#i've done this holiday cheer thing for several years and this might be the first time i've done fic for it instead of art :0
wasdplz ยท 1 year
Mass Effect Holiday Cheer fic
This was written for @pancake-angst for the Mass Effect Holiday Cheer secret santa thing :) It was supposed to be pretty short but kind of picked up its skirts and ran away from me. (Please bear with me, I haven't written or read ME fic in way too long.)
You listed Kaidan/Thane as a pairing you like, and I was pretty intrigued, as this is def a rarepair that never occurred to me. I wanted to see if I could pull it off, tbh.
Full disclosure, this is kind of AU bc I figure if there are any fics out there about these two, they're probably mostly based in Huerta Memorial, soooo uhhh for the purpose of this fic, we're going to pretend Kaidan DID reluctantly join up with Shep for her suicide mission in ME2. (Also, I deliberately skip forward a bit/skim over certain in-game scenes bc screw it, you already know what happens, and I'm trying not to let this thing grow into some ridic long monstrosity.) Ok, babbling over. Hope you enjoy :D
Mass Effect 2 | Kaidan/Thane | PG-13ish?
"I was hiding," Kaidan admitted with a wry one-sided smile. "I'm not really comfortable being on a ship with so many Cerberus aboard."
"This is a Cerberus ship," Thane pointed out, cocking his head to the side. "Did you plan to remain in hiding for the duration of your stay?"
Kaidan glanced around. "Did you?" he retorted. Now that he didn't have the pain taking up all of his thoughts, he could see that the table and chairs weren't the only signs of life in the room. This was someone's bunk.
Thane's shoulders moved in a minute shrug. "As I said, I prefer to keep to myself. My presence makes some people... uncomfortable."
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punkscowardschampions ยท 5 years
Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: How'd I do? Your nan gonna give me another slap or shout me a drink next I see her? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: Well, I personally reckon you did alright but she's a harder woman to please Janis: I think you're outta the attack on sight group though so ๐Ÿ‘ not bad for a night's work, lad Janis: How are you faring, I lost you in the crowd at several points so I'm dreading thinking who said what tbh Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿป Jimmy: Glad I had my bad boy shades, don't think I've been snapped so much in my life Jimmy: And at one point we basically had paps being so #goals Jimmy: but the insults were too slurred and ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช to pack as much punch as you or your nan like Janis: mmblockoutthehaters Janis: not a fan of being the other side of the lens then, no? ๐Ÿ˜œ now you see my struggle, in all the ways ๐Ÿ™„ Janis: Yeah, they were on fine form, like Janis: Not Grace though, don't you think? Something's up and its not just date envy Jimmy: shut up you're sooooooooooo about being my muse Jimmy: yeah it was a good night all round, cheers Jimmy: it'll be drama with the flat whites or fuck boy. Lot of dumping done, wasn't it? Jimmy: Mia alone is a lot to get out of your mind ๐ŸŽป Janis: Suuuuure ๐Ÿ˜ well, all the extra exercise with Twix is no doubt benefitting my grade in Sports so Janis: Owe ya one, don't I? Janis: Though reckon you just settlin' cos my actual model sister would charge you a fee, like Janis: More fucking fool me, ay? ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜‰ Janis: ๐Ÿ‘ not too bruised? Janis: not just chattin' 'bout ya ego Janis: Probably right, yeah, it'll be Mia...I don't think she was that arsed about Harry, though she acted it Jimmy: I'd have to get in line, Twix'd never let me have first dibs collecting that debt Jimmy: I don't know what's more of a headwrecker that your sister is a proper model or that she's the only one #geneticsgamestronginyourgaff Jimmy: Still angling to get a pair of kicks off me? Take it up with ๐ŸŽ… I did my bit on the ๐ŸŽ front ๐Ÿคž Jimmy: You better not be chatting that ๐Ÿ˜Ž selectively remembering only your wins again, are you? Jimmy: Bet she's devo about Tammy #relatable ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jimmy: what a giant hole in our lives Janis: She's ๐Ÿฅ‡ Janis: No matter what hype you're on Janis: True we're #blessed but don't let me catch you commenting on it again, IRL or on the 'gram Janis: I'll have to become that bitch and I don't think I've got the time tbh Janis: ๐Ÿค nope, no complaints here, for the big man or yourself, like Janis: Hmm? I suddenly can't recall, maybe 'cos that useless bint next to us practically brained me when her club flew away from her Janis: Looks like you'll have to schedule a rematch if you wanna be covered in glory ๐Ÿคท Janis: Poor Lurch...who's the real loser here? Being such with bulllyimia Jimmy: Done and done Jimmy: Can't win 'em all...oh Tammy I thought we had something proper special babe Jimmy: what you doing today? Ready to take on the challenge any time you wanna lay it down Janis: So did she! But you will insist on bouncin' onto the next one, like ๐Ÿ˜‰ Janis: make up your mind, Jimothy Janis: I'm wallowing in my pit currently...avoiding any fad diets and weird exercise regimes being implemented and spring cleaning and yet more leftovers curry Janis: ๐Ÿคข Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ’ช Jimmy: I envy that Jimmy: any suggestions for a film that me, Bobbin and Cass can sit through? I'm drawing a blank on an animated musical with violent themes rn like Janis: You wouldn't if you could smell me Janis: Sexayyy Janis: Hmm Janis: There's that one where all the dinosaurs die at the end? Right, they probably throw out the odd tune too Janis: I'd say Lion King fits the spec actually but don't wanna start their year off with a heaping dose of trauma Jimmy: With you there Jimmy: Fuck it I'm sticking Mulan on and shutting their gobs with sweets Janis: That'll do it ๐Ÿ‘ no one gives a shit if the bad guy gets it in the neck Janis: especially not from a sassy lady #feminism101withgracieguru Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jimmy: she was really cracking out the nye vids #content Jimmy: silver lining of the ๐Ÿ’” a good GRWT Janis: Gotta show 'em what they're missing, or whatever Janis: Think Mia had a party at hers, purely so Grace couldn't come Janis: hostess with the mostest she ain't Janis: Devvo there wasn't another shit party for us to ruin tho, obvs Jimmy: school is still days away we've got time Janis: don't tempt fate, mate Janis: you've not got the ๐Ÿ€ Janis: don't think my bro or the garda can handle it Janis: fuck knows where he is, still a no-show Janis: s'my job, like Jimmy: Maybe he's with my MIA pops Jimmy: weird one that'd be Jimmy: I did think he might have a new missus, but that's going a bit far like Janis: Both in the drunk tank, for their sins Janis: Maybe, Christmas wishes and all that Janis: Could find the time to give you a bell still Jimmy: ๐ŸŽป Jimmy: Wanna come over and walk the ๐Ÿถ ? Cass and Bobby'll be as ๐Ÿคข as I imagine you are polishing off this lot Jimmy: Can't count it as weird fad often as we're out Janis: Alright, save 'em from themselves Janis: and you from losing your mind ๐Ÿ˜ต Janis: not long 'til school now, save your wishes for that like the other single mums Jimmy: Done. Jimmy: Bring Gracie if you can find her, she'll have no secrets after 10 mins with them two Janis: I have the distinct impression she's avoiding me, which is weird, 'cos pretty sure I've said worse and been forgiven quicker, like... Janis: but maybe if I tell her her fave barista boy is there she'll come out to play? Janis: we've got a load of leftover sparklers, I'll bring 'em, so make sure they've got their gloves on Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ maybe its her ny resolution Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜Ž guaranteed Jimmy: They'll be your besties then at least Janis: Yeah, guess she's sticking to all her promises this time, she's done with me forreal, at least 'til midway through the month, like Janis: ๐ŸŽป Janis: I'll bell her but no promises you'll get your fave twin Janis: who doesn't love shiny things? bet there's some bones for Twix too, what a ๐Ÿ† I am Janis: if there was any doubt left in your mind Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’• Janis: Oh, looks like she's at the gym Janis: thanks insta Janis: I'll leave it then Jimmy: Yeah, can't promise a decent work out, hyped as Twix is Jimmy: make do with you then, won't I Janis: Looks like it, pal Janis: Unlucky Jimmy: I'm well gutted, mate Janis: Better take it up with someone who gives a fuck ๐Ÿ˜œ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘Œ Jimmy: the dog is enraptured, thanks for the tip Janis: Stop yapping and get to moving then! Janis: I've gotta shower, its that serious Janis: let me live, boy, ugh Jimmy: [Sends a pic of him being kissed to death by Twix] Jimmy: you ain't that special, mate Janis: Ouch Janis: ๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿ’” Janis: double betrayal Jimmy: #hookedherwithmysobstory Jimmy: you did yourself over with the good advice Janis: always the way Janis: too smart for me own good Janis: i'll get back on the shelf, like Jimmy: speaking of should we take the oldies dog for them? I'd naturally be buzzing to see your nan again Janis: see, knew you loved it really Janis: worse than my sister Janis: but it is a point Janis: probably chewing through the walls as we speak Jimmy: #relatable Cass is much the same Jimmy: I better start penning my pops a note, more pages for him to have to read the better ๐Ÿ˜œ Jimmy: might stop at 5 sides if he bothers to reply to my texts like Janis: wondered what bit you was referring to there...like surely she's not wasting her time with boys already?! but gotcha Janis: phew Janis: that'd be a whole saga to try and put on a post-it Jimmy: Dad would love that, two of us out from under his feet Jimmy: Marry Bobs off if he could ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jimmy: but nah she's only ๐Ÿ˜ for Twix same as you Janis: its a real shame the gov ain't on his side for that one Janis: the travellers do it, and they all turn out FINE, geez Janis: think your Da would be obligated to at least provide you all with your own caravan though Janis: no escaping fatherhood, eh? Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ stuff of dreams there Jimmy: I am about a decent caravan though Jimmy: same goes for the others, always asking me when we going back Skerries Jimmy: steady on kids that shit's still #raw Janis: Awks..that's a holiday romance for you, lads, gotta make it a one-way ticket, no returns ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: Maybe by Easter hols you'll be able to show your face 'round there again Janis: Weather would be better too Jimmy: Funny Jimmy: But yeah #fullofgoodideasyou Janis: full of something, has been said ๐Ÿ˜Ž Janis: gotta gee myself up to see that bath again 'neway, been strictly cold showers since, like ๐Ÿ˜‰ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ new year, new you though so Jimmy: #yougotthis Janis: can't say 'make more of a prick of yaself in 2039' was high on my resolution list, soz about it Janis: know how much you enjoy it ๐Ÿ™ˆ Jimmy: Damn Jimmy: I was down for the challenge if you were ๐Ÿ˜œ Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ณ Janis: always a fool for you, boo Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’• cute Janis: ๐Ÿ–• do it all for the 'gram Janis: still hate u Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’‹ Jimmy: same mate, same Janis: i feel it Janis: how long can we keep this charade going, like? ๐Ÿค” Jimmy: Gotta stretch it out 'til v-day naturally Jimmy: in it for the ๐ŸŽ Jimmy: in that spirit you want me to pick you up or you gonna walk to ours when you're ready? Janis: or the next, steak and blowjob day Janis: I see you boy Janis: that said, if we eating steak and all the love-heart shaped confectionery, I better walk it ๐Ÿ’ช Janis: this is clearly why people always get fat when they're loved up Janis: not saying weigh your Dad for proof when he finally arrives but Janis was timed out 18 hours ago Jimmy: not saying we've got one realistically Jimmy: How good's your guestimation skills? Could feel another ๐Ÿ† coming on Janis: FUCCCCCCCCCCCK Jimmy: ???? Jimmy: you okay mate?
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo ยท 7 years
Are they're any fics with the pack in a polyamorous relationship that includes everyone from season 1 and 2? I've been looking but I can't find many. Thx so so much
Some of these are s1 and s2 but mostly theyโ€™re just polyamorous pack! (I didnโ€™t add pairings since their all pretty much everyone/everyone.) And our polyamory tag. ย - Anastasia
Tumblr media
melt by stonerskittles
(1/1 I 912 I Explicit)
โ€œOh Peterโ€ฆโ€
10 Things I Hate About You by Arriefifangirl
(1/1 I 1,918 I Mature)
Stiles loved his pack he really did. Even though Jackson acted like a jackass, Scott started ignoring him, Danny was replacing him, Isaac hated him and Derek thought he was a waste of space. Stiles hated the things they did but he did not hate his pack. Not a little bit. Not even at all.
Running With Wolves by BabyMilk
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(1/1 I 3,775 I Teen)
Itโ€™s just the adrenaline. Thatโ€™s all.
East by TheEloquentDecadent
(1/1 I 4,063 I Explicit)
The pack has an agreement. Whoever needs to be the center of attention for the day sets the paddle on the kitchen counter.
It's Isaac's turn.
Isaac is sprawled across his Alpha's lap in his softest nightie, Boyd in his mouth. He thinks this might actually be heaven.
Pack Dynamics by Inell
(1/1 I 4,263 I Explicit)
Scott decides itโ€™s finally time to make Stiles his official alpha mate, and the pack helps them make sure the process is a success.
Give Me Something Else (Than Affection) by Schizzar
(1/1 I 4,779 I Mature)
Isaac has trouble with authority. A lot of trouble with authority. But when some new hunters decide to use Isaac's weakness to their advantage, his Alpha turns out to be the only one he feel safe with.
Christmasing With You by lonniek
(2/2 I 4,931 I Not Rated)
Itโ€™s the holidays, and Isaacโ€™s โ€œholiday cheerโ€ is missing...until Scott, Allison, Lydia, and Jackson are done with him, that is.
And Then There Were Five by SuperfluousEmi, Winchesterek
(1/1 I 5,003 I Mature)
Derek, Lydia and Stiles have settled into their post-apocalypse life. Everything changes when the time comes to bring their children into the world.
You'll Never Be Alone by werewolvesandarrows (nerdy_farm_girl)
(1/1 I 5,559 I Explicit)
He watches through the haze as Scott pulls off his shirt and lays flat on his back, giggling like an idiot when Stiles licks a long line up the side of his neck. Stilesโ€™ obscene fingers curl around the salt shaker, white salt stark against Scottโ€™s skin, other hand plucking a lime from the bowl sitting in front of Lydia and placing it between Scottโ€™s teeth. โ€œStop laughing asshole,โ€ Stiles demands, not able to follow the command himself as he attempts to fill Scottโ€™s belly button was tequila. Scottโ€™s still giggling, rivets of alcohol running across his abs and down the cut of his hips. Derekโ€™s mouth begins to water as Lydia starts screeching at Stiles to get on with it. Itโ€™s both the best and worst thing Derekโ€™s ever seen. Stiles lips sucking harshly against the column of Scottโ€™s throat, the absolutely awful slurping as he sucks the tequila up, Scottโ€™s laughter quieting when Stilesโ€™ closes his mouth over his lips, biting at the lime but not pulling away nearly as fast as he should have. Derekโ€™s jeans are feeling a little tight and thereโ€™s a part of him that wants them to keep going, wants to watch.
Children of the Wild by GeorginaWolf
(5/? I 7,074 I Teen)
n the Kingdom of Beacon, everything changed when the Fox King's most important and trusted visor died by unexpected circumstances.However, a day later there had been several rumors of a wolf/dog-kin by the name of Scott McCall who had killed the adviser.All wolf-kin without having a paid permanent certificate were to be chased out and put down.
Six years later the Prince of Foxes slipped out of the guards security and travels far beyond the castle walls in search for adventure.'Adventure' came in the form of two massive wolves and a Pack that won't let him go back home.
Loving is sharing ~ Amar es compartir by Karenmightbereal
(3/? I 9,786 I Explicit)
After years of being away from home, the pack members slowly come back to town. With the Hale House turned into a mansion for them to share and a future threat in the Horizon, the least they thought they had to worry about was the relationships between them. Turns out it did matter, A LOT.ย 
pockets full of stones (lay me down) by Trojie
(1/1 I 11,037 I Explicit)
It's a toss-up as to whether Stiles would prefer the screaming night-terrors about all his friends dying, or the statistically-significant likelihood of supernatural disembowelment that comes with wandering comatose around this freaking town after dark.
Stiles can't sleep. Scott's pack is falling apart around his ears, and yet apparently the biggest problem in their little world is that Stiles can't sleep. Stiles does not feel good about this.
when all my world is sleeping by Loslote
(1/1 I 46,020 I Explicit)
Now that Beacon Hills is finally at peace, Derek's pack has time to bond. But as they form relationships and learn to love each other, will they be strong enough to survive the looming threat of the alpha pack? Will all their hard work pay off, or will Derek lose everything for a third time?
Scarlet by Red Whip the Destoyer of Law (tajita_chan)
(17/19 I 75.065 I Explicit)
Fed up with being taken for granted and tired of feeling rejected, Stiles starts to pull away from the pack he's not sure he's even a part of in the first place. Along the way of building up his self image, he meets some new fabulously flamboyant friends and rediscovers a side of himself he'd forgotten about.
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