#i need more aegon scenes 😭😭😭
kingsroad · 1 year
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2rats1gogh · 2 months
Same anon here with more- people need to stop conflating Aegon with Joffrey Baratheon.
Aegon has done some despicable things that I won’t make excuses for but he’s not the rabid dog that Joffrey was. Cersei, Tyrion and Tywin struggled to rein him in at 13 years old and once that crown was on his head a monster was let loose. Alicent can actually reason and get through to Aegon at pivotal times. Cersei could not do that with Joffrey.
Aegon above all craves Alicent’s approval and affection, he turns into a sniveling mess at Alicent’s scolding at his big age. Alicent is not afraid to tell Aegon exactly what she’s thinking. She doesn’t placate, pacify or coddle like everyone had to do with Joffrey because he was out of control, cruel AND stupid at the same time. Helaena is the most important person in the world to Alicent and Aegon is not going to harm the most precious thing in the world to Alicent. Helaena doesn’t have to fear Aegon bashing her head in with a rock or choking her after she has just had a stillbirth….
He called her an idiot at 14, yes it wasn’t nice but it was completely normal. At 14 I called my sister a cunt right across the dinner table, but I've also fought for that same sister. They are siblings and that interaction that made them seem more human as opposed to their 2 dimensional team black counterparts who always just smile and have kind words for each other- except when Jacaerys was beating the shit out of Luke on the beach, but no one is saying how miserable Luke was despite Luke actually seeming unhappy with parts of his life. He was even vocal about these things. Whereas Heleana who is a blunt speaker, has not said anything like that.
Helaena doesn’t look afraid of Aegon, she doesn’t look afraid of anyone in her immediate family (including Criston) as much as team black would like her to be. At the most Aegon ignores her, like she said. Honestly ignoring her is preferable to what Viserys was doing to Alicent. She had 3 children before she even reached 20. Aemond and Helaena are almost Irish twins. In the show Helaena and Aegon just have the twins who are maybe 4-5 years old, so Aegon is not forcing himself on Helaena.
We don’t know much about Helaena in the show because they decide to delete certain scenes and include other stupid filler scenes when they contain fan favorites…but Helaena in the book was happy. Her input towards the war was valued. She loved her children and everyone could agree she was a wonderful mother.
Her life isn’t perfect, there is no woman in that time period whose life is. Her husband is so far from perfect but that doesn’t mean Helaena lived a life of misery.
The book even says basically that Helaena died with Jaehaerys that night and Alicent didn’t kill Jaehaerys. That was Daemon Targaryen.
And when pointing the finger at Alicent, remember that she didn’t make Helaena on her own. She had a useless father who ignored her and her siblings her entire life. Viserys withheld his love from them out of some twisted loyalty to his first wife that he killed and his oldest child by this wife. These things would have a deep emotional impact on a person, it certainly has on her brothers. Stop letting Viserys off the hook.
(the way you called Joffrey a rabid dog omg I’m cryingggg😭😭😭😭 shxjskkzkvzlclwgzjpf)
but yeah, you are so so so right.
I hate it when people, mostly TB, compare Aegon to Joffrey. Like the ONLY two things they have in common is an ambitious (?) widow mother queen and also the fact that both aren’t very nice people. But that’s about it. Aegon at his worst doesn’t even come close to how horrendous Joffrey was on a regular day. Aegon never killed people for fun, he didn’t publicly humiliate Helaena like Joffey did with Sansa. And as I say, I am ignoring the fact that he’s a rapist because it was literally added out of nowhere, makes no sense, and has no relevance to the plot whatsoever. It was added purely to make Aegon and TG look bad. Canonically he is literally just a lazy alcoholic.
And I absolutely agree with what you said about Helaena. TB often say that “aLiCeNt MaDe HeR LiFe HeLl” but she literally didn’t? She would NEVER have her marry Aegon if Aegon was like Joffrey Baratheon. You can call Aegon every insult in the book, he was neglectful, he ignored her, he wasn’t really present in the lives of their kids, but he was NOT an abusive husband or father. And as you said, unlike Viserys, he never forced himself on Helaena. He wasn’t obsessed with the idea of having as many children as possible with her. Literally not at any point his nonexistent “abusive” behavior is shown, not even in the show. During the dinner scene Helaena literally jokes about her relationship with him, she seems comfortable and chill.
Sure, as you said, her life was far from perfect. In the books she does give birth at 14, in the show, since everyone is slightly older, she most likely was 16? Not that uncommon actually. She still had her mother, and her brothers, she has sir Criston. Aegon’s behavior was controlled by Alicent, so he would NEVER hurt her. If you remember how Alicent reacted to Aegon forcing himself upon Dyana (dumb scene overall but still) you can only imagine how she would react if he treated Helaena the same way.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 7 months
Fun fact, did you know Helaena was called a Mad Queen??? I re-read F&B and stopped when I seen that 😭😭
Also, I do think it is funny that out of both parents, VISERYS knew Aegon was weird. Him calling Alicent on her shit when she tried to blame Jace and Luke for the bullying when they both knew it was Aegon’s doing is crazy and especially considering everyone says he was absent.
It is not surprising, knowing that Helaena descended into madness and killed herself.
This nickname “mad queen” which Green stans use to call Rhaenyra makes zero sense, considering that two women in their own faction are more deserving of this title.
Aside from Helaena, Alicent herself descended into madness near the end of the war. She needed to be locked up. She even tried to convince Jaehaera to kill Aegon the Younger so that Rhaenyra’s bloodline would end, just like she tried convincing her usurper son to do (joke’s on them, considering that Prince Viserys was still alive).
Viserys always knew that Aegon and Aemond were malicious, unlike Jacaerys and Lucerys. Alicent’s accusations were completely unfounded in that scene, considering she herself knew that Aegon was the mastermind behind his brother’s bullying. But she of course, doesn’t waste any opportunity to try to attack Rhaenyra’s blood, even going as far as to say the stupidest things (like “it’s a wonder their eggs have hatched” - woman, you clearly don’t understand anything about Targaryens and dragons even though you have been part of that family for many years.)
It’s obvious that she is just taking any opportunity presented to her to take shots at Rhaenyra. She is obsessed with her and Rhaenyra’s boys. In contrast, notice how Rhaenyra doesn’t give a damn about Alicent and barely acknowledges her kids. Why should she? She has her own life to live and doesn’t butt in matters which don’t concern her (unlike Alicent).
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storiumemporium · 11 months
Trauma and Repeating Cycles
Full disclosure before I get into this little ramble I've been wanting to make— a lot of the theories and mutterings here are just the culmination of other theories and thought processes I've seen from much cleverer fans around the inets (primarily here and twitter), I would link them but frankly there's so many and I have no idea who would truly be the original coiner of these thoughts 😭😭😭
And also, of course, par the course for this show, very dark themes ahead.
I've just been thinking (probably too much) in depth about how Aegon and Aemond in particular are the final culminations of literal generations of sexual, psychological, and emotional abuse at this point. How Aegon wants so desperately for his mother's approval, and ends up instead a dark mirror of his father. And how Aemond wants to be his own, and instead ends up a dark mirror of his mother.
I think it's important to start here with Alicent and just... Take a moment to truly detail and soak in the level of horror this poor girl has been subjected to.
She's the tender age of fourteen (important to keep this in mind later) when she's preyed upon by a man she not only regards as her father figure but is- yes- in fact the same age as her actual father. This man is the father of her at-the-time best friend. And though it's made more overt in the script than in the scenes, we see immediately even before the guillotine drops the fissures within Alicent's mental health. (Biting and chewing at her nails aggressively, for one.)
This is already horrifying enough, it should be enough. But it's exacerbated by the fact that this predatory union is propagated by her actual father, and that both of these men work to sequester her from the only person she would have had for support in this. Rhaenyra. The one with the temper, and the power, to be enraged by this without consequence. Conveniently, the only one who could have hissed and spat her rage at her father with impunity is the one completely erased from her life by them.
And by the time she finds out? It's too late, (none of the blame lies with Rhaenyra for her reaction, as she herself is a teenage girl going through horrific grief and finding out what has been done behind her back) Alicent is already set to be wed to Viserys, to become her step-mother.
This evolves into the first signs of an extremely important trauma response that we see carry down in different ways, much later on in the story. Alicent begins to lean upon duty, upon sacrifice, upon law and order. These things that she swaddles herself in from her youth to protect from having to admit how unfair all of this has been to her. What is leadership without sacrifice? What is being a Queen without suffering? She's too young and too wounded to look at the truth, she needs the structure of pain being a necessity in order to survive the burden of being a mother at fifteen years old. Of being the victim of martial rape at that tender young age.
And through these repeated traumas, she bears four children. The only part of her life worth anything to her, in the end. She's too young for them, too traumatized, too unequipped, but she loves them down to their souls.
And then, in her attempts to remain a good friend to Rhaenyra, in vouching for her, her father is ripped out from under her and she is completely alone with these toddlers. A moment which becomes defining for Alicent.
The moment Otto plants within her the seeds that would turn her- well, into Otto himself. Something she only realizes when it is tragically far too late.
Otto tells her, impresses upon her in a moment of extreme distress, that Rhaenyra will butcher the only good thing that has come of her traumas in life. That she will do anything to maintain the power her son rightfully (at least in the laws of Westeros) should have. She's not as cunning as Otto, and so where he uses cleverness and cunning she uses desperation and strict force (duty, suffering, law, order) to impress upon her firstborn that be must be King to survive.
As we all know, the death knell of Alicent ever believing otherwise first calls at Driftmark. When her son is maimed and Rhaenyra calls for torture (a desperate move to protect her own sons, but alas).
Now, why do I mention all of this that we've seen repeated plentily about Alicent? Because of how it trickles down into her children. Aemond in obvious ways, but less obviously in
People have no trouble looking at Aemond and Alicent for the horrors that have been wrought throughout their lives, but not so much for Aegon the Elder, and while I think that's completely fair considering what we see of Aegon on the surface level throughout the season, I'd like to cut deeper into him.
Primarily, that I think Aegon himself has been severely sexually abused and traumatized, and that the character we see by the end of the season is a result of a great deal of very horrific circumstances that the show unfortunately either makes light of or completely undermines.
The mildest of the things I want to bring up is that Aegon's alcoholism very likely stems from that of Viserys- either the man is an alcoholic himself or at least fosters the unhealthy codependence in Aegon. I mean- he's two when Viserys first gives him a drink from Viserys' own cup. From a very young, very very much so still developing mind, I can't imagine what that would do to him.
But the more keen points, Helaena and Flea Bottom.
We all make our cracks about Aegon running to Flea Bottom for safety, that he's passed out drunk in a puddle somewhere or singing shanties in a bar with pirates. But I do want to point out the overwhelming odds that Viserys brought him there, or at least ordered for it to happen.
We even outright hear Daemon state that they used to run the whole of the Street of Silk in their youth. Viserys doesn't deny it, he simply grows hypocritically enraged that Daemon would do so with his daughter. Not his son. His daughter.
Who else in the entire keep would have the power and- frankly- the audacity to take Viserys' eldest son out into the city and to a brothel? Who would even benefit from that happening? And sure, you could say that Aegon simply chose to do it of his own agency. But how is it that a thirteen-fourteen-fifteen year old boy manages to escape what should be the most densely guarded location in the whole of Kings' Landing to go gallivanting off in the most dangerous corners of the city all night long? To end up drunk until sunrise there? At the very least do you think Otto would let his key to the throne go risking death constantly?
Unless, of course, the person to first bring him there has more power than Otto.
Aegon, at least from an age as young as Aemond and Alicent, had been brought by his father or at his father's behest, to a brothel to have sexual relations likely of a similar age gap to that of Aemond with the Madame.
Now, I want to bring up something that I already have a couple of times, something that I think envelops itself into his early experiences at the brothel.
There are two separate scenes, both dismissive and used as humor, that paint an incredibly bleak and tragic picture.
Aegon, age fourteen (the same as Alicent), outright stating that he does not wish to marry Helaena. He doesn't want it, and he words it in a crude and cruel way- as a drunken fourteen year old might be so inclined to do- but the sentiment beneath remains. Aegon is an unwilling participant in this marriage.
Aegon must, for duty, for order, for sacrifice, for law.
Helaena, standing from her chair with a cup in her hands, proclaims that Aegon mostly just leaves her alone, unless he comes back drunk.
On the surface? A joke that embarrasses Aegon and cuts the tension of the scene. Beyond that?
Aegon has already expressed that he did not desire to marry his sister, and now we hear that the only time he touches her is when he's inebriated. This doesn't give the impression of consent.
Which brings why I wrote about Alicent first into this. We see her impress duty upon him so aggressively, that it is his necessity to be King and all things that come with it. This is the product of a trauma response that duty and order and sacrifice and law are the means by which she survives, as well as a long held terror that her children will be butchered by proxy of having a stronger claim to the throne than Rhaenyra.
As a result, Alicent unwittingly subjugates her eldest son to the exact same traumas as Otto did with her. Aegon is robbed of his agency and autonomy in life. Everything about him curated with the intent to take a throne that was never meant to be his, that he does not want. He is forced to marry his sister against his express desires, and he is forced to bed her.
And make no mistake, it's force. Aegon is a notorious man-whore and lecher, he's a regular purveyor of brothels is he not? And yet he requires alcohol to crawl into bed with her, to sleep with her as he regularly and enthusiastically does other women.
I cannot say what this does to Helaena, I would like to think she is either neutral or accepting of this since she mentions what happens so casually and openly to her family. (Otherwise, we would need to get into the topic of a harmful stereotype of the neurodivergent girl being portrayed as having childlike innocence/stupidity and not understanding her own circumstances).
But at the very least, this means that Aegon is forcibly complicit in his own sexual assault, his own rape. Because he has to perform his marital duties, he has to have children by Helaena, it's his duty.
And we see the way this cultivates in Aegon. One of the most common symbols of someone attempting to seize control of their own life is to cut the hair (for a real world example, Britney Spears). It is extremely common symbolism in media, it has meaning in multiple cultures, even TGC himself says that Aegon's hair is short as a rejection of his blood, feeling like the black sheep of the family. I believe he hacks at his own hair in a desperate bid to feel some sort of control or ownership of himself in a world where he otherwise has none. Aegon copes by becoming an alcoholic and developing hypersexuality, he lacks any understanding of boundaries or what would be reasonable in a sexual environment.
It results in Dyana, and it results in Aemond.
Neither of which are forgivable things, neither of which become less horrifying, neither of which become more acceptable. (And we're very blessed to live within an era and society where it is commonly held knowledge that these things are unacceptable and horrific). But with the context that Aegon has been subjected to brothels and sexuality from such an early age- and against his will- it sheds a little light on Sara Hess' statement that Aegon doesn't understand consent, for himself or for others. Even his depressive acceptance of becoming King. He never once mentions that it's unfair to him, he just reaches out like a child, asking do you love me? Wanting to know that if he does this thing being demanded of him, he'll be rewarded with affection for it.
It's a tragic shame that the first season was so short, because we didn't get remotely enough time with the children, I think it would have been valuable to flesh out Aegon's relationship with self actualization and lack of control. That everything he wants and desires is out of his hands, that he must perform, and that even when he does it's not enough because he doesn't do it right. He proclaims that he tries so hard in that scene with Alicent, and that it's never enough, and it sounds comedic because they don't even take the time to show us, or to expand upon the morbid crumbs left behind of how Aegon is in a very predatory situation of his own, and that it's burnt away at his understanding of how the world works.
Which in my mind, plays out why he would bring Aemond to the brothel. In some convoluted, distorted way, I could see it being his attempt to comfort or reach out, Aegon's deeply warped perception of bonding and affection. Their father brought him to one at the same age, no? Aemond needs to take his mind off of what is still a relatively recent trauma, and so Aegon supplies the only way he can, the only way he's equipped to do so. Unwittingly, like Otto upon Alicent and Alicent upon Aegon, Aegon traumatizes Aemond further.
Which brings me to Aemond, I think this will be a touch more brief than the others because plenty of people much more eloquent than myself have already expanded upon the tragedy of Aemond and how he turned out the way he did.
Unlike Aegon, Aemond never had the burden of the spotlight, the opposite in fact. By the time Aemond existed, all of Viserys' children by Alicent had fallen out of favor, and so Aemond has never once known the attention or the love of his father. Instead, the only consistent and parental figure Aemond ever had in his life was Alicent. Alicent already favored restriction and piety from a young age, as a result of the things done to her, though they hadn't quite hit their summit yet within the story.
Instead, Aemond is raised nestled into her skirts, resenting Aegon for his behaviors toward him and being ostracized by all else. Helaena was the only other kind figure aside from his own mother in his life, and her absent mind meant that Aemond truly lacked any peers in his life to bond with.
As a result, we have a child that is incredibly isolated, attributing all the cruelties and absences in his life upon his own shortcomings, his need to succeed and match the image of the Targaryen Prince, because then Viserys would have to notice him, because then his nephews and brother would have to respect him. And so he does something incredibly brave, incredibly reckless.
As a result? He's permanently maimed. And who is punished for it? Him, his mother. Not the one who did it, the one who tried to protect him. He watches his mother have a massive outburst and he watches how emotion is a crime, he's witness to the fact that feeling anything at all is sin and makes you the one in the wrong. She's made out to be a shrieking lunatic, that Rhaenyra and her children are the innocents, that Aemond was the criminal in this.
Alicent retreats into herself, that transformation finally hits it's pinnacle, and Aemond chases after it. He learns to bottle himself the exact same way, he learns to suppress everything and to instead focus on violence and physical prowess. But Aegon learned to cope in completely antithetical ways, and so when he attempts to soothe, he further harms. He subjects Aemond to yet another scenario in which he has no control, in which leaving makes him the bad guy- wasting Aegon's coin, disappointing him at least. It completely solidifies Aemond's dislike of things he perceives as unclean or uncouth, and he becomes a violent and barely composed mirror image of his mother.
All in all, these three are on a wheel turning against each other, unwittingly they cultivate harm that drips from one onto the other. Aegon knew their love once upon a time, and so he dives into the unhealthy things laid at his table, he gorges upon them until he needs to vomit and consumes again in the attempt to return to the feeling of love that they gave him so long ago that they will be fleeting, foundational memories and little else, anymore. (Might I remind everybody of that conversation between Jason Lannister and Rhaenyra? "I wonder, Princess. Was your own second nameday as grand as this?" "I honestly don't recall, and neither will he.") Aemond never once knew those feelings, he never knew massive hunts and banquets and celebrations, gargantuan bonfires and fawning nobility. So he shelled in on himself, he became utterly cold and disconnected. The distance was his friend, but now he's completely alone and with absolutely no one to lean on, no one to understand him, and no outlets for emotions that refuse to be bottled up when Lucerys enters his life again. Aegon invites him to the feast, but there's nothing on the plates, and there hasn't been for a very, very long time.
Alicent became a facsimile of what harmed her in the pursuit of protecting her own children, not realizing she was sentencing them to the same fate. Not realizing until the ashes were settling around her and green was as horrifying as red that they'd never stood a chance, at all.
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scaly-freaks · 2 months
i've just read the latest chapter of the god of wine and rainbow lamps and amara and aegon saying the jaehaerys is ugly reminded me of howl saying his son is ugly (the "getting a lot of boss baby vibes from this" meme i know 😭) AND made me think about howl's moving castle au but amara as howl (she's charming and magical and funny) and aegon as sophie (grumpy likes to complain about everything but also funny)
loved the chapter but as you can see i'm dumb and can't put my thought into words so i'll just say yaaas queen great chapter!!!!
AAAHHHH please, you're not dumb at all?!? I'm poorly af today and running fever after fever but can't knock myself out long enough to sleep so this was a nice distraction because it made me giggle ><
The OG Amaegon from Burning Jasmine have always been Howl and Sophie-coded so I love that you read their vibes so correct. Esp that first scene with him meeting her and he's whining for wine meanwhile she's like "Uhhh I need to get you a doctor and Westerosi AA but also - no, I am not going somewhere alone with you, highly improper" *smacks his hand off*).
It made me snort knowing in The God of Wine (long ass name, I didn't think that shit through) that Aegon would still call himself handsome whereas Jaehaerys is ugly, meanwhile Howl was like "AHAHAH chip off the old block!"
Aegon being absolutely insane, he'd make so many jokes about Amara being a GILF when she's cursed to be old, and Amara just rolls her eyes so hard they almost drop out of her skull. He has no idea what she looks like but he feels comfortable af with her hence the jokes. When he eventually sees her, expect some *gasp* speechlessness, and then a Vietnam Flashback™ of all the times he was making "yeah, i'd fuck grandma" jokes.
But the way you put it, they're equally funny on the reverse too?!?!? It's like I just flipped Howl and Sophie around for God of Wine and yeah, Amara is so silly and endearing in this one and Aegon seems more grounded but also has the potential for extreme silliness, whilst also being sombre at times because *puffs chest* he is the kinggg.
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I need to share my thoughts if that’s okay
-I didn’t realise aegon was older, I think because I read fics of him as his character age it didn’t register that he was older (this is a good thing because holy shit…. holy shit!!)
-I nearly threw a cup when Aemond asked Io to cut her hair. I honestly hope she doesn’t. Like how dare he ask her to do that after everything she’s done through. My baby
-Ludwika (apologies for my bad spelling?) is my hero. Love her. Let her live a long happy life
-that elevator scene… Maggie how do you write so beautifully?? Genuinely asking??? Your work is phenomenal because it’s so realistic and deep, you write in a way that makes the all pain, the thoughts, the feelings so vivid (sorry to be emotional lol) but it’s so true, your work is incredible, truly beautiful.
-I love the slow burn, I love how your building this relationship with aegon, like it’s so nice to see their relationship blooming. How they’ve gone from despising each other to wanting each other is just incredible. I genuinely cannot wait for them to get together (and I’m already imagining their nice little future together teaching kids math and English and music and just having a lovely old time 🥰🤗)
Okay just realised how long this was so I apologise. But please know I absolutely👏🏻freaking👏🏻LOVE this!! It makes my Sunday’s so much better!! I cannot wait for the next chapter 🥹🫶🏻
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Bestie I am so so so thankful for you and your love for this series!! Never ever apologize because I adore reading your comments, I probably enjoy it even more than you enjoy the chapter itself lolololol
I am clearly telling on myself here but I am SO WEAK for a chubby middle-aged Aegon, like sir 😍😍 But I also think it adds to his dynamic with Io, because in many ways she is objectively more intelligent, responsible, and accomplished than Aegon, but there's a side to him that is unexpectedly wise and protective when she needs him to be, in part because he has a lot more life experience. Also she loves his dad bod. She is down bad her short king 🥰👑
Aegon and Io have come a LONG way since Chapter 1 when they were basically telling each other to drop dead! The chemistry (and trust) is growing ever-stronger, but is there any way for these two to truly be together??? It's a quandary... 👀 And the future of the nation is at stake!! And don't forget poor Daeron too!!
As much as y'all already hate Aemond, he might just have a few more tricks up his sleeve... 👀👀👀
Stay tuned for a very special phone call in Chapter 8 🥰💜😉☎️
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Thinking about HOTD's future seasons and the Dance of the Dragons...
OK. So GRRM said he thinks they need 4 seasons (40 episodes) to properly tell the story of the Dance. Last I heard, "while nothing is carved in stone, the current Targaryen storyline is currently plotted to run only about three or four seasons" -- that is, they didn't know at the time how many seasons HBO will grant them. Hopefully it's four; the way they were renewed for a second season within the first week of broadcast, and that each episode had such high viewership and gained viewers each week, would make it more probable that HBO would be willing to invest the money.
Anyway, here's the major events of the Dance of the Dragons and how I think they could line up with each season (under the cut for major spoilers, all the spoilers in the world):
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So. Season 2 could end with the the Battle of Rook's Rest... or the Battle of the Gullet. It really depends on if they want to have the ending trauma episode Rhaenys's death or Jace's… either way the whole season should involve a major build up for both characters. Jace in particular will be in the Vale and the North for a while at the start of the season before returning home, so bookending with his ending could work well on a character arc level.
On the other hand, to have two ep10s with the death of one of Rhaenyra's sons? It might be too on the nose. But also I can't see the Battle of the Gullet as anything but an enormous setpiece -- big ocean battle, little Aegon riding his dragon for the first (and last) time, dragonseeds firing on the ships, Myrish archers firing back, Vermax getting pulled down by a grapnel, Driftmark attacked, High Tide burned... that's a Battle of the Blackwater -level kind of episode. Maybe it could be S3 ep 2 or 5? But I really can't help but feel it's an ep9 or 10 kind of thing. But then, so's Rook's Rest, with a 2-on-1 dragon battle and all... 🤔
But either way, I'm pretty damn sure they won't go as far as the Fall of King's Landing as a season 2 ender. Only if they're only given 3 seasons... and ugh, the time compression involved there, it would make S1's timejumps look like amateur hour, so let's pray not.
Assuming 4 seasons, if I were doing it, I'd put the Sowing of the Seeds mid s2 followed shortly by Rook's Rest, end S2 with the Gullet (major loss for Blacks, Jace dies), and end S3 with the Butcher's Ball (major loss for Greens, Criston dies). That would likely put the Fall of KL in mid-S3, a good audience-grabber episode, lots of dragons. And then the episode after, so many executions! Tyland gets tortured! (paging @mylestoyne) Probably what happened to Maelor... happens. 😭 But I definitely wouldn't want to end s3 with the Gods Eye, as HBO will need Daemon and Aemond to carry into the last season... can you imagine the S4 trailer? Oh.
Anyway, the Gods Eye and the KL riots happen so close to each other, and they both definitely are last season material. So, I'd make S4 start with First Tumbleton and the Two Betrayers -- that would lead to Rhaenyra turning on the rest of the dragonseeds -- which is what makes Corlys defect and also is what makes Daemon decide to just go mano-a-mano with Aemond -- and that leads to her downfall and the riots and escape back to Dragonstone etc. This would also give a core arc to the first part of S4 of Addam needing to prove his loyalty, etc, as well as the arc of Ulf and Hugh turning traitor at the beginning but getting theirs by halfway/75% through the season at Second Tumbleton. (Keeping these secondary character plots within one season would be ideal, as watchers forget their investment during hiatuses.)
But I would for sure move Rhaenyra's final scene to after Second Tumbleton for irony purposes (she doesn't know that the tide is turning in her favor, but it's too late for her anyway), as well as prioritizing emotional investment. Not to mention the deaths of the dragons in 2T would lead to showing Sunfyre's horrifying state at Dragonstone.
And again, if it were my choice, the last 2 or 3 episodes would have Aegon II's brief reign and murder, Aegon III's crowning, and the Hour of the Wolf. (Even more executions!) If they want to end downbeat, the last scene could be a focus of little Aegon all alone on the Iron Throne. But if upbeat (my ideal scenario) then there will be a last episode after the Hour of the Wolf with a swift pass through Corlys's death from old age, the Regents doing their thing, and the Winter Fever (Alicent's & Tyland's deaths)... and finally end with Alyn bringing Viserys home to the embrace of his family. (Like @naomimakesart's perfect artwork.)
Or at least, I'd include the Winter Fever in the final episode, since I'd like to keep Alicent's death the same (mourning her lost children and her lost innocent childhood (and in HOTD, her love of Rhaenyra)), and also include it in the show. But I don't know if they'll do that. 🤷‍♀️
But then who knows how many of these battles they'll keep in this adaptation, or if they'll keep them in order at all. Still, I hope you all enjoyed my fantasy booking anyway!
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theredpharaoah · 29 days
Final Trailer Thoughts:
Rhaenyra picking up the sword? I moved! Her learning arms after being the declared heir for 20 years would make sense. I can’t say I’d be mad if they threw that in there.🌚
Daemon not accepting her as his queen and ruler? What? Daemon stood 10 toes down behind Rhaenyra. Don’t piss me off. What could possibly cause this? I wonder if Rhaenyra is mad about B & C? He did that on his own and she might have taken issue with it.
Daemon and Rhaenys going to KL? That didn’t happen. And I saw that clip at the end; it ain’t look like KL so it must’ve been Rooks Rest. I guess she could’ve gone to KL with Daemon and then there? Maybe they don’t kill her there? Are they going completely AU? Listen…I wouldn’t be too mad. I mean the television side of things is ruined cuz Dany died.
Baela is on somebody’s ass! It look like her and Moondancer hunting Christon. I could’ve sworn Baela stayed on DS until THAT event. I’m glad they letting her fight - it fits more with her character - but they better not kill her off.
Rhaena looks to be on DS, not in The Vale. If they are tryna keep the character pool small, then they could give her Silverwing. Silverwing survives after the war, and she’d be old as hell so we’d have an explanation for her death. We don’t have that for Morning. But SW is also one of the biggest dragons and she’d have to be in a lot of battles.
Aemond: “Alicent holds love for our enemy. That makes her a fool.” First of all, calling your mother by her name is weird. Alicent’s bond with her sons is textbook misogyny. Aegon was one thing, but we never saw Alicent have to discipline Aemond or Helaena. Alicent went to bat for Aemond and tried to cut out Lucerys’ eye. She gave a lot for them. And yet, it seems as though they’ve decided that since they’re grown and their father is dead, she now falls under their care. She’s not someone to be respected or taken seriously. And this is what Alicent didn’t understand; you helping men get power wouldn’t get you any special privileges, because that’s what women in your position have always been used to do. You needed to teach them that women are just as powerful as men; that they can have ambitions and should be listened to. But you couldn’t do that because if you did, they wouldn’t have ascribed to the idea that their claim was more legit than Rhaenyra’s. Which tbh, none of them do. Also, Armond your mother holding more love for your sister - who hasn’t done anything to you ever - than you is weird. You want to be a psychopath so bad, but I remember how you felt for Lucerys at Laena’s funeral. And we know you didn’t mean to kill Lucerys. Though playing around on Vhagar’s old and irritable self like that was dumb as hell.
Alicent and Rhaenyra both don’t want to start an all out war. I think Alicent realizes that the men around her hold no shred of love for the other side of the family. And that’s mostly her fault. I think she just assumed they’d love them because they’re all family. And she also realizes that Rhaenyra really isn’t like her. She’s not giving up on her throne to keep the peace. Rhaenyra is perfectly justified in wanting her throne for herself but she also sees it as her duty. She’s not letting up. And I think they both knew Viserys the best and spent the most time around him: they know how much he loved family and how much he’d hate this. But Alicent started this war and everything she’s saying sounds naïve at best and moronic at worst. I understand Rhaenyra doesn’t want to burn everything to the ground or kill family, but ending the war as quickly as possible is the best option. It’s happening so you have to accept it and move accordingly. Don’t make the same mistake Dany did in S7 and 8.
Who is this new blond girl? Is that Helaena and Aegon or Aegon and that new girl? Rhaenys!😭 Is that Vermithor at the end? What is Rhaenyra doing there? There’s a scene where Rhaenyra looks like Dany did after Missandei’s death. And it cuts to Aegon looking the same in the next scene. There’s only one person who should be dying other than Lucerys. Unless she’s crying over B & C.
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camille-bee · 2 years
- rhaenyra and daemon stealing glances and him kinda giggling and like what the fu-
- ummm what's the point of crispin?
- alicent staring at rhaenyra I could hear her saying "you targaryen do have queer customs" lmaoooo
- ummm daemon come on babe say what you need to say "i need- nothing" uh huh sure honey and he looked so distraught (whispers: I don't think it was because of laena, at least not entirely)
- almond milk kinda wanting to say sorry to jace? But not knowing how? kinda felt that? Omg? What is this?
- almond milk being ? Kinda nice? About haleana? Uhhhhh okay? That was nice? Him defending his sister?
- DAEMONS SCARS? THE WAY HE CARESSED HER SHOULDER? THE WAY HE SOFTLY GRABBED HER THIGH AND THEN HE REALLY GRABBED IT!!!!! THE PANTING! THE MUSIC!!! (the only think I dont get is the look rhaenyra has?) I have to watch again... for information ofc
-Rhaenys going off on corlys? Speaking facts about his ambitions? Yes yes
- Almond milk claiming vhagar? The audacity? fucker taking what he wants essentially
- VHAGAR you traitorous bitch you are dead to me
-okay but the whole almond milk riding vhagar sequence with the music? That was kinda iconic fuxk
-ummm aegon uhhhh no thoughts head empty huh
- otto love to hate you
- viserys you sweet decaying fool at least you can act kingly when it comes to your grandsons
- I kinda felt bad for alicent because her son did lose an eye and ofc she's upset. Her son lost an eye like I wouldn't care if my son was at fault HE LOST AN EYE!!!! Buuuut
-Alicent repenting yeah sure crocodile tears
- I feel so bad because the way I cheered when almond milk lost his eye? Oooof that was kinda embarrassing of me 😭 there's audio proof of the moment lol but he deserved it for punching BAELA
- oh yeah laenor lives. Huh
- was it daemons idea to let Laenor live? Idk kinda got that vibe but maybe I'm just sleep deprived lol
There was obviously more small moments I liked a lot but I'm tired lol
Sorry for the typos.
Also glad miguel ain't directing anymore eps.
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unohanabbygirl · 10 months
Wow I am living for all these possible scenes in FMN.
I wanted to throw my two cents in, listening to Billie Eilish “what was I made for,” made me think about what if Luke finds himself alone in a motel and he decides to shoot up milk of the poppy but he takes too much and is ODing but Aemond and his family arrive in time and they are trying to bring him back, all the while Luke is watching moments of his past life, “a beach scene,” “his family laughing all together at dinner,” “story time with Aemond,” and all he feels is a rush of warmth and for the first time happiness but he his body won’t move because he’s in between life and death.
This can play out as a movie scene with Billie eilish “what was I made for,” inspo
Okay, I finally got around to listening to the song in full while this scenario plays out in my head and not only has it been added to my Luke playlist but now i’m crying real life tears.
Imagining Rhaenyra holding Luke close and pushing everyone who dares try to touch him away as she craddles his face and can only sob as his slowly falling eyes glaze over while foaming at the mouth. Daemon is yelling at the emergency operator over the phone and Baela is cradling Hel and Rhaena as she shields them from the sight and Joffrey is on the floor as he refuses to believe this isn’t all one bad dream and he’ll wake up and run to Luke’s room before jumping on his bed just to annoy him.
Aegon is holding onto Aemond as his brother breaks down and Jace is just standing there, powerless to save his little brother once again.
Fuck…I need to start thinking of more happy FMN au headcanons 😭
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Finally was able to make up a part two of the modern!fuck boy!uni Aegon bc I re watched gossip girl last night and you said you wanted more bc FUCK I love that episode and scene sm. So here you go 🤭
Something must have changed in Aegon because after he left your house, he began texting you regularly. That wouldn't be worrying but he consistently brushed off his and project work. Now he was texting you, asking if you could meet up and work on the project or just texting you, asking you random stuff. Like, for example, he would text you, asking you if your day was good as you only had one class together. You found it odd but didn't question it. This went on to close to a month before he randomly texted you at nine in the morning. And it wasn't about the project.
Aegon: Hey, if I ask you something, promise you won't freak out.
You: Sure. Shoot.
Aegon: my dad is on my ass about settling down and...I may have mentioned your name.
You: excuse me?
Aegon: I know, I know. We don't exactly like each other but here me out. Convince my dad you are dating me and if you do me this favor, I will be in your debt forever. Promise.
You: Fine.
Aegon: thank you, really! I'll pick you up at 7.
You: 👍
What did you get yourself in too?
As you got ready, you see a fucking limo pull up. Of course Aegon would pull up in a goddamn limo. You roll your eyes to yourself before grabbing a jacket and your purse and leaving.
The car ride to the fancy - no surprise there - restaurant was silent. With that, you and Aegon got into a "who could make who say something first" competition. He would stare at you before quickly looking away when you looked at him and you would stare at him before quickly looking away when HE would look at you. It was awkward to say the least.
At the restaurant, you met his mother, Alicent, father, Viserys, brother Aemond, sister, Helaena, and step-sister, Rhaenyra. They were nice enough, but you had a feeling that Aemond, Rhaenyra and Helaena were the favorites. Your theory proved to be true after Aegon's many love interests came into conversation and a stealth insult about his weight. You surprise yourself by reacting to those comments by reaching under the table and grabbing his hand and giving it a light squeeze. Aegon notices this and sends you a small tight lipped smile.
After the frankly awkward dinner, you and Aegon begin riding back to your house.
The past couple weeks, you felt awkward around Aegon. Yeah, he was handsome but you tended to only interact with him when only needed, i.e. with the project. But after spending a little over a month with him, you began to feel weird around him. After he had spent the night four weeks ago, you found yourself waiting for him to text and you were actually happy to go to the only class you had with him. With that came... interesting...dreams involving him, butterflies in the stomach whenever you thought of him or when he texted or even hell, when you even heard him talk! It didn't occur to you until last night that maybe you were falling for him. And you weren't mad about it.
"I'm sorry about those comments," you say.
He only shrugs. "I heard all about it before."
Once again, you surprise yourself by reaching your hand out, laying it on top of his hand, and giving him a light smile. Aegon then intertwines his fingers with yours before leaning his forehead against yours.
"Is this okay?" He asks.
You nod and he leans his head up before giving pressing his lips to yours. Both of you then begin to lean backwards into the limo seat, sinking into the surprisingly soft leather seats.
I LOVE THIS NONNIE !!! so adorable, my rich!baby boy 😭😭😭🥺
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iris-sistibly · 2 years
The Targ Talk (a review series): House of the Dragon episode 7
The very first scene when Vaemond (or whoever that was) was making a eulogy during Laena's funeral, and when he spoke of Laena's daughters and how their Velaryon blood runs through their veins, then the camera turned to Rhaenyra and her sons as if the eulogy was meant to point out the boys' questionable parentage. Daemon giggling when Vaemond (?) said that their blood "must never thin" was perhaps due to the fact that neither Jace nor Luke (or even Joffrey) has the Velaryon blood. Idk how the rest of y'all would interpret that scene but that's how I view it.
Aemond trying to defend Helaena when Aegon expressed his disgust at his betrothal with his sister, and even called her an idiot. I kinda like that about Aemond in the show, having a tad more sense of responsibility than his older brother (also it's pretty obvious that he likes Helaena).
Corlys acknowledging Lucerys as heir to Driftmark ❤️ this is why I love him (aside from him being a living legend). Even in the book, Corlys has always looked at the boys as Laenor's sons and his own grandchildren. Again, despite of Harwin being a good dad to the boys, Laenor gave them his surname and recognized them as his sons, therefore they are his.
In the previous episode, we saw how much Daemon missed home (even if he denied it), when Viserys approached him and offered him to stay in King's Landing with the girls AND a position in his court, he refused which was a wise decision because he will be surrounded by the people who are against him. Besides, Viserys has treated him like a piece of shit most of the time which explains the reason why he refused.
Daemon calling Otto a leech was funny af.
Viserys calling Alicent Aemma was funnier af.
Jace and Baela holding hands! 😭 that was so sweet, but a piece of advice from someone who has already gone through Fire & Blood: don't get your hopes up.
My heart bleeds for Princess Rhaenys as of the moment, she doesn't care about the crown or power, she only wanted the best for her children but they got tangled up in this whole political bullshit that it cost the life of their daughter. While everyone else craves for power and legacy, she just wants a peaceful life for her and her family, apparently, simple desires in life are denied when: 1. You are born a Targaryen and 2. You are married into another powerful political clan.
Daemon and Rhaenyra finally…FINALLY *addressing* their unfinished business after being away from each other for so many years. I'd have to say that Matt and Milly's sexual tension was more intense (IMO) compared to Matt and Emma's. But I'm not mad though, Daemon and Rhaenyra have matured in this timeline and that their scene was more like finishing what they have started or doing what they should have done years ago, no more longing and yearning for each other. When Rhaenyra told Daemon that she wanted him, the latter was like, "Fuck that shit, we've been apart for so long I won't let her go anymore," and he did not held back. The chemistry was there, but as opposed to Daemyra making out on episode 4 where it was oozing with lust for each other, this was more like love making (Also, see you soon Aegon III! 😂).
It's also kinda funny at how Vhagar was like, "Dude, just let me freaking enjoy my retirement in peace and leave me tf alone! Also, I'm still mourning for my dead master so go away!" when Aemond approached her. BUUUUUUT I have to say that I enjoyed watching that scene when the brat finally claimed Vhagar for his own.
Jace, Luke, Baela and Rhaena ganging up on Aemond was so fucking satisfying! Daemon and Rhaenyra did an amazing job at raising their own kids, they're kind and well-mannered but know how to fight back when needed. Ironic at how people viewed their parents as an asshole and a whore respectively, biiiiiitch! See how they brought up these beautiful children?!
But the real hero was Lucerys. Damaging Aemond's eye was indeed a huge price to pay for stealing Vhagar, beating up the girls, breaking Luke's nose and threatening to kill Jace. The boy just defended his brother and cousins (*clears throat* future betrothed)
Fun fact: When Aemond claimed Vhagar, it was Joffrey who first saw him. When the latter told his uncle to stay away from the dragon (the older prince was forbidden by his parents to go near Vhagar), Aemond shushed him and pushed him onto a pile of dragon shit. Joff then called upon Jace and Luke and the three were all at the yard when Aemond landed, the brothers armed with wooden swords. A fight ensued, to defend Jacaerys, Luke took out his dagger and slashed Aemond's eye. (Source: Fire & Blood by George RR Martin).
Intense scene between Rhaenyra and Alicent! Oh my gosh, Emma and Olivia killed it! Rhaenyra unmasking Alicent's true colors, and the latter unleashing the anger, jealousy and hatred she harbored towards the princess for years. She has bottled up emotions, and when people like her explode they can be very dangerous. Another thing about this scene is that I've noticed another contrast between two mothers. During the confrontation, you can see how Rhaenyra protected BOTH Jace and Luke while Alicent only stood up for Aemond and blamed Aegon for not being there for his brother when the brawl happened.
Daemon standing in one corner and watching the drama unfold was hilarious, but I love the way he blocked the fragile masculine dude who goes by the name Ser Criston Cole so he wouldn't get in the way/protect Rhaenyra. Aaaaaand the way Daemon, Rhaenyra and Corlys protected the kiddos (especially Luke) was such a powerful scene, while no other person was even on Alicent's side (literally). I see this as a foreshadow of what her life would be towards the end of the dance, and since we haven't gotten that far, this is what I could only say for now.
Rhaenyra is such an LGBTQIA+ ally! When Laenor said that he hated how the gods made him, Rhaenyra made sure to make her husband feel like no matter who he is or what he chose to become, she loves and accepts him for who he is and that there wasn't anything wrong with him. That being said, I had a mini heart attack when I thought she and Daemon plotted to kill Laenor so they could marry. I was sooooo ready to rant but the ending scene was by far the biggest plot twist in the show! Rhaenyra deserves a husband who would stand beside her and support her, while Laenor deserves to be free of all the burdens that comes with being heir to Driftmark and future king consort, hiding his true self, and just live happily.
Fan theory: I have this gut feeling that the reason why Laenor agreed to fake his own death wasn't only for the chance for him to live his life the way he wants to, but because Daemon and Rhaenyra was planning something ahead…and what if Corlys and Rhaenys knew about this (or at least Corlys) and that they were just acting or something?????
Fun fact: Laenor Velaryon was killed by Ser Qarl Correy himself. There were two contradicting accounts about his death: Septon Eustace wrote that Ser Qarl killed Laenor out of jealousy because the latter found a younger, male favorite. But according to Mushroom's accounts, it was Daemon who ordered Ser Qarl to kill his lover but it was never proven. (Source: Fire & Blood by George RR Martin)
DAEMON AND RHAENYRA FINALLY GOT MARRIED! That being said, it was nice to see the traditional Targaryen wedding. I couldn't recall whether Jaehaerys I and Alyssane had the same ceremony when they got married in Dragonstone but it's just a random thought (I hope they did though).
Fun fact: In less than six months since the deaths of Laenor and Laena, Daemon and Rhaenyra secretly got married in Dragonstone. The Prince was 39, the princess was 23. According to Septon Eustace, Rhaenyra knew her father would never approve of their union thus the secrecy, while Mushroom claims that the reason why the wedding was hastened was that Rhaenyra was already pregnant with Daemon's child and "do not wish to birth another bastard." (Source: Fire & Blood by George RR Martin).
Alicent is clearly playing favorites among her children. She and Otto are treating Aegon horribly and she's being so weirded out at Helaena that I could hear her thoughts like, "Is this really my daughter?" or "Did I really give birth to this child?" Perhaps because Aemond is more of a momma's boy in comparison to the other kids, but idk. Aegon is a brat but I kinda feel bad at the way he's being treated.
For a few minutes, I liked Aemond but the second he laid his hands on the girls that's when I became so furious! He pushed Rhaena and SMACKED Baela wtf is wrong with this kid? He stole the only living memory the girls have of their mother, and he has the audacity to hurt them? I'm seeing a male version of Alicent here.
Alicent defending her asshole son. Honestly, I'm not surprised.
Dearest Alicent, who the fuck do you think you are demanding for Viserys to take YOUR side? Seriously, she's just someone the king married out of duty, Rhaenyra is the king's own flesh and blood. While Aemond is also a son of Viserys, the kid literally beat his own cousins and nephews and threatened to kill one of them! While I'm writing this, I realized that she's one of those Karen moms who would literally blame everyone else except herself for failing to discipline her own child. Unbelievable.
I would also like to point out to one twitter user who said that Alicent's character is the perfect representation of those who are self-righteous, uphold moral values but are the ones who do the shittiest things, a hypocrite in short. That's how I would basically describe her as well.
Is Ser Criston for real?! He would willingly pluck out Luke's eyes because Alicent said so? I know he's sworn to protect her, but Lucerys is a CHILD. I could never agree more with that meme which said that he refused to be Rhaenyra's whore but was so willing to be Alicent's bitch.
For those of you who are asking as to why Alicent wasn't punished for treason, it's because Viserys was in denial that his family was falling apart, he is desperately trying to unite his family as one to avoid conflict and possible war. What's odd is that he has the guts to send Daemon away for asking Rhaenyra's hand in marriage but when Alicent attempted to kill her right in-front of everybody, he was like, "We'll speak no more of it." seven hells this guy!
[Special Shoutout]
This episode is by far my favorite! Really intense scenes, amazing performance from the cast (as always), but the plot twist at the end was *chef's kiss.* The ending was far from the two accounts in the book, but you know what? I'm not mad at all, this is one of the changes that I gladly accept.
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dulcewrites · 1 year
I would like to hear more about these friday dinners if you have anything to share? 😄
all of them go to family therapy, and its Alicent’s idea. She always wanted to put her kids in it but viserys dragged his feet. By the time Alicent and viserys got divorced, Aegon and Helaena were probably old enough to just say no themselves. Alicent regrets not just doing it/pushing harder bc she thinks it could’ve helped her kids a lot. She sees a rift creating within Aemond’s family unit and jumps in.
They start going to it. The therapist tells them the best way to handle daella is to be open and honest as much as possible while trying show that their relationship won’t change. The Friday dinners are a compromise of that. Daella is at the age where she’s starting to realize what her parents do for a living isn’t normal especially aemond. If they are in the same city, fridays are THEIR night. He’s flown them out to wherever he is a couple of times.
So.. in terms of reader getting her lick back. Now I don’t condone this toxicity but… mother deserves it. It’s been of months since Aemond and alys have broken up. They have Friday dinner, and built a fort downstairs. Daella falls asleep and normally when that happens Aemond just goes home. But reader breaks open a bottle of wine. By the time they are done with it, reader is straddling aemond. Things just sort of… ended with them. There was no waning him, or the sex, out of her system. She’s just horny and the father of her child is annoyingly attractive. if y’all have seen scenes from a marriage when Jonathan and Mira…you know…the night they should be signing the papers… you get it
She wakes up to Aemond cooking pancakes and singing in the kitchen. She tries to say it nicely, but she tells him he needs get out 😭😭. That she doesn’t want daella to get the wrong idea of him staying over. He’s like ??? bc he’s thinking last night was going to lead to something more. Aemond makes a comment about leading people on, she bites back ‘well I wonder who I got that from’. Yeah… it’s messy. Aemond complains about it in therapy LMAO
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So I've never written out my thoughts like this as I'm reading a fic but this was so over the top amazing that I HAD to...I debated just reblogging with these things but spoilers...and also I wanted to be sure you saw it...I hope this was okay ❤️
"It takes courage to build ladders for people who might one day outclimb you."
This sentence stopped me in my tracks. I reread it a bunch if times. This is so profound and beautiful. I wrote it down in my journal..i hope you don't mind.
"when you slink covertly into therapist mode like a water moccasin weaves through swamps, subtle ripples in the muddied water and vigilant eyes."
Gorgeous writing. Beautiful imagery.
“ No, fuck the coyness that women are supposed to cloak themselves in to preserve their worth. You’re waiting for him to kiss you like someone drowning waits for a gasp of air."
Can I just fangirl over these two sentences.  The first sentence...YES. ALL THE YES. The second sentence. SAME girl SAME.
“So.” You hesitate. “Aemond.”
“Yes, I’m familiar with the concept.”
Hilarious response from Aegon. Hilarious. This is why I want him to be my bestie.
“He’s insecure. Very insecure, though he’s learned how to hide it.”
This is giving me One Direction "what makes you Beautiful" and I love it.
I loved the entire interaction between our girl and Aegon in her room.  Just seeing that friendship and how he does care about her. Beautiful.
Aemond coming to get her when the fire alarms are going off? Gahh what a gentleman! And then giving her the hoodie and telling her to keep it?!
The entire fire bit with Aegon was pure comedic gold. And LUKE fighting FOR Aemond. So therapeutic!
“No, you could use some more of it, you could use a lot more, you have so many demons it’s like Paranormal Activity in your brain, they’re in there all day tearing things off the walls and kicking over chairs and sabotaging anything you dare to care about and you let them!”
This entire scene broke my heart, but holy crap the imagery. GENIUS. so freaking genius. Amazing writing, love.
I so hope that Aegon talks some sense into Aemond soon. I don't want these two souls apart for long. I don't know what Stargirl's past really is, but I feel like she needs him as much as he needs her. So excited to see what you have planned for them all!
OH! AND I adored how she called out Jace on the plane. He is the WORST in this and I'm enjoying hating him...
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MISS KATE!!! 😭 I cannot even express to you how happy this made me! I was smiling MASSIVELY the whole time I was reading it. 🥰 This is the stuff writers live for, so thank you so much for taking the time to share it.
Sometimes lines of dialogue/description will pop into my head randomly and I'll think "...Is this good or is this too weird? Will people get it?" and to see someone pick out the exact same snippets and connect with them...it's just priceless. 💜
I absolutely cannot wait to show you what's next for Stargirl, Aemond, Aegon, (evil!) Jace, and the rest of the Comet fam! ☄️
"I don't know what Stargirl's past really is, but I feel like she needs him as much as he needs her." 👀👀👀
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first-of-her-nxme · 11 months
I was rereading agot and I think that maybe Jaqen could have tried to kill Gregor? At the tourney where he is basically competing with Loras his horse is acting up. I remember from the chapter of Arya at the HoBaW with the poisons lesson and there is one used in animals too, to make them mad or something. He heard maybe how Ser Hugh was killed so he tried to use the tourney the same way to kill him. Idk it’s interesting to read the first book bc I feel like there are so many clues and esp when you read theories then everything starts to feel kind of insane thinking it’s actually something. Grrm we need the books please..😭😏
What a great question! You are very observant.
I must say I don't really subscribe to the horse theory because I think it takes a lot more to kill Gregor. Though maybe it was a warm up? :) You are right though: Jaqen's goal is to kill Gregor as well. Moreover, it has already been established in the books that he will kill him.
I suppose the original plan was that Oberyn would kill Gregor. Oberyn was older, at the time he must have been stronger than young Jaqen. Oberyn also had a history of beating the seemingly stronger opponents. And, as we know, he wanted the revenge badly.
Oberyn succeeded but he also got killed in the process. And Qyburn managed to revive what was left of Gregor and turned him into an even worse monster. And that monster will be eventually killed by "Jaqen". Perhaps, GRRM wanted both, Oberyn and "Jaqen", to have their revenge on the one who brutally murdered their sister/mother?
GRRM here makes a nod to the legend of Ragnar. When Ragnar was captured he promised that his sons would one day come and avenge his father:
How the little piggies will grunt when they hear how the old boar suffered.
The old boar is Ragnar and the piglets, his sons. They did avenge their father, killing the king who sentenced him to death.
Here is how GRRM incorporated it into ASOIAF:
Robert Baratheon was killed by a boar. The hunting scene looked similar to Robert's and Rhaegar's duel at the Trident. Robert seemed fatally wounded and about to fall but he still managed to kill the boar. So, the boar here stands for Rhaegar. Then, Rhaegar's son, Aegon/Jaqen, arrived in King's Landing with his plan of revenge. Aegon then went to Oldtown and assumed the identity of the "little pig" - Pate called Pate the Pig Boy. So, we have a killed boar, Rhaegar, and his son, the young pig boy, Aegon/Jaqen, and his revenge.
Robert was called strong. Now, when Qyburn revived Gregor, they called him Ser Robert Strong. So, he is not only Gregor, he is also symbolically Robert Baratheon. The pig boy will return to kill the murderer of his mother and also, symbolically, the killer of his father, Rhaegar "the old boar".
There is another reference to a duel between Jaqen and Ser Robert. It's in A Dance with Dragons, in Jon's POV, when Shireen meets the giant, Wun Weg Wun. It's tremendously important to remember that Shireen and Patchface are foils for Arya and Jaqen. And this little scene is loaded with foreshadowing for them, not for Shireen.
"Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun." The giant's voice rumbled like a boulder crashing down a mountainside. He sank to his knees before them. Even kneeling, he loomed over them. "Kneel queen. Little queen." Words that Leathers had taught him, no doubt.
Princess Shireen's eyes went wide as dinner plates. - ADWD
The giant calls Shireen little queen even though she is a princess. GRRM wrote it like that because the little queen title refers to Arya's future plot. Patchface here is dressed like a king so we have a royal couple in the room. The giant takes interest in Patches and it frightens "the king". Patchface is dancing but he eventually lands on his bottom. And we get this riddle from him:
"In the dark the dead are dancing." - Patchface, ADWD
This little scene is another hint at the duel between the giant, Ser Robert Strong, and the rightful king, Aegon/Jaqen.
Dancing stands in for fighting. The dead means that they are both assumed dead, Gregor was killed by Oberyn and Aegon was supposed to die in King's Landing. It might also mean that they both will die though not necessary both during that duel. Them dancing/fighting in the dark means that A/J will have to put his blind training to use. As you know, all faceless men learn to fight while blinded. Oberyn lost the fight when Gregor blinded him. I do hope that Ser Robert won't blind A/J. However, Ser Robert never opens his visor so perhaps there will be a demand for A/J to fight with his visor closed as well. The duel might take place in King's Landing during the trial by combat, so some authority might force their rules on the fighters.
I hope it sheds a little light on the events to come.
Thank you for dropping by, Anon!
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
Holy shit theres so much that happened in this chapter jfc but before I get into all of that, I just want to say...
Now Maekor x Helaena wasn't a ship I was expecting but it's a pleasant surprise. Helaena deserves to be with someone who loves her and omg she named their child Maelor in honor of his father which is even cuter and AHHH I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MORE OF THAT HAPPY FAMILY!
The scenes where Harwin kept grabbing onto his son bc of who he's meant to face in battle alone (which wtf you mean to tell me Rhaenyra didn't send anyone else to come and help?? Harwin even sent them a raven and nothing?!?!? OOOOO RHAENYRA IS IN DEEP SHIT NOW)
Now lets talk about the epic of entrances that has been entered in fanfiction...
And then my second favorite part of this chapter was Helaena coming down to where they had congregated on Dreamfyre all confident and shit... I might start tearing up again 🤧 telling Aemond no more fighting and Aemond looking relieved that she was alive and that Aemma was alive made me want to give him a hug (after I slap the shit out of him for almost taking Reader out to begin with)
My last but not the least in the slightest part of this chapter definitely had to be the collective fuck 'em to both Rhaenyra & the Hightowers. The way they all decided to stop fighting for Kings and Queens they don't believe in anymore collectively as a whole family 😭😭😭😭 ITS SO BEAUTIFUL! THIS IS WHAT VISERYS WANTED, HIS FAMILY UNITED AND NOW THEY ARE. (hes probably not happy about the fuck Rhaenyra part but Aemma (the older one) is probably telling him off in the afterlife for making dumbass decisions and ignoring their other daughter who was the more obvious choice of being ruler)
My god I can't freaking WAIT for Reader to go to Dragonstone and fuck shit up 👊🏻👊🏻 I want a full blowout between the sisters and I want Reader to knock her ass OUT. MY THIRST FOR VENGENCE IS REAL!
P.S. The softer side of me also can't wait for Harwin and Reader's reunion as well 🥺🥺🥺
I loved this so much! Hahaha
Maekar and Helaena are the cutest if I might say so myself… they had love each other for ages, and Maekar likes his women a little older jiji (like two years but anyways)
I don’t even know what Rhaenyra was thinking 😂 she was protecting her own skin, because a naval battle was happening right off shore of Dragonstone and she was scared, she couldn’t tell anything to Daemon, and she hoped the Strongs (Rhaegar included) could figure it out on themselves
OH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT! I thought it was being too rushed… the battle and all… IM SO GLAD 🥰🥰
Yes poor Vhagar, but for reader and Aemond means to leave a part of their lives behind… like for Aemond means a new beginning and for reader means killing a part, like a rotten part of her allegiances … something like that I suck at metaphors
Yeahh Helaena is getting confident about her “dreams” so she will start following on them, that is what feeling safe with her own dragonslings will make 💕 Poor Aemond what Otto put him trough only to manipulate him! What a Bastard!! He needs a therapist dude… imagine thinking the persons he loves the most are dead… only to be a lie! Anyways
The alliance that should have been from the beginning! Hahaha even though they will not fight for Rhaenyra and Aegon they still face an uglier opponent…
I’m thinking about writing an entire chapter about love reunions! Jajaja pure smuts 💕💕
Thanks my love for this amazing ask! Hahaha I read it a bunch of times! 💕💕
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