elysian-cheryl · 8 months
I am a hoe. I think about it everyday. I love the thought of how someone is able to make me scream and hurt me so much. That scars and burns take over my body. I am useless. I deserved death to take my soul and never give it back.
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elysian-cheryl · 11 months
!- Precious d3*th-!
( Warning: D3ath and Suc!d3 )
Does it even matter if I end my own life at such a young age? Everyone is going to die anyways. Why should I keep on living? I have nothing to live for and there is an empty feeling in my chest. Death and psychology is the only thing on my mind.
It's a wonderful thing. All good things come to an end and evil things continue to thrive. Nothing last forever because time doesn't wait on anyone.
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elysian-cheryl · 1 year
❣️-Beloved flower-❣️
Trigger warning: Mentions of Death, Razor, and Bottles. Toxic relationship.
My dear beloved, It hurt's to see you like this. You always think it's your fault. Why can't you stop. This isn't good for you. Please stop. Your beautiful dark colored eyes lost it's shine. So empty like the void. You put so much effort in your relationship.
They never cared dearly. Please let go of it. Let go of them. You are such a good friend. A kind honest one. Tears turn into smiles because of you. Dearest, You always try to be a good person. Take a break.
You didn't listen. You want to try your best in everything. When you help others. They get support and feel better.
You called for help.
No one cares.
No one even try to comfort you.
They won't answer to your cries.
You are too kind for your own good but you see the worst in everything.
It's okay to show emotions around others.
Ma chérie, let it go. I love you so much. Let me take your hand and put a ring on it. I can't handle your death. I know everyone dies some point in their lives. But it hurts to know the person creates you is gone. While I am still here in your notebook. We might as well die together but you will not like that. You always say "A creator work will continue to thrive. If the creator believes in it".
Amor, you are like a flower in agony. Let go of the razor and bottles. Even though, You lost your motive to live many times. You continue to bloom like a flower in spring.
Elysian Cheryl. My beloved darling.
It's time for you to rest.
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elysian-cheryl · 1 year
"You have seven personalities but one body. What is your end goal?"
Those words won't stop yelling at me Why can't they shut up? Answers don't always come down as they, please. They are nomadic. Making it hard to find them.
I can give answers away if I want to. It's my life. My choice.
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elysian-cheryl · 10 months
The phone call
December 3, 2022
Hey, listen.
I understand that you won't ever talk to me again. I know that I messed up on that day.
It was extremely messed up for me to do.
I couldn't let it happened.
It was stupid.
I couldn't let it happened.
I couldn't stay there like a coward and like.
Rely on you for everything.
I don't mean it in a negative way.
You just did so much.
Everyday, You gave me kindness.
In return, I stay back and give you hatred.
I didn't know.
I didn't know how to act in that situation.
Everything was so normal.
It was so suddenly.
It was like a flash.
It was so hard to keep it inside.
I just thought.
I was protecting you.
How stupid I was?
I thought I was protecting you,
But in reality.
It was my own desire.
That I kept away so long and never expressed it.
It has been a long time since I expressed my desire and It feels amazing to let it all out.
It really does. Okay?
I'm being honest.
All the way to my juicy heart. I am.
I'll give you one last chance to confess.
Your precious feelings to me.
I'm really positive that it's love.
It has to be it.
It might be kindness.
I love you way too much.
But, deep down inside.
It's not love.
It's not love.
It's not love that I'm feeling.
It can't be it.
It's stronger than that.
I can't just let it go.
I work so hard.
How can I let you go.
Huh? You are too perfect.
I really want to get in your insides.
My obsession is willing to spill blood
Just for you.
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elysian-cheryl · 10 months
§~Glitchout Chapter one~§
Date: March 19, 2023
Created by: Elysian Cheryl
Created on: Google Docs
(Repost is allowed but please credit me.)
At any time, you can create anything. It could be a creation that can either harm or save people's precious tears from running. Goodness heals wounds that cannot heal on their own. Healing is excruciatingly painful. It's better to stop now, but the first warmth was so nice and cozy.
In the present, it is used as a coping mechanism to avoid pain. The desire to be Eunoia is caused by pain. The desire is still a fantasy. A diary page that attempts to be private If the diary is available to the public.
What will their reactions be? Will they believe the dairy owner requires assistance or that the dairy is a story? The owner's dream will never come true.
The owner's dream is to be a good person, but the pain is so great that they think, "I'm not a good person. Kindness is due to a good person. While I deserve to suffer. Every bit of pain, even if it's on my thighs. I'll cover it up the same way I cover up my emotions. I'm not making this up. Why would I ever lie about my pain". Fear of being injured. Thrown out like garbage and abandoned to die. Is it preferable to leave?
It's still too early to leave. What about the act of creation? It must be completed. Otherwise, it will be a waste of time, and the tears that fall. All of those stupid ideas will return. Return stronger and more lethal.
It's a ruminative state. They are nothing. They don't have a reason to exist. So, what makes them so suitable for life on Earth? That used to be great, but it's now full of hatred.
Hatred corrupts people's minds and causes them to commit heinous crimes. Acts that cause distress to others. It's a fight between denial and truth.
Regardless of how far they run, Whether it is positive or negative, the truth will always triumph. Even if they accept the truth, There will always be that one thought saying "Death is a new truth, and Life is now the old truth". Whatever happens, there is always that one shadow.
 A single creation can change a person life forever.
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elysian-cheryl · 10 months
All characters in Flowert
By: Elysian Cheryl
Song choice:
Solution (A shadow pretending to be a glow):
Galusion (A glow pretending to be a shadow):
Side character:
The Psychologist: Meraki Metonia
The Adventurer: Sonder Selcouth
The Gardener: Solandis Latibule
The Dancer: Eunoia Moria
The Executor: Irenic Ludic
The Author: Orphic Dern
The Creator: Elysian
Host - Archon
Obsession - Callidora/Xaria
Sadness - Hitori
Insanity - Mashaka/Aella
Joy - Beatrice/Kalea
Hatred - Anima
Forgetful - Letha/Lola
📚Hosten Eyes📸
Beloved Darling - Elysian Cheryl
Host - Ulric/Alaric
☯️ Lightness☯️
Shadow - Evil spirit
Solution - Evil spirit pretending to be a good spirit
Glow - Good spirit
Galusion- Good spirit pretending to be an evil spirit
Shadow Wonders:
Twelve types of shadow wonders have been said to be blood-hungry monsters or pure as light. Many articles have stated the many stories about shadow wonders are nothing more than fantasy. Since there is no photograph and video to prove their exitance.
Only stories and artwork about these creatures remain. A few theories appear here and there like this creature is based on folklore but that's far from the truth. There are six types of Shadow Wonders judges seeking and giving good. The other six are executors in the darkness.
Pure as light.
Unknown as the darkness.
^-The end-^
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elysian-cheryl · 11 months
Freedom flower bird
Date: Sunday, June 4th 2023
Time: 11:55AM
I wish I can bloom as a flower and be free as a bird.
I'm just fourteen years old.
A teenager like me is supposed to be exploring the world and have a motive to live for.
It's not fair of how others gets a reason to live and keep it.
I keep getting a reason to live on and off.
I have been doing my best to life but it's not good enough.
I believe I'm better off dead because everyone and everything will die soon. It's better to leave early.
The sooner the better
Death is going to hurt but you will be in peace for enterity
As days past by after your death
Everyone will soon forget you
So, Live life to the fullest
I don't know what to do with life
It's such a precious thing and I want it forever.
Life is time and time doesn't wait on anyone
The same thing for freedom
Freedom is very limited
It's such a precious thing to handle
It's fragile just like a flower
If you abuse it too much
It will withered away
Handle everything with care
Everything is important in their own ways and have wishes
Do you think a stars and spirts have wishes that they want to be free?
No one can get what they want
It's part of life
Everyone can not be free as a bird and bloom as a flower.
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elysian-cheryl · 11 months
~Success to failure~
Warning: Low self-esteem and d3ath
Am I just not good enough for this world to be treated this way? I'm trying my best, but I think what I'm doing is not good enough for the world.
Will I ever be good for this world? All I have to do is put in more effort. If I don't put in the effort, then I won't succeed.
Everything I want needs money. I don't have any, but it's okay if I get multiple jobs. Those multiple jobs will help me and others.
I'll pay for myself and others. I'll put in the effort to succeed. If I don't succeed, then who am I? I'm much better off dead. Everyone is going to die soon.
So, why should I bother at all?
I don't dare to end my life.
I don't know what's stopping me.
I try to look for the answer.
Every day.
I always come to a dead end.
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elysian-cheryl · 1 year
    .-Ocean blue-.
Trigger warning: Implied su!c!d3 and mention of d3ath
The ocean is a beautiful place to go, but it is also deadly. There are so many dead bodies that no one can get to them. I have always wanted to kill myself, even at a young age. The world is cruel. I want to live because I want to discover a reason to live, but I also want to die since I have no reason to live.
I'm just a teenager. Only 14 years old. Am I supposed to live life to the fullest and have a good life? No one cares. People will use others for their own needs, not caring if that person is going through a difficult time.
That happened to me way too many times. The ocean and forest are the only places I want to be. It's a beautiful place, but a deadly one. I can stay in the ocean for the rest of my life.
There are many ways for me to commit suicide and die peacefully. Starving and drowning sound like the most painful ones. I prefer my death to be fast, like having my head cut off or my body sliced in half.
At the same time, though, I want to die slowly from a stab in the chest or poison. How sad, and what a pity. All good things come to an end, and evil continues to live. It is a shame that this is the circle of life. In the circle of life, there is beauty and ugly.
Some people, both beautiful and ugly, are drawn to them for their own purposes and die as a result. The other good and bad things lead to achievement.
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elysian-cheryl · 1 year
!- A cruel fate-!
Warning: Mentions of scrafice and overworking.
Darling, Don't you know that it isn't good to overwork yourself? You know this already. So, what's stopping you? If you want to change for the better. You have to sacrifice the things you love. Every choice you make will get you or someone hurt.
The decision you made cannot be changed. Make educated decisions, but act quickly because time doesn't wait for anyone.
No matter how many times I tell you and you listen. You keep getting hurt. It's my fault. Isn't it? I'm sorry. This world is cruel.
Something will cause this world a cruel fate for everyone at any time.
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