#i wanna do an animation thesis short film!
rylxdreams · 11 months
When you're enrolling for college tomorrow but you're still unsure about your course and school:
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corey-beepington · 5 months
Do you think you’ll make any more deltarune (specifically Addisons and Spamton) content? Be it art, comics, short animations, skits or anything else?
If anything scares me, it's Chapter 3 coming out.
If you follow this account, you'll know I LOVE tv heads/tv themed characters.
We pretty much have it certain that our chapter 3 guy is going to be a tv guy in some way/shape/ or form.
Meaning, if the allegations are true, I'm probably going to go insane and become insufferable when that happens.
Now as for the current time being...and our dear pal spamton and the addisons
Eviction Day took alot of power out of me that i haven't truly recovered from. (imagine having to draw that blue addison over and over again 12 hours straight for 4 months straight) so truthfully I'm a little burnt out by them.
Additionally, complicating the matter is I'm working on my college graduation film, Pretty Kitty!!, which, if you liked Eviction Day, this is Eviction Day but far more ambitious with stronger horror elements but with a fully original story.
Actually...Eviction Day was sort of test to see what I could get away with in the thesis film on the technical end...
But working on any film takes time, effort, and alot of my creative energy. This one in particular is draining my life force due to its' ambition (even my professors were concerned with just how ambitious it was).
Now, I DO have a few comic/art ideas, but whether i'll have the time and energy to create them is a mystery.
As far as animated stuff goes however, there will be no future spamton animations most likely.
However if you wanna imagine a new Corey spamton animation here is a Fun Fact
Eviction Day was 1 of 2 of the spamton animations I wanted to make!
There was another, however it never got past a few really rough storyboard thumbnails.
One thing a REALLY wanted to do was actually animate spamton transforming into NEO in a body horror type fashion because body horror is VERY fun to animate, especially in Spamton's case where I could make it horrifying in a physical and psychological sense.
However, what stopped me is was some friends saying that a few people may think the video was made for...less than tasteful.... reasons and may draw in the "wrong type of crowd" if you get what I'm saying.
They were a bit right with this as last time I made a body horror type video I got a few of those people in the comments.
So I made Eviction Day instead.
Will I ever make this video?
Probably not. But you can imagine it in your head.
In fact, just for you, here's those Really Rough Idea Thumbnails
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If you can read them, please let me know because I sure as hell cant.
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chaoticwholesome · 8 months
8 and 14 for the ask game!
8. Do you get confused with other nationalities? Which ones and by whom?
Ok so I have an Autism Accent bc i picked up a lot of speech from American TV, so other South Africans, people who are from the same places I am, tend to assume I'm Australian a lot? At least one stranger assumed I was American once even though I wasn't pulling out the rhotic R?? This is compounded by every Aussie or Kiwi friend i have ever had telling me "yeah you just sound normal to me". Assigned Australian at the grocery store.
14. Do you like your country's cinema and/or TV
GO WATCH SUPA TEAM 4 ON NETFLIX NOW!! Go watch the Aau's Song episode of Star Wars Visions, and go watch Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire on Disney+!!! :D
This is a fascinating question bc like. until recently historically South Africa hasn't really produced a lot of its own TV? We have had some shows! Especially soap operas and reality TV! So much reality TV. But like in my field (animation) for example, a lot of South African studios have worked more in service provision for international productions (like local studio BlackGinger doing post production and VFX on some Marvel movies, and now-defunct studio Clockwork Zoo working on individual seasons of established shows (I know people who've worked on Caillou lol)) and a lot of the locally made shows I grew up on were Sesame Street esque puppet shows (Thabang Thabong, Liewe Heksie, Takalani Sesame even) BUUUT we're recently having our place in the sun with a lot of Disney and Netflix deals coming to fruition - see the above shows! Aau's Song contains some of the most gorgeous visuals i've seen in a 3D short, Supa Team 4 follows some Zambian superhero girls with extremely fun snappy animation, and Kizazi Moto is a really fascinating pan-African anthology animation series i have yet to watch but am SALIVATING over. For more animated shorts, also go check out the thesis short films of students at The Animation School, an institution i have no bias towards whatsoever :). Particular standouts are The Sugarcane Man, Don't Drop the Goose, The Other Side, R.I.P, and The Boy and The Robin. Also 'Undone' if you wanna bawl ur eyes out.
For personal taste reasons not a lot of other local TV has excited me this much, but I did used to like local soap opera 7de Laan (7th Avenue) back when it was good and funny lol!
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taystays13 · 1 year
Guess what I did last week? I bought socks with HEDGEHOGS ROASTING MARSHMALLOWS on them AND socks of PENGUINS SKIING. HOW AMAZING IS THAT!!!     
Anyway, well that's the last time I tell anyone anything about animal anons plans, otherwise they will be spoiled and ruined by my friends! Oh well, it's all in good fun (and also forced me to keep my commitment of posting tonight despite being depressed that Jurgen got sent home...#gbbospoilers)!
Well as many people have predicted correctly, I passed the Bar! Hallelujah! I was sworn in as an attorney this week so I am officially an esq! I also am scheduled to received my dolly booster shot next week and earlier this month I started a new (not 80 hours a week) job! So I have had a fabulous month and have many things to be thankful for including my epic sock purchase! Which is perfect timing for the holiday ahead! So I wanna know what you are thankful for this year? I know it's been a tough year for so many so it can be as small or as large as you can think!
I'm so excited to learn more about everyone's year and what you're thankful for! Remember to tag animal anon (if you so desire) because I love scrolling through all your amazing responses! And since it was requested of course I LOVE atwtmvtv and the short film! My favorite vault song is IBYTAM because I love LOVE LOVE CS (please everyone go watch his performance with Jhud from the CMAs, it is mind-blowing)!
And remember, animal anon thinks you are all beautiful talented gorgeous people who are all killing it at life! ❤
Aw, thanks for this ask, animal anon. Your sharing of your recent achievements brings me so much joy. Congrats!
I’m thankful for RED TV because I’m actually writing my thesis on the ATW Short Film. The whole reason why the short film came to be in the first place is because a) fans pleaded for the ten minute version of the song for 10 years, b) the rerecordings project allows Taylor to go back and change things, and c) Taylor can do anything ever and it will be amazing (except for Cats, sorry). That’s why I also have no doubt her directorial debut in feature film will be a success.
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hareefluffs · 2 years
I should really make this account an art account…. I have a lot of work guys I promise I just am too nervous to finalize them and scan them and format them and do the performance/interactivity aspect of them… and being an active participant on social media is hard ;-;
Some stuff I’ve been pushing onwards on!
procrastinating on my reel (rip my hireability it’s just hard to deal with file management and I suck at editing)
slowly but sure printing my interactive anti-suburb fungus zine project (my current printer is being a dick so I currently have two prints in the wrong color, one of which I need to bind), I’m going for 10 prints before I release them into the wild and get the documentation site up
ignoring my unfinished animation projects bc. I just don’t have mental energy y’all work is exhausting. Of these, I’m backburning finishing my during-the-school-year films and trying to get in the headspace for a short film I’m working on with a friend (which needs a script and a storyboard) and my thesis script.
the two t&b fanarts!! I wanna do more but the other things on this list need to take priority ;-;
I’m organizing a charity Pride zine with an org I’ve been part of for a while and I’m super excited!! My personal entry is a poem/illustration about queerness in the suburbs and fungi and how you can’t kill fungi or queerness bc we’re there and we’re important even if we’re invisible to the naked eye!!
learning unity 2D and C# for unity2d so I can actually start getting my game ideas in a place!! I really wanna make a point/click about how warehouse work fucking sucks since that’s where I’m stuck this summer and I want to do a story-based co-op game about a codependent mother-daughter relationship at some point. I’m super excited to be taking a narrative design class this year ahhhh
oh shit, finishing my commission sheet for 2022-23!! I’ll be trying to do illustration commissions throughout the year so I can have some extra grocery/supply/student loan payoff money since my work money will be focused on rent while I’m in school ;-; capitalism sucks y'all
Anyway!! That’s where I’m at! I’m still pretty behind unfortunately but I’ve also finally been prioritizing my social/emotional well-being and trying to earn some monies in a regular way since I’ve generally been unsuccessful with getting commissions :(. Maybe that will change but if not, I’m just trucking on!
Uh. If ur curious about my work or want to push me to like. Push out a specific project listed here, lmk. It kinda feels lonely and hard to find the energy to work on stuff in part bc very few people engage with what I’m making outside of classmates in the art-school bubble. My asks are opening if ur interested in my stuff or even the weird shows I’ve been sillyposting about. Or if people are interested I can post some poetry or other works I’ve been working on here.
Bye sorry for the long post, enjoy y’all’s day!!
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big-eater-queen · 7 years
How many more days do I have to sacrifice my sleep ughhhhhhhhhh
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shannanigansart · 5 years
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Hey yalls! I forgot tumblr existed but also I’ve been super busy with college. I’m in my senior year ( woot for BFA 2020! ) did I ever share my intro video for BFA???? I can’t remember lol it’s on my YouTube if anyone wants to see a short little animation I did. ANYWAYS! If yalls wanna keep up with me and my dumb art stuff, I’m mostly only active on Instagram now! I’m also working on an animated short film for my thesis! So i might post a link to our kickstarter later on in December! But before then, I’ll be reopening my Etsy with an update and with a promo from Black Friday until Cyber Monday! Once that window passes, my Etsy won’t be up again until like January,,,,, I’m heccin exhausted but there’s still lots of work to do,,,,, so yeah! That’s a little update of what’s been goin on with me!
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spacejew · 7 years
I'm just like.... ready to die over here with my fucking thesis I just want this shit to be OVER like I never wanted to make this stupid story in the first place but I made it work and I want it to be good and like whatever but..........there's like other stories and projects I'm so passionate about and want to explore and start working on, like there's at least 3 others films I already have fully concepted and storyboarded and am ready to just start producing and like another dozen film ideas on top of that I'm more than ready to just dive into and develop and then like a million other tiny little projects or ideas for things to make in other mediums than CG animation that I just want to GET ON and CREATE but unfortunately after like a year and a half of production hell working on this goddamn thesis there's still another couple weeks I have to pour my heart and soul and all my energy into finishing and then polishing and then wrapping and then presenting and then polishing and rewrapping and representing this fucking thing and hoping I don't fucking die throughout... and I've just been so over it and I'm just so desperate to just be DONE so I can work on something I care about and is so much more in tune with and representative of what I like and what I really wanna produce and it's just......so goddamn frustrating and upsetting and ugh This really wasn't meant to turn into a giant rant oops I just....have to put all my time and effort and spirit into a project that I did not have fun developing and has been twisted to fit other people's tastes and I'm doing my best to make it something I'm proud of and can call mine, but it's just not what I wanna be doing and it never was. Meanwhile, I have so many other ideas, some abstract and some fully defined, that I so badly want to be putting my time into instead. Films and shorts and designs and comics and mixed projects and just stories that I would rather tell and like.... they're things that honestly I feel would be way better for my portfolio anyways aside from just being better for my soul and truer to my artistic identity. I don't know. I just want to do so many other things. I have so many ideas and plans and I'm just bursting with creative energy. But I have to stifle it because I can't get distracted because I have only three weeks to finish this godawful soul sucking thesis and hope it's as good as I want and need it to be. I'm very frustrated. I'm very tired. I feel kinda cheated and distraught. I can't wait for this to be over. Fuck academia, fuck this degree. I wanna graduate, get hired, get to work, and finally just start making what I really wanna be making in my free time. I'm so much better than this film and have so much more to offer. End this hell. Let me be an artist again
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elvesofnoldor · 7 years
“Inside Llweyns Davis” has literally replaced “Birdman” to become my favourite English speaking film as far. Did not expect this to happen to be honest with you. It’s literally the last item on my to-watch list, and for some reason, I decided to watch it TODAY, above all 2-3 more 2016 films i have been meaning to watch. 
My fav film of all time is Farewell my concubine, so it seems that i have a type when it comes to favourite movies, and that type is depressing and artsy stories about artists
The way Inside Llweyn Davis transitions from scenes to scenes is so weird and unconventional sometimes, it’s just doomed to not get any sort of major critical recognitions, but aaaah just gotta love that edgy indie film vibe
Anyways i was thinking about my thesis project, after watching the film. Originally, I was planning to do a hybrid research-creation project in which i write a research paper and shoot a 10 min-15 min film that i can use as a text to use in my research paper. But honestly, fuck the research paper component. My profs of the thesis course tell me that im not gonna have enough time, and suggest that i do some sort of re-editing of directors’ works as my creative component and...i dont really wanna do that. At all. 
This is my last year of university, and i haven’t make a short film that I am actually satisfied with! The best one was from 3rd year, but I don’t really like the screenplay--it was good enough to earn the group an A though. I shot the film and edited it with the sound person, but it didn’t look that great. Some of the shots are quite bland and mediocre, but what can you do, it’s a student film. Tell me im dreaming too big, but I wanna have a short film with Wong Kar Wai level of cinematography in my profolio! I wanna write and shoot a picture that looks like Inside Llweyns Davis!! Or at least i need to try!!! Shooting on set is incredibly exhausting and i fucking hated it, it brings out the absolute worst inn me, but i gotta grow up and suck it up if i wanna mount up to something!!! 
seriously i wish i started the project in summer of 2016, doing stuff like gathering some funding and actors then, but ugh ofc i didn’t do that. Anyways, whatever, i make up my mind though--You know what, i can do hybrid project in grad school, but for the last term in my program, im gonna do a short film i am actually proud of. A short film inspired by my critiques and appreciation of Wong Kar Wai’s body of works, but is nevertheless a original film. I even had the screenplay for it already! I couldn’t do it in my 3rd year production course and i ranted about it on here as well, but you know what, i have completed a short film in three months with two people (there is four people in the group including me but one of them didn’t do shits after they showed up twice on set as the director), i can do it in my own schedule!!! With the help of my thesis course classmates and that one friend i did my animation project last year!!! It’s not like it’s gonna require CGI and all that fancy stuff, and i don’t have to build a set somewhere either. 
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yawning-thylacine · 6 years
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c'mon, you can do it sweetie!!!!! Make it past the developmental phase!!!
[💚💛💚💛💚 I loooooooove Anubis, and like a year ago actually came up with a full concept for a short film I wanna make of him--lol was planning to make it perhaps a thesis project if i ever go to an animation school, tho i've conceptualized several potential 'thesis films,' especially while in high school, haha x'D]
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