#i’m so proud of marlene’s twitter name
nothingtoseeherebyeexx · 10 months
Delicate, Chapter Six: You’re On Your Own, Kid
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CW: SA, it’s not described but it has happened. skip from “to be fair” until “quiet weeping” if you’re not comfortable. a bit heavier than usual, but i tried to keep it as light as possible. next ones will be more fun, dw <3
ALECTO @ alectocarrow
Narcissa Black and her unknown ‘friend’ spotted at the party that Lily Evans (the Black Studios’ n1 enemy) also attended…We knew you didn’t like your parents, Narcissa, no need to drag your groupie into this!
narcissa @ thenarcissablack
alecto, you know the addy. pull up anytime and say that shit to my face. i won’t not fuck you the fuck up. period.
ALECTO @ alectocarrow
Is this a threat? Are you threatening me? I’m talking to my lawyer.
narcissa @thenarcissablack
tell ‘em it’s a promise not a threat.
marlsboro @ mckinnon
what if i said narcissa black got that dawg in her?
Euphemia Potter @ euphemiapotter
Hello! I wanted to thank everyone who came to our small gathering last Saturday, hope you all had a good time! 😊 And fun fact! My husband Fleamont is a really good lawyer! ❤️
“So…they didn’t fuck?”
“They didn’t even kiss?”
“None of that.”
“And she’s like that?”
Amelia pointed to Narcissa, who was busy reorganising the twins’ office, moving the small prizes, photo frames and certifications of an inch from their original positions in a joyous frenzy. Edgar looked just as incredulous (and worried) as his sister.
“I can hear you!” Narcissa said, tiptoe on a chair trying to reach a particularly high shelf. “Your office could use some colour, guys. I could buy you some flowers! Oh and Mel, I want to add another song to the set list for Friday.”
“It’s a twenty minute performance, you can’t sing twenty two songs!” Amelia protested, arms wide in exasperation.
“But it’s really important to me,” Narcissa whined, batting her eyelashes. “It’s, like, vital. Esssential. Pretty pretty pretty please?”
“It doesn’t work with me, Cissa, you know it.”
“Nope, we’re not doing that.” Edgar got up from his chair with his hands raised, and Mary watched him cross the room decidedly, pick Narcissa up from her legs and throw her over his shoulder like she was a bag of potatoes. A screaming, kicking bag of potatoes.
“He’s like the Big Friendly Giant.” Mary whispered.
“I feel violated.” Narcissa snarled once she was delicately deposited on the couch.
Edgar ignored her, sitting back in his chair.
“What happened at the party, Cissa?” he asked, calm as ever.
Narcissa smirked, and told them she had talked to Alice and about their promise (although it was more like a threat, but Mary wasn’t going to contradict her), but despite the passionate retelling, Amelia was unimpressed.
“Pick five songs. The show is in three days and we can’t change everything last minute because your crush stopped ignoring you.”
“She’s not my crush-“
“And Mary,” intervened Edgar, “The album is ready to drop. If you want, you can start writing that song with Lily now.”
Those words hit Mary like a bus.
“Yeah, about that…” she began, and all three turned to her. She felt her stomach turn to stone.
“I think we have a problem. I’ve been really focused on the album, so I haven’t written anything new in…four years? Probably?” she admitted, ashamed.
Mary was aware it was a problem: she had signed a contract, so the company expected her to make music. In her defence, lately she had been busy with the album and looking for a label, and she hadn’t really needed to write anything new in the past months, but still…Wasn’t she, as an artist, supposed to feel the need to write? Music was supposed to be an innate instinct, not a product bound by deadlines, yet Mary had lost the natural need to create songs. The notes sounded wrong, the words on paper were smudges of feelings Mary couldn’t extricate. A big skein of too much, a bunch of knots she couldn’t unravel.
Amelia and Edgar were quiet, the first impassive, the second worried, but Narcissa came to her rescue.
“It’s fine, Mary,” she shrugged, like it was no big deal, “Writer’s block is a bitch. If anything, working with Lily will help you.”
“Yeah,” agreed Amelia, though she didn’t seem too convinced. “It’s not a problem, it’s still early. We’ll drop the album, and you’ll have a lot of time to…overcome this block.”
“Maybe you’ve been overworking yourself,” offered Edgar, “You could try resting a bit, you deserve it. It may help your…creative juices flowing.”
“Don’t say creative juices, Ed, it’s disgusting,” scoffed Narcissa, but she threw Mary a fleeting glance.
So she was worried, but was trying to lighten the mood. Mary appreciated it.
“Now we gotta go. I have a set list to organize.” Narcissa smiled, waiting for Mary to also get up. But she stayed on the chair, looking at the twins.
“Amelia, Edgar,” she began, “I’ll do it. I promise.”
Edgar smiled, comforting.
He was such a good-natured man. A human Care Bear. Mary wanted to hug him.
“I have no doubts, Mary. But don’t worry, and take it easy,” he said.
Mary had doubts, was worried, and did not take it easy.
“Cissa, can we talk for a minute?” she asked as soon as they stepped into their apartment. “Before you go to your room and write down the best songs to impress Alice, that is.”
“I’ll pick my fluffiest, pinkest pen, lay in my bed, and kick my feet to do that,” she smirked to herself, taking off her shoes. “Get on the sofa while I make some hot chocolate for the occasion.”
As Narcissa slid into the kitchen, Mary got comfortable and closed her eyes. Like this, she could almost pretend she was back in her family home, basking in the sunlight filtering through the thin curtains of her window, listening for her brothers’ bickering or for the sound of her mum’s car parking in the garage.
She hadn’t called.
May was surprised by this, but not because she was expecting her mother to beg her to come back-no, she had been happy her daughter had decided to get a life of her own and stopped being a expense, but Mary was expecting her to get in contact to ask about her (still) unborn career, since many weeks had passed and Mary hadn’t released anything, and she didn’t usually pass an opportunity to say ‘i told you so’. Mary, however, was not going to call her and give her the chance on a silver platter.
She was willing to make an effort for her brothers, though.
She called them everyday, asked them about school, how things were at home. Theo was always full of anecdotes and questions, eager to tell and know, and he spoke quickly, trying to make Mary feel like she was still home. He ended every call with a ‘we miss you’, and each time Mary’s heart clenched.
Bingley, on the other hand, let Mary do all the talking. He usually picked up the phone, muttered an ‘hi’, and kept his mouth shut until Mary started asking questions. To which he rigorously answered with monosyllables or mumbling. It drove Mary insane, but she didn’t blame him-she couldn’t, really. She had to take care of him when their mum was too busy with work, becoming a sort of mother figure to him, and now he was left in a similar predicament Mary had been when she was just a few years younger than him.
Maybe she could go back to them. They needed her, she could help them with their schoolwork, do the chores, make sure they were asleep before their parents got home and awake in time for school. They were still kids. How could she leave them? She couldn’t even write songs, what had gotten into her?
“Okay, I’m back-wait, are you crying?” Mary barely registered Narcissa putting the cups down and sitting next to her, her words activating some traitorous mechanism in her eyes that turned them into waterfalls.
She tried to look at Narcissa, but her eyes were too watery to see anything, which made her feel even worse, so she completely gave up seeing and pressed her palms against her eyes, hiccuping. Mary felt Narcissa’s arms around her, and she let her head fall to her chest.
“I’m fine,” she muttered, but Narcissa kept her close.
“I’ll teach you to become a better liar when the time comes, sweetheart,” she joked, and Mary let out a strained laugh that sounded more like mix between a dying cat and an affronted seagull.
“I’m…decent,” she clarified, and apparently Narcissa found it an acceptable answer, because she let her go.
Mary grabbed the cup of chocolate and took a sip, focusing on the rich, warm drink rather than her rumply face.
“What’s wrong? Is it the writing block?” Narcissa asked softly.
“It’s nothing, really, I’m almost on my period, I get emotional-“
“Mary.” Narcissa interrupted her, delicate but firm. “You wanted to talk. What’s wrong?”
Mary sighed.
“Many things, actually, and I think this block is only the tip of the iceberg.”
“Let’s start, then,” Narcissa grabbed her own cup of chocolate and snuggled up on her end of the sofa, like a kid waiting for a bedtime story. “Open up, let’s have a bonding experience.”
“I was thinking about my family,” Mary began, feeling a little silly being interrogated like that. “My brothers. And my mum. And it’s just…I-I’m confused. Torn. I mean, I’m extremely glad for everything that I’ve accomplished, and I don’t regret anything. On the other hand, though, I feel guilty. So fucking guilty, Cissa.”
She gulped, swallowing her tears.
“I left them. I told them I would always be there for them, and then I left and I don’t even regret it, and I fear I’ll end up like my mother and-“ Mary paused. “And a part of me wants to go back. But then I remember where I am, how I worked my ass off for the past months, and I feel like-like I deserve this. And I do. I worked hard, and I’ve earned it. And yet, every time I enjoy what I have, I can’t help but feel like I’m being unfair to my brothers, like I’m here at their expense. And I know it’s not fucking right, but why does my mind do this? Why do I even end up missing my parents, who were never there for me? What even is there to miss?”
Mary took a big breath, her cheeks hot from the unexpected outburst, and was glad to find Narcissa looking at her with not an ounce of judgement in her eyes.
She wasn’t trying to offer solutions right away, giving her some space to be heard instead.
“But I don’t think that’s the cause of this block. I think that dates back to ages ago, before I came here, when I was still looking for a label, a talent scout, or anything, really,” Mary continued, “I was desperate. I had just got out of high school, I had no job and no money, only a few songs waiting to be heard and pressure from my parents. I didn’t have real friends, only acquaintances, but I told them about my dream, my album, stuff like that. I’m not sure how much they cared, to be fair.
“One night, I went to a club with one of these acquaintances of mine. I didn’t go out often, but I‘ve always been a party girl, so when I did go out I always had fun, drinking, smoking and all that. And that night wasn’t much different from the others, at first: I was tipsy, but still ended up chatting with a guy on a bench. Since I was obsessed at the time, I started blabbing about my songs and my desperate need of a label, and at that the guy’s eyes lit up, and he laughed. He said he had contacts with the Black Studios, that his dad worked there, and that he could arrange an interview. I was euphoric. Then he said he wanted to offer me-his ‘future coworker’, he said- a drink, and when he came back he even dared me to down it in ten seconds. Like a game, you see. A joke. That’s the last thing I remember from that night. I woke up behind a bush a few hours later.”
Mary opened her eyes, the sun not out yet, but its rays already tinting the sky, timidly pushing away the dark blues and purples. A few stars still hung in there, resolute. It could’ve been a peaceful moment, but then Mary remembered she was lying on the ground, next to a bush right outside a club-a perfect spot for people in desperate need to piss, not ideal to fall asleep. She pushed herself up with her hands, and was surprised to find her whole body aching.
Mary checked her arms and found scratches, and her legs were bruised. Too much damage for a few hours sleeping on the ground.
What time was it? Had Sheryl already gone home? And where was that guy, Mulciber?
Suddenly the world seemed far, far away, and as a suspicion made its way in her mind, a horrible feeling started growing in her stomach, making her want to puke. She didn’t want to know what happened anymore. She wanted to go home, but her ride had left her.
“Hey girly, what are you doing there?” called a voice from a jeep that had just come to a stop next to her. It was a girl, maybe a bit older than her, with straight dark hair and flashy sunglasses and an exceptionally green eyeshadow.
“D’ya need a ride home?” said another girl, her blonde pigtails peeking from behind the first girl. She chewed noisily, and was also wearing bright blue eyeshadow.
“Jess, go help her up, for fuck’s sake!”
“Oh my God, I’m going!” a third girl shouted, coming out of the backseat. She had ridiculously high platforms and a small, tight pink dress, along with a white feather boa and a red wig. Mary thought she was hallucinating.
When she arrived, she crouched in front of her and looked at her with big, brown eyes.
“You okay? You look like a mess.”
Mary wasn’t okay. In fact, she was too confused to answer. The girl took out a tissue from her small purse and started cleaning her face, sweeping away the dirt from her cheeks and the leaves from her hair.
“A bit better. D’you need, like, a ride? I’m still tipsy but our driver, the blonde one, is stone cold sober, I swear. She refuses to drink because she doesn’t want to, like, piss in public bathrooms. Cus it’s too gross for her.”
Mary nodded, speechless, and the girl, Jess, helped her up and led her to the truck. She ended up in the seat between her and the green girl, who had left the spot at the front, and the two soon started to clean her up, fixing her dress, brushing her hair, they even took off her makeup and put a few skin care products. The girl in blue drove recklessly, but the trunk of the car smelled of weed and Mary had the absurd thought that maybe it had an effect on her own sense of self preservation, because she didn’t mind the danger. The girl in green started patting her head, and Mary had the feeling she was the reason behind the sweet scent in the trunk.
“Ok sweetie,” said the blonde, swerving to avoid a pedestrian who was crossing the street. “What happened?”
“I…don’t remember.”
“You got absolutely sloshed last night, didn’t ya? Typical.” smiled the girl in pink. She took out a gum and offered Mary one, and she took it.
“I wasn’t that drunk…A guy was supposed to bring me a drink and…” Mary’s head was too light, her memory blurry. “The last thing I remember is drinking with him. Then I was really sick and…I found myself bruised and aching on the pavement.”
There it was again. The knife in her stomach, the knot in her throat. She wanted to curl up on the seat and cry.
“You got roofied?” asked the girl in blue bluntly.
“Oi! Be more tactless, you cunt!” countered the girl in green.
“I’m taking her to the hospital, bitch. If she was raped, she needs proof.”
Raped. Proof. Mary was going to vomit.
The three girls began fighting, but Mary could only think about her brothers. It was Saturday. She had to help Bingley with a school project and she had promised Theo she’d take him to his friend’s house. She had to clean the house and go grocery shopping. All before her mum came home, or she’d start doing everything herself and then complain about it.
“Take me home,” she whispered, and the girls quieted down.
“Take me home, please.” Mary repeated.
The girl in blue threw her a heavy look from the rear view mirror.
“Are you not going to at least press charges?” she asked, popping her gum. “The police station isn’t far-“
“I don’t have the money or the time. And I was drunk, and I…” Mary let her head fall against the headrest, closing her eyes.
“No one would believe me. It’s a waste of time.”
At that, the girls lost all the will to fight. The girl in green took her hand, drawing small circles on her wrist with her thumb, while Jess rested her head on Mary’s shoulder.
For the rest of the ride, Mary let the air inside of the car, heavy with the smell of weed, perfume, pity and resignation, be filled with her quiet weeping.
“Three girls took me home. Now that I think about it, they were dressed like the PowerPuff Girls,” Mary snorted, although she felt more like crying rather than laugh, and Narcissa apparently didn’t find it funny either, her chocolate cold and forgotten now on the table in front of them.
“Yeah?” she answered, her voice breaking. Narcissa opened her arms, and Mary barely hesitated before throwing herself at her. Narcissa hugged her tightly, as if she could squeeze all the pain away, crushing it until it imploded.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“I know.” Mary cried.
“It wasn’t your fault.” Narcissa repeated.
“I didn’t say anything back then. And now, I feel like I can’t say anything,” Mary sobbed, “I have tried writing songs, but every time I sit down with a pen in hand, I can only think about that drive home. When I realised.”
“Why don’t you write about it, then?” Narcissa asked, sweetly, running her fingers through Mary’s hair.
“It’s scary, Cissa. It’s something I don’t want to remember, much less make it known. I don’t care about the public opinion, but I don’t want to be known as that one girl who was assaulted, I want to be known as Mary MacDonald.”
“You don’t have to release a song,” replied Narcissa. “You could write a letter, or a poem. It can be personal, or you can choose to publish it. I think it could be helpful, regardless of what you choose to do with it. Cathartic.”
“Do many singers even release this kind of stuff? It’s…very personal.” Mary pondered, ignoring the fact she had cried all over Narcissa’s (now soaked) arms and shirt. Mary was still holding her chocolate, which she miraculously hadn’t spilled.
“Some do. Take Evans, for example. She writes mostly autobiographical stuff, and the people love it.” Narcissa shrugged. “That’s also why I think she will be good for your block. She can bring out the best in you.”
Mary smiled.
“Can I tell you a secret? It has nothing to do with all this,” she whispered, lifting her face to meet Narcissa’s gaze.
“If you want.”
Mary paused for suspence.
“I’ve never listened to Lily’s songs.”
“What?” Narcissa exclaimed, shocked. “How is that possible? She’s literally a pop icon! Has been for years!”
“I know but-“ Mary laughed, returning to her half of the sofa to watch Narcissa freak out from a safe distance.
“She has won multiple awards, set records, made multiple cameos in shows and ads-“
“Cissa.” Mary interrupted her, smiling. “I’ve heard some of her most famous songs, I just thought it was funny because everyone expects me to know everything about her, starting from her discography.”
She took a sip from her cup, hiding a smile, but Narcissa seemed thoughtful. Mary had a feeling she was still thinking about what she’d told her, and was debating bringing it up again.
“What did you say his name was?” she finally asked, breaking the silence.
“He said it was Mulciber, but I doubt he was stupid enough to tell his real name. Why?”
“There is a Mulciber who works in my family’s business,” she said, and Mary felt her blood speeding up in her veins.
“He’s Snape’s manager.”
“I am so fucked. So. Fucked.” Alice was pacing back and forth in her living room, or rather, had been pacing for a while now, with three pairs of eyes following her.
“I’m a hypocrite. What was I even thinking?” she cried, “Do you think I’m a hypocrite?”
Lily and Frank immediately responded with a choir of ‘noo’’s, while Marlene let out a dubious ‘meh…’ that made Alice pout.
“She didn’t even tell us what happened!” Lily protested, and Marlene just shrugged.
“Actually, can you tell us what happened? In detail, because I think we’ve already got the general gist,” intervened Frank.
“How long have you-you know what, I don’t care,” said Alice, and started walking again.
“Narcissa and I were in a relationship, it ended badly, and I haven’t spoken to her since. I thought she hated me, turns out she hates the fact that I don’t think about her all the time-“
“Which is a lie, because you do,” Marlene interrupted her, and Alice threw her a glare that made the blonde raise her hands in surrender.
“-anyways. Now she wants me to watch her performance and I am going fucking crazy because I have been ignoring her, and I don’t know what to expect.”
“Crazy detail, Fortescue.” Frank commented. Alice ignored him.
“Why don’t you listen to some of her songs, so you do know what to expect?” suggested Lily.
“I would have to endure listening to her voice for hours and I don’t think I can do that, the show is tomorrow.” Alice answered. “I swear, she makes me want to bang my head against the wall.”
“I think she only makes you want to bang-“
“Marlene, I’m begging you. Stop.”
She smirked from her stool.
“If the issue is time,” began Frank, “Lily and I have made a list of songs that might be about you.”
“And why in God’s name did you do that?” Alice asked, exasperated.
“We were bored and had a perfectly good whiteboard,” said Lily.
“Oi, we can use that as a bucket list when we watch the show!” Marlene exclaimed.
Alice wanted to rip her hair off. “Let’s organise a watch party while we’re at it,” she said ironically, covering her face with her hands.
“We’re all going to be watching the show, Alice,” replied Lily, “James and Sirius will also be performing. Marlene and I can go to Peter’s with Remus, if you want to be alone.”
“Yes, thank you. Sorry for banishing you from your own home.”
“It’s fine, Alice. We’ve been looking forward to going, actually.” Marlene said, comforting. She came closer to Alice and started patting her back. “When was this relationship with Narcissa, though? Before or after she left the Black Studios?”
“…It was when we were still at Hogwarts.”
“Ten years ago?” Frank spoke under his breath, and Marlene’s hand dropped from Alice’s back. Lily bit her bottom lip, possibly to refrain from saying something.
“Holy fucking shit, Alice. And you’re still like this?” commented Marlene.
“Of course I am. You would be like this, too, if you were in my place!” Alice protested.
Because what she had with Narcissa was incredible.
It was playful, youthful at first.
Thrilling and passionate in the middle.
A tragedy in the end.
But it was theirs, all throughout, and it was real. It was real for Alice, and maybe she was wrong, maybe it was real for Narcissa, too.
In twenty four hours, one of two scenarios would happen.
In the first, Narcissa’s songs were going to be about how badly Alice treated her, maybe they diminished their past to a silly teenage love and humiliated her publicly, other than break heart in even smaller pieces.
In the second, Narcissa apologised and confessed her undying love for her. Which, honestly, might be even worse.
The sound of Lily’s ringtone interrupted her thoughts.
“Oh!” her face lit up as soon as she saw the screen. “It’s Mary! I’ll be back in a sec!”
She didn’t even wait for an answer before skipping to another room, her hair bouncing with every step.
“Are we going to address that, or…” Marlene said, pointing towards the door Lily had just shut behind her.
“Let’s address that. I’m tired of being the one under the spotlight,” agreed Alice. “That’s a lot of excitement for a friend.”
“Well, you know Lily,” intervened Frank, “She loves her friends a lot. And, she’s a girls’ girl. I don’t see anything weird.”
“Why are you trying so hard to defend her (alleged) heterosexuality?” inquired Marlene, wary.
“That’s suspicious, Frank. People might get the wrong idea,” agreed Alice.
He rolled his eyes vigorously.
“She’s dated plenty of men. She said multiple times she likes men.”
“Bisexuality is a thing,” countered Marlene.
“I would know that, McKinnon.”
“I can’t possibly know that, you never tell us about your love life!”
Frank and Marlene began bickering, and Alice was laughing so hard she had to kneel down.
“I’m back!” smiled Lily, entering the room.
“That was quick,” said Alice, still wheezing.
“She had to help Narcissa with something. Anyways, she invited me to her place tomorrow. Narcissa is going to be away all day, so she wanted to start writing our song. I’ll stay with her to watch the show,” she explained.
“Oh, so it’s going to be just the two of you? Alone?” Alice asked innocently.
“Yes, imagine how sad it would’ve been if she was by herself all day!” Lily replied.
“So sad,” agreed Marlene, using the same tone as Alice. “I’ll tell Peter and Remus you’re not coming, then.”
“They won’t mind, will they?”
“I’ll tell them why you can’t come, they’ll understand,” Marlene smiled, and then threw a glance at Frank, who was unimpressed.
“Thank you, you’re the best. I have to pick an outfit, Friday is literally tomorrow!” Lily said, going to her room, but then stopped and turned back to them.
“Actually, this may sound weird, but…” she started. “Do you think Mary likes women?”
Alice covered her mouth with a hand, trying to muffle a laugh. She didn’t know what was going on between Marlene and Frank, but if she took a quick look she knew she wouldn’t be capable to stop herself from cackling.
“I think she does,” replied Marlene after a quick silence, since Frank clearly wasn’t going to answer.
“I heard she has a girlfriend. Valentina, I think.”
“Oh really?” said Lily, taken aback. “I mean, of course Mary isn’t single, have you seen her? She’s gorgeous, it would be a crime if she were. She’s really kind, too. I’m just surprised, it’s…well, she hasn’t mentioned a girlfriend, and we’ve been talking for a while.”
Lily Evans was rambling. Alice and Marlene were going to taunt the fuck out of Frank at the first available opportunity.
“Anyways. Marlene, how-who told you?”
“No one, I lied. I wanted to prove a point to Frank.” Marlene smirked, pointing to him.
Lily pressed her lips into a thin line, and Alice could feel a few gears getting into motion in that smart, oblivious head of hers. She left the room shortly after, and Alice and Marlene didn’t have to say anything: Frank raised his hands in surrender, giving up under the girls’ laughter.
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bellaelisabeth95 · 5 years
A reminder of the toxicity that plagues the legacy of Marlene King and Pretty Little Liars
TW: Self harm and suicide
I know that this coming week starts the Pretty Little Liars spinoff “The Perfectionists,” also directed by Marlene King and starring two cast members from the original show. PLL has been over for years now, but that doesn’t mean some of its most…… passionate? fans have forgotten it. I know many of us haven’t. Who could forget the disaster that was the end of Pretty Little Liars, as a small but very loud subgroup of fans decided to viciously attack anyone who stood in the way of their beloved ship? Before I go any further, I want to make it clear that everyone knows it was not all emison fans. If you are a person who shipped emison but did not bully other cast members or fans, then I feel truly sorry that you were in the same group as them. And I thank you for not taking part in what some of them did.   
  The reason I’m making this post is because of the Lindsey Shaw Fiasco. I know every single PLL fan on social media knows what this is, regardless of who you shipped/didn’t ship. I want to make sure in light of MK’s new show no one forgets what happened to her, and what could happen again. Marlene King watched as one of her own actors, as well as many of the fans of her show, were mercilessly harassed and said NOTHING. In fact, she pandered to the same people doing the harassing. Both Shay Mitchell and Sasha Pieterse, the two parts of the emison ship, said nothing, despite the harassers being their fans. Now, maybe you’ll say all the ships had crazy fans. They did. But none like this one. Because these people went beyond the typical mean comments about looks or weight. These people aimed to cause real, true harm, and in some cases they almost succeeded. And now, after PLL being over for two years, with the chance for this rabid fanbase to lose their flame, another show targeted at the SAME PEOPLE is airing next week. Another chance to bring them together, to attack anyone they see as getting in the way of their ship.  
   Fans of the ship Paily were targeted. And even more so than us, Paige’s actress, Lindsey Shaw, was targeted the most relentlessly and disgustingly of all. Whether you are a fan of Lindsey’s or not, you cannot justify what happened to her. Not even if you still choose to believe she “supports Trump,” which she made clear she does not. As a fan of hers, I will agree it was dumb of her to joke about that, and I think she forgot that people don’t always get her sense of humor. Not to mention, there were always people who weren’t fans waiting to pounce. But did you ever stop to think about what led to that little breakdown? (I think right around this time 3 years ago). At that point, Lindsey had already been taking abuse for YEARS, although it certainly got worse as emison became a possibility. She would post something unrelated to the show and be flooded with “kill yourself”, “die pigskin,” and “drink bleach.” How long can someone take that kind of harassment without snapping a little? I was always impressed it didn’t happen sooner. It was clear to me, as well as many of her other fans, that she was going through something personal at the time, and all of the abuse on top of it was a little too much. This all came to a head March 2016. No one from the show said anything.   
  Fast forward to May 2016, when I lost every ounce of respect for every single cast member of PLL. I used to be a huge fan of Shay. That started fading as she failed to even acknowledge her Paily fans as time went on. It was obvious she cared far more about being popular than she did about standing up for her fans or a co-star she claimed to love. And I don’t know, maybe she and Lindsey had some kind of personal falling out. I always wondered if that was the case, because how else could they all be cold enough to ignore someone’s obvious suffering? Even if that is the case, it isn’t an excuse for her never speaking up. On one day in early May, Lindsey retweeted something that got a portion of the emison base in a frenzy, with them claiming she called Sasha ugly (the tweet did no such thing. It was calling Paily a beautiful couple). Anyway, they POUNCED with a level of venom I had never even seen before. It was horrifying. There were lots of death threats, calls for her to hurt herself. But the one that stood out most came from a user who I won’t name because I don’t want her to have the satisfaction. She literally started a petition with Lindsey’s twitter handle in it, telling people to RT to get her to commit suicide. To which Lindsey responded that she had already tried. Anyone outside of that small pocket of emisons was HORRIFIED, frantically tweeting Marlene, Shay, Troian, all the big name people from the show to address this. Even if they didn’t address Lindsey, to just make an overall statement about how this behavior wasn’t okay. Fans from every ship were taking part. I was sure Shay, or at least Marlene, would say something.
  None of them did. Not a single one. It was obvious at that point how much Lindsey was suffering. But still no one said a word.
  These are all adults. Grown women acting like a group of middle school bystanders, too cowardly to stand up for the bullied. There is no excuse for them never addressing this. Especially since with a new show, it’s likely to just start up where it left off. In glancing through instagram comments, these same fans have already found a new target: Evan Bittencourt. I don’t know who he is or why they hate him, and frankly I don’t care, because I’m sure it’s bogus, just like their reasons for hating Lindsey. The point is, just like I was afraid of the second I heard Marlene was doing another show, they have already found a new target. I have literally seen them refer to him as “The new Lindsey Shaw.” And anyone who watched PLL knows that’s not a good thing. Just some snooping has already revealed some pretty ugly tweets/comments, which I’m sure he is seeing. We saw first hand how over time being bombarded with hatred took its toll on someone who was once very proud and passionate about the character they played.
  Mental health is important. Suicide is very serious. I won’t even get into why seeing Lindsey’s tweet that night shattered my heart or why it to this day infuriates me that none of those women said anything. The fact that so many people think it’s a joke, or that it’s okay running around telling people to hurt themselves, will forever remain a mystery.
  Marlene shouldn’t be allowed to have another show after what she encouraged during her last one, and especially not one directed at the same group of fans. PLL needs to be dead and buried forever. No spinoffs. The show, and the people working on it, became toxic, and that same toxicity will be revived the moment these characters are brought back to life next week. Real people got hurt last time. Real people almost died. Think of how crazy and serious that is. I shudder to think what social media is going to look like once this gets under way, especially if the fans of the emison ship feel threatened. I know I will not watch even a second of this show. I hope it is short lived and these characters, and the toxicity they bring with them, can finally be put to rest.
  So what happens if things get bad again, Marlene? Will you say something? Will you ever try to make this right? We haven’t forgotten what you let happen to us, or happen to Lindsey. We will never forget how badly she was struggling personally, or that she was driven off social media because of your fans that you never EVER addressed. It breaks my heart what you let happen to her, and it breaks my heart that with this new show comes the opportunity for it to happen again. I hope you’ve become a better person since the Lindsey Shaw Fiasco. It’s too late for you to ever make that right, and honestly, I don’t think you have any desire to. But I do hope that you at least have enough remorse, however small it may be, to make sure it never happens again.
Please share this. Here, to twitter, instagram, everywhere. Let’s make sure we stand up this time.
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thebestplltheories · 6 years
I’m back!
Hey everyone I’m back 😇 I needed some time off from social medias (not just Tumblr) due to personal reasons but I’m feeling good to be back here, oh god I miss and love this page and all of you guys with all my heart. Seriously. Way too many memories were formed here, I can never stay away for too long.
Can I be completely honest with you all... remember that “perfect PLL” post I promised I’m working on, where I rewrite the entire story the way I would’ve liked it? I’ve been working on it this whole entire time I was on a Tumblr break and I. AM. STILL. NOT. DONE. Why? I can’t make up my mind!! I’m not just doing simple dot points on who is A and who killed certain people. Oh no. I’m actually writing out certain reveal scenes, what happens leading up to the reveal, how the reveal unfolds, the aftermath, motives, etc.
Since I gave myself this challenge, I’ve gained even more respect for Marlene as a writer because my gosh, I’m seeing firsthand that it really ain’t easy to map out an entire show. Marlene said on Twitter that she already knows the Big Bad of The Perfectionists... if that’s true, I’ll be seriously impressed. It’s hard.
I’m working backwards: from season 5 to season 1 (yes my ideal PLL has only 5 seasons). I start with who A is, THEN write how A’s story will be revealed over the seasons. As I write the roadmap to the reveal, I realise that I need to change who A actually is, for whatever reason. The ultimate delays in posting this is coming from me deleting a whole week’s worth of work, constantly! For example I’ll write seasons 3-5 with Ali being A in the back of my mind... then when it comes to writing Ali’s reveal scene, I’m like... “no, this doesn’t feel right. A needs to be Melissa.” THEN I DELETE 3 WEEKS WORTH OF WORK, START FROM SCRATCH, AND WRITE SEASONS 3-5 WITH MELISSA IN MIND. It’s taking forever solely because of this!
I don’t know if any of that even made sense. But rest assured, I can absolutely assure it IS coming and I have NOT forgotten about it. It’s a lot harder than it seems! I want it to be a post I’m proud of... I’m not a writer... but I want to look at this and think... wow, little old me re-did the entire story of a television show in a coherent yet shocking way... wow! I want to be proud of this so I’m certainly not rushing it. Again, it IS coming!
In other news... The Perfectionists has been quite hot recently! Oh lord I can’t express my excitement for this show. We’re back baby. Theories and messages/answers, daily. I hope it really picks up and goes for 5 large seasons. I don’t want it to be like Famous in Love where they can only get renewed for small seasons consisting of only 10 episodes, where its next renewal isn’t looking likely. Or worse... I don’t want it to get cancelled after just one season like Ravenswood, because it couldn’t “match” PLL. Let’s be real. Nothing will “match” PLL both in terms of ratings and my enjoyment. But if it comes “close” to PLL... don’t you dare cancel it Freeform. I so badly want the entire PLL fandom to come back for this show and I want it to be a hit in the ratings and viewer satisfaction too. I want this to work out!
I saw today that Sofia Carson got cast as Ava, and honestly, I had never even heard of her until today. I know she’s a Disney Star, so that may bring some misconceptions to the show... I don’t want the media to stigmatise this as a “slightly more grown up Disney show”. No. I want murder, I want thrills, I want suspense. I don’t want bubblegum themes. Just because we have a Disney Star, doesn’t mean the show deserves comparison to Disney shows. Don’t you dare dub this “a mature Disney show”, media. We can have a Disney Star and have nothing to do with Disney. If anything, she may rake in some viewers if her fan base follows her here. I can’t wait to see who else is in the lineup for the lead roles but so far, I’m happy with the first choice. She seems lovely. (I just stalked Sofia on Spotify and she has decent music!? Sure it’s lyrically and sonically very generic but Love Is The Name is a BOP!)
Anyway, summarising this long post... I’m back here :)) eagerly awaiting more PLLTP news and my ideal PLL post is coming... when I figure out who my villains are and a roadmap that aligns to them :)
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araniaexumae · 7 years
Do You Want to Fall in Love With Me (and Go to France)? - chapter 1
AN: Hi! This is my first Jily fic so I’m very excited about it. This is going to be a fake dating AU. But between strangers. I hope you like it.
Chapter 2 is now available here
James leaned against the counter of the coffee shop his friend Remus worked at.
“Hey Moony, are you on break soon? I had an idea I wanted to run by you.”
“Well it's not that busy right now so just go ahead. Although if it's to talk about filling Filch's car with apples or some shit, I am very busy and I can't talk right now.”
James put his hand on his heart, taking mock offence. “Apples? Come on Moony, what are we? Amateurs? Obviously we'd pick something stickier. Like those weird honey sweets Peter carries  around when he's sick.”
Remus rolled his eyes as he adjusted the blue apron he was wearing. As if to illustrate his previous point, the doorbell jingled. A blonde woman came in and made her way towards the counter, concentrating on the menu which hung above the barista's head. She seemed slightly confused by all the choices available. While Remus left to offer his help to the customer, James took out his phone. After checking his facebook and twitter notifications, which were mostly Peter yelling at everyone about macarons, he opened Matchmakin, the dating app he usually used. He scrolled through the suggested profiles absentmindedly, lifting his eyes every once in a while to check if Remus was coming back soon. He noticed a blur of red disappearing from his screen as he was still scrolling without looking. He went back up and that's when he came across the picture of one Lily Evans, London, a woman with red hair who was quite possibly the love of his life. Because Wow.
Read on AO3
“You do know that app has a messaging system, right? You cannot contact her by staring at her picture for several minutes.”
“Oh sod of, Moony! Just look at her! How could I not?”
“Prongs I can't actually see the picture if you keep shoving it in my face. I know you wear glasses but some of us can actually see just fine by holding the phone at a normal distance.”
“Oh insulting my eyesight? Weak.” Nevertheless, he stopped fidgeting. “Just look.”
“Yeah she's pretty.”
“Pretty? Are we looking at the same picture because that woman is not merely pretty.” This time, James didn't seem to feign being offended.
“Whatever. Don't you have work to do or something?”
“I'm an elementary school teacher. And it's summer? Who's the smart one now, Remus?” James raised his eyebrows, pasting the smuggest smirk on his face.
“Ugh please go annoy Sirius. I have work.”
Prongsie to Sirius Black ft his fans: Remus is cancelled
Wormtail to Sirius Black ft his fans: why
Wormtail to Sirius Black ft his fans: what did moony do
Prongsie to Sirius Black ft his fans: do NOT say the nickname he doesn't deserve it
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: what did I miss
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: did he fill your drink with mustard again
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: Remus wtf you swore you'd wait until I was there to do it again
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: you soLeMnlY swOrE
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: I agree with James, Remus is cancelled
Remus to Sirius Black ft his fans: stop making me text while working
Remus to Sirius Black ft his fans: Also that meme is aweful Sirius let it go
Wormtail to Sirius Black ft his fans: *insert frozen gif*
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: nEveR
Prongsie to Sirius Black ft his fans: can we get back to me pls?
Prongsie to Sirius Black ft his fans: I found my soulmate and Remus deamed it as unworthy of his attentionTM
Sirius to Sirius Black ft his fans: Is it a squirrel?
Prongsie to Sirius Black ft his fans: Sirius is cancelled
Prongs to Wormtail: hey so what should I send?
Wormtail to Prongs: ? Elaborate
Prongs to Wormtail: to Lily!!
Wormtail to Prongs: still no idea what you're on about
Prongs to Wormtail: she's this girl on a dating app and she's way too beautiful dqsjihihkf
Wormtail to Prongs: why are you asking me, I thought padfoot was “the expert with the ladies”
Prongs to Wormtail: lmao he said that in middle school. sirius is gay af
Prongs to Wormtail: and i'm ignoring him
Wormtail to Prongs: because of the squirrel thing?
Prongs to Wormtail: please focus. what should I tell Lily
Wormtail to Prongs: well I'd start with hi
Prongs to Wormtail: no that's lame
Prongs to Wormtail: wait I have a great idea
Wormtail to Prongs: no pickup line
Prongs to Wormtail: I was totally not going to say that
Wormtail to Prongs: oh nvm then go ahead
Prongs to Wormtail: okay so maybe I was going to say that
Marlene to your local girl gang: drinks tonight. meet at 8
“To Mary and her angsty poetry!”, Dorcas shouted to make herself be heard despite the noise in the pub. The girls clinked their glasses together before downing the burning liquid as fast as they could. Mary smiled.
“Thanks girls. It really means a lot.”
“Of course we were going to celebrate. It's not everyday our friend's angsty poetry gets published in a magazine!” Marlene said as she gestured for the bartender to come to buy the next round.
“Will you ever stop calling it that?”, the petite girl asked.
“Probably not.” Lily admitted. She squeezed her friend's hand over the table. “We are all really proud of you, Mary.”
Marlene cut in. “Alright enough sentiment guys. Let's drink!”
We are throwing a contest for the people who have found love with Matchmakin! We are looking for good-looking couples who have met using our app. Participate to maybe win a four-day all-inclusive trip to Nice, France!
To participate, send us a picture of you and your partner with a link to his Matchmakin profile through our contact page (a picture of you together is preferred but separate pictures are accepted). Don't forget to write Matchmakin In Nice as the subject of your message! Five couples will be chosen!
- Participants must be 18 or older
- Participants must reside in the UK
- Participants have to be willing to be filmed several times each day. The footage will be used to promote Matchmakin and will appear on our website as part of a series titled a Match Made in Heaven. Filming will take place in the hotel restaurant, at the pool or the beach, as well as in the city of Nice. To ensure your privacy, participants will never be filmed in their suites and never more than three hours a day. Click here for more info on a Match Made in Heaven.
Mary giggled as she tried to put Marlene's keys in the door for the fourth time. The latter was too occupied by kissing Dorcas' neck to help in any way. Lily just sank to the floor because her legs didn't seem to work anymore. She took her phone out of her purse and opened Matchmakin. She stared determinedly at it until the words stopped being blurry and jumped up once she managed to read the message that had popped up on her screen. She took Mary's hands, who had eventually succeeded in opening the door, and started jumping up and down.
“I don't get it Lils. What are we celebrating now?” Her friend asked as the redhead made her twirl.
“I'm going to France!”
“That's amazing!” Marlene screamed in delight. Dorcas and Marlene had apparently stopped kissing, at least long enough to hear the other girls' conversation. The four women entered the flat.
“Matchmakin is throwing a contest to win a four-day trip to the south of France!!!” Lily explained as she shoved her phone in Mary's hands. The four girls flopped down onto the couch in Marlene and Dorcas' living room.
“Lily wait! It says here that it's only for couples 'who have found love with Matchmakin' ”
“Oh” Lily fell onto the floor. “No France for me I guess… that's seriously so unfair.” Tears welled up in her eyes. Marlene sat up suddenly.
“I have an idea! Mary why don't you make a profile and you guys can pretend to be in love!”, the brunette suggested. Lily high-fived Marlene to congratulate her on this great idea.
“The trip is a week from now. I'm alone at the bakery this month, I can't leave.”, Mary answered. “I'm sorry Lily.”
“Shit, I have work too.” Dorcas said. “Not all of us are eternal students like Miss Lily here.”, she added as she prodded her friend's shoulder with her foot.
“Well it's not my fault if becoming a doctor is so damn long. I wouldn't have done it if I had known.” Lily defended herself.
Mary smiled, albeit a little maniacally. “Yes you would. Because you're smart and nice and I love you.”
“I love you too but I still wanna go to Fraaance!”, she whined, dragging the sound.
“Well just pick someone and ask them if they're free and want to do the contest with you.”
“Dorcas I love you that's such a good idea!”
Lily started crawling on the carpet in search of her phone, before she remembered that she had given it to Mary. She took it back, unlocked it and started to scroll through the profiles.
“I need someone attractive. Just because I want to go to France doesn't mean I'll go with just anyone. Oh what about this guy?” She angled the phone toward her friends, who were still sprawled out on the couch. It seemed Mary had fallen asleep.
Marlene shook her head “Nah, can you imagine kissing that mustache?”
Lily shuddered. “Venom has a mustache. Wait that's not his name. Oh yeah, Ver-non.” She scrolled to the next profile, ignoring Dorcas and Marlene who had started chanting 'venom, venom!'.
“What about her then?”
“She looks too much like Marlene. It's creepy.”
“No she doesn't! I'm much prettier than that!” As Dorcas and Marlene bickered, Lily continued her search.
“He's perfect! It says he's a teacher so he should be on holidays too, right?”
Marlene snorted. “Right cause that's totally why you chose him. Not the fact that he's super hot and has glasses.”
“Glasses?” Dorcas asked.
“Our dear Lily has a thing for glasses.”
Dorcas pondered the idea. “Oh yeah, I totally should have noticed this before.”
Lily took off her shoe and attempted to hit Marlene with it. Unfortunately, she only managed to hit the bottom of the sofa. “I do not. Whatever, gimme the phone back.”
Lily Evans to James Potter: do you want to be in love with me and go to France?
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roxanncweasley · 7 years
drop the teabags
so i made another one bc these are hella fun to write
Remus Lupin to it is perfectly normal to cry in wonder woman: can we establish the ground rules for tonight
Sirius Black: rules schmules
Remus Lupin: do you want your arse to be front page news again?
Sirius Black: those readers were blessed
James Potter: I have it framed
Sirius Black: aww babe
Peter Pettigrew to can you die from too much Nutella?: where are you guys???
James Potter: sry SOMEONE was being dramatic
Sirius Black: it’s not my fault the hairdryer broke
Sirius Black: I couldn’t leave with DAMP hair
Peter Pettigrew: hurry the fuck up
James Potter: pete its fine
Peter Pettigrew: its raining and ive been waiting twenty mins
Peter Pettigrew: it is noT FINE
Rita Skeeter (@ritaskeeter) tweeted: ‘The Maruaders’ frontman James Potter flirts up a storm with old friend Marlene McKinnon at Oscars, are they dating?
Sirius Black (@siriuslyblack) tweeted: @jampots how could you do this to me?
James Potter (@jampots) tweeted: @siriuslyblack you weren’t supposed to find out this way
Marlene McKinnon (@marlsmckinnon) tweeted: @jamspotter you can’t afford me
James Potter (@jampots) tweeted: @marlmckinnon rude tbh
James Potter to Remus Lupin: are ppl acc believing this crap
Remus Lupin: you didn’t exactly help the situation
James Potter: what if evans sees it?
Remus Lupin: I thought you were over it
James Potter: ….
James Potter: i am
James Potter: one hundred percent
Remus Lupin to Sirius Black: he’s not over it
Sirius Black: well obviously
Sirius Black: he’s been playing her album on repeat for the last three weeks
Remus Lupin: are you still stealing his spotify?
Sirius Black: im not made of money
Remus Lupin: you have a Porsche….
Sirius Black: details details
James Potter to SUIT UP: who’s doing the speech if we win the grammy?
Peter Pettigrew: I thought you were
Remus Lupin: you said you’d written it
James Potter: where’s the evidence
Remus Lupin sent a screenshot
James Potter: well shit
Rita Skeeter (@ritaskeeter) tweeted: Lily Evans throws drink over James Potter at Grammy’s, is it over his relationship with Marlene McKinnon?
Marlene McKinnon (@marlsmckinnon) tweeted: for gods sake I am NOT dating james
James Potter (@jampots) tweeted: @marlsmckinnon I’m hurt
Marlene McKinnon (@marlsmckinnon) tweeted: you know I love you rlly @jampots
Remus Lupin (@rjlupin) tweeted: @marlsmckinnon @jampots this is exactly what I was talking about
Peter Pettigrew to Sirius Black: why did she throw her drink at him?
Sirius Black: he apologised for being rude to snivilus
Peter Pettigrew: how does that make sense??
Sirius Black: but then he said it wasn’t his fault she was friends with a racist twat
Peter Pettigrew: oh
James Potter to Marlene McKinnon: did you talk to her?
Marlene McKinnon: mate you need to drop it
James Potter: I’m an idiot
Marlene Mackinnon: yes, yes you are
James Potter to Lily Evans: I’m an idiot
James Potter: and I’m sorry
Lily Evans: you can’t keep apologising and then not changing
James Potter: what do you want me to do evans?
Lily Evans: move on potter
James Potter changed the chat name to lets get drunk pls
Peter Pettigrew: u okay?
James Potter: not rly
Sirius Black: we’re on our way
The Daily Prophet (@TheDailyProphet) tweeted: James Potter photographed kissing mystery girl in back of club
Lily Evans sent a photo to Marlene McKinnon
Lily Evans: is that who I think it is
Marlene McKinnon: you’re not seriously jealous
Lily Evans: ofc not
Lily Evans: its just a bit of a surprise
Marlene McKinnon: you told him to move on lil
Lily Evans: I didn’t mean with dorcas
Rita Skeeter (@ritaskeeter) tweeted: James Potter’s mystery girl is Dorcas Meadowes, close friend of Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon, all 3 attended school with The Maruaders.
Sirius Black to no the next album will not be called sirius and the others: someone buy teabags
James Potter: there are spares under my bed
Sirius Black: about that
James Potter: you fucker
Peter Pettigrew: did you try moonys stash in his wardrobe
Remus Lupin to Sirius Black: you stay away from those teabags
Sirius Black: too late
Remus Lupin: I’m telling mrs potter
Sirius Black: you wouldn’t
Remus Lupin: too late
Dorcas Meadowes to Lily Evans: u know me and james were just messing right
Lily Evans: why does everyone think I’m bothered
Dorcas Meadowes: bc u r
Lily Evans: I’m not
Dorcas Meadowes: so our snap streak ending was an accident then?
Dorcas Meadowes: 308 days !!
Dorcas Meadowes: gone !
Lily Evans: I might be slightly bothered
The Daily Prophet (@TheDailyProphet) tweeted: ‘The Marauders’ raise £2 million for charity with their new single
Lily Evans to James Potter: it’s incredible how much you guys have raised
Lily Evans: you should be really proud james
James Potter to Remus Lupin: she called me james
Remus Lupin: who?
James Potter: evans
Remus Lupin: oh
Remus Lupin: OH
James Potter to Lily Evans: thanks lily, it means a lot
Lily Evans: so… you and Dorcas?
James Potter: we’re just mates, it was a bit of fun
James Potter: we both know there’s only one girl I’m interested in
Peter Pettigrew to graham norton for prime minister: controversial idea
Sirius Black: go
Peter Pettigrew: Portugal shouldn’t have won Eurovision
Sirius Black removed Peter Pettigrew from the group
Lily Evans to James Potter: i have a question
James Potter: oooOOOooo ominous
Lily Evans: are you ever not dramatic
James potter: we literally went to stage school
Lily Evans: im just going to ask my question
Lily Evans: why is your twitter handle jampots??
James Potter: why not
James Potter: it’s iconic
Lily Evans: why do I like such a lame person?
James Potter: so you DO like me
James Potter: !!!
James potter: also who even uses lame anymore???
Lily Evans @lilevans tweeted: quick twitter poll; who thinks the word lame is lame
Sirius Black @siriuslyblack tweeted: @lilevans the REAL question is who uses semicolons in tweets ???
Remus Lupin @rjlupin tweeted: @siriuslyblack it’s like you’re allergic to good grammar.
James Potter @jampots tweeted: you’re not helping your case here evans
Lily Evans @lilevans tweeted: @jampots I’ve seen your match attacks collection sit down
Peter Pettigrew @realpete tweeted: @jampots @lilevans ouch burn
James Potter @jampots tweeted: @realpete traitor
Sirius Black to James Potter: I just read this article
James Potter: oh yeah?
Sirius Black: so we’re dating
Sirius Black: and we have a kitten called Beatrix
James Potter: what??
James Potter: it would obvs be called cassiepoiea
Sirius Black: omds cassie for short
Sirius Black: the blacks hv flaws but our names are fabulous
James Potter sent a photo to I miss Minnie telling us what disappointments we are
James Potter: me and sirius bought a kitten !!
Sirius Black: shes so cute !!!
Remus Lupin: we’re not allowed pets in the building….?
Peter Pettigrew: and I’m allergic to cats
James Potter: honestly you two are so selfish
James Potter: we can’t take her back
James Potter: are you seriously going to break her little kitten heart
Sirius Black: we already made her an instagram and everything
Sirius Black to Remus Lupin: ???? hv u seen my jacket
Remus Lupin: would it kill you to use grammar properly for once
Sirius Black: nvm acc i found it
Sirius Black: also rude
Remus Lupin to bring back remus being a werewolf conspiracy theory 2k17: we going out tonight?
Sirius Black: yassss
James Potter: can’t, going for a drink w evans
Sirius Black: oooooOOOOOO
Peter Pettigrew: is that what the kids call it these days
James Potter: seriously?
James Potter: don’t answer that sirius
Sirius Black (@siriuslyblack) tweeted: this is a psa that james puts sisters before misters
James Potter (@jampots) tweeted: @siriuslyblack chill
Peter Pettigrew to 3 decent ppl + jim the traitor: james has a hickey pass it on
Sirius Black: whAT
James Potter: wtf bro
James Potter: how do you even know that
Peter Pettigrew: I came in to bring you tea
James Potter: oh yh
James Potter: thanks for that btw
Sirius Black to Euphemia Potter: james got a hickey from lily
Euphemia Potter: Lily Evans?
Sirius Black: that’s the one
Euphemia Potter: I always thought she was lovely
Euphemia Potter:  Now what’s all this I hear about you stealing remus’s teabags?
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