Nyugi, időbe telik változtatni és rendbe rakni az életed.
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arcra-festett-mosoly · 9 months
Sokszor a megszokott, nem biztos, hogy normális!
2 hónap alatt sikert túl tennem magam azon a sok szaron amit tőle kaptam.
Nagyon durva, hogy csak miután kilép valaki az életedből, akkor tudatosul benned, hogy ahogy veled bánt és amiket neked mondott, mennyire maradandó és nem megérdemelt volt.
Adj magadnak időt. Sírj, haragúdj, beszéld ki magadból, gondold át, utáld. Írd ki magadból összeszedetten, és engedd el. Ne magadat hibáztatsd.
Lehet pár nap, hét, vagy hónap is, de sikerülni fog. Nem ér annyit, hogy miatta elveszítsd a bizalmad mások felé.
Had lássa mit veszített.
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your-local-darklord · 2 years
great leader i must ask which one of the four bishops gave you the most glorious battle?
Shamura was quite the challenge, although fighting hetek was also very hard for me since I was just getting started
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miscletoe · 9 months
Slapped some of the Blacktongues' sorcery jabber in a web search on a whim and it's...legit Greek? Example, "kalon kagathon" seems to mean "beautiful and good" and an encapsulation of conduct.
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heteksolutions · 5 days
The Ultimate Guide to Hetek Flow Sampler, Methane Quantification Device, and Methane Gas Monitor
Understanding the Importance of Gas Monitoring Devices
Gas monitoring devices are crucial tools in various industries, providing accurate measurements of gases to ensure safety, compliance, and efficiency. Among these devices, the Hetek Flow Sampler, Methane Quantification Device, and Methane Gas Monitor stand out for their reliability and precision in detecting methane levels, a critical component in numerous applications.
Exploring the Hetek Flow Sampler
The Hetek Flow Sampler is a cutting-edge instrument designed to capture gas samples for analysis. Its advanced technology allows for precise sampling of gas streams, enabling industries to monitor emissions, detect leaks, and assess air quality effectively. With its user-friendly interface and robust construction, the Hetek Flow Sampler offers unparalleled performance in demanding environments.
Unveiling the Methane Quantification Device
Accurate quantification of methane emissions is essential for environmental protection and regulatory compliance. The Methane Quanification Device sets the standard in methane measurement, employing state-of-the-art sensors and algorithms to deliver precise results. Whether used in oil and gas operations, landfills, or agricultural settings, this device ensures reliable data for informed decision-making and emission reduction strategies.
Harnessing the Power of the Methane Gas Monitor
In industries where methane poses safety hazards or environmental concerns, the Methane Gas Monitor plays a pivotal role in risk management and mitigation. This advanced device utilizes cutting-edge technology to continuously monitor methane levels in real-time, providing early warnings of potential hazards and enabling prompt intervention. With its high sensitivity and rapid response capabilities, the Methane Gas Monitor safeguards personnel, facilities, and the environment from the dangers of methane exposure.
Applications Across Industries
The versatility of these gas monitoring devices makes them indispensable across various industries:
Oil and Gas:
In upstream, midstream, and downstream operations, accurate measurement and monitoring of methane emissions are critical for regulatory compliance and environmental stewardship. The Hetek Flow Sampler, Methane Quantification Device, and Methane Gas Monitor offer reliable solutions for the oil and gas sector, ensuring safe and sustainable operations.
Environmental Monitoring:
From landfill management to greenhouse gas reduction initiatives, effective monitoring of methane emissions is essential for protecting ecosystems and public health. These gas monitoring devices provide invaluable data for environmental assessments, emissions inventories, and climate action strategies.
Livestock farming and manure management are significant sources of methane emissions. By implementing methane monitoring systems, agricultural facilities can identify areas for emission reduction and optimize resource utilization. The Hetek Flow Sampler, Methane Quantification Device, and Methane Gas Monitor enable farmers to enhance sustainability and minimize environmental impact.
Industrial Safety:
In industrial facilities where methane leaks or accumulation pose safety risks, continuous monitoring is imperative. The Methane Gas Monitor offers real-time detection and alarm capabilities, ensuring prompt response to potential hazards and preventing accidents or incidents.
Investing in Cutting-Edge Gas Monitoring Solutions
In an era of increasing environmental awareness and regulatory scrutiny, investing in reliable gas monitoring devices is paramount for businesses and organizations. The Hetek Flow Sampler, Methane Quantification Device, and Methane Gas Monitor represent the pinnacle of innovation in methane detection technology, offering unparalleled accuracy, reliability, and efficiency. By incorporating these advanced instruments into their operations, industries can safeguard the environment, protect personnel, and achieve compliance with confidence.
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teklakonyvei-blog · 2 years
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Christina Lauren: Nem mézes hetek https://www.gyorgytekla.hu/2022/05/christina-lauren-nem-mezes-hetek/
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konyvekkozt · 11 months
vallomást teszek
mégpedig azért, mert most érzem készen magam erre. az elmúlt hetek vihara, fájdalmas saját élmények tépése után ma érzem készen magam a "vallomástételre". beszélni már régóta vágyom, de eddig túlzottan fájt
nevelő voltam Böjte Csaba szovátai házában, ott, ahol kiderült, a házvezető szexuálisan bántalmazott legalább egy neveltet
én az első házban éltem, semmi közöm nem volt a hátsó "kamaszházhoz" és nem is ért el hozzám semmi hír, mi zajlik "hátul"
de volt kilenc "fiam". azaz kilenc fiúval alkottunk egy "családot". mesterdiplomásként érkeztem, Magyarországról. mindvégig én voltam a "tápos". de semmi nem érdekelt, szeretni akartam a fiúkat, gyarapítani akartam őket
visszagondolva életem második leghosszabb bántalmazási időszaka volt az, mikor nevelő voltam. a lakásban nem volt fűtés és melegvíz. kreatív voltam. vettem víforralót, nagy locsolókannát és tálat. a két kicsi a tálban pancsolt. a nagyok locsolókannával fürdették egymást párban. mindig abban a szobában aludtak együtt, ahol a legmelegebb volt. heti kétszer fürödtünk (én is), túl nagy mutatvány volt. szombaton mindig, mert vasárnap misére kellett menni
a fiúkat nagyon szerettem. tudtam, hogy édeskevés vagyok, nem hogy a traumáikat nem tudom helyretenni, a tanulmányi előmenetelükhöz is kevés voltam. de voltak örömök. a minden ellenére fejlődtünk
ami ott volt, az értehetetlen, elmondhatatlan. két hónap után fele akkora voltam, mint az érkezésemkor. péntekenként a gyerekek nekem kenték először a vinettás kenyeret, hogy egyek valamit. az ételek romlottak voltak, tápanyaguk nulla
azt hittem, lesz segítség. pszichológus, fejlesztőpedagógus. semmi nem volt. én voltam ott, s igyekeztem jól szeretni, jól segíteni a tanulásban. s mellettem sem volt senki, nem adott választ senki a kérdéseimre
így éltünk mi. tudtam, hogy ez nem jó. de azt is tudtam, ezek a gyerekek szinte meghalnának, ha nem a házban lennének
utáltam Böjte Csabát, mint ahogy a házvezetőt is. tudtam, hogy a házvezető lop, tudtam, hogy lehetne fűtés a lakásunkban. de nem tudtam semmit tenni, mert magam is alig éltem
minden történet, ami előkerül, ami most kering, megráz. mert megéltem, ott éltem, kilenc fiúért felelős voltam. éheztem és fáztam, ahogy a fiúk is
nem vagyok rendben ezekkel a történetekkel. de a feldolgozásban eljutottam odáig, hogy el merjem mondani, ott voltam, nevelő voltam Böjte Csaba szovátai házában
közben mérhetetlen kettősség van bennem. szerettem a fiúkat, rengeteg jó élményünk volt együtt. de a sok pozitív élmény mellett ott van a tehetetlenség. nem tudom megfogalmazni miért és hogy nehéz ez
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yourfvckinnightmare · 2 months
Ha valódi volt köztünk a szerelem, akkor újra találkozni fogunk. Lehet, hogy nem hetek, hónapok vagy akár évek múlva, de újra kapcsolódni fognak az útjaink. S akkor majd jobban fogjuk csinálni, de addig maradunk idegenek...
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kezenani · 1 month
amikor végre akad 5 rövid perced magadra, és előkaparod a bögrécskédet, nescafét szórsz bele, a kávégépen beállított a dupla kávés nagyadagot és fahéjat is csippentesz rá, és kiöntöd a tálcából a vizet mert villog az a szar, és behúzod a rovátkádat (25 ft egy szimpla) amíg folydogál a nedü, és akkor végre megvagy ezzel minddel, a hűtőből is van érkezésed kihajigálni a hetek óta ott poshadó idegen dobozokat, profi módon kiválasztod a neved kezdőbetűjével megjelölt üveget és akkor ügyesen felöntöd a gondosan elkészített kávécskádat 100%-os happy day pirosbogyós gyümölcslével. lehet találgatni, mennyire éreztem az adott pillanatban boldognak magam.
viszont. íme a tyúk
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csakszavak · 1 year
Csak telnek a napok, hetek, hónapok és én csak egyre jobban beleszeretek…
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greenteaforbreakfast · 5 months
OK bye
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Szóval idén ma kel fel utoljára a nap. (Ami kicsit félrevezető, mert magát az égitestet hetek óta nem látni a hegyek miatt, meg a Föld görbülete ésatöbbi, de ugye hivatalosan.)
Viszont az időjárás app nagyon kedves, azért még egy fél Napot megenged nekünk tíztől kettőig:
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FÉL NAP!! Beszarás :D
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
I got one the follower bishops with someone that they love dearly but when their love goes on a missionary quest by the lamb they return with similar injures to them ( leshy 's love get blinded' hetek's get their voice permanently damaged, kallamar's lose their ability to hear, and shamura's get brain damage.)and survive it. Sorry for the long ask btw it just been in my head for a while now.
It's okay! I don't mind the long ask ^^
During your most recent (and probably last) missionary, something went horribly wrong.
All you remembered was a bomb scout attacking you, when they accidentally dropped a bomb in the struggle. It killed them but sent shrapnel flying towards your face before everything went dark.
You thought for sure you were dead. But luckily Ratoo rescued you and brought you to the heart chamber, helping you heal up in the red pool.
Unfortunately, it did nothing to restore your sight, though he guided you back to the cult grounds anyways, informing Lamb of your condition.
Leshy heard your voice and abandoned his current task to run over to you, smelling your fear and anxiety.
He was utterly confused as you called out his name and grasped the air. Surely you would have seen him right there. You were looking at him!
All he had to do was feel the scars around your face, realizing you couldn't see him at all. You have gone completely blind, just like him.
He immediately blames Lamb, wanting to put their head on a pike for sending you out on a missionary so ill-prepared.
However you insisted it wasn't their fault, telling him not to be so angry with them...and for once he listens to your pleas, opting to take care of you instead.
Until you're comfortable enough to navigate the cult grounds by yourself, don't expect Leshy to leave your side anytime soon.
You two might get matching blindfolds if Lamb deems it necessary to prevent infection (or if you're insecure about the wounds)
After retrieving some resources in Anchordeep, you returned to the cult grounds feeling okay, aside from a sore throat you got after unknowingly drinking contaminated water.
However Lamb insists you rest in the Medbay so you didn't spread anything and allowed you to be absent from sermons.
But they quickly realized that camelia tea, the "miracle cure" of all sicknesses, wasn't alleviating your ailment one bit.
In fact, by the end of the week..it had gotten to the point where it hurts too much for you to talk, your vocal cords having ultimately succumbed to the infection.
But you begged your leader not to tell Heket yet.
You've been her voice for so long. What would she think of you if you lost yours now?
Lamb respects your wishes, though it's difficult keeping her away from you as she demands to know what's going on.
You used to join her for meals every day...and now she feels quite lonely and doesn't know why or what she might've done.
Are you really that sick? Were you dying?
While Lamb's crusading, they had a follower guard the Medbay's entrance, but Heket easily shoves them aside so she can finally see you, asking what happened on your missionary.
You resort to writing how you lost your voice, feeling terrible about it as you knew this was entirely preventable.
But to your surprise, she's very reassuring and says you don't have to speak for her anymore, though she wishes you told her sooner. She was sad about you missing dinner with her :(
She's been reading a book on sign language (recovered from Silk Cradle by Lamb), promising to teach you so communication is easier.
The two most important phrases she wanted you to know are "I love you" and "are you hungry".
Regardless of how you received brain damage (be it a serious concussion or your head getting split open like theirs), it's going to be a difficult and painful healing process.
Lamb, Shamura, and even you had no clue how you survived the journey back to the cult with blood pouring down your face...but your leader immediately treats your wounds and orders you to rest up.
Whenever the arachnid visits you, seeing your head wrapped in bandages just like them, it breaks their heart to see you such a state.
While their memories get jumbled up at times, the one thing they always remember is how much they loved you.
However, your own memories got so badly scrambled that all you could recall is the Shamura from before--as the Bishop of War--and you begged them not to kill you.
Lamb ordered them to leave the Medbay so you'd calm down, but they're quite devastated over the matter.
For days they could barely go near you without you staring at them in terror.
As much as it hurts, they don't blame you. Only the cruel person who made you (quite literally) lose your mind.
With time and help from the other ex-bishops, they'd slowly regain your trust and explain how you fell in love with them, speaking in rhymes and simple poetry.
Sometimes you'd still forget, but they'll do their best to remind you.
Just as you have always done for them.
You know how followers will sometimes ask Lamb to send other followers on missionary quests?
Welp, this happened with you..and Kallamar was rightfully outraged, trying to convince you not to go.
But you reassured him this journey will be good for your spirit, asking that he sent you off in the evening.
And he reluctantly does, giving you a crystal as protective "charm".
He spends the next 1-3 days anxiously awaiting your return.
When you do come back, you're alive but....not necessarily well.
He realizes this right away when he tries helping you get the bag off your shoulders, asking what happened and where you went.
Much to his confusion, you kindly ask if he could speak a bit louder.
It's not much longer after that when he realizes you've lost your hearing entirely.
If you became deaf due to a loud explosion leaving you with permanent damage, he wouldn't have suspected anything until Lamb confirms it.
If your ears got torn out in a similar fashion to his, he's going to notice that right away and freak tf out, bandaging what's left to the best of his ability.
He's convinced that one follower made Lamb send you away on purpose...and they get into a big argument that's only resolved by the fighting pit ritual.
Although you couldn't hear much of the cheering and shouting, you applaud Kallamar after he beats them up, happy he wanted to defend your honor.
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heteksolutions · 3 months
Advanced Gas Leak Detection and Repair Solutions: The GT Series
In the realm of industrial safety and environmental protection, the GT Series emerges as a revolutionary solution for gas leak detection and repair. Boasting cutting-edge technology and unparalleled performance, this series has become the preferred choice for businesses and organizations aiming to elevate safety measures, minimize environmental impact, and ensure compliance with regulations.
Precision and Sensitivity Beyond Compare
The GT Series sets a new standard by delivering unparalleled precision and sensitivity in gas leak detection. Equipped with state-of-the-art sensors, it can identify even the tiniest gas leaks, ensuring early detection and swift response to potential hazards. Such precision proves critical in preventing accidents and minimizing environmental harm.
Real-time Monitoring: A Game-changer
One standout feature of the GT Series is its real-time monitoring capabilities. With continuous monitoring, businesses remain informed about gas levels within their facilities, offering a proactive approach to swiftly address any leaks. This proactive stance reduces the risk of accidents and unexpected operational downtime.
Versatile Applications Tailored to Your Needs
Designed to cater to a wide spectrum of industries and applications, the GT Series proves its adaptability. Whether your operations fall within the petrochemical, pharmaceutical, or manufacturing sector, this series can be tailored to your specific requirements. From large industrial facilities to compact laboratories, the GT Series adapts and scales effortlessly, making it a versatile solution for any environment.
Remote Connectivity for Enhanced Control
In our digitally-driven era, connectivity plays a pivotal role. The GT Series is equipped with remote monitoring and control options, empowering users to access real-time data and make necessary adjustments from anywhere. This remote accessibility streamlines maintenance and management, saving valuable time and resources.
Compliance and Regulatory Support Made Simple
Adhering to safety and environmental regulations is paramount for businesses. The GT Series not only facilitates compliance but also simplifies the process. Its comprehensive data collection and reporting capabilities streamline documentation, ensuring seamless compliance with regulatory requirements.
The Significance of Gas Leak Detection and Repair
Gas leaks present potential hazards, including the risk of fire, explosions, and environmental contamination. The GT Series addresses these risks by detecting gas leaks before they escalate into major incidents. Timely intervention protects employees, assets, and the surrounding environment.
The GT Series represents a significant leap forward in gas leak detection and repair technology. Its precision, real-time monitoring, adaptability, remote connectivity, and compliance support render it an indispensable tool for modern businesses. Whether your goals are to bolster safety, reduce environmental impact, or streamline operations, the GT Series stands as a reliable and innovative solution capable of making a tangible difference.
Investing in the GT Series equates to an investment in the safety of your facility, workforce, and the environment. To delve deeper into the GT Series and explore its array of features, visit the dedicated product page on Hetek's website.
In a world where safety and sustainability reign supreme, the GT Series serves as a testament to human innovation and our unwavering commitment to safeguarding what truly matters.
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teklakonyvei-blog · 2 years
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Christina Lauren: Nem mézes hetek https://www.gyorgytekla.hu/2022/05/christina-lauren-nem-mezes-hetek/
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cry-baby-69 · 7 months
Nem tudom,hogy kinek kell ezt most hallania,de hidd el,jobb lesz!Tényleg jobb lesz,lehet hogy napok múlva,vagy épp hetek,hónapok múlva,és akár évekbe is bele telhet...DE hidd el jobb lesz...A fájdalom tényleg szűnni kezd egy idő után...Kevesebbet fogsz rá gondolni,hogy mi van vele,mit csinál, hogy érzi magát,vagy hogy épp kivel van...És minden egyes csalódás után, egyre jobban ki fog nyílni a szemed..Megtanulod lassacskán azt,hogy úgy szeress,hogy ne vakítson el a rózsaszín köd...Hogy lásd meg,azt aki,nem pedig azt akinek szeretnéd őt látni...És egy idő után a sok fájdalom révén elég erős leszel ahhoz,hogy elsétálj onnan,ahol nem vagy szeretve,és becsülve..Megtanulod lassacskán azt is,hogy ne higyj a szép szavaknak, csakis a tetteknek..Ne azt nézd mit mond, hanem azt,hogy mit tesz ÉRTED!Tanulj meg várni, igen tudom hogy nehéz,és azt is,hogy rossz egyedül...DE még mindig jobb egyedül lenni,mint egy mérgező kapcsolatban szenvedni!
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pajjorimre · 4 months
Hetente 2-3 kép instára Dubaiból,
mintha hetek óta ott lenne és néha dobna fel egy-egy fotót, *igen, üzleti út, karácsony óta itt vagyunk meg még maradunk is egy darabig* mondja mindenkinek, nem nagyon okos, közben meg tegnap találkozott a VI kerületben egy haverunkkal, neki is a tartozásait törlesztgeti, mindenfele, az egész család khr-negatív, nekem is tartozik pár tízezer forinttal, mondjuk mondtam hogy ennyit megért hogy soha többet ne kelljen találkozni vele
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