#i only copied the link to download it without actually opening the yt
nightwussy · 24 days
in lieu of joost being disqualified for no reason im posting his semi final performance so u don’t have to give the ebu any views
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ano-kya · 3 months
(Repost because i couldnt find it on my acc tags)
(WINDOWS OS ONLY [though i doubt its much different on other os')
Tired of these "Youtube to mp3" sites looking sketchy?
Or maybe the download limits and speed on these sites?
Well, if you have a computer, you can also just use the actual thing that every one of these sites actually use-
and even if you dont know much about the terminal or command prompt you can download videos easily without limitation (except your download speed)
First, a tutorial for how to actually download the thing, since the github site may be difficult to navigate thru:
Click on the releases (the version name may not have the same name)
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then download this
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once that's downloaded, move it to a more easily accessible directory, for example, i have it stored under the simple directory of "C:\Music"
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(simply clicking on the .exe will not do anything, you have to tell the .exe what to do directly)
Now onto the harder part (not really):
Go in directory of where you have the .exe, right-click (not on the .exe but in the empty space), and select "Open in terminal"
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now all you have to do is copy this: yt-dlp.exe -x --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0
and paste the link to the video or playlist that you want to download into a .mp3 and let the program do the rest
and you're done!!! ;3
wasn't that hard was it?
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greencharisard · 4 years
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I promise I'm still working on that pokemon project, but it's a pokemon-trainer set of 6 of a 'mon that's very detailed so it's taking a lot of time, and I ended up artblocked.
The first pick was the first thing I did after almost a week of not drawing, what happened is roughly this:
- Was still working on-and-off on the pokemon pic set, and a new TLK one.
- Re-downloaded Steam for some reason I can't remember.
- Found out Spore is in there with all three packs  and on sale (base game+creepy & cute+ galactic adventures)
- caved and bought it cuz it's been years and I wanted the third pack and a convinient way to access it that wasn't a 10+ y/o disc/code I've used a million times on 5 or 6 PCs.
- Played it for 3 days or so, including a day were I completely messed up my PC by tampering with the core folders (went back to normal now THANK GOD) and played switch games for that day.
- Spent another half day after fixing my PC making an EA account to have a proper acc on Spore itself (had to go forum digging, it's a mess). Then played Spore more.
- In all of this watched one HK meme video and stated getting a bajillion of them in my YT recommendeds.
- Played a bunch of switch games for a day trying to stay away from Spore and start drawing (failed).
- Decided to start playing HK again at piss off o'clock in the evening. Still couldn't get past Hornet in Greenpath.
- Next morning finally beat boss 2 and open up a MASSIVE CHUNK OF THE GAME.
- spend the next 2 or so days playing that, including most of today.
So yeah, I fried my brain, in an attempt at grudging trough the art block I tried making an OC, then also tried making self-inserts because Hollow Knight has been my lifesource for the past few week or so, while Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss have been one of my latest obsessions for months, so it only felt fitting to morph my crittersona to fit in those universes.
- First I wanted to draw him as an imp, technically I already drew him as a demon/sinner, so a creature native to hell seemed like the next best AU choice. I didn't think much about what he would do, I just focused on the design part itself, and even then as you can see I had quite a few ideas I tried out on the side. One of the main reasons that made me think he'd fit as an imp is that in an earlier design he had that I never posted the tip of his tail was arrow shaped instead of being just a tuft like now (I should draw that impish form again sometime, he was basically like now but not a noodle). For the clothes I kinda used stuff I own irl as inspo, while thinking "what would fit the HH/HB style?" so I used a sleeveless hoodie, a black shirt (I have a lot of those, I just made one with a generic skull pattern here), and the only pair of jeans I own that I can actually stand to wear... escept by the time I remembered I wanted to draw those I had already drawn cargo pants on him out of habit, so I just colored them like jeans instead... I would probably love pants like these lmao. Oh and chains linked to the belt loops, I actually have those too, they're made form crafstore legit normal chains, not ones made to be actually worn like this. Listen I got them in high school I was an edgy basard and I didn't know where to get stuff like that so I just asked dad to get some like this instead ok. I have a pair of normal steel and a pair of black ones, here he's wearing the latter.
- The other idea was to turn him into a HK bug, more specifically, a mosskin tribe member from greenpath, cuz it's my favorite stage of the game with how pretty it is (listen the artwork of that game is goreous ok). He would probably be a bit of a loner/outcast, always hiding with his leaf/bush cape; the lighter fuzz is part of his body. I imagine he'd be a side character you have to go out of your way to meet and interact with, and depending on how you do so his outcome in the story may vary: one option is that he just stays like normal if you befriend him, the second is he succumbs to the infaction and he ends up being a secret boss an you have to kill him, a third however is maybe he does get infected, but if you do some sort of side quest before defeating him you can cure/save him still(?) Idk. His boss/infected form is partially inspired by aspids (because they're some of the most annoying enemies and I think that fits him/me well enough :') ), he probably attacks from a distance with a combo of spitting at you directly from the ceiling and throwing bubbles of infection around the stage by swinging his tail; maybe even releasing bursts of orange gas like some other enemies when you hit him (in later pahses). And yes, the name is a pun; I noticed the characters in this game either have descriptive names/adjectives, or normal names so I went with a combo of the two.
art and characters by me, do not copy, trace, repost, reuse ecc without my permission please.
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