#he still has wings and a halo cuz they look sick
feral-teeth · 2 months
EVIL BOOPS U !!!!!!! >:)
heres ur doodle :3 (this took more than an hour so it is More than a doodle now actualy uhm)
This is who is booping you when you get an evil boop 🐈
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boku-no-family · 7 years
This is a prompt request from my Shoutomate aka @remnants-resisstiment . She sneaked it in via Line because she’s cheeky and I love it. 👌💕 I hope you like it Bebe, I’m sorry I screwed the end 🙈 NEVER WRITE WHEN YOU’RE SICK CUZ YOU SUCK ❌  I changed the prompt slightly to fit the scenario better
„I’m talking to myself.“ – „Forgot what I just said.“ (Sum 41 – All Messed Up)
{Todoroki Shouto - Words: 609}
How far is yesterday, how close is tomorrow? I’m talking to myself
Your sitting countenance forms a sharp silhouette against the morning sky. A smile curls the edges of Shouto’s lips. Airy steps pound the debris covered ground as he approaches you slowly. Shattered remains crack beneath his feet announcing his arrival. You turn your head, your face a tender expression of fondness. Warmth engulfs his chest, adoration flares prismatic in his mismatched orbs. Taking in a deep breath he sits down beside you. Adrenaline is still gushing through his veins like a wildfire.
“We made it” your voice is soft, a vibrant sound. Shouto turns his head, eyes examining you carefully. Your hero costume is slightly wrecked, little scratches adorn your smooth skin nothing life-threatening, though. Face covered in dirt you are still the most marvelous thing he has ever seen. “I’m glad” he responds, his usual, aloof voice hides the storm of emotions coating his mind.
Danger accompanies every breath we take, that’s the life we chose
The young hero leans back, dust wraps around his palms as he supports his weight onto his bruised arms. Tattered shreds of blue fabric tangle in the air. Comfortable silence settles between you.
I’m here, still breathing with the things most precious to me
Smoke still rises from smashed remains mixing with billowing mist hovering in a steel grey cloud twixt this nightmarish dreamscape. He raises his head to the glassy sky above. Wings of dawn spread  further, last scraps of charcoal lapsing into twilighted silver blue. Halos of faint sunlight spread in the sky. This is the aftermath of a fierce battle, a blur. In this silent moment the world always feels so unreal.
What if my life is just an illusion? What if I’m already gone, vanished just yesterday
The most maniac thoughts always strike his sanity around this time. Raising an arm, he holds his hand up to the light. Descending rays crack through his fingers, reflecting starrily in his eyes. His gaze wanders to your figure. Head resting on scraped knees a halcyon aura radiates from your body. There is no word to describe the adoration he feels for you. You have been by his side for such a  long time. As a hero, a friend, a partner, a lover.
We’re sharing the same heartbeat
He blinks once. A sudden wave of dullness is washing over him.
Would I know if we never met?
He blinks twice. He imagines a future without you. Without your cheerful laughter. Without the fierce look in your eyes when you fight. Without the passion in your voice when you speak about things you like. Without the warmth of your arms at night. Without the gentle whisper that carries him through his doubts. Without the feeling of his fingertips scraping over your naked skin. Would I be sad if you leave me?
A pang in his heart is the only answer he needs.
Which strings connect us?
Raw emotions eat him away. There is no future without you, to your heart he is bound. He was never good with words, with conveying his feelings. Actions speak louder.      
“Marry me!”
Your head flies to the side, confusion defining your features. “Pardon?” Realization strikes him like a bolt of lightning. He is not talking to himself anymore. His hands fly to his mouth, reddish pink tints his cheeks. 
“I mean, it’s maybe too early. Or… Forget wha-”
Graphite pebbles skipping over crevasse, your bodies hit the stone scattered floor, Shouto is not able to finish his sentence. The tips of your soft hair tickle his skin. Lips mold together, sealing your future.
“Yes” you whisper, connecting those translucent strings.
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