#have so many saves bc keep messing up in ways shouldn't
magz · 7 months
Caved in and pirated bg3, to see what the fuss all about.
Playing a black drow elf have been wild. (did not think this thru)
Especially with shapeshift / disguise abilities, ended up with allegory n ... odd moments.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hi clan if you want to can you do a friendly alternate!reader who befriends Adam and Jonah before volume 2 and saves them both?
Wooo yeah BPS bois coming up!!!
First Meeting
During one of Adam's and Jonah's BPS missions, they encountered you, an Alternate hiding in some video game console/TV.
The two (esp Jonah) freaked tf out when they saw your silhouetted figure pop up on the menu screen after they started messing around with the game.
But while Jonah ran out of the room, Adam stayed and learned you're actually nice and don't wanna take over anybody's identity, refusing to hurt any humans.
In fact, you used to befriend the kid who owned this gaming system before they fell victim to M.A.D by another Alternate, and you missed them a lot :(
You expressed guilt in failing to protect them, which surprises Adam.
He then suggests you joined BPS. Since you're a benevolent Alternate, you could probably answer some of his questions and protect him and Jonah during investigations!
You were very eager to accompany them, seeing this as your way of "atoning". Maybe you can convince the Alternates they encounter to be kinder, too.
Ofc, you knew what happened to Adam's mom (as well as his true nature), but choose not to bring it up.
Obviously Jonah's not a fan of you hanging around them, at first, but Adam keeps telling him to "stop acting like a pussy" (a phrase you wind up mimicking, much to the former's ire).
Sometimes you accidentally scare tf out of him when you speak through the radio/GPS, or if you're sitting in the back of the van.
Tbh Jonah forgets you're there like 80% of the time.
"So what kinda pizza you want? Cheese? Pepperoni-?"
"Can we get cheese?"
Never let this man drive bc he WILL slam on the gas/breaks if you startle him like that.
Volume 2
You knew the client who offered the duo $500 per night was an Alternate dead set on isolating them.
But ofc many humans are inherently greedy, so the boys take the bait, with Adam confident they can handle it.
You stay in the car with Jonah for the first night, keeping him company and assuring him you'll protect them both..though he insists on having a bad feeling about the house.
While Preacher stalks them, you basically tell her to back off, pretending they're your victims to claim.
But unfortunately, Jonah became paranoid that you called her here to kill them both.
After he and Adam have that nasty argument, you stop him from leaving in the car by physically manifesting in front of him, grabbing his shoulders and saying friends shouldn't be treating each other like this.
He tries shoving you away, shouting hurtful things about you were "just like the rest of them" and never gave a shit about him, Adam, or that kid you once knew.
But you don't budge, and he quickly gives up and just starts crying, begging to go home.
You hug him, trying to mimic how humans comforted each other, and it shocks him enough to calm down and finally believe you.
In the end you convince him to stay, waiting inside the car until Adam finally emerges from the house unscathed, saying he's got enough footage.
You just stare at him until he notices Jonah, with the two apologizing to each other before you all headed out to get much-deserved pizza.
The boys let you choose the toppings as a way of saying "thanks for saving our asses".
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yourqueenb · 7 months
Saw someone say that Nia keeping secret was validated by Tyrils whole dilemma and shit behavior about it and yeah soooo true but also I think that. It shouldn't have been part of MCs plot. Like what if it wasn't MC who was told to keep her shadow secret but MAL.... like they have spent most of the year together they worked closely on the ophranage so plenty of time to build more trust between each other and Mal acting weird and closed off would be at least somewhat justified... as well as his sort of immunity to shadow attack like what if Nia had the ability to shield him bc he knew about her powers and didn't need explanation. Like I'm actually so pissed off that they created unnecessary drama for MC when the set up was already there that would have had deepened two LIs arcs and test their bonds with the group and MC.. but no its always annoying variation of liar reveal
I read this ask yesterday I think and have really been contemplating how I want to respond to it because I have so many thoughts and don’t want this to turn into a lengthy, disorganized mess 🤦🏽‍♀️ But anyway, from an objective standpoint this does make sense. And I do hate that MC was held responsible instead of Nia. (Although it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought everyone would be angry with us, which would’ve put me off Mal specifically even more considering his behavior so far — more on that later though. But it was really just Tyril if you picked one option and Nia herself if you picked the other based on some screenshots I saw. Which bitch, how is MC betraying your confidence when you’re literally standing in front of everyone looking like lit charcoal on a damn grill??? The secret’s already out! But I digress…). However, I know that Nia being coddled is a part of her arc and is contributing to her current shadow state and overall growth regardless of how annoying it is.
Back to your main point though, on a personal level I don’t think I would want Mal to be the one hiding Nia’s secret because I feel that would create a lot of potential for romantic undertones and he’s already been showing less genuine concern for MCs who are romancing him than he should anyway imo. He keeps saying he thought we were dead/going to die, he’s happy we’re back, things were so hard without us, etc., yet his actions don’t actually align with that. He wants to protect everyone so much to the point he’s willing to “sacrifice himself”, but he barely reacts to MC continuously being placed in near death situations? Idk it just feel like we’re priority #974127 on his list.
And then there’s the whole “you slept through it” situation, which I know I keep bringing up but is so serious in my eyes! He gets to diminish and dismiss what MC went through — something we don’t get to do when he’s crying about how hard it was throughout that year and us being ripped from the group was what caused the hardship in the first place! Like imagine if we were like “You didn’t have it that hard, Mal. You got to move on, continue to rob the rich, and open an orphanage while I was strapped down getting my blood drained and no one came to save me” 😐 And the sad thing is that I know it will never be addressed because it was something they used as a throwaway line to punish people who didn’t have the Inspire skill. (Which why you would make a character say something that damn cruel to the MC who is his friend or love interest as a throwaway line is beyond me, but whatever). Either way, my point is that it’s already bad enough that MC still feels like an outsider in the group (to me at least). So Mal being so closed off because he and Nia were keeping secrets on top of everything I just mentioned would be even worse imo
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downywrites · 8 months
I’ve read a fic of yours and I love the way you write ngl. I’m not very good with prompts, but may I request lee!itto ? He is adorable and deserves to giggle imo.
I have a headcanon that he thinks tickling is fun, mainly bc I don’t want him to suffer. Also because it makes him laugh and smile but also makes his friends laugh and smile, which is precious. It’s clear in trailers and in-game that he loves to laugh in general.
ler!itto is another option bc he’s silly like that. He’s the type of guy to get revenge tickles every single time. I’ll let you choose who gets him or gets got by him. If u don’t wanna, that’s fine too! Your blog, your choice
I’d recommend inazuma characters, just anyone but Yae Miko or Raiden Shogun, I do not want them near him lmao
thanks for reading if u got this far uh have a great day 🐊✨
Thanks for the request :D I decided to pick a random Inazuma character, and Yoimiya came up.
Hopefully, I don't mess up their characterization too bad- this will be my first time writing Itto AND Yoimiya.
Resting in the top of this tree had never felt less comforting. He leaned back, eyes shutting for a moment of respite that he knew would do him no good. Within his head, a thousand thoughts swirled, unbidden, to the surface. Clamoring angrily for his attention, almost. Itto gritted his teeth.
'Why do you mess up things like this? Why can't you just..fit in?'
'Just a little?' 
He touched his hand to his face. The wetness upon his hand almost felt mocking. It was such a little thing. Why was this weighing on him now? 
Itto sighed heavily. "I shouldn't mope about this," he told himself. "I don't deserve to mope about this stuff…Uh- this is below me, Itto, the one and oni..!" Even to him, his mutterings sounded hollow. 
A solemn silence filled the air, save for the sound of the wind blowing gently through the village's wind chimes. 
It was almost an infuriatingly fair-weathered day. The sun was shining, just enough to be warm, but not enough to scorch anybody for the crime of leaving the house. The sakura blooms were blossoming, soft petals dancing in the afternoon breeze. Children were laughing and frolicking in the tall grass, throwing balls and playing with toys their parents carved for them out of otogi wood and painted in many bright colors. Even the snack stalls were out and about. The smell of dango filled the air- the kind that Itto would smell commonly at festivals… wait a minute..
"Hey there, Itto! How's it going?" A voice below him made him yelp (in a very manly way) and almost fall off his perch (also in a very manly way). "Do ya want some dango? Surely sitting up there alone isn't all that fun on a good day like this!" He glanced down to see a rather familiar figure. "Ah..hey, Yoimiya. I'll take some, sure..!" Scrambling down from the tree and sliding down half of it in his haste to not make himself even more of a private embarrassment, he grabbed a stick of fish-shaped dango and quickly took a bite. "Ah, wait! Don't bite into that yet, it's hot-" 
The oni bit back the screech of pain at the burning sensation in his mouth. Through watery eyes, he smiled slightly and gave her a thumbs up. He pulled the stick out of his mouth, chewing slowly. Yoimiya's hands flew up to her mouth. "Oh, are you okay??" Nodding through the pain, the geo user extended the stick towards her. "...wah ih bah?" 
Yoimiya's experience with children speaking with their mouths full saved her the confusion. She shook her head vehemently. "Oh no, please keep it. I'll find you a place to throw that away in a moment. But first… are you alright?" Itto painfully swallowed the piping hot dessert quickly to respond. "I'm right…as rain!..Why do you ask?" 
"You don't look too good, Itto…are you sure you're alright?" Yoimiya meant nothing by it, he was sure. It was probably because he had just done the equivalent of burning the entirety of the inside of his mouth. Even so, he felt more tears welling up in his eyes. Overwhelmed by emotion he was more than a little hesitant to express in front of the lady, he turned away from her. His shoulders trembled a little as he covered his face with both of his hands. 
Yoimiya winced a little. She had suspected he wasn't doing too well when she found the rest of his crew wandering around without him. And, coupled with the look of concern that flashed on Shinobu's face when she asked about him, had spurred her to look for the man herself in hopes of finding out just how badly he was faring. Slowly, as to not startle him too much, she pulled the stick out of his hand and burned it to a crisp quickly. She was not half as slow to wrap her arms around him. "Hey, hey. It's okay. What's bothering you?" 
The man's chest heaved, and as she patted his back soothingly, she felt his heartbeat. It was quick, not unlike a rabbit's. "You don't have to say anything if you don't feel up to it." He nodded into her shoulder, almost butting into her with his horns. "How about we find a better place to talk? I think it might be a little too open to chat about this stuff here." 
He let her drag him to her house without much fanfare. If there was anything else that could make the firework creator any more concerned, it was the way Itto was behaving. The Itto she knew would be trying to act natural and walk ahead or beside her. Almost like a kicked puppy, the oni was trailing behind. His eyes seemed to be drawn towards the pavement below him. And, almost damningly, he was silent. 
She opened the sliding door and slipped in ahead of him. "Welcome to my place!..Sorry, it's a little messy right now. I was working on some fireworks, and…" She trailed off, remembering swiftly why exactly she had brought him over. "Sorry, a bit too cheerful for the situation. Well..how do I make you feel better?" Itto had slipped in at some point, looking over the half-finished blueprints and the scatterings of gunpowder and colorful paper with interest. 
"...I just…Yoimiya, do you think I needa try fitting in better?" Her head swiveled around so fast, she felt the muscles in her neck cramp a little. She bit back a wince. "Ehh…what?? Who made you think that?" 
"I did… it just- y'know, feels like I always get my group in trouble for some reason or another. And then they tell me, well, onis are always like that an' stuff.. so should I just let my group go with Shinobu and find somewhere else to terrorize?" As he spoke, Yoimiya's eyebrows furrowed. With a strength he wasn't sure she had until just then, she gripped onto his shoulders firmly and shook him slightly. "Stop that, Itto. Those people are just being rude. And your presence isn't terrorizing anyone, and if they think that, then-then you tell them they should stop being scared of you!" 
Itto's eyes were wide as she continued. Determination and passion infused every word she spoke to him, and a steely look he hadn't seen many times before seemed to pierce his very soul. "You're amazing, just the way you are. Shinobu and the rest of the gang love having you around. Why else would they still be you?" The oni felt a prickling in his eyes and he reached up to wipe away the tears that began to blur his vision. His voice wavered. "Thanks, Yoi…" He smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. 
The pyro user noticed. She pouted slightly, letting go of the man and placing her hands on her hips. "Not smiling still? On such a nice day? Now, this is a crime!" Tutting quietly and wiggling her finger, her amber eyes sparkled with playfulness. Any determination she expressed before seemed to have vaporized into thin air. "How about this- you can pay for your crimes quickly and easily, or you can resist arrest, and I'll catch you myself!" He looked at her, puzzled. "What are ya talkin about? I haven't done anything illegal for real, right?" 
She sighed. "No, Itto. It's play talk. I wanna make you laugh like you always do, so…"
"Won't you give me a big smile, you big dork?"  
Before he was able to respond, he found himself on the floor. The tatami mat was soft, almost bouncy. He yelped loudly, glancing up at his attacker. "AUG- Yoimiya, woah! Next time, warn a guy-" 
Another yelp came from him at the sudden poke to his ribs. When he didn't push her away, her hands gently fluttered over his exposed ribs. He bucked instinctually. Yoimiya yelped, grabbing onto him for dear life. This only served to tickle more. "GaH! Hehehey, whahat-" 
"I told you I wanted to hear you laugh again! What does it look like I'm doing, silly?" Itto's reply was too garbled with laughter to reply. Deep and rumbling, his laugh seemed to shake the entirety of his body with its intensity. Yoimiya's smile only grew as the oni below her showed no inclination to escape. From underneath her, his body was virtually limp, besides slight twitches here and there when she poked at his lower ribs. "Ah-hehe! Yohoimihiya, thihihis ihihis-" 
"Is what? You do this to your friends all the time. Have they never managed to get you back?" As she spoke, her hands moved to his stomach, tracing the outline of his abs with a nail. A rather unmanly speal squeaked its way out of Itto. For a moment, their eyes locked in unbridled shock. The oni slapped his hands over his mouth. "Uhm…" 
It wasn't silent for long. The pyro user took the short moment of reprise to taser his sides. "Okay, this silence doesn't sound like laughter to me." She watched as his shoulders shook and his eyes scrunched closed. But no noise came out from behind his hands. A fake frown settled on her face. "That won't do. Itto..~ could you let me hear your laughter?" He shook his head a little. 
"Oh, come on. Okay, well.. if you don't want me to, I guess I have to make your laugh too loud to muffle!" 
With that statement, Yoimiya tucked her hands into his sides, squeezing the muscle as firmly and quickly as she dared. Almost immediately, Itto's body seemed to jerk away from her hands. All compliance seemed to sail out the window the moment she got 'serious'. And, before long, she heard adorably high-pitched giggles. Muffled, and definitely restrained as much as possible, but audible. 
"Mff-hihihi!" She watched as his ears turned red. "Awhh! Your giggles are soo CUTE!" Gently spidering her fingers over his sides only made his giggles louder. "Did I get you all worked up, just from this? Oh my archons, Itto.. you're such a cutie pie!" 
"D-dohohon't sahahay thahat! Ihihi'm Ihihitto. Ihihi aihihin't cuhuHUTE-" Itto's voice hiked as she squeezed his hips. Unable to stop himself from curling into himself, he wrapped his arms around her and tugged her closer to him. Yoimiya could actively feel her heart melt. 'Why is such a big guy acting so cute right now? This has to be illegal. It has to be!' 
Her hands drilled into his hips, and she felt his grip tighten around her. His shoulders shook with mirth. And, after a brief moment of giggles, Itto's laughter reached its loudest yet. Rough-edged, his laughter could scare someone if they heard it in the tides of battle. Coupled with his towering height, perhaps his stature and laugh would be reason enough for an entire squad of police officers to turn tail. Even so, the only feeling Yoimiya had for his laugh was fondness, a warm feeling that seemed to pervade every part of her body as she continued to drill and knead at the slightly protruding bone. 
As he squirmed slightly, she could feel his heartbeat again. Just like before, it was quick. But this time, it didn't feel half as frantic as it was before. Testing the waters, Yoimiya's hands slowly moved towards his lower back. "He-hehehaha…! Hehehey!" She giggled at the way he tried to rest his chin on her shoulder. "I don't think I'm tall enough to be a chinrest… good try, though!" 
As he grumbled in soft complaint, she decided to make it up to him by dragging her finger up his spine. The resulting yelp sounded both indignant and amused. "GAH! Yo, what was that for?!" 
"Being all pouty in my ear is also illegal while I'm around!" Itto grumbled again. "Hmph, this stuff. I already told you, I didn't do anythin' wrong this time!" 
The pyro user sighed. She shook her head slightly, her smile widening in a mix of both fondness and a tinge of resignment. "Ah, Itto. That's not what I meant. It's just a joke, okay? Nobody's arresting you." She couldn't help but giggle again at the confused sound he made, though. "It's just a tease! Don't Shinobu and the gang tease you like that?"
"...okay, fair enough." Yoimiya's hands massaged at the tensest muscles she could feel in a soothing motion. She felt him sag in her grasp, and for a moment she reminded herself that his weight would probably be enough to crush her in this position. "Still, though. Are you feeling at least a little better now?" 
He nodded. "Yeah.." The silent 'but' hung in the air. "You still want me to keep going?" 
If it were virtually anyone else in any other situation, the sudden lack of noise would have been crushing. Nothing moved, not even the wind chimes outside. She took his silence (correctly) as acquiescence. "Alright, I hear you loud and clear." 
"I didn't say anything!" 
"You didn't need to say it, Itto. Now come on, let me make you smile again!" 
Let me know if you have any other requests for me. I'd love to receive them :D
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papirouge · 2 years
I’ve had a hard time finding cute blogs or YouTube channels that are homemaking while also being chill? You know? I thought I found some but always ended up leaving because they’ll make comments against liberals - being political or go full on “I believe race mixing is unethical :) god bless!” - or something similar. I followed this one girl on youtube and at first she was cute about homemaking. I don’t care about “improving femininity” cause I think that’s a scam tbh. But while she did talk about, it was her homemaker stuff I loved. Then I found out that she was featured and like a lot of white supremacy/“save the white race” content online. A lot of it. I don’t k ow what makes domestic communities like homemaking/sewing/cooking/etc attract really awful hateful people and even fetishists
Yeah, that's something that I noticed. Many Western go to the trad lifestyle as some sort of political cope rather a genuine interest for a more simple authentic lifestyle.
Which is pretty weird because traditional lifestyle is the most.... politically neutral statement ever? Like, most people on this earth live traditionally regardless of their race. Trad lifestyle is pretty much the defaut. Sure people will have TV and electrical appliances, but they still go to the market everyday to do their grocery bc they hardly have a fridge, cultivate their own food/have their own cattle for subsistence, and have a very simple lifestyle circling around family and religion. My mom bought a fridge for my family in Congo and they hardly used it because they didn't see the point lol they preferred going to the market, and buy the food they needed for the day. It's a whole different mindset actually.
Back to White supremacists nationalists: they're really delusional to think that going trad is remotely going to have any impact politically. Since I'm from Europe, it's a well known thing that the European parliament (which is not elected by citizens lol) is now more powerful than our own president and they pretty much can do whatever they want. They're for example responsible for the encouraging mass immigration (regardless of what the citizens of countries want) so basically popping pure White™ babies and living recluse in a farm isn't going to help in any way to keep Europe White... That's why supremacists are bounded to fail.
And that's precisely why I've always said that stockpiling guns was stupid and pointless. Like, what's their end goal? Living their life in fear of having a darkie getting too close of them? There will be a war anyway, it's unavoidable. And as Christian we shouldn't be involved in that mess. Going trad is pointless if you're not spiritually yoked with God. Only God will grant you the serenity of feeling good in your life and peace of mind (despite trials and hardship).
Don't you find interesting that as removed from society (and darkies) they are, those people ALWAYS have a tip on their shoulder and seem always bothered and anxious about anything? (the survival of their race, of their culture, mass immigration, shoehorning their obsession with the Blacks/Muslim at any opportunity...) NONE OF THAT MATTERS IN THE EYES OF GOD. Actually God is very cheeky; He might actually Save a bunch of these "invaders" to make His point ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ (Nebuchadnezzar anyone?) That's what's so funny with Christian White supremacist, they somehow think they have the monopoly on Christianity....when Europe itself has been converted. Do they think Europeans woke up and suddenly accepted Christ? No, it happened through the migration of population (apostles traveled A LOT), and yes, race mixing (the apostle Timothy was mixed FYI, half Greek half Jew). Even in France churches are surviving thanks to the Christian subsaharian populations who are attending in masses. There are some Whites of course, but you'll notice most of the time they are friends or relatives of Black believers. In France, many White preachers are married with Black women.. it makes sense bc Christian subsaharian African communities are a HUGE driving force into Chrsitian conversion and fellowship in France. And I think God knows what He's doing by making it happen through this migration movement.
Meanwhile, where are the White Christians who have to protect the uwu Christian White Europe? NOWHERE. They talking about "preserving White culture" day and night when on the practical field they do nothing. They're only whining on the internet and thinking growing apples in their garden and selling merch makes them political activists. Give me a break.
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Episode 5: "I'd rather die than grovel to a group of white people."—Raffy
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I simply couldn't do rocks like that
So unfortunately for everyone i am somehow still here 😎
tribal days are so stressful PLS i need some reprieve lol. i feel bad for the ellie vote out but! i don't like to be two timed. it also could be someone else doing the two-timing but that's the game. last time i played in an ORG there was the biggest rat of all in my alliance and i was sooo caught off guard sooo tryna not let that happen again. also just so y'all know i actually am great at spelling and grammar but this forum is legitimately a giant brain dump. i hope i didn't ruin my chances to work with colin or raffy but if so, so be it. chat soon!
okay but for real I can only play with who really wants to work with me at the present and I have the ability to readjust if something goes awry. tell me about alliances that exclude me and I'm tempted to work my way in and correct that. and I don't have the energy for last minute info. i do feel bad for not telling Colin Raffy and Ellie that I wasn't going to do rocks but Ellie was jinx target last go and even Colin said last go that they would vote Ellie but they were in alliances and wanted to go to rocks. Simply my plan became to remove options from Colin and Raffy but also still protect us three, though I also was mess bc I could have just told them whoopsies. They are mad and this could still easily flip onto me but I feel good in my group with jinx and JG and honestly I love other ppl doing the work for me while I sit back and wait. Though yeah I shouldn't have blindsided not going to rocks here 😬 and I do love rocks so it's a tough loss but I told Raffy and Colin from the start i wouldn't vote them but jinx really tried to switch the vote to Colin last minute so I had to stop that lol not happening even if they blindside me next 😅 tbh this vote didn't even need to happen and if raffy would have kept the vote on zo I probably would have voted with that side and got someone else to do so too bc girlie was living her best life when I was working for hours on that puzzle. Anyway I lost some info access but I want to keep the game interesting 🤠 (for me) and give myself space to move when I need to.
I need to win this tribal immunity or I am going to be a pre-merge flop. I guess I made too many mistakes these past two rounds. First mistake was trying to target JG during the Steven round. That made him not trust me and now I lost an ally. Second mistake, was then trying to work with JG on the Zo vote which gave him ammo against me so that he could throw me under the bus to Zo. Third mistake was even going along with the plan to flip the vote to save Steven as I should have just given Steven up the wolves and not reveal my position. Fourth mistake was actually voting JG instead of Ellie which cements him not working with me. Fifth mistake was not revealing all the info I had to JG about that woman's alliance so that JG would actually trust the info. There definitely could be more, but that's just what I can come up with.
Where do we go from here? I have no idea. I think Amy and Jinx are protecting me, but, at this point, does it really matter? Looking at whose on the tribe, even if they wanted to vote out Colin, Zo is definitely going to want to vote me out more since apparently Zo and Colin have a really tight relationship and JG doesn't trust me at all. So, that's like two people who would most likely push for me to go. Idk if Colin is even going to try to salvage this or throw me to the wolves since he must also be feeling it's either me or him. I think I'm just in a "wait and see" sort of phase since I don't have power, sway, or even a voice on this tribe. So, I have to wait till a tribe swap or merge to even re-establish myself on the social hierarchy.
I don't even really wanna talk to Zo or JG since I don't even know what to say. They obviously both know I came at them at some point and anything I say to them would just be twisted to take me out. I don't really wanna talk to anyone on this tribe either. Cause it's just too difficult. Feels like I'm groveling and I'd rather die than grovel to a group of white people.
Jay you’ll be hearing from my lawyer for that tribal because the literal cardiac arrest i am in still!!!!! But seriously what a rush the passion it was truly incredible I am so sad JG is gone tho :( Here’s hoping for no swap fuck today babes!!
Tonight was a LOT. What just happened?? Guess who with a disadvantage, then deciding on a live tribal??? I almost voted Colin out but when zo said she couldn't I said oh I guess I'm voting JG out then bc I just couldn't vote Colin. Sucks though the JG Jinx Amy alliance was iconic. Anyway a live tribal while I'm running around in public straight into a mutiny swap?? I just went for it bc I have never mutinied and it sounded fun and chaotic. In the end it's 3 olds to 2 news on 2 of the 3 tribes! Me raffy and jinx together (so jinx and Colin aren't fighting lol) like this is WILD???? Olds control 2 tribes and the other is all Youths. And I think I won Raffy and Colin back over from being mad at me.
But I gotta say the funniest thing of the night. Turns out I thought AJ and Adeline were the same person.
Sin Sazonar
Girlllll idk what's happening. I thought JG would be going, instead Els is gone. I *think* that Raffy and Colin and Jinx are working together? Maybe? And they were some of the votes on Els? But I also think I'll need to drop all my preconceived notions because past relationship does NOT equal current alliance. Anyway, bummed to see Els go, they seemed cool 😭
Wow Hairie really pulled through with the puzzle challenge. I was fully ready to go to sleep and wake up to defeat but goddamn. If that round wasn’t a rollercoaster I have no idea what is. But also, I have no clue what the voting sitch is on the other tribe, and that scares me with us potentially going into a swap. Jay turned off chat history today which is like, mmm not sus at all. But I digress. I feel both better and worse since I’ve got this idol in my pocket, but we’ll see how today goes. Trinica’s got a handy dandy spreadsheet but the other tribe has people who’ve been super fans much longer than I have. Wishing us all the luck because I have no idea what’ll happen if we lose. Pandemonium probably.
So I may have just made the biggest mistake of my entire game but…we shall see. I’ve told Trinica about the idol. This might bite me in the ass, but honestly I feel better having someone else who is informed who can help properly use this idol. But also, could bite me in the ass if there’s an attempt to flush it. So honestly who knows. This is either the biggest mistake of my game or a good move. I really hope it’s the latter.
Okay not only did AJ find the idol right before me, she also TOLD ME ABOUT IT. Sometimes when I play with AJ I feel like I have to talk to her about security precautions in the same way I had to talk to my old social work clients. Like no, you should not give your new hookup your social security number! No, you should not go buy an iTunes giftcard to send to the stranger texting you! No, you should not tell other players you have an idol until and unless absolutely necessary!
But hey, I'm glad she told me. It's a sign of trust, which is good. Now the question is... do I honor that trust? Or betray it?
In an ideal world, I'd have an F4 with me, Hairie, AJ, and Brandi. But Hairie and AJ are on a "I don't trust the other" spiel with me and Brandi in the middle. I could try to repair that, but idk if that's to my benefit at this point. And it feels irreparable tbh. I really want to tell Hairie about AJ's idol, but I don't think that's a helpful move right now. We will keep that in the back pocket.
Brandi has said she wants to work until the end with me, which honestly was a little unexpected but it's good news. And although I'm definitely working more CLOSELY with Hairie as far as strategy goes, he's not somebody I would necessarily want to sit with at the end.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. For now, surviving this round.
I'm really worried about my chances after this. If our tribe doesn't win the next challenge, I feel like my head could be on the chop. Im sitting out this next challenge because I genuinely don't know survivor that well, I liked it as a kid, I like this game. But Im so bad with names and I haven't watched it in years. I hope my tribe understands how badly I want to participate, but how I have NO knowledge. I hope our tribe wins again, and we don't have to go to tribal.
I have never known peace like getting to sit out of a challenge. I am just vibing. There are no responsibilities that I have to tend to. No stressing or freaking out. I am just chilling
I think I didn't contribute that much to the challenge because I was preparing to go to work. I took a bath during the challenge, so it's hard for me to keep up but yeah, we did it again. We won another challenge and so nervous for the swap. 3 tribe of 5 is a pretty small group and there's no hiding place. I hope I get into a strong tribe that can win challenges.
We are about to merge and all I can say is I hope I'm with Trinica I really like them here we go I'm scared !!!! I hope my shhhh! Team can stay together through this time of - oop you posted!
I have lots of feelings because my number one alliance member might’ve lied to me eek big feelings but ima keep my head up
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realasunicorns · 6 years
"Give me a character and I will answer:"
@callmehername asked me about Tony Stark/Iron man.
(My answers to other characters are here)
Why I like them
Well, as an engineer how could I not love a genius technitian? 😍😍😍
And speaking of MCU's Tony Stark, I think it was a great choice to choose someone older for the role. Originally he was very young, but these days anyone knows that to achieve such level of knowledge would require huge amounts of study and practice, and thus, it would be achieved later in life (in case it was possible at all haha), so at least he doesn't look 22 as if he just finished uni! I think it adds credibility to the character.
He has the attitude of the gryffiest gryffi to ever gryffi and I have to admit that I love him for it (or at least I do once he comes back down to earth in the first movie and stops selling weapons for his own profit).
His character evolution is just ARGH❤️💛
He goes from completely deluded to awakening, step by step and it's a complete delight to see. He has a mission now. He's seen the weapons, the warfield for what it is. He wants to do good or at least bwtter with what he has. And better. And better every time. He He's determined to make it and he will push himself to the very limit for it. He makes mistakes, yes,as big has he makes his successes, but he keeps learning from them. Technology or life, he can't stop learning about them, making himself see things he never thought he would, understand things in a way he never thought he could. He's the epithome of improvement.
In other words, he's not perfect at all and that gives the character a lot of depth: he has many layers.
And he has a cool AI (I mean Jarvis. I love Jarvis so much tbh.).
Oh, and his fiancee. I like his fiancee very much too. No (yes), but the reason I brought this up is to say that he's all fluff inside and bless him.
Why I don’t
As much as I love him, there are so many things I don't like about him, I warn you.
If I had met him before I would have wanted to strangle the guy. Not just for Tony "the guy", but his company. As someone who does not want any military, defense, weaponary, etc., his creations are the devil. Notice I said are and not were, because he still makes weapons even if he's not selling them the same way.
The logic behind "I don't sell these weapons bc god knows what the military would do with them, but hey I'm gonna keep building some to use them myself ignoring every law bc I'm a filthy rich motherfucker and I do what I want, try to come and stop me if you can haha"? There is so much wrong with this I could write an essay 😅 But I don't give much relevance to these things when it comes to superhero stuff tbh, so I can deal. But yeah, horribly wrong if taken seriously.
What else? Well, on a personal level: communication, baby. You need some serious help with that. Relationships, connecting with your feelings and all that stuff. So much room for improvement there, mate (not that I don't feel you tho).
He also needs to work out some sort of limit for his addiction aka his work/creations/mission. It's not just in very unhealthy levels (mentally and physically) for himself, but also for those around him when he loses himself to it.
And I know I'm forgetting stuff, but this seems to be enough, I'll stop here haha
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
Oh, well. That's hard.
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Favorite season/movie
Gonna go with Civil War just bc #PAIN.
Favorite line
"Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is but I wanna try it."
Favorite outfit
🤔 I don't think I have one from him!
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So many?! Dr. Banner tbh haha I love them as a duo but then also with Cap bc yes and the there is also his kiddo Peter to whom he's kinda like a dad but it's a cool dad and he isn't really his dad so it could also be kinda like a big bro thing? idk someone hELLLLLLP
Head Canon
He's kinda submissive (in bed)? 🙈 He had a kink for a bit of a fem dom.
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And maybe also being babied... aaaaaand ok, I better stop here xD
Unpopular opinion
Idk which is the popular opinion or not bc I don't interact in that fandom... I can't think of anything "unpopular" to say about him, but maybe a general opinion I have that I don't think is said often enough.
I feel like if a character does some good, their bad actions get completely overlooked or excused in some way as if in "he saved many, who cares if he had previously hurt just as many?" Not talking about weapons now.
Just a reminder that if someone is being mean is not funny. If they are mocking someone with a disability is not ok. If the person is being paid by them it's still shit behaviour. If someone does any of these, they're assholes. Period.
One doesn't need to be an asshole full-time, it's ok. One can still be an asshole tho, part-time. But that shouldn't mean one doesn't get called out. Saving the world does not mean Tony Stark shouldn't be called on his bullshit. Just that.
A wish
That he and Pepper would figure things out in a healthy way so we could get Pepperony forever, yay
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
I would only ask that they don't mess up with the character in general, its coherence.
5 words to best describe them
Genius. Impulsive. Show-off. Ambitious. Obsessive.
My nickname for them
He's "another of those gryffis" 🙈
And this is it!
Unicorn Kisses!🦄
*Excuse the not-so-great cites of GIF sources BLAME THE TUMBLR APP, I’ll change them once I have a computer… some day.
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