#i accidentally quoted himym
missmagooglie · 1 year
The way Jonathan so confidently says, "because if I told her the truth, she'd just throw her dreams out the window to come out here and be with me"
Like, bro. My dude. Are we talking about the same Nancy Wheeler here? The Nancy Wheeler that chose to follow a story rather than listen to your concerns about keeping your job and got you both fired last summer? The same Nancy Wheeler who is CURRENTLY choosing to spend her spring break working on a *school* newspaper rather than fly out to visit you? That Nancy Wheeler is gonna unthinkingly give up her spot at her dream college so she can move to California and be your girlfriend?
My guy. You are not Nancy Wheeler's first priority. And it is very likely that by not being honest with Nancy about your college plans, what you're actually doing is protecting yourself from admitting that.
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
if it's alright to ask, what made you not wanna have kids? i don't either for my own reasons but i'm curious about yours
I just never wanted kids, was freaked out by the very concept of pregnancy when I was a kid, I really don't have any motherly instincts, and I don't want the responsibility. I held a child ONCE it was terrifying.
Also, to quote Robin from HIMYM, babies are scary, okay? The tiny hands, the giant eyes, and the soft spot on the head? If you're gonna have a self-destruct button at least make sure it's somewhere it won't get accidentally pressed.
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another relationship advice post:
to my younger followers on here, if i have any…. although i know tumblr apparently ~no longer has adult content~ bc of the ~porn ban~, take it from someone whose been on here since before the porn ban, since 2011: please have your awkward phase of sex exploration first along with the whole losing your virginity (not real) before doing anything that involves the shit you may see/even reblog here on this hellsite. and if you want to get into some of the stuff you see portrayed on here like idk bdsm and degradation kinks or whatever, please do some research first before you get involved in it.
because, when i started on here in 2011 and up until like 2015 maybe, i liked infrequently reblogging shibari posts- which is a type of like both japanese rope art and a form bdsm. and like….. instead of having my first experience of sex being the typical awkward story or the accidental tipsy/drunk teen regret story people have, i instead was focusing on wanting to have a probably very intense first experience of sex, wanting to be tied up etc, to have a very “mature” relationship (and some of it was tied to the whole “i want an older hot emo boyfriend who’d probs like that stuff!!! i’m so mature for liking this stuff!!!” bs mindset i had to be all like “i’m not like other girls!!!”) instead of y’know. just wanting to chill out with a boy my age and having the awkward thing, without thinking about more intense experiences. mind you, nothing ever ended up happening bc of me being (ironically) incredibly anxious and shy around sex and relationships bc of bad experiences with the whole dating thing, but still.
like obvs, i didn’t actually know what bdsm or shibari (which is what these posts were depicting a lot of the time) was….. i was always focussing frequently on the tattoos or lingerie that most of the women featured in those photos had on their bodies/were wearing. and sometimes yes i did have tags like “ooh pretty ropes!” or some dumb shit to appreciate how the shibari (or general bdsm) ropes were tied as like an art form.
on top of the above, if the word shibari was mentioned on/in a photo/photoset caption, i never looked it up at the time. hell, it wasn’t until i was literally like 22 that i bothered to look up what shibari was and bothered to look into bdsm a little bit more, considering that half my dash was talking about it and also it was more mainstream bc of 50 shades of grey (not counting that the portrayal of it in 50 shades is terrible, but that’s a whole other post). moreover as a teen, i also had a notion of wanting to be like samantha jones in sex & the city and also barney stinson from himym (more on the sex worker kind of side of things- ie all my jokes about becoming a hooker/stripper/dominatrix when i got older which never happened), and try things like having sex experiences with sex swings et al. mind you, those never happened. but still. you get the point that teen me wanted to have vastly more mature experiences than what she really needed to have: a normal, awkward and non-intense sexual experience for her first time. it didn’t need to be bound up with intricately tied ropes, which lets be real…. she would’ve had trouble with both tying up and untying in general.
i did not need to swing from the roof of an early 20 something guy’s (yes that’s how much older i wanted the guy to be than me believe it or not) room in a sex swing. i did not need to sound like a dominatrix or even identify as a “dom” or a “sub”- not that i took it as far as the last part- but still. the connotation is there. and the language of dom and sub was defs through my dash on this hellsite pretty frequently, along with the words/phrases of “daddy” and “whore” and “dirty little slut” and other sexual phrases that yeah you use in sexting and whatever, but teens shouldn’t use to describe themselves as, in a sense. or to quote rihanna’s hit song of 2010/2011 s&m i did not need to have “chains and whips excite me”- which is kind of part of my joke at the time that what if i turned up to school in nothing but expensive lingerie and a riding crop to discipline the rowdy boys in my class???? which was based slightly on by the marketing around jennifer’s body, which was released when i was in year 8 in 2009. i just was a over-sexualised mess really lol.
moreover, something i’ve realised over the years, and with writing this post, is that i probably should’ve “lost it” to clear braces boy, who i’ve talked about before, or even rich boy both while i was at catholic school in years 9 & 10 (or even years 11/12 in 2012/2013 for rich boy- or even rich boy’s bestie that RB kept trying to hint at me to hook up with instead of him). i just needed a guy my age, who was nice to me lmao. not some older dude who could’ve/would’ve defs pressured me to do even more intense things than what i’m talking about on this post.
hopefully too, then, that would’ve negated my stalker at public school from obsessing over wanting to take my virginity in years 11 and 12 in 2012/2013…. but with his violent fixation on aggressive anal fisting and never letting me have a word in consent; i just KNEW i wanted no part in touching him. and also it would’ve negated mr “why the fuck won’t you let me give you sex lessons in the back of my car as payment/exchange for teaching you to drive???” guy giving teen me his entirely toxic and sexist lecture about how apparently his dick would’ve apparently “fixed” 18/19yo me from being a virgin and supposedly turned her into a “real woman whose had real dick!” or whatever absolute batshit bullshit he said to me in 2014.
just. my point is, when you’re young on here, you can find anything on here that can be painted as “cool” or “pretty” or “artsy”…. while also being a sexual experience that older users are reblogging… but please do your research. and know that you absolutely don’t need to seemingly be into bdsm or shame kinks or anything at fucking 16, like i was. but if you do want to try it, please for the love of god, research it first.
this also means trying to have some boundaries with it too, considering that’s what a lot of these kinks and sexual experiences rely on. because at 16, i had no fucking idea what the fuck boundaries even were in relationships, bar from the one (1) like christian relationship speaker guy that came to all to both the year 10 to 12 girls and guys at the catholic school i was at in 2011, who told us girls that “as strong christian women with values, don’t live up to the porn standards that the boys you date might set for you or compare you to!” or whatever the fuck it was. also don’t compare yourself to fictional tv show characters either, no matter whether they’re from tween/teen shows (the big one for me in high school was skins uk) or popular older target audience shows like sex and the city.
and also like i said above, the concept of boundaries didn’t hit me until i met my stalker at school in 2012, and when trying to talk to men in general….. like when weird girl cody (not her real name) at public school in 2012 kept trying to set me up with men anywhere in age range of 24 to 32 (to make them twice our age), solely on the basis of “we’re legal to fuck since we’re 16!”. like that doesn’t mean that i should fuck men who keep hinting that they really want me (a teenage girl!) to have the chest size of a porn star or playboy bunny girl, cody. what the actual fuck. and also the sex lessons in my car guy etc.
just i didn’t know what boundaries were until boys and men were constantly wanting to cross them or violate/negate them entirely, is my point. do not go into these intense sex acts without knowing what boundaries and safe words and safe sex and aftercare all are. because these are all the things these boys and men would’ve deliberately taken away from me because they “knew better” (all those older men and sex lessons in my car guy) or “only want to have it my way bc that’s that!” (my stalker, obvs as i’ve talked about in other posts).
and yes you can joke about the porn ban and there apparently being “no porn on tumblr”. but with pornbots being rife still, you can easily find some on your dash from time to time. but yeah. mostly you don’t have to engage with intense kinks to seem cool or to fit in with this hellsite or the internet in general (idk if twitter is like that but it probs is). for the love of god, have your awkward losing virginity story (although i still don’t have one in my late 20s lmao, so maybe this falls flat), instead of trying to force yourself to try to enjoy or just plain out try a very mature thing like bdsm/shibari idk other kinks just bc they’re all through your dash on tumblr or other social media….
finally, this post also fits in with the weird fixation of being a “top or a bottom” in the queer/gay etc side of things as well. you’re a frickin teenager. a kid. you do NOT need to classify yourself as a top or a bottom or a giver/receiver or whatever type shit that internet wants to try to typify different people as. just be you. just have your awkward experiences and don’t try to give into the pressure of having to up the ante of your sexual experiences when you’re so damn young.
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Long ass post ahead. TL;DR I found an old set of questions and decided to answer them again 7 years later because why not.
1: What are you wearing?
2014: Some Shorts and a shirt I accidentally stole from my brother.
2021: Panic! at the Disco shirt and some running shorts
2: Ever been in love?
2014: Oh yes, sadly...
2021: pfft.
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
2014: Not technically, but I once had my homecoming date hook up with another girl.
2021: hahahahahaha. Yes.
4: How tall are you?
2014: like 5 foot 1, maybe 2? I dunno.
2021: 5’4”, apparently
5: How much do you weigh?
2014: How about no...
2021: Who’s to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6: Any tattoos?
2014: Yes! I got one on my left shoulder blade not too long ago. I often forget I have it, actually lol.
2021: I’m up to five, and six is planned.
7: Any piercings?
2014: I do. I have double lobe piercings, and my left ear at the top. No non-ear piercings. Those seem uncomfortable to get, tbh.
2021: Uh...double lobe, helix, forward helix, tragus, nose, and septum.
8: OTPs?
2014: Marshall and Lilly on HIMYM. I mean, I think that's what this is asking. Right?
2021: I’m still not 100% sure what this means but I’m doubling down on Marshall and Lilly.
9: Favorite show?
2014: I'm still recovering from the ending of How I Met Your Mother, but I also love Criminal Minds, and the Big Bang Theory.
2021: HIMYM, Criminal Minds, Stranger Things, and Masked Singer.
10: Favorite bands?
2014: I pretty much love anything, so I'll try to shorten it to Love and Theft, Newsboys, t.A.T.u, Beast, and Fun.
2021: My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, twenty one pilots, Maroon 5, Relient K.
11: Something you miss?
2014: Going to the park and just lying in the grass with my friends or crushes. I know, I'm Cheesy.
2021: Not having responsibilities or bills to pay.
12: Favorite Song?
2014: ...why do they even bother asking this? Tbh, “I'll Be” by Edwin McCain, and “Hello, My Name is” by Matthew West
2021: “you should see me in a crown” by Billie Eilish and “no body, no crime” by Taylor Swift
13: How old are you?
2014: Nineteen. I feel old.
2021: ...twenty-six.
14: Zodiac sign?
2014: Aries, barely.
2021: (not) shockingly, I’m still an Aries.
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
2014: Just someone who's willing to go on cheesy dates at the park, and love me for who I am. And a Christian. Yea, I'm one of those people. Sorry...
2021: dude just someone who’s gonna stick with me.
16: Favorite quote?
2014: It's actually a verse. I love Jeremiah 29:11. It's actually part of what's tattooed on my shoulder; right below a cross.
2021: “it do be like that sometimes”
17: Favorite actor?
2014: Uhhhhh. Matthew Gray Gubler, or David Tennant. I love them both :)
2021: Matthew Gray Gubler.
18: Favorite color?
2014: Green, or pink. Depends on the shade and whatnot.
2021: pastels. mostly green.
19: Loud music or soft?
2014: If I'm alone in the car? loud. Anywhere else I enjoy my soft music.
2021: If I’m by myself loud but if there’s others I like to keep it low enough so we can still talk.
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
2014: My Room, or the park not to far from me. I like parks, if you haven't noticed.
2021: My room
21: How long does it take you to shower?
2014: Uh, probably about 10 minutes.
2021: Either 10 minutes or 45 minutes. There is no in-between
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
2014: About 30 minutes. I like to sleep tbh.
2021: Maybe 20 minutes at the most. Cutting off all my hair really took some time off my getting ready list.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
2014: heck no.
2021: hell no.
24: Turn on?
2014: Cute shy smiles, and geekiness. I love someone who I can be comfortable with.
2021: dorks with a lame sense of humor. I am all about the dad jokes.
25: Turn off?
2014: Those guys who try to make you uncomfortable, or act like they're super cool. I guess that would be douches, huh?
2021: the “oh you should smile more” men.
26: The reasons I joined Tumblr?
2014: I was trying to find a place where I could post stuff without my parents seeing it tbh. I like having a place where like 2 people actually know me.
2021: Because where else can I release the true psychotic chaos within me?
27: Fears?
2014: Being abandoned. And darkness, for sure.
2021: Finding out people only stayed in your life out of obligation and not out of their own choice. And spiders.
28: Last thing that made you cry?
2014: The guy I liked totally looked past me and started telling me about this other girl, after I told him how I felt (not RIGHT after, it had been about two months...but still).
2021: My mom manipulated me into showing up to something I didn’t want to because “I should really go visit family”
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
2014: My best friend and I say I love you after we hang up the phone Lol.
2021: Other than normal parent “Love You”’s, it’s probably been about 3 years.
30: Meaning behind your Tumblr name?
2014: I'm short, totally socially awkward in new situations (and with old friends, now that I think about it) and Idk about the fox. I just like foxes, I guess...
2021: There is no meaning. I like pancakes, space, and dragons.
31: Last book you read?
2014: If you don't count my English Lit book, then it was probably "Only the Good Spy
Young" by Ally Carter, but I don't remember.
2021: oh geez. It was probably “George” or “Rick” by Alex Gino
32: The book you’re currently reading? 
2014: Nothing yet. I do have that last Gallagher Girl book to read though. I'll probably start it this weekend.
2021: Nothing. But I never got to that last Gallagher Girl book...
33: Last show you watched?
2014: The Big Bang Theory.
2021: The Masked Singer
34: Last person you talked to? 
2014: My dad lol. We were watching the NFL draft.
2021: Guy friend of mine. I went to his place for dinner and some video games.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? 
2014: Good Friend
2021: hahahahahahahaha. We’re just friends.
36: Favorite food?
2014: Cajun. Blame my grandparents, that's what they cook a lot lol.
2021: Pasta
37: Place you want to visit?
2014: I wanna go to Alaska. Even though I know it's super cold.
2021: Europe. Specially Spain or France.
38: Last place you were? 
2014: I honestly left home like twice today, to bring something to my brother at the High school, then to bring him to a friends house. He has a better social life than me.
2021: Friends place to hang out. We played Stardew then ordered wings and watched a movie.
39: Do you have a crush?
2014: Yes. See question 28 lol. Also, there's this other guy who I got close to last year, but I haven't spoken to him in weeks, and it's killing me.
2021: See guy referred to in 34, 35, and 38.
40: Last time you kissed someone?
2014: Never. I have never kissed anyone. Well, besides like a kiss in the cheek from family. Yeah...
2021: wow it’s probably been about three years.
41: Last time you were insulted?
2014: Recently lol. I guess... I don't really pay attention, or care...
2021: I don’t know. Probably recently.
42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
2014: I'm just gonna act like this doesn't exist, cause idk what it's asking.
2021: Chocolate.
43: What instruments do you play?
2014: I can play the French Horn and Mellophone! I also want to learn the flute, but I can't unless I have something to practice lol.
2021: French Horn, Mellophone, and Ukulele. Still want to learn the flute.
44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
2014: My purity ring. If I forget to put it on, I can seriously feel the emptiness, and it bothers me...
2021: My septum ring! I feel like it’s the first piercing I got for myself, and not just something I thought others would like on me.
45: Last sport you played?
2014: Maybe Soccer? Idk.
2021: pfft. Sports.
46: Last song you sang?
2014: “I'll Be” by Edwin McCain. But I really don't sing well, so it doesn't happen much, unless I'm alone.
2021: “You Belong with Me (Taylor’s Version)” by Taylor Swift and I 100% sang it to my dog.
47: Favorite chat up line?
2014: I don't have one
2021: It’s been 7 years and I still don’t have one.
48: Have you ever used it?
2014: Since i don't have one, no.
2021: Nah.
49: Last time you hung out with someone?
2014: I hung out with my future roommate before I left college yesterday.
2021: When I went to the previously mentioned Guy’s house earlier today.
50: Who should answers these questions next?
2014: Well, I guess any of my followers can choose to, if they want.
2021: Bold of you to assume anyone’s actually going to see this.
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fourtuneshare-blog · 5 years
"How I Met Your Mother": 448 Minutes To Complete Sabotage To Success?
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Even though I’m such a big lover of argumentatively one of world’s greatest sitcom of all times “How I Met Your Mother”, until now, I realized something solely for myself from this series,
Something may sound super counter-intuitive:
If you want to be successful financially, “gang-ship” is a piece of sh*t to your life!
BEFORE “How I Met Your Mother”
Before we can go to the argument, “here’s how I met my lesson…”
It was a Friday morning and I woke up pretty late from last night’s work.
Normally, I would go to my favorite café and start kicking the hella the day by working 12+ hours straightforward (except for food and bathroom, etc.)
But something strikes me that day.
The laziness from getting out late eventually stuck me in bed the whole day, in the disguise of “I-promised-to-restart-my-day-again-perfectly-tomorrow-morning-but-for-now-I-gotta-finish-these-episodes-first!”
Looking back has made me realized something that probably has been always holding most of the entrepreneurs’ back to their success:
There’s no such thing as a “perfect day” It’s whether “take action” day or “make excuses” day! Vinh Pham 
I realized it’s not the laziness that paralyzed me. It’s the fact that I’m so afraid of getting shit done and continue with new shit that I’ve not to be familiar with.
Maybe it’s an Email Marketing campaign, maybe it’s public speaking, or maybe it’s just simply making a blog…
But THAT is the thing that really holds you back, so don’t ever wait for any “perfect” or “ready” moment.
It only started when you actually stop bitching and start making things happen!
AFTER “How I Met Your Mother”
Sorry for the language :)
So, back to my Netflix-and-Chill thing, I spent over 7 hours watching season 6, STRAIGHTFORWARD!
To be honest, I’m not going to deep into my favorite scene, should Robin marry Ted or Barney or sort of those things…
The point that I want to confess to you: it’s my confession about LOVE.
If you’re a true lover for “How I Met Your Mother”, you’re definitely at least ONE TIME wished to have those likable relationships in your life.
I mean, when Ted told us a story about his “the one”, we’d like to pick our most favorite gal (I choose Zoey first, you sucker!)
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And for me, there was a time that I wanted to be like Ted (some wanted to be Barney, your choices), accidentally bumped into a soul-paralyzing-smile blondie at some animal-saving charity, then having coffee, and so on…
Okay, PAUSE! Did you see something little paranoid here?
You totally get it! I was wasting time waiting that there eventually “the-one” bumped into you, that you’ll find your true love by being patient, that you’ll eventually meet your “fate”…
Here’s my confession: IT’s a fucking waste of time!
Instead of keep jacking off in front of the laptop screen, get your own chance! Vinh Pham 
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Go to some workshop, a charity, or a bar,… anywhere
Just don’t stay at home and keep bitching about other guys’ lucky to have their own HIMYM’s (no gals want to hear that either 0emo0)
One more solid proof?
Ted even has to go to strip clubs with Barney just to find his ’s!
So stop BITCHING around and go live your own life!
"How I Met Your Mother": A Complete Sabotage To Success?
So far you’ve heard all of the “bullshit theories” that I made ever since
And maybe you don’t believe those, but I got you here, right?
So please listen to this last one and it may SABOTAGE you badly:
The #1 to financial success: Tell me your friends and I’ll tell you your future! Dan Pena — the 50 BILLION DOLLAR man
“… Does it hurt me?” — You must’ve thought that, right?
I’m a truly big fan of 2 Dan’s work: Mr. Dan Pena and Mr. Dan Lok (you can see more of my profanities here)
So I learned this quote from Mr. Pena:
Tell me your friends and I’ll tell you your future! Dan Pena — the 50 BILLION DOLLAR man
Still not get it? Okay, I’ll explain more to you:
You’re the average of the 5 people that you’ve spent time the most with!
Still not get it? Okay, Ill explain furthermore to you:
Who are your 5 most “hang-out” guys and gals when you need to relax or chill after a hard day?
Still not get it? Okay, I’ll explain even as detail as it can ever get:
Take your most favorite character in “HIMYM” and then try to recall what their lives looked like during the series (full from 1 to 9)
Done? Yes, then how did you see that life AS a successful individual, say, Steve Jobs?
(Now it’s getting confused right? Like “What the fuck are you trying to talk here man?”)
Remember I told you about my #1 financial success tip?
“Yeah, yeah, tell me your friends and I’ll tell you about your future..., SO WHAT?” — you might say
Now if you were Steve Jobs: How did you feel about the life of… Ted Evelyn Mosby?
For real? A Complete Sabotage. Period.
You can have your own word for this one.
My Take-over: For those who want to be rich AND “chilled”…
The reasons why I brought my all-time-greatest-sitcom to this fully misleading sequences because I really want to wake yourself up!
When it comes to creating wealth, it’s not everyone’s dream:
It’s everyone’ desire but barely anyone gets shit done!
Now don’t get me wrong, if you’re happy with what you’re having now (like with the life of Marshall and Lily), then that’s fine, congrats for finding your path!
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But if you’re still bitching (complaining about your shit) about your financial and yet you still do some drinking and “chilling” with your buddies, then it worked!
“What worked?” — you may ask, and I’m appreciative about that…
Just simply ask yourself these similarities:
Does Elon Musk chill out?
Does Jeff Bezos stop?
What has Mr. Pena done for the last 35 years’ length of a lifetime?
I think you'll have the answer for yourself.
And that’s why I realized that maybe this symbolistic “gang-ship” will probably never exists in my life because of one simple reason:
Creating wealth is a FULL-TIME job!
So what I did next?
… So in midnight, I still had 2 episodes left for the whole season completed. Do you know what I do next?
I shut down my Netflix account, take down the app, and sit straight writing those words,
So what’s the movie that makes you initially think you’ve wasted your time watching it, yet you learned something from it eventually?
I know that you might feel confused or even angry at me being such an A-hole about our greatest sitcom, or not.
But I hoped that someone will understand my good intentions…
Anyway, What are your thoughts on (financial) success (and also about “How I Met Your Mother” or other movies?)
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textmeexo · 7 years
OT9/OT12 Masterlist
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Back to Main Masterlist
Calling them Oppa for the first time
Cheering you up when you’re in a bad mood
Hiding a surprise party from you
Confessing and getting rejected (age gap)
When you don’t say “I love you” back
When you’re both insecure about your bodies
Forgetting about the time difference
Helping you with your insecurities
Accidental phone exchange
Being overprotective
Accidentally calling them daddy
Checking up on you after a nightmare
They don’t like the nickname you gave them
Giving them the silent treatment ~
Finding out you ship them with Jongdae
When they really want to hug you
When someone is flirting/being inappropriate with you
When they had a rough day and you cheer them up
You get a puppy without them knowing
Failing at subtly asking you to move in
Teasing them because you heard them moan your name in their sleep ~
Teasing foreign girlfriend because she can’t use chopsticks
Teasing you because you have small boobs
Jealous about you fangirling over Jared Leto’s Joker
Teasing you because you moaned their name in your sleep ~
When you run away embarrassed after they hear you moan for the first time
When you want them to call you Jagiya and they tease you
Wishing you a happy birthday
When there’s been a mass tragedy in your hometown
When you tell them you’ve dated a girl in the past
Finding you (their little sister) has a thing with NCT’s Mark
When they’re obsessed with your curves
Giving you suggestive compliments because they love seeing you shy
Trying to calm down in public when you wear something they like
When you text them after a nightmare
They sext you but you troll them
Prank texting them with lyrics from their songs
When you have to walk home alone at night
Trying to set you up with Xiumin 
Trying to set you up with Xiumin 2
Trying to get you to wear a sexy halloween costume
When they have the day off
When they overhear you singing and love it
When they find out you make YouTube videos
Being encouraging when you have anxiety
Thinks you’re pregnant because they found baby clothes
You keep losing as their character in EXORUN
New Year’s away from each other
Trying to set you up with Yixing
When you fangirl over For Life/Lose Control
OT12 proposing - K-M
When they get in trouble
OT12 when you’re afraid of fireworks- K-M
OT12 when their pregnant wife walks out into the cold after an argument- K-M
Hearing you yelling at TV because of video game
Accidentally reveal your relationship in an interview
When you want to become a Disney princess
Worried when you lock yourself in the bathroom
Miss your southern accent
Quoting friends/HIMYM
OT12 Yandere! - K-M
Find out you have a tattoo of their superpower symbol
OT12 accidental nudes K-M
OT12 buying you lingerie K-M ~
Finding out you sleep talk/kick during nightmare
OT12 suggesting you move in together via your pets K-M
OT12 sulk after you beat them in video games K-M
OT12 When you have a sugar rush K-M
OT12 when you accidentally confess K-M
OT12 Little Mix lyric prank K-M
When you’ve been cheated on
OT12 when you choke on a potato K-M
OT12 asking about your home country K-M
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