#i havent pasted them into the doc
whumpshaped · 9 months
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copy pasted my drabbles again. were getting up there boys
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kittehbiscuits · 3 months
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Doc Ock Beetlejuice... aughh... I rendered something for the first time in a really long time and I am very sleepy now uhhnsncjk I hopenyou like the gtuy
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faunandfloraas · 23 days
My heads killing me
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hattoriscap · 7 months
yall. wanna tell me about your abandoned projects? please 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 not necessarily fandom related stuff
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jefferythejelly · 10 months
debated even doing this bc i feel like i am Barely a fic writer but i got tagged by 2 people (thank u @negativepeanuthoarder and @rutadales) so i am going to be brave
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs
couple of brief notes before i give u the list:
i have far too many wips (bc i never finish anything adsfjbdsa) so for simplicity's sake and to cut out ones that are kinda nothingburger this technically isnt All the files in my wip folder
almost all of these are nsfw in some way and several of them deal with omegaverse/mpreg/various other weird kinks. sorry if that is not ur cup of tea when it comes to fanfiction but you have been warned👍
anyways list under the readmore bc theres 17 of them so it got a little long lmao
sap unplanned pregnancy dnn to dnkn
karl gets abducted by aliens yay
subnap (that title might be a little misleading im ngl it kind of got away from me. also this is one of the oldest in there i started it may 2022 adsfjbadskjf)
funz pregnancy slash kidfic brainrot (this one is less of a fic in progress and more of a series of brainrot bullet points. but i like it a lot its very self indulgent)
dogboy foolish
funz body worship nonsense
ahaha yeahhhhh (this one is one of the few where the title is not descriptive at all. wildcard)
funz empty
yep its funz time
punznap pog
omega punz
funz new years kiss
karlnap maid outfit
wrow (another wildcard)
cdrunz eggs
karlnap chapstick
mr beast hide and seek but im in heat (not clickbait)
tagging @tinynap and anyone else reading this who wants to talk about their wips (bc i am at a loss for people to tag who have not already been tagged by a different mutual asdfbsk)
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archivtime · 2 months
to continue the previous reblog about ts and isa's relationship.
I like to think of them as doomed soulmates their gonna be involved romanticlly in every universe but no matter how good the relationship is it will *always* end badly no matter what.
Even if their not involved romanticlly theyll have some sort conflict but in the end theyll make up maybr not always.
In this universe atleast after they break up and td gets w kim isa is kinda salty cus im planning to wrote smthing about kim and isa having a salty past of some kind exes? horrible friendship breakup? or something worse im still thinking about the possibilities.
Things get worse when rachel (isas cureent gf) decides their gonna make a band isa the drummer obviously other than her intelligence thats what shes basiclly known for.
But rachel is good friends w ts and they need a guitarudt and ts happens to be one well things get messy between them but eventually some sort of understanding happens between ts and isa.
But then when things are starting to get well between well they need bassist which is smthing kim happens to be.
Isa is mad at ts for inviting her saying smthing alomg the lines "shes not alternative why is she here? "She is alternative your just not over me"
They figth over this but rachel helps her to calm down its been 2 years since then and isa still lowkey has beef w kim
The bassist and drummer r suppose to be a couple partners work together even but what happens when they dont wanna work together what kinda music would that make?
Kim has mixed feelings toward isa she tries to be friendly even if its hard but sometimes she just cant with isa but theyll evebtuallt make up maybe someday
And rachel? Th rhythm guitarist? shes just watching this all unfold confused at all this drama
But theyve been a band for 2 years anf this are sligthly better their almost a legitame friendgroup (aside from isas real friendgroup)
Anf their are less figths now isa and ts both cate for each other even if its not romantic anymore but they have a hard tome showing it to each other and maybe thats what makes these 2 suffer even more
Their innablity to express emotions properly
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everquestskeleton · 9 months
I legit have to take like at least a year long break from whatever I've written to not hate it like I don't know why I stopped working on half of this shit. oh , the horrors probably. but still I remember getting like pissed off cause the shit I was writing wasn't good enough but I'm reading it now and enjoying it quite a lot.
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randaccidents · 2 months
Heart's live reaction for the chicken plush:
ehehe mini fic potential ask mini fic potential ask-
For context: This is a part of the au I havent talked about much and links to another part that I am. Slightly stuck on trying to bang out. It's specifically the darkest part of the Heartless story (aka the part that looks the most hopeless).
(digging through story doc) General story beats you need to know for this mini fic are just that. This is after they convince Heart he is wanted, but Heart is not convinced he is needed, and his progress stagnates. Perseverance is too blunt about the issue and starts a MASSIVE argument between them. Heart, reminded of the thoughts and emotions he had in Apathy by the argument, relapses into random bouts of unconsciousness (luckily not back into a full coma like before).
Penitence blames Perseverance, Perseverance blames himself. He had just finished the chicken plush for Heart. He was building up the courage to give it to him. Now Penitence won't even let him be in the same ROOM as Heart. Or hear him out. Or interact with him. It's been 5 days since he last slept, the longest he has ever gone.
He manages something anyways. Sneaks in while Penitence is asleep and places the chicken plush into Heart's arms. He needs to give it to Heart before he tries what he's been considering for the last few days.
SO thats where we are for this little mini fic >:3.
Heart wakes up to a chicken plush.
The first thing he registers as consciousness crept back in was the gentle weight of something soft in his arms. He scrunched up his nose, weakly shifting his arms in an attempt to figure out what had been given to him. Finding the object was shaped too weirdly to be deduced, Heart sighed. He really didn't want to wake up and face Mind and Soul. Or well, just Soul these past few days. (Did Mind give up on him after hearing what he did? Is that why he hasn't come to see him? Stupid Heart acting on stupid Emotions too inefficient for him? He is unwanted, unneeded, just keep your eyes closed and push the emotions away and fade back into that blissful emptiness without hurt-)
There is a weight in his arms. Heart was always a curious creature. He slowly let one eye peek open, reluctance to face the dawn making the task difficult. A single, black buttoned eye stared back. Blinking both eyes open in shock, Heart gasped quietly.
It was a chicken plush. A small, round thing, made with familiar purplish-white fabric, black button eyes looking out and into him. It was a little lop-sided, sitting slanted in his arms, a more intense shade of purple peeking out from under its belly. Blackened fingers shivering from disbelief, Heart carefully tilted the plush onto its back, uncovering the orchid-coloured heart that sat sewn into its belly. A familiar, orchid-coloured heart.
It's the same one he had Soul sew onto all his hoodies. He runs a finger over the stitching around it, unwilling to believe it. But no, it is the same heart actually, he'd recognize the feeling of those stitches anywhere. Why would they-?
The sound of shuffling behind him had him hiking up his shoulders, arms curling protectively around his new possession. (When did he decide the plush was his? Maybe when he realized it was definitely made with him in mind.)
A hand on his shoulder gently shook him. {"Yo. If you're conscious, good morning Hear- what the fuck."} Heart tensed up at the curse, digging his fingers into the plush and curling around it, trying to hide it from view. (Please don't take this away from him. He hasn't quite processed the tangle of emotions that the plush brought him, but they are nice and warm emotions, and he wants to bask in nice and warm emotions for once.)
He heard Soul sputter behind him for a moment before sighing. The mattress dipped downwards behind his back, making Heart peek up at Soul's back. (It was still weird to him to see Soul wearing long sleeves. Even in the past, Soul would roll up the sleeve on everything he wore even if stolen from others. They never did tell him why that changed.)
He quickly looked away when he noticed Soul turning to face him, gently digging his fingers into the chicken plush in his arms. The chicken was much nicer to him than his halves had been anyway. So soft and squishy, its little button eyes unable to express judgement, only innocence. It made the long-lost feeling of happiness bubble up in his chest. Someone made this for him.
Soul's hand returning to his shoulder stole his attention again. {"...sorry for the poor response Heart, I was just surprised,"} Soul mumbled. Heart tilted his head slightly. Didn't Soul make the plush?
Confusion drove his leaden tongue into movement. ("I thought you made this...?")
{"What- I- no! I mean, I am making something for you- ignore what I just said it was supposed to be a surprise- point is, I didn't make this."}
Heart rolled over, staring wide eyed up at Soul. He didn't make this? But that only left... ("...Mind? I thought he hated me.")
He watched Soul's equally wide eyes blink back at him, forgetting in his shock that it had been days since he had shown this much energy, much less willingly met their gaze. He watched their mouth open and close silently before words finally escaped. {"Where did you get that idea?"}
Heart winced, looking away as days-old bitterness surged up his throat, turning his words to poison. ("He hasn't come by since we argued. He must hate me to stay far away like that, stupid Emotional Side making stupid decisions.")
Soul groaned behind him, muffled curses leaking through his red lips. Heart gently pet the chicken plush, letting the soft plush fabric calm him and remind him of his confusion. Mind made this? For him? For him.
{"I'm a fucking idiot."}
Heart tilted his head, curious to know more yet not wishing to face Soul again. Soul muttered before raising his voice once more, addressing Heart. {"Perseverance hasn't been avoiding you, Heart. I just haven't allowed the two of you to be in the same room as each other. I don't want another rela- another fight."}
(Curious, the word that Soul tripped over. Heart was almost certain he almost said "relapse". But Heart wasn't sick, he was doing just fine without the plague of emotions in his chest. He was finally being efficient. He promises.)
He grumbled quietly at the other implication in Soul's words instead. ("Of course it was you. It's always you.") Blackened fingers squeezed the plush in his hands firmly, feeling the shift of what must be pellets inside. ("Mind would never be able to stay away. Only you would keep us separate after a fight. Not like it worked well the last-") Choking on his anger and betrayal and hurt and bitterness, Heart shoved his face into the fabric of the chicken, shuddering. No. He cannot think about Apathy right now. The memory of it was too cold, and today he wants to stay awake and appreciate his new chicken plush.
Breathe. The chicken plush is soft and warm against his face. A rock in the tide of his returning emotions. He isn't sure he hated their return at the moment. Breathe. Mind cared about him, had made the weight that he was using to hide his face from the world. Breathe. Soul... probably did too. Separating them after fights was normal, and he did mention a gift he was working on too, even if by accident. Breathe.
A hand on his shoulder had him flinching away, rolling back over to face the wall. Soul's voice is quiet behind him. {"...I can go get Perseverance if you want?"}
Go get Mind, he means. Let them finally see each other face to face for the first time since the argument, he means. (Except that's not true, because Mind must have snuck in to gift the chicken plush. Heart feels grateful.) Heart nods shakily, exhaling a shivering, icy breath.
He waits until the door clicks closed before lifting his face from the plush. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he grimaces. That was definitely one of the downsides of letting his emotions back in, he decides, the choking flood.
Rolling back onto his back, he places the chicken plush on his chest, letting the unevenly sewn toy list sideways as his fingers explored its form, taking in its calming weight. A weak smile crawled over his lips as his fingers found uneven stitches at every seam. Mind never was too interested in crafts, making the effort it put in all the more touching, the emotion warm in his chest. This was something he missed about his emotions, he decides, the soothing warmth.
...he is going to ask why it had to use one of his hoodies though. He recognizes the colour and feel of the fabric. He's sure Mind would give him a logical reason, so it had better be a good one. (Whatever reason it was would already be a good one. The plush is warm and soft and safe, and it is a gift. It makes him, dare he admit it, happy.) Wrapping his arms around the chicken plush, he squeezed it against his chest, letting the warmth of the emotions it inspired ground him as he waited.
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hmshermitcraft · 6 months
Oh gosh I am so incredibly new to hermitshipping/hermitcraft in general but mumscarian has taken over my life for the past two days, its all I've been reading and especially the vampire!mumbo and harpy!grian headcanons are stuck in my brain like, gosh I dont even know where they originate from i havent been here for long whxhwhhd
But possessive vampire mumbo coupled with even more possessive harpy grian, and a very confused and maybe slightly oblivious scar in the middle? But also scar realizing later and like, being just as possessive over them???? And all those fae/elven!scar headcanons are so nice, i love them so much bc hes so pretty
Makes me scream into my pillow and its so funny to me, oh my gosh its so funny
Like like-
Mumbo and Grian: Someone is going to die-
Scar: of fun!
I apologize for going in here to rant about this but I have literally no other place to go to bdhehxhhshdd
Also for the pillow talk thingy!
Just all of them like, cuddling and talking about what they want to build tomorrow, all of them laughing about pranks they pulled (like the Buttercup stuff they did to prank Doc which is so hilarious to me) and just talking about things to do, stuff to see, just living their best lives out here and damn if i dont wanna see em do exactly that!!!
The problem is, of course, that Scar's idea of 'fun' is somehow more unhinged than both Mumbo and Grian's. His standard of 'normal' is way way off. Somebody is going to die and at this rate it is going to be Scar- they looked away for one minute what is he doing?!
Scar always seems to turn out fine. They can never tell if they should be angry about this or relieved.
Thankfully, nighttime is when they get to see Scar actually relax. Grian curls up against his chest whilst Scar lies in Mumbo's lap. And Scar talks about the future, all the plans he has and things he wants to do and they are both so in love with him. They laugh and reminisce and scheme and it all feels perfect.
Scar usually falls asleep first. Mumbo and Grian share relieved smiles that are sickeningly full of love.
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kimtaegis · 12 days
i feel so guilty i havent been in the mindspace for new music but at the same time im very excited for jin to come back? like why isnt my enthusiasm there? idk. i never even finished hobis doc but id rewatch old run eps. like i have new things to be appreciative about but im falling so behind. ik we're not obligated to consume everything when it comes out but i still feel this way. like im letting them down, like im falling into the very thing they were scared of, with losing us. i hate when lifes personal problems make me feel further away from the people that kept me going in the first place
hm… I receive asks like this quite frequently and I’ll be honest with you, I don’t really know what to say to this topic anymore besides from what I already tried to convey in the past: you don’t owe anyone anything, enjoying their work and all the content that’s been put out is not a duty or job, it’s okay to take a break from interests and hobbies if they don’t bring you as much happiness anymore as they used to, it doesn’t mean you let anyone down or love them less. just look at what minimoni said about that topic yesterday! distance is for healing and rediscovering your passions and what’s truly important to you. and you can always reconnect in the future. please try to stop pressuring yourself like that, there’re so many more important things than watching a video or listening to an album once it’s released. it’s all alright 🫂
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hella1975 · 6 months
Hella i have no idea what to expect out of this chapter aside from what rori sent and i cant read it. Im crying and that ask is literally all i read. I refuse to live in a world where one of them dies. Taob ends at chapter 45 (??) for me. The rest doesnt exist.
(This is sarcastic)
(I cant tell yet)
(I genuinely might not be able to finish this im so sorry if that happens my heart isnt made for sad things)
(Also this is list anon)
I havent even read the entirety of the last chapter yet so i just casually have a half written list for that in my google docs thing.
I can not express the amount of joy i expierienced when i got the notification that you posted. It wasnt even the update notif, like completely aside from the content you bring with you you being active again makes me so happy!
I also havent finished the last tams thing and im very excited to reaadd thatt
I also saw that theres a tbos server like yesterday and ive been staring at it for the past 24 hours.
Also im the one who saw the art on ig that i thought was drako and nate for a split second and i want to reiderate how strange that was for me bc like i said, my first thought was 'how fucking big is hellas fandom'.
Im exhausted and high as a kite rn so sorry if this doesnt make sense ✨️
nothing bad happens in taob 👍
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cheriboms · 5 months
BTTF Year-End Tag Game!
Thank you to both @bttf-dork and @future-boi for tagging me in this ;w; also pika ur comments about my art WAHHHH ILYSM <33 oTL
This year:
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie?
Since I only hopped on this time train towards the final third of the year lol: fully all the way through, at least 4! Otherwise I've jumped around a lot while looking for clips and references and stuff. So if I stitch all those together, then we'll say approx 5ish :) The first movie is my favorite one!
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what?
Noooo, I don't really have any merch for things I like, actually... it gives me too much anxiety to publicly show my interests ;w;
How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year?
None LOL I don't really drink soda to begin with, but if I do, I prefer white (lemon lime) soda anyway :P
What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year?
I'm going to be honest, I... don't read fanfic very much. 🫣 I usually end up creating my own stuff (art/writing) when I have free time vs looking at other people's, which ik I need to get better at T_T So I don't have a loooot to rec... that being said I MUST shout out "Emmett's first weather expirement." by @alex-a-fans !!! <3 It is my greatest treasure of the year <333
I also really liked "incredible" by @penny-anna, which I read before I officially entered le fandom ;w; lone pine doc and baby marty my beloveds !!!!!
Finally, like basically all of the Doctober prompts from @doctorbrown *O* Days 8, 22, and 30 are some of my favorites, but I really recommend them all oTL theyre SOOO GOOOOOD !!!!!
A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!)
See: everything I reblogged. Jk but fr, everyone is so so talented it's really hard to choose :'0 Here's a bunch of some of my faves in no particular order!!
[x] from @hearts-for-winona | [x] from @maxintime | [x] from @future-boi | [x] from @bttf-dork | [x] from @synthsays and @daryfromthefuture | [x] from @therobotwig | [x] from @22194isbestboy | [x] from @mythical-bookworm | [x] from @mkayeatsspaghetii | [x] from @tobytost / @tobytost-star
Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of?
Yes I did !!! It is actually the most fan content I've ever made for a fandom since I was in... maybe junior high? So like YUH. Tbh, it's very difficult for me to find what you would call 'pride' in my art so ehh >_>; that being said, I do think that I had a lot of good IDEAS for Doctober (esp days 19 and 28), but my execution wasnt really the best. I would have liked to draw days 17 and 24 (+ time travel day) a little more properly too; like, I'm not as disappointed at how they turned out, but I still wish they were better and/or I could have given them more time. The ones I most actually-tried-and-dont-mind are days 7, 9, and 21 + under the sea dance day. (So many links was probably cheating but tbf I've kinda bent the rules for the past few questions so... whatevs lol). I've ALSOOO still been working on my godforsaken essay, it is 40 pages rn but even tho it's not done, I'm INSANELY proud of it Q_Q
How many times were you late for school this year?
None! B) For one thing I'm graduated lol, but also I'm typically early gang. I'm that person who'd sit in the classroom by myself for like 5 minutes before everyone else would show up LMBO ^^;
Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them?
Yess I did!! A... lot actually :0 Most of them were by chance/pre bttf era, but still :P Here is my list as well as I could find, sorry it is soooo long, but what are ya gonna do:
Star Wars/The Mandalorian; The Addams Family (1991); The Tale of Desperaux (2008); Cyberchase; & Clue (1985) -- Christopher Lloyd, havent rewatched the latter 3 since I was a kid and literally went :0 to learn he apparently was in them. Also Kings Quest (2015) which isn't a movie/show but I think it counts uwu
Stuart Little (1999) -- Michael J. Fox, which also rocked my world to discover O_O like hearing it now I'm like "yeah thats him alright" but as a kid I would never have been able to tell you that was the same guy from that time travel movie, despite watching both way too much LMBO
Elf (2003) & Last Vegas (2013) -- Mary Steenburgen, nothing much to say except that she slayed ^_^
Love at the Christmas Table (2012) -- Lea Thompson, I didn't care for it and was shouting "LEA GET OUT OF THIS MOVIE, UR BETTER THAN THIS" like the whole time lol.
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) & Curious George (2006) -- apparently these have Donald Fullilove (Goldie Wilson) in them? Same w Jason Scott Lee (Whitey) in Lilo & Stitch (2002)??? And Star Wars/Kenobi show apparently had Flea (Needles)????? ...HUH.
I binged both the entirety of Law and Order: SVU as well as Seinfeld this year w my sister; apparently Mary Steenburgen, Lea Thompson, & Casey Siemaszko (3-D) are in at least one episode of the former, while Elsa Raven (Clocktower Lady) and Ricky Dean Logan (Data) are apparently in a random episode of Seinfeld each. So like, technically I saw them, tho I don't distinctly remember it :'D Also, I have been making my way through Little House on the Prairie recently, which has Matt Clark (Chester the Bartender) in a few episodes !
Finally finally finally, I watched I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore (2017), as well as the LOTR trilogy like. Twice? And they all have Elijah Wood of course >:3c
Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year?
None in the wild, no :P But I did end up being in the top 0.1% of listeners for Huey Lewis this year... so UHHHHH take that as u will LMBO
How many times did you fall down this year?
Hmmm idk?? Probably at least 1 I would think ???
Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like!
Nooo, I didn't even know it existed until like October !!! It looks super fun but atm/last I checked it doesn't come to where I live so :( I should listen to the soundtrack soon!
How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met?
At least three times, and then probably a few times I'm forgetting :P
If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be?
The year in general is definitely "Oh great, the atrocity channel!" LMBO (but when hasn't it been since like... 2020? 2016???). For me personally, I think it's either "I don't know if I could take that kind of rejection." or "Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, don't do anything, don't interact with anyone, and try not to look at anything." ^^;
⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year?
I think I'm going to try to post more of the things I make, like my art and especially my writing ;w; Most of the time I'm quite George-ish and am too scared to put any of my stuff out there, for fear that no one will like it, so... I need to get better about that. Also I'd LIKE to get a full-time job and my own place some time next year, but we will see !!!
Idrk who to tag :0 ik @brinkle-brackle @mythical-bookworm and @alex-a-fans have already been tagged but havent technically done it yet... maybe also @backintime @tobytost @ectojester @stillpreoccupiedwith1985 @itsthemorph @doctorbrown @knickynoo and @fourth-dimensional-thinker :) but no pressure to do it, just didnt catch if youd been tagged or not!
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drowinginmyownabyss · 5 months
Intro Post 2.0!*
Hi! my name is Mars. i use they/she pronouns, but i prefer they/them. i identify with the terms demisexual lesbian and agender! in the past, i’ve vented a lot on here, and while that will most likely continue, i would love to use this account to more just interact with others and talk about the things that interest me! oh, and please message me, i might take a minute to respond, but i’d love to talk! also send asks. i love to reply to them.
Likes - winona ryder, percy jackson, the marauders era, music (especially vinyl), studio ghibli, writing, converse, doc martens, alice oseman books, caffiene, theater, band, anything slightly creepy, and like so many other things this list will grow
Dislikes - homophobia, transphobia, all types of hate, crowds, loud noises, and tumblr bots
Music Artists I <3 - taylor swift, the wombats, beach goons, david bowie, slade, mott the hoople, t. rex, queen, car seat headrest, deftones, dazey and the scouts, destroy boys, dexter and the moonrocks, GRLwood, grumpster, lovejoy, mccafferty, mommy long legs, olivia rodrigo, pinkshift, slutever, surf curse, the buttertones, the front bottoms, the killers, the oozes, vundabar, alex g, beabadoobee, boygenius, cigarettes after sex, clario, conan gray, frankie cosmo, girl in red, julien baker, lucy dacus, phoebe bridgers, mitski, rio romeo, sir chloe, tv girl and so many more
Shows and Movies I <3 - call me by your name, young royals, little women, ladybird, heartstopper, greys anatomy, south park, percy jackson, i am not okay with this and more (im so bad of thinking of things and then just adding them later)
Hobbies - reading, writing, listening to music, theater, marching band, and so much more (again)
*If you have followed me for a bit, you may have noticed that I havent been active in a while. I plan to be more active now, and I kind of just wanted to refresh and make myself a new intro post since my account used to be more depressing and thankfully i am doing a lot better now! its still not wonderful, but i am trying everyday!!
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orbdotexe · 7 months
[we're gonna ignore how long it took me to remember i didnt finish this post. but its done now so--]
I've found that the general reaction to Wolf in Exile, is about the same as the reaction to Uldren in canon.
When Amanda finds out that Crow used to be Uldren, she gets angry and lashes out at him, even when he's not there. Before Crow got his memories back, he'd hear about the things Uldren did and would be disgusted yet pitied him for the path that must've brought the prince to do so. When Crow first finds out who he used to be, he struggles with it; angry and refusing to accept it while making threats based on the events he's rejecting (which, in Exile, would be Crow's view of Wolf after he realizes the position he's in and before Cayde breaks and tells him about what happened in the Prison)
Do you see. do you see it yet
On another note, time to correct/build on some older Exile lore:
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I know the first mention I made of Nimbus was in a joke post about "What if the entire problem of TFE was isolated to the vanguard" and I was talking about how Nimbus hears Wolf's side of the story first, but I've decided to keep that actually! Since Wolf does end up getting unexiled before Final Shape (haven't figured out exactly when - I... haven't been able to play very much, so I am open to ideas here), I was thinking that it'd be a mixture of Crow, Osiris, Saint and Nimbus wearing Zavala down (on top of The Guilt TM) that would finally bust that wall down and Crow would go drag them back to the City. So basically, we have even MORE character conflicts!
Also: The reason TFE isn't just a Vangurd Problem, is... Wolf is making it everyone's problem (and the Vanguard is trying to keep tabs on them) by being Extra Violent. Not to mention that, before Exile, the Red Legion already wasn't having a good time with Wolf. And now it's even worse, so I imagine there are some attempts there to suppress Wolf or. generally get them Out Of The Picture (which fail. horribly) I imagine, during Chosen, there's some Battlegrounds that are straight up interrupted by Wolf, too. But gonna have to flesh that out some more In short: I think the enemies of the City rather preferred it when the Vanguard had some hand in Wolf's business (making Vanguard Pawn taunts seem a bit more fear-filled than they were in canon)
And, there was an ask from Eternal where I said that Crow tells Wolf that Cayde's alive was on the second meeting, but that has since been made big time impossible. So, I want to say that the two are at least somewhat into Friend Territory when Crow complains some about Cayde, since Crow wasn't sure how much of a sore spot he was and didn't want to risk it. Crow does get a message from Cayde through, so Wolf knows for sure that Cayde is alive before the Cayde Short takes place (I KNOW i havent posted it yet please forgive me. someone needs to take this AU away from me) but it still takes a hot minute to get the two in the same room.
My initial view of Caiatl was that she'd have either an "ehhhh" view of Wolf, or have her thing with Calus be in her way. But, actually, I don't think she would. At the end of Lightfall, she was so far over him, and too dedicated to protecting her people to really care about what happened to Calus, as he had every chance to redeem himself and just dug his grave further. But its her view of protecting her people that I think would sway her in favor Wolf. In the future, sometime post-Lightfall, Caiatl's point of view of Wolf is what turns Zavala's mind and he convinces Ikora to agree to unexiling Wolf. Crow, Osiris, and Saint were already arguing in Wolf's favor (though in all their own ways) but Caiatl, who had Saladin and Zavala in her ears about Wolf, decided... I think I put it best in the Chaos Box Doc: If she can see past Calus and his crimes and turn to protect her people; if Saint can see past the Fallen to protect the Eliksni and the City; if Zavala can see past Ghaul and trust her with his own— Then he can see past the Prison and take the risk. also her name means "all may not go as it needs to go"! not really relevant to my point but i feel like she'd say that to Zavala
I think I've landed on Saint's view of Wolf being heavily reliant on his faith in them throughout his life (due to the paradox) and Osiris trusting them. Saint isn't sure of whether or not they're really guilty, but they gave him (and many, many others, in his mind) a second chance, and he feels they deserve it. And if they truly are innocent, then he's got a bone to pick with a Queen's Wrath...
Still don't know what to with The Grave though. I mean, it wouldn't hurt anything for Wolf not to see it. Either that, or have it so there's not a speech? Or just wait until We've figured out how exactly Wolf dies and where the story goes afterwards, and then work on the Grave? Idk man there are way too many things in this AU for me to keep 100% track of--
I know for a fact that I missed alot here, so. Fire me some clarity questions?? Ol' Malphur's on free call too--
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onefourty445 · 21 hours
9, 12 & 22 for the writer asks! 🤍
9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
well, the last one i posted was thermo but that’s not finished yet… i just checked actually and i first created the doc on the 9th of march, so that makes it roughly 3 months since i started? But i finished the first chapter in about a month-ish…i have not yet started chapter 3 yet (🥲) bc after posting chapter 2 i want to finish the newest chapter of my drarry but i think it’ll be done in june!
(ruffle your feathers, on the other hand… took me 2 weeks😭)
12. a trope you’re really into right now?
I’m actually kind of in a reading slump rn so i dont even know what I want to read, but I think I’ve been craving hurt&comfort and angst… been reading some good delicious drarry with hurt!harry and it scratched an itch 😋 I!!! also got back into reading lestappen which i’m really glad abt since i havent read them for a few months but i found some good ones and yes, they were a bit angsty…
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
i do worry a bit, I think? But over the years I’ve learnt it’s better if I just treat these stories as if I let their hands go… if I have expectations I usually end up disappointed lol which I’m sure is like an universal feeling. I try not to let it get to me and thankfully since my fics don’t get like too much attention i also don’t really get negative comments (thank god) but! The former does make me a bit… idk, sad I guess? like with winter things, I do understand that it’s a season specific story but it did not get as much attention as I expected it would…
But also I think I just learnt to manage it over the years tbh, I don’t check stats often to let myself be surprised when i do haha and i just hope there are other people out there who also enjoy my silly little ideas (the hits on somebody else are insane like in sane???)
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whippedcreamcookie · 8 months
You should make a sort of archive for Whipped Cream’s official artwork or promo edits that his sprites have been used in over time
oh i actually did make posts like that in the past! i believe for official artworks in general, most of them should be in the doc
in regards to sprite edits and other things theres this imgur album i made, though i havent updated it in a while too (though im not sure if theres anything to rly update it for lol)
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