#nancy wheeler has never in her life put her boyfriend first
missmagooglie · 1 year
The way Jonathan so confidently says, "because if I told her the truth, she'd just throw her dreams out the window to come out here and be with me"
Like, bro. My dude. Are we talking about the same Nancy Wheeler here? The Nancy Wheeler that chose to follow a story rather than listen to your concerns about keeping your job and got you both fired last summer? The same Nancy Wheeler who is CURRENTLY choosing to spend her spring break working on a *school* newspaper rather than fly out to visit you? That Nancy Wheeler is gonna unthinkingly give up her spot at her dream college so she can move to California and be your girlfriend?
My guy. You are not Nancy Wheeler's first priority. And it is very likely that by not being honest with Nancy about your college plans, what you're actually doing is protecting yourself from admitting that.
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leslie057 · 1 month
rating things owned by nancy elizabeth wheeler
because she’s got a lot of little things. mostly they are very cute and strange little things.
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starting off strong we have the prettiest tissue box in the world. 9/10, i think if i were sick it would make me feel better to have such a nice tissue box.
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i’m fairly certain this is her diary beside it because her diary looks pink in the upside down version of her bedroom. so this is probably it? 11/10, i want to read it so bad. and very sweet pic with mom—7.5/10.
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next up these pinstripe pants !! 10/10 i love them so much. oh and the index finger ring is there obviously, 8/10, such a consistent piece of her character.
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a ribbon for being the bestest girl ever in the world. 10/10. also the card of cardinals: 6/10, probably just a christmas card or something rather than a symbol of her love for birds. but i still like it.
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mr rabbit gets 11/10 for the name alone. and why does he look dead. i love him. he’s me.
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descent from xanadu: QUITE LITERALLY 0/10. at first i was SO excited to cheer her on for reading a sex and drugs book at school but as it turns out? bizarre and gross. seems to go heavy on nonconsensual stuff. i snagged a free pdf and command f’d for whore and bitch. lots of results obviously (one use of c*ck crazy bitch…lovely). it seems men in this book say a lot of sexist stuff that the women pretend to hate but love which i can’t imagine is great for a teenage girl to consume. also just not sexy at all.
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literally so bad, and this is not the worst of it.
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sooo bad. the author was what 70 (??) writing that his female character got clinically DIAGNOSED with being a slut for every guy she comes in contact with. i know options for sexy literature were probably limited at this time but…please go check out something else. i wanna bonk her on the head with this book (paperback) and hug her. you don’t need to read this to be cool and sexually aware. moving on.
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on the other side of that, the blondie calendar gives us a sense of the GOOD media she’s consuming!! a 10/10 no questions asked. we don't really get to see many of her hobbies or interests outside of investigation so this is a much appreciated detail.
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of course like all good things in life the blondie calendar does get replaced. its replacement is what i will call Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #1 seen in her room in s4. i give it a 4/10 because idk what’s going on really.
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and here is a very crunchy screencap of Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #2 from s4 which i will give a 5/10. note the boyfriend typical photography above it, for sure a 10/10.
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there is also Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #3 which gets an 8/10 because i like the composition and the piano player. where did she get this and why. interior decoration is her passion.
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the sleeping bag and crochet pillow setup. 7/10. would take a cat nap here.
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pluto!! 15/10, the best mickey mouse character i would say. i hope her cousin is taking good care of him.
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bulletin board 10/10. i love how obvious it is that she has had this up for forever. probably a nice constant in her life.
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and my favorite pic up there is this precious one. look at herrr. 5000/10.
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her floral weekender bag. 6/10, i like it, but not as much as i like the speedwalk and the toss into the backseat. she was SO ready for her lab takedown road trip.
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trapper keeper is a 9/10 because they probably put anything and everything on trapper keepers back in the day and yet still she chose this lovely understated hot air balloon. elegant.
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tom cruise poster is 1000000/10 actually. she is so loyal to that man. actually though not a great pic of him all things considered so maybe i give it a 999999/10. (i love it so much because i know for a fact that jonathan byers works proactively to never acknowledge this poster, because he is more mature than that.) (he is not more mature than that, in fact he is a little pouty about mr cruise.)
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KITTY FIGURINE. 10/10. i thought it was just in s4 but i found it on her other nightstand in s1. very very adorable. i imagine it is now one of the first things she sees in the morning (well that and her blue telephone: 8/10) which is bizarre and cute. the mixtape drawer gets a 10/10 for reasons that i don’t think i need to get into.
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white fingerless gloves! 10/10. so chic for monster hunting.
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black fingerless gloves from s4. hmmm 3/10, they're cool i guess but they don’t feel very nancy and the white ones are so much better. especially because you may get the splatter effect of monster blood on them in a battle scenario, which would be badass.
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piggybank (with her name on the side). 2/10 unfortunately i don’t like him. he looks at me like i took out his whole pig village and i just need some quarters. also did she paint this herself? in that case, 3/10 for customization lol.
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pastel underwear drawer: 10/10. her committment to the hollistic aesthetic and color palette of her room is impressive here. it was a good idea to use this drawer as a deterrence against her little brother and a money hiding place but clearly he has no manners and is a THIEF.
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STRIPED SOCKS. 10/10. i realize it's hard to see because she's moving so fast (slow down he is not going anywhere) but they are indeed stripey even though i would have guessed solid white. and wow what good sleeping socks. stripes are just cozier. hope she got lots of sleep in those.
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persage · 2 years
The Sweetest Thing-S. HARRINGTON
Summary : Getting back to your normal life is difficult, everyone faces it in their own way. Lately you've been baking non-stop and no matter how bad you are at it, Steve Harrington will eat every single cake you make just to see you happy. However, he will be forced - literally - to tell you the truth after the umpteenth food poisoning.
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Tags: None, just pure Fluff and Steve Harrington being head over hells for you
I just wanna thank @i-always-come-back-xoxo for the amazing idea!
"No! No it won't happen again. Ever. I object" Dustin shakes his head forcefully to underline his words and reaches out to push away Steve Harrington's hands while he is squeezing a dangerously ugly looking cupcake and bringing it to the mouth of the kid, in an ambush from which Dustin feels - to be completely honest - rather threatened. And no, the little purple butterfly made of sugar that you have put as a decoration doesn't improve the situation at all, which is simple and also frightening: in recent weeks, you have had a craving for making cakes and pastries that no one understands but that everyone indulges in. Like a particularly sadistic Santa Claus who enjoys giving terrible and almost poisonous gifts, you give them to your friends and any excuse is good for doing so: Jonathan's first job as a newspaper photographer, Nancy's college acceptance letter, Will's award for his painting, the compliments Lucas has received from the basketball coach and Max learning a new skate stunt or Mike's B in chemistry. Even Suzie's birthday is an occasion for you to bake a cake and you don't care if she lives far away and you don't  know her at all, it's is still an excuse to give Dustin something sweet to eat since he won't be able to be with her.
Today's excuse is the Eleven's  C in the  grammar test, not an achievement that deserves a disproportionate amount of cupcakes, as she herself admits, so when you show up at the cabin in the woods with a frighteningly large basket of sweets, the expressions of your friends is not enthusiastic at all and even if you prefer to ignore it you really notice it and silently walk away to smoke.
"Now you eat this damn cupcake" Steve scolds him, trying to force the food into Dustin's mouth, who disgusted rejects it again. He cares about this stupid cupcake like his own life depends on it, maybe Steve will never admit it outloud and he thinks he's also pretty good at hiding it, but he hates to see you sad and cares very, very much about you. To be fair Robin says he doesn't hide it at all, that he's completely incapable of doing it, physically. Hiding his crush on you would be like asking him to go against gravity.
"I don't have a crush!" That's all he can answer.
"I don't want to die! This is torture Steve" Dustin almost screams and Steve slaps him on the back of the head to make him stop. He doesn't want you to hear. "He's not entirely wrong." Robin backs him up, smelling another cupcake and quickly pulling it away from her nose. "I think it's charred" she comments, watching it crumble in her hands. "Yes this is disgusting and y/n will never have to know it, so you" Steve points at Robin. "and you" He then points to Dustin. "And you all will eat what she has made for us with so much love" There is something authoritative in Steve's tone and if it wasn't for Nancy, who certainly isn't scared by her ex boyfriend freaking out about a dessert, maybe to be honest Jonathan would be folded from Harrington's words .
"You know I love y/n but we've been eating everything she makes for weeks. Someone should really tell her baking it's not for her"  The Wheeler girl says crossing her arms over her chest and glancing towards the window where she can see you fidgeting with your cigarette between lips.
"Do you want to break her heart Nance? No because this would certainly be the perfect way to do it" Steve comments as Mike rolls his eyes. "Yes, but in this way y/n destroys my stomach" It is his ironic intervention  but he is also more annoyed than the others. Insensitive, insensitive Wheeler, Steve thinks, shaking his head. Is it possible that no one understands you except him? Steve looks for a while at the cupcake he holds in his hands like a bullet that could kill him, then he turns towards you, beyond the glass of the window the sunlight reflects on your hair and you are so beautiful, so damn beautiful and sweet and special that the idea that others don't know how to appreciate you drives him crazy. He doesn't want to admit it but your new cooking fixation almost scares him, he's afraid there's something worrying you that you can't talk to them about.
The truth is that your friends are facing big changes, some of them are really becoming adults and some others are growing up before your eyes and you have the feeling of standing still, of doing nothing for them, of not being good enough to show them that you love them and that they are your family: that's why you bake, because you feel it's the only way you can give them something of your own, a piece of you, of your time and effort. Yet their expressions make you fear that you have exaggerated, that you are always too much, that you are wrong. You've always had this problem, you don't know half terms and half measures, if you love you love deeply, hard to the point of perhaps making people hate you. That's why you never had the courage to let yourself go with feelings, that's why after years you still haven't told Steve that you love him or Nance that she's your best friend or Max that she's the sister you never had. You try not to think about it and with the last draw of your cigarette you find the courage to go back inside.
"Don't do it Steve" Robin whispers, seriously worried. " It could be carcinogenic"
"Dude" Dustin says placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I have loved you"
Steve looks at the cupcake uncertainly, his attention is captured by the door that opens revealing your figure. He smiles at you, hoping that in these weeks of terrible ordeals, you've finally learned something and with an almost trembling hands he brings the dessert to his mouth. It only takes one bite to realize you haven't learned anything and to realize that Steve Harrington has only two options: spit it out now and let you down forever (erasing any chance of success in his 5-step plan to get married and have kids with you in the future within the next four years) or end up in hospital with a second food poisoning within a month. Needless to say, he chooses the latter, without a doubt and without thinking too much about it. Honestly he would do it again a thousand times anyway.
"Mhhhh it's the best thing I've ever eaten" He says, pretending so badly that your gaze goes from the still full basket to Steve's now white face - which has lost color all of a sudden - and then to the doubtful expressions of the others . Max is the first to approach the basket, silently grabbing a cupcake and eating it with a smile on her face closely followed by Lucas and Will, who approaches you to give you a kiss on the cheek and thank you. "Next time I want Eggos though" El comments, giggling as she bites her muffin. You smile and nod. "For you Eggos El, got it"
"You don't eat it?" Jonathan asks you, taking a second bite with difficulty. “Oh no, I'm not a big fan of desserts… They're all for you” you reply, giving him the biggest smile in the world. A smile so wide and happy that Steve has never seen a more beautiful one, for this reason he nudges Jonathan without restraint when he ironically replies. "Oh you're lucky, good choice"
"You should try them you don't know what you're missing" Robin hastens to comment, glancing at her best friend. "Next time, I promise" And now all eyes are on Steve, because it's clear that there doesn't have to be a next time and it's clear that he'll have to tell you. After all, the brilliant idea of ​​lying to you about your baking skills was his, from the beginning.
Love makes people do stupid things, like let themselves be poisoned like this.
Two days later they all have stomach problems, someone more, others less, and Steve receives a call from Nancy, lying in bed with a vomit pan next to her. The conversation sounds more like a threat than a chat between friends . "Tell her" she simply orders without admitting replies, then she hangs up. The only survivor of this sweet massacre is Eddie, who was unable to eat anything due to his allergies. "I'll find a recipe for you too" You swear to him. "Oh you don't have to bother y/n, really." He pauses the "I'm serious, don't do it" He chuckles.
His presence during these days prevents you from missing others too much and Steve has to admit - as well as being a little jealous - that he hates Munson because it also prevents you from noticing the amazing coincidence that all the people who has eaten your cupcakes are now sick. And if you don't notice it by yourself it means that Steve will have to tell you and he really,  really doesn't want to. He's not ready.
But it happens, when he decides to visit you on a Monday morning and catches you in the act. You open the front door for him with a quantity of flour on your face, clothes and face that looks like you blew up a whole package, and he can't to hold back a  laugh while he wipes your nose. "Has a hurricane passed?" He asks.
"I'm still having trouble organizing myself when I bake, but I'll improve on this too" You reply, walking towards the kitchen as he follows you.
"What are you baking?" He question uncertainly, analyzing the bowls on the table. "I'm trying to make a cake for Eddie, you know with his allergies he never got to taste anything" You reply. Eddie, Steve tries to ignore his stupid jealousy. "That's nice of you" He crosses his arms over his chest while he watches you go back to kneading with far too much violence, so much so that it seems you're tormenting the flour. "You should be more delicate in your movements" He advises you. You roll your eyes. "Isn't it enough for you to be an altet , prom king and the hero of the city, now also a baker! Then what, a chef? A rockstar?" You try to hide irritation in your voice, the truth is that for once you want to be good at something and you want Steve to notice. He sighs and goes to wash his hands before walking up to you, he gets behind you and grabs your  own hands, showing you the right movement.
"You know when I turned twelve my mother stopped organizing my birthdays, she was never there and neither was my father. Sometimes they even forgot to call me, let alone buy a cake. So I decided to do it by myself, no, not buying the cake but making it myself. Cooking helps me, it's not only the fact that I had to learn to survive on my own relatively early, but it helps me de-stress." You turn to him, blinking without words. You've never thought his situation was so terrible, Steve has always masked the absence of his parents and his own traumas behind a smile and even now, although there is a sort of melancholy in his eyes, he continues to smile. Suddenly your problems, your anxieties seem small and useless and you feel ashamed of them.
"I'm sorry" You whisper, voice coming out broken.
"And for what?"
"I've never noticed" He comes closer, caresses your hand so small under his. "Hey. That's okay, I'm just saying that I can help you. I have a thousand talents by the way" He plays down and you smile.
"I feel I'm getting pretty good."
This time Steve can't mask the change of expression and this time you can't ignore it.
"What's up?" You ask uncertain.
"I've come to tell you something" He begins, continuing to squeeze your hands gently. "We appreciate what you do, really.."
"But?" You interrupt him, trying to stop the intrusive thoughts: but you're exaggerating, but we think you're crazy, but we're not your friends, but you should give us our space.
"But y/n, I don't know how to tell you... you're a bad baker. Like terrible to be honest. " You stay silent as a weight lift from your heart. "Oh God I really don't want to offend you, we've tried to wait to tell you but yesterday Nance called me, she threw up again, she was feeling terrible and so were the others and they couldn't take it anymore" You burst out laughing. "Are you telling me that in recent weeks you have been ill and still have continued to eat my desserts?" He nods, relieved to see you calm and happy. He doesn't know why he expected to see you cry, I mean it's  y/n we're talking about, the same girl who bravely fought so many monsters, he knows you're strong, he really does but maybe this is what love is: wanting to avoid any disappointment, even the smallest. And Robin is right, there's no reason to keep denying it, Steve Harrington loves you with every part of his being.
"I forced them to eat lately, they were starting to rebel against the idea, that's why they've sent me to tell you"
You shake your head. "You are crazy, you shouldn't have eaten this crap." You say, pulling free from Steve's grip only to point at the misshapen dough. "But you all are also adorable. You are" You continue.
"We love you and we know you do it for us. And also we had hope you would have improved at some point to be honest" He explains, without moving away from you, so close that you're almost crushed between his body and the table. He smells like home and safety and all the good things in life.
"I think this cooking thing is more a way to erase the fear you know, not only to show that I care about you all. It helps me, keeps the nightmares away. Sometimes when I can't sleep I cook and I feel better" You explain, with a little shame bowing your head. With his hands still covered in flour, Steve grips your chin between two fingers, gently he raises your head so that you can look at him and his dark eyes are filled with an emotion that you don't remember ever having seen or felt, so intense that a shiver runs down your spine. He would like to take all of your nightmares, your bad memories, your pain and make them his and if he could go back in time he would do everything to keep you out of this cursed story of the upside down even if this means erasing years of your relationship and returning to the starting point: when Steve Harrington was a douchebag you deeply hated. He would, to make your life better, but he can't and all he is able to do is give you comfort and everything he owns.
"It's honestly way better than our ways of copying, I mean Nancy literally has an arsenal in her room, Jonathan needs to smoke at least a joint to sleep, Robin calls me every damn night and makes me talk to her until she falls asleep, sometimes she runs away from home to come to me cause she knows damn well she will find me awake. And you know what's my brilliant method is? To guard the house, walking around like a zombie  with the bat in my hands. I keep it under my bed and sometimes I hit the air for no reason so trust me you are handling this  way better than us." Without thinking about it you throw yourself into his arms, clinging to his torso and hiding your face in the hollow of his neck, moved by an inexplicable overwhelming affection.
"You know you might come over here sometimes, if you can't sleep." You confess, realizing too late how out of place and misunderstandable your words are. But he hugs you back and places a kiss on your head and you are glad Steve can't to see your face turning red.
"Does anyone need cooking lessons here then?" He asks laughing, while he lets his hands dirty with flour run through your hair, caressing it and at this point you don't even care anymore who's dirtying who, there's just you and him and the burning smell of something you left in the oven, the minty scent of Steve and his words.
"Someone told me there's a great teacher around"
He puffs out his chest in satisfaction and pulls away from you just far enough to look you in the eye.
Sooner or later he will tell you that he loves you, it will happen because he feels his heart overflow, it will happen because he feels that it is his destiny. You are. And you will bake a cake together for your birthday then maybe, if he is lucky enough, for your children's ones. One day, not today. Today he is just your friend Steve who teaches you how to cook, who erases your fears, who creates new happy memories with you and promises to always be there. There is nothing more precious in the world.
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powderblueblood · 3 months
how would they handle a pregnancy scare?
TW pregnancy scare i guess WHOOPS it’s ANGSTY in here lmao
HAHA. well!
“did this take this long the first time we did it?”
oh, you mean the first time they did it when lacy bought nancy wheeler’s pregnancy test and they had to wait around in the freezing broken boys bathroom in the middle of midwinter to see if harrington had sired something?
“no,” lacy says, extracting her little finger from her mouth where she’s chewed it to mince, “time has slowed down to a glacial pace in order to punish me for my sins.”
eddie, sitting in the bathtub, attempts a grin. he’s not feeling too spiffy either. “getting locked out of wed?”
“coming off the fucking pill.”
how late is she? late enough to mention, late enough to worry. see, lacy’d been on the pill since they began this little world-axis-shifting dalliance of theirs so she and eddie had enjoyed the luxury of bareback, so to speak. she had put a lot of faith in that thing, but it so happened that she started getting these splitting migraines and low, low, low moods so her campus doctor had suggested that she come off the pill for a little bit. see if that changed anything. hormone imbalance and all that.
problem was, it was kind of hard to remember that she had come off it. those first couple of times, it was kind of an event, lacy making sliding that condom onto eddie almost ritualistic in a way that had him near to busting. but a time or two after that, it kinda… slipped their mind.
it happens. right? or is she stupid all of a sudden?
eddie’s a good boyfriend. drove her right to the drugstore, walked her right up to the counter so at least if the clerk gave her a dirty look, he was giving it to both of them.
but there’s just… something…
“you haven’t… changed your mind or anything?”
the last time they did this, eddie had asked her if she wanted kids. they hadn’t gotten together yet, but the tension between them was like a pot boiling over. spitting everywhere.
“i fully reserve the right to change my answer given the fact that we are eight-shitting-teen years old.”
but now she is twenty. her twenty first birthday looming, in fact.
eddie, doe eyed, watches lacy like he knows she’s got a knot in her chest, because she does. he watches her hands curl over her face, shoulders tense.
“not even…”
because a good girlfriend would say yes, right? a good girlfriend would be like, yes, of course, because i worship the ground you walk on, because i should drop all notions of my life without a second thought at the mere suggestion of a kid with you, because it would make you so happy. and i love you, so much. all i want is to make you happy. i’d eat the sun if that meant anything to you.
that’s what a good girlfriend would do, right? that’s how she would act. overjoyed. dreamy eyed. we’ll make it work, baby, you and me.
and there’ll always be the notion that we shackled each other to this town we purport to hate. and i’ll watch you avoid becoming your father and you’ll watch me become mine. and a little bit of my mother, too. and wayne will still hate me, even moreso for trapping you here. and in between, there’ll be this baby who didn’t ask for any of this at all.
“you can’t hate me for this,” lacy chokes. “i’m begging you.”
i was raised in resentment and i would never risk doing that to another child.
eddie feels sick. he hauls out of the bathtub to wrap his arms around her but his heart is hammering in his ears.
of course he wants this. and when he pictures a kid that theoretically has his eyes and her nose, he gets scared when he can’t really see her in those visions. others, sure. they’re clear as day. eddie knows what their wedding bands will look like, and what she’ll look like brushing her hand through her hair when she’s wearing it.
but he doesn’t see lacy glowing and barefoot, even though he’s tried.
“i don’t… lace…”
elizabeth munson was twenty when she had eddie. al was a little older. she’d snapped her life in half to uproot from memphis to hawkins, only to die six years after.
eddie really tries to make it not feel like a crusade to better his father’s wrongs, when he imagines it. you know?
“because i love you so much, i love you so much that i couldn’t take it,” lacy’s voice cracks in time with his heart, “if you hated me for this.”
a horrible thought flashes through eddie’s mind. would you do it if it meant i would never hate you?
“i love you,” is all he says into her hair, “i really, really love you.”
they stand on the cold tile of the bathroom for a long time. two people very much in love, and seemingly at odds.
eddie peers over lacy’s head at the watch on the counter.
“alright, sweetheart.” feels impersonal. he never calls her that. that’s for the outside world.
lacy picks up the stark white strip from the test tube, and her voice shakes.
“well. a lot of drama over… nothing. i’m sorry.”
eddie watches her shrink into herself, and would easily sock himself in the jaw if he thought it would do any good.
“hey!” his dazzling smile comes into her view, and she nearly buys it for a second. “forget about it, okay? who needs some fucking loser baby, right?”
but what eddie means, in that present moment, at twenty years old, is until next time.
and what lacy knows, in that present moment, at twenty years old, is there won’t be one.
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spoodrm4n · 2 years
Can you write a fluff Steve Harrington request where he reunites with his girlfriend who decided to be bait to give the others time when they’re in the Upside Down (the first time)and when they’re reunited Steve refuses to let her out of his sight or not be touching her?
One of Steve's top love languages is physical touch and he would most certainly get more touchy with you if he thought he had almost lost you. He just needs the constant reassurance that you're there with him.
Submit requests here.
I'm Right Here
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: mentions of injuries, mentions of blood.
Word Count: 1K
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Steve had never been more worried in his life. He had always been good at putting up a facade; pretending that he was always cool, calm, and collected. He could feel the mask he always hid behind crumble more each minute you weren’t falling through the gate in Eddie’s trailer. He had been standing by the mattress placed under the gate for half an hour now. Robin, Nancy, Eddie, Dustin, Erica, Max, and Lucas were scattered around the living room, throwing him concerned glances. 
You had stayed behind at the Wheeler’s house in the Upside Down, distracting the demobats from your boyfriend and friends. Steve had put up quite the argument, but you were–somehow– more stubborn than him. You argued that he was in no condition to be bait since he had been mauled earlier. The four of them had gotten to the gate safely and Dustin, Max, Erica, and Lucas had met the four there, creating a way for them to pass through. Nancy had explained what Vecna had shown her and it made Steve feel even more on edge. There was still no sign of you yet.
“I have to go back, it’s been too damn long.” Steve ran a stressed hand through his hair, walking up to the rope of sheets. 
“Just give it a couple more minutes, Steve! She’s probably fine!” Robin stood in between him and the rope, stopping him before he did anything regretful.
“Or she could be bleeding out in the middle of the street in the Upside Down!” Steve argued, gently pushing Robin out of the way. 
“Could you two move?” Steve’s head snapped up to the gate and his eyes finally met yours. “Please?” You said softer this time. Steve nodded dumbly up at you and scrambled off of the mattress. You climbed up the rope, reaching the gate to your world and gravity flipped you down onto the mattress. You cringed as the fall, your wounds being jostled. Steve was immediately over you, assessing your health. 
A dozen demobats had gotten a hold of you just as Eddie’s trailer came into sight and you had to fight them off. They had ripped apart your right shoulder, where your torso met your hips, and your left leg. 
“Shit, Y/N! How are you feeling? Dizzy at all? Weak?” Your head spun at Steve’s questions. One of his hands ran through your hair soothingly as the other cupped your cheek. You blinked up at him, eyebrows furrowed and lips in a slight pout. “Y/N.” His voice wobbled, uneasiness crawling up his throat. 
“I’m okay, Stevie. Just give me a second.” You breathed, hand over your injured shoulder. He sat back from you, eyes still glued to your face and knees brushing your thigh. You took a minute before you were sitting up on the mattress. “Gross. I landed on a stain.” You scrunched up your nose at the dark blotch underneath you. 
“Come on, sweetheart.” Steve ushered, grabbing you by your good hand. He hoisted you up and held you up beside him. 
“Do you have a medkit or anything, Eddie?” Nancy asked as Robin moved to help you on your other side. You gave her a bright smile. 
“The medicine cabinet in the bathroom has some bandages and what not.” Eddie led the three of you to the bathroom, holding open the door for you. Steve and Robin helped you in and once you were sitting on the edge of the bathtub, Robin left the two of you. 
“You scared the shit out of me, sweetheart.” Steve scolded as he looked through the medicine cabinet. He found some gauze and a washcloth. He wet the washcloth and turned to face you, crouching down in front of you. 
“Don’t I always?” You chuckled, fingers whiteknuckling the edge of the tub as he dabbed at your shoulder with the washcloth. You both sat in silence as he finished up your shoulder. He stood up and motioned for you to do the same. You stood and he lifted your tattered sweater, exposing the torn skin underneath. He whistled lowly.
“Baby, you shouldn’t have done that.” He mumbled, getting on his knees and starting to wipe at that wound.
“On the brightside, we’ll have matching scars.” You grinned down at him, tracing his bandaged torso with your fingertips. He looked up at you, a serious look on his face. He looked back down to your waist.
“I could’ve lost you today.” He finished wiping up the wound. 
“But you didn’t.” You said quickly, hands finding the sides of his face. You tilted his head up to look at you. “I’m still here, Stevie.” You whispered, thumbs tracing the peak of his cheeks. 
“And I’m never letting you out of my sight again.” He finished wrapping your waist in bandages. He finished up your waist and your leg. He stood up in front of you, eyes looking down to yours. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, guilty over worrying your ever so loving Steve. 
“It’s okay.” He breathed, leaning down to kiss you. You met him halfway, hands wrapping around his neck and threading through his hair. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You pulled away, your lips still ghosting over his.
“I’m right here.” You mumbled, lips brushing against his.
“And you’re staying right here.” He smiled lightly, stepping away from you and leading you both out of the bathroom. You both reentered Eddie’s living room, Steve’s hand laced with your own and your sides bumping into one another. 
“They’re not answering.” Max huffed, putting the phone back on the wall. Steve moved from beside you to behind you, hands running up and down your sides as the group discussed their next move. You noticed he was being more touchy than normal. You were already used to Steve always holding your hand or keeping a hand on your thigh. There was no doubt one of his top love languages was physical touch, but he had both hands on you and his front was almost flush with your back. You turned your head to face him, an appreciative smile on your face. He looked down at you for a second, winking at you and squeezing your sides, and then rejoined the conversation, leaving you a blushing mess. 
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
They meet at the age of 8 and 6 years old, way before they'll be known as the Freak and the King. Steve is playing with his favorite toys in the playground when two older boys start tormenting him. Eddie steps in and scares them away. After that, Steve becomes Eddie's shadow, following him everywhere and copying everything he does.
They grow up having different interests because of their dads: Steve gets into sports to please his dad, Eddie gets into metal and D&D to piss his dad off. Despite the differences, they remain the best of friends.
Eddie comes out to Steve at the age of 15. Surprisingly, Steve is extremely supportive and happy about it, Eddie feels very lucky.
They're 16 and 14 years old when Steve gets to high school. In time record, he joins the basketball team and hangs out with the popular kids, but talking to Eddie in between periods doesn't do any good to his reputation.
«You have to stop talking to me at school, I don't want people to mess with you just because we are friends,» Eddie tells him one day after school. Steve is outraged and tries to protest but Eddie stops him «it's not a big deal, we'll still hang out after school! You know it's my job to protect you, you're like my little brother.»
Steve doesn't fight it anymore after that, but he looks crushed. For a week, they barely talk even outside of school and Eddie is terrified he did something wrong. But then, Steve asks him to hang out and things go back to normal.
Their first big fight isn't until two years later, a few days before Eddie's 18th birthday. Steve is one of the most popular guys in school, he acts like a douche and has rows of girls drooling over him. Eddie isn't a big fan of this change but, as long as he doesn't act the same around him, he doesn't mind.
Eddie is giddy because Rick has given him a fake ID as an early present and he can go to a gay club he had been talking about to Steve and get wasted for his birthday.
Steve, however, doesn't look happy at all «you're going to a gay club?»
Eddie mistakes it for disgust and accuses him «do you have a problem with me going to a gay club?»
A fight ensures. Steve is outraged Eddie would even suggest that, Eddie calls him out for his behavior at school. Steve leaves Eddie’s house and they don’t speak to each other for a week.
Eddie goes to the gay club but he doesn’t enjoy it, always imagining how it could’ve been if Steve was there with him. He goes straight to Steve's house after and they make up, both apologizing for what they said.
Steve gets his first official girlfriend at 17. Nancy wheeler is a nice girl, she's smart and pretty, she has done nothing but make Steve happy, but Eddie hates her. He doesn't even know why, he feels like a terrible friend, but every time he sees Steve hugging her, twirling her around, kissing her, he has to look away and swallow a painful sensation in his chest.
When they break up, he feels bad about how relieved he is, especially since Steve looks devastated.
«It's okay, I was a terrible boyfriend, got with her for all the wrong reasons» Steve smiles at him sadly, and Eddie doesn't understand.
The break-up brings major changes in Steve's life: he drops all of his asshole friends, he surprisingly keeps in touch with Nancy and becomes best buddies with Robin Buckley from band.
The major change, although, has to be in Steve's behavior towards Eddie: being the youngest, he had always been the one to follow, but now he tries to take the lead, puts a lot of effort into planning their hangouts, pays even more attention than usual to what Eddie wants, and Eddie can't help but compare it with the way he had seen him act around Wheeler (he scratches the thought immediately, calling himself weird for even making the comparison).
It's almost Steve's 18th birthday when their friendship faces another critical point.
They're talking about Steve's birthday party when the topic of dates comes up, with Eddie asking if Robin will be Steve's date.
«How come you never talk about your dating life?» Steve seems nervous as he asks the question. Eddie laughs, because dating isn't an easy thing when you're gay and you live in Hawkins, but Steve insists on the topic, pressing on knowing if Eddie has had some crushes at least.
«I mean, there are guys who I find attractive? sure. But crushes? nah man, never had one of those» Eddie realizes at that point how odd that is, being almost twenty and not being interested in anyone like that.
Then he looks at Steve and for a split second, he sees it: the same crushed expression Steve had when he called him little brother and told him not to talk to him at school, or when they fought about Eddie's birthday, or when he had talked about his break up.
Eddie feels like he's done something terribly wrong but can't pinpoint what that is.
This time, there is no fight between them but, for the next few weeks, Steve avoids him. Eddie notices a pattern in their friendship: he says something he doesn’t know it’s wrong, Steve is crushed and takes a few days of break from him, then acts like nothing happened.
Eddie hates it.
It's the Friday before Steve's birthday that Robin Buckley comes marching in his Hellfire session. She drags him out of his trailer and gives him a piece of her mind.
«Steve went to a gay club tonight. I wouldn't tell you this, but he basically wants to hook up with the first guy he sees and that is super dangerous and I'm worried about him! plus, this is all your fault.»
Eddie can only utter a "what??" before Robin floods him with a stream of words "you rejected him twice", "he just wants to get over you", "like he hadn't tried already with Wheeler" and "you owe him that".
The whole ride to the club, Eddie's mind is full of Steve: Steve who looks excited when he comes out, Steve who's sad about being called "little brother", Steve saying "I got with her for the wrong reasons", Steve constantly making plans for their hangouts -or dates, maybe?-, Steve, Steve, Steve...
Finally, everything in Eddie's mind makes sense, his desire to protect Steve, his hatred for Wheeler, him thinking he never had a crush when he actually had one, for several years now.
He finds Steve outside of the club, leaning against the wall, a guy way too close to his personal space. Eddie's ready to pull him away when Steve shoves the guy and tells him to piss off. That's when he notices Eddie.
«What are you doing here?» he glances briefly at the door, looking distressed «are you here for-»
Eddie doesn't let him finish «I came here for you. Robin told me... well, she told me a lot of things.»
Steve makes a strangled noise and runs his hand through his hair, nervously «Fucking Buckley- shit... fuck» he's avoiding looking at Eddie.
Steve looks ready to run inside, so Eddie grabs him by his elbow «Can we talk?»
Steve frees himself from his grip «I said no, Eddie! I don't wanna listen to you rejecting me basically for the third time I'm my life! I get it, I'm like your little brother, you must think it's so pathetic that I've been going after you all this time but trust me it's embarrassing enou-» he can't keep talking because Eddie is kissing him.
Steve melts into the kiss but then he comes to his senses and gently pushes Eddie back. He needs answers.
Eddie doesn't give him the time to ask anything «I hated Nancy Wheeler.»
«What? what's wrong with Nancy?»
«Nothing's wrong with Nancy. That's why I was so confused, but I hated watching you two being together and I didn't know why! Steve, I've been so stupid and I'm sorry but there's a reason why I want to protect you and look after you, why I hated Nancy and every other girl who you had a date with, and why I thought I never had a crush on anyone before. It's because... I've been in love with you for so long I didn't even notice.»
Finally, Steve is looking straight at him, eyes watery «Is this some sick joke?»
Eddie takes his face between his hands, tenderly «I promise you it's not. I'm sorry, and I love you. I'll tell you a thousand times more, until you believe me, until I make it up to you.»
«Oh, it will take more than a thousand fucking times» Steve is grinning as he says it.
Eddie doesn't recall seeing Steve smile like that before and fuck, I love him so much.
It takes some time, Steve has trouble believing him, but Eddie doesn't blame him. Steve waited five years for him to sort his shit out, Eddie can wait a bit more.
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Just saw an ask about Nancy’s lack of social behaviors that inspired some thoughts. I didn't want to intrude on them with my disagreements. They make a couple of reasonable points, but I believe they're missing some aspects of Nancy’s personality to interpret them. Obviously, some of this comes down to personal interpretation, but this is my understanding of Nancy Wheeler.
Addressing their points: Canonically, Nancy isn't a social person. She didn't reach out to Robin at all in the year after Starcourt Mall. The only people we see her regularly hanging out with, after Barb's death, is whoever her current boyfriend is. These are all facts. I personally feel her questioning Robin's presence in season 3 was less a 'I have absolutely zero idea who you are' reaction, and more of a 'why the heck is this new person helping us fight a monster and making comments, since when?' type reaction. This is up for interpretation though, so I won't argue that point.
However, Nancy’s lack of social life is not an indicator of a lack of desire for friendship. Nancy struggles with opening up to people. She finds emotional vulnerability and genuine connection both difficult and terrifying. We see this aversion present itself in her relationship with Mike, as well as signs of it presenting in her dysfunctional family. 
Barb was her only real friend in the beginning of the show. We see her change herself, to try to conform to Steve's group, but even then she is very distant from everyone but Steve and Barb. She relied on previous bonds in a social situation, and made no attempts to create new ones. Granted, Tommy and Carol weren’t people she cared to be friends with. However, this seems to be a pattern of behavior, as indicated by her social situations throughout the show. Another example is the party in season two, when she got drunk and only actually talked to Steve.
Nancy stays inside a social comfort zone. She is not outgoing without a purpose. She’s good at listening, but she doesn’t talk to people without an external reason, such as a story. What some people may forget, is that once Nancy is comfortable with someone, many of those barriers go away. She actually stays quite close to people she likes and feels comfortable with, especially in a distressing situation. She made Barb come to the party for this exact reason. 
The Upside Down dangers created the perfect situations to create deep bonds with Steve and Jonathan. They were forced into situations that lowered guards and allowed them to be genuine with each other. There’s a reason she ended up dating both of them, and essentially relying on them for connection over the years. It wasn’t just trauma bonding, but also that barrier free connection. 
Jonathan was the one to distance himself from Nancy in between season one and two. We see Nancy still reaching out at the beginning of season two. He had been placed in the comfortable zone, and as such, she was quite social with him, despite not dating yet. She ends up distanced from Steve because ex status took him out of that zone, alongside lack of communication in their relationship and the inability to be emotionally vulnerable with him. 
Then we go into post-season three territory. Nancy and Robin don’t talk after Starcourt. Why would they? The two saw each other in a dangerous situation, but they never actually connected. There was no bond, and I highly doubt that Robin took the initiative to attempt to develop one afterwards. Steve started dating Nancy because he put persistent effort into showing his interest. She’s not exactly the type to reach out first. Once within the trust and comfort zone, then yeah, she will initiate contact with a person, but she struggles before then. 
As for people outside of the Hawkins Gang, alongside her natural social aversion, there’s also the barrier of being unable to be completely honest with them. This is a major thing for Nancy, who likely values genuine friendships, and has little respect for superficial ones. This, alongside the trauma surrounding Barb, hinders her quite a lot.
After Jonathan moves away, Nancy is left relatively alone. She has working relationships with people in the newspaper, but not much beyond that. Perhaps there was the possibility of a friendship developing over time with Fred, but that was cut short. Even then, once again, the person she’s closest to got there because they were placed in a situation where she had an external reason to initiate contact.
Does that mean she doesn’t really care to make any more friends aside from Jonathan? Turn now to the famous line: "Does that make us friends? As in, officially?"  
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Look at that smile, and try to tell me that she isn't ecstatic to have Robin confirm their new relationship.
This girl desperately wants a friend. She just doesn’t know how to make one. Looking just at that scene, Nancy is visibly nervous. She doesn’t say anything until Robin drops the friend-word, and then she feels the need to confirm it with her. She wanted it so badly, and was so relieved when Robin revealed that she felt the same way. This wasn’t a little thing to her.
How do they even get to that point in season four? First, Robin puts herself in Nancy’s orbit, despite Nancy’s discomfort. People have a tendency to discount her ideas and not listen to her. She was an unknown variable in a stressful situation. However, the situation allowed them to really talk and the start of a connection was created. Robin had listened to her, and had validated her theory. 
Nancy was starting to like her.
What did she do next? Take advantage of the situation they were in, to sneakily attempt to grow closer. It wasn’t just the fact that Robin was competent and Nancy respected her after the library, but because she wanted to spend time with her. There were plenty of options within the group of competent people, yet Nancy repeatedly singled Robin out. Nancy was trying to become friends.
I say take advantage of it though, because it is a lot less stressful to initiate conversations with someone if you have an excuse. ('They were in a dangerous situation, it wasn't about wanting to be her friend, whaaatt.' Lies.) Suddenly a lot of the normal social pressure and anxiety around initiating contact is decreased. And look at what Nancy does in that scenario, she immediately reaches out. 
Give her a reason, or a purpose, and she can go up and talk to anyone about anything. Take that away, and she gets too stressed or anxious to be the first. 
Anyway, to sum up, Nancy sticks to people she’s comfortable with. Robin, and maybe Steve depending on how the romance is handled, have managed to maneuver themselves into her comfort zone by the end of season four. She has confirmed friendship with Robin, and as previously established, once Nancy likes you, she is social. She will reach out to you, and spend time with you. 
Outside of danger, she likely takes a while to trust people, so anyone who wants to join in the hangouts would need to be willing to put in some effort and be patient with her, but it isn't impossible. She wouldn’t avoid them, just stick close to comfort people.
She's not completely anti-social. Nancy is an introvert who struggles to trust, but once you have that trust, she is a reliable friend.
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dee-writes-smut · 1 year
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FEATURING dark!Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington girlfriend!reader
CONTENT WARNING Eddie takes advantage of drunk!reader, forced orgasm, rape, pet names, slapping, unwanted infidelity.
SUMMARY Eddie has had a crush on you forever and when he sees you show up to Nancy's Halloween party in a skimpy outfit, he can't help himself anymore.
AUTHORS NOTE I'm sorry in advance! This is brutal. Please don't hate me.
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Steve was your one true love. He always had been and he always would be. Eddie hated that fact, despised it actually. Steve had gotten everything Eddie had ever wanted and their friendship had never been the same since.
You were none the wiser, hanging out with your best friend in the whole wide world whilst also sneaking kisses to your boyfriend, but you weren't that sneaky.
Eddie still saw, was forced to watch your body melt under Steve's, and wished it was his own.
God! What he would give for a chance, just one chance to show you how much that limp dick Harrington was going to ruin your life. The two of you weren't meant to be, not like you and Eddie. That's what he believed, it's what he knew, that you and him were written in the stars and he was never, ever going to let anyone stand in the way of your destiny. Eddie knew he would have his shot, all he had to do was by his time for a little while longer and then he would pounce and take what was rightfully his.
Nancy was throwing a party, a Halloween party to be exact. You couldn't believe it when you first heard it. Nancy Wheeler, the girl next door turned alien-fighting badass was throwing a regular old party with booze and too many people. Even if it was a bit odd for the girl, you were determined to join the fun in order to support her. It did put a damper on plans that your boyfriend, Steve, had to work during said party and wouldn't be able to make it, but he promised you to meet up the next morning for coffee which aided in your grumpiness.
No matter, you were still going to show up, for Nancy. For your costume, you decided to torture your boyfriend a bit for missing out, choosing a skimpy sailor costume in memory of his old job at Scoops Ahoy. It was barely anything really, just a small cropped top and mini skirt with some black stockings, but you felt beautiful in it and couldn’t give two shits what anyone else thought.
When you walked out of your apartment dressed to the nines in your little outfit, Steve's jaw hit the ground. He begged you the entire way to the party for you to just go back to his place, or even for you to allow him to join you at the party, but you simply told him that he needed to work and that you'd see him tomorrow.
When Eddie saw you walk in the door in your stupid excuse for a costume he inwardly scoffed. How could Steve let you leave the house looking like that? He was disgusted by your audacity, but couldn’t help the way his throat closed up as that tiny striped skirt blew up to show the bottom of your ass. It was a magnificent ass, plum and perfect and Eddie couldn’t help but fee himself swell at the sight. Damn, he needed you bad.
“Nance!” You smiled as you pulled her into your arms, squeezing her tight.
“Y/N! You’re here!” Nancy squealed as she returned your hug.
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss a Nancy Wheeler party for the world.” You laughed, releasing Nancy and taking a good look at her outfit. She was dressed to the nines as Penny from Inspector Who. “Where’s your other half?” You asked looking around the stuffy living room.
“Using the bathroom.” Nancy rolled her eyes, smiling. You laughed, of course Jonathan would be hiding in the bathroom dressed as Inspector Who.
"Hey, Nance have you seen-"
"Y/N!" A sudden voice shouted interrupting you and plowing you over into a hug.
"Robin!" You laughed, hugging her tightly and spinning around.
"Oh my god! It's been too long since I've seen you! That dingus has been keeping you all to himself." She complained and you let out a loud guffaw.
"I know!" Nancy added, "it's honestly disrespectful! We saw you first!" and they had. Nancy and Robin spotted you reading at the Library with an assistant badge on and asked for your help on finding magazines on Victor Creel. You happened to be an enthusiast on the man and was able to not only help them find the information they needed, but also get them a meeting with Creel. They figured they could use your help, so they brought you into the fold, explaining everything.
"You'll have to take that up with Steve, you guys!" You raised your hands in surrender, chuckling at their dramatics.
"Oh don't you worry, we will." Robin sneered, cracking her knuckles.
"I will deliver the message." You mocked a fake salute, holding in a burst of laughter. "But seriously, Rob. Love the costume." You smiled. playing with her tutu. She was one of the Grady twins in the shining. "Who's the other twin?" You asked, confused. Robin blushed a deep red before murmuring. "What?" "Its Vicky, okay?! And I swear to god if you send me a look I will rip your eyes out!" She huffed, clearly embarrassed.
"I wasn't going to say anything, but okay." You shrugged, winking at her. "Where are the drinks?" You asked, looking at Nancy.
"The kitchen." She smiled, pointing toward the other side of the living room. You thanked her and excused yourself to get a drink, manovering through the numerous sweaty bodies of people you didn't recognize. By the time you made it to the kitchen you understood Jonathan's need to 'use the restroom'. You knew Steve would be picking you up, so you decided to indulge a little and by your fifth drink, you started to think you indulged too much. Your head was light on your shoulders and your cheeks were on fire and you couldn't stop laughing for the life of you.
"What's so funny?" A voice from directly behind you whispered in your ear causing you to jump. Turning, you noticed it was Eddie and immediatly calmed.
"Jesus, Eddie, you scared me!" You huffed, shoving his chest jokingly. He caught your hand before you could remove it, his grip tight enough to bruise. "Woah. Eddie that hurts!" You whimpered as his grip tightened.
"You think you can just walk in here dressed like that and not get punished, you slut." Eddie growled pulling you by your arm into his chest.
"What are you talking about?" You asked, your heart starting to quicken as you tried to push him off you.
"You're going to follow me without a word or I'm going to hurt someone, understand?" He snarled menacingly, eyes dark.
"Yes, I understand." You stuttered, suddenly feeling completely and utterly sober as he dragged you from the kitchen to a bathroom down a narrow hall. As soon as Eddie locked the door, he shoved you up against a nearby wall, shoving his face into your neck and inhaling your scent.
"Mhm, you smell delicious, sweetheart." He moaned, licking his way up your neck. You had started to shake, barely holding back tears as he defiled you.
"Please! Please, you don't have to do this." You sobbed, trying to push him off you. Eddie slapped you before responding.
"I'm going to do whatever I want to you and you're going to stay still like the good little whore you are, got it?" Eddie threatened, a while you struggled a reply, your ears still ringing from the slap he had delivered. "Got. It."
"You'll address me as sir." He growled, and a tear made its way down your cheek at the thought.
"Yes, sir." you stuttered, shaking with fear as his hands made their way down your body.
"Good girl." Eddie purred, his cold hands caressing your stomach from under your shirt moving up until they met the cups of your bra. He let out a groan as he pulled the cups down, fondling your breasts as you closed your eyes, trying to forget that this was even happening. "Hey! Eyes on me." You immediately reopened your eyes, not wanting to piss him off further. His calloused hands were rough against your skin as he worked your nipples, causing them to peak with arousal. "So responsive for me, honey." He murmured, sucking on the skin of your neck before nibbling on it. You held back a sob, unbelieving that your body was betraying you this way.
"I'd love to take my time with you, but after watching you strut around in that little costume, half your ass on display, I don't think I can wait much longer."
"No! Please-" Your pleading earned you another slap, so hard it made your head spin and your nose to bleed.
"Guess if you won't shut up, I'll have to do it," Eddie grunted, ripping at the bandanna around your neck and shoving it in your mouth. "Take it out and it won't be a slap that you'll earn." He threatened, and you just cried, unable to comprehend what was happening.
When Eddie ceased his ministrations on your breasts you almost cried with relief. but it didn't last long as they quickly made their way down south, pushing your small shirt up and ripping your underwear off your body. You just stood there quietly, eyes open, but unseeing.
Eddie pulled your underwear up to his nose and breathed in. "Like peaches." He moaned before quickly unzipping his skinny jeans and pulling his erection free. You tried your hardest not to look, but you couldn't help but glance down to gauge the amount of hurt you were about to go through. He wasn't longer than Steve, but he was definitely thicker, more tears streamed down your cheeks as Eddie chuckled.
"Like my cock, princess? Can't wait for it to be in you, huh." He taunted before spitting on his hand and rubbing it through your dry folds and along himself, stroking himself a few more times before lining up with your hole. "Gonna fill you up real nice." he hummed before thrusting all the in.
"Argh!" You screamed in pain through the bandanna, sobbing more as your fight renewed, pushing and kicking, trying to get him away from you.
"Now princess, is this how we treat nice men who fill your greaty little hole?" He chuckled before pulling back out only to thrust back in once more. After that he set a brutal pace, unrelenting and harsh. The skin on your back was burning from the scraping of the drywall against your skin from the movement. "So tight for me," Eddie groaned, his face in the crook of your neck where he left occasional kisses.
"Can feel you squeezing me so nice and pretty." He taunted. "Bet you're about to come, aren't you?" The sad truth was that you were indeed about to come. You had been trying too hard to hold back, to not make a sound, but he was filling you up so nicely and hitting all the right spots that made your head dizzy. You tried to deny it, but the tightening in your stomach was impossible to ignore.
"How about I help you, huh, princess," Eddie smirked into your skin, bringing a hand to where you were connected, finding your button, and circling it in tight, rough circles. You couldn't hold on anymore and let out a muffled moan as you fell over the edge into an unwanted bliss.
"That's right princess, soak my cock," Eddie moaned before painting your walls with his come.
"No," you grumbled, too weak and sore to do anything else.
"That should teach you, whore." Eddie sneered, panting as he let you slump to the floor. He tucked himself away after regaining his strength, zipping up his jeans and fixing his hair before spitting on you and exiting the bathroom where you lay, sticky, used, and alone.
Slapped once more by Eddie's words, you felt a wave of despair crashing over you. The realization of being utterly helpless in this situation intensified with each passing moment. There was no escape, no savior coming to rescue you from this nightmare. Eddie's presence loomed over you, suffocating and dominating every inch of your being.
As he withdrew from you, leaving you trembling against the wall, your mind raced with a flurry of conflicting emotions. Anger, fear, disgust, and shame intertwined in a chaotic dance within your mind, each emotion vying for dominance. You wanted to scream, to lash out, to break free from this torment, but you were paralyzed by fear and the overwhelming sense of powerlessness.
The pain radiating from your body served as a cruel reminder of the violation you had endured. Every bruise, every mark, was a testament to the brutality of Eddie's actions. Tears continued to stream down your cheeks, mixing with the blood from your nose, as you struggled to come to terms with what had just transpired.
Feeling utterly drained, both physically and emotionally, you slumped to the floor, curling into yourself as if seeking solace from the cold tiles beneath you. The bathroom seemed to close in around you, the walls closing in like a suffocating embrace. You felt small, insignificant, a mere puppet in the hands of a cruel puppeteer.
Time seemed to stretch on indefinitely as you lay there in silence, the only sound echoing in the empty bathroom being the erratic rhythm of your own heartbeat. Each beat served as a grim reminder of your mortality, a stark contrast to the indifferent world outside.
Eventually, summoning whatever semblance of strength remained within you, you pushed yourself up from the floor, using the sink for support as you struggled to stand. Every movement sent waves of pain coursing through your battered body, but you refused to succumb to despair.
With trembling hands, you fumbled with the faucet, splashing cold water onto your face in a feeble attempt to wash away the remnants of Eddie's touch. The water felt like ice against your skin, a stark contrast to the fire burning within you.
As you gazed at your reflection in the mirror, the image staring back at you seemed foreign and distorted, a mere shell of the person you once were. The bruises marring your skin served as a cruel reminder of the trauma you had endured, each mark a testament to the horrors of the night.
With a heavy heart, you turned away from the mirror, unable to bear the sight any longer. The events of the night weighed heavily on your mind, casting a shadow over your thoughts and leaving you feeling lost and alone in a world that suddenly seemed so dark and unforgiving.
Summoning whatever strength remained within you, you took a deep breath and made a silent vow to yourself. You would not let this define you. You would not allow yourself to be reduced to a victim. You would survive, you would heal, and you would emerge from this darkness stronger than ever before.
With newfound determination coursing through your veins, you squared your shoulders and took a tentative step forward. The journey ahead would be long and arduous, but you refused to let fear dictate your fate. As you exited the bathroom, a glimmer of hope flickered within you, a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding you toward a future where you would reclaim your strength and your voice.
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tsunauticus · 1 year
Mike is not a stupid person, but is he a stupid boyfriend?
I stand by saying that Mike is one of the smartest characters in Stranger Things. He figured out how to flip the car in the mall in season 3, he was able to recognize Will talking through the Walkie-Talkie in season 1, and throughout season 2 he’s very perceptive to Will being used as a spy for Vecna. Even in season 4, Mike notices Max having a bloody nose before he leaves for Lenora
So if Mike is showed time and time again to be perceptive, how is he so bad at seeing how Eleven feels?
In season 4 there’s arguably never a moment where they’re both happy together.
The airport scene?
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They seem happy enough, but we also never get a clear view of Mike’s face, but with that too, is the reintroduction of Mike and El’s biggest issue of season 4, that was hinted at in season 3. How Mike can’t say that he loves El.
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Maybe Rink-O-Mania is better?
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Definitely not
At dinner that night, Mike doesn’t try to empathize with his girlfriend even though he’s been bullied his whole life. El was there when Mike shoved Troy, so she knows that Mike can probably understand what she’s going through. But he doesn’t. He’s agitated and rude to her.
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I’ve seen several people make this connection, but I agree that the whole scene is very similar to the Wheeler family dinner in season 1 as well. El and Nancy both storm off, but in this case, instead of Mike trying to vouch for a friend, he’s acting like Ted Wheeler, and doesn’t understand he said anything wrong
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Throughout the rest of the show, this pattern of Mike missing the mark continues again and again. El confronts him about not being able to say that he loves her, and he shows he physically can’t say it to her when they’re alone and in private. He makes El cry but can’t acknowledge he did anything wrong.
When Mike and El reunite, we still see Mike loving El as a superhero. From a writing standpoint, this could’ve been the perfect time for Mike to tell El he loves her. There’s no stakes, there’s no one around to judge, and he’s had plenty of time to think about saying it, getting advice from Will several times.
But he doesn’t. Instead we see Mike look over at Will and his smile drops. Which is… weird from any standpoint as we don’t see this expression built on at all.
Mike is horrible at noticing when his girlfriend isn’t happy, or when something is important to her (like saying “I love you”). We also see he’s rarely forthright with El, when he would have no reason to lie. He should be able to be honest with El, especially when Eleven is known so much to honor honesty.
But who have we seen Mike being really attentive towards all season?
In the airport, Mike can’t figure out the issue with writing “From” in his letters, when El always writes “Love”, but he’s able to quickly put together the painting from El’s letter was the one Will brought to the airport. He’s able to look Will in the eyes and ask him questions about his life, even if it’s extremely stiff (yeah Mike your best friend of ten years is seeing you for the first time in 6 months and you punch him on the shoulder??)
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At Rink-O-Mania, Mike has a massive argument with Will because he’s been “sabotaging the whole day” when Will’s just tried to be quiet and stay out of Mike and El’s way, yet Mike is unable to tell that El was crying while sitting right next to him? He can’t see that, but he’s able to notice several of Will’s micro-expressions throughout the day?
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Mike even is able to apologize to Will and acknowledge what was wrong with how he acted towards him, when he’s unable to do the same when El calls him out in the same way. Will does it at Rink-O-Mania, and El does it in her bedroom. But Mike is only able to really own up to his actions in one of these scenes.
Guess which person he owns up to?
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One of these scenes ends with Mike developing a closer relationship with a character, and the other ends with the opposite character choosing to leave Mike behind because they don’t feel valued.
But if Mike is so good at righting his wrongs with Will, why can’t he do the same for El? Why can’t he be such a good boyfriend if he’s so attentive with all of his friends?
Because Mike doesn’t know how to be a good boyfriend. Well, he knows. He’s seen Lucas and Max, and he’s seen how Dustin talks about Suzie. He knows how to be a good boyfriend just fine. But he can’t do it with El. He can’t reciprocate feelings the way El wants him to. That was the whole point of season 4.
And sure, someone can argue that the pizza monologue helped. He told El he loves her, that the arc was to further their relationship. But in doing so, Mike told El that his life started the day Will went missing WHILE WILL IS STANDING NEXT TO HIM. And, if the speech worked, why has Eleven “barely spoken a word” to Mike since that ended?
From any standpoint, whether you want to argue that Mike and Will are a romantic endgame, or just that Mike and Will are really close friends, Mike does have the full capacity to be loving boyfriend. He’s shown to be caring, smart, and protective. And yet he’s barely able to act like that around El.
Mike isn’t stupid. He’s not a bad boyfriend for laughs in season 4, though that was the joke in season 3. He’s actually just a terrible boyfriend to El, and if the Duffers really wanted to portray El and Mike as happy together, the two of them wouldn’t spend two entire seasons arguing with each other when other couples like Lucas and Max, are able to have healthy moments.
Mike’s not stupid, and he’s not a stupid boyfriend either, Mike is just unable to acknowledge he can’t be a good boyfriend to El. Regardless of what that means for his character in season 5, so far, Mike has shown he just can’t be a good boyfriend to El, and that he constantly struggles to offer her the bare minimums of honesty and empathy in a relationship (and at times El does too, but that’s for a different post).
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realtalkswithfinn · 2 years
being eddie’s sister and liking steve…
turns out the big bad eddie munson has a younger sister… and she’s far less intimidating.
part 1 ?
tw: mentions of chrissy’s death, brief mentions of maxs past, mentions of parental trauma
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technically, you’re younger than Eddie.
however, with his super senior status, you’re in the same graduating class
you love your brother
how could you not?
he was the first to defend you against anyone, whether it was mean kids at school or your own parents
but, just like any siblings, you needed your space
so even though you were the bass to your brothers guitar, when you got to high school, you went a separate route rather than be in the band
you joined the cheer team, where you became best friends with Chrissy
not so much her boyfriend, who you and eddie both felt needed to be put in his place
“he literally told chrissy she needed to put more effort into her appearance around his mom, as if she isn’t already insecure.”
“that’s fucked up, isn’t it common knowledge chrissy’s ‘the prettiest babe’ in school?”
“aw, does eddie have a little crush on chris?”
he side eyed you, but didn’t say anything other than, “we should egg his car.”
you did.
nobody tell chrissy
dispite his hate for jason
and organized sports
and crowds
eddie showed for every. single. game.
just to watch his baby sister cheer
even if he was hanging out the gym door the whole time
you showed up to some of eddie’s dungeons and dragons meetings as well, just to hear the stories he made up
they reminded you of the stories he would make up for you as kids
you liked his new freshman this year too, they were hilarious
they were dorky and had no shame
like dustin, who would out of pocket talk about his best friend steve harrington
king steve, who ran the basketball team
and was always picked first in gym
and was famous for being the life of the party
steve the hair harrington
who… you get the idea.
so maybeee you had a tiny thing for the freshly graduated guy, who loved everything you and your brother hated
who cares? last you heard, he was dating mikes older sister
nancy wheeler, who was all gentle smiles and soft sweaters and perfect academics and a perfect laugh and brought the best out in him
that is, until one day dustin asked mike, “so is it still safe for you guys to have the sleepover at wills over break, or will nancy and jonathan be swapping spit the whole time?”
not steve.
your ears perked up
not like it mattered, though. steve was graduated.
he probably wouldn’t want to take a senior out, especially not the only cheerleader who actively avoided him for fear of embarrassment his whole basketball career.
you forgot about the conversation pretty quickly, though. only nights later, disaster struck.
you were digging your keys to your uncles trailer out of your bag, when your brother burst through the door and took you to the ground
you screamed, and he slapped his hand over your mouth and begged you to be quite and that you both had to go
through the door, you saw a head of blonde hair on the floor…
he dragged you from the trailer and into the woods
after about a half an hour of running through the dark, you dug your feet in the ground and demanded to know what was going on
the look on your brothers face broke you
“y/n… you have to believe me.” he said, looking deep in your eyes.
“i always believe you ed.”
for the next day, the two of you hide out in his drug dealers garage.
you mourn your best friend
and you are so, so glad your brother dragged you away before you could see her fully
even when something terrible happens to him, he’ll never let it touch you.
you felt terrible for him
you knew how he felt about chrissy
when dustin and his friends came looking for you guys, your feelings about steve were thrown out the window
you grabbed the oar out from under the tarp and came after steve with it, screeching
“WOAH WOAH WOAH,” steve used his dad voice as you bashed the oar into his ribs “TAKE IT EASY- y/n?”
you pointed the oar at him like a spear
you didn’t know he knew your name
“he didn’t do it.”
eddie lept out from the tarp and pushed his way in front of you and grabbed steve by the throat
it was fine to beat him away with an oar
but choke him to death ?
too far, especially since he didn’t seem to be fighting back
dustin pulled eddie off steve
he recoiled back to you, and for a second, you could see the fear in his eyes
steve stared at you while he caught his breath
“what… what the hell is y/n munson doing hitting me with an oar?”
you all stared at him.
“steve,” dustin sighed. “you’re so lucky you’re pretty.”
very pretty you thought
the hair didn’t even move when you were hitting the shit out of him
his eyebrows raised in surprise
“what’re you like… cousins?”
you rolled your eyes
“right… cause the pretty showgirl cheerleader babe couldn’t possibly be my sister, huh king steve?”
there was a heavy tension in the room
steve blushed
dustin, ever the comic relief, pat steve on the back
“hey dude, i didn’t realize till like, two months into hell fire.”
eddie stared at him
“what!” he threw his hands up in exasperation, “she is SO much cooler than you dude.”
“are you shittin’ me?”
“she can do a backflip bro.”
“i can do a back flip.”
“you can do a back flop.” you interject
robin put her hands up “can we please get back to the part about how eddie is wanted by the whole town for a murder he didn’t commit?”
from there on, you and eddie were officially in the group
there was a very brief, very confusing explanation of the upside down
but it wasn’t hard to believe after what eddie told you
you mostly stuck around eddie, and surprisingly, lucas
you recognized him from all the games you cheered
eddie dogged on him for skipping out on his program for the big game the other day
but you told him how glad you were he went
and how “all the freshman cheerleaders were swooning”
he have a tight lipped smile but didn’t say anything, which you thought was weird
until a little later
“hey, i know you meant it with good intentions, but just so you know, lucas has only ever really cared about one girl.”
it was steve
“oh?” you said
steve pushed back some hair from his face and raised his eyebrows in maxs direction
a gentle smile washed over your face, and if steve had fallen for you before, now he was stumbling face first
“so, that’s why she’s being short with him but then stealing glances when she thinks no one can see her?”
steve chuckled. “she’s doing that?”
“oh yeah. that girl can save face though. anytime anyone even makes a move in her direction she makes it look like she’s just ‘browsing the perimeter’ or some shit.”
steve smiled and looked toward his friend, and it was your turn to melt
“yeah, she’s good at that,” he said. his face fell a bit. “she’s been through some shit.”
you felt your own smile drop. “yeah. i guess all of us have.”
and suddenly felt like the biggest asshole to ever walk the earth
your best friend just died
you and eddie lived with your uncle in a trailer because your parents couldn’t take care of you
and now your older brother was on hawkins most wanted list
plus whatever else he doesn’t know about your past
“hey, i know you probably don’t want to talk while we’re trying to save your brother from metaphorically getting burnt at the stake, but… if you ever wanted to like, talk about any of this- or anything else-“
your smile returned to your face
“what, king steve wants to play therapist?”
he cringed at the old nickname, but smiled right along with you
“god no, i can’t even solve my own problems. but… i’ve seen some pretty strange things.”
“oh yeah? like what?”
“those demogorgon things dustin was telling you about?”
“i beat one with a spiked bat in the beyers living room.”
you stared at him for a moment. “yeah… i don’t think i’m the one that needs to talk.”
he chuckled. “oh just wait till you hear about the russian spies.”
the two of you went back and forth for a while, moving on from horror stories to funny ones
you talked about everything and nothing, and your heart felt lighter than it had in years
eddie watched in the background, shaking his head
as much as he hated sports and preppy guys like steve, nothing would ever make him smile more than seeing you happy
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dameronology · 2 years
STRANGER THINGS 4 SPOILERS hi! could you do hcs for a scenario that takes place during s4 where steve is with reader and how he would react to nancy’s piqued interest in him. the stancy stuff does not sit well with me this season tbh haha
noooo me neither😭😭 i can always see steve/nancy as like a high school couple but they put sm energy into making her & jonathan a better couple and they make so much more sense than her & steve i stg. i digress.
also low-key the start of these headcanons that give the backstory are FAR too long but i got a bit too into this ngl. this is pretty much spoiler free btw, but it's still tagged <3
ok so it should be said that nancy will always have a special place in steve's heart. you can accept that tbh, because she was his first love and you hold your first high school boyfriend in the same regard
like your mum always said you never forget your first love!! and tbh she was right but there's a difference between the person that made you giddy in senior year and the person that makes you feel whole and complete
for some people, those two might overlap; they might meet the love of their life in high school
however, the man you consider now to be the love of your life is the same man you considered in high school to be an absolute mughead with the stupidest hair you've ever seen
and you were the kid in his science class who gave him evils all the time and couldn't speak to him in a way that wasn't sarcastic
so it's safe to say that you guys didn't fall in love until way after you graduated; it was sort of unexpected and it made no sense at the time but the deeper you fell, the more you realise he might be the only thing that makes sense in this fucking world
steve harrington wasn't an asshole anymore. reality had humbled him, and now he still had all his good traits - the hair, the humour, the stupid smile and goofy aura - but he scooped ice cream for a living
you worked at starcourt too in the unit next door and after your parents moved into the house beside him, he kept driving past you on your way home til he began offering you lifts
after a few weeks of steve driving you home, having deep chats and screaming along to madonna, he asks you out
its not long before you're pretty much convinced you'll spend your life with him. maybe you're young and dumb still but you only ever feel truly at home with him
you know he still sees nancy about. it never bothers you - why would it? steve loves you and nancy & jonathan byers are a well-known couple
1986 is...different though. you & steve are as strong as ever but ongoing events have him closer and closer to nancy, who you know for a fact has been drifting apart from jonathan
you'd never want to assume anything, especially not someone you consider to be a friend.
but she looks at him the same way you do
which is when you're like OH
and yeah steve is a certified dumb ass (the word "himbo" didn't exist in the 80s but steve is a himbo and a himbo is steve) but hell even he can see it too
you don't want to feel insecure: you know that steve loves you but nancy is...nancy. she's pretty and smart and way better at all of this upside down shit than you. she makes it all look naturally
steve brings it up straight away as soon as you're home that night. there's no beating around the bush. he just kinda puts his hands on your shoulders and forces you to look him in the eye
"i know what you're thinking," he says, "but i promise, no matter what, i love you"
it's nice, actually, that he just reassures you without a second thought
bc even though he loved nancy wheeler at one point in his life, he's gonna love you for the rest of it
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 // 𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐬
hello lovelies! I’ve decided to make a page with all my upcoming projects / my works in progress so you guys can check in at any time and see what will be coming up in the future! I’m also hoping this will help hold me a bit more accountable and motivate me to get them done.
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angst = ❤︎ || fluff = ✿︎ || smut = ⚠︎︎ || dark themes = ☾
anything crossed out has been put on hold / put to the backburner
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upcoming headcanons:
Steve Harrington - nsfw alphabet ⚠︎︎
Jonathan Byers - nsfw alphabet ⚠︎︎
Billy Hargrove - nsfw alphabet ⚠︎︎
Henry Creel - nsfw alphabet ⚠︎︎
Nancy Wheeler - nsfw alphabet ⚠︎︎
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upcoming oneshots:
I Think I Might Love You… - Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x F!Reader, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x F!Reader
you have a fwb situation going on with both Bradley and Jake; it’s supposed to be just sex, no feelings, and yet… you’re in love Bradley and Jake’s in love with you…
Sins of the Flesh - Morpheus / Dream x F!Reader ❤︎⚠︎︎
striking a bargain with the lord of dreams; wealth and immortality in exchange for a few ‘favours’…
Conjugal Visitation - Jimmy Keene x F!Reader ❤︎⚠︎︎
your first time having a conjugal visit with your boyfriend Jimmy since he was arrested.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Eddie Munson x GN!Reader ✿︎
having a beauty / pamper sleepover with the girls when your boyfriend Eddie comes crashing through the window to visit you; he ends up joining in on the pampering.
Moth to a Flame - Eddie Munson x F!Reader x Steve Harrington ❤︎⚠︎︎ (likely to be multiple parts, probably 2 or 3)
you’re dating Steve ‘the king’ Harrington, you’ hang around with all the ‘cool kids’, your life is perfect, right? except you can’t quite help your heart straying in a different direction, straying towards that metalhead you’ve been friends with since childhood… you love Steve, but you can’t help where your heart truly lies. you’re drawn to Eddie, like a moth to a flame…
A Good Heart - Eddie Munson x F!Reader ✿︎
a heavy make out session with Eddie is interrupted when Max comes in asking for Eddie to make a repair on her bike. seeing Eddie be so good with her, and seeing his hands work their magic on the bike, has you feelings many things.
Back In Time - Eddie Munson x F!Reader ⚠︎
(technically) a part two of ‘A Good Heart’. Eddie helping Max with her bike has taken you right up to your curfew, meaning it’s time for you to go home. but Eddie convinces you you still have more than enough time to have some fun…
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DISCLAIMER: these are not listed in order of release. honestly they will be released as and when I get round to finishing them. I, of course, appreciate excitement and enthusiasm but I kindly ask that you don’t repeatedly ask ‘when will x be released’, thank you. furthermore, I reserve the right to change my mind about any of these upcoming works at any time; please do not send me hate just because I ended up not posting something that I did have listed on here. sometimes us writers have an idea but it never comes to fruition, that is just how it goes sometimes. thank you in advance.
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this was inspired by @inklore <3
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frecklesandfanfics · 2 years
*deep breath*
This is gonna be a long one, folks. 
So, the stupid tiktok said that Nancy’s character was assassinated in Season 4 and thrown in the garbage. She is still the same character she was in Season 2. She only talked about men and her love triangle. She’s shallow and has no depth and feeling guilty about Barb doesn’t provide enough depth to her character. 
Sorry, I call bullshit. 
First of all, let’s look at the “love triangle.” It’s only a love triangle to the viewer, not to Nancy. Nancy doesn’t know that Jonathan doesn’t want to go to Emerson. She only realizes how much he’s been lying to her and pulling away when she sees him in the last five minutes of the entire fucking season. She does know that he’s been folding into himself--and we see him doing that with all his pot smoking--but she doesn’t know why and it seems that she thinks whatever is wrong, she can fix when they’re at college. It’s only when she sees him and he lies to her face. She’s not a stupid woman, his attitude is immediately shady and she clocks it. 
Here’s the thing: it’s not that I don’t think Nancy ever loved Jonathan, or vice versa. It’s only that their priorities and views on life are very different, and we see that first thing in Season 3, when Jonathan’s take on classism hits Nancy’s views on misogyny and they have that giant fight. They never address this argument again onscreen, which is crazy, because it’s a big one. But you know, from there they are saving the world again and then Jonathan moves to California and in their letters and phone calls Jonathan seems to be putting her off, telling her that he hasn’t gotten his acceptance letter yet. 
From there we go to something essential: Jonathan doesn’t know Nancy as well as he thinks he does. In what alternate universe would Nancy Fucking Wheeler give up her dream college for a boyfriend she hasn’t seen in a year? For a boyfriend she wouldn’t even have a chance of seeing til the next year? So many people have said that Steve doesn’t know Nancy because he mentions wanting 6 kids; he never said that she should be the one to stay home with those kids. He never said she needed to give up her dreams, that he expected her to give up her dreams, or that he wanted her to give up her dreams. And it actually makes more sense for Steve to want/expect to be the stay-at-home dad, he hasn’t been able to find his way after high school, he has no expectations of becoming a lawyer or anything of that sort. He’d easily suit the role of a dad in an apron, and he has always admired Nancy’s brains and pluck. No, all Steve ever did was include Nancy in his dream, and it’s the Nancy Jonathan doesn’t understand at all: Nancy who will pursue her own dreams without being weighed down by someone else’s expectations of her. 
To say that Nancy has had no growth in Seasons 3 and 4 is quite ridiculous: Season 4 is a take on horror, and Nancy is the Final Girl, the one who survives, the one who fights back, and she only inhabits this role with more comfort in every season. In S3 we see her as the intrepid newspaper gal, trying to balance her relationship with working and fighting back against the misogynistic journalists at the Hawkins (Gazette?) -- and she shows her intelligence when she knows when to run and when to fight. (And how to fight!) She yells back when Jonathan sides with her misogynistic bosses and thinks that her problems with them aren’t as real as his problems with money or being raised by a single mom or any related to class. (And here’s the thing about that fight: they were each right and wrong, but it was a dick move on Jonathan’s part to pull a whataboutism on Nancy when she was clearly having A Moment.)
The way Nancy goes after her story on the weird rats in Season 3 is such a testament to how much she’s grown to that point. She’s tenacious and doesn’t let anyone tell her it’s stupid or frivolous, not even her boyfriend. And where she has to be drunk to talk back to Steve in Season 2, she demolishes Jonathan in multiple conversations. She’s driven, intense, and purposeful, and we haven’t seen those colors on her before, though they’ve been slowly teased out over the first two seasons. 
Season 4 only builds on this. Nancy has traded the free time she spent with Jonathan for being the editor of the school newspaper, so dedicated (and perhaps grown so far apart from Jonathan, judge that for yourselves) that she refuses to leave town over Spring Break. She heads to a murder scene with little care for her own safety and talks to Eddie’s uncle with kindness, not assuming Eddie is the murderer, and gets the first tip about Creel--the one that leads to them finding out about Vecna’s weakness, music. In case you’ve forgotten, without Nancy being so focused and pursuing leads to the ends of the earth, Max would have died at Billy’s grave. 
Season 4 actually shows us, for the first time, Nancy in a platonic female friendship for more than one episode. Robin might be a little weird at first but she wins Nancy over; Nancy might be a little stuck up at first but she wins Robin over. The season also gives us Nancy actively worried about the younger teens, as well as considering their input and the ways they can help, and shows her leading both the older teens and the younger ones, and giving them a place to crash where they can all be together and safe. Even though Mike is in California, she gives them an excuse to stay in the Wheelers’ basement while they try to figure out the next step, and then they implement several plans...that Nancy comes up with. 
Nancy isn’t the de facto leader that Steve is in Seasons 2 and 3, just by virtue of being the oldest, she elects her own damn self as the leader, to the point that Robin points her out as being in charge when asked. It’s a long way from the shaking little girl she is in Season 1, and I’m sorry this has been so goddamn long, but it pisses me off to no end that just because she’s in a “love triangle” (that only the viewer has even figured out is happening, so far) people are saying she’s a flat character, a Mary Sue, whatever. Nancy Wheeler is a great fucking character no matter her love life, and don’t you forget it. 
Edit: I forgot to talk about Nancy’s guilt about Barb. Another time, perhaps. 
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dufrau · 1 year
I am a real life person asking for your thoughts on Nancy Wheeler. Any thoughts on Nancy Wheeler. Every thought about Nancy Wheeler (I really just like talking about Nancy Wheeler)
Oh MAN. I dont even know where to start. I have so many thoughts and opinions and feelings about Nancy Wheeler I don't even know how to approach a question this open. You might as well ask me about the earth!
She has become such a real person in my brain that there are very few things that I think are set in stone about her. Sometimes I ask myself, when im writing, "What would Nancy say here?" or "What would she do?" "How would she react?" and I decide on something that I believe to be true but a lot of the time there is an almost opposite answer that I think could also be true.
What is constant? (this got lonnng have a readmore)
Well first of all I am a doomsday prepper Nancy truther. Not necessarily full on prepper to the extent she is in my TLOU au but I think she carries forward a need to be/feel prepared for things to go terribly wrong. I play it for a laugh sometimes, cans of beans in her purse and the trunk of her car full of random gear etc. But I think she is a person with a go-bag always packed, who always knows her emergency exits, who is always a little bit too alert and is at least a little bit exhausted at all times. I think she has guns and as much as i joke about her being the only person i trust with all these guns tbh she is probably a little twitchy and she probably should not have guns! (but i will continue to write her with guns)
I think she carries an immense weight of guilt and self-doubt which makes her absolute balls-to-the-wall pursuit of the things she believes are right and necessary so interesting by contrast. Her choices get people killed and she never forgives herself for any of it but she keeps making choices in the absence of anybody else who will do it. And I think she enjoys it on some level, or thrives in it, almost as much as she hates it. I think she will be LOST if they ever actually win. I think she will fight with everything she has to survive but i dont think, subconsciously, she really expects to and I dont think she is prepared to be a person who is not fighting anything.
I think she is LOYAL. And I think it's wild that her haters think the opposite. Its another very interesting contrast, the way she explicitly wants to reject societal norms and expectations but also the way she doesn't want to hurt people so she lets herself get trapped into them anyway. I have no interest in the "did she cheat on steve" conversation, i think the more important thing for her character is that she gets back together with steve and stays with him way longer than she wants to. Part of that is obviously about Barb but part of it I think is that she sees goodness in him and feel guilty about not having seen it sooner. And she's doing the same with Jonathan, who it seems like has been avoiding her calls and refusing to visit and just giving her nothing but she holds onto that relationship I think out of loyalty because he is a good person even if he's being a shitty boyfriend right now and even if that relationship has run its course. (these are not anti thoughts about steve or jonathan btw these are all teenagers in teenage relationships nobody is a villain here)
I think she hates surprises. Which makes sense because every surprise in Hawkins tends to be a bad surprise. But Robin is a whole fucking surprise and isnt THAT something. A thing I see in that ship that I love so much is that Robin keeps Nancy off balance in a way she usually hates, but she doesnt hate it at all from Robin. The very existence of Robin makes Nancy ask questions where normally she would just plow ahead. I think that discomfort is healthy for her and I think, after whatever you want to put them through to get there, she knows it.
I think Nancy would go straight for the eyeballs in a fight. I think she is biting off ears and ripping off fingers and poking their fucking eyes out because she is tiny and she knows it and she is not bothering throwing punches (though if she can elbow you in the nose she is going to to that too.)
I think one million more things about Nancy Wheeler but this post is so long already lol.
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marvins-linguinie · 2 years
so one night, nancy and robin get into a car wreck (they're alive, don't worry)
but steve and eddie don't know that
so they practically fly out the door when they get the call
once they get there, steve races inside
steve: robin buckley and nancy wheeler. where are they?
receptionist: room 182. but you have to put shoes on so you can go back there.
steve looks down and realizes that he doesn't have shoes on.
he was so worried about getting to the hospital, he for got to put shoes on.
eddie sighs before kicking his slides off, towards steve.
steve stands there, stunned, unsure about what eddie wants him to do.
eddie: are you just going to stand there, or are you gonna take the shoes, harrington?
steve slides the shoes on, and starts running to the room, where the two girls are lying in beds.
he's never ran this fast in his entire life
he bursts through the door, to see robin and nancy talking
robin has a cast on one of her arms, while nancy, has a cast on one of her legs
eddie gave steve his shoes, because he knows how close he is to the two
even though he wishes that he could see them himself, he gave the shoes to steve
steve runs back out to eddie.
eddie: are they o-
steve: they're fine. can we go outside for a second?
eddie nods and the boys walk outside, sitting down on the curb
eddie: i have something to tell you too
steve: you go first
eddie: no you
steve: just spit it out, munson
eddie: okay, so basically, i like you.
steve: well, i like you too. we're friends, we have to tolerate each other
eddie: no... not like that. in a.... more than friends, way
steve, who's trying to piece this together: what?
eddie: you know?
steve: no. i don't.
eddie: but you do
steve: but i don't
eddie: you know how nancy and robin are like... dating?
steve: yeah. what does this have to do with us, though?
steve: like... boyfriends or boy friends? it's not very clear.
Eddie, who might commit assault in a few seconds: I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU.
steve: oh! yeah me too. i love all of my friends
eddie drags steve back to robin and nancy's room so they can explain to him what eddie's trying to say
robin: so, eddie likes you
steve, who is very confused, still: but like, as a friend?
steve: so... back to what i was going to tell you... yeah me too
eddie: what?
steve: i was trying to get clarification because i didn't think you liked me like that. i was going to tell you that i thought we should date
eddie: so, that whole time, YOU WANTED TO DATE?
steve: yeah. it's not a hard concept
steve: wait, so you don't want to date?
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untitled-byler-blog · 2 years
random st headcanons [that I just found in my drafts from august 3rds ???] because I should be working on my poppins fic [still true]
mike in full grunge send tweet
someone help my poor child he is depressed
long-haired mike truther (though I don’t think this is an /unpopular/ opinion) [this aged like WINE]
mike constantly snagging holly’s scrunchies and putting will’s hair in pigtails once he finally starts growing out the bowl cut
nancy and jonathan parenting mike and will when they start dating so they can feel like they’re not hiding even though they’re not telling anyone (although Joyce totally knows but they don’t know that)
hopper reacting negatively to finding out will is dating mike (because of the Mikephobia™) but of course before he can explain that Will starts having a panic attack thinking Hop is gonna treat him the way lonnie would have and Mike just goes off on Hop circa end of season 2 but worse because that’s my best fcking friend you asshole
Unrealistic wish, Will is, like, happy – blease
WillEl best siblings
El is the first person Mike comes out to (when she breaks up with him) and he mentions his feelings for Will and everything clicks for her and she’s like “oh yeah that checks out” and Mike’s like “what” and she just smiles in the most cryptically endearing way and Mike has an absolute meltdown over it
Mike going to will for comfort after El dumps his ass (because she finally realised her boyfriend is behaving like a wet noodle) and mike is saying all this  emotional stuff and Will is panicking not knowing what to do and just goes “i’m gay” and there’s absolute silence for like 3 whole minutes and then Mike pulls out El’s cryptic smile/“oh yeah that checks out” spiel and now will’s uncomfortable and Mike’s like “don���t worry about it”
but then he goes home and immediately screams into his pillow trying to figure out how to woo Will
Mike going to Nancy for dating advice and then Nancy going to Jonathan and Jon going to Will but it basically turns into a tragic case of telephone and El is cackling over the whole thing
Will has powers. I don’t know what they do but they’re sure there.
Robin adopting Steve’s gay sons
Will wearing Mike’s Hellfire shirt. It’s not a want, it’s a need
Mike “i apparently don’t sleep in actual clothing” Wheeler being like “hey can I stay over tonight” and Joyce (who knows about Them but they don’t know she knows) is like “sure” but Nancy (who was also over for dinner) is like “no” and just stares straight into Mike’s soul. Bonus points if Jonathan’s not even present.
Actually, yeah, Will/Nancy bonding over guns and how stupid Mike is
Elmike spying on said will/Nancy bonding moments
Max having a good recovery but not full recovery and getting mad at Lucas for doing everything for her because she’s "totally capable of taking of myself" but she secretly loves the attention
Erica/Max bonding
Aro/Ace El because you don't need to be in a relationship to have a fulfilling life (and she just loves [platonically] her friends so so much)
Dustin becoming an absolute ladies man by senior year (but always brushing them off because he's still with Suzie "she literally saved the world -- TWICE") effectively surpassing Steve's own reputation
Oh yeah speaking of which, once the cali gang tells Dustin about what suzie did he NEVER lets the group forget it
Argyle getting adopted into the party because he totally just accepted the most absolutely batshit nonsense that was El's rescue mission -- fecking King
Pineapple Pizza supremacy (because I said so) but the only person who doesn't like it is Steve (and he gets called homophobic by Robin and/or Mike every time he refuses to eat it)
The original party + Robin getting WASTED at the Jopper wedding and El and Steve having to rangle them all up and get them home
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