#god s2 is too far away
kingsroad · 1 year
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a-nybodys · 2 years
emotional about gay middle aged married pirates building a home together after faking their deaths and being in LOVE
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alargehunkofdebris · 10 months
Why There’ll Never Be Another Good Omens 2 Experience
The strangest thing happened after a few days post my watching of S2. I got a wave of real, bittersweet sadness.
Not due to the obvious – I was dealing with that too, but with more excitement than anything – but because I realized something, as a writer and consumer of media. I realized that it’s unlikely I’ll ever get a media experience close to what I experienced at the end of Good Omens 2. Because really, its setup was absolutely unparalleled – in general, and for myself personally.
I am currently writing my third romance, and what I’ve learned primarily about the genre, the way for it to really work, is that there needs to be something keeping the couple apart initially. The more things keeping the couple apart, the stronger the romance hits. The more the couple clashes with each other, the better it is. Societal norms, class issues, initial dislike, literal danger—all these aspects are what make a romance a story. It’s that conflict that creates the compelling narrative. No romance was ever popular because things worked out well from the beginning – it’s that “look at what we were, and look at us now” aspect that gives readers/watchers that satisfaction. It’s the “I can’t believe this happened” effect. The “I would never have foreseen this” effect. The “they’ll never be together” effect. It’s why forbidden romances are so incredibly popular.
Another aspect that makes a romance story really work well is the amount of time it takes for the romance to develop. A couple that gets together after a few days? Eh, it’s tricky. You better make it really dramatic somehow. A great example is Titanic – class differences, betrothal, and a huge amount of danger threatens this couple, so them being in love after only a few days works. But what really sells this one is because we can see how this romance has survived beyond those few days. We see it 80 years in the future, still there, in the memory of Rose. That is why it hits so hard. Romances that span over long periods of time (especially ones that are bittersweet/tragic) hit so much more than ones spanning a short period.
But wait! There’s more!
You can up this effect by not only having the romance take time in story…but having it take time in real life, for the viewer/reader.
This is why romances in TV shows that take years to finally work out are so compelling. It’s that “Pam and Jim” effect, that will-they-won’t-they deal. We are waiting right along with them, and we’re feeling that same relief when all those things keeping them apart finally fall away. This is harder to pull off, because there’s never that guarantee that the story will make it that far. TV shows get cancelled, creators lose interest or die, etc. So it’s not just “Will They, Won’t They,” it’s “Will They, Won’t They, Can They Even Try?”
This is also compounded by that fear that it won’t happen in-story after all, and while in romances you’re pretty positive that things work out (they kinda have to, for it to be labeled a “romance”) in other media, there’s always that possibility. Look at Community – there’s a forbidden/conflict-ridden romance that didn’t end up working out, even though it was “Will They, Won’t They”d for six entire seasons. You also then have shows and ships where fans are almost sure it won’t happen, but still hold out hope. (See: Supernatural, Sherlock, etc.)
Now. Now look at Good Omens. Look at that absolutely unparalleled, unbelievable set up. It’s unbelievable because it takes almost every single thing that makes a romance compelling, and not only uses all of them, but dials them up to 11.
Why are they at odds? Why are they forbidden from being together?
Because they are literally the most opposing forces you can imagine in Western Canon. They are the Angel Guarding The Gate and The Serpent of Eden. The literal only way you could’ve made this a bigger deal would’ve been to make it God and Satan, and even that would’ve not hit as hard, because it’d be like two CEOs getting together – there’s no fear of a higher power adding that delicious conflict. And to add to all this, in real life, the couple is portrayed as two men, which adds that second meta level of conflict.
And what fear/danger is keeping this couple apart?
Not just familial disappointment—but disappointment from God and Heaven and Hell. Not just moral guilt, but the guilt of potentially dooming the entire Earth. And finally, on top of that, the very real danger of being killed. Not only that, but making it as though you never even existed.
And in real life, they face all those roadblocks that queer couples in media have been battling for years and years, but I'll talk about that more in a second.
Okay, then Time. How long have they been kept apart?
For…all of it.
All of the time that ever existed.
They, quite literally, could not have been kept apart longer.
And this leads into those final two points, the ones that actually really sell it. Because I can sit down right now and write a story about an angel and a demon falling for each other at the beginning of time against all odds…but what I can’t do is to have already written it thirty-three years ago.
That’s how long this story has existed. Thirty. Three. Years.
I’m not even counting how this is using characters that have existed as opposing forces for thousands of years. I’m not even saying that, even though that’s also a part of it. But besides that, this story, this exact story started thirty-three years ago, and is still being continued by the author to this day.
Do you know how uncommon that is?
Yes, we have canon that has lasted for many, many years. Hundreds. We get new versions of beloved older stories ever year. But it’s so very rare that they are by the same creator. We get new Sherlock Holmes content, but it is not written by Arthur Conan Doyle. This, on the other hand, is actual canon content, written by the author of the original. That is unbelievably rare.
That means we’ve got a fandom where some people have grown up with these characters. People who read it at twenty are fifty-three. People who read it at fifty are eighty-three. Kids who saw their parents reading the book now have children of their own. It is a cult classic that has been in the hearts of so many people for generations. Me, personally, I fell in love with it ten years ago, at age twenty, at the very beginning of my own writing journey. This story means so much to people, because it’s stood that test of time.
And yet, this story was never explicitly romantic. So many saw it that way, but it was never something confirmed. Because this was a book from the 90s, at a time where this kind of romance just wasn’t in popular media if it wasn’t played as a joke. It was, back then, the same kind of “forbidden” as a romance between angel and demon. So people imagined, but they never expected anything more. And they’ve continued not expecting more, because even in the 2019 first season, there was never any true confirmation of anything, and people accepted it. You have a 33-year-old story here – it’s possible that this major change/confirmation could happen, but all things considered, it was unlikely. You would never blame the creator for not making major developments to a story they wrote with their late friend a lifetime ago. And no one in production was saying a word to confirm or deny, but we’ve seen all this before. It was a Will-They-Won’t-They…Probably-Not situation.
And then you have the end of S2.
And that's where that bittersweet sadness comes in for me, personally. Not at a huge level, not to the point where I'd have it any other way, but it's there regardless. Because I realized that this was a unique situation that could never be replicated, for me, and likely for many, especially readers of the book pre-show. In all likelihood, I would never again experience a romantic payoff like this one. Because it was the most forbidden of forbidden romances, the couple of which have been kept apart by the worst of all dangers and highest level of guilt for the longest amount of time literally possible, written over a real-life span of time where this kind of romance went from “completely taboo even in real life” to “finally acceptable in popular media,” written by the same creator, and not confirmed as canon until the story reached the age of Jesus Christ himself.
And the real kicker is, even after everything these two literally star-crossed lovers have gone through…they’re still being kept apart. They’ve still not taken down those final, seemingly insurmountable barriers between them. It wasn’t a “here you go 😊” move to make long-time fans happy – it’s being used as a perfect, painful plot point. After 33 years, we’re still having to wait longer.
Chef's kiss. Couldn’t have been a better set up if it was mathematically calculated. And yet, the best part is that it happened organically.
It just works.
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clericlost · 2 years
@theguilt​. . .
[  fear  ]  sender  finds  receiver  having  a  nightmare
something  is  behind  you.     tiptoed,  baited  breath,  there’s nothing but red rain and gleaming gray and black as far as the eye can see and something is behind you  ;  a bruised horizon,  broken blood vessels beneath each staggered footfall and the stretch of his own flesh over too - small - too - big - too - much bones,  and in this moment,  will knows without a shadow of a doubt this isn’t something he can outrun.     he can’t outhide it either,  day after day spent peeling back layers of broken skin and dirt to bury himself in,  it can’t last.     he’s stretched too thin,  too wide,  overheated and shivering sweat from every pore,  water for starving soil.     it swallows whatever he can give and more,  desperate,  hungry,  a gut - wrenching growl that pangs in his own stomach.     the sound wabbles and warps around him,  bends the light from red to black to red again,  christmas - light cadence from R to U to N to the next trembling exhale dropped from fumbling lips,  gone cold against the shell of his ear—     he freezes.     the footsteps behind him go silent as if they were his own.
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no.     no,  no,  non - syllable torn from crumpled - up lungs,  and he feels it again along the back of his neck.          “   . . .no,   ”          pleads aloud,  head lulling more than shaking,  desperate,  hungry,  cut up and flayed open for all to see but him,  your voice,  and it’s coming from behind you.     something warm grabs him by the arm.
there’s a moment in which he doesn’t move,  corpse - stiff and hypothermic,  still as ice before it finally cracks,  and it cracks all at once.     kicking and screaming  ;  he doesn’t realize he still can until he opens his mouth and something animal comes out.     [  good,  that’s good,  last time there was nothing.  ]     he half - expects his body to seize and his eyes to roll back in their sockets,  blinking and burning,  but instead they’re wide and overflowing,  drip - dropping on aching knuckles wrapped white around jacket sleeves.     blinking and burning,  a light like a halo silhouettes a dawning half - familiar face.     steve harrington.     pale as the dead and just as wide - eyed as him,  he can just barely make out the mixed sounds of their breathing and an idling engine over the blood beating in his ears.          “   what—   ”          non - syllable—   STOP.     swallow.     start over.          “   what’s going on ?   ”
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subway-tolkien · 8 months
Okay, this is 1600 words of (positive!) meta regarding the OFMD finale. Included is character analysis and a treatise on why a certain trope people keep throwing around does not apply here.
This is of course just my take, and I'm sure people will disagree, but I needed to get this out. Apologies if it comes off disjointed, I've had like no sleep.
Spoilers within, obviously. You have been warned. Heed the tags. I didn't tag any characters because I consider it a spoiler, but you know who this is about.
Listen. Listen.
Let me start off by saying I have been where you are. I’ve had beloved characters die, either because it was important to the narrative or for shock value. I’ve been there, so I’m not coming at this without empathy. I’m not an Izzy hater. I loved him as a character. I’m truly sad to see him go.
But from what I’m seeing around Twitter and tumblr, some of you do not understand the role of an antagonist in a story.
Izzy was always meant to die. The moment he said, in the first season, “the only retirement we get is death,” I knew he was meant to die in the end. The foreshadowing ran through both seasons. Izzy was the true antagonist of S1. He was there to keep Blackbeard tethered when he started pulling away, and yet he also set the plot in motion. He inadvertently introduced Blackbeard to the person who let him be just Ed. He put Ed on his own path to redemption without even knowing it.
S1 ended with Izzy getting what he wanted as Ed lost everything he had. S2 was about Izzy coming to terms with the fact that he’d gone too far, he’d turned Ed into a monster. It wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted Blackbeard back, just like old times. Instead, he got the Kraken, and it was more than he bargained for.
Especially after it cost him his leg and he realized how far gone Ed really was. The conversation that ended with Izzy’s half-assed suicide attempt was the final blow to Izzy—Ed really didn’t seem to care anymore. Where Izzy wanted him to stop giving a shit about his silly boyfriend, he instead got a Blackbeard who didn’t care about anything, and he was apparently now included in that category.
(I said half-assed suicide attempt because Izzy wasn’t meant to die then, THAT would have been an empty, pointless death. It wouldn’t have taught Ed anything—in fact, all it did was make him more self-destructive, which was Izzy’s purpose to the narrative, but not his endgame. That Ed thought Izzy killed himself pushed Ed to the brink. Ed wanted to die and take every scrap of Blackbeard with him. Had Izzy successfully killed himself, Ed and the Revenge would be at the bottom of the ocean.
It wasn’t until the crew left Izzy the unicorn leg that he realized the power of compassion, the incredible act of grace from a crew that suffered so much from Izzy’s own machinations and didn't need to forgive him. It moved him to tears, and it moved him to accept that maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to let people in, to let himself be cared for. It was a foreign concept and something Izzy likely hadn’t experienced since losing his family (I fully expect a shit ton of fanfic of Izzy’s life before piracy).
Israel Hands found the capacity to let love all the way in and by god, did he pursue it.
But, again, Izzy was always meant to die, and I’m glad they stuck to the narrative they set out with instead of placating fandom and letting our influence dictate how they told this story That’s never good, trust me. Fandom should not influence a creator’s decisions regarding their own characters. It rarely if ever ends well.
[Stares in Voltron S8]
And I see a lot of people out here throwing the “bury your gays” phrase around—I beg you, please look up the definition of the trope. Izzy didn’t die because he was queer, he didn’t die because of his disability. He wasn’t one half of the only queer couple in the show fridged for shock value. He wasn’t killed off due to pressure from conservative viewers. He wasn’t the only queer, disabled character.
They didn’t kill off Lucius, or Jackie, or Wee John. Would you be as outraged if it was any of them?
Killing Eve is bury your gays. Supernatural is bury your gays. Pretty much any film, book, TV show, whatever, where a queer character dies because they’re queer, of AIDs, to further the narrative for a straight person, etc—that is burying your gays.
Izzy’s death was none of those things. Izzy’s death had meaning.
Izzy’s death freed Ed from the Blackbeard persona. It finally forced Izzy to say the things he couldn’t say until he realized it was his last chance. Izzy was also tired. I honestly think he stuck it out for Ed’s sake, because he was afraid to let Blackbeard go without making sure Ed would be ok.
He loved the idea of Blackbeard, but over time, he learned to love Ed. He finally understood what Ed tried to tell him the whole time.
“Fuck off, you twat. You’re surrounded by family.”
You’re safe. You’re loved. You don’t need me anymore. You don’t need to be reminded of who you’re capable of being, you need the people who will guide you to who you will become, and I’m not one of them.
I know a lot of Izzy fans are stung by his death, some of you are deeply upset. I get that. Like I said, I’ve been there. Sirius’s death made me throw that fucking book across the room. That Fucking Woman™ killed off my entire OTP, purely for shock value and, imho, a direct response to shippers. Trust me, I have felt betrayed by a creator for their decisions.
But I need you to understand that no, this was not a personal attack, this was not malicious, this was not “bury your gays." A show that celebrates queerness and diversity is not suddenly homophobic and ableist because your favorite character died and happened to be both of those things. But when the majority of your cast of characters is different in some way, and they’re in a show about 18th century pirates, you have to accept that one of them could, in fact, die. “Anyone Can Die” is also a trope and the more accurate one to describe E8.
If only being queer and disabled made you invincible.
Spoiler alert: it doesn’t.
And no, I’m not an Izzy hater. I loved him, I loved him as an antagonist, and I loved his redemption arc. He was fascinating and Con put his whole O’Nussy into that part. I’m sorry to see him go, but as a mystery writer who often has to kill off beloved characters, I understand that he served the purpose he had from the beginning.
I swear, if some of you had your way, there’d be no conflict at all in any form of media. This what a steady diet of nothing but fanfic gets you. This is not a fluffy one-shot with magical healing dick and a happy ending where everyone sails off into the sunset. If that’s what you wanted, what you headcanoned, you did this to yourself. It’s not David et al’s fault that we took that character and babygirled him. That’s the risk we take when we decide to love a specific character, when we take a genuinely terrible person (in S1) and woobify him.
So, please stop harassing and attacking David, Alex, et al. David did not and should not change his story to placate us. The fact he went ahead with it despite the backlash I’m sure he expected makes me respect him as a creator even more.
Anyway, I’m going to revel that we have three (!) queer relationships with happy endings where one or both didn’t immediately die (again, the actual definition of “bury your gays”) and that we got at least two seasons of a little show that celebrated individualism, diversity, queerness, compassion, and love.
In the end, it all came down to love.
“There he is.”
Goodbye, Blackbeard.
Hello, Ed.
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cheeekycharchar · 11 months
The Forbidden Fruit, Choices and Fear
[A GOOD OMENS META ANALYSIS OF AZIRAPHALE POST S2] I know everyone is still upset about that gut punch of an ending to GO S2.. and many are also extra upset at Aziraphale.. I'm in so much pain over it too but.. I have to rationalize that damned "I forgive you" line that broke all our hearts to comfort me until we get S3.. I basically overanalyze our favorite cocoa loving Angel to explain his reaction to the kiss and why we all need to be a lil kinder to him.
2500 BC in the Land of Uz.. Aziraphale, the Angel of the Eastern Gate, had the fear of God put into him. And this affected the rest of his immortal life up until that kiss.
Angels, after the Fall and the great war between Heaven and Hell, had the fear of the Almighty's wrath put into them. They all fell in line and stayed in line. Or else they'd end up like their fallen brethren.. or worse. But there was one lil Angel that had since toed that line..
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"Didn't you have a flaming sword? Yeah, it was flaming like anything." "…Gaveitaway.." "You what?" "I gave it away!" As far as we've seen, this is the first time Aziraphale did something "bad". And he's already feeling the pressure. The guilt. The fear. He didn't follow the rules. He didn't do exactly as he was told. And suddenly, here's a Demon slithering up next to him and making him doubt his choice even more. The same Demon that snuck past the guardians of Eden and tempted the first human's into eating the apple, breaking the rules and getting them kicked out of paradise on Earth.
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"Bit of an over reaction if you ask me. First offence and everything. I can't see what's so bad about knowing the difference between good and evil anyway. "Well, it must be bad.. [..] Otherwise.. you wouldn't have tempted them into it." "Not very subtle of the Almighty, though. Fruit tree in the middle of a garden with a 'Don't Touch' sign. Makes you wonder what God's really planning." "Best not to speculate. It's all part of the Great Plan. It's not for us to understand. It's ineffable. It is beyond understand and incapable of being put into words."
Already the seeds of doubt are tinkering in his mind. Stay in line. No more questioning the Almighty's plans. That's what got all the bad Angels thrown out of Heaven and then Adam and Eve exiled too.
"I do hope I didn't do the wrong thing." "Oh, you're an angel. I don't think you can do the wrong thing." "Oh, thank you. It's been bothering me." "I've been worrying, too. What if I did the right thing with the whole 'eat the apple' business? A demon can get into a lot of trouble for doing the right thing. It'd be funny if we both got it wrong, eh? If I did the good thing and you did the bad one." *chuckles* "..No. It wouldn't be funny at all!"
And then we get to season two's opening reveal. Crowley and Aziraphale had actually met before the wall of Eden.
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"But that's idiocy!" {…} "It's not our job to advise the Almighty on the details of creation." "Well, then whose job is it?" {…} "Well, if I was the one running it all, I'd like it if someone asked questions. Fresh point of view."
And thanks to Aziraphale mentioning the Great Plan to Angel Crowley.. it put seeds of doubt into his mind. Making him question the Almighty's plans.
".. I'd hate to see you getting into any trouble." "Thanks for your help. And thanks for your advice. I wouldn't worry though. How much trouble can I get into just for asking a few questions?"
And then 10 million Angels fell. Kicked out of Heaven and marked as evil, unforgivable, and without God's love for eternity. Then we get the flashback to the story of a a prosperous man of outstanding piety named Job and how his life was destroyed because of a bet between God and Satan to test his faith even in adversity.
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"What did he [Job] do? "Job? Nothing. Job's the nicest man in the world. That's why he's so perfect for the bet. You see, God was saying how righteous Job was and how much Job loved God. And Satan pointed out-- that maybe that was just 'cause God's been so nice to him. ..God's letting Satan destroy everything Job has. And then we'll see."
Now remember, the great flood wasn't too long ago. Where the Almighty wiped out nearly all of the human race with a big storm cause they were tetchy aka simply irritable, bad-tempered and annoyed. So this time, Aziraphale actually questions Heaven about this bet when he finds out that Job's children will be killed.
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"Trust in God's plan, Aziraphale. Always." "Of course. So, once Job's trials are over, everything is restored to him?" "Even better than that. God will reward him with twice as much as he had before." {…} "I think they quite like the old ones [Job's children].. And if.. we kill them-" "-Aziraphale… we are the good guys. We're not killing anyone. What we are doing is simply not stopping hell. What they do is up to them."
His faith is wavering. He can hardly believe that Heaven would actually destroy a good man's family without truly understanding the fragility and consequences of human life/death; all to test him on a bet.
"Are we sure that Sitis wants to give birth four more times?"
Furthermore, they would be forcing Job's wife to give birth 7 more times despite Aziraphale's warning of them loving their original 3 children and that Sitis may not actually want to give birth to more children at her age. Hence taking away her choice. But thankfully, good ol' Crowley is the worst demon ever and is secretly protecting Job's children and goats. Something they're keeping between the two of them. And then during this deception… Crowley tempts Aziraphale with his first bite of food.
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"Have an ox rib." "Are you trying to tempt me?" "Not at all. Angels can't be tempted, can you?" "Certainly not." "Well, there you are then. You're free to try the food."
A temptation he quickly falls into. A choice to eat the food and enjoy it to gluttony. Another sin under his belt. In the end, Virtuous Job passed his test but had the shit reward in return. Except Crowley and Aziraphale secretly saved the children.. which lead to Aziraphale lying straight to Heaven.. again.
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And this is where he finally falls apart.
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"I'm ready to go." "Go where?" "To Hell." {….} "But you have to. I'm like you now.. A demon.." "You think you're a demon?" "I'm a fallen angel! I lied.. To thwart the will of God." "Well yeah, you did, but I'm not gonna tell anybody. ..Are you?" *shakes head no* "No. Then nothing has to change, does it?" "…But what am I?" "You're just an angel who goes along with Heaven as far as he can." "That sounds um.." "Lonely?" "Yeah. But you said it wasn't." "I'm a demon. I lied."
As Crowley always tells him- Demons lie. And Aziraphale lied. Again. And now they're keeping this huge secret between the two of them. To never be spoken of or else possibly face the wrath of God. THIS scene right in this minisode here is SUCH an important part of Aziraphale's character and his future choices. And that's what it's all about, isn't it? Choices? The ability to choose between good and evil.
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"Look, I am good. You, I'm afraid, are evil. But people get a choice. You know, they cannot be truly holy unless they also get the opportunity to be wicked." "Yeah, that only works if you start everyone off equal. You can't start someone off like that and expect her to do as well as someone born in a castle." "Ah, but no, no. That's the good bit. The lower you start, the more opportunities you have."
What we learn from this wee Scottish body snatching story is that something can be seen as evil but could actually be a good deed from a different perspective. And that Aziraphale truly believed that the lower you start, the more opportunities you could have. But he also believes in divine punishment. Punishment that can be dealt at any time for any thing. Big or small. From a few questions that make you lose God's love to selling corpses for survival money and accidentally getting your best friend killed or just having too much faith in God could destroy everything in your life for a bet. All of which he has witnessed with someone good (Crowley, Job, Elspeth, etc) losing everything that's important to them in the most horribly way. But Aziraphale remembers the hard lessons he learned; of inequality and responsibility of your actions and the choices you make.
Someone born into poverty doesn't get as much out of life as someone born into a rich lifestyle. Or.. a lowly snake and a lowly principality falling in love and being forgiven may not be as easily dismissed as a Duke of Hell and Archangel finding love in one another and simply being allowed to run away to the stars together without any punishment. It's all of these moments, these lessons that Aziraphale learns throughout the years that change his view on life but he still remembers the wrath of God throughout existence. Something as little as a question could get you kicked out of Heaven, eating an apple could get you banished from paradise or you could be the most faithful perfect and loved person and still have your entire life destroyed over a bet. What does he know most about the Almighty? They're "tetchy" and unpredictable.
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"Aziraphale, Angel of the Eastern Gate. Where is the flaming sword I gave you, Aziraphale, to guard the Gate of Eden?"
He then conceals the truth to God themselves of the choice he made to give humanity a fighting chance of survival by giving his holy sword away. And is left alone without another word. Forced to walk on egg shells for the rest of his existence out of fear.
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"So, giving the mortals a flaming sword. How did that work out for you?" "The Almighty has never actually mentioned it again.." "Probably a good thing."
That fear of the unknown consequences to his past actions.. his lies.. for good or for bad.. he could fall at any moment or lose everything he holds precious (aka his Angel-ness and Crowley).
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"I'm not an idiot, Crowley. Do you know what trouble I'd be in if.. if they knew I'd been fraternizing? It's completely out of the question." "Fraternizing?!" "Well, whatever you wish to call it. I do not think there is any point in discussing it further."
So what does he always do? Deflects.. to protect himself. To protect Crowley. Not saying the real truth out loud. Keeping the reality of their relationship an unsaid secret like always.
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But sometimes, actions speak louder than words.
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"Should I say thank you?" "Better not."
Yet again, he breaks the rules. Doesn't even want to hear a thank you. Again, it must all go unsaid.
"You go too fast for me."
Crowley has always been one step ahead of him. Asking questions, falling, breaking the rules, etc. Aziraphale isn't ready yet. He's not ready to lose everything he holds dear to him by admitting out loud all of his sinful choices or else face the punishment he's been fearing for thousands of years.
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"Go off together?" "How long have we been friends? Six thousand years."
Aziraphale starts panicking here. Crowley is saying too much out loud. Deny deny deny.
"Friends? We're not friends. We are an angel and a demon. We have nothing whatsoever in common. I don't even like you."
This bandstand breakup was literally Aziraphale freaking out about doing too many bad things dealing with the whole anti-Christ situation and Crowley getting too close to saying what they truly are to each other. But the fear is too much and he lies again. But this time to himself. Aziraphale has only ever wanted to do the good thing. To make the correct choices. To be on the right side. But he's always faltered. Made choices that he was sure were the bad ones. Lied on occasion. Kept secrets from Heaven and God. Given into temptations. And has always had this fear of God's Almighty wrath hanging over his head for millennia. Always waiting for the other shoe to drop. At any moment, everything will be taken away. But what could be the last straw? The straw that finally breaks the camel's back? To garner God's attention and punishment. It has to be something big. The biggest and most important part of his life. Something that matters to him more than anything in the world. His relationship with the Demon, Crowley. But he's learned. If you don't say it out loud.. if you keep it to yourself. Then you won't be punished. It's worked out for him so far. So why should he think otherwise? And then in the end of S2E6, Metatron gives him the opportunity to make a change to the Heavenly system. His chance to restore his best friend to his former holy glory. A chance to relieve all the suffering he's seen throughout history. A chance to make a difference. Despite all his secret sins, he's being given an unbelievable opportunity- one that proves that maybe he isn't as bad as he always thought he was. He's actually seen as worthy. But then Crowley gets angry about all this. He's against it all. He doesn't want that. He doesn't want to be an Angel again. He doesn't want to return to Heaven. He just wants to be with Aziraphale. And he finally says their best kept, unsaid secret out loud. With a love confession and a passionate kiss.
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"You idiot. We could have been… us."
Aziraphale wants this more than anything but every instinct inside of him is screaming to stop it, to not let anyone see, to not let anyone know the truth. This final temptation. His one and true forbidden fruit that is the Demon Crowley.. and it's the one he knows he must resist at all costs.
The fear is overpowering. And the only words that come from his lips…
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"I forgive you."
I forgive you for letting our unsaid secret out. I forgive you for trying to tempt me. I forgive you for refusing to join me in Heaven as a renewed Angel. But can he ever truly forgive himself for the choice he just made? Remember, in the end, Aziraphale is just afraid. Afraid to lose everything. Afraid to lose Crowley. Fear of punishment can be traumatizing after all. And it will all be fixed in S3. ;) HAVE FAITH IN GAIMAN!
..Sorry this was so long and drawn out but… I NEED SEASON 3 ALREADY.. (everyone! keep re-watching GO2 on Prime! and no more threats to the creators plz ^-^) Honestly, this was very cathartic to write and help me come to terms with the most heart wrenching painful TV kiss of all time D: But I need to see how their story unfolds. I need to see Aziraphale allow himself to make the choice to be with Crowley without fear of punishment. I NEED MY INEFFIBLE HUSBANDS. TOGETHER. T^T
PS. Literally as I was finishing writing this, I saw Neil Gaiman himself say this on his Tumblr, "But the story of Job is pretty central to the whole Good Omens conversation, including Aziraphale's bit of it." OMG I KNEW IT lololol
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laniakea314 · 10 months
Aziraphale wanted to give Crowley the chance to do good without having to face consequences for it, he wanted the two of them to be together without having to face consequences for it. The fear of going against God’s will and being cast out Heaven is still deeply rooted in his mind, so when he sees the opportunity of being allowed to work with (and love) Crowley “legally”, in the Almighty’s eyes, of course he jumps onto that train. Also, he’s been managing the fragile balance between doing what he thinks is right and doing what Heaven/God wants for a very long time, and now he might have the chance to unify the two, putting an end to his moral dilemmas and giving him a feeling certainty and purpose.
Crowley has never been as afraid as Aziraphale to stand up for what he thought was right or morally correct. He’s taken many many risks over the years and sometimes payed a high price for them. Asking too many questions cost him his angelic status; helping Elspeth in 1827 got him dragged down to Hell and possibly tortured; preventing the Apocalypse cost him his “job”, his apartment and almost got him killed. He really doesn’t have much more to lose. The only things we see him having an attachment to in s2 are the Bentley, his peaceful and fragile existence on Earth, and Aziraphale, who he is especially protective of. In fact he is so scared of losing Aziraphale that he’s extremely careful when it comes to taking risks in their relationship, which is part of the reason why it took 6000 years and two lesbians to get him to communicate how he felt. So of course he wants to keep Aziraphale safe, and he probably believes that the only way to do that is to bring him far away from those who are responsible for everything else he’s lost so far. Because if he loses Aziraphale too, what meaning does life have anymore?
They’re both so afraid of losing each other, but Aziraphale hasn’t lost as many things as Crowley has and believes that if they can find a way to be together legitimately inside the system, they’re safe. Meanwhile Crowley, who’s lost so much at the hands of Heaven and Hell, thinks that the only way they can be safe is far away from the system.
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halemerry · 10 months
hii first of all, i absolutely love your metas on GO s2! your breakdown of the last few minutes of ep6 was really insightful and i love you for your meta about aziraphale and his role as a protector - it is a very astute look into his character and motivations which not a lot of people acknowledge in their theories/speculation after s2.
more to the point of this ask: this is something i've been mulling over and is the only thing that still doesn't make sense to me in ep6. why is crowley so nonchalant, or at least not noticeably worried, about the metatron showing up to the bookshop (a space he is very protective of) and taking aziraphala away for a talk after aziraphale has already been threatened by micheal? throughout the whole season crowley has been extremely protective over aziraphale and is very much aware of the real danger he is in (re: the book of life). this is also right after crowley has returned from heaven and has learned what the metatron was willing to do to gabriel to ensure 'institutional integrity' and that much bigger plans were afoot. i find it hard to wrap my head around his calm demeanor when the metatron enters the scene and takes aziraphale away, even if it's supposedly for a harmless talk. i wonder if you have any thoughts/speculation about this?
(opps this got too long and rambling). i would love to hear your thought but ofc please don't feel pressured to answer :) love your posts about the season and i look forward to reading more from you. have a lovely day!
Hi!! Thank you so much! This ask has had me by the throat basically since you sent it. It sort of touches on some things I already wanted to write about so forgive me if this spirals a bit.
So in a lot of ways I think this is a question that can have a one word answer. But since I do wanna talk about the way the show gives us this answer I actually want to start with Nina. Specifically I want to start with the thing she tells Crowley as Aziraphale’s off with the Metatron.
“You’re the hard bitten one that can’t trust anyone ever again and Mr. Wherever He Is is the soft one that still believes in magic people being basically good and all that."
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I’ve talked a little bit about this line before in my meta about the build up to the Confession here because I think it’s important to view from the perspective of how it preps Crowley for the following conversation he’s about to have. But, aside from that, I think it's really important because it's wrong. Nina is describing herself here, not Crowley. She’s projecting her own issues onto him and Aziraphale in the way that she perceives herself relating to them. Crowley himself is actually the one that calls out her trust issues for what they are explicitly. 
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Nina doesn’t trust and she sees herself in Crowley far more than Aziraphale both in demeanor and aesthetic so she assumes he doesn’t trust either. But she has it backwards. Because Crowley isn’t hard bitten as much as someone who tries very hard to be perceived as such. And, most importantly in this specific context, Crowley actually trusts quite a bit.
And he nearly always has. Even as far as back as the Starmaker.
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Just look at the way that the Starmaker and Aziraphale both talk about interacting with God. Aziraphale is nervous, anxious and pretty much immediately clocks that what the angel that would become Crowley is saying is going to get him into trouble. But the Starmaker? Even upset about the information he’s been given, he remains confident in the fact that it can’t hurt to ask a few questions. He trusts there to be no consequence for expressing an objection. He trusts that his opinion is valued. Even if he ends up wrong here there’s no inclination at all that he thinks his words will be taken inappropriately. And even the Fall itself doesn’t burn this out of him.
We see him trust Aziraphale, the cherub who was supposed to be guarding Eden from things like him, not to smite him on sight. And trusts him enough to not only have a conversation but express his own worries about his own actions. He then approaches Aziraphale like a friend at the Flood and makes no attempt to censor his horror at what is happening there.
Job is the first time we see Crowley act in a way that implies mistrust between them. This is the first time they’ve met since the Flood which I suspect is contributing to his reluctance to be honest with Aziraphale here. They fall into their roles and then very rapidly fall out of them. The fact Azriaphale reaches out to Crowley here is important. As is the moment where Crowley asks Aziraphale if he’s sure. After Aziraphale more or less agrees to be all in something changes. Crowley is surprisingly honest about his view on the world, mostly trusting Aziraphale not to use it against him. He places himself in front of a host of angels, trusting that Aziraphale would not expose him. And then later he’s even more honest, admitting to Aziraphale he’s lonely in an attempt to show solidarity.
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The entire Arrangement could not exist without them trusting each other. Crowley’s pushing at Aziraphale’s boundaries is a constant exercise in trusting that Aziraphale will come around eventually - or that he at the very least isn’t about to weaponize the treacherous things Crowley is saying against him. As early as 1601 we see Aziraphale voicing active concern for Crowley's well being. We then see Crowley actively trust Aziraphale with both their safeties in 1941 - whether it’s trusting Azriaphale to save them from the bomb about to drop on them or trusting Aziraphale’s trust in him to not accidentally discorporate him during the bullet catch. They even explicitly talk about their mutual trust in this year during their shades of gray conversation.
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During Armageddon Crowley shows up trusting that Aziraphale will help him fix this and once Aziraphale agrees never once seems to consider the idea that Aziraphale would hide anything from him (even when Aziraphale is actively doing so).
He also critically knows that Aziraphale tried to reach God and got himself discorporated as a consequence. And likely specifically knows that Aziraphale talked to the Metatron and came away from that conversation realizing that Heaven would not help him. It's worth noting whether Crowley knows this bit or not that in this conversation Aziraphale not only explicitly questions the Metatron's authority but also uses the conversation to extract information from the Metatron.
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Aziraphale leaves this conversation with an active lie to the Metatron and attempts to call Crowley to tell him everything he knew. He then continually chooses Crowley over Heaven. They pick their own side and help stop the world from ending.
And then, all season, Aziraphale keeps proving that the trust Crowley has always had in him is well earned. Aziraphale, even more than Crowley himself, brings up ideas of 'us' and 'our side' and 'our car'.
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Aziraphale openly talks negatively of Heaven. Not only does he agree with Crowley's disbelief that Heaven managed to stay in charge sending people like Muriel down, but he even goes a step further, implying that they perhaps never had control over earth in that way.
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He also, most critically, immediately and without hesitation, tries to turn down the Metatron's offer to even have a conversation. Aziraphale, who has also just brought a group of archangels to order, reaffirms his lack of interest in Heaven right then and there in front of Crowley. Right when the Metatron has reaffirmed the threat of the Book of Life is out of play.
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Crowley trusts Aziraphale. He always has. And more than ever lately Aziraphale has given him proof that he doesn't have to worry about where he allegiances lay.
But. It's also worth noting. I don't think Crowley is as chill as he maybe seems like he is. Yes, he's sprawled out and speaking casually here, but to some degree this is a bit of posturing. He's playing it cool and also not encroaching on the control Aziraphale has managed to wrangle on this situation. But he also doesn't just let them wander off either. As soon as they hit the door, Crowley is out of the chair and walking to the front of the shop to watch them leave through the window. He's keeping tabs as they walk away.
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He then banishes Muriel and promptly starts to clean. Now I'm always a little wary to mix Book and Show canon, but I do think his cleaning of the bookshop (as well as him carrying around stacks of books while babysitting Jim) are manifestations of Book!Crowley's tendency to want to stress clean. He's keeping himself busy and gets done too quickly then promptly glances at his watch before throwing himself into the chair with a frustrated noise. He's anxious and stressed the entire time Aziraphale is out of his line of sight.
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In other words, Crowley's not actually as calm as he's presenting himself to be. He's trying to take that nervous energy out in a way that doesn't conflict with giving Aziraphale agency. Because he trusts his angel. And that in part is why it hits him so hard when it all blows up in his face.
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dezznuggz · 4 months
The Parents Of the Friend Group |PART 2
Steve Harrington × reader
~moments where you and Steve do in fact argue like a married couple and moments where it clearly shows and proves how Steve is the mom and you are the dad.
Warning: mentions of the upside down, mentions of S2, S3, S4. A little emotional at the end, still slight bullying of Steve, mentions of possible death, use of y/n, reader pronouns she/her
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Fall of 1984:
Your plan was to go on a date with some new guy and go home debating whether or not 'he could be the one' but your plans drastically changed when an anxious Dustin bangs on your door like a maniac. "Y/N! OPEN UP! HURRY! OPEN UP!" was the noise you kept hearing on the other side of your door that caused you to rush out of worry and swing open the door for the frantic kid. "OH MY GOD, what? What is it?" You say in a little annoyed tone but also in a little bit of a relief seeing that at least one of your many kids isn't hurt.
"We gotta go, fast and NOW!" Dustin practically screams at you before dragging you by your arm and out of your house. "Woah dude I can't, I have a date. He's already on his way" you say trying to resist and pull away from Dustin's hold, "I'm telling you right now y/n your plans can wait cause this is 10× more important than you making out with some guy" Dustin says still not letting go of you and dragging you out of your front porch. Dustin then halts in his tracks, "wait a date? I thought you and Steve had a thing going on?" Dustin says with a little bit of a disappointed tone, "what NO, never, we never and WILL never have a thing going on are you kidding!" You say trying to defend yourself from the stupid assumption that Dustin made about you and Steve. "Are you sure, cause every time I'm with y'all, you guys won't stop giving each other googly eyes" Dustin says which caused you to set your arm free and walk away, "you know what Dustin, call steve for this one, I already have plans and they're not going to be destroyed cause of some stupid joke you wanna pull on me!" You say loud enough for Dustin to hear as you walk off and head towards your house. "Okay okay I'm sorry but this is really important I won't say anything bad again" Dustin apologizes and pleads for you to come with him, "I don't wanna hear anything that will annoy me come out of your mouth do you understand me?" You say as you point a finger at his face, "yes I understand" Dustin says quietly, "I'm sorry what'd you say?" You say as you purposely try to prove a point that you're the one that's in control right now.
"I said I understand y/n now can we get going" Dustin whines and begs so you just let him grab your wrist and lead you to wherever you need to be.
Here you were standing behind Dustin with an annoyed face and crossed arms, "son of a bitch, you know you're really no help" Dustin says in an annoyed and frustrated tone as he walks off which left me standing in front of mr.wheeler, "you outta put soap in that boys mouth, he's too young to be using that typa language" he says as he points a disciplined finger at you, "wont happen again i swear, its just he gets it from his mother" you say politely as you also walk off and follow Dustin.
"are those for Mr and ms.wheeler?"
No?- HEY!"
You heard Dustin and Steve talking but then Steve goes quiet as he sees you not so far behind Dustin, "what is she doing here? And why are you wearing a skirt?" Steve asks as he points at you and looks you up and down, "I don't know what I'm doing here, he just dragged me along" you say while raising your arms and dropping them dramatically. "Do you still have the bat?" Dustin asks Steve which causes Steve to break his stare from you in a skirt, "what bat?" Steve asks still trying to process what's going on, "the one with the nails Steve!?" Dustin says as he gets frustrated at Steve for being slow. "Ye-yeah I have it, it's in the trunk, what do you need it for?" Steve asks as he slowly catches on to Dustin's attitude and he's not liking any bit of it. "I'll explain everything in the car, HURRY UP!" Dustin says growing even more frustrated at Steve's slow movements, "okay Jesus dude, wait hey get in the back" Steve stops Dustin before he can sit in the front, "wha-?" Dustin gets cut off by a hand pulling his shoulder, "you heard him now get in the back" you say as you push him aside and sit in the front seat but not without hearing Dustin grumble about something.
After Dustin explains what he needs us for, he also gets in a little argument with Steve for not believing him, "how do I know it's not a lizard?"
"yeah how do you know it's not a lizard?!"
"because it's face opens up and ate my cat!!" Dustin says loudly which causes you and Steve to go quiet not knowing what to exactly say to that. The silence gets too much for you so you decided to break it, "what were you doing at the wheelers with flowers?" You ask Steve while looking at him, "umm...I don't even know man" Steve says while avoiding eyes contact but you can read and see through Steve, you know he's lying, "don't tell me they're for Nancy" you say and the only response you got back was a quiet sigh, "oh dude I told you not to apologize to her, it's gonna make everything worse" you complain to Steve for his actions, "okay I'm sorry but one simple apology wouldn't hurt you know and I was a little bit of in the wrong!" Steve says while trying to defend himself, "except it might hurt", you say and although it does sound a little harsh, it's the only way that your words are able to go through Steve's small little brain. "Okay alright I get it but why are you in a skirt?" Steve asks in need of changing the subject so he doesn't look stupid in front of Dustin. "Oh um....I had a date" you say hesitantly, "oh really with who?" Steve asks wanting to know who the 'lucky guy' was, "...um... Aiden.." you say quietly but not quite enough for Steve to not hear, "AIDEN?! The one I play basketball with!?" Steve says very loudly just for clarification. "Yea but he seemed really nice and he was gonna pay for dinner tonight so I couldn't say no" you say trying to calm Steve down.
"oh my God that dudes a total meat head, Aiden T, we're talking about Aiden T right? The one that chews with his mouth open. THAT'S THE ONE YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH?!" Steve yells as he tries to make a point that Aiden just isn't the right guy, "yes Steve that Aiden and he doesn't chew with his mouth open, he just chews loudly" you say mostly to not change your perspective of Aiden, "he's nice to every girl, trust me when I say this but he's just not the guy that you think he is"
"Jesus Steve you're just saying that because you had beef with him in like 7th grade, you're gonna have to get over it you know"
"that is not the reason I don't want you going out with him okay, first of all he only washes his hair once a week and second he doesn't brush his teeth, all he eats is mint gum."
"blah blah blah, Steve I can't hear you!" You say as you try to end the argument with Steve. Aiden might not be the ideal guy but it would atleast be fun to just play with him you know. With you making noises to block out Steve and Steve trying to talk over your noises it has Dustin let out his opinion, "I thought you guys liked each other" Dustin says loud enough for you and Steve to go quiet, "omg not again." You let out a groan and roll your eyes, "what not again, what are you talking about Dustin?" Steve asks now wanting to know why it causes you with such a dramatic reaction. "I'm just saying..." ,
"Dustin don't say it-"
"I thought you guys liked each other or something I don't know" Dustin says while completely ignoring your attempts to stop him from letting out his opinion. "That's so stupid henderson you know that" Steve says which causes Dustin wanting to prove his point more, "it's not stupid actually, I mean everyone thought you guys liked each other. Steve is always protective with you, y/n and she always defends you when you're not around. " Dustin once again had everyone in the car go quiet, Steve kept looking over at you to see your reaction but it's kinda hard to read your facial expression if you're covering your whole face out of embarrassment.
Summer of 1985:
Dustin has practically called himself the match maker. With the conversation that you, Dustin, and Steve had back in fall, it kinda made you and Steve snap into the fact that you guys in fact like each other. Now with you and Steve together, you guys became inseparable. The kids found it cute for only a short time period until they kept walking in on you and Steve having alone time. Sometimes the kids would cockblock and join in on y'all's dates or sometimes they would call out of nowhere and ask for a pick up or drop off.
With Steve now working as an ice cream scooper at the new mall that just opened up, it was better for the kids to get through the movies without paying and today was one of those days. "Have a nice day" Steve calls out to the mom and her kid that just ordered ice cream before zooming to the back of the shop and telling Robin it's her break time. "Robin your turn to be up front I'm on break" Steve says frantically as he collapse his lips on your, "aw dude let me get out before you start making out..gross" Robin says as she walks out with a disgusted face.
"I missed you so much"
"you saw me an hour ago"
"I know, tell me about it" Steve says as he kisses all over your face which causes you to giggle and before Steve can kiss you on the lips again, y'all get disturbed by the sound of the bell on the front desk running non-stop. "Hey dinguses, your children are here" Robin calls out from the front also annoyed by the constant ringing of a bell. "Again seriously?" Steve says as he opens the little window of the shop to see the kids, "hi kids", you say in a cheery tone while popping your head out from behind Steve. You then open the back door for the kids to pass by and they all say hi to you before Mike makes a joke about your lipstick being smeared. "If anyone finds out-"
"we're dead!" The kids cut Steve off cause this isn't the first time that Steve tries to discipline the kids for how they're using Steve, "have fun" you say loud enough for the kids to hear, which they respond back with a wave to show that they heard you, "Jesus those kids are smart and all but they sure don't know how to say thank you" Steve says before walking back into the back room and sitting on the table, "they're just kids, they'll appreciate you one day" you say trying to cool down Steve from officially putting a stop to the kids ability of free movie access "I know but a little 'thank you Steve you're the best' wouldn't hurt you know" Steve says with a pout on his face, "aww don't get pouty now Stevie, they do say thank you just not to you" you tell Steve in a mocking baby voice and squeezing his cheeks as if he was a little boy. "Jesus stop" Steve says as he laughs a little.
Spring of 1986:
Nothing can compare to how you feel right now. With finding out that max is cursed, it completely has your whole blood run cold. The kids have dealt with multiple death experiences but this one is just max being on a thin line of death. It worries you to be honest, in fact it scares you. You don't wanna show that you're scared or freaking out cause you don't wanna scare the kids or Steve. So you try your best to keep it together for the sake of max and the kids.
Robin and Nancy are out getting information about this vecna creeps while you, Lucas, Steve, and Dustin are sat on the couch staring at the back of Max's head as she writes down God knows what. "I can feel y'all eyes boring into the back of my skull", max says which causes everyone to look away, you then started picking at your nails as if they needed to be fixed (they are doing perfectly fine). Max then walks in front of y'all with envelopes in her hands but no one looks at her in fear that they might make her uncomfortable with their stares, "you can look at me now" max says as if it was common sense, "thank you" "sorry" "yea sorry", was the response she got from them. She then hands everyone an envelope with their names on it but before she gave you your envelope, she hesitates and says thank you before giving it to you which leads to you being confused.
You and max both turn your heads when y'all hear the boys about to rip open the paper but completely stop when max tells them to. "Don't open it now, it's for later" max says quietly but that leads Lucas confused "later for what?" Lucas asks max, "just in case things don't end well or if I don't make it, I want y'all to read it until after" max says which causes you to feel sad and heartbroken and before you can say anything Lucas tells max that we're going to get through this together but that doesn't convince max, not after what she heard happened to the other people who were cursed just like her.
You zone out with your thoughts racing around your head until you see max walk towards Dustin's walkie talkie, "do you think this can reach till east Hawkins?", Max's question leads Steve to being confused, "why are we talking about east Hawkins?" Steve says while looking around but stops when he sees you have a sour expression on your face, this lets Steve know that it's another idea that he's gonna disapprove of, "oh no..no...No!" Steve says in an attempt to stop any new ideas to come in.
That didn't stop max as she speed walked out of the wheelers basement with everyone trying to catch up to her. Steve was practically running after her while complaining her ear off about not letting her go, "if you think I'm going to spend what is likely my last days in the armpit of Mike wheeler's basement then you're out of your mind" max says while still walking away from Steve (who looked back at you and the kids waiting for someone to butt in), "so you can either take me where I need to be or tie me down which is technically kidnapping of a minor and i swear to god steve if i live to see another day, i will prosecute" max stops Infront of Steve's car trying to open the door but seeing that it's locked, "open the door" max says demanding Steve "uh no" Steve says while still flabbergasted at max, "I know a good lawyer" max says while raising her eyebrows as if shes challenging Steve to go against her.
"woah okay let's calm down now guys" you finally step in. The kids practically walk all over Steve and it never usually ends with Steve's idea but instead it ends with the kids idea which is weird mostly knowing that Steve is older than them. With the kids knowing that they are able to take full control over Steve, it takes you to step in and put a stop to everything. "Alright let's talk about it and no one's calling any lawyers alright?", you say as you step in the middle of the little stating contest that max and Steve were having. "Max I totally understand where you're coming from but this is a life or death situation so we can't just wander around when your life is on the line. Okay I know that sounds bad but it's true and you're scared and we're all scared but I would rather prefer you staying in the Wheelers basement than leaving and going out in the public where anything can happen. So trust me when I say this but it's better to be safe than sorry" you finish your ramble as you step in front of Steve to show that your full attention is on max and that you're not taking anyone's side. Max doesn't say anything but instead she stares into your eyes. You don't wanna give in but staring into Max's eyes is like staring into a kicked puppy's eyes and you're currently trying not to give up but instead stand your ground. You couldn't stare into the eyes of a girl who you practically called a daughter and not feel guilty for not letting her go out on her (most likely) last days.
You close your eyes and let out a sigh then turn to Dustin, "Henderson...that super walkie talkie thing of your better reach to Penhurst" you say as you move to the other side of Steve's car and open the door to get in the front seat, "woah what!?!?" Steve says while being confused on how you went from going with him, to against him. "Babe I'm not on anyone's side alright just take her there and we'll come right back, promise" you say as you finally sit down in the front seat, "no one listens to me, THEY NEVER LISTEN TO ME!" Steve complains as he starts the car.
Everyone had one hell of a day. Everyone was rather overwhelmed or exhausted from the shit they saw, dealt, or heard in the last 12 hours. Everyone was ready to call it a day and go to sleep but with max almost dying there had to be someone watching her, even if she was asleep. You volunteered to go first mostly cause you weren't sleepy at knowing that max could've died in front of y'all in just the matter of minutes. You stayed up for God knows how long until you started getting sleepy so you tell Dustin to take over night watch he complained for a little bit until he went quite seeing that you were stressed out and tired.
You went asleep on a chair that was way too uncomfortable with Steve having his body lean on the chair that you were sleeping on. You were woken up by the sound of someone calling for Dustin, "hello Dustin?!? Earth to Dustin!!??" The voice was coming for Dustin's walkie talkie thing, you got up carefully to make sure you didn't hit Steve or anyone without making noise. "Hey its me y/n what happened?" You asked still half asleep, "oh thank God, hey uh you think you guys can make a food delivery, I mean unless y'all want me to go out there and-" Eddie gets cut off by you, "no don't do that, we'll come by sometime today" you say as you look around the room to make sure everyone is okay but your heart drops to your stomach as you see the couch empty. max is supposed to be asleep on the couch.
"...cause you know a 6 pack could really cool my nerves right now-" you once again cut Eddie off by telling him you have to go, "wait wait don't go wa-!" You shut off the walkie talkie thing and immediately went to wake up Dustin. "Dustin, Dustin!" You say try saying loud enough for only Dustin to hear while also shaking him awake. Dustin eventually wakes up confused and looking around trying to figure out why you're working him up. "What- what happened?"
"were you the last one to night watch!?"
"yea why?"
Then where is she?!" You say impatiently with Dustin not taking a hint about what you're trying to find out of him. "She's right there-....well she was right there just a second ago" Dustin says before taking a look at his watch "I swear I was only asleep for......an hour" Dustin says with a long pause which causes you to let out a frustrated groan with how reckless Dustin became. You grab Dustin's ear and drag him up the stairs in a rush due to the feeling of worry and panic since a lot can happen in just one hour. Relief washes over you and Dustin as you see max at the dining table with holly while listening to music and coloring. After reassuring Ms Wheeler that everything's okay, "you know I think it's so cute that you guys decide to stick together while everything's going on right now" Ms Wheeler says with a jolly tone that is so heartwarming but mr.wheeler makes a dry and rude remark that ended with me walking to max and Dustin asking for some food.
"may I?" Dustin asks as he moves closer toward the pile of freshly made pancakes, "of course go ahead, you guys know you're very much welcome here" Ms Wheeler says as she gives Dustin a clean plate for him to get breakfast, "of course you guys are like family" Dustin responds to Ms Wheeler while adding some pancakes onto his plate, "sure why dont you take for all we're worth" mr.wheeler says in a very much sarcastic tone but that encouraged dustin instead of stopping him. "Thank you" Dustin says with a gummy smile and adds more pancakes to his plate, "Dustin!" You call his name before he grabs another pair of pancakes but instead he takes out 2 pancakes from his plate and puts them back in the original pile after you give him a look to act right, "sorry about that, he gets that from his mother" you say while smiling sweetly at mr and ms.wheeler hoping that you innocent look makes Dustin's actions acceptable.
Dustin sat down and started eating his pancake with his hand which you completely gave a disgusted look and gave him a napkin and a fork that was near Holly's plate. While you and max discuss what she saw when she was in a trance at the graveyard then Dustin decided to butt in, "maybe you infiltrated his mind just like how he did with yours" with Dustin's statement it made you think how that is a possible answer, "like freddy Kruger's boiler room" Dustin mentions and it caused holly to wonder who freddy Kruger was, "he's this super burned up guy with knifes as hands, and he kills people in their dreams-" you cut dustin off from continuing, "Dustin...she's a kid" you say the last part through gritted teeth and gave him a look to cut it out, "it's a movie, he's not real" Dustin says after looking at you for approval to make sure that his excuse to not scare holly was good enough.
Two days later:
Everyone came back alive but mostly injured really badly. With max in the most critical condition Lucas didn't help the wheeler family pack up as he preferred staying at the hospital with max. Everyone evacuated Hawkins so people started packing their stuff up and leaving as fast as they could. You and everyone else were helping put boxes in Nancy's car when Ms Wheeler said something made you and Dustin perk up, "who ordered pizza?" You and Dustin looked up real fast mostly out of hunger but also out of confusion. Y'all see a pizza truck honk and pull up in front of y'all then see El, Mike, Will, and Jonathan get out of the car.
El runs into your arms as you start tearing up with joy. You then break the hug and look at El fully and correctly to see that she looks different from the last time you saw her, "oh my God what happened to your hair", you say while laughing to prevent your tears spilling out your eyes, "what happened to your face?" El says with a both worry and joking tone, "some type of monster beat my ass" you say laughing and going back to hugging El.
Steve was watching from afar with the most cheeky smile spread across his face. Seeing how happy you are when you're around the kids even if you don't say it often but you love them and you would do anything for them to be happy. With Steve seeing how welcoming and happy you are with the kids, it gets him excited about his future with you.
Request me more ideas and I hope you enjoyed it.
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trutrustories · 7 months
Part 2: Breaking Brad
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining)
Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta.
I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.)
Okay, Check-list, ep 2:
11) matching suits part 1 THIS ⬇️ costume department did a great job and they look badass together also, they´re walking very close to each other.
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12) Loki defending /saving Mobius from Brad (with magic!) also, Mobius, dear, (my beloved) you were really going for it! Always so ready to fight! I can´t xD
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Loki "don´t u dare hurt him" Laufeyson, look at his face!
13) Mobius and Loki struggling to assemble IKEA furniture- sorry Tapmad together
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14) " And he knows..." I mean yeah, sure. keep remind us, that Mobius knows everything about Loki, and saw him at his worst, so we can appreciate even more the fact, that Mobius likes him and cares for him so damn much 💚🤎
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15) Loki finding Mobius´s joke amusing Mobius: cracking joke right after Loki´s threatening speech:
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16) Loki being very concerned for Mobius after his outburst, saying that It´s okay, and then suggests having pie because he knows Mobius so well and is avare of the fact, that his man is stress eater I´m gonna cry they´re too pure for MCU someone adopt them
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17) Bickering like married couple (part 2) 18) The whole freaking pie scene!
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Just them, sharing calm, intimate moment together
Mobius opening up to Loki, and admiting he "lost it"
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Loki trying to make him feel better and absolutely KILLING IT! btw, I know, that some people think, this scene doesn´t make sense, because Loki didn´t "lost it" during avengers, but was controlled by mind stone, etc.... well I think that it actually doesn´t matter. Guess what else doesn´t make sense? For example the fact, that they already talked about Loki fighting Avengers ( during their first meeting.) Loki is aware, that Mobius saw New York invasion at least twice now, and he´s telling him anyway. I would say, that point here is Loki trying to lift Mobius´s spirit, entertain him, make him smile. Why else woud he start his monolog by "remember, when...?" And I think, that this is huge, actually: Loki, using his bad memory, defeat, his humulianting experience to make Mobius feel better. So not only, that we see, he no longer care about being rurel but we see him making lightly fun of it FOR MOBIUS´S SAKE! He has different priorities now... our immortal god is a grown man now... it´s just so fucking beautiful... 🥺
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Also Mobius saying to Loki: "come on, you´re the God of Mischief" Like it´s a best thing in the world, and Loki gives him THIS LOOK! (I mean that head tilt would be considered "acting" category, but I´m already making concessions by including all these things under one number :D
19) Loki and Mobius: mischievous duo
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Mobius trusts him so completly!
They both such a drama queens!
And they works so well together!
like... seriously, Brad didn´t see this coming, AT ALL! xD
also... Loki complimenting his plan?!
20) "They say opposites attract. NO." Mobius´s wishfull thinking xD (But hey, it IS true. Opposites attracts. And works greatly together. That´s the only reason, why, for example, trope like grumpy one/sunshine one is so popular!) I can´t! just look at his face 🤣 Oh honey! just calm down
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He is sooooooo NOT chill here xD bless him
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21) Loki, not following Sylvie, but actually staying with Mobius and comforting him. AGAIN. (which is an absolutely glaring contrast compared to episode 2 in first season!)
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nonbinarylesbianherb · 9 months
just a rant about Jinx from arcane—
The way people separate jinx compared to her younger self powder is something i never fully understood or agreed with myself. Whilst her pre and her after trauma are very different characters, to me they are still synonymous. I’m sure jinx thinking back on her childhood probably feels so far away to who she is now, but she is still deep down powder.
In the same way powder is deep down jinx.
Jinx existed before episode 3.
I agree when people say they see elements of powder in jinx, but something I also see are elements of jinx in powder.
When I say elements of Jinx in powder, I imagine giving a name to the already existing insecurities Powder had.
Powder felt she was falling behind, her friends would say she was a setback to them, a jinx, bad-luck. Her creations never worked, always managed to mess up, she never felt fully capable.
Her insecurities of not feeling good enough, that she was setup for failure, even if she tried so hard to succeed, that was the start of Jinx.
Something my therapist recommended I do is to name the part of me that has all these negative thoughts and ideas. Name it something other than my own name to separate it from myself. So that when I notice these things I can say that’s not me, I won’t listen to you, we’re not the same, you don’t control me.
But it is me, it is. And I know that. (side note- there’s nothing wrong with that. You make up yourself, and so do your own insecurities, whilst they are bad, they are still you. This strategy works for some people, to seperate, but from my own perspective for myself, I cannot separate it fully, because to me that is still me, and I recognise that.)
In the same way Powder is jinx, and jinx is powder. They are the same, whilst they may walk different paths, they are always connected.
Jinx is powders insecurities, doubts, sadness, grief, etc.
Jinx has always been there.
The thing is, Vi was also always there too. To counter those thoughts and ideas, to stand up for powder if she did not stand up for herself.
So for the very person that was stopping you from falling too far into yourself, to blame you and call you everything you’ve ever feared of being. Of course it’s a breaking point.
And I think Vi leaving her, and her only having Silco now made it worse. She fully embraced herself, and whilst it’s good that silco embraced jinx and loved her as she was, he also enabled her.
People say the last episode is when Powder is truly “gone” and all that’s left is Jinx, but I don’t see it that way.
Vi is looking for powder, trying to get to powder, but she doesn’t realise that they aren’t individual anymore, its all the same person.
I think Jinx sees Vi trying to do this and feels hurt, because to her Vi doesnt want her, she wants powder, just powder, even though theres never been a just powder. And by now, Jinx has grown and changed, whilst she is still powder, she cannot take away her trauma. That is something that will always live with her, Jinx is something that will always be there.
I do believe Vi can love Jinx, can recognise jinx as powder and powder as jinx, but Vi will not enable Jinx like Silco had, and to Jinx, that feels like rejection.
Anyway I dont know if any of this even makes sense this is my 2am rambles. This is my personal opinion and how I view it, not everyone thinks the same as this and thats fine
gonna give her lots lots lots of hugs because god knows what s2 has prepared for her
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kimberellaroo · 5 months
I have a theory on why Crowley might not have told Aziraphale what he experienced in heaven, both during the hellfire execution I S1 and the files he saw about Gabriel and the second coming in S2.
Crowley is protective of Aziraphale, we know that he keeps coming to the rescue and bailing him out of trouble. We also know he's said that Aziraphale is just enough of a bastard to be likeable and we've seen him all gleeful when Aziraphale does something a little bit bad. But I'm pretty certain that his protective streak also extends to protecting Aziraphale's innocence a little from just how bad Heaven is.
Aziraphale has had a long run of either getting off scot-free, getting away with lying to God, and at worst receiving a "sternly worded note", basically just a reprimand. He knows Crowley goes through a lot worse in Hell, but that is hell of course. They're the bad guys. His attempts to protect Crowley are protecting Crowley from hell. Crowley also is very aware that hell are cruel so we can leave that aside for now.
The situation with heaven is more like this:
Imagine you have a group of friends that you trust, you've been close forever, maybe since childhood, practically family. They can be a bit bitchy to outsiders, but you're part of the group. As far as you know, they love you. Then one day while you're not there, your partner hears what these friends actually say about you behind your back and it's horrifically cruel. Things your partner knows will hurt you pretty bad. Your partner has to try to work out how to let you know that these aren't good friends, that you should cut ties with them, without wanting to repeat the hurtful things that could devastate you. Also if you believe your friends more than your partner, if you decided your partner was just trying to drive a wedge between you and your friends or isolate you, there's a risk you fight with your partner and break up about it.
Crowley is this partner. I think that he's trying to say "trust me, heaven is toxic" hoping that Aziraphale trusts him enough to believe it without having to go into detail. Meanwhile Aziraphale doesn't have the context to properly believe how bad it is, and Crowley isn't giving it to him. It's not the best way to go about it, even though Crowley means well.
I also think that as the demon, as the person who has gone through torture and abuse, part of Crowley is determined to carry the burden of this knowledge alone to protect Aziraphale from any of that. He's had practice after all, that means he's tougher right? He may think he's better able to handle it.
Because of all this, while Aziraphale obviously knows heaven punished "him" (body swapped Crowley) after the failed Armageddon, he may believe that heaven treated it like an unpleasant duty that they had to do, because he never saw and wasn't told about how much smug pleasure Gabriel took in doing it, and how he would have encouraged others to humiliate him (Eric the demon in the deleted scene). Did Crowley even tell him that it was meant to be an execution and not a lecture? There was nothing said about it on the park bench afterwards. Aziraphale knows execution was what Hell had planned for Crowley, but as we've already established, Hell is cruel. He may believe that Heaven only smites demons and sometimes humans (because angels don't seem to really understand humans), never their own angels. As far as we've seen, Crowley and Aziraphale have never had a serious talk about how and why Crowley was cast from Heaven, how that took place, who was involved in the casting out. It could be that Crowley has protected him from that info too. It could be that Aziraphale forgets a little that demons were once angels too, or again, thinks it was done as an unpleasant duty.
Of course Crowley's determination not to share the hurtful information backfires spectacularly in a number of ways:
Aziraphale does not have the information and context needed to see the real danger towards himself and treats Crowley like he's overreacting. Crowley hasn't shared the tools that allow Aziraphale to protect himself.
Not knowing all this means that Aziraphale forces Crowley into contact with an abuser, even if it's one with a personality change. That puts a lot more pressure on an already burdened Crowley.
I think that Crowley trying to bear the burden himself starts to weigh on him. His efforts to protect Aziraphale from heaven are unappreciated by Aziraphale because Aziraphale is clueless that he's even doing it. When he finds Aziraphale has been sheltering Gabriel I think part of his reaction is to how ungrateful Aziraphale seems to be, as well as the feeling taken for granted and that Aziraphale doesn't trust him enough that he's gone back to that metaphorical cruel friend. He explodes, and then is exhausted by it all. Aziraphale demanding an apology dance from him and being smug about it makes it worse, but I think he does it to keep the peace because he doesn't want to leave Aziraphale to deal with the threat of Gabriel and Heaven alone.
I know all this kind of makes Aziraphale sound like a bit of jerk while Crowley is all self-sacrificing, but if Aziraphale's jerkier actions are from genuine ignorance and Crowley's self-sacrificing is misguided thinking he knows what's best for Aziraphale, it kind of evens out. Neither of them are seeing what they have as an equal partnership at this point. Both of them are trying to protect the other from the other's ex-employers and think they are right. We've already established that crappy communication skills form the basis for a lot of their problems. It's not healthy at all and there's definitely ways they could deal with it better, but they are both messy flawed people acting according to feelings.
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tickle-bugs · 3 months
Stupid in Love
Summary: Nick Miller is completely, 100% normal about all things Jessica Day. Including her smile, her laugh--ah, fuck. He's doomed. NickJess ft. pining!Nick
Anon: I just saw you write for New Girl! I am in my yearly rewatch of the show so I am so happy you write for it! Maybe the loft gang and CeCe can be playing a game of true American and somehow during the game it comes out that Jess is incredibly ticklish. Everyone is too focused on the game to use it to their advantage at the moment, but nick remembers and maybe later when him and Jess are together, he decided to test his new found knowledge and see just how ticklish Jess really is.
While this isn’t set during a particular episode, I was thinking HEAVILY about s2 ep15, Cooler. One of the greatest episodes of the whole show, hands down. I just wanted to write pining Nick tbh.
True American is the best goddamn game ever invented. It defines a man at his core level. Everything that’s ever mattered to Nick is on the line in this game. His dignity, his pride, his dignity…
He honestly can’t remember what they’re playing for. Something involving the sink. Or a drink? Unclear, but irrelevant. Nick is the king of an aluminum can palace and his citizens will thrive under his leadership. This is his birthright. 
They’re playing True American: Catan Edition tonight. Each player defends their own small nations and attempts to crush the others, throwing their leaders to the molten lava below. It’s the smartest thing Winston’s ever come up with. 
“Duel for my amusement,” Nick slurs, waving his paper towel roll scepter around. The cardboard crown on his head slips down over his eyes. Cece blows a raspberry at him. He lobs a balled-up piece of paper at her. 
Jess plays a fanfare into her backup kazoo—Schmidt threw away her main one—and draws angry eyebrows onto the smiley face of her country’s flag. A declaration of war. 
Sober Jess is all for political progress and human rights, but Drunk Jess? Maniacal, power-hungry, and so very hot.
Focus, Miller. 
“Two, four, six, eight! Who do we appreciate?” Jess climbs onto one of the kitchen chairs and puts a colander on her head. A warrior’s helm. Nick smiles at her. 
In their corner of the living room, Winston and Schmidt whisper furiously. At some point in the last hour, Winston had ascended to Grand Advisor of Schmidt’s Creek. Schmidt had lost the ability to speak after can number two, when Cece had flirted him out of all of his natural resources and a third of his land. Nick had been trying to think of how to poach Winston to Nicklandia, but he couldn’t think of a plan that didn’t involve saying ‘please’ until he passed out. 
“Schmidt’s Creek will not challenge today!” Winston crushes his beer can against Schmidt’s forehead. Schmidt doesn’t even blink.
“Ruth Gader Binsburg! I challenge your weird little colony, Jess,” Cece shouts, messily hopping onto the chair next to Jess. They start some combination of swatting at each other and clutching on for dear life. Schmidt looks up at Cece like a drunk, lovesick puppy. Nick rolls his eyes.
Thank god he doesn’t look like that.
Does he look like that?
Shit. He’s missing the game. 
“Yeah? Guess what—” Jess knocks her knuckles against the colander helmet, winces, and then points at Cece— “I’m the Queen of England, bitch.” 
Nick’s not sure what’s elapsed in the apparently three years since he was last paying attention, but he knows by the way that Cece gasps that someone’s dying on the living room and/or kitchen floor tonight. Jess cackles and puts her hands on her hips. They start yelling, but even if they’re saying real human words, which he’s pretty sure they’re not, he’s not processing it. Jess looks so stupid in that little holey hat—someone should invent a word for that thing—and she’s adorable. 
Nick leans his cheek on his palm and smiles wider. Does she know her nose scrunches when she’s annoyed? 
Nick leans a little too far and loses his balance. Half of his aluminum fortress tumbles down. When he looks back up, Jess and Cece haven’t budged. Or blinked. Cece squints at Jess and it’s clear the conversation has ascended to psychic levels that even Drunk Nick can’t access. He tries though. Mostly gives himself a headache. 
Something in their eye conversation must shift, because Cece gets this look on her face. Like pure, concentrated mischief. The aura off of her is so powerful that everyone scoots back a bit. Cece starts stretching and cracking her knuckles. 
“Waitwaitwait, Cece, you don’t have to do this.” Jess holds her hands up in immediate surrender, but she’s smiling hard enough to brighten the room. A little nervous giggle picks up in the back of her throat and she starts to turn pinker than the boxed rosé that forms her section of the living room. 
“Oh, but I do. Surrender. Now.” Cece points to the floor. Which is lava. Cruel way to go. 
Jess looks at her best friend with the kind of profound resignation only possible when piss drunk. She sighs deeply, staring at the floor…
And then launches herself at Cece with a war cry. 
Cece doesn’t even flinch. She catches Jess, smirks, and starts tickling her sides with vicious precision. Jess lets out a giggly shriek and crumples, sinking right down into the lava. The colander tumbles off of her head and rolls into Nick’s fortress. 
The sound worms itself into Nick’s brain, taking up residence alongside all the other little Jess things that drive him nuts. It distracts him hard enough that by the time Winston arises as Supreme Leader of the Loft, Nick can’t even trace the path of his defeat. 
Even when sobriety beats them over the head the next morning, Nick can remember nothing but the sweet music of Jess’s laugh. And the shape of her smile. 
God he’s hopeless. 
The slow march of the week brings some relief in the sense that a) Nick remembers that he really doesn’t do the whole ‘feelings’ thing and b) alcohol makes anyone look like an angel walking the earth. He is a grown ass man and Jess is an annoying little craft goblin. He can be normal. She’s normal. No need to get worked up over her.
“You look like Mr. Rogers’s grumpy cousin.” Jess snickers, fiddling with the sleeve of Nick’s hideous cardigan. 
“You done? You finished?” He pulls his sleeve away from her. It’s really Schmidt’s, which she very well knows. Nick’s only wearing it because Schmidt’s being weird about Cece again, and the only way to survive that is to bend to his will. Schmidt’s already dehydrated himself twice this week trying to show off his muscles more, Nick doesn’t want to add to that by making the guy cry. He’d never stop.
Jess, however, doesn’t seem to understand the magnitude of this manly sacrifice. She’s too busy laughing at him. 
“Mmmm, no, I don’t think I am. You look like a Muppet.” She pinches his cheek. He rolls his eyes. 
“Well, that’s just a compliment.” 
“No, no. You look like the bird. The bird with the eyebrows—“ Jess pauses as her giggles overtake her— “You look like Sam the Eagle.” 
Jess folds over into his shoulder with laughter and smacks his chest. The warmth of it almost distracts him from the comment. 
“Yeah, laugh it up, Jess. C’mere—“ He drags her across the couch by the ankle and latches onto her sides. She makes that adorable sound again, that giggly shriek, and flails like a worm on a hook. She tries to push his face away. He swats her hands aside like it’s nothing. When reaches for him again—futile, really—he snatches her wrists in one hand, pins them down, and tickles with the other. 
Her whole face burns. He chooses to ignore it for both of their sakes. 
“Let me know when you’re ready to apologize. Take your time.” He does a little pinchy thing with his fingers and Jess lets out a high-pitched mess of syllables. She throws her head back and cackles, arching up into him. 
“Hmm, yeah, see none of that sounded like ‘You’re the best, Nick Miller’. Try again.” He pokes all over her torso, fast and wild. He lets go of her and adds his other hand into the mix. Every time she tries to talk, he speeds up, making her laugh at his silliness along with his hands. She kicks her legs and lets out a little giggly growl. Nick smiles so wide his cheeks hurt. 
“Nick!” She grabs his wrists but doesn’t stop him. His stomach flips. She’s so overwhelming. 
“That’s my name.” He skitters his fingers up her ribs to distract himself from the lump in his throat. 
Jess flails and nearly takes them both off the couch and into the next life. Nick catches himself before he collapses on top of her, but it puts their faces mere inches apart. The space of a breath. He can see the faint freckles across her nose, all brought forth by the pink flush down her cheeks and neck. As she catches her breath, lips parted, her laughter simmers low in her chest. He brushes her hair out of her face. His hand lingers on her cheek. 
Her eyes crinkle when she smiles. Does she know that? 
Nick gets the deep, burning urge to kiss her senseless. To download all these embarrassing, vulnerable thoughts from his brain to hers. To show her how deep this goes. To drink of her like the wine at restaurants he can never afford. 
No. Not like this. She deserves better than this.
Than him.
He starts to pull away, awkwardly clearing his throat. Jess surges forward and Nick’s stupid little monkey brain gleefully claps its hands together, shouting this is it! It’s happening! Nick’s brain activity screeches to a halt. He stares at her mouth and freezes. 
Jess flips them over and starts tickling his ears like some kind of insane supervillain. 
“No! Jessica!” He turtles and attempts to fling himself to safety. All he accomplishes is hanging off the back of the couch, leaving his knees in reach of Jess’s evil nails—
One day he will be smart about Jessica Day, but he concedes that it won’t be today. But as she destroys him and Schmidt’s stupid, hopefully inexpensive cardigan, he secretly hopes the day never arrives. 
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moonoftiamat · 6 months
✨recap of sotcn s2 so far✨
> remmao mutilates (cuts off tongue and fingers) his priest "friend" from the temple who made eva and rame's necro comission possible just so he has no way of ratting them out
> in order to distract the hunters he also betrays dia and hands her over to them - she then is tortured and interrogated and later executed
> livius finds out eva is a shesmu but doesn't plan on betraying her, he wants to help instead so she tells him the whole truth
> amen already knows about everyone who is a shesmu (is not so sure about eva but dia never betrays her) and he's using them to get to the elders - she confirms remmao and ramesses are shesmu although he already knew that
> he's also specifically after remmao (who apparently is like a shesmu celebrity??)
> remmao finds out about amen threatening ramesses and him opening his mouth and beats him up to teach him a lesson
> likely not the first time and rame still loves him and doesn't wanna go against him cause he's too dangerous
> dia manages to send eva a message about amen knowing everything
> rame warns eva that remmao is gonna betray her and blame something on her so the hunters catch her (if they're dating he'll wanna run away with her)
> ash is actually the god set and eva is his "payment" for some deal her mother stroke with him - now he basically owns her and is making her do stuff for him
> also on that eva and rame were meant to get caught and killed on the temple but he intervened so that wouldn't happen
> aaand he implies he's the one who mistakenly killed isman
> remmao then invites eva to his house at night (creepy house btw) where they are alone and smiles mischievously (she may or may not have a knife to defend herself)
✨the end✨
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journey-to-the-attic · 5 months
one thing i've noticed about obey me's story is that it generally delivers on big dramatic narrative moments, but often neglects the surrounding scenes and especially the fallout. there is of course, the oft-talked-about lesson 16, feat. mc's death that never gets brought up again, but then there's also s2's amnesia arc, which ends things with "mc has the ring so everything is completely fine forever"
om has a habit of doing this, where a realm-wide (or heck, universe-wide) problem is hand-waved away by the appearance of a convenient fix-it, which is usually either an object or just ~magic~ (magic as a plot device in om in general is handled poorly but that's a story for another day)
in some cases they just don't address the fallout at all. at least belphie talks about what he did in lesson 16 - but, see nb s2, wherein levi floods the entire devildom, submerging entire houses, and they don't bring it up again afterwards. as far as i remember too, belphie's mini-arc in this season wasn't really given room to breathe, either
but here's the main thing (spoilers for nb lessons 38 and 39)
i've just done these two lessons and in hindsight lucifer's mini-arc feels like a lot of missed potential
honestly they could have excluded diavolo entirely - his main purpose was to stall for time so that the brothers could show up. the moment where he kneels was cool (more on that moment later), but the way they've written him in means that the angels kinda. don't get to do anything? at all?
look - raphael has a gorgeous character moment at the end of 37 where he cries for the brothers' plight. like you don't understand this had so much potential!!! he didn't really do much in s1 (and might not have actually been himself??) so i was hoping this would be his chance to shine, but instead he's on the sidelines. simeon gets the most to do, and even then it's really not much. luke doesn't do anything, unless you count those blessings he and simeon give mc, but they don't really factor in at all??
what especially doesn't make sense about diavolo's role here is that lucifer turns on mc after they step in to protect him. this is meant to be a pay-off to diavolo's less savoury motivation for saving the brothers, revealed in his arc in nb s1, but all lucifer does is say it, get mad, then completely forgets about it once all is said and done
if that's all they were going to do with it, why bring it up at all? from a character standpoint, it makes more sense for mc to shield one of the angels - again, raphael this could've been your moment. (alternatively it could've been a call-back to the og s1 where mc shields luke in the underground tomb)
the appearance of the brothers was welcome, but at the same time i don't quite buy that they all got out of their respective predicaments completely fine. (also where did mephistopheles go??) lucifer also calms down very quickly, which is a great moment for the power of family, but at the same time i feel like he would've needed at least a few more dialogue boxes of him registering through his rage that his brothers were there. eh, this is more nitpicky than everything else
the brotherly moment was 10/10 though. love these guys <3
but i hated the final resolution so so much. sure, have god forgive him, whatever. but why would you end it all with a "papa loves you"???? if it had been raphael or simeon saying it, maybe i could get behind this as a symptom of the celestial realm's unhealthy society, but LUCIFER, whose greatest fear was revealed to be his father in s3 of the original story?
om has never made it seem like god's relationship with the angels was anything other than controlling and borderline abusive, and for some reason (if the poignant flashback is anything to go by) they've done a complete heel turn into "actually it's fine because he loves the angels". it could be read as representing how children often still cling to abusive/controlling parents, but i doubt it - especially coming from lucifer, who started a war and lost a sister in direct opposition to his father
and i get the whole deal with "lucifer was so beautiful as an angel" but it feels really disingenuous to the brothers' arc (about settling into the devildom and coming into their own as demons) to harp on about it. like, fuck that, have lucifer cast away the angel form, or at least have some pushback from him in the aftermath. have mc tell him "you're even more beautiful as a demon" or something
then in lesson 39 everything's back to normal. it's a very cute lesson and i had fun in the moment, but it feels off. there's no discussion of what happened, everyone's completely fine. there's got to be some psychological after-effects to all of that, no? for lucifer especially if not the brothers who got frozen as well???
though lucifer's dragon gift was very sweet. i can't stay mad at that old man
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izzysillyhandsy · 8 months
How I learned to stop being angry and love the Death Scene (for now)
This may be a controversial take, but I've come to the conclusion that Izzy's death scene maybe wasn't badly written after all.
There is one big aspect of this scene that I really love: it was 100% in character for Izzy AND Ed (and everyone else too) at that point in their story.
BUT it only works if we are not expected to believe that 1. this was in any way a happy ending for any of them and 2. that this arc is finished.
If Izzy stays dead permanently, his death and the way it happened, what was said and notably what wasn't, was tragic for everyone involved - especially Ed - and we should feel bad about it. This isn't an uplifting scene of closure for either Izzy or Ed, and it is totally understandable that most Izzy fans were crushed by it (and Ed fans, even those who don't like Izzy, should be too!).
If there is no possibility that anyone, in any way, can talk to Izzy ever again and (in Ed's case) clean up the mess between them - then this is not a comedy any more. It's a tragedy. And it should be treated as such by the show and the creators (and this might be where disappointment lies waiting).
The death scene by itself though was fitting, if we look at where Ed and Izzy are on their character arcs at the end of S2. It played out exactly as I'd have expected.
Izzy - All about Eddie
The main problem I (and many others) had with Izzy's death scene is that it is all about Ed.
Izzy is apologizing for everything that happened, including Ed cutting his fuckin' leg off. He is reassuring Ed that he wants to go, it's ok, no need to be sad. He encourages Ed to be soft, emotional, himself. He tells him that his biggest fear, being unloveable to anyone except Izzy, isn't real - he has a family now.
And, now that I've had time to think about it, I realized: YES this is exactly what Izzy would do.
All of S2 was about Izzy breaking the chain, but until the end it was still all about Ed for him (because it's not as easy as cutting off a rotten leg, unfortunately). Izzy would make his last moments about Ed, trying to do as much good as possible in the short time he had left. Or, trying to undo as much of what he thought he'd done wrong.
And I really don't want to take away from Izzy's accomplishments and character growth in S2. He'd come so far already! After years and years of singleminded devotion and love he'd finally realized that their form of entanglement was destructive.
Izzy broke up with Ed in Ep2 - and it almost killed him both of them. He started to look for meaning outside of his relationship with Ed, rediscovering aspects of himself that had long been buried and forgotten. He began, tentatively, to form bonds to members of the crew and put himself out there, away from Ed's side, away from being Ed's voice and Ed's hands, ruled by Ed's emotions.
But there wasn't enough time: still, everything he did was, in one way or another, at least partly about Ed.
Whittling - a Blackbeard metaphor Training Stede - "What did he say about me specifically" La vie en rose - a love song about "the one" and promises for life Hiya boys - oh my god he's trying so hard here but this is killing him, isn't it Bonding with Stede at Jackie's - "He's a complicated man" The Ricky monologue - so much passion behind every word, not getting what you want, letting go of ego for something larger - the whole speech was (at least partly) about Ed
(I believe the first Ricky monologue about belonging is more about Ed than the crew and I know this is not a popular take. Still, for me it makes sense because this is how Izzy felt for decades. I don't think he has shaken that mindset yet - give up your ego, your own dreams and personality for something larger - Ed&Izzy or Blackbeard. When he says "he crew" it feels like a bit of an afterthought - there is a pause.)
So, at the end of S2, Izzy is not over Ed at all - he's deeply hurt, feels incredibly guilty (unreasonably so!) and is repressing a lot of what happened.
He's still so entangled with Ed - if this is his last chance to make things right, he will.
And as much as I would have loved seeing Izzy dying surrounded by his loving family, he wasn't there yet. Not as long as Ed was around. And I think the crew understood. They understood Izzy more then he understood himself at one point ("You're in a toxic relationship with Blackbeard"). They understood what he was going through, and they gave him space to say goodbye to the man he had loved for his whole life.
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Izzy died how he lived - all wrapped up in Eddie. And at this point in his life, I wouldn't have expected anything else.
Ed - All about us, you and Me
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I love the symbolism of these 2 frames - while Izzy's bloody hand is entangled in Ed's hair until death (and beyond), Ed's bloody hand is putting a distance between Izzy and everyone else but himself.
I wonder how Ed would have taken it if it had been the other way round - if Izzy had found himself a Stede at the start of S1.
I think not well is an understatement.
Even though Ed seems constantly annoyed by Izzy in S1 (and violently destructive towards him in S2), at no point did I get the impression that he actually wanted Izzy to leave, for Izzy to love him less intently or be less devoted.
But, it wasn't very much about Izzy as a person, or Izzy's happiness, or their shared happiness anymore. I think Ed saw himself and Izzy as "together forever, us two against the world", but without putting any work in or pausing to think how Izzy was actually feeling (and I am 100% sure that Ed knew how much Izzy loved him and how little love he got in return).
But being with Izzy was Ed's whole life, they were two halves of the same whole, and Ed even kinda expected Izzy to stay around after he fell in love with Stede ("We could have worked this out!") and didn't really think about how this never, ever could have worked out for the kind of relationship they were having (this is how Steddyhands... was so compelling actually).
So is it any wonder that, in Izzy's last moments on earth, Ed wants to have him all to himself? He sends Stede away. He signals the crew to stay (waaayy) back. He cradles Izzy in his arms, his back to the crew and everyone else who loved him.
And although, at the start, he tries to get a word in (to apologize back, to tell him he's forgiven) - Izzy dies without hearing anything that wasn't directly related to Ed and Ed's feelings.
Ed never tells him he loves him. He doesn't tell him how much Izzy will be missed for himself and not for what he could do for Ed. How important he was to Ed all those years.
The only thing Izzy gets from Ed before he dies is "You can't go. You can't leave me. Please! You're my only family."
What will happen to Ed? You can't do this to Ed! Ed has noone else! And as sad as this is, it is in character for him at this point in his life.
Ed is fundamentally a very self-centered (and self-hating) person, and his journey towards change had just begun with his death and rebirth. And just like Izzy, he would have needed much more time to grow (although Izzy'd gotten much, much further than Ed).
At Calypso's birthday, I think for the first time in forever, Ed saw Izzy as his own person, someone who he could actually love apart from this Ed-Izzy union they had going for so long. But only a few days (I guess?) later, Izzy dies.
So, at the end of S2, Ed still sees Izzy as "his" to a degree, sees him as one half of "us". He almost expects Izzy's last words to be about him (or them) and doesn't yet see Izzy as his own person, with his own feelings and ties to other people who might have wanted to say goodbye as well.
For Ed, Izzy died how he lived - wrapped up in Ed and Ed keeping everyone else away. Talking about himself only in relation to Ed. Izzy as a part of Ed that's vital and needed - but not itself in need of words of solace or other people's love (or any love, period).
At this point in Ed's and Izzy's life, the death scene and how it was written/acted is perfect, in my opinion. But for the characters, it's incredibly tragic.
Izzy never got what he wanted most - Ed's love. He died believing almost his whole life was a mistake, keeping Ed from his true self for far too long and destroying him in the process. In the end, the crew who had unconditionally loved and accepted him, stood at a distance, and the man he still loved over anyone and anything else never told Izzy what he meant to him - and now he never will.
Ed was absolved of his guilt and maybe, in the moment, he even believed it. But of course everything that happened in S2, and everything before that, wasn't (only) Izzy's fault and in the future, Ed has to deal with that. Only now there is no Izzy here to work it through with, and to make amends, no one who was there for it all and who knows parts of Ed best. When Ed finally realizes what Izzy meant to him, it will be too late.
So, if we get a S3 and nothing is ever made of all of this, if Izzy is really dead and the Ed/Izzy dynamic is done and dealt with, then it was bad writing (and I am so afraid that will actually happen).
But as it stands, I'm beginning to love the scene for what it is: a tragic, consistent ending for two characters that I love deeply.
But please don't tell me this was a kind ending.
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