#i guess this is the straw for the camels back
pestis-blight · 2 years
I know it's not my place to rant
I know it's not exactly going to change anything
And I know I've made a semi-humorous post on it addressing this lightly but my god does the DC space have an issue with infantilising Tetch
And yeah, I'm gonna make this personal. So if you don't want to read how someone who's BEEN infantilised due to their mental state fucking hates what the fans are doing to Tetch then 1. Evaluate why and 2. Move on
If themes such as this upset you then that is completely rational, my point is mainly to address the fact that this keeps cropping up and it's not just one flavour either. Please keep yourself safe.
I've since calmed down from writing this but the point still stands; It is upsetting to see Jervis Tetch (or any other clearly mentally ill / nerodivergent character) infsntilised because of his symptoms and traits.
I'll preface this little post by saying I am still learning language that isn't rooted in ableism so if I do say something / a term that isn't appropriate please let me know - it's the only way I can learn
That being said. As an adult man who is neurodivergent and suffers delusional episodes / Hallucinations it is painful how quick I have been babied and infantilized.
Because somehow my peers equate my symptoms to inadequancy, I have been exposed to pandering tones, baby talking, and downright belittling and pathetic behaviour. It has effected my self esteem. It has effected my cripplingly small ego. I have no faith in myself because of it. Because of my illness and divergency my peers and people I once considered friends treated me as a child. Lesser.
I have been parented by people with the mental maturity of a walnut. And oh my god when you point that out ? "Oh how cute is he, he's getting all angry !"
What does this have to do with Jervis? If it wasn't obvious, the space which many Jervis fans reside seem to treat him like a child.
The initial, underlying, issue was simply how he is overly childish at a constant. I will outwardly say here I have watched the Animated Series, I have only exposed myself to Animated series content. This isn't directed at Gotham or any other version because I have no idea how they act.
But within TAS space is it painful to see iteration after iteration of "sweet soft boy" with out the rest of his personality. THATs the issue. The complete lack of any semblance of "mad scientist" - He's a god damn robotic genius and neuroscientist. He's not a ten year old. He's not a childish ball of soft joy. He is an adult.
To deliberately or even subconsciously compare him to a child, or make him act as such is problematic to say the least in my opinion. It infantilises genuine struggles.
I know when I'm having "a moment" so to speak that I am not myself. I am not present. I am overwhelmed by paranoid fear and I cannot remember a damn thing after. All I know is that I've not been myself, sometimes for a few days, and that I have more than likely pushed those close to me away.
To see a character with the same struggles, the same delusional nature (in fannon) be reduced to a stock cube of "plot" or palatable content is painful. To have fic after fic be about "looking after" a character in an episode only for it to be blatant faux-parenting is painful.
Idk what the point of this post is other than to rant and cry and scream at a void that this isn't right - My god please this isn't right -
I don't speak for everyone with delusions / hallucinations but I know I speak for myself
It fucking sucks to see him "parented" when the reality of that situation is so belittling
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i find this shit sooooooooo fucking annoying and frankly unworthy of respect… obviously advertising and branding are powerful and that’s why companies invest in them but i genuinely have no fucking patience for grown ass adults acting like corporations are standing their holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to spend money on their stuff. it’s genuinely pathetic to me. grow the actual fuck up please
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bdor1995 · 8 months
like, i would consider myself fairly adaptable to UI changes most of the time. i was "ok" with the sidebar addition. but this icon/pfp change is actually pissing me off to the point any (minor) goodwill i had toward staff has basically eroded instantly.
@staff you need to change this back, or offer a toggle to put the icons back on the dash. this change is making your website actively harder to use and impeding any enjoyment i had on your site so far
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harocat · 9 months
Y’all are just pretending misogyny doesn’t exist lately, I swear to god.
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harvestmoth · 11 months
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oh also this real quick
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gierosajie · 11 months
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l8tof1 · 1 year
Idek what the drama is actually about bestie. The fact he's allegedly dating someone? Or the people he's supposedly with?
i’m with you anon, i don’t really get it. people just love to create drama
none of these things are shocking either? for as long as i’ve been following him, he’s been hanging around some questionable people, he’s gone on ridiculous rich people adventures, and - i would just have to assume even though this is truly the least relevant part of it all - has been hooking up with whoever tf he wants. 🤷‍♀️
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cafeleningrad · 3 months
As much as I love the medium, I mean heck I'm writing page long Utena metas, sometimes the most hyped titles remind me why I'm also not this deeply involved. So apparently Oshi no Ko is good but a movie length set up where the protagonist's background and motivation is so mindbogglingly wild and unbelievable, clashing so hard with a story trying to be cutthroat honest about the entertainment industry. And no one in the movie length set-up acted like their age, or like any kind of realistic human being for that matter... Also made the mistake to google who Ai's baby father is and um... this character just sounds so stupid and over the top I can't believe that this story thinks it's going to tell me anything resembling a human experience.
EDIT: What even bugs me more about the set up is Ai getting murdered for the protagonist to be motivated to become an actor. Like... he could've had thousands of personal reasons to become an actor. If I would need to drink the reincarnation-coolaid, first reason being not wanting to go through the hell that is medical studies again. Or maybe he always wanted to work in show-biz but alas was born at the deepest country side. Also absolute anime mother bingo for her getting fridged for protag motivation, she dies in devotion to be a mother, and dies gracefully, and is emotionally articulate.
No but for real why does this show want me want to believe that it wants to talk about some dark "realities" of show-biz when no one of the characters behaves like any sort of a human being?! Gosh, sometimes I hate this industry and the no cricicism allowed fandom financing it.
(I mean some folks find a liking in characters from Kimetsu no Yaiba but sometimes hyped titles really are beyond my comprehension.)
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saline-coelacanth · 7 months
Just a reminder that I am NOT working on the Ninjago fusion au anymore so do not send me asks about it I will not answer them
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amygdalae · 2 years
Once again I must say the absence of hangovers alone is enough to make weed vastly superior to alcohol
(When approaching with the mindset of 'I would like to temporarily significantly alter my state of mind with as few drawbacks as possible', i mean)
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ayakashibackstreet · 11 months
By the way, I just realised my Japanese teacher didn't assign me any homework for the weekend again?
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artianaiolanthe · 2 years
TLDR: I don’t like Billy Hargrove as portrayed by the fandom at large and said portrayal only makes me actively hate his character when on further reflection my biggest issue with him is wasted potential
I don’t hate Billy Hargrove as a character. 
I don’t believe he was irredeemable, I don’t believe he’s the worst/most evil person on the show, I don’t believe he deserved to die. Looking only at what is to be seen from the source material, I can actually say Billy was an interesting character with potential for development. At some point I could have said I was excited to see what would be done with him.
But when I say I hate Billy, I mean I hate what the fandom has done to him. I hate the shipping object who’s there because y’all want to shove Steve into a relationship with another “attractive” boy, I hate the pity sink that has no responsibility for any of his wrongs because of his abuse, I hate the woobified little meow meow I see time and time again that the stans can’t seem to separate from what was portrayed on screen and I hate Olympic level mental gymnastics people twist themselves into because they can’t acknowledge his flaws.
Billy doesn’t HAVE to be a good person, you know? You can like him warts and all. It doesn’t make you a bad person to like a shitty character, asshole characters can be fun and entertaining. David from Lost Boys has the same energy as Billy (minus my biggest criticism) and I adore him. Some of my favourite American Horror Story characters are utter abominations of human beings.Toffee from Star Vs. is probably the show’s best character. The only Silent Hill protagonist who’s got an argument for being a good person is Harry and he’s one of my least favourites. I’ll always love and miss Kali. It’s kind of sad if the only way you can enjoy a character is to ignore or absolve them of wrongdoings, it’s part of who they are, it’s what makes them unique.
And ignoring these flaws that are fundamentally how they are shown to interact with the rest of the cast, in Billy’s case especially, is infuriating. You can’t look at Billy’s behaviour towards Lucas and say he isn’t racist; you can’t look at how he terrorized Max and say he never abused her, you can’t act like everything he’s done has been a silly little misunderstanding and isn’t seriously fucked up! I know it’s fandom, you want to draw and gif and write fic, I’m not saying to like Billy you have to have an itemized list of his sins and swear you do not agree with him, but the bare fucking minimum you need to do is acknowledge his wrongs and not argue with anyone about the fact that they happened.
What, do you write Billy as though he’s never done any of the things he’s called out for? That’s how you write him, not how the show portrays him. You can write and hc to your heart’s content any au you like but don’t treat it like canon, or like it should be the universal view of him.
And for the love of god if you really feel the need to defend him, stop and think of why. Why can’t he be racist or abusive? Why do you have to insist he’s not what he so clearly is. Goody Proctor isn’t going to point you out at the Black Sabbath for liking a fictional character, why can’t it be and instead of but or because? Billy can feel protective of Max and be abusive of her in the process, Billy can be a victim and perpetuate the abuse he suffers, most of all Billy can be deserving of sympathy AND have racist behaviours to unlearn. 
But do you want to have to reckon with that? Do you really feel like the only way you can like Billy is to ignore these very integral parts of him and completely rewrite his history? Or do you genuinely not see anything wrong with his behaviour? Cause if so, I wanna know what bandersnatch bullshit your netflix pulled to let you watch a different show. I hope you can bite your tongue whenever Billy comes up because you clearly aren’t acknowledging what everyone else is and you shouldn’t have a place in the argument if you’re going to ignore the facts. 
Again, I like Billy’s character as a concept. It would have been very interesting if the plot we got included some self reflection, some development, not a 180 into a saint but at least a complex Moral Greyness that would have made him an interesting part of the cast. I can see that his reaction to abuse was very different from Jonathan and Will’s and it should have made for a fascinating parallel. I don’t hate Billy because of the way his abuse has caused him to lash out.
I hate Billy because he chose to lash out in a racist manner and because he lashed out at his younger stepsister in a way where she was clearly scared of him in season two. I hate him because he, like much of Stranger Things, is a well of wasted potential. 
And most of all, I hate him because many of his fandom refuses to acknowledge his flaws and wants to pretend he’s not responsible for his bigotry and hatred.
Billy was never going to be the next Zuko or Steve’s soulmate. He is a victim and a tragic one of circumstances beyond his control. But he’s also an abusive and racist bully and it’s not exaggerating or reductive to say that. It’s just a facet of who he is in the grand scheme of hurt people hurting other people. Billy chose to punch down and in show will never have a chance to atone for it, and while a redemption fic would be nice to read I don’t think I could bring myself to because I’ve only been shown that people only care about the good parts of redemption (the rewards and the acceptance) and couldn’t care less about the work and the consequences. The Duffers may have killed Billy off in an unsatisfying and underwhelming manner, but in my eyes Billy never had a chance to thrive as a character because the majority of the fandom tried so hard to white out his flaws. In the show he’s a disappointment and in fandom for me he only inspires vitriol. Everything about Fandom Billy is a hollow vessel of fool’s gold and I fucking hate everything about it.
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junipercastor · 1 year
Nvm i take back my last posts tags we r not friends anymore he just blocked me for sending this
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yujikuna · 1 year
i can excuse my ex’s mistress calling me a freeloader and a bitch but i draw the line at being called weird for liking anime
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tchaikovskaya · 2 years
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littleragondin · 2 years
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