#iamvegorott's version
weirdmixofweirdness · 2 years
In-law Bonding
Commission for @voonespelle
Dark trudged slowly through the sludge that was the Blackview forest. Illinois had studied this area for years, much before his time with Yancy. For so long, he’d heard the stories. A man of fame disappearing, along with multiple friends. When he heard that his mother-in-law was involved in that, he jumped at the chance to ask questions. To Dark’s comfort, of course. Despite his curiosity, he never wanted to hurt his relative, not even emotionally. Regardless, the creature gladly gave the adventurer what information he could. And with that, he was more than willing to journey around the forest near the mansion. There was only one condition: he would not enter the mansion itself. Illinois readily agreed to this. After all, he didn’t plan on them going near the building. What would it hurt? Besides, it was a chance for him to spend time with his mother-in-law.  
“How much further will we be going?” Dark asked, masking the aching in his bones.  
“Not much longer,” Illinois replied, eyes on his carefully drawn map.  
“Just a few more minutes and we’ll be--” the sentence came to an abrupt stop as he looked up and found a wooden door, somehow held by a large slab of concrete. It was chipped, looking to be worn from age. Four squares decorated each side and in them, circular blue gems. This was it. This was what they were looking for. But how did they get there already? Illinois had estimated that the trip would take at least another 5 minutes. How--?
“Illinois,” Dark’s body stilled, more so than it usually was. Something about this door felt...familiar, but for the life of him, he couldn’t place why. Whatever the reason, every part of his aura tugged and screamed for them to run. To get as far from this old door as humanly or supernaturally possible.  
“Is this...what we were looking for?”  
“Yes,” the adventurer’s voice was soft as his gaze remained on the intricate pattern of the door. In fact, he couldn’t seem to look away. No matter how he tried to turn to Dark, his eyes and body were glued to that exact spot.  
“Are you alright?” his voice was muffled, as if underwater. He continued to speak, to voice his worry, but his voice gradually became softer and softer. More and more in the background, until there was nothing to be heard, nothing more to pay attention to. Just the beautiful door before Illinois. There was nothing more important than this rarity in front of him. He needed to get closer, to see the details clearer. To see how the relic felt on his fingertips. Illinois slowly trudged forward, grass squeaking beneath his shoes.  
“Illinois,” the being called, in vain. The adventurer was already too far under. As he got nearer, the crystals adorning the door seemed to glow. As the shining hit his eyes, he could hear a faint flurry of whispers. Each begged him to open the door. Open it. Hurry, open it now! Listening, the adventurer started to go faster, shifting into a speed walk. He had to see what was inside, he had to see what treasures it could have held.  
“Illinois!” Dark raised his voice, trying to match his speed with his son-in-law. He could feel a force hanging over the man. A force that was eerily similar to his void. They had to get him out of this, now. The being blinked, leading himself mere inches behind Illinois. They grabbed his hand, stopping him in his tracks. Illinois’ head turned unnaturally quickly. His face was blank, not a trace of emotion to be found. In an easy motion, the adventurer pulled Dark’s hand away and continued towards the door. The being followed close behind, willing to get Illinois out of whatever danger he was about to waltz into.  
It wasn’t long before the adventurer was inches from the door. He grabbed the old doorknob without hesitation, turning it gently. With a light push, the door slowly flew open. As it did so, a dark blue light, like the crystals, shined from the opening. Illinois, still mesmerized, walked into the light. A voice in the back of his mind screamed that this was a bad idea, to snap out of it and get out of there. However, the whispers won over the muffled shouting. Dark followed the adventurer into the bright gateway, squinting his eyes and preparing for whatever would be behind this light. It wouldn’t be long before they found out.  
In a blink, the two found themselves in the middle of a road. Across from it was a school. Dark didn’t recognize it in the slightest. Illinois, on the other hand, knew it all too well. So well, in fact, that he was snapped out of whatever trance he was previously in. His gaze landed on a tree at the front of the school. Beneath it, was a little boy. The child was sitting, knees up, head constantly turning to his surroundings. It was as if he was waiting for someone. His small boots tapped on the grass.  
“Do you know this place, Illinois?” Dark asked, noticing Illinois’ newfound attention-grabber.
“Do I?” the adventurer replied rhetorically.  
“This was my school,” Illinois explained.  
“Is that you?” the being gestured to the child.
“How did you guess?” Illinois asked, trying to hide his confusion.
“The hat,” Dark replied simply. Sure enough, on the kid’s head was the same fedora on the adventurer, only less wrinkled and aged. That was him, alright. But what were they doing there? Whatever that door was, it seemed to send them through time. The adventurer had encountered something similar before. He just had to test something. Illinois began to scream as loud as he could, waving his arms around.  
Dark looked on in confusion. After all those adventures, was this really the one that made him lose it? Not to mention, the unwanted attention they were—wait...no one seemed to notice. They went about their business without a reaction. So, they were merely observers? Interesting... Illinois moved closer to the younger version of himself. The two didn’t know how to get out of this, so they might as well find the significance of this memory. It might just get them out of this odd door world. Dark followed close behind. Without reading his mind, the being could tell what Illinois’ plan was. It might not have been the smartest, but the duo didn’t have many options at the moment. Besides, Dark could teleport them out of there if they ran into danger.  
“C’mon, where are you?” the boy muttered to himself, little voice shaking. Oh no, Illinois knew what memory this was. This was going to hurt.  
The kid looked at his watch. He said he would be there almost an hour ago. It was the first time someone other than Yancy had wanted to hang out with him. He dropped all his plans for this. Surely, he didn’t...He pulled out his old flip phone. Maybe, he just needed to text him for an update.  
‘Where r u?’ he sent, hands shaking. Almost immediately, he got a response.  
‘What? You thought I was serious?’ another text rung in seconds later.
‘I was joking.’ The boy blinked hard to stop the tears from falling. Of course, he was. Now that he thought about it, the other boy laughed before and after responding. How did he not see it? He was such a stupid, naïve--the boy dialed his mother’s number.  
“Hey, mom,” the kid answered, sniffling repeatedly.  
“I...need you to pick me up,” his eyes became glued to the ground.  
“He’s--he’s not coming,” the child was once again blinking repeatedly. He nodded his head, probably hearing his mother say when she was arriving.  
“Why are you showing us this?” Illinois asked, eyes to the sky. As can be expected, there was no response.
“Just for the hell of it?” still, the adventurer got no answer.  
“What are you?!” Illinois exploded. Almost in response, there came a dark blue flash of light. With that, the two were now in a neighborhood. It appeared to be a mixture of suburb and rural. A corn field sat across from a row of similar-looking houses. Once again, Illinois was hit with a strong sense of familiarity. This time, however, he knew what memory this was. Police cars came rushing in. His young self rushed out of what used to be his house. He heard a call at his best friend’s house. Young Illinois tried, in vain, to push through the Police. His neighbor, Mrs. Policzek, was being interviewed. He made his way to her, tears threatening to leave his eyes.  
“Oh Howard, dear,” she stopped the interview, pulling her young neighbor into a hug.  
“I’m sorry about what happened to Yancy.” she gently rubbed her hands against the boy’s back.  
“What happened?”
“Yancy killed his parents,” Mrs. Policzek responded bluntly.  
“I see,” Dark said in a flat voice.  
“This...thing seems to be preying on your worst memories,” he explained.  
You think? the adventurer thought to himself sarcastically, except, it didn’t feel like his thought. Yancy had told him he’s bad at sarcasm. And he doesn’t tend to be sassy. At least, not with the intensity that this thought screamed. But it was his voice...
In another flash, they were somewhere entirely new. They appeared to be in an expansive house. Plain white paper covered the walls. The carpets, on the other hand, were light blue. Dark’s expression tightened in an instant trying and failing to hide emotion.  
“I take it you know this place,” Illinois said, noticing Dark’s face. The being remained silent. That was new for him. Typically, even if trying to hide emotions, he at least said something, in his denial.  
A little boy ran down the dark wood stairway, an excited skip in his step. He looked around the room.  
“Mother?” the child called. He moved from the stairway, across to the living room. Dark’s gaze followed what was partially his former self. Strange…He didn’t recall this from either of the souls. And yet…
Isn’t it familiar? asked a whisper, sounding similar to the one Dark heard on occasion. He, after all, was made of those void creatures.  
Are you remembering? The whisper reverberated in the being’s head. What was it going on about? The creature followed the boy’s steps. They knew that, wherever he was going, would give them their answers. Illinois followed behind warily. When they reached the living room, however, nobody was there. The room was silent, save for the ticking of the grandfather clock. Young Damien looked at the clock, checking the time. His mother and him were supposed to…what were their plans for that day? The being couldn’t recall. Turning around, the child saw a shining coming from the hardwood floor. The moment his eyes hit it, a cacophony of whispers. He couldn’t tell what they were saying. That is, except for—
The boy turned, staring directly at Dark.  
“Do you remember?” the child asked, emotion drained from his voice. The being was frozen in place. All at once, images filled their head.  
The boy picking up the gem, finding a small version of his mother sleeping inside.  
A blurry shadow figure appearing and taking the crystal from the boy’s hand.  
A silken voice, coaxing him to sleep.  
When you wake, this will be blurry in your mind...a dream.
“A dream,” the child repeated, dazed. His eyes were fixed on the void in front of him. The word echoed over and over. That was why this memory felt odd. It didn’t register as a memory from his old life, but a dream. An imagination from his mind. Only...it was real. It was in his worst, real, memories. Words surrounded him, each from different voices, numbing all their other senses.  
The creature cupped their ears, as if that would tune it out. They had, for years, heard voices like this. Why now, was it affecting them more than ever?  
Dark’s body began to move back and forth, as if it was being shaken.  
Your mind is a liar. The original whisper said, inches from Dark’s ear.  
Stop. He responded weakly.
“Dark?” a muffled voice called out.  
“Dark?!” the voice got a bit louder.  
“Dark!” The creature was then snapped out of the nightmare world. In front of him was Illinois. His hands were on their shoulder. And...they were back in the woods, right in front of the door. Only, the door was gone.  
“Good, you’re back,” Illinois said, as if the creature had gone on a longer-than-expected grocery trip. The being took a deep breath, smoothing out wrinkles in his clothes.  
“What happened?” Dark asked, as flatly as he could in the moment.  
“I’d like to ask you the same thing,” the adventurer responded.  
“One minute, we were looking little-boy Dark, the next you zoned out,” he explained, more confused than he had probably ever been in any of his adventures.
“How did you return us here?” the creature questioned.  
“That wasn’t me,” the adventurer answered.  
“That was all you.” It must have been an unconscious reaction. His aura probably sensed they were in danger and sent them out. That, at the very least, made sense. Everything else, on the other hand...
“Let’s go home,” Dark interjected into the awkward silence.  
“That was enough excitement for the both of us,”Illinois nodded in response as the creature warped them back home.  
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bookwormscififan · 4 months
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Little PhantomHero drawing to go with the fic I wrote this evening.
Except this is a family-friendly version of the scene.
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ardenwritesegos · 2 months
Emotions are High: Chapter 2
AU based on @iamvegorott 's version of the egos.
Anti didn’t usually like to be the one to interrupt Dark during their work. They got very…cranky whenever someone did that (though that’s an understatement). Still, while food was no longer necessary for them, the being enjoyed partaking in food and drinks. And they took any chance to be with their husband. However, they often, like Gin, had to be woken up from “work mode.” Tonight was apparently no exception. 
“Hey, Mr. businessman,” Anti called teasingly after knocking on the office door. There was no answer. For a creature like Dark, this silence wasn’t unusual. They must have been absorbed in their work. He knocked again. 
“It’s food time,” the glitch called one more time, hoping that would get them to look up. Out of the quiet came a quick clearing of the throat.
“One moment,” a voice responded. It sounded like Dark, but different; a bit more prim and proper than usual (Anti didn’t think that was possible). Then, Anti started hearing a female-sounding voice whispering. He leaned his ear against the door to hear better. 
“He’s not going to go away, you know that,” the woman whispered aggravatedly. 
“Yes,” the Dark-not Dark voice started quietly. 
“But he’s never seen us before, and–”
“But he knows, it wouldn’t be a surprise,” the other voice replied. Wait, what was it Dark said about their past? Right, they were some mish-mash of twins. Which means…
“The Dark twins?” Anti asked from behind the door. There was a pause–likely the female twin giving her brother an ‘I told you so’ look–before the Dark-not Dark voice broke the silence. 
“Come in,” the voice said, the door unlatching and opening itself. What the glitch found was just as he thought; a set of twins, one a woman in a dark dress, the other a man in a black suit. The man was the first one to speak again. 
“Hello, Antisepticeye.” 
“So, you’re…Gin’s anxiety?” Chase asked, guiding the nervous wreck through the house.
“I-I’m worry…actually,” the copy responded. 
“Isn’t that the same thing?” Chase asked, confused more than he already was. 
“Uh…a lot of people think that, but there’s actually…actually a bit of a difference,” purple Gin replied with a nervous smile that quickly went down.The more Chase looked at the copy’s jumpsuit, he noticed that it wasn’t just regular purple. It was more of a violet than a regular purple. He only knew the difference because Schneep liked to info dump on colors (he wanted to be an artist, after all). But that wasn’t important at the moment. 
“And do you know where…regular Gin is?” Chase let out a sigh, frustrated but still trying to be careful. He didn’t know what would cause this emotion to break. 
“Unfortunately, um…” Violet Gin hesitated. He knew this statement would deeply upset Chase and was, well…worried about the repercussions. 
��He’s gone while we’re, uh…separated,” the copy fidgeted with his hands. Chase took another breath, trying to compose himself. 
“But he’ll come back if we find all of you guys,” Chase predicted hopefully. 
“Yeah, the only problem is…getting them back together,” Violet Gin moved his fingers like a child playing the piano for the first time, tapping against his legs. 
“It’s possible, we just gotta get some help. And I know exactly where to get it,” Chase stopped at a dark blue door, knocking four times with a silver cat knocker.
“MARVIN!” he used the signature scream he got from his creator, this time put to good use. With a click and a creak, the door opened. 
“Hello…” Marvin greeted awkwardly. 
“What can I do for you?”
“I think you know,” Chase replied, gesturing towards the copy of Gin. 
“Hi,” Violet Gin waved shyly. 
“We didn’t think we’d be meeting you like this,” Damien said, squeezing his own hands. In the past, he would have his cane, but he was…well…forced to do away with that. 
“For a while, I thought we wouldn’t meet you at all,” Celine retorted. 
“Is now really the time for this?” Damien raised his voice; slightly, but just enough to show frustration. 
“To think I used to be the serious one,” his sister let out a puff of laughter from her nose. 
“One of us has to-”
“Excuse me, would ya quit bein’ siblings for a second and say hi?” Anti glitches in between them, interrupting Damien. 
“Hello, honey,” she gave the glitch a warm, but gentle hug, kissing the top of his head. 
“Well, now I see where Dark got their mommy energy from,” Anti joked. 
“Hey, Damien pitches in as well,” Celine replied, breaking off the hug and facing Damien with a smirk. 
“Someone has to make sure everyone is in order,” Damien straightened up his suit, adjusting to having his own form again. Celine just snickered. Those kinds of statements always did go over her dear brother’s head. 
“Hold on a second,” Anti took a confused look at the former Mayor. 
“I thought he was the ‘warm and gentle one.’” 
“That’s a long story,” Celine explained. 
“Yes, one we don’t have time to tell,” Damien spat flatly. 
“Now, we need to find Dark and rejoin them,” he moved his neck out of habit, before realizing he didn’t have to crack it in this form. Anti just barely held in a laugh at the sight. 
“If we are out, that means the entity is roaming around, and who knows what damage it could cause.”
“But I thought Darky was the entity,” clearly, he misunderstood when his partner told him the story. 
“We’ll explain on the way to Wil.”
“Why are we going to him?” Anti asked. 
“Our division happened after that blasted drink he gave us,” Damien sifted through a closet, until he found his old cane. Luckily for him, it looked to be kept intact and polished.
“He couldn’t have known what it did,” Celine followed behind, trying to calm Damien down, at least slightly. The former mayor has been furious at Wil ever since he shot the District Attorney. Further proof that his old self was pushed down by a layer of darkness. But that wasn’t the point of this endeavor. 
“Yes,” Damien sighed, seeming to humor his sister. 
“But he does know where he got it.” 
“Would he, though?” Anti commented. Wilford didn’t always have the best memory, considering his powers. 
“At the moment, it’s the only thing we have,” the former mayor explained, being somewhat more careful with the glitch. 
“Come along,” Anti and Celine followed behind to the door. Unbeknownst to them, a wisp of shadow hid itself behind Dark’s desk. 
“You just let the most chaotic man in the house run away with your potions?!” Chase screamed.
“No one can stop Wilford, you know that!” Marvin yelled back. 
“Then why didn’t you say anything?!” Chase shouted in reply. 
“My teleportation fucked up on me, okay?!” Marvin belted out. 
“You had legs! The dining room was literally seconds away!” Chase shrilled. 
“Okay, clearly this isn’t doing anything,” the magician took a calming breath. 
“We’re just acting like bickering parents with their kid in the room.” Both of them stopped to check on Worry Gin. He was still sitting, listening to music on noise canceling headphones. At least he was occupied. Couldn’t have the embodiment of worry getting overwhelmed, after all. 
“Alright, how do we do this?” Chase took a deep breath as well, shaking out his emotions in the air with his hands. 
“Let me find it,” Marvin to a bookshelf behind him, skimming the book titles until he found just what he needed; a thick, black and orange book called Stupe’s Empirical Lyrical Guide to Magic.
“Aha!” The magician pulled it out. The cover featured the outline of a person with a mustache, sideburns, and glasses. Marvin opened the book where the silk orange bookmark was, carefully speed reading for the solution. 
“Well?” The magician continued scanning the pages until he found a part titled Reversal Rehearsal. 
“You have to give me a moment, all the directions rhyme,” Marvin briefly looks up from the book. 
“Didn’t Phantom tell you not to get that version?” Chase reminded the magician. The author of this book was known for their extensive vocabulary, so their book was never recommended for either beginners or people in an emergency. It just so happens that they are dealing with the latter. After a few minutes, Marvin looked to be finally understanding the words. 
“Alright, so each emotion should be in a place the person associates with that feeling,” the magician explained. 
“But where would we even start?” Chase eyebrows strained down in confusion. 
“It says to start with the basic ones,” Marvin began. 
“So happiness, maybe?” he suggested. Chase’s eyes widened immediately after. 
“I think I know where to find that one.” 
Thanks for reading! If you would like to be tagged in my stories, please let me know. Also, there may or may not be more short stories coming, as I have gained more creative inspiration recently.
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uncultured-lettuce · 6 years
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Robbie the precious zombie!! Even if the boy isn't canon, he's CaNoN iN mY hEaRt.
The right version is transparent if you aren't fan of the backround!
Also for @iamvegorott and character is by @therealjacksepticeye
I ALSO FOUND OUT THERE'S A @robbiethezombie-support-squad AND HOLY HECK, I LOVE YOU xD
(click for better quality)
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bookwormscififan · 3 days
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Safe in His Arms
Sketch of Mad, Mare and Al having a snooze from today’s fic.
Piece titled from ‘In His Eyes’ on the Jekyll & Hyde soundtrack. Btw, go listen to this version I found on instagram the other day, because it’s perfect.
@iamvegorott @rattyboyisemo
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bookwormscififan · 2 months
Dance Lessons
Read on AO3!
A/N: Mare teaches Mad a slightly more complex dance.
“I put my hand here, then… where do I put my other hand?” Mad’s voice was soft over the sound of music, interjected with Mare’s hums of approval and his chuckle.
“Just like that, dear,” Mare practically purred, smiling when Mad looked at him nervously. “You’re doing perfectly.” His heart warmed as Mad’s face flushed, his step faltering slightly before catching himself.
The dining table was pushed against the wall to give them more space, a ballet playing quietly from Mare’s laptop. Mad’s face was bright red as Mare held him close, one hand on Mad’s waist and the other holding his hand as he led him across the room.
“Lift your leg slightly, like that,” Mare directed, squeezing Mad’s waist as reassurance before stepping sideways to direct his movement. “This is supposed to be a graceful dance, but I’m kind of liking this jaunty version.”
“I-I’m not sure…” Mad bit his lip as he stumbled, leaning against Mare when the musician caught him.
“You’re doing wonderfully, dear heart.” Mare paused to press a quick kiss to the side of Mad’s head before resuming the dance.
“I don’t think I’m ready to do the lift.”
“We’ll take this as slow as you need, love,” Mare replied, turning Mad slightly with a small giggle. “There’s no lift in this song, by the way.”
“Then why—” Mad paused and frowned, turning in Mare’s hold to fix him with a failing glare. “You said you were going to teach me a lift!”
“I never said I was going to start a dance with a lift,” Mare clarified, tapping the tip of Mad’s nose. “At most, I’ll just assist you with a small jump, then we can work up to Dirty Dancing levels of lift.”
“I think I can handle that,” Mad reconciled, turning around to press his back to Mare’s chest and taking the musician’s hands in his. “Can we start this one again? Without the music? The music’s distracting me from learning.”
“Oh, the music’s distracting you?” Mare’s voice was teasing, crossing his arms around Mad’s front to grasp his hands and spin him around, pulling him flush against him. “I’m sure I can fix that,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss Mad deeply, feeling Mad melt into the touch before he pulled away with a smile.
“Mare,” Mad whined, gripping Mare’s upper arms and shuffling backward as Mare moved to the laptop to change the song. “Now I don’t know if I want to keep learning dancing or if I want you to touch me,” he pouted, tensing when Mare’s warm hands settled in the dip of his back.
“Dance with me,” Mare whispered against Mad’s ear, leading him into a slow dance, bodies pressed together. “Dance with me, and then I’ll do whatever you want.” He chuckled at Mad’s squeak, holding him closer and humming along to the song as he waltzed Mad around the dining room.
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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bookwormscififan · 3 months
Fear is A Cry for A Cuddle
Read on AO3!
A/N: I watched It (1990) before bed, and now I'm still awake at 3am because I'm scared to go to sleep. I decided to give myself some comfort.
He knew it was a mistake to watch that horror movie before bed. He knew he’d be jumping at every sound he heard once the lights had turned off, and he knew the chill down his spine wouldn’t subside, no matter how much logic he applied to his situation.
The faces of the monsters flashed across his vision every time he closed his eyes or turned a corner, cardigan wrapped around him for some semblance of comfort while he waited for Mare to finish up and climb into bed. How could the original version of a horror film be so much more terrifying than a remake?
What was tapping on the window outside the bedroom? Had that dark shadow always been beside the door? Was that the house settling, or someone walking in the walls? What if—
“Mad, darling, wake up.” Mare’s voice pulled Mad away from the swirl of darkness settling behind his closed eyes, and he slowly became more aware of the pillow under his head, the blankets bunched in his hands, and Mare’s warm touch on his shoulder.
As he worked to even out his breathing, he listened to the steady sound of Mare’s breaths beside him, the shifting of the sheets as Mare turned to look at him, the beat of his heart, and the rhythmic rustle of the leaves outside. The scents of Mare and the clean sheets as well as Mad’s sweat soothed him further, and finally he opened his eyes to meet Mare’s.
“Are you alright, dear heart?” Mare asked quietly, still holding Mad’s shoulder as he waited for Mad to answer. “You were muttering and thrashing in your sleep.”
“Hold me,” Mad pleaded, voice barely a whisper as he snuggled closer to Mare, sighing at the warmth that having Mare’s arms around him brought. “No more horror movies before bed.”
“Shh, love, it’s alright now,” Mare started to mumble, resting his chin atop Mad’s head as he held him close, letting his warmth surround Mad. “It was just a nightmare. Wasn’t real. I’m here, you’re going to be alright.”
As the wave of sleep pulled Mad back under, he felt himself relax, the calming feel of Mare’s hands around him soothing as well as his words, and Mad felt like the nightmares would be less harsh so long as he had Mare to hold him through his sleep.
And for once, the screaming demons in his mind quieted, dispelled by soothing words and gentle touches, coerced into becoming pleasant visions of star systems and solo music performances.  
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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