#hehehe squishy cat
birdbonechai · 2 years
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Cute chubby warm little reader with her disgusting incel bf Ajax :(( Ajax is always admiring her perfect chubby thighs, cute tummy and big breasts:((( he just can't help himself she's just SO cute always greeting him with a smile and excitement and even doing little jumps when extra happy<3 or maybe even incel bf with her she's just so sweet and innocent yk! So polite, sweet and well trained :(( she'd make such a cute little house wife for him not having to worry about anying from money to what's happening around her :(((
hehehe anon u know EXACTLY what i crave what i desire <33 yucky icky incel childe and his cute soft lil gf he foams at the mouth over <3 bee tee dubs, i don’t rlly have rules n such!! ppl can send me whatever whenever n i’ll probably respond at some point maybe!! i have month old things in ma inbox n drafts whoopsies!! but i was quick with urs bc incel childe <3 ^u^ blurb btc!!
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Ajax is… slimy. gross. greasy. he’s what most would turn their noses up at but you didn’t. it almost felt as though you pitied him with the way your already doe eyes softened towards him. he knew you let him into your heart and that should’ve been enough but… he had to stay there. had to carve out an Ajax shaped hole to rest for eternity. you were his most beloved and to let you go was a crime, one only punishable by death.
your hands are soft, he notes. softer than his boobie mousepad, softer than his body pillows, softer than… other things. Ajax wants to hold them forever. he adores when you cling to him, wrap yourself around his hand or arm, and stay there like it’s your home. he thinks it’s just adorable the way you giggle and smile up at him, swaying around and chattering away about something that he isn’t listening to because god you look so kissable right now. he wants to kiss you until you’ve both passed out from lack of air and love shared. your lips belong against him in all sorts of ways but right now they should be on his own though, he can’t bring himself to end whatever rant your on for it would stop the sweet melody of your voice. Ajax comforts himself saying he’ll have plenty other chances to kiss you.
he spoils you to bits. his sweet girl is fawning over a little trinket or a new dress? consider it yours! any money spent is worth it to see the happy claps and bounces you respond with and that adorable smile on your face. he’d run his bank account dry, which is nearly impossible, if it equated to seeing your joy.
and oh, your body. he’d love you in any form but your squish tummy and tits? good luck prying his hands from you, you’ll need the jaws of life to get out. Ajax adores being able to nap on your just as squishy thighs while kneading your stomach and breasts like a cat. you’re his own personal stress ball!
Ajax adores his sweet little wifey. he’d go to the end of the universe and back should you request it. <3
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dragon-ascent · 4 months
There’s just something about the AU of Pre Liyue Harbour Zhongli and Reader, especially in your writing style, that gets me all giddy man. Just, the draconic god Morax, Rex Lapis, the warrior god, prime of the adepti, whatever you wanna call him, fixating on squishy, mortal, and human you and that blossoming into a romance just gets me all fhfhrggtgdh its so good man and I will absolutely devour it every single time I see it thank you for the meal
Hehehe I'm so glad I've been able to convey the sheer silliness of it all! He may be a beeg god and all that but humans are just so smol and novel to him! He sees you and his pupils dilate like a cat's.
So, thank you thank you!! I have a handful of other scenarios set in that timeline, one of which I miiight put out today~ 🥰ིྀ
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applesjuice · 1 month
Oh! I'm curious to know how the Legendaries are acting in your Akari/Kiki project!
Are they more "Thoust art but a mortal, yet braveth enough for I to seek your company" or more "Hey, I know u a mortal and don't live long but u kinda cool, mind if I chill with you for the rest of your life bro?"
These tought just kinda poped in my mind hehehe xD
I actually had to think about this for a while and I made some notes to help me going forward LOL. So the Legendaries in Hisui are worshiped, like Palkia and Dialga and are treated like gods but the clans. But ultimately they are Pokemon. So I think what makes them differ besides from the GRAND COSMIC POWER from say, the average Pikachu, would be their intelligence, or their cognitive ability to interact and communicate with people. Like, most if not all pokemon can, but Legendaries in particular would operate more like kami. They understand human language and can respond in some way or even speak it.
Sort of like say, Princess Mononoke, where the older gods like Moro the wolf can speak but the newer generations are like more intelligent animals who have lost their ability to do so. That's how Legendaries operate in my AU. They're gods in the sense that they are ancient, powerful beings but can form human connections if they want to. Most don't, but Palkia and Dialga in particular are very fond of the clans since they literally worship them.
I think the Lake Trio would make more appearances because they don't generally live on a whole different plane of existence. They would be very skittish but also curious about people. But their powers can hurt humans if they're not careful and they aren't very careful. They just cannot really comprehend humans are squishy.
Post PLA Palkia and Dialga I think would pop in on the fringes to check on their worshipers, kind of like seeing bigfoot in the distance every time you have a bbq. They would only actually go out of their way to interact with those who have earned their respect, so essentially the Clan Leaders every so often, or Akari. There's lots of reverence from the clans so it's more of a "how art mine believers faring these days" sort of interaction a few times a generation since they have zero concept of time. While with Akari, who treats them like strong pokemon rather than gods because Akari is technically a modern trainer, they would visit more often because they are more curious about them.
They're kind of like stray cats that just wander in whenever to check on their human and possibly bug them for treats. I'd also like to think that come the future since worship of Palkia and Dialga isn't as in your face as Arceus, Palkia would actually take an interest in Ingo since he is technically a member of the old Pearl Clan. So as a Warden he's something like a priest to Palkia. Ingo would need to discuss with his brother whether or not Palkia is allowed on the subway.
But long story short Legendaries play favorites, especially with their "champions" (protagonists of that particular game) and Akari is no exception. Only thing is there's a bit of a pissing match going on between Arceus, Palkia, Dialga and Giritina for their attention post PLA. Arceus will sometimes call or FaceTime them on the arc phone because why can't god face time their favorite little guy? Palkia and Dialga will actually visit sometimes. And i think I mentioned this before but I like to believe post PLA Akari would erect a tiny shrine for Giritina since the clans have little in home shrines for their particular deity and they felt bad that Giritina was being left out. Because of this Kieran is essentially blessed by satan.
Also the legendaries are not used in battle here. As funny as it is to see Arceus use like, perish song or something in a battle, unless they are fighting eachother (other legendaries) it's considered disrespectful in the AU to even consider doing that. Pokemon world religions or whatever. It would be like sending Jesus into a cage match people would lose their minds.
Also in case anyone is wondering yes Palkia and Dialga would absolutely pop into the BB Academy Terrarium for funsies were Akari to go back to school. They would have cryptid status.
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yourdarlingness · 7 months
Not a request but I love the way your edits look
Like they're so gummy and I love them, they remind me of these cat paw gummies/squishies
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heheh the angel would always take time to do each edits but its a fun process ≥<
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ask-feederjin · 2 years
Hi Jin!
Have any of the boys begged for you to get pets?
I'm sure a little kitty would be very popular, especially if it starts sleeping on their warm squishy tummies and purring~
I imagine even the laziest boys wouldn't mind a little tabby padding in to nap on their belly <3
Hoping all is well and everyone is happy in the lavender household!
~Wolf Joon ^u.u^
Hi Namjoon!
It’s great to hear from you again. I was just chatting with your baby bunny today! I see you replied to that thread, so I’ll make sure to pop on over and reply to you too. ^_^
Pets, huh? No asks so far. I know that a few of us had dogs while growing up, but I don’t think we have the space for a pet at the moment. Especially when six out of the seven of us are already outgrowing most of their spaces, room for a dog would be hard to come by.
A cat would be fun however, if we got a snuggler. I can just imagine their little paws sinking into my own Namjoonie’s massive, jiggly gut, kneading it. How adorable! 😍
Or maybe even napping on the shelf of a belly that Yoongi is growing while he works in his studio. 😳
Or wearing Taehyung out as he plays with them. Getting winded just waving a cat toy around, flabby arm wobbling with each pounce…
…but a pet is a group decision that requires a group discussion! Heheh.
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hyunverse · 1 year
I'm okay, pretty tired and shld sleep cuz it's sooo late
His name is Rex and he is literally one of the sweetest dogs you will meet
By that i mean that someone was actually climbing over my gate and he was wagging his tail and jumped around
But dw he gets so excited it scares ppl but he won't hurt anybody at all
Oh also he's 9 yrs old but no one expects that cuz he's got so much energy and is in rly good shape🤭
heheh their names are yuji, kyo 'n yuta!! got the names from animes i like hehehe
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jester-darling · 1 month
squimches your cheeks like a plushy
AYE?! hands off the merchandise!! *bats you away like a cat*
I knew I was squishy but not that squishy hehehe!!!
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reijis-sunshine · 4 months
band aid - kojiro!
thoughts - reiji 😏
microphone - kaoru
phone - your mains! you could either choose one or do them all 👀
dance - waltz (Yes i chose him bc of his name)
romance - diluc
crystal ball - ichiro
bed - gojo!
sick - nanami
song - ren
feather - samatoki lol
smile - kazuma!
Ah Yes, Everyone, let's get started then!!
Band-aid: what's one thing I want people to understand about Kojiro? That he's a massive teddy bear and amazing pillow. Relaxed muscle is incredibly nice and squishy and have you seen the man's beef? Perfect nap partner
Thoughts: what do I think Reiji thinks of me when I'm not around. Well, maybe that I have a really pretty smile, or that I'm an extremely skilled musician. Maybe he thinks about the time I slid on a rug, ate floor, and could barely move my knee for the next two days. Uncertain, there are lots of options heheh
Microphone: does Kaoru sing or play music? Yes, he sings, mostly just if music is already playing, his voice is really nice! I love listening to him sing, could put me to sleep in seconds
Phone: I'm gonna pick just one f/o for this one, Reiji and I do in fact have cell phones, my contact name for him is just "Darling<3", and his contact name for me is "Sunshine". There's a reason my blog name is what it is :D
Dance: Can Waltz or I dance? 1. I'm not surprised you did the name match there it's very funny 2. yes, we both can! We don't dance often but it's a convenient way to get out of talking to people at parties on the rare occasion we deign to attend one
Romance: what's the most romantic thing Diluc has ever done for me? And the most romantic thing I've done for him? Well, for the most romantic thing he's done for me, is proposing too cheesy of an answer. Probably but I don't care. The most romantic thing I've done for him though... maybe the multiple songs I've written for him
Crystal ball: Is Ichiro superstitious? Does he believe in the paranormal? If so, what kind of stuff do they believe in? Yes, Ichiro believes in ghosts, surprisingly no he is not scared of them. Ichiro believes in ghosts like you believe in your annoying housemate that steals your food and you can never seem to catch outside of their room. It's very entertaining
Bed: Where does Satoru like to sleep? Is he conventional with a good schedule, or does he find damp corners to call his bed? Oh God, please never try to get this man to sleep outside of his own bed. He's somehow even worse than me about not being able to sleep anywhere other than his bed, which is singularly impressive. And his sleep schedule is, effectively, from whenever he gets into the bed to whenever I wake him up, which typically settles out to 10:00 pm-6:30 am...
Sick: Kento is sick in bed, what do I do? I'm an expert at buying and making comfort food, and also taking care of sick people. Leave it to me, he'll be better by the end of the week unless it's something serious
Song: what's a song Ren knows by heart and a song I know by heart? Ren knows Fly Me to the Moon in Japanese flawlessly and enjoys singing it to me to fluster me. I on the other hand know Valentine by Laufey to get back at him. Nice even trade-off
Feather: if Samatoki and I were animals, what animals would we be and why? I would totally be a cat! I tend to be very reserved at first and then when you get to know me I'm one of the most affectionate and loving people you'll meet. Samatoki though would be a chihuahua. Rude, bites people, terrible and deserved reputation
Smile: what about Kazuma makes me smile every single time? And what's something I do that makes him smile every time? This is such a small thing, but his entire face scrunches just a bit when he's thinking about something, and it's absolutely adorable. Something I do that makes him smile every time though, is tapping out drum beats on my thighs when I get bored or just need something to do with my hands
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minheeskitten · 7 months
omg...cat teeth!!!! can we talk about this too, who are you planning for feline hybrids? unless if you've already written about it and i just totally missed it 🥲 cat boys and pretending to be aloof but immediately becoming a purring and loving puddle are so 🫠💗💕
still thinking about bunnygirl hyeop too 🫣 he's talked about having tiny feet and fitting into women's sizes before, so i just know he's tried on heels. he should wear heels. he should step on someone. that someone should be me 😭
what other sexy little outfits would he look cute in...he should just wear straight up lingerie tbh 🔥he probably has cute squishy tits too. sigh...hyeop in my mouth please 🙏 ~🩷
HEHEHE feline hybrids mmmm
Ive not talked ab my plans for them yet :3 you're the only active anon i have, so whatever you ask has likely not been answered!
But.. Cats have barbed dicks :3
Heads up DO NOT check anything more then veterinarians saying yes they do- bcs im right and i know it and i have seen far too much 🙃
But, feline hybridss get the barbed dicks, the cat ears, the tail! (some may have docked tails depending on breed!)
The sharp teeth and a strong craving for meat is always there. Predators and carnivores after all :3
The bigger the feline hybrid species is the more likely they are to be one of those types that will bend a partner over anything as soon as they can tell they are 'ready'
So a housecat would just go 'can we have some time tonight?'
Meanwhile say, a tiger, would just mount their partner as soon as they can, very little warning :3
Note: ears n tail are erogenous zones bcs i said so and its typical hybrid lore anyways!!
They all do love scratches behind the ear or right just above their tail. Just feels so good to them :3
Hyeop would look good in just ab anything! Just dress him up in something nice n pretty, maybe a miniskirt n ceop top. Just a cute pair of kitten heels to get him started n then have him parade around the house till hes too cute to resist fucking :3
Youd have to ask to be stepped on though i think he'd rather be getting stepped on than anything else haha :3
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idiotsofoz · 10 months
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This is Sheldon :3 He's a lil squishy crab dude my friend gave me and I adore him ^^ ❤️
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This is my silly kitty cat Lefty, you've seen her before, she's an old old lady and kind of a brat but we love her <3
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This is a picture of Dallon I was sent recently, I think his smile is very cute hehehe 😊🩷
Anyway, sorry things have been rough for you :( You're one of my closest friends on here, I'm so glad I know you and it makes me so happy to talk to you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 I'm always here if you need me for anything, I think you're so awesome and I care about you so so much 🫶
thank you sm <3 it feels nice to know you enjoy talking to me and care about me like i know you've said it before but right now its like. extra nice
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hope socialising goes really well 🥺💕
::::33< ehehe thanks for the hug nonnie!! i have 8een thoroughly squished!! and i expect socializing should 8e fine hopefully!! i just won't get to make any meowsome cat puns ::::ƐƐ whatefur though ::::PP
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aubristims · 5 years
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8. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
28. Can you swim very well? Do you like swimming?
34. Can you read analog clocks?
45. Do you have good handwriting?
50. Describe your perfect sleeping conditions
(Forgive if I got numbers wrong)
8: Rocks! Or gems, everytime we go somewhere with one of those gem mining places that give you a bucket of sand and some gems I always ask to go. I have a whole (previously a lunch bag) bag full of rocks. I love them, I desire more. Also porcelain dolls! I usually get those from thrift stores or dead people, I'm very picky about which ones I take though. Also also there should be more black and more male porcelain dolls me thinks
28: Oh man, I did not know how to swim for a long time. I only learned at some point in the past like 5 years. Not many places to swim and if there are we've not been visiting. I'd say im decent? I can float and get to the other side of a pool just fine. Yes(?) I like pools and any swimable water at the very least, but I dont think that counts towards my enjoyment of swimming by itself, neutral?
34: It'll take me a minute (hehehe)
45: Nope!, I actually lost points on a spelling test once because my lowercase 'O's, 'A's, and 'E's and look super similar and the teacher thought I spelt something wrong-
50: There is no light, the only noise allowed are cars and bugs. My cat is on the bed but not too close where I fear I'll squish her. Just cold enough for me to be sleepy and cozy in my blankets. Absolutely no heat. I am in the room alone (other than my cat). Freshly showered but specifically that phase where you're dry but your skin is still squishy, yknow? I am in my house. I cannot see the door
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bunkbed-junkclub · 4 years
Oh Clover is such a cutie! do you have any fluffy headcanons or moments between her and Kul Fyra? In a lot of your art Clover looks to be pretty bubbly and affectionate, is she a big cuddler? (I love your art by the way! <3)
okay so
-> clover is absolutely a cuddler. she’s kind of like a cat where if you’re just doing your thing she’ll want attention and climb on your lap. she does this to kul fyra a LOT.
-> clover and kul fyra fall asleep on eachother a LOT after shows. when they were on tour, they fell asleep sitting up on the tour bus couch together much more often than their own beds.
-> because clover’s so short, she’ll get picked up a lot for kisses heheh. more often than not it means she jumps at kul fyra whose automatic response is to catch her.
-> their first kisses kind of just... fell out of them. they weren’t grand moments, but quiet ones where they’re deeply comfortable. @kul-fyra came up w the idea that their first kiss was a kiss goodnight and i. LOVE that idea. they put off talking about what it means for their relationship for a while.
-> kul fyra holds her face a lot. squishy face.
-> it just kind of becomes agreed upon that they’re a match set. if you see one, you’ll see the other. don’t invite clover to things you don’t want to see tatiana at and vice versa.
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erixyin · 4 years
MLQC Boys as somethings I’ve said to my boyfriend:
“If i commit murder would you rat me out or join me and be my partner in crime?” “... yes”
*falls off the bed* “this is ILLEGAL!”
*gets stuck in a video game* “i dont need help!” *5 minutes later* “i need help!”
“I love you but could you not” [in reference to him changing while im trying to write an essay]
*everytime he starts the car* “eheheh vroom vroom”
“SIR I AM CALLING THE POLICE” “you’re the one under arrest”
“What do you mean i cant have chicken nugs for tea again?”
*him walking in and seeing me wearing his hoodie. Looks away and blushes*
“Dry my hair wind!” “The wind accepts his fate”
“Gimme hugs gimme hugs gimme hugs *hugs* yes sweaty hugs”
“Do you think I’d be a good police officer?” “No”
“Im going to the shops!” “You’re wearing just my hoodie and tshirt” “I’m still going to the shops!”
“So then i realised i couldnt go to the GP- OMG DOGGY DOGGY DOGGY DOGGY WHAT A GOOD BOI” [the doggo in question is across the very busy road and is wearing a coat <3]
*gives me head pats* “am cute”
“We could illegally watch the movie...?” “YOU WOULDN’T STEAL A CAR”
*after a lengthy discussion about how i shouldn’t buy it” “ok but hear me out...it has ears”
“I bought 6 packets of laces” “why?” “Because I’ll eat 3 packets by myself”
*going to mcdonalds* “NUGS NUGS NUGS NUGS NUGS NUGS NUGS”
*both of us singing pitch perfect word for word*
🎶 “why can i not spell this word, spell this word, pull this word. Why can i not spell this word FOR AN ENTIRE GODDAMN HOUR” 🎵
“My abs are underneath a layer of squish for warmth through winter” “same!”
“Pay attention to me ;-;” “but but but” “put the doggo down”
“Am burrito” *is a burrtoed into my blanket*
*makes cat hiss noies when trying to steal my nugs* “a violent sushi roll”
*after trying to remember my password for Moshi monsters* “I DID IT IM A HACKER”
*bf does a puzzle that ive been stuck on for 20 minutes* “JESUS CHRIST ITS JASON BOURNE”
*me booping his arms and chest* “squishy and muscle. Squishy and muscle. Squishy and muscle...”
*ordering a takeaway* “LORD AM ABOUT TO BE CHONCCY”
“Work is difficult and life is hard�� “ill give you a kiss if you finish a paragraph?” “WAIT TEN MINUTES”
“I need moral support for this essay” “it’s 3am?” “As i said i need moral support”
“But can i-“ “no”
“Hear me out you’re cute” “no”
*dying of laughter after putting cat ears on him* “childish”
“There should be a cereal called breaking fast with blue marshmallows in it and sponsored by breaking bad” “... that’s not terrible”
“Why am i a gullible idiot?!” *after 4 games of chess and losing 4 times* “but you’re my cute, gullible idiot”
“Um can i have a coffee ple-“ “no” “but why?” *intense stare* “I’ll have a hot chocolate”
*walking in wearing a suit* “YOU GOT A FINE ASS BOI” *his friend looking at him. Him wanting to bury his head into the void*
*singing off key and drunk* “I’M TOO HOT!” :D :D :D :D “.... hot damn”
*plays chopsticks on the keyboard* “do you wanna be in my band?”
“Disney film night!” *deflated sigh*
*in front of his frens in a alt store* “which collar should i get?” *bats eyes innocently*
*wakes me up at 8am* “an UNGODLY time” “no”
*listening to him explain a fish to me* “hehehe puffer fishy be so chonccy”
“I found you this rock!” “Excellent”
*wearing his jacket* “NOODLE ARMS ATTACK” “aaaa so scary”
*puts his hand on my thigh* “NOT IN PUBLIC” “but why?”
“This is my plant Dave the cactus, and this is my plant medusa the snek plant, and this is my plant sam the mini cactus and this is my plant...” *look of adoration*
*drags him away from his laptop to go to bed*
*after talking about trust issues because of my ex* *him: gets up* “where are you going?” “To commit murder”
*plays with his hair and he purrs*
*hot water bottle on tummy* “i am an egg in pain” “the cutest egg tho”
“DOGGY” “thats a fox dear” “SNEAKY DOGGY”
*having a an in-depth discussion on evolution* *5minutes later* “do you think the T. rex went extinct because he couldnt applaud his friends and died out of sadness?”
*i’ve killed him. He’s dead” “ill get the body bag” “my poor goldfish- WHAT”
*sits next to him wearing a hoodie and thigh highs* “you’re distracting me” “I’m just breathing” “yes”
*going to dance clubs always ends up with me against a wall*
*is wearing a cute bodycon dress with mesh panels* “we’re gonna be home early”
*what do you think of my new fishnets? *runs finger down them* “asmr all the time”
*me feeling insecure* “i think I’ve gained weight” “great then my plan i working! You will be healthy!”
*accidentally walks out of a shop holding a key ring i havent bought* “im a criminal [crying]” “a terrible one too”
*is 3months younger than me* “you’re so old” “you’re the one who looks 5 years older than you are” “take that back!”
“You can’t wear your leather jacket to a formal event” “fucking watch me”
*kisses and dancing in the rain*
“Idiot” *wtaches me splash in all the puddles like a child*
*watches me cry over a tiny snail i found* “i love this you”
“Omg look at this SNALLLL!” “Snail?” “SNALLLLL”
“I have so much debt” “its because all of the McNugs you buy”
“Help me dye my hair?” “Certainly that will be £300” “aaaaa”
“You’re so mean!” “I have to be otherwise you’ll never learn” *talking about watching another episode of game of thrones*
*has to look away for some game of thrones scenes* “a fragile child” “im older than you”
“Can i paint your nails?” “Yeah my masculinity ain’t fragile” “can i paint them holo?” “No”
*cuddling* “you smell” “do you want sex or not” “you smell lovely”
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