#i love your meme response i want to frame it
eritvita · 1 year
continued from x ;
Blessed art the Schools of Known magick to keep the creaks and slips of wood betwixt his walls and doors quiet and sealed and tempered from the moans and outright growling of his sacred copulation with his Goddess; blessed art the myriad of stamina potions riddled within cupboards nearby, and with the littlest bits of leaf and root to keep and chew to borne Roland’s willpower back onto viable, audible cues.
But that streak of fear hast his borne blood to blue ice whence a familiar knock … and then a familiar voice comes through that cracked door before the White Beauty barrs them from truly seeing inside Roland's College room. He shoots up from his nest of blankets and comforters, littered in bruises and tender marks of sharpened teeth, and gently lethargic aside the creases of his eyes for this pleasant, common coupling.
He gawps openly. And then crows and chokes for an amiable calling. "Onmund!" calls he, shuffling quickly; falling from the bed in a great 'thud'; bobbing palms for pleasantries of his physical health. "What is the matter?"
He mouths 'keep him there?' with an endearing tilt to his eyebrows, as he leaves that desperate warmth of the bed to find his trousers; to mind those slicks of covetous blankets and furs what threaten to cling at his ankles. “Is there a fresh Lesson? Hast J’zargo burnt the kitchen once more?”
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rqgnarok · 1 year
Hear me out. Jamie’s love for chains x Taylor’s “I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck”… Just thinking about Jamie wearing reader’s initials😩😩😩 *insert that feral screaming crying throwing up meme*
anon u hit my weak spot with the taylor swift reference i love this request sm
It was a brutal game.
Dani was unfairly sent away with a red in the second half, which gave the other team just enough time to tie against an unorganized Richmond. The end result of 2-2 tasted more like defeat than anything else, both as a player and a fan.
You couldn't even be there for Jamie, away on a work trip that had you cursing and screaming at the game playing on your laptop in a random hotel room. All you wanted was to bring Jamie home and hold him until the sting of the game left his bones, you were worried he might fall into a sulk without you there.
But there were still three more days to your assignment until you were able to come home and you had to settle for a FaceTime call later, watching interviews of the boys in the meantime where they put a brave face for the media and fans.
Jamie, still a little disheveled from the quick shower he took in the locker room smiles a brittle grin at a reporter as he settles in for an interview. He asks them how they've been and talks praises about his teammates and coaches despite the results. You reach a hand to trace the shape of his face on your screen, his cheeks and mouth, and the bridge of his nose when something catches your attention.
It's a simple golden chain hanging loosely against Jamie's chest. You frown, trying to recognize it from the jewelry he usually wears. Your boyfriend's taste was usually something flashier- fashion statements that people talked about on Twitter usually as either a hit or a miss, nothing in between, but you can't place ever seeing this one before.
He fiddles with it, not a nervous tic but rather a comforting one, and you see some tension melt from his frame when he comes in contact with the pendant that hangs from the chain.
A pendant with your initial.
Warmth washes over you as soon as realization does and the feeling of homesickness increases tenfold. You have no idea when Jamie got that, let alone why he didn't tell you about it, but you can take a guess.
He's shy, Jamie fucking Tartt, bashful and sweet when in love despite the cool appearances he keeps for the media and, less and less these days, his teammates. It feels like a privilege whenever he lets you see those wholesome parts of him: when he picks you up from work with flowers just because or when he cries at weddings and you have to sneak him tissues during the vows.
He's so good and he's yours- and this subtle but meaningful display of affection answers something that wasn't even a question. You're his, completely and irrevocably.
Hey handsome you text him, unable to wipe the smile from your features. You can't bring yourself to make fun of him about this, even asking him about it feels like breaching a limit he quietly placed for himself, so you don't. You up for a call later when you get home?
His response comes less than ten minutes later, the interview over. You imagine him cooped up in his scar, face illuminated only by your text thread, biting his lip in concentration as he types a response but a smile peeking out, cheeky.
can u talk now? we can chat on the way
cant wait to hear ur voice
Your smile widens as you press the call button.
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mall0ww · 2 months
No bj? (Insert MegaMind meme)
Simon " Ghost " Riley x Fem! Reader || You want to return him the favour but it doesn't go exactly as planned
CW's : NSFW (MDNI), oral, sweet sex, gagging reflex
Not proofread
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Your eyes were fluttering shut, hand holding on his hair oh so tightly, tugging every now and then in hopes to have some kind of hold on yourself.
Never had a man made you feel as good as Simon did.
His face was buried between your thighs, his nose softly brushing against your clit and oh- his tongue.
It was lapping so sweetly against your folds, as if it was cleaning you from what he did to you before. (Which it actually did)
But when the digit entered your sweet little hole, it was over. The wet, squelching sound it made would usually make you feel embarrassed. Yet that thought was quickly shoved aside with how good that sensation felt.
Ironic, you thought to yourself after a short while. At first, it took you a lot of convincing until you allowed your boyfriend to go down on you and now you were laying here- so pilant, so good for him, on the bed with his face squished between your thighs.
" Y'alright there, luvie? "
His voice sounded as smooth as velvet in your ears. It was a mere whisper that made you feel every little breath of his against your sensitive place.
" Mhm... "
Was the only response you could give right now, your mind being too dazed with the pleasure he was giving you.
" You sure? You don't need to if not. "
After coming down from your high, you offered Simon to give him a blowjob, as if to return the favour of making you feel so good. That was his response.
You were contemplating.
Of course you really wanted to return him what he gave you, of course you wanted to make him feel good, too. Yet there was a little problem that you had.
Your gagging reflex.
Even while just simply brushing your teeth it would show up. So you weren't sure if you were actually able to do what you wanted to do. But you wanted to try.
" I want to make you feel good as well, my love. "
You responded, a small pout adorning your lips.
Instead of pitying you though, Simon gave a small laugh. His eyes lit up with a kind of playfulness, you could see it clearly when he rolled his eyes. The little smirk, looking all too smug, spoke for itself.
" Well, if you insist. "
After getting on your knees, your frame now nestled comfortably between his thighs, you were questioning yourself once more. Was this really a good idea? Would he be disappointed if you actually can't do it?
Those thoughts made you face him instead of his cock.
" Hypothetical speaking... Would you be disappointed- "
Before you can finish your question, his big, calloused hands went down to your cheeks, caressing them with a gentleness that would be unexpected of a man of his size.
He was quick to cut your doubts off.
" Look, you don't even have to do this at all. If you don't want to, I won't force you. Even if it was your idea. I already feel so good just with pleasuring you. So if you want to try, you can do it. But if you don't want to or can't do it, then I'll understand. I can always finish it myself, or we'll find some other solution. So don't worry, luvie, okay? "
Your eyes almost started to tear up with how sweet and caring he was. It was almost funny just how many emotions this man made you feel.
With a deep breath, you lowered your face once more towards his cock.
It was standing upright, the tip was so red that it almost looked painful. There were a few droplets of precum on his slit, glistening in the dim light of your shared bedroom.
Being so close, you could see every little vein on it, the little details you usually wouldn't see when you're always receiving the pleasure from him.
Your lips parted slightly, a little string of saliva connecting them until it snapped. You lowered your face even more towards him, until you just took the tip in your mouth for now.
So far, so good.
You could hear Simon's breath hitch as you did that. His eyes were revealing the anticipation he felt. Yet there was also something else.
Worry? You couldn't understand why. But maybe it was because of what you've said earlier.
Because he didn't wanted you to push yourself like this, just for his pleasure. Because he already felt so, so good with just pleasuring you.
Maybe you thought you could control it better now, maybe you just hoped you could actually do it, but as soon as you lowered your mouth even more on his cock, trying to take more of it in-
Your body wasn't all too happy about your little decision and you felt yourself gagging slightly, even though you barely took any of his length in.
It just felt so embarrassing, maybe even humiliating, as that gagging noise came from your throat (luckily supressed by the little part of his cock in your mouth) and your body made a slight movement as if you were about to throw up.
Before you could try again, you felt Simon reach for your cheeks once more, lifting your face gently so that his hard cock would slip out of your mouth.
Your lips remained slightly parted, your eyes blinking twice. Until you felt slightly ashamed once more. The colour of your cheeks got brighter. This time it wasn't in a positive way though.
When your lips formed a small frown though, Simons expression got slightly sad.
" Told you that you don't have to.. "
He whispered with a low sigh. His expression was now indeed slightly disappointed. Not with what you attempted to do, but that you felt like you had to force yourself to do this for him. Because he knew that you knew you probably wouldn't be able to do this.
" 'm sorry.. "
Simon shook his head slightly. He didn't wanted you to apologize for a trivial matter like this. And you don't need to apologize for such a silly thing.
" Look, you tried it and that's what counts, okay? 'm not disappointed with you, luvie. "
" But... ", you tried once more.
Yet before you could finish your little answer, his hands reached beneath your arms and lifted you as if you weigh nothing and he placed you on the bedsheets again.
At first, he didn't say anything, just moving you in the position where he wanted to have you.
He just moved to the side of the bed, pulling you on his lap. To your horror, you two were now exactly sitting in front of your cute mirror that was placed on your wardrobe.
Hell, it was so embarrassing to see that your pussy was so wet again.
One of Ghost's arms was around your waist, keeping you on place, the other hand went between your legs, holding on one of your thighs just to spread them.
So you looked away.
Your boyfriend placed his chin on your shoulder, his eyes almost glaring at you through the mirror. But with no menace. He just wants to make sure that you believe him when he says that he's not disappointed in you and that you're still good enough for him, no matter what.
After all, he loves you.
" Look in the mirror and listen to me closely, okay luvie? "
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blueiight · 2 months
can i ask your thoughts on the fandom’s heavy focus on louis as an object of desire? it sometimes feels to me like people are more interested in other characters reacting to louis than they are in louis himself. i know the “helen of troy” stuff is a joke but it genuinely seems like he’s often rendered oddly passive in his desirability, like we’re looking at him through the eyes of the other characters even though it’s his story (to be clear: in the fandom, not the actual show). or am i being uncharitable? either way, you always have interesting things to say about fandom reception.
i think the focus of louis as an object of desire arose largely in response to a lot of racially-charged nonsense about show louis, namely, where a loud minority of fans tried to deny the abuse and horror of season 1 and frame louis as the primary antagonist/abuser of his own story. which in of itself had the potential to go somewhere, especially considering the feminized role louis occupies in parts of season 1. unfortunately its spiraled off into its own dead end at this point to where now people, a year and a half removed from the release of s1, can box louis's character arc into this tale of getting all the hot boys to look her way. when this is a horror and tragedy series. romance is part of that, but is a piece of the full picture. classic romance is very much horror tbh but thats just me
if we're discussing the show strictly, majority of louis's relationships are antagonistic. even with his lovers, they love him as much as they seek to control him. 'his love is a small box that he keeps you in', trailer louis saying 'i knew who i was without those pieces [of myself?]' . so on and so forth. the first three episodes of season 1 are about louis's struggle to maintain a link with his mortal community, in the midst of increasing racist tensions against the city leaders, all as he struggles to come to terms with his existence as a vampire and how his relationship to lestat fits in relation to all these pieces of himself. doubly so, there is also the nature of the second interview in present time, and the sort of antagonism between daniel + louis as louis eventually pushes daniel into burning the old tape. the latter half of season 1, episodes 4-7 is squarely about the triad of lestat, louis, and claudia, how lestat increasingly tightens his hold over them both, claudia breaking them free of it, and louis's response to such. doubly so, daniel becomes more hostile the less he knows, and the more louis's composed 'master of his instincts' personage collapses to show the broken man thats underneath. armand comes in at the end bc the interview has reached a breaking point once more [as it did in the 1970s]. i know, im looking too hard into the meme, but so much of where louis errs, where his memory falters, where history is completely revised, has to do with the question of claudia. even book interview foundationally was about this grief, though not nearly with the level of depth+ gravity the show has added to the story.
where focusing on louis as an 'object of desire' most impedes analysis has to do with claudia as well, bc if u see louis as that solely, then what is claudia to u if not a 'child interfering in [louis's] romantic affairs'? why are people already seeking to write claudia off as a wayward child unduly 'taking out her anger on louis', when it was louis at the end of season 1 who strangled her against the wall and refused to let her burn lestat? when its louis in the trailer thats throwing claudia's words from season 1 back at her, evading her questions in the cafe? when claudia is having to dress as a baby doll and advertise with a sandwich board for a theater + a coven-master that all want her dead?
i think this is by nature of the fact that iwtv is canonly gay and isnt afraid of showing that, and modern fandom is mainly interested in romance. claudia's relationship to louis is secondary, if not tertiary, to all 'camps' of this tiny tiny fandom bc she is clearly established in s1 as not being a viable romantic option for louis, despite claudia's perspective and her story taking up the second half of the first season, and will continue to be important in the second season. the 'helen of troy' fixation on his desirability in relation to romantically viable vampires [or even men] seems to be another means by which fans can ignore this part of the story, just as the mutual abuse nonsense about louis being clarence thomas the third self hating black man who stole lestat's lunchables and is 'just as bad as the rest' drowned out and continues to drown out any other conversation for the past year and a half. it is very difficult to have conversations on this character precisely bc of this state of fandom, where many people seek to crack the whip over a fictional character for not being mother teresa and having a complex response to trauma, then instead of discussing that, some seek to fixate on the fact that mother teresa can be sexy, actually. when thats not the point. why is modern louis so full of grief and all but suicidal in dubai, if not for the fact that claudia is permanently dead, he still lives, he regrets something, and wants to find the truth under it all? the jokes are cute and all, but lets put our thinking caps on.
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bluewinnerangel · 1 year
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Absolutely stuck on the overwhelming amount of louis today so I'm just gonna turn that energy into recapping everything that made my heart melt today (warning I love all things):
his close to 1.5 hrs late grandpa entrance pls, and that security said it was because he was having lunch
the place was playing his Tour Bus Playlist yey
the many pictures and videos of him looking up at fans, full of love and smiles and warmth and mhm fuck this
when a fan asked him to write "bisexual rights" rainbows and crying emojis go here
him getting real confused when asked to write "nothing's changed" because he was thinking of the line "some things change" instead like mans wrote an album full of lines "contradicting himself" (his words) including a massive pile of "change" everywhere dont play
his face when the fan with the trans flag was talking to him
when a fan said "you're really beautiful" and he responded with "hahaha nice one"
when a fan asked if he knew her twitter because she does piano covers of his songs and he was like YEAH THE PIANO YEAH YEAH YEAH I SEE YOU ALL THE TIME *sparkly eyes*
when a fan asked him to write "hey babe" and he laughed like "hahaha yeah" like just the tone you gotta hear it he knows everything were fine
saying he likes "i choked when your smoke got in me eye" just hearing him say and put emphasis on that line.
so. much. football. talk. here's one
on that note him making this lil shit face when he told a fan their team was gonna lose
when a fan was wearing the green nike jumper he wore recently and he said "ive got that jumper - i know you know that already"
the little wave to the people in the screen
him saying hes not gonna draw a heart "only because im fucking shit at drawing hearts" and then drawing a heart and ye she quirky but i hope he knows that makes it even better
or when a fan asked to draw a little star and his response was to ask them whether they wanted it "5 sides or 6" and "I've not drawn a star in years" again excusing his drawing and then draws a star just fine
writing "we'll be alright"
his lil hiya's and nice one's and cheers'
^Seriously the way he greeted everyone was so early 1d days signings esque im not coping with the passage of time rn
the gum chewing
that a fan told him OTB wasn't a lonely song anymore
When a fan told him "if france wins the game you have to sing angels fly next week" he immediately went "but what about if england win" and told the fan if england win they have to show up in an england shirt at their next gig in france and then his crew apparently very much in on his betting behavior dead serious going REMEMBER HER FACE! REMEMBER HER FACE! ILL REMEMBER HER FACE and then they also thanked the fan lol
the harry meme shirt lookin eyein gazin smirkin seein perceivin happenin
his jumper. that's it.
yk his hair also.
The whole chat about AFH in Mexico within the next 5 years and that video especially these frames thank you
personal favorite: when he was asked to write Faith In The Future's initials and he kept looking at the title on his own album cover to make sure he got the right letters
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
@harringtonfan4 requested this: 'Maybe he’s been away at work for awhile and he’s jealous you’ve been spending time with a guy you grew up with (totally innocent) now he’s home and wants to remind you who you belong too. Over and over and over.'
The gif you sent with it tumblr reckoned it was too naughty so I had to post it normally... So anyway a jealous and dominant Joseph? We're all goners 💀 Under 18's DNI.
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You'd were lonely without your boyfriend being around, that was the only way to put it. You'd spent the most of the few weeks without him either working, hanging out with your close friends or even catching up with old ones. A guy you went to school with had reached out to you following a break up with his long time partner during this time and you'd spent a lot of time texting and talking on the phone. You'd mentioned him to Joe a few times when he'd been on FaceTime to you, and every time you'd see his face drop.
It'd always end up in a stupid argument, but you tried to convince him that it was completely innocent and he meant nothing by it but wanting to rekindle your friendship. Joe always said he trusted you, it was him he didn't trust but you just rolled your eyes at him and tried to change the subject, deciding the angst in the pit of your stomach wasn't worth it. The day he came home hours earlier than you thought, you were sprawled out on the sofa tapping away at your phone, laughing occasionally at the stupid things your friend said to you, whether it be a memory from years ago one of you had brought up, or silly memes being sent back and fourth.
Joe sneaked into the flat, hoping to catch you in surprise. He heard you giggling from the living room and furrowed his brows when he peaked around the door frame to see you laid in your comfy clothes, hair spread all over the pillows, a messy blanket half way between your knees and your chest, your phone raised above you in the air.
"Surprise!" Joe spoke out, making you jump out of your skin, throwing your phone to the side.
You looked up following the familiar and welcoming voice that made your heart explode. You jumped up from your spot and immediately ran over to embrace your boyfriend.
"Joe, oh my god. This is an amazing surprise. You're back early." Beaming from ear to ear, you wrapped your arms around him, snuggling your face into his chest.
"Did I startle you? You looked startled." Joe planted a kiss on top of your head, his arms enveloping you into him further, closing the space between you fully. You looked up to him, taking in the features you adored so much, but the smile you saw at first was now replaced by an unconvinced look at your lack of response.
"Just caught me off guard." You smirked, leaning up to kiss him, the peck on the lips was soft and warm yet brief.
"You're not texting him again are you?" Him, here we go.
"He's my friend Joe I'm allowed to talk to him." Joe sighed, not able to control his instant flow of bitterness and jealousy which erupted through his body.
"You're really jealous about him? You've no need to be. I love you." You tried to deflate the arising and almost inevitable heated discussion before you, but Joe had a better idea and instantly lifted you from where you stood, clenching the muscles in his arms to hold you tighter, shimmying his way through to the bedroom and tossing you down on the bed, your head bounced back to the pillow. He pealed your leggings off, lifting you up by your hand and undressed you rather suddenly, leaving you in just a pretty pair of cotton panties, your eyes flashed before your eyes as his swarmed your body.
"Baby, what're you doing?" You asked stupidly.
"Showing you who the fuck you belong to." You couldn't lie, you loved the dominance that had overtaken him. Deep down you knew he knew that there was nothing to worry about; but if he wanted to show you in this way, who were you to argue it. You'd missed him and you'd missed this.
Joe took his own clothes off and immediately fell on top of you, throwing you back once more, his hands roaming all over your body whilst he connected his lips to yours, paying close attention to your hardening nipples, pinching them making your clit ache from the sensation reaching it. His mouth attacked yours, tongue darting around yours, teeth clashing together and the more it continued, the deeper the kiss got, the more fierce Joe's fingers pinched and roughly moved against your body.
His hips thrusted downward, using your clothed folds to briefly jerk his cock through them, hissing at the feel, Joe's eyes burned into and you looked up all sheepish at him, when he was in this mood there was no changing it, but you'd never seen him react like this over someone, this was a whole new version of him.
"You're mine." Joe cursed your name at the back of this throat, pushing himself to the side so there was enough room for this fingers to continue edging you further, he pushed your panties to one side and plunged two fingers inside of you with no word of warning, your back arching from the sudden contact. His other hand tugging on your hair, pulling your head back. "Say it."
You moaned loudly as his digits deepened inside of you, curling upward to hit the spot you needed to be touched. Joe leaned down to your ear, pushing his knuckles up further, fingers now stroking your cervix, your walls clenched right around the thickness of them. "Say. It." Joe asked again, this time his voice a low growl. His hand that once had a hold of your hair was now wrapped around your throat, his fingers now slick covered from your cunt and thumb rubbing effortlessly against your throbbing bud. "I'm yours Joe." Joe shook his head, throwing an almost angered sigh your way.
"Sir. I'm yours sir." Joe smirked wickedly, it was something you found to be a kink for him, something he desired to be called when he was in his deep, dominating state of mind. "Good fucking girl." He moved his hand up that was having it's way with your pussy, tasting his fingers and groaning at the taste he'd clearly craved, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. "My good girl." You nodded, making an attempt to grab a hold of his length but the back of your hand was dismissed in an instant. He ripped your underwear from you, discarding them off the bed and onto the floor; caging himself over the top of you once more. "Nuh uh, I'm going to fuck that pretty little pussy until you can't think of anything or anyone else but me." He clearly wasn't willing to let things be that easily.
He rammed his cock through your entrance and fucked into you hard, his thrusts making his hips slam down onto the edges of your pelvis and in-between your thighs. Your hands didn't know quite where to keep themselves, they roamed his back, clawing down where they could reach, repeating it over and over again until dinted lines appeared where you'd dug in harder. "Fuck, that's it. Mark me up." Joe bit down onto your lip, darting his tongue into your mouth once more, a more passionate kiss ensued, your lips smacking harshly against one another, whimpers singing into each other's mouths. Your hands flipped backward onto the headboard, pushing yourself into Joe to deepen the thrusts and take as much of his length as you could before you could almost feel it in your stomach.
Joe reached up to the top of the headboard above you, pulling it back to erratically grind harder. His cock throbbed inside of you, begging for release but he stopped himself every time the feeling got too much. Taking it out and occasionally rubbing it against you to edge himself before driving it back inside.
The headboard bashed against the wall with every single thrust given, you were a screaming, hot mess underneath the man you loved and wanted so deeply, taking everything he had to give you, it pleased him the way you sounded; he knew you enjoyed it from the way your wall's tightened in every move. "Sir, oh sir- can I cum. Please." Your body halted into stone trying your best not to reach your peak until he said so.
"Tell me again who you belong to?"
"You. I belong to you. All of you." Joe grinned at you, attacking your neck and leaning further down to buck up and it became difficult for you to breathe, Joe pushed himself up into a side that hit spots you didn't know were there until he found them.
"Yes baby, cum for me." You let yourself go immediately, fists rising up clenching against his curls, pulling on them hard that he swore he almost felt a few detach themselves from the severity of the climax that was consuming you from head to toe. Your euphoria was almost never ending as his cock continued to rapidly breed you.
"Fuck, my girl's so tight. So beautiful." You arched your back up and almost instantly, Joe released himself inside of you, his head jolting backwards, lips parting, filthy moans echoing across the walls of your bedroom coming straight from his mouth. "Holy sh-sh-shit." Joe cried out, his orgasm as heavy as yours.
He pulled out and launched himself further down the bed, his head down and focused between your legs. Your own head lifted to catch the sight of him licking his lips and diving his tongue straight into your hole. "Oh my god, more?" Your heart was beating ten to the dozen, the vibrations of the way his tongue flickered inside of you had you squirming. Joe tasted himself and you, cock still stiff all over again from the enjoyment. Joe lifted his face up to gaze up at you, his arms wrapped around your thighs to keep them in place, another mischievous grin showing.
"I said until you can't think of anyone else but me. We've got a long way to go, baby." His mouth instantly got back to work, latching around your swollen clit as he sucked against it, letting it go with a pop and going straight for it again, his teeth lightly nibbling on it to add a satisfying glimpse of pain to your pleasure.
You shut your eyes and saw stars amongst your darkened vision, the immensity of Joe's muscle that worked against you would only shortly send you into a paradise unknown to anybody else, he wouldn't stop until your juices flowed into his mouth, swallowing every drop to rehydrate him.
Flipping you over and getting onto his knees, he brought your ass up, spanking hard against your ass cheek and shoving his cock inside you, he used you as lube before taking it out and forcing his way into your tight little ass. Your face was smothered in the pillow your head was pleasantly laid on before, he ripped into you, ungodly, stifled sounds heard a plenty from the way his cock moved tightly against your ass, loosening it up before he eventually gripped onto your hips and fucked you as hard as he could.
"Yes, yes yes." Joe cried out, finishing himself between your ass cheeks, droplets of cum presenting itself onto your sheets and dripping down onto your folds. He grabbed you, pulling you upward to meet you at eye level, you threw your head back onto his shoulder, both your breathes erratic.
"Don't think I'm done." Joe uttered out into your ear, your breath hitching as his fingers skilfully dragged themself back onto your clit, his arm holding you up underneath your breasts.
"But I-"
“You’re mine baby, remember? You’re a little whore who’s addicted to me and if you didn't hear me correctly, I said I'm not done.”
Joe pushed himself backwards off the bed and as you turned around to meet him, he grabbed a hold of your hands bringing you forward for you to stand up, your legs almost giving way, he picked you up bridal style. Carrying you into the bathroom and turned on the shower, slowly putting you down to regain the feel of your feet against the ground, the shaky feeling not leaving the mess all around your thighs, legs and fucked out areas.
You both stepped in one at a time, feeling the warmth of the water hit your bodies. Joe had you up against the wall in seconds, it wouldn't be long until you were on your knees with his cock presented just over your mouth, his hand fucking himself until he made a mess of your face.
You washed yourself down after, Joe massaging your back and taking cheeky gropes of your arse as he stood behind you, craning his head down to caress your neck before washing your hair for you.
After you'd gotten out, feeling a little less tired but way more cleansed, Joe wrapped his arms around you once more, swaying you from side to side, your head back against his naked chest. The soft and loving side of him returning all the more you held one another close. "I love you." Joe muttered, a little smile creeping onto his face.
"I love you. I'm yours." You felt the need to confirm it one last time, to your surprise Joe chuckled a bark of laughter from his throat.
"Oh I know that baby. And I'm yours." You shook your head slight, grinning at his words, his fingers lifted your chin up to look him in the eye, a rather innocent look considering the drawn out fierce looks he presented before.
"I mean if you want to be jealous more often, I'll take it if that's what you're going to do."
"Don't even think about it." Joe's eyes grew suddenly, shaking his head back at you. "I missed you, that would of happened anyway." You rolled your eyes, staring up into the warm brown eyes that lovingly watched you. You knew he was right.
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xamaxenta · 2 months
im sorry this one is fucking killing me youre making me crazy here . sorry for blowing up your askbox but im going bonkers over this one xamaxenta. this one is still pg 13 but im having wicked wicked thoughts about jailbait ace i cant take this
marco doesnt realize hes down bad until its too late. luffys a sweet kid and ace is such a good brother trying to take care of him and give him a good life of course marcos gonna try to help. bringing them some leftovers is the least he can do. and then theyre so damn happy about it he says fuck it just come over for dinner. he likes aces attitude it reminds him a little of himself when he was younger and the brats a little cute anyone with eyes can admit that, so these 2 demons become a sort of semiregular part of his life and its... nice. he hasnt really felt like hes In the world since he got back even though its been years now, he never really felt like he was There; he always feels sort of detached, he hasnt really felt Present in his own life since he quit the military.
but suddenly theres this dumb kid and his dumber little brother and theyre so ALIVE they EXPLODE color wherever they go and marco finds himself being Himself again for the first time in a long time. he wants to make sure ace is fed and can fill out his frame a bit, because he definitely would if he could get enough food in him, he wants luffy to have new sneakers because he busted his old ones and runs around in ridiculous sandals, he wants to help ace with the housework and be there for him, he wants ace to be warm and well rested on something thats not a torn moldy mattress. but thats just... natural. of course he does.
its not until he looks down at ace whose fallen asleep leaned up against his arm and chest and the tv screen is turning his face blue, his mouth is just a little open and his eyelashes are so long, and marco hugs him a little tighter without even meaning to and ace wakes up. he opens his big sleepy brown eyes and looks up at marco from under those ridiculous eyelashes licks his pink lips and goes "mmmmnhh... marco?" grabbing onto the fabric of his sweatpants leg and marco comes to a series of rapid fire conclusions:
- he wants to fuck the jailbait
- if hes gonna fuck the jailbait hes at least going to take some god damn resposibility
- he is aces baby daddy now
I am incapacitated over this youre making ME crazy youre just coming in with the heavy hitters i have no further notes its all perfect its literally the timeline i envision for this au
Ace and Luffy get their basic human rights and needs addressed by Marco check
Luffy gets some shoes!!! Check
Ace has ridiculous eyelashes check
Ace is having an absolute heartattack constantly over Marco check
Marco likewise is having a tough time bc he cant take advantage of Ace bc of his vulnerable state so he nay as well provide security and take responsibility!!! Love it…
Hontoni arigatougozaimasu ITADAKIMASHDHFH my complementes to le schef
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(Theyre saying gimmie gimmie!!!)
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illussy · 2 years
How often do they think about you~♡
warnings: slight nsfw. asides from it, very fluff<3
A/N: i got carried away lmao but i really enjoyed writting this♡
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Thinks of you everyday, probably not all the time since he has his mind in so many responsibilities and capo things™️
But when he's stressed and alone in his office, the picture of yourself emerges in his mind, and it makes him smile and relax in the spot it's almost therapeutic.
He got a picture of you framed, smiling and looking at the camera in a restaurant. That is one of the memories he treasures the most.
So when you're not around to be physically there and make him some company, he likes to stop for a few minutes and look at it, and smile. It gives him a motivation to keep on going.
When you're available, he makes a phone call to tell you how much he misses you.
Will never admit it, but he thinks of you ALL THE TIME. There's only a very few moments that you're not in his mind.
If you didn't reply to his text in the morning, he will think about it all day until you eventually text him back.
Please explain him why did it took you so long, he will act all cocky about it, but on the inside he's probably crying.
Has a lot of pictures of you and him together on his phone that he likes to watch very often.
On the bad days when you're not around, he'll hug a big pillow as tightly as he can imagining that it's you, while waiting to come home and feel your skin again.
Another one that thinks about you all the time.
Half of his thoughts are horny thoughts, while the other half is about how much he loves you and how amazing you are.
Has so many photos of you on his computer it's not socially acceptable. In most of them you're distracted, since according to him "those are the best ones."
Melone often likes to look at the ones you're completely naked, not in a sexual way (sometimes), but because he absolutely adores your body.
A touch starved whore. Really hates when you have to be away for a while but enjoys sending you memes or random pics that reminds him of you. Make sure to answer all of them or he'll keep spamming you.
Pesci often finds himself zoning out thinking about you, but he tries not to do it in the company of others since Prosciutto reprimanded him for not paying attention once.
When he's missing you, he likes to bake something sweet and add your favorite scent like vanilla or orange so he can smell it around the house once they're done.
Would like to save all the treats for when you're back so you can share it together out on a date.
Is really scared of calling or texting you just in case you're busy, so he tries not to disturb but secretly wishes you could message him first.
Likes to write down a letter expressing how much he loves you at the end of the day. And if he's feeling brave, he'll show it to you once you're back.
Has a habit of thinking about you everytime he's smoking a cigarette, doesn't know why, but hearing your voice in his mind really soothes him to wind down.
He'll text you and ask if you wanna come over. If you can't or you're busy, he will stay up all night since the constant thoughts in his head won't leave him alone.
Will act nonchalant about it if you ask how he slept, but he's a very self estrict man and needs everything to be almost perfect.
He'll ask for a few days off if he can, so you two could go on a trip and enjoy your time together. Probably somewhere near the sea.
Loves seeing you face to face to talk. It's not fun if you're through a screen.
And if you let him, he'd love to take some pictures of you in a swimsuit to appreciate whenever he's missing you again.
Has a nude pic of you after sex in his wallet that he likes to look at every night it's almost a tradition. (Hopefully no one had seen it yet).
Of course he won't be needing that when you're right next to him in bed, but if you happen to be away, he's jerking off to it very often.
Cannot stop thinking about you even if he tries to. He wants to see you everyday.
One of his love languages it's physical affection, so don't be surprised to be tackled as soon as you enter the house. It doesn't matter how much time you've been away or if you saw each other yesterday.
If he's going to a party or a bar without you, he'll ramble about you to any person that flirts with him, saying how beautiful and amazing partner you are and how much he misses you. They'll eventually get tired of it and leave him talking alone.
Probably drunk calls you at 3 am crying that he wants to see you.
He doesn't hate thinking about you, but when you pop up in his head, the thoughts floods his mind, distracting him from doing his daily tasks, and that's what makes him mad.
He wants to read a book in piece, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO APPEAR IN HIS HEAD IN A LINGERIE???!!!!
It makes him blush so hard that if anyone sees him he'll become so flustered.
Will never admit the effect you have on him, and if you're direct and ask him, he'll deny it saying that he only thinks about you on a decent level. (spoiler: it is not).
Lowkey loves to replay the messages on the voice-mail on his phone to hear your voice again after a long day.
Please don't ask him about it if you ever found out, he'll become embarrassed and won't be able to form a coherent sentence.
Sorbet and Gelato
Sorbet thinks about you and Gelato daily without even noticing, but it's not like it fill his mind to the point of not being able to think anything else.
As much as he loves you both, he needs his space to disconnect from everyone.
Won't be mad if you ask him about it and probably tells you what was he thinking, but he's not a fan to publicly share his thoughts.
If he's missing you, he'll call you and tell you so. Sorbet likes to be straight forward.
Gelato, on the other hand, has his thoughts full of both of you. He's very intense at expressing love, so expect to receive multiples messages when he's missing you.
Sometimes writes down the things that he'd like to do with you, or places to go out on dates.
He's also a fan of keeping a few pictures of you naked to look at when he's feeling down. Your lovely features always brings him joy.♡
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lollytea · 2 years
so in love with Willow taking up photography as a hobby. like of course she would. of course she'd be the type to want physical snapshot reminders of memories she treasures, people she loves, things she finds beautiful. she takes a picture of Luz giving Amity a big kiss on the cheek and gifts it to them, she takes a picture of Gus doing his best attempt at a handstand, she takes a picture of Hunter grinning, all earnest and goofy. it makes so much sense and i love her SO dearly
It makes me SO happy to think about Willow's new photography hobby. It's just so so sweet. It's a way for her to express herself!! A way to better understand this strange and beautiful new world!!! She's collecting memories in the form of photos to remind herself that no matter how bleak things seem sometimes and how much she misses home, there's so much love and laughter here. It's not all bad, it really isn't.
Willow getting excited about telling her Dads all about her adventure in the Human Realm and all the fun she had with her friends. She can't WAIT to show them her pictures. She feels like she's gotten really good at photography lately. Her friends are constantly telling her how beautiful her pics are. And though she's feeling pretty confident in her skills, she still feels like her pics are only beautiful because she chooses to focus on beautiful things. But she certainly can't tell Hunter that's why pictures of him turned out so nice.
Willow swells with pride when she gifts Luz and Amity a photo of them dancing in the rain and they bundle her into a tight hug. It's now framed on Luz's desk and Willow feels warm every time she looks at it.
She managed to snap a whole series of Gus on his brand new skateboard. There's this one pic right before he takes a tumble where he's making the absolute goofiest expression imaginable. That photo has become immortalized as the house's biggest meme. It makes everyone howl with laughter everytime they look at it. Even Camila. It's on the fridge. Gus considers it his finest moment. Willow is eternally delighted that she was responsible for capturing the exact moment that renders everyone helpless with giggles.
And Hunter....she's got so many pics of Hunter. She's kinda embarrassed to tell him just how much she as. That would be weird right?
It's after the grimwalker reveal when they finally come in handy. Late one night when they're talking of everything and nothing. It's an adjustment period. Hunter knows she doesn't hate him. But he admits that he's still having a hard time being comfortable with himself. Being a clone is confusing, as it leaves you uncertain of who you really are.
Willow is silent for a moment before standing up with a purpose. Hunter is almost startled at the abruptness. Willow marches out of the room and is gone for a few moments before she returns, armed with a shoebox full of photos. She spills them out in front of a stunned Hunter.
So many wide gap-toothed grins. Him standing by Gus with his hands hovering nervously as the latter attempts to become the next Tony Hawke. Hunter posing dramatically in his handmade Halloween costume that he was so proud of. Hunter and Luz curled up together in a tangle on the couch, fast asleep. Hunter cheering as he proudly carries Amity in a piggy back after she bet him five bucks that he couldn't. Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, Hunter and more Hunter.
All snapped by Willow with so much love you could almost drown in it.
"Maybe it would help..." She says softly. "If you could see who you are with your own eyes. Because I'm seeing. I'm seeing all the time. And I try to get every moment of it because I really like seeing..."
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sandalwoodbox · 19 hours
Vid you're the proudest of?
What are some fandoms and/or ships you'd like to vid for but haven't yet?
Bonus q: Is there a vid that you have watched/rewatched that has inspired you or informed the way you approach your vidding?
Thanks for asking!
(This is part of the Get to know the Vidder ask meme. See all my responses here and feel free to send me asks!)
I think I have to go with Trust+Fall as my top pick at the moment, for two reasons. First, I think it came together really well just as a vid - the audio edits worked out really well and let me structure the vid the way I wanted; I think the faster and faster cutting in the second half is effective in terms of increasing the tension, while still staying parseable (mostly?); and there were just a lot of interesting visuals and parallels to work with from the source, which was satisfying. Second, I was really worried about using a song that already has such an iconic vid associated with it (Parachute by thingswithwings for Leverage), because I wasn't sure if people (including myself) would be able to believe such a different read of the lyrics. Parachute was one of the first songs I thought of for this vid, and then I spent a long time searching for other romcom-type songs that might support a similar comedy -> tragedy read, looking for songs explicitly related to Romeo & Juliet, and even considering whether I could do some kind of mashup where the first half was a romcom song and the second half was a heavier / more tragic song (which I ended up abandoning mostly because all the romcom songs were in major keys and all the tragic songs were in minor keys, who would've guessed.) And in the end I think I managed to make something that's pretty convincing!
2a. Warrior Nun - Ava/Beatrice. I loved this show! It had no right to be any good at all and then it was fucking amazing. Jesus Doesn't Love Me by runawaynun is the vid that got me to watch this show.
2b. 911. I want to make a vid for Taylor (because she's awesome and deserves some spotlight) and I have an idea for a zombie apocalypse AU maybe? It's so many seasons! But hopefully having targeted goals will make it manageable.
2c. Ted Lasso - Roy/Keeley/Jamie. I'm currently rewatching the show with a friend and there's just. So. Much? Of them? They're so much.
Bonus q: MCU Dance Off by lim - the way it uses splitscreen and frame within frame is just mind-boggling to me. I would love to be able to do something like that someday! Also shout out to Candy Girl by vassalady for Princess Princess Ever After which is for a still source but has so much rhythm and movement, and does really cool things in terms of drawing your focus to different parts of an image by only revealing it piecemeal. And finally, 【暗黑向】如果江厌离是反派(不喜慎入)by 王秫秫 for The Untamed, which I think was the first AU vid I saw that really blew my mind, by taking the sweet older sister from The Untamed and portraying her as a poisoner and/or ghost - I think about it a lot in terms of how I can make vids lie to people (in little and big ways) about what happened in canon.
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gungoo4lifer · 10 months
Oh Lord and savior hamantha, as you blessed me with dad goo I wanna share with you my personal gungoo texting headcanons
probably very ooc and mostly based on my personal experience with having the homo myself(women.🥵)
(I have a friend like gun who I'm the goo to hehe)
Gay ppl are so real man
When they go for a long time without seeing each other,they text each other allot
I bet their text messages are filled with death threats and then goo just sends a message at 3am saying "call?" and they talk the whole night about whatever they want.
Most often goo is texting and double texting memes or random things,but gun always just gives the driest response (but never NOT responds ;) )
This makes goo insult gun on his texting style and woosh, there goes another hour of them just sending each other creative insults! 🖕 is just a code for 💘 for these homos
Like canon confirmed! Goo (steals) borrows gun's clothes
But picture this
Gun trying to imitate his boyfriend with weapons...
Gun seeing sharp objects and being reminded of goo by them, like him in that scene cutting onions and thinking "heh, my bf does this"
Goo forwards videos with "send this to your ___ without context" To gun allot lol and gun never watches those vids
Gun mostly seems quiet and the conversation seems one sided, but that's really not the case, if goo doesn't message for a long time gun finds ways to send a text, but often he frames it as if it was goo who wanted to text first all along.
Goo usually doesn't notice, cause he doessss want to text gun, but when he does, he gets to his usual teasin--
Oh fuck. Gun blocked him.
Time for goo to get a new phone and pester gun from their contacts!!
(Bahaha omg now that made me imagine goo sending a text from someone elses phone but pretending it's a sales person and sending text like: Hot single fighters in your area 👄💦💦)
That's all I can think of .w.
Sincerely that anon
JSBDKWHSKWBS ANON first of all ilysm ty for taking ur time to write allat<33 AND THE SAVİOR PLSSS got me giggling
i had a ff which included some texting scenes, and i used my personal hcs there too like i hc that goo always used kaomojis cuz duhhh n gun would be a dry texter most likely but he looks like he would also often send voice text 1 cuz he knows that his voice is attractive 2 cuz he knows that GOO also finds his voice attractive
And the "heh, my bf does this" made me giggl eo bad like NEBDKSHDB i loved reading all of them sm kekekekeke
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lunarcry · 2 months
did a foolish thing and went through my libertaria screenshots. teehee (none of the very important loki parts tho thats for later
Fenrir: Ugh, I've had it, Loki! Can I take this stupid stuff off now? Loki: I thought we discussed this already. A little modesty goes a long way. Fenrir: I'm a primal beast! B-e-a-s-t! Why should I give a crap about showing modesty to mortals! Lyria: But, Fenrir… It looks so nice on you. It would be a shame to take it off now. Fenrir: It does not look nice on me! My natural looks are all I need!
Lyria: Oh, Fenrir! What do you think of this ribbon? If you let me tie up your hair with it, I just know you'll look— Fenrir: Stay away from me, and mind your own business! I'm not a doll! I don't care how many primal beasts you have, I can devour you in a single gulp! Lyria: Okay… Sorry. Fenrir: Ugh… Listen! I'm not part of your crew, so—
conversations im obsessed with (also again how weak fenrir actually is LOLLLLL
Loki: Then I'd like to offer my services. I know I'm an Astral, but wouldn't you rather have that over no one at all? Lyria: A-are you really okay with that? Fenrir: I'm not!
'i consent' 'is there someone u forgot to ask?' meme
The guard prepares to usher Lyria away, when a voice sounds from behind them. Fenrir: Sister! Where the he—I mean, I'm over here, dear Sis!
Loki: I'll star in the lead role this time, Fenrir, do what you did before. Fenrir: … Lyria: Gosh! Fenrir's tail is standing on end! Loki: Excuse me, I'm looking for my little sis— Fenrir: Raagh! Istavion Soldier: Awagh! Loki: Fenrir! That's not how a graceful lady should act! Fenrir: Shut up! I'm done playing along with your little games! Sneaking in this far was good enough. If they want to come at me, then I'll take them all out.
Lyria: Oh no! The door is locked! Fenrir: Move! I'm gonna smash it down! Lejos leaps out of the way just in time—the door, its frame, and parts of the surrounding wall suddenly implode into the room.
White Knight: Though I ask that the viceroy make no further movements. That youngster is most likely the Astral the True King spoke of. Loki: What do you know, Fenrir? We're celebrities. Fenrir: More like infamous fugitives wanted for interrogation.
thinking about that before nalhe scene w/ true king.....i rlyyy wish theyd talk about loki & true king... (but also fenrir recognizing that white knight is strong
anyway knowing white knights real name. help. out of all names.
Fenrir: If you plan on making me do more things I hate, I'll bite your head off in front of all these people. Loki: Show some class, Fenrir. The world is finally getting a view of your cute side. Fenrir: Okay, you just said your last words. Who do you want me to tell them to? Loki: Just deliver it to whoever would be most saddened by my passing. You can decide that one for me, Fenrir.
i lvoe them so so much
The White Knight trails off while looking at Mikaboshi, hoping she'll fill in the blanks about the mystery Astral but she pouts instead. Mikaboshi: I don't know anything. I'm still not complete yet. My power might be stronger than Loki's, but his nose is sharper at sniffing out weird stuff. White Knight: (Judging by their responses, even Loki finds the presence of another Astral irregular?)
aurgh i love them. i love them.....
Mikaboshi: Well, I wanted to go watch a fight in the coliseum…
Necesaria: (Of course, the real reason is because my orders from the higher-ups are to collect data on Mikaboshi. Trying out different perfumes, foundations, and makeup was a ruse to test an Astral's resistance to poison.)
Vyrn: Loki mentioned you guys split off. Sounds like everyone found something fun to do. Necesaria: Nothing wrong with that. After all, our crew is a collection of misfits. Mikaboshi: I'm not having any fun! I don't care about cosmetics or whatever. And if there is another Astral here, I don't want to go near them.
I LOVE THEEEMMMMMM still loving how loki just picked necesaria up. like ok yeah u can join welcome!!!!! obsessed with lokis crew
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dxwnfxll · 4 months
HIII it me again(I’ve been really hyper fixated on saints row and them being dads😭)I was wondering if you could do a platonic relationship with Troy Shogo Maero Johnny with a child!reader that’s like a totally a daddy’s girl just looks up to them so much and and follow them everywhere and how would they feel about it 🥹🫶(you don’t have to get it done right way take your time and take care of you self❤️❤️and get more sleep!!)
Omgg super sorry I never got to this but yeah!!
These will all probably be that child!reader is related to them just fyi!
••Saints row dad's••
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It had always been just you and your dad since you could remember, he was a police officer and as you heard many of his colleagues say 'a damn good one'
You always looked up to him wanting to walk in his very footsteps, but..
Troy wasn't so keen on that idea, the cop had seen how evil Stillwater could be. He'd watch many of his own men die and even criminals he had gotten attached to.
He put his foot down a lot on you being a cop but you always persisted, he couldn't get mad at you wanting to be like him though.
You were his little girl always right at his hip and making a fuss when you couldn't be there.
He'd always read you to bed and ruffle your hair, he enjoyed taking you to school before he had to go back to the Saints.
He framed your drawings, let you do makeup on him and he cried once he finally saw you grew up
Once he sat in a crowd watching as you graduated police academy, even though you wore the uniform you always still looked like the little girl with messy pigtails and skinned knees to him.
He'll always be proud of you
You were conceived from one of his ex's, the only reason at the time he kept you was because of his father.
'Take some responsibility!' His father would yell while he bounced you, at that moment he thought he'd hate this and hate you eventually
But one day he saw you take your first steps towards him and he was so..proud.
Ever since then you were a spoiled princess, anything you wanted you got!
He has his own parental issues and tries his hardest to not be like his own father but sometimes it happens
Even then though you still love him and still looked up to him with those big [e/c] eyes of yours
He'd always be doing 'work' while you sat in the same room either playing with blocks or your other various toys
He couldn't ever go anywhere without you, not cause he couldn't stand it but because you'd attach yourself to his leg and beg to come with
You never did find out where he went
You were such a small thing compared to him, this tough ass dude was scared to hold you for the first time.
He had you with a ex he's still friends with, the two of them sharing custody. But you always seemed to like him more
Your first word was 'dada', your first steps were at his place and you always bugged him whenever you could
He was extremely protective of you, if someone even made you cry that person would never be seen again (unless you count the news)
He wasn't the best dad though, he did a lot of messed up shit and he didn't even try to hide it from you.
Always stating it was some 'family business' type thing, that one day you'd be just like him
Also y'know that meme with Peter holding a shot gun going 'i'm just gonna talk to him' yeah that's him if you ever even get a crush on another person
Yeah he's one of those dads def sorry LOL
He's almost always carrying you around too and if anyone looks at him funny he sends a nasty glare
He cares a lot about you, you were the last thought in his head after he died
Johnny is honestly probably the second best dad in the list (not including extra), he did his research before you came in the world
Obviously you're his and Aishas lil girl, and Aisha almost had to get up and fight him to finally hold you. He just didn't wanna let you go
It was sad that he got locked up soon after your third birthday, but he always wrote you letters and coloring pages he colored sometimes drawings
Once he got out you were the first person he hugged, you were playing in the yard when he pulled up
He calls you various nicknames Tater tot, Baby doll, trouble maker, thing one, and cheeseball
He takes you with him (much to Aisha's disapproval), don't worry though he only takes you on safe jobs
You'll be in your car seat as the boss jumps in 'hey johnny the fu-' instant head smack 'hey there's a damn kid in the back seat'
He's got the spirit at least
You follow him around everywhere even once you get older and your dad is famous
And of course Johnny would burn the world to protect you especially after what happened to Aisha
Of course once Carlos joined the Saints you also technically joined
He'd call you 'lil Duck' because you'd always be following him around like one
He'd mess your hair up or put his beenie on you, and laugh as the beenie was too big and would fall over your eyes
He was a great dad, he tried his best to shield you away from all the bad stuff but he was a single father and there was little he could do
He'd be one of those dads that would let you sleep in his bed if you had a nightmare
And he'd always hold your hand whenever y'all were in public
Of course you looked up to your dad while having little knowledge in what he actually did
You still wear his beenie even as an adult
Donnie was a scared for life dad, instant panic as soon as you were placed in his arms
He thought he'd be an awful dad and that you'd hate him but the complete opposite happened
Sure he made a few mistakes here and there but you never hated him, you always followed him around and stayed in his shop when you weren't at school
Hell you even tried to go against the damn boss of the saints themselves after they busted into his mechanic shop and started wailing on the poor guy
To which Donnie immediately spilled everything fearing they'd hurt you (they wouldn't)
You'd always beg him to play princess with you or to do his makeup
He isn't that terrifying or strong as Johnny or Maero but he'd do everything in his power to protect you
You're his only hope in life at the moment < 3
Sorry if these seemed rushed or not what you requested i'll be happy to redo them and i'll try to get any other requests done
Hope you enjoyed!
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desimates · 1 year
Welcome :)
This is where I archive the visual art I love, original and fanart. This blog is my treasure trove of inspiration, admiration, and joy.
I only pass along art that credits a source, either coming straight from the artist or in the description. I meticulously tag nearly everything I reblog.
Tag glossary (not comprehensive):
“art” is an original work of art, usually visual    [media-inspired art is tagged with its title and/or initialism]
“txt” is a primarily-text post
“gif” is any visual with more than one frame that loops
“vid” is a video, usually not looping
“meme” and/or “img” for visuals that are not traditionally “art”
“poll” for posts with the poll function
“long post” is a long post
“personal” these are vents or otherwise personal posts
“tag meme” for posts that prompt responses through tags
“reblog pressure” for posts that pressure reblogs   [donation requests are exempt from this category]
“food” for anything at all that mentions or depicts food or drink
I ask that you please give the artists love and support by hitting that reblog button, noting details that you liked in the tags, and even monetarily supporting your favorite artists, if appropriate for your financial situation.
If you want to know a little more about me, or more easily navigate through the archives, click through to desimates.tumblr.com on desktop to get to my custom theme with some more links.
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imhereforscm · 1 year
Quick question. Where do you get your inspiration for writing a fic, since no two fics are alike?
(idk if my responses are helpful, I'm just over here acting like an old wise owl and PRAY I helped someone)
Music is surely one way. For example, classical music (ex: Vivaldi). Classical music has no lyrics, so the feelings and scenes the melody brings you can be anything. One person might think of something sad and another one of something happy. But even songs outside the classical genre are BIG inspirations.
Pinterest is another one. (Surprise surprise. I do more than memes in there lol) A single picture I might stumble upon of a cat can send my head into a rabbit hole of hundreds of stories.
Also, beauty is everywhere, even in places we never thought we'd find it. Ex: A few months ago, I walked by a street gutter with my friend and I asked her to take a picture of of it and send it to me. My friend was pretty confused and I was over there acting like a crazy scientist. To explain: It was raining and water was pooling around it and droplets were falling on it and like- the sky was grey and there was light fog on the ground and the whole aesthetic did it for me basically. XD
My feelings: Whether that is lust, melancholy, nostalgia, excitement, anything! Anything can make a story. From a pair of clear eyes shinning as they admire the fireworks, to a person kneeling into a puddle of rain, sobbing out all of their pain with their umbrella laying nearby. All of the feelings are worthy of being shown, even if they might hurt us. Writing is also emotional support for me. Writing has helped me cry out my troubles and embrace my own self, because I'm the one who writes these words, so in a sense it is a form of self acceptance.
Some other things who inspire me: The moon, Dead poets society (the movie), books, dark academia (the aesthetic), rain, violin pieces.
Writing is my passion and my heart is always open for more. I love the feeling of living a hundred different lives through it. I can put myself into the shoes of a falling god, a framed person who feels redeemed, because they found out they're actually innocent all along, a child skipping through a field of daisies, a witch wanting to get back at the tyrant king who exiled her from the land.
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frenchfrywrites · 2 years
Hi 🍰Anon here! And My life’s become less hectic and I hope things are going fine on your end! Also I’ve gotten into twst, and ngl Trey wasn’t my fav, but now I like him! I realised he’s babygirl. The exhaustion of being the eldest/ most responsible and everyone depending on makes me want to take care of him so bad. He HAS THE SLUTTY GLASSES ON. ( You know that meme with the sluttiest thing a man can wear and it shows black frame glasses-Trey) Oh to rut against Trey on the table top, with frosting and flour all over him, during a baking session.
LMAO trey is babygirl af and has slutty glasses 100%!!!! I agree he definitely needs to be taken care of and I think he'd love being fucked in the kitchen 🤤 get him all dirty and messy with the ingredients and your cum !!
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