#i'm actually super new to this whole writing-biz
mayax81 · 3 years
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Promotional images for "Sisterhood of the Blazing Sky." Reblogs are welcome; reposts are not. Do not remove caption.
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jq37 · 5 years
OH MAN THAT NEW EP. Lou's nat 20. I'M DYING. What do you think is going to happen next week based on the trailer
That nat 20 was peak Fabian and peak D&D. Sometimes crap just lines up and it’s awesome. 
Anyway, to summarize the promo:
The bad kids seem to be under arrest for the murder of Johnny Spells (which is a thing they def did)
Fig has mommy issues maybe
Bill Seacaster yells at Fabian
Someone is shooting at cops
Riz invites his mom to prom
Siobhan asks if she can cast detect thoughts on herself
Everyone’s phones start pinging 
My guess is them being under arrest has to do with whoever was threatening them at the end of the episode trying to get them out of the way, because they seem to be the person who knows what’s really going on here.  (Sidenote, Adaine’s parents are out of the country by now, right? So threatening to burn down the empty house of her family that she hates isn’t much of a threat).
The mommy issues comment makes me feel like either the other shoe is gonna drop re: where the hell Sandra-Lynn is or Fig is just gonna be back on her flirting with full adults nonsense.
Maybe Bill is yelling at Fabian upon bailing him out of jail? Because a good pirate wouldn’t have just surrendered like Fabian does along w/ the rest of the group in the promo. I’m also not surprised he’s in the promo because he has to be in the ep to tie up the loose ends about KVX bank and whatever’s happening there.
I don’t think Brennan was speaking in his Cubby dad voice but man I hope it’s him shooting up the cops. 
PROM! I knew it! I knew a prom finale was inevitable! More on that later. Also, why do I feel like we’re gonna get some capture the crown battle mechanics? 
Siobhan asking to cast detect thoughts on herself is what threw me the most for a loop. My three best guesses are (1) It has to do w/ the people stuck in her jacket (which is such a weird side thing that’s currently happening), (2) she also has patches of her memory cut out like Biz does and she’s trying to find a way to circumvent that, or (3) she suspects that she’s being possessed or something and she’s trying to check.
And everyone's’ phones going off probably just means another threat from whoever’s threatening them. BUT that scene could also be happening during prom and when he says everyone he means the whole student body so that could be a signal of some major wildness.
So, we’re heading for a prom finale. That seems clear now. It also seems like the gang is about to get arrested. So a couple of things:
Where are we in the timeline? I know we time jumped but I didn’t think we were late enough for prom yet. If we’re not, then I guess there could be a further time jump between getting arrested and being out in time for prom, but let’s just assume it’s prom time now. 
If it is prom time, that means either they get arrested and get bailed out the same day basically, or they just freaking break out of jail to stop whatever’s happening. I think option B seems pretty likely considering the shootout scene in the promo. So it’s possible they get arrested, bust out, Riz finds his mom and is like, “Let’s do this.”
Last episode, Brennan made Emily say a very specific line while possessed. He wrote it out and she had to do it verbatim. That’s the only time he’s done that so I feel like it has to be significant, right? If it was just for comedic effect, he wouldn’t have used a line from the first episode. 
Not that I know what that means. Like, was Mr. Gibbons a big bad? Was he possessed by a big bad? And, like, I’m sure Brennan didn’t plan for 2 characters to die in the first fight so I’m sure he didn’t plan for Mr. Gibbons to die then either. So where was he supposed to fit in? Was he supposed to be evil but manipulate people in his role as guidance counselor? But he didn’t actually go to hell, remember? He went to orc heaven which indicates that he’s not a bad guy. But that was still his line. Was he under the influence of someone/thing when he said it? Who the hell knows?
At this point, I think all roads lead back to Penelope. She seems to be the only person with connections to all the disparate bad things going on (except maybe the Harvestmen stuff, which may or may not have been a red herring). But what exactly is going on?
Honestly, I don’t think Emily was super far off with her eternal prom queen theory. Like, it’s off the wall but wouldn’t it sort of make sense? Wouldn’t it make sense that the main villain of this kind of campaign would be a crazy high school kid who agreed to help some ultimate evil with their evil plan in exchange for being prom queen of the world?
Or I guess Kal Vaxis literally could have turned himself into a baby to enact this evil plan in a form no one would expect, but that’s literally the last 25 minutes of Sky High so it’s not *That* crazy, OK?
And it would make sense for it to be her too, right? Because she was one of the first NPCs we met so it would be full circle. And what was she doing when we met her? Campaigning for the reinstatement of prom king/queen. So the set up is there.
Oh, my crazier theory is that Kal Vaxis needs royalty of some sort to break a curse or cast a spell and because of the way it’s written, technically prom royalty counts which is why the team up with Penelope. That’s based on nothing other than what I might write if I were Brennan. 
We pretty much know for sure Biz was a pawn and, despite her coming up again, Aelwen seems to be to. Whatever she did, I’m sure it was at Penelope’s behest. She talks a big game, but the fact that she was hanging out w/ the Hudol nerds and Penelope even though she talks about Aguefort like it’s beneath her makes me feel like she’s actually be pretty easily swayed. 
I’m looking at the wiki now and it says Penelope was upset when Sam disappeared but I don’t remember the context of that. Like, was it in public so she had to act upset? Was that not something she agreed to like she was down but her friends were supposed to be off limits?
What was the point of trapping the girls? Like, we know Biz probably wanted to do it for a creepy reason, but why did the other person want them hidden beyond divination? And, assuming Biz wasn’t lying, what good are just the downloads of the girls since they apparently went back to their bodies? And where exactly are their physical bodies? Will they just bust out of the palimpsests they’re in like Riz did? We know the cops have the one with Ostentasia in it, but where are the rest of them?
They’re all Penelope’s friends so maybe she wanted them for like her court or something? Idk man.
It could also be for some classic virgin blood spell kinda thing. Very traditional.
Anyway, that’s what I got for now. Lemme know if I forgot to touch on something.
Also every time I try and type the name of any Abernant, my computer shakes its head at me and does a red squiggle and it’s like, yeah I know computer but it is what it is. 
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gigslist · 3 years
How Hollywood Killed the Oscars
Conceptual performance artists and the ethics of art and activism…
Foreword: I investigated and wrote this at the beginning of 2021, but had to wait until the pudding proof. I only sent it to those I knew personally who would think about it. I feared that rest of you would’ve castigated me. 
Traveling and working in the arts I've lived and worked with different cultures for years at a time. Arts and trades friends and I lobbied Australia gov to save an Aboriginal sacred site as a natural open-air arts venue in Byron Bay. I’ve lived in Haight Ashbury for the past 20 years. One of the reasons I like San Francisco is that all races get along here. That is until BLM. Then everybody was deer in the headlights afraid of each other. Now people are trying to shake off the whole BLM and other acronyms and get back to being nice to each other.
But it was scary-ass sh.t. A white chick was trying to gather people for a riot on Haight Street. I wiped the slogan, in big letters, off her van. She came out of her van swinging her baseball bat. I let my Outback Ozzie Battler come out and a tai chi maneuver to fend her off. Then let out my inner Haight Ashbury freak and screamed like a crazy psycho at her.
Then I told the huge black armed security guards on Haight Street if they see anybody with riot and its slogans to nip it in the bud. Anybody who’s worked with big crowds at concerts knows about crowd psychosis. A frot man or front woman on stage has two jobs. To entertain and to keep a crowd under control.
Then I did some research to see what the fuss is about...
The Black Lives Mater movement reclaims slavery as a 1960's protest. It so wasn’t about that! I live in a loft in Haight Asbury, which was the speakeasy for the Black Panther’s fundraisers in the 1960s. The original bar is still here. So are some interesting hidden cupboards. We assume they were stash boxes, because cannabis was illegal in the 1960s. But I digress from why BLM and associated acronyms are blowing smoke up your ass. In the 1960s the Black Power Movement was not about slavery. Black Panthers and associates couldn’t claim black slavery as a protest. Because their ancestors were slave traders. White slavery has been around for thousands of years and is still going. I’m not an expert on the subject, but you can look it up in a real history book. Some Hasidic Jewish men still sell their wives and daughters into sex slavery. There are non-profits in New York about it. If researching black and white slavery, try the non-USA versions for perspective. Below is a nutshell. The American black slave trade was self-defense. After thousands of white settlers kidnapped and sold into slavery in Africa. Such as the town called Roanoke. The whole town of settlers taken twice. Roanoke sits on the African slave traders’ route from South America. From their fleets of ships on the sea, African slavers could see the smoke of the settlers’ cooking fires. There were no US navy and Coast Guard to defend the coasts back then. The problem with studying history is that ancient aliens aren’t interesting anymore. Art history is the most nit picking. Why art gets created and destroyed. What’s the motivation? Wha’s in the artist’s head? The origin of their inspiration? Is their work really a protest, or art dressed up as activism? Are they creating the art for art, ego, madness or money? The founders of Black Lives Matter. Patrice Collors, and AOC, real jobs are trained performance artists, from Hollywood. There are years of LA arts industry press about them. Their act is public group performance. Getting crowds to gather to do something, including public agitation.
That act didn't sell enough books to pay for multimillion$ houses and $25,000 restaurant tabs. So they called themselves Marxists and touted black rights spiced with fake history. To get uneducated students riled to cause riots. Now Patrice Collors does red carpet at the Oscars. For hyping up people to hate each other and hurt each other and destroy businesses and lives. To young men angry and attack defenseless elderly people and other races. That’s not art, that’s a nasty ego with greed and madness. Yes?
If you work in the arts or media for a few years in California you see psycholical patterns in artists seeking fame in Hollywood. Red carpet at the Oscars and multimillion$ houses are their ultimate goal. Else they wouldn’t be in Hollywood. New York or San Francisco is where top art for art’s sake is at in the USA.  
Hollywood artists will do and say anything to get their time on the red carpet. A conceptual artist can tell themselves it is all art, no matter what it is, harmful or not. To them it is nothing but art and a form of madness, but the lure of money brings the ego, “fame”, into it.
I'm an art historian. I research why art gets and destroyed. Including marxism. That Patrice Collors actually trained in marxism I find doubtful. African Americans are staunch Baptists. God bless them and their amazing music. Marxism doesn’t mix with freedom of art or religion. Follow the money and do the math. The total is an artist doing her “art” for money and ego’s sake for the red carpet and multimillion dollar real estate. Not for art’s sake, nor the people’s sake, and not for her people's sake.
I’ve not looked into AOC, because what I found of Patrice Collors was blowing my mind enough. I actually thought AOC was an organization. What made me notice AOC is a selfie video rant that youtube autoplayed. To jaded cynical me who's seen it too many times... AOC looked like she’d had a “bump”, roadie slang for a dose of heavy drugs. Even the freaks in Haight Ashbury said “… she looks like she’s on crack.” Their words, from hardened rock and rap concert roadies. Seen a lot of people on many kinds of drugs in San Francisco and Hollywood.
“Interventionalist History” What AOC seems to be accusing those who don’t disagree with her. 
“…a policy of interfering in another nation's affairs through coercion or threat of force. Intervention can be political, military, economic, cultural, or humanitarian, or often some combination of these...” study.com
“…an intervention is defined as a threatening act that is unwelcome by the target of one's intervention…” britannica.com 
“… practice of intervening specifically : governmental interference in economic affairs at home or in political affairs…” merriam-webster.com
“…coercion or threat of force… unwelcome by the target of one's intervention… specifically: governmental interference in economic affairs at home…” What is BLM and AOC and associated acronyms doing to everybody who doesn’t agree with them in their home, the USA? How can anybody truthfully agree with anything based on fake history or fake news? The reason why so many people publicly agree with this cr.p is fear of being threatened, bullied and Black List. Even if they don’t understand what the cr.p is about.  
The Hollywood Black List has turned USA screen offerings into unwatchable cr.p. Even on TV. It’s now rewriting history books into Ancient Aliens and winged beings with super powers. Instead of the truth. The truth that people from prehistory to the 21st century are smarter than Hollywood and media allows us to know. That’s the real reason why the Oscar ratings are at record lows.
Hollywood is writing for teenagers who want to know about sex and violence and ETs. They are not writing for jaded adults who want to relax with something think about. They watch the same English TV series over and over every night to avoid the Hollywood sex and violence. It’s also why youtube and social media are popular. Now I’m talking like an art historian.
I’m always surprised at how many USA citizens prefer English TV. Including hardened roadies and ICU nurses living in Haight Ashbury, San Francisco. They see violence and sex on the street and at work every day. They want to relax and think about something else on their time off. Once people are out of college, they are usually over the sex and violence. And kiddie lit is for baby bumps.
Pump sex and violence into kids’ heads whenever they can hack into it. Which is every night after the parents are asleep. And on their phones going to and from school. And accosted on social media by predators every 10 minutes. What will happen?
Remember that concentrated light, the screen, is the strongest hypnotic medium ever. Clinically tested and used by all the “secret agencies” and as medical therapy. Hypnotize sex and violence and UFO’s into impressionable minds for more than ten, 10, years on end. What will you get? Think about it.
Another thing that often surprises me is the politics of many people at the top of show biz. The producers behind the producers. They also don’t watch the sex and violence shows. They are progressive conservatives, not liberals, even in San Francisco. They feel safe talking to me, because I’m from Australia and an open minded neutral observer. And I'm too jaded to be bothered.
You could castigate me, but in show biz “The proof is in the ratings.” Hollywood created this big m…f… mess by indoctrinating hate and fear and greed! The Oscar ratings told you so. Hollywood is who can cleans the big m…f… mess up.
Make money from art yes, that’s why we are all here, we work in the arts industries. But don’t indoctrinate people to be hateful and fearful and greedy and call it art. Allow people to be adults. Allow people to be nice to each other.
In case you haven’t looked it up, all art and music originated out of spirituality and religion. Not out of politics.
The ancient Romans actually changed their laws to accommodate the Hebrew region. It was the Hebrews to wanted to fight anyway and destroyed all the art. Hollywood movies are not history. 
Grow up and play nice and allow your children to be children and allow them grow up in a safe world that plays nice. A dripping tap fills a bucket of hate or a bucket of nice the exact same way. You are a public mirror, will you mirror hate and fear and greed? Will you mirror a community of all races and cultures living in harmony?
That is what the Black Panthers were really about. That is likely why their fundraising speakeasy was in Haight Ashbury. Nobody hated anybody in Haight Ashbury in the 1960s. They wanted the freedom to be and do what you want to. 
And do no harm, because all lives fucking matter.
You all need a sense of something higher than yourselves to be humble to. It will enable you to stop being self-entitled assholes.
With Love
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