#i was just looking for a comic draft that i apparently saved somewhere in another dimension and found all this stuff smh
xryn-art · 4 years
*sits bolt upright at 3am* I FORGOT ABOUT THE IRKEN ANATOMY POST
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dragonherder2030 · 3 years
So I watched Raya and the Last Dragon-
I honestly was very disappointed with the movie as a whole. I LOVE dragons and main movies and media just doesn’t have much of them that I have seen. So when I saw that Disney was making a movie about and staring a dragon character, I got very excited. I had loved the design for Sisu when she was just a concept art
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She was much more colorful and had a very different face, a more regional face. She is definitely more water dragony compared to the actual final draft design. And she is just overall prettier in my opinion.
Spoilers under this point
Another thing is the continuity and main logic of the movie. In the beginning of the movie it is practically about 15 minutes of exposition. It tells that apparently all the dragons are water dragons, every single one since they all look the same, but that there were multiple dragons in the past. These evil creatures made of human greed or whatever started attacking humans, and well I guess other things but the humans primarily. When attacked, they pass through the human and either take or freeze their spirit or something I don’t remember exactly, but the person becomes stone. So the dragons being the most powerful creatures in the world, they tried to fight the things. The dragons were also turned to stone, all but one, The Mighty Sisu. In the exposition it says that she compiled all her magic into the orb, and used it to destroy the things and turn everyone back from stone. Except the dragons. Do they ever explain why it didn’t turn the dragons back to alive? No it does not, it absolutely does not, but ho boy there is SO much more. Later in the exposition, the dragon gem gets broken into 5 pieces, one for each of the tribes. And they each possess a piece of the gem now. So, when the gem gets broken, all the evil creatures from the very beginning just, come back! This is never explained- nothing is ever explained in this movie it was just made for the funnies I GUESS. This movie feels like a really bad book adaption HONESTLY. And at the end of the movie when everyone comes back because it’s a kids movie, it’s just AHHGH everyone is happy now all the dragons come back and everything is dandy. But why didn’t the dragons come back in the beginning? The whole moral of the movie is “Trust good”. Seriously that’s it. And when they put the dragon gem back together at the end everyone is like “oh wow we need to trust each other and that’s how the magic will WoRk”. But explained earlier when we hear Sisu’s whole backstory is that when SHE did the magic fix she trusted her siblings the most that she had in that moment, SO TELL ME WHY DIDN’T IT WORK!!?? It makes no sense to me at least maybe I’m just missing something. But it annoys me so much, nothing makes sense in this movie. Another theory I have is that there were 3 writers. Each assigned to a seperate story arc, one to the beginning exposition thing, one to the middle main part, and one to the climax and final bits of the movie. The thing is, the writers only vaguely know what the past ones did XD.
The next problem I have is with the actual magic and formulation of dragons, as well as what the heck is up with the dragon gem. But don’t worry, I have at least 2 more problems with this movie. So as Sisu gets more and more of the dragon gem shards, she gains new powers. But do you know why? Because APPARENTLY when the gem broke into the 5 pieces, the magic of her individual siblings who gave their magic to the gem was separated perfectly. Ok that may not make much sense. But when we see Sisu’s backstory it shows that her oldest brother made the gem, then each sibling except Sisu put their special magic into the gem. So then, when it broke, the individual gem pieces only had the 1 type of magic in them? Excuse me what? That doesn’t make sense, if I make a cake, then I won’t cut it up and get only egg from one slice, then a bunch of sugar from another slice. It’s just- really bad and they could have fixed it by just- not having the siblings at all. They so easily could have been written out of the story, instead Sisu could have no magic when she is brought back, which she practically has none, her “magic” is that she is a strong swimmer. But then as she gets the pieces she gains back parts of her original magic, that would have been more indering then the siblings. Now the second part of this is the actual powers. Ok, which sounds like more of a power, being able to glow, or being able to fly around by walking on raindrops. The second one right? Well, ThEY aRe BoTh COsIdeReD MaGIc iN tHiS UniVErSe. All the powers that Raya aquires from the dragon gem pieces is being able to do the glow, being able to shape shift into a human, and being able to walk on the rain. Now, that isn’t even the part I’m the most mad about. At the end of the movie when all the dragons come back, THEY ALL CAN WALK ON THE RAIN. LIKE WHAT!? I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE OLDER BROTHER’S MAGIC TYPE! Do you get what I mean by this movie having no continuity? At the end of the movie, Sisu was killed by evil cat lady, and all the dragons come back walking on the rain and just- resurrect her. Ok, I guess that could be explained away as all the magic beings being magical, but I still don’t like how easily they did it. Yet another thing is that Sisu can make a bunch of magical smoke, well not magical but it’s really shimmery and thick, that’s not explained, she just can do it.
Let’s talk about the relationships in this movie. I hate them. No ones characters are developed on or improved except for maybe cat lady- I need to find her name somewhere, but except for Namarii is her name, her and Raya. Namarii’s big stitch is, I don’t even know just not being the most evil person? Either that or the same trust thing, which would mean that her and Raya have the same character arc. Raya in the beginning of the movie is explained to be the daughter of the chef of clan Heart, one of the most prosperous out of the 5 clans. They at the start of the movie had the dragon gem, and the father guy, he invited every other clan over to have a big feast or whatever. So when they get there, young Namarii, all this is happening when Raya is like, 9 I think, but Namarii and Raya become friends over fangirling for Sisu. Namarii has a necklace of Sisu that she gives to Raya. And side note, they act as though Sisu isn’t the SAVIOR OF THIER LANDS, but she’s some really good singer. Well I guess they have to connect to all those youngsters out there with an obsession and that rElATaBlE moment when you fInD AnOTheR oF tHiEr kInD. That just triggered me. But since Namarii is such a big fan of Sisu, Raya, after being shown to be VERY offensive about the idea of the other tribes coming, just decides to show Namarii the dragon gem! But uh oh, twist, Namarii is actually bad oh noooo and everyone comes up and starts to fight over the dragon gem. Then it shatters and the evil things come back. So Raya and her dad are trying to escape, her dad had been injured from fighting an arrow to the leg, but the things are repelled by water. So what does the dad do? He yeets the child into a river(they are on a bridge at this point) after having a minute long conversation with her. Like, could he not just tip himself off to? But hey we have to give them characters angsty backstorys amiright? It’s just so stupid the character motives. So like, Idk 12 years pass by or something since Raya is an adult now. She actually has a pretty emotional prayer type thing to Sisu when she is trying to resurrect her to save the world. This movie has a few ups that I will put at the end. So let’s talk about Sisu now, ho boy, she is the “oh everything will be fixed with hugs and kisses”. You know what this is, this is the same exact dynamic that Poppy and Branch went through during Trolls movie! The exact same dynamic! HECK Disney couldn’t even get original personalities. Sisu blindly trusting everything gets them into wacky situations and causes some conflict between Raya and Sisu but BARELY ANY. And Sisu just seems like- really innocent, she’s oblivious all the time. She’s this ancient beast and she just has the most generic personality and I loath it. Namanii is actually someone I liked. She seemed like the most real character until the very end, just, the blindly “oh everything is alright now and I’m fine with everyone now trauma doesn’t exist”. Also on that point, apparently trauma doesn’t exist in this world, because Sisu lost every single one of her siblings, and just, doesn’t show any sign of grieving or remorse she just doesn’t give a thought to them. Except for the backstory bit but she just doesn’t seem to care. Also just a side note, none of those side characters are developed at all and just there for practically comic relief. The whole resolution of the movie is them putting the gem together and then all “hugging” each other and wow look at that it worked. *inhales* and then when Sisu comes back, she has the most emotionally dead response to Raya, none of the character reuniting is good. You know, if you have seen storks, that near end montage where all the babies are brought to the people? Yeah, that was 100% better then the resolutions of Raya and the Last Dragon. One scene that ticked me off so much was when that ninja baby was reunited with her parents, the mom, oh my gosh, she looked as if she had just found an old purse she misplaced. She did not look- ah I can’t even put it into words just look up the clip to get it.
That’s all that I have to say about the movie, I probably have more somewhere but honestly I couldn’t put it into words. Now, you know, I have to give this movie a few good opinions. The movie looked amazing, great character design(except for the dragons I dispose them) and everything looks gorgeous. As well as the animal design, I wish I could have seen more animals honestly they all looked really interesting and unique.
Sorry this post was so long I just wanted to put my opinions out there.
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snarky-badger · 6 years
Prompt: Reader has a shitty relationship with reality. Weird crap happens to them and things that shouldn’t happen do. Sometimes they will go missing out of the blue do it it and just show up a couple weeks later. They usually carry around a recorder with them so they can show people they aren’t insane but they forget it and go missing for a bit before coming back. Eddie/Venom FREAK the fuck out.
This is my second attempt at this, as tumblr deleted the first draft I wrote! Grr. Still, it was fun to write! Kinda more Eddie and less Venom.
Your life was weird. Which was to say, you and reality had apparently met and broken up with no chance at reconciliation.
It had started when you were eight. Now, keep in mind, you’d been born in the eighties, so it was high weirdness to suddenly be in possession of a computer the size of your hand.
You’d been playing when something had just popped out of nowhere, bouncing off your head before clattering to the ground. A little dazed, you’d picked it up and discovered that it was something called an iPhone 8. You’d played with it for hours before it had simply vanished out of your hands, leaving an odd chill and a very baffled you behind.
Things had only gotten more complicated from there.
More things appeared and vanished around you, sometimes little things, like keys or books, sometimes big things, like your parent’s minivan.
When you were twelve, you’d vanished from school. Literally. Your parents had gone insane. Search parties were sent out, Amber Alert’s announced, police canvased the entire neighbourhood. When you’d reappeared a week later, your parents had ignored your tale of meeting Robin Hood and grounded you for running away and making up stories.
Your childhood and adolescence was peppered with disappearances, your parents believing that you were a liar and a runaway, and you had suffered through numerous trips to various hospitals because of the ‘tales’ you told.
You’d started bringing a tape recorder with you to film your adventures when you were fourteen. Over time, you upgraded to camcorder, then your smartphone, and finally a hidden camera that you could bring wherever you ended up. You had images and videos saved that surpassed any CG movie out there.
It was odd, you realized, that when you ‘popped’ into new worlds, that no one there thought twice of your sudden appearance. You just blended in with whatever timeline or universe you’d slid into, as if you were supposed to be there in the first place. You’d seen dinosaurs, broke bread with dragon-slayers, saved dragons from dragon-slayers, visited far off worlds and even alternate universes just a smidgen different from your own.
It continued on until you were old enough to move out. Sure, you still vanished from time to time, visiting odd and strange places, but it was fun for you. New experiences and new adventures. The hell with your doubting parents. This was your life and you embraced it.
You’d been chased by a feathered T-Rex, nearly gotten run over by a horse drawn carriage that belonged to Sherlock Holmes - the older one not the hot one - shared mead with Hobbits, gunned down zombies, met aliens - not the probing kind - gotten bitten by a chupacabra, encountered a rather irritated Dalek that had also popped out of his universe, hell, you’d even met Captian Picard of the USS Enterprise!
Things became more complicated when you started dating.You’d originally sworn off dating because of the trouble presented when you slipped out of your universe, but Eddie Brock had been sweet and handsome and with a sparkling wit and down to earth charm that had made turning him down impossible.
You imagined he’d expected you to freak out when, a month into dating, he’d confided in you that he was bonded to an alien symbiote and that he moonlighted as Venom most nights.
You’d seen a lot of weird shit by then, so you’d merely shrugged, shaken Venom’s hand and asked him what he preferred white or dark chocolate cake.
When Eddie had moved in, things got decidedly complicated. You managed to explain your disappearances by saying it was work related, that you had to run off at any time to catch a plane or a train. Thanks to being a veteran of falling out of your dimension into another, you could usually ‘feel’ a slip before it happened.
He’d accepted it with grace - after all, he was Venom. He thought he knew strange.
You were waffling over whether to tell him what was really going on. Had practiced the conversation. Were even willing to let him see what was in the mystically locked chest at the foot of your bed.
It was filled with keepsakes from your journeys: A sword made of enchanted glass from Skyrim, a computer pad you’d stolen from the Enterprise, bits of shells from a dinosaur egg, the Hope Diamond, a Venom comic-book - that was going to take some explanation - an ‘Arum’ from the Elite home world from the Halo universe, a pile of gems and coins from Smaug himself - you’d popped out of that world before getting charbroiled - a feather as long as your arm from a Roc, a working phaser, three seashells, several sets of armor and ancient clothing, a Lightsaber you’d stolen from one baffled Anakin Skywalker before he’d gone batty, and an emerald the size of your fist - you hoped Sonic had made due without it.
You’d actually been trying to work up the nerve to talk to Eddie after a date, on the walk home, when you’d literally popped out of existence.
You reappeared in the middle of a fight between a rag tag group of people and something called a ‘dracolich’. Which was a fancy word for ‘skeleton dragon’.
By then, you were rather used to appearing in the middle of a crisis, so you’d taken up a sword and joined the fight. By the time the undead dragon was properly dead - thanks to one of the group that had turned out to be a necromancer - you’d pretty much ingratiated yourself to the group, and no one questioned where you’d appeared from.
You spent a month with them, fulfilling quests, getting drunk at taverns, and being rewarded by kings and peasants both. You had enough gold coins to pay for your apartment for the next fifty years. Your new friends, the necromancer, a draconian, an archer and a sorceress made you the honorary ‘knight’ of the group, even chipping in to buy you a set of armor tailored to you.
It was while your friends were at a brothel - you may have been in a different universe but you did have a boyfriend back home, hence the ‘no brothel’ rule for you - that things went sideways again. You popped, appearing in the middle of a conference at the UN where there were lizards instead of people, waved, then popped again, reappearing in San Francisco.
This wouldn’t have been such a bad thing had you not been decked out in full armor, armed with numerous knives and a broadsword. The fact that you’d appeared in the middle of a wedding just made things more complicated.
You managed to weave a spiel about trying out your ‘costume’ for the next Comic Con before making a run for it.
Hoping that Eddie was still around somewhere, you trudged home, incurring various stunned looks as you went. Ignored them with long practice, even when you got on the elevator and had to ride to the top floor next to a women with two children.
Lacking a key, you merely kicked your front door in, freezing in the doorway when you spotted a very confused Eddie on your couch. He was obviously in the middle of working on a new article - papers and notebooks were scattered around him haphazardly.
“Um…. hi?” You even wiggled your fingers at him in a little wave, armor glinting in the light from the windows.
Everything went flying - laptop included, ouch - when he realized who you were. He crossed the apartment in a run before wrapping you up in a crushing embrace.
“You’re alive!”
The stark relief in his voice made you wither a little, and you lamely stayed silent, blinking up at him when he pushed you back and held you at arms length.
“Where have you been?! We searched the entire City for you! Twice! Thought you’d been kidnapped or worse–”
You rose a hand to place your fingers against his mouth when his voice cracked, the tears in his eyes making a pit open up in your stomach. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I should have told you. This just…. happens, sometimes. Well, a lot of the time. I can’t control it. Usually I can feel it before it happens, but this time I didn’t have any warning and–”
“This has happened before?”
You winced a little and pulled away, walking past him and into the apartment. Waited until he’d closed the door before speaking again. “Weird things have been happening to me since I was eight. Things would pop in and out of existence around me, things that we’re from my time or our world. They’d always vanish again eventually…. When I was twelve I vanished for a week, met Robin Hood, he taught me how to shoot a bow–”
The look of disbelief on Eddie’s face made you growl. “See that? That right there. That’s why I don’t tell people. My parents had me admitted to psych wards because I trusted them. You know what electro-shock therapy is? It ain’t fun! But this shit happens to me, all the time. And you, Venom, are not the poster child for normality, so quit lookin’ at me like that!”
He winced at bit at that, then sighed and walked over to you. “Okay. Okay, we’re sorry, this just sounds….”
“Insane. I’m aware. I’m also aware that since aliens exist and that there are mutants running around and a guy in New York called ‘Spider-Man’, that this isn’t the weirdest thing in this reality.”
“Damn right ‘point’,” you muttered angrily, huffing as you headed for your bedroom. “There’s also the fact that I’m not stupid enough to say these things without some goddamn proof. So, c’mere.”
Grumbling a little, you stomped over to the locked chest at the foot of your bed, shoving clothes off of it before raising your thumb to your mouth and biting into the meat of it. Eddie made a noise of complaint at the sight, and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Needs blood given without duress to open,” you explained as you pressed your thumb to the lock, grinning at his look of shock when the combination lock spun crazily, five numbers clicking into place before the three heavy latches popped open. “Got this thing from a wizard when I turned twenty. Best security I ever invested in.”
The flabbergasted look on Eddie’s face was almost worth it when you started pulling things out and laying them on the bed, explaining what each and every one of them were and where you’d gotten them from. His eyes got bigger and bigger with every keepsake you pulled out, right up until you pulled out the Venom comic and thrust it into his face.
“Bet you were wondering why I was so chill when you told me about the symbiote, huh? I already knew about it.”
“This can’t be real,” left him in a whisper as he took the comic and flipped through it. The symbiote that was masquerading as his shirt visibly undulated, a tendril extending to poke at the comic, as if to make sure it wasn’t a hallucination.
“Oh, it is real buster. There’s a reality where practically every weird ass thing in this world is just a bunch of stories. Spider-Man, Magneto, Wolverine, fuck, the entire X-Men School - comic-books. Every single one. There’s a universe where Batman is real, another where the galaxy nearly got it’s metaphorical balls handed to it by monstrosities called ‘Reapers’, another where crab-people try to overthrow governments. Trust me, I have seen some weird shit.“
“You never told anyone?”
“The people I did tell had me committed,” you reminded him. “I learned to keep this kinda shit to myself. I wanted to tell you. I did. But…. Well, the amount of people who have flipped out on me and left is kinda a hundred percent. I have videos, and they still didn’t believe me.”
Eddie shook his head a little, still looking stunned. “We believe you. It’s impossible not to. We’re holding the story of our own history in our hands.”
“Sorry about that. Kinda had to go for the shock value.” You paused, hesitant. “You really believe me?”
The wary hope in your voice made him walk over to you and wrap you up in a hug, leaning his forehead against yours. “You’re very convincing.”
“And the symbiote?”
“Glad to have our morsel back.” Eddie blinked a little, then cleared his throat as the symbiote released control of his voice. “We’re relieved you’re alright. We mourned you. We’ve spent the past month trying to find you.”
“This’ll happen again,” you warned him softly. “I can’t control it. I wish I could, but I can’t. And I don’t have control about how long I stay away. Could be a week, could be a month….”
“But you’ll come back? Eventually?”
“Always do.”
“Promise to come home to us?”
You smiled. “Hun, if you can put up with the insanity that is my life, you’re practically stuck with me.”
“Good,” he murmured before kissing you, and you shivered happily as you kissed him back. “Now, show us how that Lightsaber works.”
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pctrparkrs-blog · 6 years
a/n: hello hello this is my first fic for peter parker whomst i would die for!!! i wrote the first draft for this at midnight on a school night the day after i got spoiled for infinity war and uhh i cried pretty much the whole time. it’s depressing & i promise i will write happier things after i get this out of my system!!!! also i listened to strawberries & cigarettes while writing this, it didn’t really inspire it or anything it just really reminds me of peter for some reason
warnings: INFINITY WAR SPOILERS!!!!! that’s all i think
words: ~1.9k
When all is said and done, Tony just wants to go home. He wants to go because you’re still there, in New York, waiting for them all to return.
Or at least, he hopes you are.
Because he hadn’t truly considered a possibility in which Thanos hurt you, not in the same way he’d considered a possibility in which Thanos hurt anyone else.
Everyone else, though, that was another thing he hadn’t seen coming.  
He sat, legs crossed like a preschooler, his head in his arms, for what felt like years. He knows it wasn’t actually years, but it felt like it. He hadn’t thought of much beyond Peter’s terrified sobs when he realized what was going to happen to him. After he saw Strange and Quill   and everyone else disintegrate into nothing but dust, and felt death reaching for him. Wondering why it had saved him for last. Abstractedly, Tony wonders if it hurt him very much. It didn’t seem like it. It seemed mostly like fear.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Tony has never been a religious man, but he finds himself praying when they land back in New York. Praying for Peter, for May, for all those he’s lost over the years. For you. In case you’re gone too, but also in case you’re not. You’re not related to him by blood, but you may as well be, and he can’t remember how he met your parents, but it doesn’t matter. He took you in after their tragic deaths, and you were his responsibility from then on. He thinks about how terrible it was to see the fear in Peter’s eyes, the hopelessness in his voice as he apologized for something that wasn’t his fault, and he thinks about how much worse it will be to walk into his apartment and see you reduced to a pile of ashes. He wasn’t able to protect Peter, but he could at least comfort him in his last moments; if you aren’t there when he walks in, he won’t have been able to do even that. At least Pepper will have been there.
Another barely stifled cry. If Pepper is gone too, after all this…
There is an overwhelming sense of horror as Tony opens the door. It feels like he’s the star of a horror movie, about to enter the room and find the bodies of his dead friends, the murderer still hiding in the closet somewhere, waiting to kill him too.
Thankfully, you’re still there. You seem cheery (after fifteen years living with someone, he can just tell), and the air in the room is light. Pepper must still be here too. For a minute Tony feels himself relax in the comfort of his own home, but then realization sets in and suddenly his day goes from awful to so much worse, because you’re standing there with your back turned to him and you don’t know yet. You haven’t seen what isn’t there yet. Or rather, who isn’t there.
The coward inside of him tells him to turn around. He needs time to himself right now, to properly grieve, to figure things out, to apologize to Peter’s aunt May, before he does this. But the rest of him, the noble part of him, knows he can’t do that. It would take too long and you had to know. He coughs slightly and you turn around.
Your day had been about as normal as it could have been: just school and back home, a few stops to pick up food on the way home. Pepper was the only one there when you got back to the apartment, which in itself wasn’t unusual; Tony was rarely in the apartment at 4 in the afternoon on a weekday. There was always work to do at the company, or with the governments of the world, or with the Avengers (or what was left of them).
Of course, Pepper’s news that a giant, donut-shaped spaceship and a couple sinister-looking aliens had landed in New York was objectively not normal. But they left New York quickly, taking Tony (and Peter, according to a text from Ned) with them, so life returned to normal just as quickly.
But the realization that half the world’s population was disintegrating for no apparent reason was even less normal than the aliens.
So obviously, you & Pepper locked yourselves in her room and buried yourselves under the covers, hoping that at least if you were going to die by crumbling into dust, you could do it in the comfort of a bed, with your family. But after about ten minutes of that, you got bored, and you figured that whatever freak incidence was occurring all over the world would come for you if it came for you, so you might as well go get a snack.
Which is how you happened to be in the kitchen, your back facing Tony Stark as he came into the room. He coughs. You turn around.
What you take in immediately is that he looks absolutely destroyed. Both physically and mentally. There are cuts on his face, hands, and arms; a few are still bleeding. He has a deep red spot on his face that you know will be a dark blue-black bruise by the end of the day tomorrow. He’s bent over, holding his side. But none of that looks like it’s paining him. No, it’s his eyes. They’re void of tears, but they look hazy, unfocused. He looks haunted.
And he’s alone.
And he’s gripping his hands so tightly you’re worried the bones might break. It would be almost comical if you didn’t feel cold dread creeping slowly through your body.
“Tony…?” You ask, slowly, quietly.
He exhales. Loudly. As if the weight of the world is on his shoulders.
“Where is everyone?” The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Your mind wanders for a moment; it’s never been this quiet in this room, you don’t think. The look on Tony’s face reminds you that this is a serious matter.
“Y/N… They’re gone.”
For a split second it’s so absurd that you want to laugh. Obviously, you weren’t expecting the return of the original Avengers, even though the alien attack of the day appeared to be a big deal. You haven’t seen Steve, Natasha, Sam, or Bucky in years; with Bruce and Thor it’s been even longer. And Peter usually went back to his apartment after missions, although not without a text. You weren’t sure why you felt so let down.
“They’re gone, Y/N.” Tony repeats suddenly; you hadn’t even realized you’d been speaking out loud. His tone is the same as before, but his voice cracks on your name. You look up at him, just as he lets his arms drop to his sides.
Everything is so, so quiet.
You can barely breathe, your mind is racing so fast. You sit down on the floor and cross your legs; Tony sits down beside you and takes your hands.
Everything starts to click.
“Where is he.” It’s not a question and both of you know it. “Tony, where is Peter?”
Tony closes his eyes, his face contorted in pain. You already know the answer; he knows you know too. It’s been all over the news for the past twelve hours, ever since people began turning into dust. And here’s Tony, without his starry-eyed student, looking completely and utterly destroyed. Unable to say more than a few words.
You know the answer, but you don’t believe it. You want to hear it from Tony.
“Tony, please.”
“Y/N, just try to breathe,” he says. You’re hyperventilating, another thing you hadn’t noticed. His voice is thick with emotion.
“No, I don’t believe it,” you shake your head, backing away from him even as he comes closer to you. Your eyes start to burn as you try to blink back tears. Tears mean it’s true, and it’s not true. “I don’t believe you.”
“You should.”
And that’s it. The scream leaves your body involuntarily; you feel strangely out of body as it happens, as if you’re only watching yourself, not actually there. Your knees buckle – you would have fallen had Tony not caught you as you collapse. Footsteps get louder; Pepper must be coming into the room.
“What happened? What happened?” You sob almost incomprehensibly, struggling to break free of his grasp.
“Thanos,” Tony murmurs. “He snapped his fingers and all of the sudden, half the world’s population starts to crumble.”
“That’s not good enough,” you wail, struggling back just far enough to hit him. You know you shouldn’t, but the reasonable part of your brain is not in control right now. He flinches, more from the words than your fists, but it doesn’t stop you. You beat on his chest again and again, and he lets you, until your arms weaken and you slip from his grip and flop to the floor.
Some truly disconnected part of Tony’s brain thinks it was funny, you flopping like a fish to the ground, but it’s overwhelmed by the thought that just a few short hours ago Peter was hugging him with a death grip, pleading with him. Sobbing about how he didn’t want to go. Like the child that he was.
“H-how could you do this,” your breathing is ragged as you stare up at him. “How could you let him come with you. He’s just a kid.”
“I didn’t -“ he starts, but cuts himself off after seeing your face. “It could have happened to him down here too.” That isn’t much better; Tony knows it’s a cheap excuse as soon as the words leave his mouth.
“You don’t know that,” you whisper. You don’t hear his response; you feel as if you’re underwater. You can hear indistinct mumbles as Pepper talks to Tony, and after a few seconds, he pushes something across the floor to you.
“Th-that’s what’s left.” He says slowly. “I took what I could.” A heartbeat passes and neither of you respond. “It’s not… Peter.”
You can’t help it. A sob escapes your lips as you reach for the box, pulling it close to your chest. You squeeze your eyes shut, as tightly as you can, and pray that in a few seconds you’ll hear Tony and Pepper’s footsteps leaving the kitchen.
They murmur to each other as they leave you lying on the floor, curled up in the fetal position with the box next to you, your eyes closed. You must look almost peaceful like that, but of course you’re not. You’re thinking about how you’d seen Peter just the night before, just because he was in the area (or so he’d said) and he wanted to see you, and you’re thinking about all the late-night adventures to get ice cream, or Chinese food, or Cheetos from the bodega two blocks down. And you’re thinking of the first time he kissed you – one of those days when it’s finally starting to get warm and everyone is optimistic – which was cliche but the look on his face after made you feel like you could explode from happiness. You’re trying to ignore the box next you in favor of your happiest moments.
You’re trying to reconcile your memories of this beautiful boy with the fact that he no longer exists.
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Warehouse 13 (August 2010)
"13.1" is the seventeenth episode overall and the fifth episode of the second season of Warehouse 13, airing on the Syfy Channel on 3 August 2010. It is the first part of a crossover event with Syfy's other hit show, Eureka. The second part was a Eureka episode, entitled Crossing Over, aired three days later on 6 August 2010.
Synopsis Douglas Fargo, a member of Global Dynamics, travels from Eureka to Warehouse 13 to assist them with a computer system update. However, when a sentient computer virus is unleashed, the team is trapped when the Warehouse goes into lockdown.
Source: Warehouse 13 Wiki
So, now we’ve seen what the first crossover between Syfy shows that aren’t called Stargate looks like, and it has to be said, I kind of liked it. Maybe it’s because I’m a comic fan and therefore shared universes and crossovers and cameos and everything like that is like catnip to me, but watching characters from Eureka and Warehouse 13 wander into each other’s worlds with last week’s episodes of their respective series made me want to see more of this Syfy-verse, and sooner rather than later, if possible. But here’re 13 (late, sorry) thoughts about “13.1” and “Crossing Over.”
1. When In Doubt, Do Shows About Your Show. Both episodes were oddly insular, in one way or another. If I had to compare them, I’d say that I preferred Eureka‘s insularity, where the episode was used to continue plot threads from the season so far, as opposed to Warehouse 13‘s more obvious episode, which seemed much more about the show’s uber-mythology.
2. That’s A Kinda Terrible Retirement Package, Right There. I have to wonder if pointing out the unfortunate fates of former Warehouse agents is intentional foreshadowing for something down the line, or just a generic “Things are unlikely to turn out well for our heroes” thing, if one somewhat mitigated by Hugo ending the episode apparently intact and headed off to Eureka (And, yes, it was sad that he didn’t appear at all in the Eureka ep that followed, even as a cameo). Are Pete and Myka going to snap/die/head to the dark side? Myka is kind of high-strung, I could see her losing it…
3. Which Show Showed Off Better? The point of the crossover, of course, was in part to get new viewers into both shows, which means creating episodes that introduced the series and made sure people would come back for more. For my money, Eureka‘s episode was a better showcase for the series as a whole, but the character work in Warehouse 13 seemed stronger, at least when it came to Pete (Who seemed especially funny this week, or was it just me?), Artie and Claudia. Poor Myka, again, seemed to get left behind. I think she’s got cause for turning evil, really.
4. Which Show Handled The Guest Better? This time, it’s Warehouse 13. Don’t get me wrong; Claudia seemed like a good fit in Eureka, but she also didn’t really seem entirely like Claudia, for some reason – In part because she seemed like a generic guest-star whose purpose was to walk on, give exposition and then be led off by Henry for a lot of the show, and in part because she just seemed too confident and self-assured, especially around Fargo (Remember the Claudia of two weeks ago who freaked out over liking Todd?) – whereas W13‘s Fargo seemed spot-on, personalitywise. Which leads me to…
5. Continuity Is A Bitch (1). Am I the only person who thought that it was weird that Fargo, who’s now the head of Global Dynamics, was the person who went to Warehouse 13 to install a new computer system? Shouldn’t he have… you know, someone to do that for him? I wondered if there’d already been a draft of the script done before the new Eureka status quo had been finalized.
6. Continuity Is A Bitch (2). When Claudia saw Fargo’s life thanks to the zoetrope in W13, why didn’t she seem surprised that he’d actually come from what’s essentially an alternate timeline? Which reminds me…
7. Does This Mean That Warehouse 13‘s Continuity Might Be Changed Now, Too? Or has it always existed in Eureka‘s new timeline? This is where shared universes get confusing.
8. Which Show Pandered The Most? Well, that one is obvious; Warehouse 13. Lightsabers, you guys? Really? Lightsabers? I thought we were the ones doing the Star Wars thing right now. (Okay, I admit it: I loved the lightsabers. Eureka is plenty geeky – especially with their choice of guest-stars, which almost always brings a smile to my face – but W13 has taken to really reveling in its geek this season, and I kind of love that about the show. My only real complaint about the lightsabers is that, come on: You know that Pete would be really upset when he heard about that later. I wish we could’ve seen that.)
9. It’s The Little Things That Matter. I might not have thought Eureka‘s Claudia was exactly the same Claudia as Warehouse 13‘s, but I did appreciate that she spent her guest-spot calling Fargo “Doug,” thereby showing that she had a different/more respectful relationship with him than everyone else on the show; it was a tiny little thing, but I really loved it. Not so much her calling him “the Fargonator,” but kudos for the shoutout to the season premiere, if nothing else.
10. Science In Eureka Can Be Really Dangerous. Now, maybe I missed something, but was there any testing of the advanced Warehouse goo before they started pumping into James Callis’ bloodstream? Isn’t the goo supposed to be at least kind of toxic in Warehouse terms?I mean, I guess it tied the episode to W13 slightly more, but that scene seemed kind of odd; as much as I’m glad that Callis’ time-tossed scientist Charles Grant is sticking around, even with that accent, I’d have rather it was all a nanobot save in the end. Too picky?
11. Seriously, How Old Is Claudia? Hey! Missy making out with Fargo! Didn’t the show just establish that you were a teenager, like, a week or so ago? Isn’t Fargo somewhere in his early-to-mid twenties? I’m no prude, but I’m surprised this hook-up seemed to happen without commentary, considering how much was made of Claudia and Todd just a week earlier. Also:
12. What The Hell, Todd? Seriously, dude, if your dumping of Claudia wasn’t set up for something later, then that was really bad writing that doesn’t make a hell of a lot of sense – especially considering how quickly Claudia had seemed to bounce back by Eureka‘s episode. I’m holding out hopes that Todd will turn out to be HG Wells’ grandson or something, and it’ll all make sense down the road.
13. Match-Ups I Want To See In The Future I’d be very happy if this ended up being an annual thing, a la DC’s Justice League/Justice Society crossovers. Maybe next year, it could be a true crossover, with a story beginning in one and concluding in the other, and with more characters jumping between shows? If nothing else, I’d love to see Myka deal with Deputy Andy – and who wouldn’t be into watching CCH Pounder be charmed by Vincent’s culinary skills? Only, next year? Bring Haven to the party, please; Emily Rose deserves better than weirdly-paced episodes that always seem to need dubbed exposition at the end to tie up loose ends.
Source: Time
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