wrong?”
Dick explained what was going on as they both rode through the city on his motorcycle. Maia directing him to places she thought might be good places to look.
Maia wasn’t one to pass up this good a chance to tease her friend. "Awwww you have a little girlfriend!" she giggled as she clung to Dick’s back as he raced through the city.
“I mean we never really talked about it…”
“Do you looovveee her?”
Dick fell silent unsure what to say. Honestly, he didn’t really know. Love? When he thought of people in love he always thought of his parents. Laughing and joking always working together to solve any problems they might face.
When he thought of Jennifer, well she was unlike any girl he had ever met. She seemed to beat to the tune of her own drum while dragging both him and Annabella into whatever strange ideas she was into at the time. She was always there for them, always listening and giving advice. She was probably the best listener he had ever met. She seemed to have a knack for almost reading people’s minds.
He didn’t know if he was in love with her but he did know that Jennifer made him happy and when he was with her life just seemed to make just a little more sense.
Even at times like this, while they were driving through the city unsure where she was. He couldn’t help but laugh. Only Jennifer would get accidentally drunk at a party. And now here he was, with Maia (the girl who Jennifer claimed wasn’t even real) trying to find her.
The irony was a little strong.
"I'm sorry for doing this to you." he said to Maia who just laughed.
"I rather this than looking for Oliver's remote again. Ooooh is that your girlfriend?" Maia asked pointing to an elderly lady walking slowly down the street. Dick couldn’t help but smile "No." "Is that your girlfriend?"
“No that’s a dude, he also looks like he’s up to something… we should go back to him later.”
“Ok, Is that your girlfriend?”
“Really Maia, this is kind of serious, she’s under… yeah, that is…”
And there she was, sitting on the grass in a small abandoned park looking out at the small broken down playground in the center of the run down part of Gotham. The moonlight playing against her long dark brown hair that fell around her white shirt making her look almost ghostlike. Bearly moving, so still.
“Jen?” Dick asked slowly walking up to her. She turned, blue eyes bright like the sky lighting up when she saw him. Suddenly she flopped down on the grass looking up at them.
“Well hellloooo it’s me…” she rolled over onto her stomach, “I was wondering if after all this time you’d like to meet?”
Dick couldn’t help but smile as he kneeled down in front of Jennifer brushing a few strands of dark hair out of her face, “Hey, how you feeling?”
“You know when we all ate that easter candy mom got us and Faith climbed those trees in the backyard and then leaped from one to another? Like that.” Suddenly she sat up almost hitting Dick in the head if it wasn’t for his quick reflexes. “OHHH Let’s climb a tree!” Grabbing Maia’s hand she pulled her toward the jungle gym.
Bot the girls paused on the broken down jumble of bars, Jen smiled turning to Maia about to say something then paused studying the girl next to her, “Wait… who are you?”
“I’m Maia.”
Jennifer just started to laugh shaking her head, “No you’re not, Maia’s not real.” then running toward the very unstable looking jungle gym she jumped onto the large fireman’s pole swinging around “Hurry up guys!”
“Uhhh, why does she not think I’m real?” Maia asked Dick who could only chuckle shaking his head.
“I kept telling her about you and she kept missing you so she started teasing Annabella and I that you were a figment of our imagination.”
Maia laughed as Jen had somehow climbed up the poll to get onto of the jungle gym and was now standing at the entrance to the slide. “Hurry up! Carpe diem!”
The three of them played around on the jungle gym each taking turns doing tricks off the monkey bars and slide.  
They ended up on the swings where Jen insisted they “learn how to fly”
This resulted in her getting sick and throwing up. Dick standing next to her holding her hair as she vomited out most of the liquor and anything else she may have consumed that night.
Finally, Maia and Jennifer ending up laying on the grass looking up at a dark sky. Dick had run off the grab some waters from a small convenience store across the street.
“In the city, you can’t see stars because of all the light pollution” Jen whispered her fingers tangled in Maia’s, “When I was at the beach you could see stars forever. It was like someone had dropped a box of glitter in the sky.”
“I like the forest. The sky looks like that too.”
Jen nodded then turned to Maia, “Can I tell you a secret since you aren't real?”
“You can’t tell anyone.”
She leaned forward whispering something to her before pulling away as Dick came up holding three bottles of water.
“What are you guys whispering about?” he asked opening up a bottle and handing it to Jennifer. “Drink this”
“Thank you,” she said taking a sip of her drink.
“She was telling me about the stars, ” Maia said gratefully taking the second bottle.
“He, Dick?”
“Will you carry me?” Jen asked holding her hands up, “My legs can’t move.”
Dick ending up giving Jennifer a piggy back ride back to his bike and then up to her bedroom once they got back. Maia waited outside Jennifer’s bedroom while helped her into her bed. Jennifer quietly telling him random facts about her classmates and latin class she was taking.
Once she was settled in he turned to leave but Jennifer caught his hand in hers stopping him.
“Hey, Dick.”
“I love you” she whispered looking up at him, “You’re like a sky at the beach.”
Dick could feel the heat rushing to his face as he stood there in shock unsure of how to respond to that, “I… thank you” he mumbled slowly taking a few steps back as Jennifer buried her head in her pillow.
The next morning Jen groaned as she leaned her head against the kitchen table.
“What’s wrong with her?” Annabella whispered to Dick. Normally Jennifer was a ray of sunshine in the morning, to the point it was almost annoying. Stupid morning people. They were freaks really.
“She met Maia last night,” Dick said laughing
“What I did!?!” Jen said her head shooting up eyes wide before wincing again at the pounding that was hammering inside her skull.
“Yeah you did you taught her how to fly on the swings and pole dance”
“Pole dancing?” she shook her head, “don't lie to me! I don't remember anything”
“I’m not lying!”
“I don’t believe in Maia, she is like Santa Claus”
Annabella gasped, “What do you mean Santa Claus isn’t real!?!”
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