#i hope my mom gets a promotion soon lol then hopefully i can go
glcive · 4 months
im so obsessed with melanie martinez you dont even KNOWW
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lesbiancarat · 3 years
Oohh true, true! Plus we do have the comeback soon so that also means it won't be very soon? It has gotten very confusing very fast thats for sure lol but your post did confirm and clear things up. I'm curious to see how it will play out, we have the new series which is not related to the new comeback but its own thing. Maybe it will tell a story? That would be interesting to see! As for the solos, we all thought side by side would be apart of it so it seems to be more random per se? We can only wait and see!
Lol I'm not alone with tbe app buying then haha but oohh yeah I also noticed that! I think Amazon used to not have the choice of picking which version for some albums so to see other stores give that option is nice! Im guessing the ones from western stores are cou ted to billboard more than Korean charts based on when bts and nct sold their albums in the states so that is good! You are helping them chart in some way (also a daily reminder to fans to please don't stress about streaming! I know we're not at the comeback just yet but please have fun with the comeback!)
*hugs you* thank you! I am going tl try to power up the game tonight and play a lil bit (wish me luck. Game can be tricky lol) I feel like once I complete the game, it will be my proper goodbye to her in a way. Indeedy, sadly what happened did happen. As much as I would like to turn back time, we have to move on. Of course healing however we can, keeping yourself positive and just keep swimming as it was said in finding Nemo lol (ignore the cheese) she was a happy bunny, a rascal as well like oh my gosh hdjabxjs she LOVED causing chaos but it made things fun! That's what's important! Remember all the happy times not the sad ones. I wheezed xD rip the papers in the house. My bunny was the same though she preferred to chew on cables, specifically headphones like I lost 4 pairs from her and she always was able to find them even if I hid them away from her on my bed lol. I swore she had some gps for headphones haha. Thats a sweet frame your mom made! Also your new meow meow, sending good vibes your way! Looks like a very cuddly cat to me in that pic
Ps happy 6 years with the 13 beans!! :D here's to amazing more memories! Hopefully we can be fans for as old as Gandalf haha. Also I read other asks about enlistment and my oh my, I never thought it was THAT quick for the boys!! Like it never clicked to me until now
yeah, we probably won't see another TTT solo until after Your Choice promotions have died down ;-; in regard to Power of Love my prediction is that it's more theme based rather than one story, bc that's how SVT tend to do things like how heng:garae, semicolon, and hitorijanai were all a part of Svt's "youth" theme, but this time the "love" theme is more official? or maybe not more official but just marketed more obviously dhfj but who knows! maybe SVT will switch it up and have a storyline for this project ^^ and i think the TTT solos aren't necessarily random, it's more just with jun and minghaos things are a bit different since they already release solos marketed toward the Chinese market (even though side by side had a kr version). like i think it's possible that jun and minghao had their solos in the works before they came up w the concept of TTT and the release just happened to line up with spider/the start of TTT. so i guess what I'm saying is china line are the only ones that might get confusing, i think if solos get announced for other members they'll likely be part of TTT
and yeah it looks like sales from most if not all of the US retailers are gonna count toward the billboard charts! i think i also saw there was one place that would count toward billboard and one of the kr charts too but i can't remember specifics. if you/anyone wants me to look into what retailers count for which charts just let me know and I'll look into it ^^
good luck with your game! i know you sent this yesterday so you probably already played some of it but i hope it went well!! but omg a GPS for headphones DHFKGJ your bunny sounds really cute even if she was a bit mischievous :')
yes happy 6th anniversary!! i haven't been around the whole time but it's still so hard it's been so long. and yes hopefully we'll all be together with SVT for a long time, here's to hoping that one caratland skit of SVT as old men will come true DHFKFJ
and yeah not a lot of ppl have started talking about Svt's enlistment yet djfkfj tbf it is still somewhat early, i think carats are right to focus on the present for the time being rather than counting down the days. i just randomly thought of it :')
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latinalesbi · 6 years
When was the first kiss between the mom´s, that they edit out?
Who knows? We know that in Season 1 when they made out on the couch, the network censored it.  Sherri said she took Teri’s shirt and pulled it out of her pants but they cut that.
Anonymous said:                                                                      That kiss in the promo/sneak peek will most likely be the only kiss we get in the last 3 episodes. I'm not happy with crumbs anymore and I'm pissed that that's all we have gotten in a long time.             
They’ve trained me well because I’ll be happy if they don’t fight.
Anonymous said:                                                                      When you put up the videos for the last 3 episodes will you put them up each night or all together at the end?             
My goal to put them up each night. If I do nothing else, I’ll be doing that. Forgive me if I don’t answer your questions. It’s also the last week of work, lots to do.
Anonymous said:                         ��                                            Hope Teri and Sherri watch at least one of these eps together, don’t care about any of the other cast. Just want to see them together one last time in the Fosters capacity. Sob!             
We had a good run! We were spoiled.
  Anonymous said:                                                                      Found it slightly lol, Peter Paige saying how proud he was to work for a company that would do the right thing and get rid of Roseanne. Whilst I applaud this, this is the same company that willingly dumped Sherri and Teri for younger models. Ageism alive and well. Not to mention the fact the affect Stef and Lena as a gay couple have had on so many people. - Peter, Bradley and Joanna, you should be so proud of yourselves to be complicit in this decision. What a wonderful company indeed 🙄😜             
Ageism and homophobia. I don’t really care what anyone says. This was about being older and being women and being lesbians. All of it. These people will lick any ass to get ahead. The network should have known to have never hired Roseanne. I have a feeling they’ll soon regret giving these two girls their own show.
Anonymous said:                                                                      If the whole three parter is based around Brallie will they won’t they (they won’t) I’ll be so disappointed. Then again it will be Callie based in some capacity to lead us into the worse decision in the world spinoff. Hate the thought of the other characters, instead of being given a good send off,  just being used as plot devices for those two sellouts. Maybe they’ll surprise us and everyone will get a fair amount of screen time, though I doubt it. They have their chosen ones front and center.             
It’s going to be 90% callie 9% mariana. Ugh, i swear I can’t wait till this is over.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Dropping by to say thank you for your fics! I love how you write!             
Thank you!
Anonymous said:                                                                      Why can’t we have the Fosters minus Callie and Marianna? I’d love that. I only liked Callie when she was around the moms, particularly Stef and in the early seasons when she was bearable . Otherwise meh! Marianna was the worst character for me in the whole show, spoilt princess.             
that would be a dream come true. i can’t stand to look at them anymore
Anonymous said:                                                                      I wonder at what point they will ask the dumped members of the cast if they want to guest star? Surely it’s already happening considering they start filming in June. They’ve got thirteen episodes so? It must be well planned ahead? By Joanna’s responses it’s a hope and no firmed up members so far. We’ll see I guess. Thanks for this blog bt 
It could be they signed one of them, but I doubt it. It does sound a lot like wishful thinking and I think by now, they should have solidified plans.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Im just have no interest in a twenty smthg drama about two girls finding themselves in the big smoke. That’s the issue for them I think. Take away the anger their decision caused, a lot of fans tuned in for all manner of things. The moms, the family, Brallie, Stef and Callie, Jude etc. All these sections are now gone hence a lot of their core viewership. I’m sure people will watch the first ep but after that it will tail off. They’ll get new viewers I’m sure but will that replace what they had?             
This show will tank, like every one of their fucking shows. Grownish had a built in audience and they lost it all. Freeform only knows how to flush ratings down a toilet.
Anonymous said:                                                                      We’ve had more promo for their spinoff that won’t air till 2019 than we have for the show that made them all. They really didn’t want it to end did they 🙄 Bull as said bfore this has been in their minds for a long time both the creators & Fform. Phasing the moms out of promo, pulling away from the family dynamic, giving Callie long winded storylines... the list goes on. Maybe in the future they’ll realise what they had with a family drama, it was what drew fans in and made the show popular.             
I can’t wait till this show fails. Mind you, it will bomb and Freeform will still renew a second season.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Hi!! I don't have Tumblr anymore but I still follow your blog to find out about The Fosters and Stef & Lena. Um, I just wanted to say thank you for answering all of our questions and sharing your thoughts with us. I hope some day (soonish) you'll get the chance to write some more fics. I know you're super busy with your family, and I really hope you are all doing well!! I'll try not to shoot you too many asks between now and when the show ends. ☺︎             
Thank you! I will! I am doing well. Things are moving with the girls who are now legally free. Just a matter of waiting out the appeal process and hopefully by the end of the year, we can adopt! now, i know why it took Stef and Lena so long with the twins.
Anonymous said:                                                                      The only person I can see saying no to being guests on the spinoff is Teri I feel like Sherri and the boys would accept it but I hope they don't             
I see Noah and Hayden as shoe ins. They have nothing to lose. They are also the least likely to bring in an audience. I don’t see Sherri appearing without Teri.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Happy Stef and Lena fans wised up and weren't fooled by the fake idea of a mamas spinoff even Brallie fans some anyways are following your guys' footsteps and not falling for this obvious baiting in these last 3 episodes. It's just cruel             
Sadly, mostly I see them falling for all of it. I will never put up with crumbs. I know a  lot of fandoms live for the end game. I live for the now game. Show me all of it now!
Anonymous said:                                                                      We have seen new (promo) photos of all the kids but not of the moms. Wtf?!             
Photos? Nah, they never took them. We were lucky to have them in the last one since they had no intention of using those pics for promotion.
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kayliemusing · 3 years
Who are you? - My name is Kaylie. I’m 22 (soon 23). I live in Canada.
What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you? - I’m a writer, I love Taylor Swift lol, I always need to process things before making a decision.
Where do you want to be in 5 years? - In five years I’ll be almost 28, I think. Hopefully I’ll have some semblance of a writing career or the beginning of one. I hope I’m financially stable, in a job I enjoy and maybe in Calgary (which I’m planning to move to this year but the decision hasn’t completely been made yet!!)
Are you more child-like or childish? - Child-like, because I don’t think that’s a negative connotation. 
What is the last thing you said out loud? - “Yeah”
How do you handle a rainy day? - I love a rainy day. I like to drink hot chocolate on a rainy day and stay inside so I can just watch the rain.
What did you want to be when you grew up? - I remember wanting to be a hairdresser and I also had plans to open up a vet clinic lol. Don’t want either of those things now hahaha
Are you more of a giver or a taker? - Giver. I’ve never been called a taker so I don’t think that’s me and I love giving to others, but I’m not going to say I’m completely selfless because I think I have my moments where I’ve been inconsiderate and taken from someone.
Have you ever been given a second chance? - Yes
Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind? - My decisions I think are instinctual, so I listen to my gut feeling/heart.
What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you? - When I was about fifteen or sixteen, I slipped and jammed my toe into the wall/baseboard and I broke my toe nail completely off my toe and I think it was fractured but I never actually went to the doctor for it lol. I remember even the blanket touching my toe hurt so bad that I needed advil like every four hours. Eventually and grossly, my toe nail fell off and I thought it was damaged for good but I kept managing the new toe nail as it grew and I fixed it!!
Who have you hugged today? - Nobody
If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by learning, what would they be? - Singing, drawing, dancing
What 3 things do you want to do before you die? Live. That’s really about it, honestly. I feel like it sums things up quite nicely, actually.
What three things would you want to die to avoid doing? - Public speaking of any kind, anything that results in an awkward conversation or a moment of humiliation, anything that has me needing to approach a stranger/talk to a stranger/ice breakers with strangers, etc.
Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved? - No
What was the last thing you made with your own hands? - I wrote a poem a little over an hour ago
What was your favorite toy as a child? - I don’t totally remember, but I loved playing with Barbies and I had this Barbie Cruise ship and hot pink car which I used a lot.
What is your favorite thing to do outside? - I like going for walks or sitting by a firepit to relax.
How do you feel when you see a rainbow? - “Look, it’s a rainbow!!” is usually the first thing out of my mouth but I don’t know if I feel anything. I’m just kind of happy to see it and I admire that it’s pretty.
Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true? - This happens to me a lot!! I kept dreaming my sister and her bf would break up and they did. Along with other smaller things.
What one thing have you done that most people haven't? - Watched my dad die 
Are you a patient person? - Yes, unless it has to do with slow wi-fi lol
What holiday should exist but doesn't? - I’m not sure but I wish there was a holiday in the summer time that was really festive because I always feel like summer is boring in the aspect that there isn’t really any holidays (because I love festive things)
What's the best joke you ever heard? - I don’t know if this qualifies as the best joke, but Jim Gaffigan gave me a laugh when he said it’s called Covid 19 not because of the year, but because of the 19 pounds we all gained during quarantine.
Is your hair natural or dyed? - Mostly natural, but I do get blonder highlights just to make a little brighter and then I of course get it toned. My hair is super brassy blonde so I like to brighten it up.
What is under your bed right now? - Old painted canvas’s from high school lol and then an old bulletin board filled with old poems and quotes I liked in high school.
If you drive do you frequently speed? - No, because I’m terrified of having to talk to a cop if I get pulled over. (I hate feeling like I’m in trouble or I’ve done something wrong, and I also hate talking to strangers because it makes me nervous)
What is the world's best song to dance to? - Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
What song was on the last time you danced with someone? - I haven’t lol
Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney, but I do like Warner Bros movies.
Would you consider yourself to be romantic? - Yes
If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off? - Yeah we’d probably all die
If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole? - If Santa was real, the north pole, but for now I’ll say the equator because I feel like the north pole is a little too cold for me.
Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television? - Watching Tv. 
What do you think makes someone a hero? - Saving someone or being selfless/putting others first. 
What cartoon would you like to be a character in? - tbh spongebob
Name one thing that turns your stomach. - Caviar
What was the last thing you paid for? - Some scrubbing sponges, a journal and some leggings at wal mart.
Get anything good in the mail recently? - Yes, I ordered some colourful eyeliner pens from Colourpop and they’re beautiful
Tell me some of your greatest fears. - Spiders, enclosed spaces, loss, letting go, dying painfully, failure/not achieving my dreams, physical pain. Tbh the list is quite long.
What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn? - This isn’t really that eccentric but in the tenth grade I wore these pants that were black and white stripes, however, the night before robin thicke wore the same type of pants when he performed that terrible performance with miley cyrus so when I went to school everyone made fun of me so when I got home I threw them away. 
Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet? - We used to catch water bugs as recess and bring them into the class until the teachers were like pls stop.
You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items... - Sleeping bag, flashlight, tent
List five people you love starting with the one you love the absolute most. - My mom, my sister, my grandma, my best friend megan, and taylor swift of course
If you could have 3 wishes...but none of them could be for yourself...what would you wish for? - I wish that my mom could be financially blessed so she could cut her hours majorly and start truly living her life again, I wish that my sister could move out again for many reasons, and lastly I wish covid would end
How much money would it take to get you to drive to school naked in? - Nothing would make me do that because money could never bandage the scar that would be my humiliation looping forever in my mind.
Have you ever been on the radio or on TV? - I was on tv once for five seconds but it was just my legs and butt when I was walking through the neighborhood with my third grade class delivering christmas cards. Still don’t know why this warranted news coverage but oh well.
Have you ever named an individual part of your body? - No
What is the punishment you would come up with for Osama Bin Laden? - This is totally a random question, but I think death was a good call.
Is there anyone you trust completely? - My mom
Have you ever lost someone without having the chance to say goodbye? - Yes, my dad was in a coma before I could ever say goodbye.
Would you rather have an indoor Jacuzzi or an outdoor pool? - Indoor jacuzzi
Would you consider yourself to be intelligent? - Not really
Would you consider yourself to be wise? - Yes
Would you ever creep into the subway tunnels to go exploring? - If there wasn’t a subway that would trample me, yes.
Would you rather be a world political leader or a rock star? - Rock star baby
Have you ever given someone a love letter that you wrote? - No
Are you looking forward to any concerts right now? - Not currently, but when covid ends, I’m hoping to go to a TS concert in the future because I’ve never been.
About how many emails do you get a day? - Too many, but they’re all promotional.
Have you ever though about hitchhiking across the country? - No
Who would you bring with you on this kind of a road trip? - I would never hitch hike therefore wouldn’t bring anyone with me.
If you are single, at about what age do you think you will be ready to settle down? - Late 20′s.
Do you often wonder, when you say goodbye to people, if it is the last time? - Not always, but sometimes if fear sneaks in I’ll think about it.
What movie are you most looking forward to seeing when it comes out? - Jurassic World 3!!
What's on your key chain besides keys? - I have a cute little mirror that’s a kitty!
How do you feel about endangered species? - I love them and wish there was more we could do, but I also don’t think about it a lot.
Do you like feather pillows? - Yes
What was the last CD you bought? - I didn’t get a physical copy, but it was Taylor’s Evermore album on itunes. The last physical CD I got was her folklore album lol
Would you be willing to go hang gliding? - I’m not sure what that is oops!
Have you ever taken a lock of someone else's hair? - No and I’m concerned why this is a question.
Have you ever given anyone a lock of your hair? - Again, no and still concerned.
If you had a locket what would you put inside? - Probably a pic of my dad.
What is the difference (if any) between madness and brilliance? - It’s 11 pm at night and this is too philosophical for me right now.
Write any random sentence here - Random sentence. 
Say the sentence you wrote out loud. Did anybody answer? - I didn’t say it out loud, sorry :/
If you were to hit redial on your phone right now, who would it call? - It would either be my sister or my mom.
Miracle on 34th street: which is better the original or remake? - I don’t know if I’ve seen the original.
Have you ever been in a parade? - No
Do you turn the base up all the way in your car? - No. I can go a little loud, but not vibrating all the cars on the street loud.
Do you care if what you do annoys others? - Yes, I’m obsessed with people being mad at me.
What keeps you from being happy? - Dissatisfaction with life, depression, creative-blocks,
Can you talk for one hour without using the word 'like'? - No
Why is it that a fly can't bird but a bird can fly? - hahahah this was cute. But it’s probably because bird isn’t a verb and fly is a verb depending on the context.
What websites are addictive to you? - Tumblr and Youtube
Who do you love so much that you would clean live maggots out of their garb? - Taylor Swift
Have you filled out an organ donor card? - No
How many oxymorons can you think of? - I’m too tired sorry
. How many years old is your diary/livejournal/myspace? - I don’t have a myspace or anything like that, but my tumblr is about eight years old.
Would you ever wear vinyl pants? - It’s aesthetic, but no.
What was the last thing that you printed out? - A journal entry
What are you dependent on? - My mom lol
What do you look forward to each day? - Lately, nothing, but usually reading a new book lol
What did you think of the Columbine shootings? - So sad
What takes your breath away? - Taylor Swift’s lyricism!! Like???? Also, Richard Siken poetry.
Have you done anything recently that you regret? - Eating lol
Will you ever do it again? - Yeah
Would you rather live in a world of perfection or do you like the world now? - Perfection
Is a frightening world a more interesting world to live in? - No, and that kind of opinion is disappointing
In your opinion what gives people depth and character? - Hardships, because even though they hurt, we come out differently and we’re able to look at the world differently and also appreciate things more. 
What’s the name of your favorite band? - Of Monsters and Men
Do you have an account on neopets.com? - No. How old is this survey lmao
Who is the next person you will hug? - Probs mom
Where was your last vacation to? - I think it was BC a few years ago
Where was your last car ride to? - My moms work.
Where was your last bus ride to? - I haven’t been on the bus in YEARS.
Where did you last walk to? - To the car lol
What is the worst band in the universe? - I don’t know
What is the next book you want to read? - A book called A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas is one I’ve been waiting on for a long time and it’s coming out next month so that’s one I really want to read soon.
What gives you a peaceful feeling? - Soft music, worship music, laying on my couch watching game grumps, reading or journaling. Anything soft and content.
Do you ever stay up late watching infomercials? - No
Are you a light sleeper? - Not overly.
Are you a toys-R-us kid? - I was :(
Are you part of the mile high club? - I don’t know what that is
Would you rather be part cat, or part scorpion, and why? - Part cat, because i could communicate with my cats.
When you sleep next to someone who usually falls asleep first? - Me. I’m usually out before my head hits the pillow.
What is your usual breakfast? - Bagel w strawberry cream cheese or butter
How quickly are you willing to take drugs to numb pain? - Only if it feels intolerable
Have you ever had your car towed? - No
Have you ever used Kool-Aid to dye your hair? - No
Would you rather be naked and famous or dressed and non-famous? - Dressed and non-famous...
What band or singer do you believe started rock and roll? - I couldn’t tell ya.
If you had a large black vase what would you put in it? - Flowers or maybe some fancy decor sticks
Would you rather live in the city, suburbs or the country? - I feel like I can do any. If I move to Calgary we’ll see how I do in the city, but I think I’d definitely like country and suburbs. 
Would you ever participate in a 'sock hop'? - Don’t know what that is.
What’s your age? - 23
What’s your hair color? - Blonde, but it’s a lil brassy
What’s your eye color? - Blue/grey
0 notes
thotyssey · 4 years
One of New York busiest, most in-demand and outspoken nightlifers, David Serrano made his name giving us life from the DJ booth… and these days, he’s officially capturing our lives in the photo studio.
Thotyssey: Hey David! So, how has Crazy Covid Summer been treating you?
David Serrano: It’s been interesting. I got Covid early in March, so I was able to get passed it quickly. Unfortunately, with the bars closed, I haven’t been working much… but I am not wasting this time. I’ve been really focused on leveling up my photography skills.
Glad you’re feeling better! I did see you just released a whole bunch of gorgeous pics of some of our famous queens. Are these shots you took a long time ago that you’ve finally been able to get to, or are have you been arranging new shoots during this downtime?
A little bit of both. I’ve been able to do several shoots during lockdown, and have several lined up. But I’ve also been going into the archive and pulling out some of my favorites that may have not had a chance to shine yet. Definitely using this time to be as creative as possible.
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[All photos by David Serrano]
Do you think you have a favorite subject yet, as far as the people you’ve shot?
I love people with over the top looks. Pretty is fine, but it can be a bit boring. Anyone that pushes the envelope with their aesthetic is what I gravitate towards. I recently released a shot of Androgyny that I love, with her giant red Mohawk. It’s very punk. I like that. I also love anyone that can just let go in front of the camera and go big. They’re not worried about looking foolish or pretty. And I love shooting dancers, ’cause they know how to move. I shot FiFi DuBois, and we had some really dynamic shots.
You’ve been doing nightlife photography for a few years, but for a long time you were better known in NYC as a DJ. I think it’s really just been the past few years that you really stepped up as an in-demand photographer. Was that intentional, or did it just kinda happen that way?
It was purposeful, for sure. I’m definitely interested in moving in that direction with my career. I’m 43 now, and I’m wanting to work more outside the clubs… but still staying within my nightlife community, like my work on The X Change Rate with Monet. I’ve spun the big clubs, and that was fun when I was younger. But as I get older, my priorities are changing. I prefer to work more shows now, and work more closely with the nightlife artists… so these are steps that I am making to expand my skill sets.
Tumblr media
Before we talk more about Now, we should visit Then! Where are you from originally, and how did you begin as a creative person while growing up?
Okay, that’s a long story! I was born in Port Jefferson, Long Island, but moved to upstate NY right outside Woodbury Commons when I was three. I lived there ’til 10th grade, and then moved to South Carolina for a year and a half. Then I finished high school in a small town outside Orlando, Florida. My dad had retired while I was in high school, so we moved and I ended up going to three high schools.
I knew I wanted to do something creative since I was a child because my mom told me, “do something you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” So I gravitated towards the arts. It was always between music and film. I actually started college as a film major at UCF, but ended up switching my major my last semester to music production, which is what my degree is in.
When I turned 28, I moved back to NYC to pursue a career in music as a singer / songwriter. I released a song with Junior Vasquez called “Not Again,” aptly named ’cause it was the only song we did together. I made no money from it, so I decided to pivot and got into DJing instead. I loved it, and that became my career. I also started working in graphic design, which then led back to film. And here we are today… full circle moment.
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Was it Junior who taught you how to DJ?
Um, no… LOL. Actually, I consider my DJ parents to be Xavier and Corey Craig. They helped me a lot, and gave me advice when I first began. My first gig was filling in for Xavier at Barracuda, which became my first residency in 2007. And as of March, I was still there.
As far as bars and big parties in the realm of nightlife go, what have been some of your favorite memories and highlights of the past decade-plus for you?
I enjoyed my time at Stage 48 spinning upstairs in the pop room, along with my time at XL working “Hot Mess” with Lady Bunny and Bianca Del Rio. I also loved working Drag Brunch at the Highline Ballroom, and of course the multiple Glam Awards I’ve spun. Those are just a few that stand out. There have been so many. I’ve been very lucky.
I always wondered… what would happen if you won a Glam while you were DJing the awards show? Would you play your own music intro and run up and accept, or just, like, wave from the DJ booth?
I’d have them toss it to me, LOL! Or I’d walk in an awkward silence. Fortunately, it probably won’t ever be an issue.
We’ll see you up there soon enough!
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In what huge ways has the nightlife biz changed since you started out?
Social media has definitely impacted nightlife, for sure. People don’t need to go out to the bars and clubs to meet other gay people. Plus, because the world is more open and the LGBT + community is more accepted, the crowds have become more mixed and smaller. Drag has exploded after almost dying out because of Drag Race, and drag has become more mainstream… and has moved from only being hidden away in the underground scene. This is why I’ve felt it necessary to evolve myself. Otherwise you get left behind.
It’s true, within nightlife there is a clear path for drag performers (that fit certain criteria, like being cis men) to elevate, but that path is not so clear for everyone else in the biz right now.
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Speaking of social media… you have a very unfiltered presence there, lol! Whether you’re discussing politics (you’re a very progressive Bernie man), pop culture or even nightlife drama, you often say exactly what’s on your mind. Today that’s almost like a death sentence (or at least an entirely stressful situation), with all the canceling happening. Do you care what people think about your social media posts?
I am a native New Yorker, and Hispanic to boot. We don’t hold back our opinions. Couple that with the fact that I’m older and come from a generation that wasn’t coddled or given participation trophies for everything, and my personality can easily trigger overly-sensitive types. I don’t like those people and don’t want to be around them anyway, so speaking my mind keeps them at bay. I have no interest in giving them any power.
People that are in my circle know me, and don’t have any issues with me. I’m actually easy to work with, and very chill. But I don’t have time to baby anyone, or give a platform to anyone talking nonsense or creating problems when none exist.
Actually, what are your thoughts about nightlife folks (promoters, DJs, performers, venue owners) who did those large, undistanced and unmasked parties during lockdown, particularly in those first months?
We all have to be careful and responsible… but I understand people needing to earn a living. If you’re being irresponsible and not wearing masks in public indoor spaces, then you’re asking for trouble. But at the same time, we need to be pragmatic and not Mask Nazis. If someone is outside without a mask and minding their own business, leave them alone. If they’re inside a public place, feel free to say something. As for the public parties packed with no masks, that’s not smart… but we know who these people are. They’re not usually known for their good decision making skills.
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[Photo: Maxim]
Lol! Tell us a bit about The X Change Rate, Monet X Change’s fun talk show care of the BUILD Series that airs on YouTube and is filmed for a live studio audience (pre-Covid, of course). She’s had some amazing guests, and naturally she’s a great hostess herself! You’re the house DJ there, naturally.
Monet is great–super sweet to work with, and I was gagged when she reached out to me and asked me to be a part of her show. The crew is amazing, and it’s really inspiring and humbling to work in such a professional environment.
Hopefully you’ll both be back in the studio soon!
I sure hope so.
It must be old hat at this point–but still cool–to have seen so many queens you’ve worked with over the years get cast and do well on Drag Race.
Yes, it’s so surreal to see so many of my friends make it on the world stage. It’s inspiring… but also hard to reconcile. To me, they’re just my friends. To their fans, they’re superstars. It’s weird, but very cool.
So it’s almost impossible to answer this question nowadays, but what else is coming up?
I’m currently in the process of creating some amazing images with Danny Logan, formerly known as Dallas Dubois. He’s become an amazing costume designer since leaving drag years ago. He’s gone on to work in television and film, and is doing very well for himself. We have some incredible, politically charged and poignant concepts in the works… so look out for them.
That should be amazing! And finally: there was a lot of new music this summer. Did anything stand out as your favorite song or album for you?
You have no idea. There have been SOOOO many great songs. I am really into the 80’s synth pop sound, that has made a huge splash on the scene this year: from The Weeknd to Gaga, Dua Lipa, and Miley. They’re all killing it. Right now, I’m loving Miley’s newest song “Midnight Sky.” She’s serving major Stevie Nicks vibes, and I am here for it. Not to mention the video is giving me major visual inspiration for my shoots!
Thanks, David!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for DJ David Serrano’s upcoming appearances, and follow him on Facebook, Instagram (also one for his photography), Twitter and YouTube. All photos care of David Serrano unless otherwise labeled.
On Point Archives
On Point With: David Serrano One of New York busiest, most in-demand and outspoken nightlifers, David Serrano made his name giving us life from the DJ booth...
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aitaikimochi · 7 years
High☆Speed Free! Starting Days Event Report
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The High☆Speed Free! Starting Days event was held at the Ryogoku Kokukigan Sumo Wrestling arena, the exact same location where the Free! Eternal Summer event two years ago was held. The biggest announcements of the event were the three planned Free! continuation movies:
1) Free! Timeless Medley ~絆 Bonds~ This will be a compilation of scenes from Free! Eternal Summer as well as new scenes relating to Makoto, Haruka, Rei, and Nagisa
2) Free! Timeless Medley ~約束 Promises~ This will be a compilation of scenes from Free! Eternal Summer as well as new scenes relating to Sousuke and Rin’s promise to him
3) Free! Take Your Marks This will be a completely new full-length feature film following Haruka after he graduates from High School
For those interested in what happened during the Afternoon event, here’s a detailed report, so enjoy~
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I personally am really happy that the High☆Speed event was held at the same location as the Free! Eternal Summer event two years ago, and it brought back a lot of nostalgia from the previous event. It was really a great experience.
The event was divided into several sections, and for sake of convenience I will refer to each character’s voice actor as their nickname, and the voice actors are as follows:
Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Tattsun): Makoto Nobunaga Shimazaki (Zakki): Haruka Toshiyuki Toyonaga (Tosshi): Asahi Koki Uchiyama (Ucchi): Ikuya Kenji Nojima (Nojima): Natsuya Satoshi Hino (Hino): Nao The sections of the events were the following:
1) ふりかえり Furikaeri (Recap of Scenes) After the introduction where all voice actors came to the stage in the middle of the arena, the first segment was the “ふりかえり” (Recap of Scenes). The scenes that each voice actor chose was as follows:
Tosshi (Asahi): Natsuya comforting Asahi after he is scared that he won’t be able to swim other styles anymore Ucchi (Ikuya): Ikuya copying Haruka’s bento box Nojima (Natsuya): Natsuya & Nao greeting the first years during swim training Hino (Nao): Nao’s scene in the hospital with the Iwatobi Swim Team Tattsun (Makoto): Nao asking Makoto if he likes swimming or if it’s because Haruka’s there that he likes swimming Zakki (Haruka): The sleepover scene where Makoto, Asahi, and Ikuya stay over at Haru’s place after he faints
During this Furikaeri portion of the event, Tattsun mentioned that during the previous Free! Eternal Summer event, there was a huge flub where instead of a simple announcement, they actually accidentally announced the new High☆Speed movie, and Zakki was like “Oh my god yeah I remember that happening too! It was so awkward!” A good portion of the audience also remembered what happened, so this was pretty funny to hear since a lot of Free! fans who came were also in the previous event two years ago.
2) Iwatobi Middle School Training Program This segment of the event was basically the “interactive activity” part where there was a game board on the stage’s floor that had letters on each section, and the voice actors had to roll a dice to see how far they can progress on the board game.
The guys divided themselves into teams as follows: Makoto & Haruka Asahi & Ikuya Natsuya & Nao
The first roll of the dice was for Natsuya & Nao’s team, and they landed on the letter “O” that stood for “Oyasumi (Break Time).” This triggered the part of the game where a surprise guest’s video recording played, and the surprise guest was Hosoyan (Sousuke’s voice actor).
Now, Hosoyan is known to always give very strange and long-winded answers during interviews, and basically this was 5 minutes of Hosoyan being extremely random and saying stuff that no one was paying attention to because the video was playing on the stage’s floor, and Tosshi and Tattsun kept on making fun of Hosoyan’s face by lying down over his nose or sticking water bottles near his nose to make it look like he had nose hairs. It was really hilarious, to the point where no one was listening to Hosoyan anymore and was just laughing at what the voice actors were doing. When Hosoyan’s message seemed to almost be over, he would continue again with more random ramblings, and everyone was like “Man we really need to be careful not to land on ‘O’ anymore because if Hosoyan comes out again, we’re screwed!” It was really funny.
After Natsuya & Nao’s turn, it was Asahi & Ikuya as well as Makoto & Haruka’s turn afterwards, and both of them landed on “A” that stood for “Activity.”
The activity was しろとり (Shirotori, a kind of word game where you say a word and the next person has to say another word using the last syllable of the previous word), but to make it more challenging, the Shirotori game was combined with Pictionary so the voice actors had to DRAW each word. The first round was Asahi/Ikuya vs Natsuya/Nao, and the second round was Makoto/Haruka vs Natsuya/Nao, and it was hilarious because no one can draw LOL.
An interesting thing I noticed was the Tosshi (Asahi’s voice actor) is left-handed haha.
After the activity was finished, this segued into the third segment of the event.
3) KyoAni Shop Merchandise PR Basically during this segment, Tattsun and Zakki were doing a promotion of KyoAni Shop’s goods related to High☆Speed that will go on sale from now until May 2017. The two items in question were an Illustration Board Set that contained original illustrations of all the main characters of High☆Speed as well as a High☆Speed Storyboard Complete Set that also comes with a copy of Rin’s letter to Haruka.
After the little PR section was finished, the audience was treated to a short drama CD intro (I think this is the drama CD that came with the Premium Ticket), that segued into the live Drama performance
4) Iwatobi Swim Team’s 記憶会お疲れ様パーティー (Thank You Party with Memories) The live drama was a continuation of the Drama CD scenario, and basically it featured Makoto, Haruka, and Asahi going to Ikuya and Natsuya’s house for a small swim team party.
When the boys arrive, they note that the food that was prepared looks delicious, and Ikuya said his mom prepared the food. They then also see Nao there, and Nao says that he comes over to Natsuya’s house often to watch DVDs of swimming and just hang out.
After the boys finish eating food, they play several hilarious games where Makoto and Asahi had to pretend to have a Kansai accent and act out a scene together. This was really funny because after Asahi started going off about random stuff and then did a tongue-twister that was really difficult, Asahis’ voice actor (Tosshi) gave himself a high five because he performed that tongue-twister without messing up lol.
The next segment was a wrestling contest with Nao and Ikuya, and Nao likes teasing Ikuya, and I think it was Makoto who was like “Wow, Nao-senpai really likes teasing and torturing Ikuya,” LOL it was pretty funny.
The segment after that was Makoto and Haruka’s “telepathy,” where Makoto said to the boys that he can read Haruka’s thoughts. Natsuya asked Makoto what Haruka was thinking, and Makoto looked at Haruka and said “he’s thinking, Makoto your Kansai accent was terrible,” to which Haruka said he was correct lol.
After the party segments, the boys thanked Ikuya and Natsuya for their hospitality and went home.
5) Miyano Mamoru’s Message As the event was slowly wrapping up, one of the voice actors were like, “Oh wait, but we have one more special guest video message!” Soon after, Mamo appears on screen and says he wishes he could be there today but was not able to. However, voicing Rin really changed his life, and he really felt that he was growing up with Rin, sharing laughs and frustrations, tears, annd happiness together with the character. He ends the message saying he really wishes he can continue growing with Rin, and that they can make more and more things since Rin has really impacted him a lot as an actor and also as a person. This then segued to the big announcement of THREE FREE! MOVIES. The crowd all around me were all in tears and saying thank you to the cast for letting this happen.
6) Voice Actor Thank Yous After the huge announcements, each voice actor had a thank you message to say to the fans, and the most notable message was from Tattsun. I took some notes of his message and condensed it a bit, but he said more or less the following:
Free! is a work that brings smiles to everyone's faces, and I wanted to live up to what Makoto represents, which is positivity and an optimistic view on life that really resonates within me as a person. I prayed that we can continue Makoto and everyone's story. Although Today is an event for High☆Speed, I hope to see you all again from here on out for Free! and all it embodies. Thank you all!
I thought that Tattsun’s message was really touching as Free! really has been a very large impact on a lot of people’s lives, and I personally am really happy that we will be getting continuations because this just means that they really do listen to their fans (and money of course LOL), and it’s great to be able to see the boys again and see them live their dreams this time around.
6) Ending Message After the voice actors left the stage, an instrumental version of “Aching Horns” started playing, and the message on the screens was “See you next movie!”
I'm really excited to see what the Free! Timeless Medley movies as well as the Free! Take Your Marks movies are going to focus on, and although the Free! Take Your Marks movie brief synopsis is that it will focus on what Haruka does after he graduates from high school, I can’t help but feel that this might just bring us to Haruka and Rin training for the Olympics, but the true Olympics part will be an actual season, but who knows. All we know is that Free! is back, and hopefully they’ll make it better than ever~
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angel-soma · 7 years
Hello everyone! Long time no see! I hope you all have been well! I haven't been active on here in months, mainly due to my computer breaking in January. (Blue screen of Death upon startup) Well, as of today, it's working again! So now I can finally sit down and type up an update for you all so you know what's been happening with me! (Cause there’s been a lot!!)
At the end of October I went from living with my mom in PA to moving in with my sister and her family near Boston, MA. I've never really lived in a city before, and I've never lived without my mom either. So that alone was a huge change for me! I had to get used to things like the amount of cars and people, when to cross the road because some of the street signs don't change like they're supposed to and it annoys me, the train system (called the T), I never even rode a bus before but hey gotta do that here too... I'm kinda used to them now though, but I still get nervous about getting on the wrong train/bus and getting lost ;w;
Then on top of that I had to get a job!! I've never worked before, so for a while I was super stressing out about it. Cried a lot. I needed to get one though, as it was part of the deal of me living here with my sister (who isn't making me pay anything other than $30 per week for the food I eat.) At first I tried to get a job at the daycare/school that her boys (my nephews) have/currently went to. I was nervous during my interview, as it was my first ever interview, but I think it went okay. I then went on two different days to spend time with a class to see how well or not I fit. While I think I did a good job, and the person said I did, I never really heard anything back. So I didn't get it. I then tried for a position at a coffee house, and while the owner liked me and was interested in my art (it came up), she was looking for someone with more experience. 
My sister had suggested I apply at Dollar Tree, which is super close to where we live (basically across the street), but I kinda didn't like it so I was avoiding it a bit. Especially since I 100% hated the idea of a cashier job (I was worried about messing up the money and losing a lot of it). I finally ended up filling out an application though and got an interview - and I was hired!! I've been working there as a cashier since the beginning of March, and I'm happy to report that I haven't given up/died yet lol It's a lot easier than I thought it would be, and all my managers and co-workers are super nice. The main manager also told me that I've been doing really well and that he mentioned me when talking about who could potentially be promoted!!! I'm so so happy that this has gone so well for me, especially since it's my first job and I was sooo nervous about working!!
Life in PA was really boring and uneventful. Sometimes I wouldn't leave the house for weeks. Now I'm walking the dog around the city by myself twice a day (granted I mainly only go to the park across the street or some of the nearby streets). I go to work 3-6 times a week. I went to Anime Boston (YAY CONVENTIONS I haven't been to one in yearssssss I bought a cute Mimikyu shirt and a print of Mew) and took a train back by myself at 11 at night while it was snowing - like a boss who was super nervous. I have chores now too. I also finally have A CELLPHONE YAS I LOVE IT. LOOK AT ALL THE FREE APPS I CAN GET. Pokemon Go was the only reason I voluntarily left this building at first lol Plus the maps/GPS is the only reason I'm able to go anywhere too or I would not leave this place. It's also why I've not gone crazy without my computer for so many months too. The only downside really is that I have no friends here. I'm trying to befriend some of my co-workers (one of my managers is actually trying to help - gave my number to someone and told her we should go hang out sometime lol), but so far I don't interact with them outside of work. I joined an app called Patook, which is for finding friends, and am talking to a couple local people on that. One person I actually met up with in a touristy area and we hung out for an hour or two! Haven't talked to her since, but it ended with us swapping phone numbers and saying we should do it again sometime! Also talking a lot with a fellow anime fan who lives within 10 miles of me - maybe I'll meet her too and we'll be friends. Plus one day I was talking to a customer at work about her anime shirt and ended up getting her number so she could introduce me to her nerd friends, but I haven't heard back from her yet.. I'm not religious but my sister says I should go to some of her church's group things, so I'm actually going to one this Wednesday. Hopefully I'll befriend some people. Currently the dog has more friends than I do - people keep coming up to pet her when I walk her and some are like "Is that Maggie?" Like, yeah? How do you know her name?? I live with a popular dog I guess lol So yeah, huge lifestyle change for me these past 8 months! I'm much more independent than I was (got my own bank account, making money, going to the store to buy my own stuff, making dentists appointments because my teeth are going to hell, etc.) Not sure how often I'll be drawing stuff, since I'm not sitting at my computer all day everyday like before. (I'm actually losing a good amount of weight because of how much more I'm on my feet. Lost about 15 pounds!!) But hey since I don't have local friends yet I have not much else to do in my free time lol Also, I'M GOING TO HOGWARTS IN ABOUT 2 WEEKS. HOLY CRAP I'M SO EXCITED AAAAA. My dad lives in Florida, so me, my sister + her kids are going to visit him. I'll be my first time visiting. Will be my first time on a plane too... I'm scared of heights, but if I can handle the train system then I can handle a plane lol Probably gonna blow all my money on wizard food. So that's about it! Thank you to you all for sticking around, and a thank you to any new followers I've gotten while I've been away! Hopefully I'll be posting some art again soon! TL;DR Went from living in the woods with my mom to a city with my sister. Got my first job. I love cellphones and anime conventions. I have less friends than a dog. At least I have money and am losing weight. GOING TO HOGWARTS.
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writestufflj20 · 7 years
When 27 meets 49
  Friends, old and new, describe Francis as very approachable, smart, caring, and charismatic. A slender man of medium height and caramel brown skin, Francis is always the one asking his peers deep, philosophical questions like, ‘What happens when we die’ or ‘Does it bother you that today’s education system is all about memorizing, instead of, actually engaging us and teaching us something valuable?’ His interests are anime, anything fantasy-related, PlayStation and Role Playing games, and philosophy. 
  Shortly after dropping out of the University of Phoenix in Pittsburgh, Francis and his parents and sisters returned to their hometown in Los Angeles, California, after residing in Pittsburgh for 15 years. At age 25, Francis was a supervisor at a candy shop in Hollywood and looking to make new friends at a place he once called home.  
  Until recently, Francis hadn’t had the greatest luck with women. His last relationship was his first one ever and evidently, also his first time being cheated on -- only several days later since he asked the girl out. Yet, Francis experienced another failed attempt at love with his best friend since high school, Sheila. ‘We were inseparable. I’d always hang out with her during and after school, on weekends – I even slept over at her house. Her family would joke that I was their third child,’ Francis said. They were so close that Sheila would shower with the door opened, hold hands with Francis, and even, cuddle with him. However, when Francis mustered up the courage to confess his love for Sheila and take their relationship to the next level, she kindly rejected him and said, ‘You’re like a brother/best friend to me.’ And in that moment, Francis felt confused by her unrequited response, convinced that she showed signs of attraction and courtship. The harsh reality of Francis’ failing love life cut deep into his tendered heart and friend zoned him indefinitely. But, Francis did not accept defeat. Much of Francis’ patience for love was soon to be rewarded. 
  At the stroke of midnight on January, 1, 2015, Francis, at age 27, shared a passionate, first kiss with his co-worker, Lauren, at the management’s New Year’s party at Buffalo Wild Wings. A beautiful and busty woman with freckled, ivory skin and a youthful smile grabbed the frolicking, singled Francis and pulled him into her arms for an unforgettable kiss. Lauren had successfully mended Francis’ broken heart – a feat other girls failed to accomplish. 
  In all romantically serious relationships, Francis had hoped that his parents loved her as much as he loved her and vice versa. Fortunately, Lauren and Francis’ mother shared two things in common: they were 49 years old and both married. 
  Lauren had also moved to California about 7 years ago. She was a determined accountant, juggling two jobs with her husband to support their two children. She realized she had growing martial problems about three years ago before she began working at the candy store in August of 2014. 
  Francis met Lauren while working together at the Hollywood candy store. ‘We were always flirting with each other and one thing led to another and it just kinda happened.’ At first, Francis did not think much of it, but since the party, they both noticed a newfound, undeniable attraction towards each other. The fated kiss had surely permitted them to explore this tantalizing curiosity on a proper “date.” 
  A couple days after the New Year’s kiss, Francis and Lauren had begun texting each other daily and ending the night with texts of, ‘Goodnight and sweet dreams.’ A week later, Lauren asked Francis if he would like to accompany her to the horse stables because she was shopping for new horse shoes. They would later grab lunch at a Brazilian Bossa Nova Cuisine. Afterwards, they hiked up a horseback riding trail and sat on a bench that oversaw the coastline. The sunset gleamed with a lukewarm mirage, coating the city below with memorizing oranges, reds, and purples. Francis took this precious and peaceful moment to stretch his arm over Lauren’s shoulder and rest his hand on her side. Lauren gazed into Francis’ promising eyes and kissed him. Their heads rest on each other as they watched the sunset fall. ‘I never formally asked Lauren out, but I guess this was the day that made it official – that we were a thing,’ Francis said, reminiscing.  
  About 7 months of dating, Francis and Lauren decided to move into a cozy two-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles. They have the essentials: a modern, charcoal couch, a white living room rug and black coffee table, a bookshelf with a decent number of books and a couple photographs of themselves, and a 65” Samsung television set, along with Francis’ PS4, which was a Christmas gift from Lauren. They share a King size bed in one room, while the other is vacant. ‘We plan to make that room an office,’ Francis said. 
  They have been dating for a little over two years and they are coming to know each other’s flaws and weak spots. During the early stages of their relationship, Francis expressed concern over Lauren still wearing her wedding ring (in which, Lauren no longer wears). Meanwhile, Lauren accused Francis of being interested in her only for a short while. Though these problems did not hinder their love for each other, Francis is learning what it means to truly be in a loving and respectable long-term relationship. ‘We’re complete opposites and I think that’s a good thing. She’s very passive and holds all her problems inside, while I’m very persistent and straight forward. I never want to end the day with an argument, so I always try to get it out of her – whatever’s bothering her. And I’m like, “See, that wasn’t so bad,”’ Francis says. Francis believes that they are healthier because of it. Nowadays, the only problems that arise are of Francis procrastinating on things he says he will do, like getting his driver’s permit and license, and Lauren complaining that he should go back to school. Francis is adamant about not returning to school until he figures out what he wants to do with his life. ‘School is so stupid nowadays. We are taught at a very young age to go to college and get a well-paying job. We are not taught how to appreciate and live life to the fullest. I don’t want to go to school because that’s what is expected of me. I want to go when I feel like it – not because it’s what I’m supposed to do,’ Francis says. 
  About a year of dating, Lauren felt comfortable enough for Francis to introduce her to his friends. It was around February, 2016 when Francis took Lauren to meet his friends. Francis went to a friend’s condo in Culver City. When they arrived, the condo was dimly lit by scented candles. The setting was intimate and accommodating. Seven of Francis’ friends were present, who are all in their late twenties. When Francis and Lauren entered, they were greeted with welcoming handshakes, hugs, and smiles. After having dinner and enjoying some Mario Kart on Wii-U, they all retired to the couch and inquired about Francis and Lauren’s relationship.
  While Francis retold their unique story, Lauren smiled and listened to his and his friends’ responses. They shared laughs and stories about past and present relationships, which made Lauren feel very comfortable because no judgements were verbally made. Lauren gently held onto Francis’ biceps and rested her head on his shoulder as she listened to the love of her life recount their ups and downs. It was the best introduction two lovers could have ever asked for. 
  Nowadays, Lauren frequents to the Francis’ household. Francis’ parents couldn’t have love a better person for Francis. ‘Lauren really puts Francis on check,’ Francis’ sister says. Lauren is Facebook friends with Francis’ mother and sister. A typical conversation they have with each other is: Francis’ sister liked one of her photos with her brother, “Too much of his face! Not enough of yours!” Lauren gleefully responds, “Haha.. Intentionally done (Face With Stuck-Out Tongue & Winking Eye emoji) I am not the main character lol.” Francis has also met Lauren’s children and mother. They refer to Francis as ‘Mom’s co-worker friend.’ Although compared to Lauren’s visits, Francis does not frequent Lauren’s other home as much. Lauren’s two children are content with Francis’ company and appears to not have any suspicions or even any knowledge of their mother’s intimate relationship with him. ‘She will tell them when the time is right,’ Francis says.     
  I ask Francis what their plans are for the future. He responds optimistically, “Once the divorce is finalized, we’ll probably get married. She tells me she wants to make a beautiful caramel baby with me. We have to have it soon because of her age. So, I’m saving up for that and hopefully, I’ll get a promotion at work.” 
  Francis has gotten her a promise ring to prove his eternal love. Lauren has gotten him a laced necklace with her first initial in silver. “She’s the only person who gets me and puts me at ease. I can actually have intellectual conversations with her, unlike the girls my age. She’s sexy, loving, beautiful – I love everything about her.” In my last conversation with Francis, he says, “When two adults love each other why should age matter. I proudly hold her hand and kiss her in public – it doesn’t matter what people think because it doesn’t involve them. And at the end of the day, I know that I have found love.”
-- Sure Oeng
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What’s New with You?
 Hi DIY friends! How was your weekend? Okay. So something has been on my mind. And it’s just time to hit ‘publish’ and hope for the best because the time for caring what others think is standing in my way! 
Today is less about DIY and more about connections and friendships. I was just thinking about how much I miss being more personal and less “article” like with blogging when the realization hit me from the back of my subconscious that … “hey, it’s your blog! You’re the #girlboss. It can be whatever you want!” I think part of it is I felt the need to rebrand. Because it’s a DIY blog. DIY day and night, right? Well, waiting around for that day to arrive (the rebranding) has only pushed my goals back and halted progress. So, why not just start today?
My blog doesn’t have to be an online magazine filled with beautifully staged images for every post (although who doesn’t love that – reason to ::swoon:: 24/7?!), but there’s no reason for me to feel like I always have to keep up or play the comparison game or feel ‘less than’ because I haven’t done a project or posted in a while or hired an assistant or paid a writer. Right? This blog started as a journal and introduced me to some pretty sweet and amazing online friends. That’s the place I’m looking to be again. That’s the part of blogging that I treasure. The friendships. I’ve always strived for authenticity and it’s time to own it. I miss the simplicity and that’s what I’m working to reclaim. 
Yes, my blog developed into a full time career. What a blessing! What a dream come true! Yes! Yessssssss! But the biggest part of that happening is my readers! You! I miss the part where friendships developed first, the business part being a perk. I hope to get back to that place of getting to know you! My goal is to get back to the friendship part of blogging, without worrying about SEO, page views and getting caught up in the next best way to promote a post, gain the most followers or heck, to even be sure followers see what I post. I’m thrilled that you found your way here and we can consider it serendipity at this point! 
Soooo, back to the beginning – In case it’s been a while or we haven’t ‘met’, I’m Roeshel or Shelly. I answer to both. I’m a blog author, mom, wife, daughter, sister and grandma (known as Nannie) to the sweetest little boy and I just love life!!! I am blessed!
Currently going on with me: I’m renovating a studio/office/efficiency apartment space. It’s a work in progress and a slow one at that but I love the process so I don’t stress over deadlines. Well, I’m not completely convinced of that last sentence yet! ha! (Pssst. There is progress on the studio, so of course more on that coming soon! #helloredreno)
Oh and as you read this, I might even be at the zoning office facing the unknown so keep me in your thoughts today. I have no idea what to expect!
I’m also working towards a certification to be completed in July that is pushing me outside of my comfort zone. More about that another time. I’ll across the country for a convention later this month and to be honest, I suffer from travel anxiety and I don’t want to go but I force myself because I know I’ll have regrets if I don’t. lol Do you do that too?
I try to remember to savor every precious moment but at the same time, I feel like if I can just get through crazy June, I can relax, unwind, go at my own pace and enjoy summer!
So just for today and perhaps something regular, let’s get to know each other again or work on getting re-acquainted. No matter what brought you here today, I’d love to just know a little about you. Who are you? What’s going on in your life? What’s on your mind?  Let’s connect the old fashioned way, in the comments below or find me on Facebook if that’s easier for you. Tell me something about YOU, your day, your plans, your life, your dreams. 
And maybe there won’t be any comments. And that’s okay too. Because I’m putting it out there. I’m pushing my fears aside and taking the leap of faith that you will reply and we’ll become better acquainted and hopefully good friends. I’m believing that something greater than us brought you here today for a reason, to introduce us. Have a happy day and a wonderful week! 
I look forward to re-connecting or e-meeting and getting to knowing you!
from https://ift.tt/2JuKjzJ
0 notes
cessanderson · 6 years
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What’s New with You? https://ift.tt/2kP4uue
 Hi DIY friends! How was your weekend? Okay. So something has been on my mind. And it’s just time to hit ‘publish’ and hope for the best because the time for caring what others think is standing in my way! 
Today is less about DIY and more about connections and friendships. I was just thinking about how much I miss being more personal and less “article” like with blogging when the realization hit me from the back of my subconscious that … “hey, it’s your blog! You’re the #girlboss. It can be whatever you want!” I think part of it is I felt the need to rebrand. Because it’s a DIY blog. DIY day and night, right? Well, waiting around for that day to arrive (the rebranding) has only pushed my goals back and halted progress. So, why not just start today?
My blog doesn’t have to be an online magazine filled with beautifully staged images for every post (although who doesn’t love that – reason to ::swoon:: 24/7?!), but there’s no reason for me to feel like I always have to keep up or play the comparison game or feel ‘less than’ because I haven’t done a project or posted in a while or hired an assistant or paid a writer. Right? This blog started as a journal and introduced me to some pretty sweet and amazing online friends. That’s the place I’m looking to be again. That’s the part of blogging that I treasure. The friendships. I’ve always strived for authenticity and it’s time to own it. I miss the simplicity and that’s what I’m working to reclaim. 
Yes, my blog developed into a full time career. What a blessing! What a dream come true! Yes! Yessssssss! But the biggest part of that happening is my readers! You! I miss the part where friendships developed first, the business part being a perk. I hope to get back to that place of getting to know you! My goal is to get back to the friendship part of blogging, without worrying about SEO, page views and getting caught up in the next best way to promote a post, gain the most followers or heck, to even be sure followers see what I post. I’m thrilled that you found your way here and we can consider it serendipity at this point! 
Soooo, back to the beginning – In case it’s been a while or we haven’t ‘met’, I’m Roeshel or Shelly. I answer to both. I’m a blog author, mom, wife, daughter, sister and grandma (known as Nannie) to the sweetest little boy and I just love life!!! I am blessed!
Currently going on with me: I’m renovating a studio/office/efficiency apartment space. It’s a work in progress and a slow one at that but I love the process so I don’t stress over deadlines. Well, I’m not completely convinced of that last sentence yet! ha! (Pssst. There is progress on the studio, so of course more on that coming soon! #helloredreno)
Oh and as you read this, I might even be at the zoning office facing the unknown so keep me in your thoughts today. I have no idea what to expect!
I’m also working towards a certification to be completed in July that is pushing me outside of my comfort zone. More about that another time. I’ll across the country for a convention later this month and to be honest, I suffer from travel anxiety and I don’t want to go but I force myself because I know I’ll have regrets if I don’t. lol Do you do that too?
I try to remember to savor every precious moment but at the same time, I feel like if I can just get through crazy June, I can relax, unwind, go at my own pace and enjoy summer!
So just for today and perhaps something regular, let’s get to know each other again or work on getting re-acquainted. No matter what brought you here today, I’d love to just know a little about you. Who are you? What’s going on in your life? What’s on your mind?  Let’s connect the old fashioned way, in the comments below or find me on Facebook if that’s easier for you. Tell me something about YOU, your day, your plans, your life, your dreams. 
And maybe there won’t be any comments. And that’s okay too. Because I’m putting it out there. I’m pushing my fears aside and taking the leap of faith that you will reply and we’ll become better acquainted and hopefully good friends. I’m believing that something greater than us brought you here today for a reason, to introduce us. Have a happy day and a wonderful week! 
I look forward to re-connecting or e-meeting and getting to knowing you!
https://ift.tt/2sAmj3u Roeshel
0 notes
lesbiancarat · 3 years
Yay!! Im happy to hear that! Hopefully you can rest up well from your semester!
Ahh by that I meant like you know how kpop albums have concept pictures included? Thats how I view what the TTT magazines are just minus a physical disc cx sorry for the confusion!! Honestly this is all so new and interesting, seventeen never really done something like this. Yes we had mixtape songs but not in this way so promotion will be different. I saw wonwoo and mingyu are doing a song but that isn't related to spider so that means its like jun's and minghao's songs. Which makes things a bit confusing lol, not complaining since hey more content for us ^_^ but yeah guess we have yo see when the next solo actually is. Oh and seventeen coming back!! This is the kind of news I needed, I'm shocked they actually have their own usa site to buy stuff (sort of like nct has) because I know bts nor txt don't. Well bts USED to but that was before bighit decided to shut it down in favor for weverse which sadly I don't see the need for (plus call me old and weird but I don't trust buying stuff from apps? Like I feel a bit more comfy on a computer which Ik doesn't mean its not safer but meh, apps make me fishy lol) also Walmart is selling the albums, bless my family uses Walmart alot (like we used it last night xD) so maybe I can squeeze it in next time? Granted I want to wait for the concept photos first because while I do like a surprise, its also just nice knowing what the vibe is. Or be the complete opposite of what the mv will be about lol.
Ahh as much i was being hopeful and had her eat, sadly my bunny didn't make it =c she passed away on the weekend. She was a strong bunbun, she tried her best to make it out but alas she didn't win. I'm a bit happy my gut instinct told me to spend time with her because at least I got to be with her for her last hour. It kinda sucks because I feel slightly guilty because I couldn't get her the proper help so I feel like I let her down (especially after I found out from reviews the food I bought for her is actually not good for bunnies and can cause problems so I feel dumb) I shouldn't since I gave my bunny the best love I could give while caring for her so she wasn't in a bad place with me. Still can't shake that off, feels weird not waking up and seeing her around or like when I play games she isn't near me chilling. Healing takes time of course so I'm making myself busy with enjoying content from my favorite artists. I made a lil promise that I would finish a game that I played alot while she joined me (it sounds silly but I viewed it as like "our game" ya know?) For her in memory. Sorry for babbling about this bsksbsjd. Losing a pet isn't fun at all. I am so sorry about your cat *hugs you* im sure that furry buddy was well loved!! If I may ask of course, do you have a favorite memory of your cat? Like any funny moment or cute ones?
ahhh ok i get what you mean! it will definitely be interesting to see how it all plays out since SVT haven't done a project like this before. I'm really curious how spread out all the solos are going to be. esp with a cb coming up it seems unlikely we'll get a TTT solo any time soon? but then again SVT are always surprising us these days. but i wonder if they'll come out just whenever a member happens to prepare it or if it's all scheduled out at semi regular intervals 🤔
but yeah it looks like bittersweet is part of the power of love project as opposed to TTT... it's getting complicated real fast! and yeah SVT is definitely expanding into/focusing more on US promotions now... it will be interesting to see how it all plays out! but i totally get what u mean about preferring to buy things on the computer it's funny how that is sometimes djfkgj i had been thinking about preordering the other day since it seemed like we wouldn't be able to pick the version we want anyway, but now that there are some shops that let you i definitely want to wait and see the teaser photos. every day i keep expecting them to start releasing but we get a different surprise instead OTL
I'm sorry to hear about your bunny :( but it's good that you were able to spend time with her at the end, I'm sure it made her feel safe to have someone who cared for her by her side rather than being alone <3 try not to feel too guilty about it, since what's done is done and there's no way to know for sure if it was the sole reason for her failing health. it's good that you're able to recognize and work through your grief, and i think finishing that game is a great way to do that and to honor her memory :')
and thanks, we lost her a little while ago now so luckily thinking about her is more nostalgic than sad. but as for a funny story Riley was a gremlin. she got up on the counters and kitchen table a lot when we weren't looking. she also liked eating paper and we had to be careful where we left things bc once she ate my sister's homework. which, ok, she didn't eat the entire paper but she did eat a corner of it and sort of ripped and crinkled the rest. i can't remember if my sister turned it in like that or if she had to redo it djgkgj
here's a picture of the frame/shadowbox thing my mom made for her after she died with photos, her collar (which she hated and hardly ever wore dhfk), and her favorite toy ;-;
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also u didn't ask but here's my other cat liberty from a few days ago :P (she's getting older and has arthritis and kidney issues but she's still alive and kicking!)
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king of my vote being the one to kick stevens ass out of here despite not having made a single confessional this episode
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So Steven left unanimously which was kinda boring. I was hoping to see some wild throw away votes that would've caused drama but oh well, a unified tribe is a strong tribe right? wrong.
If anything this tribal has left me worried, because it's left no indication as to who could be the next target, which is distressing. I do have an alliance with Daisy, Luke, Zack and Ci'ere now though so hopefully that is gonna be a major advantage for this part of the game!
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Wow how ruthless can the other tribe be. I always knew that they wouldn't go after Abel but not even letting Steven survive even one tribal was really savage of them.
Why do I keep forgetting Logan wants to be addressed as HIM.
Casanova huh, Renee won that immunity in bora bora so I now our tribe needs to step this one up.
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I can't believe Steven got voted out... I feel kinda bad now? That makes it twice in one night that he got eliminated, from both Second Chances and Taveuni (I was gonna promote that season but it'll be over by the time confessionals release lol). And it was rocks in Taveuni. RIP Steven. Hope he doesn't take this personally.
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rip I feel so bad voting out steven 10 minutes after he was rocked out.... when he was rocked out first tribal in India... to be fair, I didn't know any of this before. and there's no way I could've known he would be rocked out of Taveuni when we targeted him.
anyways so previously i made an alliance with zack and luke which turned out pretty well. we had the intentions of adding abel and renee which is why we wanted to keep abel and vote out steven instead since he did the least in the challenge (after abel).now, ci'ere and jev have added the 3 of us to an alliance so i'm wondering if maybe it would've been better to just get out abel because even though we controlled the vote really easily, it seems like people were confused about why it was steven but didn't wanna be in a minority. and in the future, i would like to get out renee, just bc she seems like a liability. she barely talks to me (and i assume most people) and i dont think she's said one word in the tribe chat. being aligned with someone like that can be risky. she could be an easy next vote if she keeps this up, although it might be difficult to convince zack because i think they're friends. hopefully he won't let that screw up his game.
also apparently people have been like, telling other people they like me? which is kinda good and kinda bad. on one hand, it's good to be liked by people. on the other hand, you don't want people to know that you're liked by everyone. that could make me a target. maybe not immediately, but the closer we get to merge the more people will be looking at that stuff.
i'm also really scared about a swap. i think that's what screwed me in solomon, and in some other games too. hopefully it's not soon and that i get put on a tribe with at last either zack or luke. ci'ere and jev would be good too, but i'm more confident that zack or luke wouldn't flip on me.
also i'm laughably bad at this game so hopefully we either have some comp beasts on this tribe or we have a few people who flop even worse than me.
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i don't even know were to start ctfu.
okay so.. steven went home (yay)
better tea: i got an idol clue.. what do i need to do in order to get the idol though? basically throw immunity and risk someone from my tribe/ me going home. i need to come in 7th place in this challenge and then.. the idol is mine.
LISTEN. i have no problem fucking my tribe over. i just need to come up with an excuse as of why i sucked so bad in the challenge because i already told them i can easily get 1m in this game klsdfhg.
looks like i'mma need to come up with something drastic as of why i flopped huh. i also need to try to get everyones scores so i can do my math.. time to act like i actually care about them and want to see there scores and act like a coach for them huh.
good luck.. the next time you talk to me i'll probably either have an idol or i won't!
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I'm still clueless about the whole Steven Snell vote, but I feel horrible because I told him to vote for Abel and he did. 😭😭 In other news, giraffes are so cute and I'm praying that Matterhorn will slay Casanova. I already broke a million and Zack said that 5 million is a good score, so that's my goal. I'm also pumped to be apart of the new Girl Hi alliance and I'm feeling slightly better about my position within the tribe.
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Well I'm gonna be like the only one not over a million score but oh well at least I'm trying here's to flopping it's my best score ever
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I'm currently hiding the fact that I have a higher score rn so when results so (hopefully we win) my tribe would be all shocked. :P
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Well I didn't get the reaction I was expecting but YAY MONTE ROSA WON! That score wasn't really high if you compare it to the ones on Generations.
Thank god Renee didn't beat her high score in Bora Bora, whew
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I'm really glad we keep winning tbh, cause so far I've legit done like nothing for this tribe and I know if we go to tribal I'm leaving. Would probably help if I were like, talking to people but oh well.
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in order to get the idol i had to get 7th place in cassanova and did i? i sure DID.
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i had to come up with an excuse tho as of why i flopped... so i just told the tribe at like 3pm that my moms in the hospital and i wont be home to play it online so i have to download the app and the app sucks ctfu. (sorry mom oo0o0ops.)
but not only did i get pity messages? i got an idol bitches. i'm ready to slice and dice some hoes.
daisy wants to vote out jev.... i'm not having this.
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Lmao my tribe sucks. Koror we are not. Keegan does okay in challenges I guess but I barely know him so I kinda wanna vote him out? Idk I don't want to vote anyone out I'm sad ://
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Oh boy. Are we in a situation. For the second time in a row, we have aligned ourselves with the flop of the challenge. First, Abel, who we managed to save but not without raising suspicion. And now, we're in an alliance with Ci'ere and Jev, and Jev just got a strike for not submitting.
So the first assumption is that we have to steer the vote away from Jev. We're aligned with him, it's kind of obvious. But then we realize that there are only two people we're not aligned with in one way or another, and that's Trent and Keegan. Zack tells us it should be Keegan because he was more suspicious of voting Steven last round, whereas Trent was just compliant.
But then I start to think ahead a bit. If we lose again next round, Trent is the only one we're not aligned with and he could become suspicious and possibly try to flip the numbers on us. He could likely convince Renee and Abel that they're on the bottom, maybe even Jev and Ci'ere too. Plus, voting out anyone other than Jev could expose a dominating alliance to the other tribe. And in the event of a swap, we could be in trouble.
So now it comes down to - do we vote out Jev or Keegan. At this point, the most important thing is that whoever goes home it was the decision of us 3. And I'm kinda leaning toward voting out Jev. This keeps our alliance underwraps and makes sure that no one knows we have control. It lowers the possibility of the tribe flipping on us. The only problem is, if Ci'ere isn't into this plan, we could be making an enemy out of him (and potentially others, if he can convince people that we're unloyal and evil, especially in a swap situation that would be dangerous).
But we don't even know if Ci'ere and Jev are a strong duo, and at this point in the game the obvious vote might be the best choice, in order to stop people from knowing what's really going on.
Sometimes the best move you can make is no move at all. People think you have to always be making huge moves in order to do well in this game, but sometimes it's better to sit back and let the game take course.
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18 people are gonna be keft after this next tribal. I believe..... there's gonna be..... a tribe swap into 3 tribes.....then reward challenge will start to happen and fuck my entire life i just realized i forgot to check up the god damn mountain
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Matterhorn is going to tribal council once again and I think it's because some people just aren't putting enough effort into the challenges. I feel the need to reiterate that this is a second chance season and there are people who weren't given this opportunity to play again that would have put their hearts into that frickin' challenge. STEP YOUR PUSSES UP Y'ALL. Ironically, all of the other members of Hi Girl scored the lowest lmao. I'm glad that we decided to keep Abel around because he proved that he can do well in challenges, plus it seems like he trusts me. I scored 2 million in Casanova which was the second best submission on this tribe and I hope that they'll see me as an asset moving forward.
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FUCK YES WE WON AGAIN IM SO HAPPY! Whew I really didn't think we had a chance in that immunity tbh, flash games are always hard to gauge. Anyway, Logan found an immunity idol clue which is hot, but he had to get 7th in the immunity competition which is actually the ugliest task ever. He didn't think it'd be smart to go for it so we just continued as usual with trying to win immunity. We tried to monitor who else could have had a clue because some people were obviously trying to find out who scored what... basically i just hid in the corner and didnt tell anybody my score. It looked like Tyler and maybe Brett had a clue as well, Max ended up getting 7th, but wasnt on the radar for having a clue. Logan is leaning towards getting out Tyler if we go to tribal because of possible connections they have on the other side... but i dont plan on seeing tribal any time soon. I think there may be a swap coming up soon, just because our tribe is kick ass and all good things must come to an end :/
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Another win??? If this was glee I'd burst into song!! I feel like we need a dance break so here's what I feel like doing -
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So our tribe lost the immunity challenge again which sucks because it would be nice to have a round off and actually just get to talk normally to some of these people but it's been straight strategy since the beginning due to our losses but it's definitely eventful. I'm in an alliance with Zack and Daisy (with Renee and Abel on the side) and I like that alliance, I think we could do pretty well if we stay together and we have control on this tribe with right now. On the flip side I'm also in an alliance with Zack, Daisy, Jev and Ci'ere but with Jev getting a strike, we were thinking of voting him out because of it. I don't really know if this is the best thing for us right now because I think Jev would trust me down the line and I'd feel bad about betraying his trust but this is my second chance and I'm not holding back. Hopefully I survive this tribal and we can pull out a win next round otherwise it is not looking good for the Matterhorn tribe.
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The next challenge was posted and fuck me sideways-- a flash game. I was really hoping there'd be not too many of these this season because flash games are the devil and I'm not a 17 year-old virgin anymore who has the time and lack of responsibility to perfect the art of giraffe smooching anymore. I knew opting to be the first sit out wouldn't be a great idea, but with Benjamin and Dom both volunteering, I felt okay with participating in the challenge even though it's not my prowess. Silver lining: I managed to find a SECOND idol clue. I'm 2/2 now. This one required me to sacrifice my high score (HAHAHAH!!!) in order to place 7th out of the 9 players participating in my tribe. So really, I just had to be better than two people. I was really banking on Ashley Sarah and Dom being worse than me, but both of them pulled through and I placed dead last doing my absolute best in the game. Shocker! I'm really curious as to what would have happened if I managed to succeed in placing 7th in my tribe--would a second hidden immunity idol have materialized? Would it have been a notification that my tribe's idol had already been found (by me)? I'm so sad that I didn't manage it! Fortunately, we did win the challenge by 5 million points--4 of Matterhorn's 9 competitors scored below me, so while weakest on my tribe, at least they have me and not Luke, Zack, Daisy, or Jevvon.
Honestly, not much happened in terms of strategy this episode in terms of strategy because we had our challenge and we won again, but I can tell you this much. Tyler asked for who we could possibly ally ourselves with. I pitched Ashley Sarah primarily because she's a functioning adult and seems rather trustworthy. I also threw Ian's name out there because Ian is really genuine and I feel like his status as a Runner-Up will draw more attention to him than a quitter and someone who didn't make the Top 10. I also listed Benjamin as an alternate--he comes off as rather kindhearted and pure. I have already put feelers out to Ashley Sarah and she's been receptive, but also I've discussed with Nick the possibility of looking out for one another as well. Nick is a very fun personality and very mature for 17. I feel like we are very similar and even if he really is in a contingent with Dom and Logan, I'd much rather the 3 of them like me and put me lower on their hit list in the event that they manage to succeed in gaining traction with a majority. Ideally, I'd like to win the next immunity challenge to further bury Matterhorn, but if we don't...it looks like it's time for war. And I have a hidden immunity idol, two functioning adults, and a fuckton of teenagers to contend with. Until next time!
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[5/17/17, 10:52:18 AM] jev !!: So I have your vote to stay??
[5/17/17, 10:52:29 AM] jev !!: Blessed
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AHH. ok so, i have NO idea where this tribe is at and i literally haven't talked to anyone that much and I'm so nervous that my name is gonna come up in tribal tonight. I did the best for the immunity challenge, which could be seen as a threat but i hope for now they just see it as like an asset to the tribe. so far i like zack and luke. luke seems pretty straight forward and for now seems to be shooting straight with me so he's cool. every time i try to talk to daisy she's super like short with me and doesn't really give me anything to help continue the conversation, then goes and complains to other people that I'm not messaging her, which is so annoying zzz. other than that i don't really know about anyone on the tribe but i hope theres a name thrown out besides mine, and i can survive this vote even with my terrible social game!
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I hate that there's probably a big ass alliance that I'm not apart of
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abel just found the same idol clue that i did (7th place in cass) and he's like "omg i'm gonna send it to daisy and luke to gain trust!" and in my head i'm just like... fuckfuckFUCK. if these hoes do the math and see i got 7th place.. i mean put the pieces together, i'm EXPOSED. and then they'll figure out i lied about my mom being in the hospital dlksjfdkslf.
and now nobody is talking to me... i sure am probably going home now HUH.
i was literally fighting so hard for abel to stay and now that he has that hint... i literally wanna vote him out...
when zack is having a meltdown.. zack snaps and fights people for no reason.. so zack is really tryna hold back right now..
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Okay so this vote is the complete polar opposite to last tribal's, my alliance can't seem to decide on one person to vote for, and the one person that Zack suggested (Keegan) got shot down by Daisy, which is shady as hell.
I like Keegan a lot, but honestly it's much easier to go with majority so if I have to write his name down then it's what I'm going to do. Plus it'll probably make an iconic blindside since he has no idea about any vote (or at least that's what he said to me) Hop
Hopefully I don't end up on the wrong side of the vote!
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CAN WE HAVE AN OCTUPLE TRIBAL BECAUSE MY WHOLE TRIBE SUCKS AND IS EITHER BORING OR LYING AND BORING THIS IS SECOND CHANCES AND THESE PEOPLE DIDN'T DESERVE A 0TH CHANCE LIKE EVERYWHERE I TURN I'M BEING STOPPED BY "lmao idk what to do i like everyone :3" JEV BITCH WHAT HAPPENED TO #STRIKESOLIDARITY WHY CHASE THE MAJORITY WHEN WE CAN MAKE THE MAJORITY STUPID ASS BITCH LUKE IS BEING SO PASSIVE RN DAISY IS THE MOST INSUFFERABLE PERSON TO TALK GAME WITH, KEEGAN AND TRENT FLOP FOR BEING THEMSELVES. I feel like I'm getting voted out but there's still no reason to ignore me because i can't do anything about it and it would be a shitty move especially when I literally have a reputation of being a goat in every game i play qqjhdbhjkdkw. I want this tribe to get pagonged.
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I don't really care for the alliance that I'm in right now since I'm not in a position where I could help make decisions and it's seriously annoying me because this will be the second tribal in a row where I have no say in who goes. My opinion doesn't matter. If I say the wrong thing or stray away from what they want, they could easily drop me as an ally in favor of someone they deem blindly loyal. I have to work with this alliance to survive the next couple of upcoming rounds and I'm glad that they decided to take me in. Jev is pushing the vote on Keegan, but Keegan told me that he really likes Jev so that worries me a bit. I've been bonding with Keegan the past few days and I don't want him to go. It's still too early to be captain save-a-hoe though, but I'm gonna try to save Keegan by pushing for Abel. At this point I just feel helpless and frustrated about this mess.
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ugh. so we talked about voting out abel, because he's pissed some people off and we figure we could pass it off as "fixing our mistake" from last tribal. i figured that would be the best option since abel pretty much only works w us and voting him out won't piss anyone off and will push suspicion off us. but zack really wanted keegan to go for some reason, and i guess luke thinks that abel is really loyal to us (or just him, i guess, and us by affiliation) so he wants to keep him. i'm pissed because i think this is a short term band aid solution.
after this vote trent will realize he's on the bottom and he'll try to flip some of the others on us (which may not be that hard considering it's pretty much just me, luke, and zack making the decisions). voting out abel will keep suspicion off us within our tribe and the other one, which is good in a possible swap situation and even if we don't swap.
but at this point it's not a good idea to piss of zack or luke. and im usually the biggest player, the one making the decisions, thus the biggest target. so if letting them make decisions means less blood on my hands and less suspicion on me, then so be it.
i think after this tribal ill message trent and be like "i don't know why he was voted out, that makes no sense to me, i just had to be in the majority" to hopefully get him on my side so that if he flips i'll know and we can fix this.
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It seems like tonights vote is heading towards Abel. At least I hope it is. I've heard from quite a few people it's going to be him.
Honestly, the way this game has been going is quite strange. Losing the first two immunity challenges is horrible and I hate it. But voting out Steven first was a surprise. He participated in the challenge and seemed pretty friendly. Apparently not. And now we're (hopefully) voting out Abel, who did nothing in the first challenge and among the top scores in this second one.
I don't know who's controlling these votes but in a way I'm glad it's not me. I've put a solid foundation of a relationship with Ci'ere, Trent and Jevvon. I've had some awesome conversations with Luke and Zack. And Daisy and I are getting along and passing information. Abel I've never spoken with and I've only had a short conversation with Renee, but overall I think I've got a good position moving forward. Not to mention I've been doing well in the challenges.
Part of me is hoping for a tribe swap soon though because I honestly don't think this current tribe will ever win a challenge. But if that happens there's a good chance I could get swap fucked and no one wants that.
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Honestly this round has me stressed to the max. Zack, Ci'ere, Luke, Daisy and Renee have all said they're voting for Keegan but for some reason I have a bad feeling that I'm gonna be shook and blindsided. I hope it's just a case of #Jevanoia !
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I found the hidden immunity idol clue, but it turns that I was a little too late to the party. :< The clue said that you'd have to come in 7th place in the Casanova challenge in order to receive the idol. Zack scored 7th which would explain why he was telling everyone to share their scores and that he couldn't score as high because his mom was in the hospital (whether that was true or not). ☕️🐸 INSPECTOR KEISHA IS ON THAT A$$! 🕵️‍♀️ You're not slick henny. Zack is the mastermind of Matterhorn and Jev is his little sidekick. He's in control right now and he has the power to do whatever he wants. Nobody can touch him, but I might be able to. I'm gonna keep this info to myself until I can use it to my advantage.
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I should probably end my purple edit at some point.....
I'm straight up pissed. I wanted to fly under the radar but these idiots have given me no other choice. Abel could have been SUCH AN EASY VOTE but now Luke is telling me everyone's saying Keegan..... WHAT? i'm sorry no. Abel is mean and rude, Keegan has done nothing wrong in this game and shouldn't be leaving over someone who has been nothing but a piece of shit for our morale. So clearly there's a group dominating the vote because everyone was telling me Abel, yet a select few are coming to me with the Keegan info.
Also lowkey Daisy's been a bit of a bitch, but she's one of my only hopes for allies at this point so pray for me!!
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