wasdplz · 1 year
Mass Effect Holiday Cheer fic
This was written for @pancake-angst for the Mass Effect Holiday Cheer secret santa thing :) It was supposed to be pretty short but kind of picked up its skirts and ran away from me. (Please bear with me, I haven't written or read ME fic in way too long.)
You listed Kaidan/Thane as a pairing you like, and I was pretty intrigued, as this is def a rarepair that never occurred to me. I wanted to see if I could pull it off, tbh.
Full disclosure, this is kind of AU bc I figure if there are any fics out there about these two, they're probably mostly based in Huerta Memorial, soooo uhhh for the purpose of this fic, we're going to pretend Kaidan DID reluctantly join up with Shep for her suicide mission in ME2. (Also, I deliberately skip forward a bit/skim over certain in-game scenes bc screw it, you already know what happens, and I'm trying not to let this thing grow into some ridic long monstrosity.) Ok, babbling over. Hope you enjoy :D
Mass Effect 2 | Kaidan/Thane | PG-13ish?
"I was hiding," Kaidan admitted with a wry one-sided smile. "I'm not really comfortable being on a ship with so many Cerberus aboard."
"This is a Cerberus ship," Thane pointed out, cocking his head to the side. "Did you plan to remain in hiding for the duration of your stay?"
Kaidan glanced around. "Did you?" he retorted. Now that he didn't have the pain taking up all of his thoughts, he could see that the table and chairs weren't the only signs of life in the room. This was someone's bunk.
Thane's shoulders moved in a minute shrug. "As I said, I prefer to keep to myself. My presence makes some people... uncomfortable."
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sunny44 · 4 months
Co-parenting (Part 3)
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x ex!reader
Warnings: medical center, cuts…
Summary: Co-parenting is never easy but y/n never thought it would be so hard.
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Max and I haven't been able to go on that date yet. The first time, he had to cancel because he had to go to Milton Keynes for a meeting, and the second time, I had to cancel because Maeve and I got sick and I didn't want to go and risk getting him sick too.
But after several weeks we finally managed to schedule a day, and it would be today. Maeve is going to spend the whole weekend with Carlos, which would be great because even if he hadn't, I would keep my promise to introduce them only if it was someone I knew would stay in my life longer.
But he was late, and I was getting nervous because I had asked Carlos to pick her up at seven because Max would come to pick me up at seven-thirty. And besides not wanting Carlos to see him, obviously, I didn't want Maeve to see him either.
I heard knocks on the door and ran there to see Carlos.
"I know, I know, I'm late and I'm sorry. I had to wait for the plumber to fix a pipe that was flooding my apartment and he was late, and then I got stuck in traffic, and..."
"It's okay, just hurry up." I shouted for Maeve to come quickly and handed him the backpacks.
"Why the rush and why are you all dressed up?"
At that moment, Max parked, and I panicked. He got out of the car and was smiling until he saw Carlos and stopped smiling.
"Why is he here?" I didn't know what to say. "Are you going out with him? Is that why you wanted me to leave quickly? So that I wouldn't see you going out with Verstappen?"
"It's not because of that."
"Then why?" I didn't say anything. "Answer my fucking question."
"I didn't want Maeve to see, okay? Because I stick to our agreements, she doesn't need to know that I'm going out with someone, and neither do you."
"But why him?"
"Because he invited me and I wanted to." He laughed. "Look, I don't have to give you any explanations. Focus on taking care of our daughter and I’ll deal with my live life ok?" At that moment, she appeared.
"Sorry, I couldn't find Mr. Bibbles." She said, hugging her stuffed rabbit. "Can we go Daddy?"
"Yes baby." He picked her up, and they went to the front, and luckily Max had returned to his car when Carlos passed with Maeve in his arms.
"I'm sorry; I didn't know he would be here."
"It's okay, he was supposed to arrive earlier but got delayed. Neither you nor he were supposed to see each other.”
“You didn’t want him to know that you were going out with me?”
“Carlos and I have an agreement about relationships and I didn’t want him nor Maeve to know about it right now.”
"What kind of agreement?"
“We don't introduce anyone to Maeve without the other being aware, and not with a short amount of time in the relationship, you know? We don't want to put someone in her life just for that person to leave without explanation."
"I understand."
"Our separation was amicable but also difficult; she was small and doesn't remember, but she doesn't quite understand why her friends at school have parents together and she's the only one who doesn't."
"It's okay, you don't need to explain to me." He says kindly. "I can imagine how difficult it is to raise a child, and I also understand what it's like to be the child of divorced parents; I know you're doing the best you can for her."
"Thank you."
"Well, shall we go to our date? They say the third time's the charm." I laughed and went inside to grab my purse and my phone, locked the house and went to his car.
The date was great; he made me laugh a lot, and I hadn't had that much fun in a long time.
I felt light, and I felt like I could be myself without being defined only as Carlos's ex or as a mother; I could be myself again.
"Just a minute." My phone started ringing, and I saw it was Carlos. "Hello?"
"I'm sorry; I took my eyes off her for 1 minute, and..." I immediately got up.
"What happened?"
"Maeve and I are at the hospital."
"Which hospital?" I grabbed my purse and started walking towards the exit, and Max came along.
“What happened?"
"She was on the couch with me watching a movie and she asked me for a juice box when I went to get it, she started jumping on the couch and when I heard a loud noise, I went back, and she had fallen and hit her head on the table." He spoke quickly. "I'm really sorry; I..."
"It's okay."
"It's not; she cut her head and had to get stitches. I'm a terrible father."
"Carlos, stop." He looked at me. "These things happen; kids jump on things, they fall, and they get hurt, so stop blaming yourself."
"I was just so scared, and..." I hugged him.
"It's okay, everything will be fine." He hugged me back and relaxed. "What did the doctor say?"
"That it wasn't anything serious and that I did the right thing by bringing her as soon as possible; it could have been worse if she had fallen asleep after hitting her head."
"Okay, let's go in." He went in, and I turned to Max. "I'm sorry for ruining our night."
"You didn't ruin anything; our night was perfect."
"Except when I switched back to mom mode."
"Your daughter got hurt, and you did what any worried mother would do."
"Thank you for bringing me here too."
"You're welcome." He smiled. "I would love to go out again. If you want, of course."
"I would love to. I'll send you a message, and we'll make plans."
"Perfect." He said goodbye, and I went into the room.
"Mommy." I went to her and kissed her forehead.
"Hi, sweetheart, how are you feeling?"
"My head hurts and I'm very sleepy." She gave a little smile and blinked her eyes very slowly.
"It's okay, you can sleep again." I pulled the blanket up to cover her more, and she closed her eyes and was soon asleep, and I sat next to him on the couch there.
"How was your date?"
"We don't need to talk about that."
"I know, it was just a question."
"Let's just focus on her well-being and forget about today." He agreed, and we fell into silence.
And that's how we spent the night at the hospital until we could leave the next morning.
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Bonus scene!
“What a wonderful night”
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Tag list: @ietss @lightdragonrayne @asplarklysoul @xoscar03 @smdrl @shobaes @evans-dejong @cocoxoxo69 @ggaslyp1 @bingewatche @loaves4me @justdreamersdream @alinacecee
Guys, the names with a line on top is because I couldn’t tag
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shrimpwizards · 5 months
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slime time!!! + headcanons (y juevos)
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izabelfeenix · 3 months
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Donnie learned young that he wasn’t liked anywhere he went…
Fun facts! Bapa is a mix of Papa and Boss, and is what Donnie ended up calling Draxum lol
Donnie's glasses are actually Draxum's spare reading glasses heheh
Draxum calls him Purple because of his markings and affinity for the color, and because it took Dee a few months after Drax took him in for the lil turtle boi to get his voice working enough to give his name
Draxum might not be a good guy (at this point in the story) but at least he's a good dad!
Until later…
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Me, playing Hades for the first time.
Thanatos: "You left, without so much as telling me good-bye."
Me: "Well, I'm gonna make Zagreus go back right now and he's not allowed to leave until the two of you make out."
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nomsfaultau · 8 months
when Tommy can’t sleep at night, Wilbur sings to help ward off the nightmares. They’re the same lullabies Philza hummed to him when he was a kid.
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sleepis4theweak · 10 months
What would Leo and Mikey think of Waffle and Milkshake?
Would leo get jealous of waffle 👀👀👀
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Lol no, Leo would not get jealous of Waffle.
I think they would get along pretty well! I imagine there would be an adjustment period where they kinda got used to the idea of having friends that aren't April, especially ones that are turtles like them, but then they would all be friends. None of them are trying to replace anyone as a brother, and I think at the end of the day Leo and the others would know that they matter to Donnie and Raph more than Waffle and Milkshake, so there wouldn't really be a problem.
I think Mikey and Milkshake would get along really well, and he would get along well with Waffle too. Leo would be more neutral towards them, but like them too. :)
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turtledovenycx · 11 months
"I memorize his features so I can retrace them when he is gone"
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Fem! reader x Bang /Chan Genre: Angst, Idol Chan x fan reader Warnings: None, maybe a little sad?
You didn't know what woke you up at the break of dawn. Opening your eyes to see soft light breaking in through the blinds from the bedroom window, 'cold it was cold' pulling the comforter up to your chin you turned around to search for your source of warmth.
He was still asleep, face half hidden between his pillow and hands, you pulled at his arm forcing him to make space so you could glide in, your head next to his. Surprisingly, you could move his hand easily.
Making yourself comfortable in the space you created you looked up to admire the curly haired man. His eyes were still closed without any creases, eyebrows hidden behind his curly tuft of hair the small scar on his brow that the stylist usually filled in, which you hated as the scar was something you founded adorable, cheeks pink and rosy lips slightly chapped apart as soft breathing emitted out. Chan looked so different than on stage yet the only thing that never changed was his dimples that were now hidden the skin smooth as he slept.
Makeup or not, fancy costumes or no, colored hair or no. He was still the kindest sweetest and the most wholesome person you know. Filled with to passion to create quality, sacrificing everything he has for a future he wasn't sure he would get, he worked hard for all that he has now and you couldn't be more proud.
You run your fingers to soothe his bird nest of hair, his eyes fluttered open. Blinking a few time to clear his vision, he looked at you. Brown eyes, filled with confusion that slowly morphed into a smile, eyes shutting again and arms wrapping around your waist pulling you in closer. He placed your head in the space between his shoulder and head, and hugged you tight before both of you let out a deep sigh simultaneously, giggling at the sync.
You pulled your head from him, and placed your hands on both of his cheeks. "I'm so lucky to have you." you whispered not wanting to ruin the soft atmosphere with your voice. He didn't reply just smiled; eyes still shut.
"Are you really here?" you asked again eyes scanning over his features as if to memorize them so every time he was away you could close your eyes and retrace it.
He placed his hand atop yours, sighing softly and opened his eyes. Chan leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your lips, he moved away. There was something different in his eyes, a small tinge of sadness and it tugged at your heartstrings,
"Y/n, I'm not real...." he said.
You woke up gasping, for real this time, alone in the cold bedroom. There were piles of clothes on the floor, university books and assignments spread out on the study table, Past lives by Born playing softly in her room. You turned around to search for your source of warmth.
Through the disappointment and sadness you noticed your laptop shut halfway. Pulling it towards yourself and lifting the screen you touched the mousepad to wake it up. On the screen was the half played episode of Chan's Room. the comments kept rolling in at a speed that it all felt like a blur.
You closed the laptop. Letting out a small breathe, turned towards the window, the blinds were not drawn there was the moon in all her glory. You've always loved the moon, its beauty captivating.
Chan was just like that, you could look in his eyes and let years pass by without regret. But just as the stars around the moon can only admire the moon from afar. You like millions of people in this world could admire Chan from afar. One day, you too would combust. Never be seen in again. A dead star, moving further away. But you longed to feel warmth like him in this existence, maybe one day you will, but deep down you knew it would never be him, it will never be Chan. Yet that didn't stop you from loving him. You both lived in two different worlds one separated by the harsh truths of reality and other the weight of responsibilities.
Never meant to be, but he was there for you. He didn't know you at all, somehow that was comforting. Because he didn't care like others, he has never seen you and this kind of love provided you with the comfort you longed for then. He still made you smile and you could almost feel his hug through the screen if you just closed your eyes.
As you felt the tears prick your eyes, again you switched on the laptop and pressed play on the ongoing live. Placing it next to you, you lied down on the bed facing the laptop and laying on your side.
Chan was currently playing few final songs before he signed off for the day. Before you drifted of to sleep, you saw the happy glint in his eyes, the dimple when he smiled and as you slipped into slumber the song ended the final words tugging at your heart again
"Sometimes dreamers finally wake up, Don't wake me I'm not dreaming Don't wake me I'm not dreaming..."
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A/N: This is my first post, I Probably edited a lot and this is a repost. I was getting my blog ready. I would like to thank everyone who has interacted with this post. Consider following me if you would like to see more <33
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Ok maybe I love angst???? I know you wrote readers perspective during break up but what about Joel’s perspective seeing pap pics or posts from crew, knowing Sarah and Ellie still chat with reader?
but yes 😈
Night Shift
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: “Some days, I want to spit me out, the whole mess of me, but mostly I am good
and quiet.” - Camille Rankine, “Emergency Management” [1.3k]
Warnings: angst, Joel being the best dad, I think that’s it??
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The first thing he said to the girls when he told them about the breakup was, "But if you still want to have a relationship with her, that's totally up to you. I know you guys both really liked her." And it was true. After years of being more or less a single dad, he wasn't about to pry the first woman he'd introduced to them from their hands. He reasoned that they were old enough to make their own decisions regarding their relationships. Who was he to take that away? He just wasn't expecting it to hurt as much as it did.
When Sarah got into UCLA, he took the girls to a fancy dinner downtown. He's always been one to shower his daughters in love and adoration, especially when one of them hits a huge milestone and especially now that he has the resources to do so. The night was filled with laughter, wistful ideas about the future, and a few tears on Joel's part. He put his own schooling on hold to raise Sarah, and now, to see her accomplish something he never did, it's warranted for him to be a little emotional. 
Those emotions are still fresh when he wakes up to Sarah sitting at the kitchen table, a beautiful flower vase on the counter. He walks over to where she's sitting and kisses her head before asking who the flowers are from. He expects them to be from his parents or even Tommy and Maria to celebrate the good news, but when Sarah says your name, everything in him freezes. 
"I texted her when I found out because she helped me with applications and stuff. I didn't know she was gonna send anything." She says sheepishly, but Joel composes himself and shakes his head.
"That's perfectly fine, baby. It was nice of her to send you something pretty." He recovers, and she smiles as she walks over to the vase and plucks a note between the petals. 
"She sent a nice note, too. D'you wanna read it?" She asks. He rocks back on his heels, glancing between the flowers and the soft smile on his daughter's face. She wouldn't offer if she didn't want him to read it. He nods weakly, and she hands him the tiny notecard, rereading it over his shoulder.
For SBM,
Congratulations on getting into UCLA! I'm proud of you every day but especially today. You're going to do amazing things, kid, and I can't wait to see what they are.
Love you
Then, under the heartfelt note are your initials. Joel stares at them like it's enough to fix the past and bring you back to California. Sarah notices and wraps her arms around him, squeezing him tightly. He takes a deep breath and kisses her temple.
"That was very nice, honey. D'you text her to say thank you?"
"Yeah, but she's ahead by a few hours, so she probably won't see it for a while," she mumbles. "Have you talked to her since she left?" He thinks about lying to soften the blow for her as all good parents do, but she'd see right through that.
"Don't think she'd wanna hear from me."
"That's not true." 
"She's workin'. I'm pretty sure the last thing she wants right now is to hear from her ex."
"How do you know?" She challenges, and he gives her a look.
"How do you know the last thing she wants is to hear from you? What if she's waiting for you to make the first move?"
"Sarah." He says, shaking his head. 
"I'm just saying you never know until you try! You, obviously, cared about each other. That doesn't just go away overnight." She says, throwing her arms up in defeat.
"It's not that simple."
"Because you still love her."
"Because I fucked up," he says. He makes it a point not to curse in front of the girls very often, but they can always tell when he's upset because it slips out. Old habits die hard, right? Sarah stands there, staring at her dad, as he thinks. "I hurt her, and when you hurt someone, you don't get to decide when things are okay again. I hurt her, and she did what she had to, and I have to respect that."
"You could tell her Angela disappeared again. Maybe that'd make it better?" She suggests, and Joel's heart breaks all over again. Sarah put a lot of faith in Angela this time. They all did. He thought she had turned a corner, and she had, but that didn't mean she was ready to step up for his daughter. She said as much in her letter. I'm sorry. I can't do this. I'll only hurt Sarah. Tell her I love her, but I can't be the mother she needs. I don't know that I ever will be. Just like that, he was left to pick up the pieces again. 
He reaches for her and pulls her into a tight hug. She rests her head on his chest, and he rubs her back. They stay like that for a long time, tears falling from both. He tells her it's not her fault. Angela is sick, and she has been for a long time. It's not an excuse, but it's a reason. He tells her he wishes she could be better for her, that she deserves a mother whose presence doesn't bring pain. He tells her he loves her and he's always here for her. He wishes so deeply that he could take this pain away from her and erase any bad memories of her mother. In a perfect world, maybe they could co-parent or, at least, see each other at family events every couple of years. But this is not a perfect world, and they both know it. So, like always, Joel holds his baby girl and tries to make things okay for her. 
"I love you, Dad," Sarah whispers after a long silence. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For always trying." She says. The words rattle in Joel's skull, and he immediately tears up again. He clears his throat and kisses her head again to hide the tears.
"I love you, kiddo. With everything I am." He says. When she looks up at him, he wipes his tears and claps his hands together.
"Alright, no more bein' sad. What does the college girl want for breakfast?" He asks, opening the pantry to search for something to make. He smiles as he reaches up on the top shelf and pulls down a box. "Pancakes?" Sarah's face doesn't change, and he raises his eyebrows at her. "C'mon, when you were a little girl, these were all you wanted to eat. Used to ask for 'em for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Pretty sure Abuela Lucy thought I didn't know how to make anythin' else." He teases, floating the box in front of her face mischievously. "You know you want 'em. I can see it in your eyes."
"Alright, fine, but we're coming back to your love life later." She finally smiles.
"Whatever you want, pumpkin."
Ellie wakes up to the smell of pancakes and the sound of their laughter, completely in the dark about their earlier conversation. With his girls, Joel makes pancakes and listens to them bicker and make plans for the day. Maybe, in another universe, you'd be there with him, enjoying the sunshine and flour-stained countertops. In another universe, Joel doesn't have to apologize to his daughter on behalf of a mother who doesn't care. In another universe, you're a weird, blended family who isn't perfect, but goddammit, do you try your best to be good for each other. The bittersweet thought rings in Joel's ears, and he has to shrug it away.
It's okay, he thinks. It's nice to still have dreams, right?
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braveclementine · 15 days
Damon X reader pt. 1
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Warnings: slight angst
Copyright: I do not own any TVD/TO/Legacies characters, nor any places in New Orleans or Mystic Falls that may be mentioned.
I woke up in rather warm arms and I was confused. What in the world? I rolled over- to the best of my ability- and saw Damon's angelic sleeping face on the other side. I relaxed immediately, smiling at the sight in front of me.
He was so handsome what with those baby blue eyes and black curls, and I wished he could be mine. But he was adamant that he was bad for me because he was a Vampire. I didn't care, I wished I could be a vampire and be with him forever.
It had taken forever to convince him into the bed. But he had finally given in and here he was. Of course, he wouldn't sleep with me, but he would cuddle and I was grateful for that.
"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Damon grumbled, apparently awake as I continued to gaze at him.
I tucked some of his curly hair behind his hair. "Hmm."
I kissed his forehead before rolling out of the bed on the opposite side. I glanced out the window, seeing the ocean waves. But there was also an island that seemed very close. "We're almost at the next stop. What is it again?"
"Bahamas. Didn't you read the map? You're the one who's competing after all." Damon grumbled, but with more teasing in his voice than before.
I giggled, "No. You know I was surprised with this trip. What time it is?"
"Time for you to get a watch." Damon grumbled, rolling over in the bedsheets, wrapping his arms around one of the pillows.
"Not the dad jokes Damon." I complained.
"Sorry Y/N." He muttered.
I went to the bathroom and then looked at the clock, "It's past lunchtime." I shouted so he could hear me.
I exited the bathroom and found he'd fallen back asleep. I smiled gently.
We lived in Mystic Falls which never seemed to be a boring place to live, what with the drama with Originals and Vampires and Werewolves and Heretics and Sirens and Witches and whatever else existed. And I was a measly human who had managed to survive it through it all.
This was partly a combination because Damon and Enzo protected me, and also because all of the Originals had taken a liking to me. Well, except Finn, but he didn't really count now.
With the combined protection, I got through everything unscathed. Of course, while everyone from Bonnie and Enzo to Alaric and Jo had found a romantic love, I was stuck without love.
Klaus had Caroline, Elijah had Hayley. Kol had Davina. Rebekah had Marcel, which meant Marcel had Rebekah. Stefan had Elena- not that I would've gone for Stefan anyways. I honestly couldn't stand him or Elena. Bonnie had Enzo. Alaric had Jo.
Which had left Damon who was adamantly against dating me. Wonderful. But that was because his eyes were on Elena.
I guess if I wanted to sink lower I could date Matt or Tyler, but I really didn't.
Of course, everyone liked to tell me that Damon did like me, he just didn't want to hurt me. Well, that was just bloody wonderful, but if he could actually act on it, it would be more than wonderful.
But anyways. . . about three weeks ago, I had received a letter in the mail that claimed I had won a spot on a game show that would take place on a yacht. I was allowed to bring one friend with me and we would have shared quarters.
I hadn't been sure who I was going to take. I had thought about bringing Vincent, my witch friend from New Orleans, but somehow, Damon had been corralled into it.
Not that I minded.
So now I was here. I'd spent a week and a half on the yacht, participating in different game shows and consistently winning, although the last game had been a near miss. I'd been on the bubble with a one question difference and it just so happened I knew the question and I got pushed into the winning.
The next contest would be when we docked- the losers were always dropped off at the port location to be sent home on an airplane- and this time around, we were going to know the category ahead of time. I was really excited because if I could study something- the enormous yacht had a library- then I would probably have a better chance at winning.
Meanwhile, I got dressed out of my pajamas and into a short sleeved T-shirt and a pair of frayed jean shorts. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, not bothering doing anything more exotic with it. Then I applied light makeup and decided that it was time to wake Damon up.
I grabbed one of the blood bags from the mini fridge in the kitchen and then poured it into a glass that he usually used for drinking bourbon or whiskey.
I carried it back to the bedroom, waving it under Damon's nose, "Damon." He grunted, but didn't move.
"C'mon baby, time to wake up." I said in a sing-songy voice that was probably only appropriate to use on a little child. But he was certainly acting like it so it probably was rather appropriate.
He mumbled something incoherent, his hand pushing the glass of blood away.
I frowned and then said in a hard voice, "Damon Salvatore I will pour this glass of blood on your head if you do not get out of bed right now."
In a flash, the glass of blood was gone from my hand, Damon was gone from the bed, leaning against the wall, downing the glass. "Happy?"
"Very, let's go down for breakfast."
He scoffed, "Or, I can cook you pancakes here and we can stay in the room."
I sighed. I did love his pancakes and if we stayed in the room, I might get a chance to cuddle with him. Maybe even get him to kiss me.
"Well, alright. But do we even have maple syrup and whip cream?"
"If not, I'll compel the chef to give me some." Damon said, pouring himself a bourbon in the same glass the blood had originally been in.
"Are you sure you want to drink so early in the day?" I questioned.
"It's one o'clock, that's early?"
"I don't know, don't normal people start drinking around. . . after work hours? Six? Maybe five at the earliest?" I questioned. I personally didn't drink [or maybe you do], so I wasn't sure the normal hours.
"Only cool people drink at this time of the day Y/N." Damon smirked.
I swung my H/L hair over my shoulder. "Come on Slytherin, get to making the pancakes."
I had taken to calling him 'Slytherin' as it was his Hogwarts house. My nickname for him, per-se. He often called me '[Your Hogwarts house]'.
Damon cooked up the pancakes, putting [your favorite fruit] as the decorations for the eyes and mouth of the happy pancakes. I smirked as he added whip cream and maple syrup to the breakfast food.
"Thanks Damon." I said, picking up my fork and digging in.
"Well it's not often I flaunt my amazing cooking skills," Damon said cockily, digging into his own pancakes.
We mostly ate in silence. I was wondering about what the category would be for the next round, knowing I only had a few hours before the actual competition to research. I had heard rumors that the library was a whole floor of the ship so finding books might be nearly impossible.
"Don't sweat it." Damon said and I looked up to see he had been observing me. His black hair was in his lovely blue eyes. He was wearing a buttoned down gray shirt and black jeans. Much to my pet peeve, he had only socks on. I preferred either bare feet or shoes. "Honestly, you either know the answers, or you don't. It's not the end of the world if you lose the competition."
I smiled at him. I just wanted to impress him. It was stupid really, I was human. If I wasn't human, I wouldn't have to impress him. He didn't want me to be a vampire and he also didn't want to be with me if I was human.
Or maybe it was just that if I stayed human, he never had to be with me whereas if I became a vampire, he might never get rid of me.
The smile slipped off my face and I quickly turned back to my pancakes. Was that it? Was it really that bad to be in my presence?
I suddenly found my appetite diminished and I pushed the plate away gently, getting to my feet and padding away to the bathroom.
I needed a bath to calm my senses.
At that moment, the intercom went off with an annoying drilling noise like back in high school. "Attention competitors. The library is now open. The category is mystical creatures. You have four hours. Good luck!"
Well there went the calming bath.
"Well you'll have this in the bag Y/N." Damon said, another glass of bourbon in his hand. I decided not to say anything. If he wanted to drink it fine, it wasn't my place to tell him not to.
"Well, I guess I should go down to the library anyways." I said awkwardly. "I'll see you after the competition."
"Don't you want help studying?" Damon asked and I did hear the surprise in his voice that I planned on going alone.
"Only if you want, but if you'd rather stay here, I don't mind at all." I replied nonchalantly, opening the door to the hotel room. I let the door close behind me, but the click didn't happen.
Damon was now standing in front of me, a bit of a frown on his face. "Y/N? Did I say something at breakfast?"
No. It's what you're not saying.
"No, just nerves." I replied with a shrug. I set off down the hallway. "But if you're coming, you have to leave the bourbon in the room!"
Good, now I'd have time alone and away from him. He'd much rather stay in his room with his bourbon-
I shrieked as strong arms scooped me up and I felt a familiar rush of vampire speed as everything rushed past me in a blur.
We stopped in front of large doors and Damon said, "The library." He put me down on his feet.
I hit his arm, "Dumbass! What if someone saw you?"
"Then I'd compel them to forget." Damon said his mouth lifting into that familiar, sexy smirk, opening the door. "After you." 
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
27 - The First Close Call // Forever Winter Series
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pairing: austin x fem!oc (elsie) | word count: 3k-ish
warnings: core origin story anchors, alcohol, FLUFF, typical sad undertones, talks of cheating, cringey bedroom concerts, lightly inspired by maroon by taylor swift lol, 18+ MDNI
summary: when elsie wakes up the day after new year’s eve with both austin & nox no where to be found, she sits with the questions racing through her head. an unlikely item transports her to a memory that may hold the answers she seeks.
previous chapter -> 26 - NYE pt. 2 - Say It Again**
see masterlist for chapter log or other works
vibes: forever winter playlist ❄️
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We never talk about what's going on We're casual, we're nothing
We're the furthest thing from love Until we drink
We’re just friends Until we drink
I stirred awake bringing a curled fist to rub the sleep from my eyes before shooting straight up. Flashes of everything that transpired the night before hit me like bricks, knocking every molecule of oxygen from my lungs. My hands frantically felt around the bed finding it empty, then searching it for any traces of Austin – or Nox for that matter. The rapid thumping growing in my chest threatened to crack my ribs like glow sticks.
My fingertips trembled as they curled around the fluffy duvet, bringing it up to my face. The scent of him filled my nostrils, immediately pooling tears in my eyes. My fists curled into the fabric and pressed against my nose, inhaling every bit of him.
How did we get here?
I threw the comforter off my body leaping from the mattress to inspect the room then quietly peering out the door to find Nox. But the apartment was empty, no Austin, no Nox. Relief momentarily poured into my veins before sending me into a cleaning frenzy. I ripped off every piece of bedding, the fitted sheet, the pillowcases, the duvet – it all smelled of Austin. Of us.
It wasn’t until the washing machine was full and rumbling that I was able to sit with the empty morning. My stiff couch squeaked as I laid back into it. The cold palms of my hands pressed into my tired and hungover eye sockets.
If Nox caught any inkling of suspicion I’d be dead. Just the idea of him finding out sent a chill through my bones.
It didn’t matter how many suspicions I had stacked against him. It didn’t matter the late nights out, the new phone code, the lingering perfume on his clothes.
“Fuck.” I muttered. I wanted to be angry that Nox never came home, at least it seemed like he didn’t. But how could I be angry at him when I did what I did with Austin?
I wanted to be upset with Austin too, for leaving me like I was just some one-night stand. But how was I supposed to be upset with him when he wasn’t my boyfriend, and he had a ‘not-girlfriend’, and Nox could’ve came home at any moment last night.
Holy fuck, are we all just cheating on each other?
One could only imagine that Nox’s absence meant he had also left with someone else. I had suspected it for a while –Sure, I could lie to myself and say he must’ve just crashed at a buddy’s house, but I knew it wasn’t the truth. It was a ruse.
Nox was presumably cheating on me.
And I was cheating on him with my best friend.
And of course, now he was cheating on his new ‘not girlfriend’ with me. Official or not, it was clear something was going on between them. It made me sick.
That’s what it was, wasn’t it? I was cheating. No matter how much we masked it, how much we played the ‘no touching’ card, it was all just an excuse for our shitty actions right? Sure, he didn’t put his dick inside me, but we make each other cum – we’ve had each other in our mouths. One way or another it was sex.
Holy shit I’m having sex with Austin
Holy shit I’m fucking my best friend
What kinda fucked up geometric shape were we in and how did it all so complicated. I felt so many emotions at once, my head was so bogged with thoughts and memories of the night before, it was overwhelming. Suffocating.
As much as I really didn’t want to address it, the dread of knowing Austin and I would have to talk about it eventually settled between each rib. I wanted to ignore it, like we had been this whole time. Aside from the obvious uncomfortableness, I mostly just didn’t even know what to say.
‘I don’t want to keep doing what we’re doing’ – that was a lie.
‘I don’t like what we do’ – lie.
‘I want you stop calling me, baby’ – lie.
‘I want to stay with Nox’ - …lie?
‘I want to be with you’ - …lie?
I didn’t fucking want that, why the fuck would I want that? What the fuck did I want?
He’s my best friend, he’s always been just that. My friend. My person.
The person I run to when I’m sad, when I’m angry, when I’m heartbroken, when I need to vent, when I need someone to tell my secrets to. We’d seen each other go through multiple partners, isn’t that weird? We’ve talked about intimate details of our relationships. Though, the exchange of relationship details dwindled the longer we were friends.
Did everything we had done ruin our entire friendship? Last night was way past anything we’ve ever done. How do you go back to normal friendship when I literally fucked myself to him – in front of him? And he did to me…all over me.
And why the fuck did my belly flutter when he called me ‘baby’? God, I could barely even say it in my head. I shouldn’t fucking feel that way about my supposed ‘best friend’ calling me that. I didn’t even feel like that when Nox called me it. Friends don’t call each other baby.
“Oh god,” Curling over my thighs holding my hands over my face. The memory of me literally sobbing beneath him basically begging him to call me that name again. The New Years champagne had really done me in this time.
“Why the fuck would I do that.” I groaned and tugged at my under eyes.
Then the memory of what I told him.
‘Friends don’t do the things we do.’
“I’m so fucking stupid.” I reprimanded myself outloud, smacking my palm hard against my forehead.
How do you come back from that? How was I supposed to face him after that?
Even if I wanted to be with him – which I don’t – everything would change.
I wouldn’t be able to run to him anymore, not like that. I couldn’t share my secrets or just play video games with him. Or anything – all of our friendship traditions would be gone, right? How do you just shift into that different dynamic?
I never pictured us here. What the fuck were we doing? How did we get here? How do we go back? Can we go back? Do I want to go back?
I laid back and let the couch swallow me whole, curling into the corner and wrapping a draped blanket around me like a tight cocoon.
‘How did we get here?
‘How did we get here?’
‘How did we get here?’
The question haunted me, ringing over and over in my ear drums. Another equally as daunting sequence of questions swirled –
How, where and when did this start?
How did we get here, without me even realizing until we had crossed some fucked up line?
How long had this been looming in the background?
I brainlessly zoned out looking into my kitchen across from me when I spotted a half-drank bottle of rose that I didn’t remember opening or drinking.
The seemingly impertinent glass decanter brought forward a memory I had long forgotten. As the recollection unfolded in my memory, the details began to piece together a puzzle that perhaps held the answers I was looking for.
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-5 years ago (Sophomore year)-
We sat on the floor of his dorm, my legs across Austin’s thigh with my feet in his lap. Our fit of laughter died down as the annual end-of-winter-break New Years party raged on downstairs of the giant fraternity mansion. The same house where we’d met just a year ago, and a year before all the shit hit the fan after his dad. Things were simple then, fun and innocent.
“I still think it’s funny that you’re in a frat.” I giggled, taking a swig of a bottle of Rosé that we stole.
The blonde rolled his eyes, “You know it’s just for my parents.” He snatched the chilled bottle from my hand, “Plus I get to live here, which is better than the dorms.” His lips curled into a cocky smirk before taking a sip. He dragged his sweater sleeve across his mouth to wipe off the excess wine and handed it back to me, “I am happy that we’re moving in together soon, I can’t wait to get out of here.”
My top teeth reflexively tugged my bottom lip in, for some reason wanting to hide the wide smile that begged to be worn, like a cozy cardigan on a cold winter day. But I swallowed it down with another chug. “Yeah, me too.” I hiccupped and set the glass bottle down.
In the year we’d grown to be friends I watched him blossom out of his shell. He says that it was me who made him bloom, but I don’t think I had anything to do with it. I think he was just waiting for someone or something to give him the chance to. Regardless, that shy boy I met just a year ago wasn’t the same one that sat across from me – at least not fully.
I watched him bring the glass bottle to his eyeline, reading the label for god knows why. But in the dim light of the desk lamp lit room… it was like I was seeing him through a new, different lens. The way his blonde hair curled at the edges, long straight lashes around crystal blue eyes, just how pink and plump his lips were. It had to be the alcohol, right?
“Hey Elsie,” He waved his hand in front of me, “Whatcha lookin at?” He laughed, “You checkin’ me out or something?” It was a joke, but it settled nervous swirl in my tummy.
I tried to mask the nerves in my chuckle with a light smack to his arm, “Yeah, you wish.” Rolling my eyes at him. I felt this daunting urge to remove myself from the situation, I needed to get my legs off of him, away from him. I never ever felt that way around him, he was normally a comfort to me, he would calm me down before an exam or watch movies with me when I was sad. But this… this wasn’t comfortable. I was uneasy, he made me uneasy.
I pushed a stray curl out of my face, letting out a breath before hastily pulling myself up from the carpeted floor. He took notice of my speedy escape as soon as I was on my feet, propping himself up on his elbows behind him. “Where are you goooooiiinnng?” He whined.
“I just wanted to um-“ I scanned around the room for any inspiration of a distraction landing on his record player. “I wanted to play music!” I perked walking over to the wooden box that held his vinyls.
“Why? The music from the party is so loud already.” He questioned, propping up a brow at me but I kept my back to him. Blood rushed into my cheeks and I couldn’t let him see it. The alcohol definitely was not helping the redness. For whatever reason, I grew aware of the missing makeup on my face. I never felt the need to wear it around him before, but now it felt like I was naked.
“Well, uh, yeah, that shit is so overrated.” I faux scoffed while thumbing through his record collection looking for a good one. I let out an involuntary gasp when I found an Elvis vinyl, plucking it instantly from the box and holding it close to my chest with my arms wrapped around it. “Elvis!” I exclaimed excitedly turning to him like a little kid that found a new toy at the store.
He raised his brows surprised at me then let out a laugh saturated in alcohol, “You like Elvis?” He questioned.
“Eeep!” I squealed, “Yes I love Elvis!” Nearly jumping from excitement like a 2012 One Direction fangirl.
“Wow I never pegged you as an Elvis fan, all you do is listen to Lana Del Rey.” He teased, knowing full well that wasn’t true.
“Shut up.” I rolled my eyes, “No no you don’t understand, I love Elvis.”
A sincere smile curled the edge of his lips, “Wow I just really didn’t know-“
I leaned down to grab his shoulders looking him dead in the eyes, “No, you don’t understand. I watched his ’68 Comeback Special like 500 times.”
He laughed hard and put up his arms in defense, “Okay okay, I believe you.”
I squeaked going back to his player and gently pulled the vinyl from the sleeve, precariously placing it down and settling the needle on the outer edge of the black disc. I nearly screamed when one of my favorites began to pour from the small speakers, promptly turning the volume to its max. With a spin on my heels, I snatched the rose bottle from the neck taking a long swig, proceeding to dance across his floor. Every inkling of tension in my body disappeared, the music soothing the nerves with each hip swing.
I could feel his eyes on me but in that moment, I didn’t care if he was judging me, the only thing I cared about was staying on rhythm. He sneered, “You’re so ridiculous!” He teased.
My arms followed the dance moves I’d seen Elvis do in his old recorded concerts, spilling some wine on my burgundy t-shirt as I did so. I’d probably regret this debacle later, but I was having too much fun to stop. The spill abrupted my choreography causing me to stumble back and let out a tiny hiccup.
“Oh my god Elsie,” He shook his head with a chuckle, going to pull himself off the floor but was struggling with the wine in his veins just as much as I was. “You’re gonna hurt yourself.”
Once solid on his feet he stretched to grasp my shoulders, but I spun just out of his reach. I suppose my next attempt at eluding him was to start belting out the lyrics, the dancing alone just wasn’t cutting it. “Here we go again… askin’ where I been!” I sang loudly and off tune.
Austin shook his head and as our impromptu concerts always went, he joined in, finally getting with the program and managed to steal the rose bottle back. I snagged a nearby hairbrush to replace the bottle as my microphone in preparation for the chorus. And as if we were on some stage somewhere, we turned to each other dramatically, ready to put on a show of a lifetime.
“We can’t go on together, with suspicious minds!” Singing in harmony into our respective makeshift microphones, “And we can’t build our dreams on suspicious miiiiiinds!”
Austin took over the vocals while I recreated one of Elvis’ famous ‘taking a knee’ moves and for a split second I swore I was 15 again, performing alone in my room. But I was 21 and in college and in my best friend’s fraternity dorm.
I got excited when I heard him finish off the line, “Oh honey, you know I’ve never lied to you…” And knew I had to get into position for another iconic line. Again, we were facing each other in our drunken duet, “We’re caught in a trap, I can’t walk out!”
Whether it was the alcohol, Elvis, or something I didn’t fucking know but I swore there was a slo-mo switch that flipped on as our eyes met. “…because I love you too much baby.” We sang softly in unison, our voices hushed under the blaring music, and he was closer than I realized. His sapphire eyes flickered to my lips and every ounce of air left my lungs. He dropped the empty glass bottle hitting the cushioned carpet with a thud and unexpectedly took hold of my hips pulling me to him.
‘Why can’t you see, what you’re doin’ to me…’ Elvis continued to sing in the background. Every part of him that touched me scorched like fire - his fingers on my hips, his chest pressed against mine. The insatiable burning spread throughout my body like a raging forest fire, every inch of skin, every muscle, every blood vessel, every single cell in my anatomy was totally and utterly consumed by him. The crystal ocean in his eyes, each individual blonde lash, the disheveled waves slashed across his forehead, the constellation of freckles I didn’t notice until then, the deep berry in his lips. The lips that were not even a centimeter from mine, just a hair from touching. I thought they’d land, I didn’t comprehend it at the time but god, I hoped they’d land. I was praying for them to land.
In that moment I realized that 15-year-old-alone-in-my room-comfort feeling wasn’t new, rather something that had been present for the past year. Anytime I was with him, anytime he entered the room, or his name was mentioned. He was comfort, he was safety. A true north I didn’t know I found.
Regular speed clicked back on, and we immediately retracted from each other like nothing had happened, like it was just part of the performance. The flurries of butterflies he left me with stayed though - I’m not entirely sure they ever left.
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The next morning when I woke up on his floor, he didn’t bring it up and neither did I. Relief never felt so good, it was just some freak drunk accident, a close call. That all, just a close call. I didn’t know what I’d do without him, what something like that would do to us… I didn’t even want to think about it.
I eyed him looking over the menu at our favorite breakfast diner, Harry’s, pretending he was going to order something new, when we both knew it was gonna be chocolate chip pancakes.
“So, whatcha gonna get?” His eyes snapped up at me, the noon sun shining making his blues glimmer, even above his dark eye bags.
“Oh uh-“ I shook the haze from my head, “I don’t know if I’m gonna get anything, I’m uh, I’m pretty hungover.”
“Ah, don’t worry,” He just beamed at me with a optimistic smile that made me feel like everything would be okay, “Pancakes will fix it.”
And then there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach I didn’t recognize. At first I thought maybe I was hungover. It was a flutter, a churning, a nausea – a sinking trepidation, like I just signed a bad business deal, a contract that would cost me millions.
I didn’t know what fucked up clause we just implemented, but some dull ache in my bones whispered that it would cost me more than I could afford.
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Next Chapter -> Temporary Fix* [coming soon]
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Thank you for every like, reblog or comment, it means the world to me truly. I love hearing your thoughts and I'm glad you're liking my little story 💗
Tag list: @cryingabtab @slowsweetlove @purejasmine @feverdreamcaoilainn @coloradohighs @iluvnerds69 @denised916 @julie181 @navsblog @centaine @golden-kiwis @michellelv @suspiciouselvis @presleysdarling @eddiesgorlie @unicornelliesparkles @navsblog @ranaissingle
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sillystringpony · 1 month
Reflections on Rosemary:
experimenting with a psuedo-pop-art style (ben day dots yay!) for some angsty chalmskinn fanart, and a discussion about Rosemary Chalmers.
[TW: discussion of eating disorders]
I made this piece because I feel like I haven't really seen a lot of chalmskinn content that takes Shauna into account, which I guess makes sense since she isn't given all that many interactions with her dad. Anyway, I've always seen her delinquency as stemming from her mother's death: in my eyes, she's not a bad person, she's just a girl who misses her mother. I started wondering how that would play into the chalmskinn ship; I feel like she'd be fine with her dad's various flings and one-night-stands, but would recoil at any sign of her father moving on emotionally from Rosemary. I definitely want to explore how that might impact the dynamic between Seymour and Shauna a bit more in the future, especially since I've always been a huge fan of the new step-parent trying to connect with a hung up step-child trope (I really love Quibble Pants/Clear Sky because of this... if there are any bronies reading).
Her Father's Temper and Her Mother's Eyes, 2024.
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no need to grip the pancake so hard girl it aint going anywhere
If I'm remembering correctly, Rosemary's character was first introduced in season 16 when the superintendent mentions his wife is very sick. There's then no real mention of her until season 23, in Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts, when she's pretty much confirmed dead, and Gary reflects on how he misses her (which was way more upsetting than it should be, fuck you, you funny yellow people). She's finally explicitly confirmed as dead in season 30.
Autism is as autism does, so I fixated in on these little tidbits and tried to fill in the gaps with my own headcanons. Around the time I was doing so, I was going through a really hard period with my own anorexia - I was experiencing a lot of potentially fatal symptoms and beneath the anorexic delusion, I was genuinely scared for myself. Because of that, I sort of subconsciously projected myself onto Rosemary; it's never explained how exactly she died, only that she was 'very sick'. Rather than take the more conventional route of headcanoning her as having fallen victim to a fundamentally physical illness, I decided to go the route of having her lose the struggle to anorexia nervosa.
At first, obviously, it was just a simple projection of my own issues and illness at the time. You know: I'm scared I'm going to die from this illness... I'm going to cope with these fears by exploring the lives of a person's loved ones after an eating-disorder-related death. It did kind of start to make sense to me, though: Gary Chalmers is a very traditionally masculine man, and I feel like the struggle of losing someone to a mental illness is something that would play with his character with more depth than simply losing her to physical illness. This, in part, came from seeing my own father (who admittedly reminds me of Gary) react so poorly to my own eating disorder: there is something very emotionally impactful about witnessing men who only have the capacity to understand mental illness as a non-physical, unmanifested ailment fight to understand why their loved one is fading away because of something that cannot be cured with surgery, or medicine, or physical therapy. Also, inpatient treatment isn't exactly cheap; so I feel like Chalmers' working an extra job to earn money for what was implied to be Rosemary's treatment checks out under my headcanon.
I haven't really thought much about the specific timeline of things, but a few months ago, I was writing a chalmskinn oneshot where the boys get drunk and wind up on Mount Springfield in the middle of the night (sadly unfinished): there's a moment where the two discuss the death of Rosemary that I think pretty much sums the details of my headcanon up:
“Doy,” sang Seymour: admittedly in slightly bad taste. "You know, you never said what it was. Oh- Hic… Let me guess. Was it, ya' know... The big C?” “No, no… Heart failure.” “What-? Wait, wait, wait… All those years ago, you said she was sick.” “She was sick, you… You… Stupid,” grumbled Gary. He collapsed backwards and next to Seymour with a resigned sigh. “She had anorexia.” “...Oh.” “Mmm… I- I paid for every single treatment I could, Seymour. Behavioural therapy, so, so many inpatient stays in the psychiatric ward, but no matter what she went through, she just kept getting worse. It was so scary- I, she- The woman I married was, she was disappearing right in front of me; a little more every day. I tried to get her to eat; I- I tried to stop her from throwing it up… God, it got physical, once: she was a small, small woman, but that day… She fought like a, a wild dog- Scraping, and kicking- Fuck, even biting, just to get herself free enough from me to vomit.” “Goodness. I- I had no idea.” “Pssht… Nobody did. She- she hid it so well, but behind closed doors,” Chalmers had to stop speaking for a moment. He swayed from side to side in silence; as if the rocking would stop the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. “She was dying… Sometimes I wish it was cancer. Well- No, not cancer, just- Something physical, something that could have been cured with treatment, or a pill, or surgery, or what-fucking-ever. But nooo, it had to be a disorder that me- Stupid fucking me- That I couldn’t understand. That I couldn’t help her with… Besides paying for her treatment.”
I'm currently just over two months into recovery for anorexia, and I'm doing so much better (not to be TMI, but I definitely will not miss the gastrointestinal bleeding and incontinence, haha). Anyway, I just wanted to half-dedicate a post to talking about Rosemary; I was really socially isolated when my symptoms were at my worst, and it was headcanons and projections like this that helped me feel a bit less alone, and at the end of the day, really got me through the struggle of fighting a disorder on my lonesome. I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts on this, or if you personally have any similar headcanons for other fictional characters.
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sunny44 · 16 days
Forget about us
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Ex!reader
Warnings: nothing I guess
Summary: Y/n writes a song about her ex and ends performing for him.
Note: heyy, this story was inspired by the song Forget about us from Perrie, im using her as face claim and her last name also.
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Y/nedwards instagram post
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Liked by @rebeccadonaldson, @maxverstappen1, @yourbff and others 28397
Y/nedwards Hey guys, I’m happy to tell you all that my new single “Forget About Us” is out now. This is a very personal song for me and I was really concerned to put it out but here we are.
Hope you guys like it
@f1fan this song is fantastic and I love it
@jnao22 I hope Carlos listens to it
@Imrebeccad In love with this song
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This was definitely the most personal song I had ever written. I had written songs about him and our relationship before, but nothing so deep and exposing my feelings so clearly. But after years, I finally felt ready to expose my feelings to the world, and here we are.
And it happened to be during the Monaco Grand Prix weekend, to which I was invited by Ferrari. Even though I knew he would be there, I couldn't refuse because, according to my agent, this was what I needed for my career, especially since I made a song about him, even though people didn’t know about it.
So here I was, entering the garage and being greeted by some familiar faces.
"Y/n." I turned around to see Charles, surprised to see me.
"Hi." I hugged him.
"How are you? It's been a while." He said, a bit awkwardly.
"I'm fine, and you?"
"Also fine. I heard your song, and it's amazing."
"Thanks, I listened to yours too, and I'll definitely ask you to do a piano solo for me."
"I'd love that."
"Y/n?" And the voice I least wanted to hear.
"Carlos." I said simply.
"I didn't know you were coming."
"Yeah, I was invited."
"Oh, that's great. How are you?" At this point, Charles had already found a way to slip away.
"Good, and you?"
"Good too." Thank God he didn't mention the song.
"You are..." he was interrupted by a woman with brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
"Hi, love." She kissed him and looked at me. "Hi, you’re Y/n, right?"
"I'm Rebecca, Carlos's girlfriend." She said kindly and extended her hand to me.
"Yeah, of course." I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you."
"Likewise, I loved your song. I haven't stopped listening to it for a minute."
"Song?" Carlos asked, confused.
"The one I showed you the other night, and you said it was very good."
"Thanks for that. Look, I need to go, but it was a pleasure meeting you."
"Sure, if you want to watch the race with me."
"Thanks for the invite." I said, walking away.
It was all too much. The encounters happened very quickly, just minutes after I arrived so I needed some time away. But on my way, I bumped into someone and would have fallen if the person hadn't caught me.
"Oh my God, I'm sorry." I said as soon as I regained my balance.
"No problem, I almost made you fall." I picked up my bag from the floor. "Y/n, right?"
"Yes, nice to meet you."
"Max." He said, and that's when I realized he was another driver.
"Of course, I know who you are." He smiled. "Sorry again, I wasn't paying attention, and it's very crowded here."
"Small place with lots of people, it's normal." He laughed. "Which garage are you in?”
"I knew I recognized you from somewhere."
"Please don't tell me it's because of Carlos."
"Actually, no, you released a song a few days ago, didn't you?"
"Yes I did."
"Daniel hasn't stopped listening to it, and he insisted I listen to it too. Really good, by the way." He said kindly.
"Thanks, that means a lot."
"Now I know who it's about." He joked, and for some reason, that made me laugh.
"You're welcome in the Red Bull garage anytime."
"Well, I have to go, but I'll see you around."
"Sure, definitely." He waved and started to leave. "Oh, there's an event tonight, and they're looking for someone to close the night. I'll mention you."
"Wow, thank you, that would be amazing."
"See you later then."
"Sure." And then he left.
A few hours later, I got a call from the event organizer at Tag Heuer, saying that if I was available to sing my song at the end of the night, she would send me the details. Since I couldn't refuse, I obviously accepted.
And now, I was here, nervous, trying to think of an outfit that would look good but not too simple since Monaco wasn't a place where people wore ordinary clothes.
"Oh my God, I have nothing to wear." I said, frustrated, to myself, and seconds later, there were knocks on my door. When I opened it, my manager walked in with a black garment bag, probably with an outfit inside, followed by two more women. "What's going on?"
"Did you really think I wouldn't find a way?" She shook the hanger in her hand, and I laughed. "Have you showered?"
"Then you can start on the makeup."
I think an hour later, I was ready. The outfit was perfect for a performance at an event in Monaco. I would say a bit over-the-top in my opinion, but according to my manager, it was a common outfit for the place we were in.
When I left the hotel and headed to the event, I was wearing a black dress for now since I would be participating in the party a bit before my performance, and she didn't want to spoil the outfit's surprise.
When I arrived, I obviously passed by several photographers before managing to get inside. Once I stepped inside, a few gazes turned directly to me, and I just smiled and tried to blend in.
"You look beautiful." I heard a voice behind me, and it was Carlos.
"Thanks, you don't look bad yourself."
"Found you." Now it was Max. "So, are you nervous about later?"
"Later?" Carlos asked.
"Oh, I mentioned her to the Tag Heuer folks. They were looking for a final performance to close the event."
"You're going to sing?"
"Want something to drink?"
"Oh, I don't think it's a good idea. Better not to be tripping during the performance." Max laughed and agreed. "But I'll take a sparkling water if you have."
"Sure, be right back."
"About the song..."
"We don't need to talk about it. Actually, I don't want to talk about it."
"I don't want to talk about it with you."
"Because the song is about me?"
"Look, just forget it, okay? I wrote a song about something in my life, and there's nothing wrong with that."
"I didn't say there was."
"Just forget it, okay? Why don't you go be with your girlfriend?"
"So you can stay here alone with Max?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"It's obvious he's into you."
"And this concerns you because?" He didn't respond. "That's what I thought."
With that, I left and found Max halfway. We talked until it was time for me to go. I changed clothes and was backstage, waiting for them to announce me so I could go on stage.
"And now we have one last performance, singing her newest single. Y/n Edwards."
I went on stage, and the music started playing. I felt the gazes on me, but his gaze felt like it was burning my skin. I had to be careful not to stare at him the whole song, but a few times our gazes met, and when the song was ending, I looked at him, who was smiling at me and applauding along with everyone else.
After that, I returned to the party, which now had a DJ. I received several compliments and once again encountered Carlos, but this time with his girlfriend.
"You were amazing." She said excitedly and hugged me. "It was even better live, and I loved your outfit."
"Thank you."
"Y/n." Max came with a drink in hand. "Here, your manager said it's your favorite."
"Come on, let's leave them alone." Rebecca said, and reluctantly, Carlos went with her.
"Come, let's go over there." He took my hand, and we went to the other side.
Most of that night is a blur. Max and I drank too much, and I only remember waking up naked next to him the next morning. I spent the day at his apartment with him until I caught a flight to England in the evening.
Already back in my routine, I woke up to the alarm, ready to get dressed for an interview. When I picked up my phone, I was hit by thousands of news stories with titles like "Carlos Sainz and Rebecca Donaldson Break Up," and there was also a message among the thousands of others that caught my attention.
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Bonus scene!
Y/nedwards instagram stories
“So happy that I got to play my song here in Monaco, thank you @Taghauer”
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not-poignant · 8 months
65/? - Underline the Black (omegaverse) - Efnisien/Gary
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Title: Underline the Black Rating: Explicit Pairing: Efnisien ap Wledig/Dr Gary Konowalous Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Darkfic, Disturbing themes, Age Gap, Omegaverse, Alpha/Alpha, no Mpreg, Medical experimentation, Medical trauma, Dominance/Submission, Dystopian universe, Forced bonding, Forced relationship, Imprisonment, Nonconsensual medical procedures, PTSD, Flashbacks, Nightmares, Chronic illness, Mating cycles/Heats, Knotting, Miscommunication, Trauma recovery, Mind control, Child Abuse, Hope, Hopeful ending.
Summary: Efnisien ap Wledig is an omega born into an all-alpha family. Abandoned by his birth mother and raised by his aunt, he is subjected to a lifetime of medical experimentation and brainwashing and believes himself to be an alpha. But the experiments begin to fail, and he is abandoned yet again to an Omega Rehabilitation Facility, where the family expects he will be retrained into the ‘perfect omega’ and placed in an arranged marriage, or be eliminated if this is no longer possible.
The Facility don’t know about the experiments, and Efnisien doesn’t even know why he’s in there in the first place, since he’s an alpha…isn’t he? One thing’s for certain, he definitely doesn’t need an alpha companion, no matter what the staff at the facility seem to think.
Underline the Black - Chapter 65 - Domestic Violence @ AO3
In which Temsen explains to Efnisien that some of his behaviour is abusive, and not acceptable for an alpha, even one who has been raised in conditions, but y'know, the timing…could be better…
The following early access extras are currently available on some of the early access tiers at Patreon and Ream:
Underline the Red - 05 - Caleb/Faber Underline the Red - 06 - Caleb/Faber Underline the Gold - 05 - Flitmouse/Anton The Nascent Diplomat - 37 - Augus/Gwyn Constellations - 01 - Efnisien + Gwyn (post Falling Falling Stars) Constellations - 02 - Efnisien + Gwyn Underline the Blue - 05 - Nate/Janusz Underline the Blue - 06 - Nate/Janusz Underline the Blue - 07 - Nate/Janusz Underline the Blue - 08 - Nate/Janusz
Want another way to support my writing? // I have a Patreon account! // Come check out REAM! (Patreon mirror) // Buy a Ko-Fi!
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izabelfeenix · 2 months
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Waiting for friends that never show
When he’s about 8, Donnie goes to a school in the Hidden City for a semester. He made “friends” that were always kind of mean, but they let him hang out with them, unlike the others, who were either scared of his dad or weirded out by his scars and attitude.
Needless to say, his new friends didn’t last long. The last straw was when they found out he didn’t know his exact birthday and planned a party for him, getting him to sneak out of home and everything and go to a restaurant (Senor Huesos) promising to meet him there.
They never showed, and he ate alone, one of the waiters finally taking pity on the kid and getting him a hat and cupcake to cheer him up a bit.
Later Huginn and Muninn were told the story through tears, and Huginn secretly told Draxum. Donnie never heard from the kids again, and was pulled out of the school the next week
(Closeups under the cut!)
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pancake-breakfast · 6 months
Gonna be chewing the drywall for a bit over Link Click. How dare they end Season 2 by dropping a bomb that's gonna force me to rewatch the whole thing. It's even more annoying because I don't need a rewatch to see how they've had this in mind all along. I know it wasn't forced. I just didn't know what to look for and now I do.
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