#i used the relationship titles based on how grant would be related to them LOL
holocene-sims · 2 years
📎 for everyone in Grant’s family? Or at least as many sims as you can answer for? Pretty please 🙊🥺
jdjlskdjkslfs this is so sweet, thank you for the ask! 😭 idk if i can get everybody because the list is pretty extensive but i'll get the main folks at least!!
enjoy the chaos that this ask brings
📎 paperclip - a random fact
general family fact: this family is so incredibly neurodivergent. good luck finding many neurotypicals here
grant: this man who typically listens to classic emo hits and metal also has a ridiculously strong affinity for disco music. disco king! chaotic music taste for the win! like he absolutely loves donna summer, ABBA, boney m, etc. get him just drunk enough on fruity cocktails and he will ignore the fact that he has a terrible singing voice and will provide you with disco karaoke
mother mary: very briefly had a modeling career while she was in college. she might be evil but she is beautiful
dear old dad juhani: he's completely colorblind!
grandma aoife: she's kind of a jack of all trades! she grew up on a dairy farm, was an unofficial but very reliable midwide for a while in her hometown, then she toiled in a factory making cars, worked on a fruit farm...and finally started her own bakery!
grandpa joseph: he built the house he and his wife, miss lovely aoife, have lived in since the mid-1960s! he did it with his own handiwork, alongside the aid of aoife's older brother and a local friend who runs a very small construction company
uncle paddy: for a good few years as a younger man, he was a member of a celtic punk band! he played guitar. iconic, really. the band needs to make a full comeback LMAO
aunt catherine: one time in the early 2000s, she and paddy took their kids to florida, which was a very expensive ordeal they saved up a long time to afford. well, she got terribly sunburnt, then got heatstroke, and had to be treated at the hospital for her near-death experience with the sun. she has since vowed to never touch a single beach except the ones on lake michigan during cloudy days
cousin adam: within the family, he's the practically undefeated champion of monopoly (okay, mr. business degree)
brittany: proud one-time winner of the pie eating contest at the iowa state fair
cousin hannah: obsessed with pinterest, especially pinterest DIY/crafting projects. like unhealthily obsessed.
connor: went skiing one time in connecticut with his family while he was a kid. he broke his collarbone. never again.
cousin chelsea: got an actual honest-to-god terrible concussion because someone closed a car door on her head
jasmine: she was in marching band during middle and high school, also even college. she's an alto saxophone queen. okay, maybe she's mildly embarrassed about her band days, but at the same time, she had a good time, so?
cousin alex: suffers (?) from a very strong fear of crustaceans. the lobster tanks at red lobster definitely traumatized him as a child
lilly: once snuck into a celebrity wedding out of sheer curiosity by pretending to be a waitress for the event. it was boring and the food portions were sad as fuck
aunt bridget: she was a camp counselor as a teenager, which was a great experience, but also spawned the most embarrassing moment of her life. just after midnight, she was uhhhh ~flirting~ with a fellow female counselor in the "privacy" of the woods behind one of the counselor's cabins. everything was going swimmingly until some kids who snuck out of their cabin to go on the hunt for frogs caught them in the act
uncle sean: if a movie is sad, he's 100% going to cry at some point
cousin shannon: wrote and published fanfiction about the sims 2 premades, including a 100000k words angst & hardcore sci-fi story about bella goth's abduction
colm: his long estranged father is quite literally in the mafia. a story for another day is colm's interactions with his father's colleagues trying to chase him down to get him to stop spilling the beans about his father's affiliations
cousin lorcan: cannot sleep without using his airpods to listen to text-to-speech reddit thread videos from youtube. so interesting yet such cheap content with a droning voice. perfect sleep material
sydney: she gives herself stick and poke tattoos when she's bored
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peepeethepreformer · 4 years
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JJ Project is the music duo of jyp entertainment though this group did not have a long life time, they are now apart of Got7. Verse 2# was the reunion album they made just for fans. After this album though sadly they decided to not resign their contract, having this be the last album JJ Project has made. IM Jaebeoms is the leader of Got7, and Park Jinyoung is one of the vocalist of Got7 But he is also an actor.
Now to get into the review
Coming Home
I really love how they chose to have live instruments for this song, it gives the whole song a different feeling. The bass part is very strong throughout the whole song, its very groovy and keeps you hooked. I liked how in the beginning it started off with a light waking up kinda tone and then the base kicks in when jaebum starts to sing. It’s a very simple method of writing but it works so well you wanna brake apart every part of the song
The song is about a couple who haven’t seen each other in a while, hence why its called coming home. I think its very sweet, the verses talk about the struggle of waiting till the next day to see someone and how it feels like forever before you can see the one you love the most. My favorite line is
“Even if the night air is too cold
I thought of you who would wait outside
That’s how I endured and came this far
Now let’s never let go
The promise of seeing you when tomorrow comes
Becomes a lie
Just when I’m about to lose strength, I wake up
I wish I can escape from my dreams now”
It’s just a very cute song, its very simple but refreshing and impactful from what the norm is for kpop songs
~Album song placment
I think its perfect that they put is as the first song on the album considering that the second song “Tomorrow,Today” is the title song they flow into each other very nicely.
내일, 오늘 Tomorrow, Today
The song is also has live instruments in it too, its a very light hearted tone music wise. I feel like I’m going on a road trip lol. Theirs not much to say about the instruments though its a basic pop/rock groove music wise, but it suits the lyrics quite well.
The lyrics in this song are actually very relatable and kinda heavy. They talk about the hard ships of growing up and choosing what to do in the future. Especially when your just leaving high school or college and you don’t know what the next step is. It’s kinda like how could I choose what to do with my whole life when I’ve experienced so little. A line in the song that really expresses that is,
“Why must I decide about tomorrow, today?
How should I know what tomorrow will bring?
My path and my dreams are fading
If I could turn back time and see my future
I would know which way to go
I would know where my path is”
Or this line
“Again today, there are questions I don’t know
I’m trying to answer but I’m not confident
Is it this way or that way?
I’m afraid of my decision
With an anxious heart heart heart heart
I’m standing in front of the next next next choice
Between paths that I’ve never gone on before
How can I find my way?
I’m afraid, day by day”
It’s very impactful though when Jinyoung sings “is it this way or that way” combined with the instrumental in the back. Honestly felt like crying its a great song.
~Album song placement
I think its a perfect title song sense its the second song on the album I’m happy put it as the second song because the flow from the first song to this lyric wise and instrumental wise is very prefect they did a really good job and I recommend everyone listen to this song with the lyrics.
This song is very upbeat, just like the first song its very groovy but it doesn’t feel repetitive it suits the rest of the album very well. It has live instruments, the guitar in the beginning gives a very groovy vibe. I like the way its just Jinyoungs voice and a little bit of piano but the very strong guitar right off the bat. I love the clapping build up into the chorus when the main guitar melody comes back in its very powerfull. Overall the instrumental is beautiful.
The lyrics for this song are low key very depressing haha, but its also very relatable. The song talks about society’s pressures on people to conform to the norms. They also talk about how people have their own standard for what they wanna achieve in their lives and others shouldn’t dictate what someone else does with their life. On of the lines that really sick out is this one
“I don’t know
If the path I’m on is the right one
I’ll find everything out at the end of it
When you get used to the dark,
You can start to see the path
There’s no answer but why are you making me
Look in the same place?”
But the song is very clever cause they say “On&On life goes on” like you gotta just do your own thing and not care what others are doing or what other people want you to do. Like the line says, “On&On life goes on, just put your glasses on” and I think its a very nice message
~Album song placment
I think it was perfect that they chose this to go after Tomorrow,Together because the themes are very simillar, like not knowing what to do with your life and its all scary and makes you anxious. But in the end you just gotta do what you gotta do and live your life the way you want.
I love this song a lot honestly, I like how its just piano in the beginning and how it kinda feels like time stops before the chorus and then it gets very powerful after with Jaebeoms great voice. But after the chorus it goes back into soft piano and a little guitar it makes you feel like youre going through a lot of different emotions it’s beautiful. I also love the verse before the ending chorus how Jinyoung goes soft and the music gets softer, but you can feel the anger build up after towards the end again and the music getters lower again and then suddenly drops ending the song.
The song is inspired by the Greek myth about Icarus. If you don’t know the story he was a boy who had wings made of wax who was locked up but one day he got out and flew towards the sun but because his wings were wax they melted and he died. This song shows a different persepective of the story which I love. Sense when you read the story for the first time they talk about how selfish he was. But in the song they sing that everyone kept telling him he couldn’t do it, and he wanted to try harder and harder to achieve what his main goal was. And also a lines I really love is this one
“Every time I get scared
For the people who believe in me
I will prove it
Every time I wanna close my eyes
I’ll picture me standing at the finish line”
And this line
“I’m not sure of this path
But I’ll fly, I’ll fly
I’ll follow the light and draw countless pictures
Even if I feel the limit”
~Album song placment
Honestly compared to the last three songs I think it’s refreshing brake from the rest of the music, it still feels the theme and tone of the album. But lyrically its nice to not have so much relatable life hardship songs overalll its very well placed.
Don’t Wanna Know
The instrumental is very powerfull, they use electronic beats in this song. I don’t think that’s a bad thing though sense most of the songs on the album have been live instruments. I do have to say that the words that are being sang fit very well with the music because its a very powerful song lyrically. Otherwise theirs not much to say but its very beautiful, in its own way.
The song is about a break up, how its so hard to go one without their special person sense they’ve been toghter for so long.
They say
“I can’t acknowledge that you left
You still live in me
I know but I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna know
Not yet, please don’t leave me
Please don’t leave me no”
This is the chorus and he’s saying he understands the out come of the relationship, but he hurts so much that he doesn’t wanna know. He knows that he needs to move on but he doesn’t want them to leave him yet so he doesn’t wanna know and he wants them bad. It’s a basic breakup song sad slow song.
~Album song placment
It suits the theme of the album its kinda weird to be placed after Icarus lyrically but muscailly is very well placed. In comparison to Icarus sense the themes are so different lyrically is weird but if you don’t speak Korean it works well.
Find You
The instrumental is so good in this song, the uplifting melody is really good, towards the end was the most beautiful part because that’s whe the lyrics became so sure of itself that they will get this person back and it’s honestly very beautiful. I love the ending so much because it shows how much they care about this person.
This song is about trying to get back the person you let go and realizing how stupid you were for letting them down. It’s a very upfitng song ever good for the end of the album too. My favorites lyrics are
“When I look back at my days
There was never a day you weren’t there
Why did I take you for granted?
Every chance I get, I regret it
I know it’s me who let you go
I know it’s too late but just once more
Will you let me know where you are?
I’ll go run and find the times
When you were next to me”
I also love the lyrics
“I need you, I can’t breathe without you
Everything is meaningless
I’ll find you wherever you are, I’ll try
So we can smile like we did before”
The way Jaeboem sings this part gives me chills everytime he is so good.
~Album song placment
I think were they put this song us absolutely perfect I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s a really good album closer.
그날The Day
I love love love the instrumental part in this song. The little bass riffs and the snaps and the guitar parts. Everything is so well put together. I also love the fact that Jinyoung said this is the type of music he likes to listen too. And I can really feel that in the song, its very jazzy and a nice clam song to listen to I love it so much.
It’s kinda hard to pinpoint what this songs about but I’m pretty sure its about a past loved one or when he was younger. Theirs a lot of symbolism so its kinda hard to understand what he’s supposed to be talking about but I think Jinyoungs talking about his younger self. he tends to write songs like that a lot if its a solo thing nether the less the song is still really good and well put together. My favorite lyrics are
“If no one talks to me
Without a word
Without knowing, the only thing I look for
Is you
On top of this silent ocean
When the sun starts to set
On top of this difficultly set melody
I’m standing alone”
~album song placment
I think its perfect that its second to last sense its a solo song, compared to the rest of the album I think it works well Being at the end its like a special treat.
Fade Away
The instrumental is very R&B which is Jaebeoms style it suits the way he sings very well, he would know that though sense its his solo song. I love how it gives the song this kinda dark angry tone sense the songs about a break up. It also has this really nice distortion to it and it works very well with his voice
The song is about an abusive partner. Someone who tells you they love but treats you with out care. And Jaeboem just talks about leaving this person and you can tell how upset and angry he is by the way he uses his voice and the lyrics its really good and interesting to read as well.
My favorite Lines are
“Just don’t blame it on me
It’s not my fault but ours
You only blame me, I tell you it’s not like that
But you cover your ears and you won’t listen”
I also love the lines
“I try to change myself for you
I try to hold it in
But you keep getting mad at me
Every chance you get, you doubt me
You trample on me till I disappear
I can’t do this no more”
~Album song placements
Contradicting to Jinyoungs slow song before Jaebeoms is more harsh and even though you can tell their styles and personality’s very well by each song it fits really well that jaebeoms song is after jinyoungs. Over all I thank it was best that Fade Away was the very last song on the album it wraps up the album very nicely, and it leaves you wanting to listen to the whole album over again.
Final Score
~Instrumental over all: 10/10
~Lyrics over all: 9.5/10
~Album song placment over all: 9.5/10
Overall score: 10/10
Last Opinions
I love this album a lot I’ve been listing to it for years now this is the first time I’ve analyzed it though. In all honesty some songs lacked some lyrical genius but its still nice to listen too and I will say that Don’t Wanna Know being after Icarus was weird but it’s something you can easily look over.
I still think this album deserves high praise though because it’s an album you can listen too without skipping a song, I could listen to it on repeat all day if i wanted it never gets old. Listening to any album without skipping songs is very important to me so the fact that I’ve never skipped a song from this album says a lot. Their for I recommend everyone at least listen to Verse2# once it’s really worth it. And thank you for taking your time to read this review.
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BOOK | Unqualified by Anna Faris
Remind me to pay more attention.
When I was about to begin this book, I was blindsided by the subtitle that I have never seen and only found on the official title page once I opened it. This is not just Unqualified by Anna "Rhymes with Donna” Faris; this is Unqualified: Love and Relationship Advice from a Celebrity Who Just Wants to Help. Excuse me WHAT?! Turns out, I’ve been under a rock and this is the gist of both her podcast and her book. And here I thought I knew things. *facepalm*
While she may not necessarily be qualified in the love department, she is actually qualified to write a book. Or at least a little more qualified than some other celebrities. Our lovely Anna actually has a degree in English from the University of Washington, and that honestly gave me so much hope going into Unqualified. One thing I always struggle with is when celebrities are given book deals seeming to only sprout from their fame; most are horrible writers, but I suppose that’s what gives those books their charm, proving even in the slightest that yes, celebrities are just as flawed as we are, except with more money. ANYWHO, finding out that Anna knows her stuff was such a promising fact. ‘Cause let me tell you, if I based reading a book on it’s Foreword, I would have put this one down and walked far away. (That’s not entirely true, but you know what I mean).
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Let’s start by talking about the Foreword by her then-husband Chris Pratt.
First and foremost, I want to say that, knowing that Anna and Chris announced/got divorced shortly after the publishing of this book in 2017 kind of puts a damper on the whole thing. Not because it may insinuate to some readers that she should not be giving advice on love and relationships, but rather because they were such a cute couple and, as many fans said once it was announced, makes it feel like love is dead if these two couldn’t make it. So the dedication, the foreword, and the plethora of times she discussed her relationship with Chris throughout the book were all so sad. And the way she talks about him and the anecdotes of what he’s done for her... it really is so difficult to believe that these two didn’t last.
Secondly, Chris Pratt should not be writing. This foreword was so painfully awkward that, like I said, if I were basing my continuation of a book on that first introduction, I would not have read it. And if you Google the topic, you will find numerous online articles with this same connotation; we all agree it is baaaad. Not only did he spend more time talking about himself and how he doesn’t know what a “foreword” is, he also made it sound like it was just an obligation with a word count. “I love her and respect her and told her I would” was his reasoning. Not once did I feel like he set the mood for the book from a more personal perspective, as a person who was her family for a decade, but rather he was giving us a short biography of Anna – things like how they both grew up in Washington, how they’re both actors that play idiots (his Andy Dwyer to her Cindy Campbell), how acting is her passion, various traits of her personality (how she is kind and what he calls an “information collector”). There was one line that made me believe that he was writing this foreword as a way to convince us to give Anna a book deal as if we were the publishers. He says “Anna deserves this book. I can promise you it will be a great and interesting read.” Yes, Chris, it was. But your foreword could have provided so much more than a grade-school style report on your ex-wife. I’m so glad Anna also wrote her own introduction. If you do end up reading this book, please just skip right to her intro.
In the first handful of chapters of Unqualified, I wasn’t entirely convinced that this book was worth reading.  Especially during those times where she straight up admitted that she was giving advice based on speculation instead of actual experience. I’m not saying that Anna has to have experienced everything experience-able in order to talk to people about it, but saying that she didn’t actually have a relationship related to a certain topic just puts a damper on what she’s trying to help with. Like the list of men she says to not date; it includes musicians, doctors, athletes, chefs, therapists, and actors. (It also includes magicians, but I think most women steer clear of them anyways lol). With the exception of actors, none of those are based on her own personal experiences with anyone in those professions. She even says to us “I have zero experience.” So who should you date, as per Anna Faris? Woodworkers. Or a guy who makes boats, because they brood. *shakes head* Girl, I can’t even.
While I’m indifferent to the portions of Unqualified regarding her childhood through most of her young adult life (college shenanigans don’t really pique my interest), there is a passage that has stuck with me long after finishing this book. Anna’s childhood crush/ “boyfriend” (she was 8 years old here, call it what you will) had just dumped her. So she goes home, grabs an orange from the fridge, writes this horrible boy’s name on it in marker, and then proceeds to chuck said orange into the forest behind her family’s home as a means to get over him. Anna dubs this the “orange ceremony,” which she says she must have felt it symbolic, wherein casting fruit into the “abyss” would rid her of the emotions of the situation. She may have been a child at the time, but as an adult, I absolutely love this concept. This sort of symbology is very reminiscent of various practices in paganism. Obviously not her intent as I highly doubt she was a practicing pagan at eight-years-old, but the truth is, things like this can actually work. Some of us older individuals would just need a lot of oranges.
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The reason it has taken me soooo much longer to write a review for Unqualified (I finished it months ago, yikes!), is because I honestly just don’t know how I feel about it. My notebook is filled with pull-quotes and excerpts that stirred me in some way, shape, or form – and many of them, very good! – but as an overall novel, I can’t decide if I should keep it for a future reread, or donate it.  The only thing I feel that really sticks out in my mind about this book was how much I hated Chris Pratt’s introduction. And that is sad and depressing.
I did like that Unqualified was not just purely about love and relationships advice, and that it was intermixed with her personal memoir. I say that because there were plenty of times where her advice was not even advice at all. Like, for example, when she moved to Los Angeles with/for her then boyfriend. It’s reminiscent of an action many women take in tales of love. However, Anna also followed a career venture. This wasn’t solely about following her boyfriend out of sheer infatuation; if the relationship didn’t work out, she still had something there to fall back on, and that’s not something typical of an experience like this. Granted, yes, it’s kudos on her part for going for her own reasons, as well as for a guy, and it plays into her discussion of feminism at the beginning of the chapter. But in this of many parts of the book that was supposedly advice-driven, I made the note that maybe one sentence or one small paragraph at the end could have passed for guidance. At least, in most cases, she’s aware it’s not helpful.
Despite my typical qualms with books like Unqualified, at least for the time being I think it will remain on my shelves with my other keepers. Although her counsel is indeed questionable at times, it’s hard to deny how much I relate to Anna Faris and agreed with a good handful of the statements she makes in the book. And instead of doing all the talking herself, portions of Unqualified found basis from her podcast listeners through "Listener Responses,” as well as discussions and interviews with some people in her life (like Sim Sarna, her podcast partner in crime, and then husband Chris Pratt), and I like that aspect about it. It’s not just Anna retelling information from her perspective; it’s letting those people she has learned from have a voice as well.
I jotted a final note that I think sums up my thoughts on this book pretty well: Unqualified probably could have just remained a podcast. But for those of us not necessarily interested in listening to hours upon hours of content, the book is a good alternative, especially since Anna mentions in the beginning that the book is based on what she learned through two years of the podcast. A lot of Unqualified contained thoughts and experiences I personally could relate to and has happened to me, so, to quote myself “I suppose her book did what she wanted it to do.”
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