#iceland....new zealand...probably like...madagascar....
six-of-ravens · 2 years
I have finished part 3 (about 110 pages in), so an update on thoughts and predictions:
Callum and Nico are more interesting than originally thought. Callum is still a rich asshole, but at least he's a rich asshole in a fun and evil way and not just a boring way. It's an informed trait that Nico is rich, but he doesn't act like the stereotype at least.
I read ahead to see who dies (disappears?), and after the last few chapters it doesn't come as a surprise. I won't spoil it, but while [redacted] is certainly strong in a magical sense, they're extremely insecure, emotionally vulnerable, and easily manipulated, and I feel like that'll be their downfall. Also, gotta break up the power couple to make sure you have a cliffhanger so people read the sequel *shrug emoji*
Reina is quite fun. Did not expect everyone to underestimate her, but she clearly gives no fucks and I like that.
Parisa is still a one-note mean girl seductress, and Tristan is still a one-note social climber with bad decision-making skills and daddy issues, which is deeply annoying. Everyone else got new Hidden Depths over the past few chapters, but not them.
Also, getting tired of Parisa being an unrepentant asshole to absolutely everyone (or everyone she wouldn't fuck) constantly. Does she come with an off switch? Like, I don't mind an asshole character but when all they do is snark at people constantly and (again!) have no personality traits except Hot and Mean, it gets old real fast.
Again, this is the problem with 6 perspectives, some are just not necessary because the characters don't have character arcs. We could've done with just Libby and Nico tbh, maybe Reina, but even her perspective doesn't seem totally necessary, much as I like her. Libby and Nico are the most developed, and the most plot happens around them (like, in the battle scene they split up, and we check in with Nico and see what Libby is doing through Tristan's perspective. We never bother with Parisa and Callum though!)
Also I worried about scenes being repeated too much, but now I'm annoyed at what's being left out, especially since this author seems to like to hold what you don't know over your head instead of finding a way to give you info throughout the rest of the story. Why didn't we get to see Parisa and Callum during the fight scene? Why is she mad now? I bet we'll never know. We still don't know what this recruitment speech was about and yet it's referenced quite often...
Speaking of, what a wild fucking fight. Like, all these people are suddenly powerful and aware and highly trained enough to fend off multiple attacks, both magic and gun-based?? From like 4 different specialized agencies?? Because apparently the day these new recruits enter the building is Open Season for whoever wants to rob the library?? I get the point the author was trying to make, but. Highly unrealistic.
For the sake of not sounding like I'm only hating on this book: the writing style is fairly good. And there's more to the magic system than I thought there would be, even though it's still pretty basic AAAHHHHHH I'm sorry but. come on. "magic uses energy just like sports" is what we've got. there has to be more than that!!
So yeah, characters I like so far: Libby (...somewhat), Nico, Reina, and potentially Callum. I have basically begun skimming Tristan's segments because my god, I do not care about your father and how much he doesn't love you and how you gave up your dream of an easy life for this for apparently no reason. And Parisa is the same as always. We haven't gotten a chapter in her perspective in a while, and it's probably because she spent the whole fight scene either trying to fuck Callum or trying to decide whether to fuck Tristan again. Or scheming about how to fuck Dalton.....you get the picture. If there's more to her, we have not seen it, and since we've been in her brain, I can only assume that's because it doesn't exist.
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astrobiscuits · 5 months
Astro obs part 9
🐌 The planets in your 12th house indicate your sleeping style:
Sun in 12th house - their sleep schedule is extremely messed up; for them, daylight hours = nighttime hours and vice versa, so they have trouble being themselves during the day; their true self comes out at night
Moon in 12th house - goes to sleep very late; full moons have a special effect on these people; their intuition is more clear at night; as kids, they probably slept a lot with their mother
Mercury in 12th house - loves texting/calling people late at night; they might journal their thoughts before sleep because they overthink a lot and it helps to clear their mind or maybe they just like to relax by reading a book at night
Venus in 12th house - cares a lot about getting their "beauty sleep"; sleeps with sleep masks on, buys expensive bed lingerie, skincare night routine might be very important; loves sleeping in general lmao
Mars in 12th house - enjoys working out before going to sleep, can go to sleep angry because they tend to get into conflict more at night than during the day
I have Uranus in 12th house and i can be both a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper, depending on where i am. For example, when i'm traveling, during the first night i wake up several times, but from the second night on i sleep like a baby lmao. Another thing would be that i can't sleep in a quiet car but i don't have any problem sleeping during a thunderstorm
🐌 Mars in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sag) and Mars in 3rd house individuals love riding motorbikess
🐌 While Mars in 9th house peeps would probably love to go on a world tour on their motorbike. The sign ruling their 9th house represents the countries they would love to visit (i'm aware that some of these can only be visited by plane, take it with a grain of salt): 
♈ in 9th house: Ireland, Poland, Japan, Zimbabwe
♉ in 9th house: Cuba, Paraguay, South Africa, East Timor
♊ in 9th house: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Montenegro
♋ in 9th house: Canada, USA, Bahamas, Argentina, Slovenia, Madagascar
♌ in 9th house: Hawaii, France, Italy, The Netherlands, India, South Korea, Peru, Bolivia
♍ in 9th house: Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Vietnam
♎ in 9th house: Belgium, Portugal, China, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho
♏ in 9th house: Panama, Spain, Turkey, Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE), Palestine, Lebanon
♐ in 9th house: Finland, Lithuania, Romania, Tanzania, Thailand
��� in 9th house: UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, Camerun
♒ in 9th house: Greece, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka
♓ in 9th house: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Mauritius, Saint Lucia
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🐌 I have a feeling Pisces Suns like to spend their time in a garage lmao. Mostly because their opposing sign, Virgo, would hate to spend time in a garage due to how dirty it can get.
🐌As a 7th house Sun who's been in love for almost a year now (haha, are we surprised, ofcours not; i'm not even in a relationship with him but ugh we're so perfect for each other), i realised that Sun in 7th house people tend to behave differently with their partner when they're in a healthy relationship vs when they're in a toxic one
Sun in 7th house in:
♈ Aries in a healthy relationship: empowers their partner, knows how to balance me time vs us time in a healthy manner, encourages their partner to take safe risks
♈ Aries in an unhealthy relationship: impulsive, impatient, selfish, dismisses their partner's feelings, often controlled by rage, prone to abusing their partner
♉ Taurus in a healthy relationship: veryyy generous (their love language is gift giving), accommodating to their partner's wants and needs, cooks for their partner
♉ Taurus in an unhealthy relationship: stubborn af, hard to please, focused more on the material gain from their partner rather than the love they share
♊ Gemini in a healthy relationship: curious, always lightens the mood of their partner by cracking up tons of jokes or telling them funny stories, knows that communication is key to everything so they're not afraid to discuss serious topics, teaches their partner a lot of random stuff
♊ Gemini in an unhealthy relationship: superficial, doesn't have a problem moving on from their partner to another person in a matter of seconds, if they're still in school/college, then they prioritize studying over their partner
♋ Cancer in a healthy relationship: nurturing, knows how to balance babying their partner vs being babied by their partner, emotionally vulnerable, feels safe enough to present their partner to their family early on in the relationship
♋ Cancer in a unhealthy relationship: if they don't trust their partner, they tend to become emotionally closed off to hide their deep sadness; defensive, but if their partner attackes them, then they'll hide, worries excessively, avoids presenting their partner to their family
♌ Leo in a healthy relationship: treats their partner like the king/queen they are, keeps their ego in check so it doesn't interfere with the relationship, if they've got artistic talents (music, acting, art etc.), they'll show their love for their partner by performing in front of them
♌ Leo in an unhealthy relationship: egocentric, shows off their partner/relationship too much out of pride, often feels entitled in the relationship and wants to be put on a pedestal by their partner
♍ Virgo in a healthy relationship: selfless to a healthy degree, remembers every lil detail from every casual conversations with their partner just to please them, remembers every important date and plans ahead for it, takes care of their partner when they're sick
♍ Virgo in a unhealthy relationship: critical, overfixates on past hurts and mistakes that their partner made in the relationship (often times their partner doesn't even remember those things because they're usually not that serious), loves their pets more than their partner
♎ Libra in a healthy relationship: romantic, charismatic, truly values their partner and the relationship with them, acts fair in the relationship, teaches their partner lovingly about the importance of honesty, truth and a healthy give and take dynamic in a relationship
♎ Libra in an unhealthy relationship: doesn't prioritize the relationship; instead, they flirt with others despite being in a relationship, emotionally detached, cold and calculated in their current relationship
♏ Scorpio in a healthy relationship: loyal, loves their partner deeply and intensely, but without suffocating them, keeps their partner's secrets like they're a locked safe box with no public access
♏ Scorpio in an unhealthy relationship: obsessive, manipulative, seeks to dominate their partner, displays stalkish behaviour in the relationship, liar
♐ Sagittarius in a healthy relationship: exposes their partner to various cultures, belief systems and philosophies to expand their mind and form their own opinion on certain topics, loves freely but is still able to maintain a long-term relationship, improves their partner's mood, usually brings an element of surprise and excitement to the relationship
♐ Sagittarius in an unhealthy relationship: travels in order to avoid dealing with their partner, parties a bit too much, doesn't take the relationship seriously
♑ Capricorn in a healthy relationship: loves their partner in a mature, serious and secure manner, doesn't shy away from improving their partner's social status and/or career if they can, discusses plans for the future (getting married, having kids, adopting pets, buying a house) with their partner early on in the relationship, they make time for their partner, despite the fact that they're busy most of the time
♑ Capricorn in an unhealthy relationship: displays no emotions or physical affection in the relationship, has a hard time communicating their thoughts with their partner, settles in a relationship for the wrong reasons (money/kids/safety/"i'm getting old and i need to have my life established"), prioritizes work/career over their partner
♒ Aquarius in a healthy relationship: flexible, makes their partner's dreams and aspirations come true (whether they're related to the relationship or not), has got a very open-minded attitude towards their partner's opinions, lifestyle and identity, takes the time to become friends firsts with their future partner because they value a relationship built on solid foundation (often times their partner is also their best friend), knows how to balance couple time vs time with friends
♒ Aquarius in an unhealthy relationship: displays wishy-washy behaviour, emotionally detached, prioritizes their friends over their partner, seeks online validation from strangers and acquaintances to fulfill their needs
♓ Pisces in a healthy relationship: sensitive to their partner's emotions, knows how to balance wearing their heart on their sleeve vs hiding their emotions in unfavourable circumstances, always honest with their partner
♓ Pisces in an unhealthy relationship: prone to drown their relationship problems and sorrows in alcohol, drugs and meds for mental health issues, runs away from problems instead of dealing with them with their partner, displays dishonesty to a fault, prone to self-sabotage
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castielcommunism · 2 years
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okay so after a quick bout of googling this was the highest res, clearest picture I could find of the bunker war room map table (x). this looks like a normal map at first but if you look at it for more than five seconds you will realise it was made using state of the art clown software, because not only do its eight colour-coded regions not correspond to state borders, but the actual physical geography is straight up incorrect in some places. this will be long so it's going under a cut, and I'm gonna compile stuff I said in other posts about it so I'll be repeating myself in some places.
Basic stuff:
This is a world map (obviously). The basemap appears to show all major river systems in the world.
Maps all require projections because they're displaying 3 dimensions of physical information in 2D. This one appears to be using the Mercator projection, which is a projection that preserves shape but wildly distorts area and distance (you can see the graticules becoming more elongated the further away you move from the equator). The reason this is noteworthy is because Mercator is a very common map projection used in Global North countries, partially because it exaggerates the size of many wealthy nations, most notably the ones in North America and Europe. So it makes sense that the MoL would use this one. Also, since Mercator preserves shape, it's a "prettier" map compared to other common global projections, which is probably the reason it was chosen for the set. Rule of cool etc.
As I mentioned, the map is divided up into eight colour-coded regions which seem to only very loosely correspond to state borders, though not always. The legend itself is unreadable, and it's also horribly colour coded. Literally half of these colours are purple/blue, three are orange/yellow and then a green region for fun I guess. Also Africa's colour (light green) is not on this fucking legend at all. Very cool.
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Again, aesthetic over function, but man that shit sucks. 0/10 to whoever chose the colours for this.
The regions appear to be:
All of North America, including Mexico, and also Greenland and Iceland. Also Svalbard I guess, but only the part that isn't cut off at the top
All of South America
Africa, excluding Madagascar
Portugal, Spain, about 70% of France, and Italy, including Sicily
All of Ireland (including Northern Ireland), Norway, Sweden, and about 95% of Finland (the eastern border is weirdly straight)
The United Kingdom excluding Northern Ireland, and also the rest of Europe plus Russia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Oman, Mongolia, and many others
India, Pakistan, Nepal, and possibly part of Iran? Also I think Madagascar is supposed to be included in this region
Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and others
Japan I think is by itself but it might also be part of the India region. Or maybe the North American region?
China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Korea (they wouldn't be split North/South until after the MoL collapsed, but it's not like it matters at this point since this map is so ridiculous). Also Turkey is part of this region for some reason???????? like just Turkey. nothing else in that part of Europe
astute readers will see that there are eight regions on the map but ten regions I've listed. There's some other really weird stuff, like Greece being green for some reason (so part of region 5?), Turkey like I mentioned being the same colour as all of region 10, and parts of Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Palestine, and Jordan appear to be blue/purple (though it's hard to see on the map since it's covered by a caliper), and also I included Iceland in the first region but it looks like it might also be the same colour as region 8? Maybe those are all their own regions. who knows.
A couple people in the replies of previous posts I made said these might be like, monster-hunting regions? So they could hypothetically make up the different MoL "chapters" around the world. If what I've laid out corresponds to literally any geo-political alliances in history I would love to hear it. Like........ China and Turkey? Pakistan and India and also Madagascar? the US and Mexico? A united Ireland? 70% of France for no reason? Literally all of South America? The entire continent of Africa except for Madagascar? Australia and Iceland?????????????? Some of these make "sense" in terms of them being divided up into adjacent physical geographic regions, but some of them very clearly are not. Like why is the North American region responsible for hunting monsters in Svalbard and Iceland? Why have the chapter in East/South-East Asia also be responsible for TURKEY? Why is like half the map orange?
Other random shit:
Antarctica is omitted from the map entirely
Parts of Nunavut (Canada), Greenland, Svalbard, and the North Pole are also cut off/not on the map
The fucking land bridge between Russia and Alaska is just not there?? And there's a random free-floating chunk of it next to Alaska????????
Fun fact, those weird things on top of the table are map calipers meant to measure distance, which is a pointless exercise for this map because it is, again, projected using Mercator, so area/distance are wildly distorted and therefore the measurements are not reliable (you would need to do additional math to figure out distance, which depends on how far away you are from the Equator, because the amount of distortion changes with latitude). There's also no actual scale listed on this map table either, which isn't surprising because this map makes no sense, but you need that when measuring distance. I think the rings are meant to be magnifying glasses or something but idk what the fuck you'd need to see in greater detail on that map.
Some countries are labeled (all of N. America for example) but most aren't. Africa is notably devoid of almost all labels, same with South America. I think the USSR is labelled (it would still exist during the MoL's time) and maybe France and the UK. idk. It's really inconsistent
In conclusion this map sucks ass and is useless. It looks cool but that's about it. At least the oceans are labelled correctly
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gerard-iconique03 · 3 years
(Unofficially) tagged by @incelhugochavez ;)
Name/nickname: my name is Anna but most people call me Anna Banana, it’s kinda annoying and corny but I learned to live with it
Gender: fem
Star sign: cancer
Height: 5”7 (1m71cm)
Time: 20:27
Birthday: july 7th
Favorite bands: my all time favorite band is Disturbed, I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m a raging, die-hard Disturbed fan
I also love Metallica, Korn, Slipknot, Type 0 Negative, Iron Maiden (saw them live once), Nightwish, Kamelot, Sabaton, Raubtier, Rammstein, OOMPH!, Eisbrecher, To/Die/For, Charon, Depeche Mode, Alice Cooper, Colonia (dance/pop group from Croatia, I’ve loved them ever since I was a kid), My Chemical Romance, Green Day, In Flames, Pendulum, The 69 Eyes and many more
Favorite solo artists: Enrique Iglesias, Sting, Rihanna, Ellie Goulding, Sean Paul, Ava Max, Sia, Arash, Maître Gims, Mohombi, Willy William, Max Barskih, David Carreira, Jason Derulo, Kartashow (Russian singer, I discovered this gem of a man in late 2019 and I loved him ever since), Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Natti Natasha, Inna, Anitta, Maluma...
Song stuck in my head: Ley ne Zhaley by Max Barskih (idk how to type that song title in Ukrainian cyrillic so I’m giving you the romanized version lmao)
Last movie: the last movie i watched from start to finish was The Craft, a really fun horror movie
Last show: honestly don’t remember
When did I create this blog: summer of 2018, during the world cup
What do I post: football, memes, things that relate to me and some other random shit
Last thing googled: Is Woodsboro California a real place? (spoilers: it’s not)
Other blogs: i only have one other blog, it’s @nero-fxrte and that’s my main blog actually, I’ve had it since like 2014. Y’all can follow me there if you want to
Do i get asks: not really, wish i did. Ask me stuff guys, I’ll answer just about anything
Why i chose my url: because Gerard Piqué is iconique and iconique rhymes w his last name, need I say anything else?
Following: a little over 300
Followers: a little over 100
Average hours of sleep: 5 or 6, sometimes even less
Lucky number: 7
Instruments: can’t play anything but I really wanna learn the electric guitar
What am i wearing: black leggings(or tights as i call them), black socks and a black MCR the black parade t-shirt
Dream job: I wanna start a band and either sing or play guitar for that band but since I’m musically talentless that’s never gonna happen
Dream trip: Europe: Italy (I’ve been to Italy twice but i loved it there, I really wanna go again), France, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, UK, Luxembourg, Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Ukraine, Russia and Turkey
The Americas: USA (I really wanna visit NYC, LA, Chicago, Vegas, New Orleans, Miami, Atlanta...), Canada, Mexico, all of the Carribean, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile and Argentina
Africa: Morocco, Egypt, South Africa and Madagascar
Asia: Japan, South Korea and Thailand
I also want to visit Australia, New Zealand, The Maldives and Guam
Nationality: 90% Croatian and 10% Australian (yet I’ve never been there, makes no sense I know)
Favorite song: right now my 3 favorite songs are Let Me Love You by Mohombi, DJ Rebel and Shaggy, His Eyes by Pseudo Echo and Yolo by Maître Gims but ask me this question in two or three weeks and my answer will probably be different
Last book read: I’m currently reading a book called “horror stories for a good night” (ironic title I know) it’s basically a bunch of shorter horror stories in one book
Top three fictional universes: I’m a lover of horror movies so I can give you like a hundred horror universes I’d like to live in but the one I would absolutely LOVE to live in is the Scream universe because I wanna be like Sidney Prescott. She’s beautiful, badass, clever, a survivor...did I mention she’s beautiful because she’s really fucking stunning (like I have a massive gay crush on Neve Campbell)
Tagging: whoever wants to do this, you can do it and say I tagged you :)
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claritypoolservice · 3 years
Time to Build Your Swimming Pool!
New Post has been published on https://lasvegascustomswimmingpooldesigncontractor.com/time-to-build-your-pool
Time to Build Your Swimming Pool!
The Heat of the Summer is Approaching – Time to Call Clarity Pool Service and Build Your Dream Swimming Pool
Okay, if you’re feeling the warmth of the sun all ready, you are a valid Las Vegas resident. Anyone who’s been here more than a couple of Summers will tell you it comes on quickly. Summer that is! It’s like one day you’re enjoying the cool Winter feeling air, and then all of a sudden, we’re dropped back into the heat of Summer. A time of the year that will have you sweating in areas of your body you didn’t even realize you could sweat in. If you can relate to that statement, it sounds like you are more than likely a veteran of Las Vegas. In other words, it gets hot here in our desert. Right about when you start wishing you lived in Colorado, your brain starts coming up with alternatives that don’t include you selling your home and lugging your family over to a new state to set up shop. The next thought is a custom swimming pool.
At Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada, we specialize in building traditional and custom swimming pools. There’s nothing we love more than designing and building beautiful pools and outdoor living environments that our clients enjoy every summer. It’s almost mandatory to have a pool here in our city. If you’re new to this fantastic town, then you’ll probably smile at that comment. But I’ wasn’t joking, sadly. At Clarity Pool Service, we strive to become the cure for the typical Las Vegas, Summer. From the preliminary on-site design consultation to the finished pool and outdoor living environment, we want to exceed your expectations where it concerns your plans to transform your dirt backyard into a desert oasis. Give Clarity a call today to speak with one of our pool design professionals. You can reach our office at (702) 839-9265, or you can visit our “New Pool Construction” page to learn more about how Clarity Pool Service would build your pool project. You can learn more and visit our past project photo gallery below.
Schedule a Swimming Pool Service Consultation with Clarity!
Whether you're exploring the idea of building a custom swimming pool, or you would like us to maintain your existing one. Clarity Pool Services has you covered! We specialize in custom pool design & construction as well as every maintenance service in between, and after pool construction. We're avid supporters of being water smart here in the Las Vegas, Valley, offering "no-drain" eco-friendly water treatments that restore the quality of your swimming pool water without having to drain, refill, and re-introduce traditional pool treatment chemicals. We have a better solution known as the PuriPool Water Treatment Process. We also offer pool restoration and our bead blasting service that will eliminate unsightly calcium scale and other hard water remnants. Schedule a consultation today with Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada!
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vicky82gargoylesfan · 4 years
Countries that International Rescue went to
These are places and Countries that International Rescue have been to in each episode. Some of these are fictional and unknown places, so some of them are guesses. I've had to look closely at John's maps to see where they were but some countries and places were still not clear.
I'll be focusing on the main rescues but there be some exceptions on other rescues.
If you have any idea on some of the unknown places or some things that I've missed, please let me know.
Season 1
Ring of Fire Part 1: Couldn't tell but it looks like it was in the Pacific ocean near Central America Ring of Fire Part 2:  Taipei, Taiwan Space Race: Space and London Crosscut: South Africa, near Pretoria Fireflash: Between England and Australia, Fireflash landed in the Gobi Desert, which is in Mongolia/China Unplugged: London Runaway: Japan EOS: Space Slingshot: Space Tunnels of Time: Somewhere in South America Sky Hook: over the Indian Ocean and in space Under Pressure: Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean Heavy Metal: New Geneva is a fictional place but Geneva is in Switzerland, so it must be in Switzerland Falling Skies: Space and the hotel exploded in the sky in Florida Relic: Space, The Moon Breakdown: Arctic Circle, Greenland Heist Society: Between UK and Iceland in the North Atlantic Ocean Recharge: Arctic Circle Extraction: England The Hexpert: Unknown, probably America Comet Chasers: Space Designated Driver: England Chain of Command: Not sure where the bridge collapsed, but the main rescue was in Dubai. Touch and Go: America Undercover: Unknown, probably England Legacy: Fake Rescues - John and Alan in space, Gordon in sea in Japan, Kayo in Australia, Virgil in Spain and Scott in China.
Season 2
Earthbreaker: Unknown but scandium ore is found in Norway/Sweden, Madagascar and China ect. Or it could of been found somewhere new, so maybe Australia or Africa or south America. Ghostship: Space Deep Search: Space, Jupiter moon Europa City Under The Sea: Unknown as it was a fictional place but if I had to guess the place seems British so it could of been part of England, maybe on one of the islands, Isle of White or Jersey or Isle of Man ect. Colony: Space, Mars Up From The Depths Part 1: Mariana Trench in the Western Pacific Ocean. Up From The Depths Part 2: The Artic and in Space Lost Kingdom: Aegean Sea near Greece Impact: Space High Strung: Southern Alps, New Zealand Weather or Not: Saudi Arabia Fight or Flight: Unknown as the City is fiction/reference from OS but if I had to guess, probably America Escapeproof: England as Parkmoor Scrubs prison is there but The Mechanic could of started the hole from another country. Volcano: Iceland Power Play: Unknown, probably America. Bolt From The Blue: North Pacific Ocean Attack of the Reptiles: Central Africa Grandma Tourismo: Western Sahara Desert, The shopping was in South Spain (Thought it was a bit weird that Virgil and Grandma Tracy went all the way to Spain to do some shopping. Is it cheaper there or something, LOL) Clean Sweep: Unknown, probably in the Atlantic, I guess the control room is in London. The Man from TB5: Unknown, probably in the French or Swiss Alps Inferno: London Home on the Range: America Long Haul: Space Rigged for Disaster: Unknown, could be in the Atlantic or North Sea. Hyperspeed: Between England and Japan, the rescue could be somewhere in the Alps. Brain vs Brawn: Sahara Desert, I assume Gordon was taking the Hood in the Mediterranean Sea and Penny and Parker took The Hood for a drive in Spain.
Season 3
Chaos Part 1: Unknown, The Crane Rescue could be in America. The Main Rescue could be in The Arctic or Antarctica. Chaos Part 2: Space and Unknown, I couldn't tell what country the space lift was in. Path of Destruction: Unknown Night and Day: Space,Mercury Growing Pains: Arctic, North Pole Life Signs: Space, Mars Rally Raid: Unknown but most probably in America Crash Course: Space Flame Out: America as United States was mentioned Deep Water: Great Barrier Reef, off the East Coast of Australia Endgame: Unknown SOS Part 1: Space SOS Part 2: Atlantic Ocean, near East Africa SIgnals Part 1 and 2: Space and The Pacific Ocean Chain Reaction: Unknown, looks like it was in the same area as Path of Destruction. Getaway: London Avalanche: Unknown as it was a fictional mountain but there is a Kosha Mountain in Japan so it could be there or some other place in Asia. Upside Down: Going by John's Map it's in Indian Ocean off the west coast of Australia. But the Southern Ocean was mentioned which is south of Australia north of Antarctica, so bit of a mistake here.. Icarus: Space and Unknown as the event was in the sky somewhere. Breakout: Space Buried Treasure: Unknown, could be England Venom: The Amazon Rain forest, Brazil Firebreak: Unknown but due to the mention of leaves, Elm and Dogwood, it could be America. Eucalyptus leaf was mentioned too, the tree is original from Australia but at some point in the 1800s they brought trees to America. So i'm sticking with America The Long Reach Part 1 and 2: Space
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zoom4ads1-blog · 4 years
How to Write Classified Ads
If you are a small business owner, you probably already know why marketing is important.
While marketing can be quite expensive, using classified ads can help you get your products out there to potential buyers but for it to attract the right audience, it has to be written effectively and creatively.
Before we delve into simple steps to ensure a profit-making ad, let's briefly consider the format to write classified ads.
An ad consists of three parts and they are:
Headline or hooky phrase (WHAT the product is)
Body or storyline (WHY the production works)
Offer or call to action
Now, let's go into the steps that will get you that money-making ad.
Step 1: Look for Your Target Audience
Place your ad in a publication that reaches your target audience, it is the most essential component, for example, if you want to sell a house, consider placing your ad in a real estate magazine. Before you place your ad, make your research about those who visit such website or read such magazines and use the appropriate descriptions suitable for the place of your ad. For example, if you are placing an ad for house sale in a general site, you can use general descriptions but if you are placing it in a real estate magazine, you have to be more detailed.
Step 2: Catch Their Attention
Another key factor that cannot be overlooked or taken with a pinch of salt is the usage of catchy lines or phrases, even in this, you have to make your research; go through other publicized ads and if any appeals to you or catches your interest, pay special attention to the words used as they will come in handy. In doing this, ensure the product description is at the forefront before additional information is included.
Step 3: Sustain the Interest
Now that you have been able to engage the interest of your potential buyers, you need to sustain the interest, i.e. you need to give your potential buyer a good reason to select you among other sellers offering the same product. The best way to sustain identified interests is to put up incentives. For example, if you are selling a car, you might want to put up incentives like "the first five to make contact gets a chance to negotiate or get a better discount". This will help potential buyers reach a decision faster than they might have had intentions to. On the flip side, ensure that you are in control of all negotiations and bargains, set the pace and don't sell your products short.
Step 4: Incite Them to Take Actions
You want to ensure that your ad generates a sense of urgency, this is because some potential buyers might be dragging their feet or procrastinate but your ad - if well structured - serves as a catalyst to their decision-making terms like 'offer limited', 'call now, not later', 'hurry, offer won't last forever' and so on are examples. Your ad must propel the prospective buyer to make a call, just be ready to receive calls and deal with them appropriately. Ensure to also add a number that can be easily reached or a functioning mail.
That concludes our easy steps to creating a great classified ad. Let's look at some further tips for doing this.
Tip 1: Keep your ads short and simple while ensuring that your sensational headlines are not bogus and connect with the body of the ad, seeing that your integrity is at stake.
Tip 2: Don't be tempted to use sketchy catchy headlines or product descriptions. It is better to be honest as such an approach cannot be sustained and drives away buyers.
Tip 3: ensure to test-run your ad before putting it up; click on the link to make sure it is up and running, you don't want your potential buyer walking away because the link you attached is not working.
There! You have all that you need to write great classified ads, so get to work!
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bluegreenhearts · 5 years
Get to know me tag 🌷
I was tagged by @malik-payne thank youuu ! ♥
rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better!
nickname: well there’s Natsku and Nysse (from my last name) but there’s not like one nickname that everyone calls me (also i go by Thalia here which is kind of a nickname)
zodiac: pisces
height:  164/5 cm i think
last movie I saw: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (me & my best friend sat around judging every inaccuracy in it and it was hilarious)
last thing I googled: matty healy (bc of that harry tweet)
favorite musicians: well obviously one direction (and all the boys as solo artists) but i also love queen, mika, ed sheeran, fleetwood mac and lots of others
song stuck in my head: im listening to there you are by zayn so that one :)
other blogs: cosmicsnufkin (the multifandom/personal/random shit blog i’ve had since like 2012), and holisticdnp, the slightly inactive dan and phil blog
do I get asks: not really
following: 303
amount of sleep: it ranges wildly from 3h to 13h but last night it was around 5/6h i think
what I’m wearing: light blue momjeans and a white knitted sweater 
dream job: well i have this dream that i’d own a bookshop/queer café type of thing where most of the books are either queer, culturally diverse, or about mental health in some way so that it’d be a safe space for anyone
dream trip: Iceland, Madagascar, New Zealand and sooo many more places
favorite food: usually i would say pasta but i ate some amaaazing chinese food today (+ some sushi from another place) so today its dumplings and sushi
play any instruments: i played classical piano actively for about 10 years and still do sometimes, and i know the basics to a few other instruments
languages: swedish, finnish, english, and kind of norwegian and danish
favorite songs: i literally have a playlist called “faves” with 30 songs bc i can’t even choose top 5 songs but probably anything by queen or 1d
random fact: i’ve always seen myself as bi but i just realized these last few days that im only bi-ish when im drunk af and when im sober im like most definitely just gay so thats weird to realize after 20 years
describe yourself as aesthetic things: living in a tiny cottage covered with flowers and moss far away from society, either in the woods, by the sea, or surrounded by mountains.that thing in movies where raindrops turn into teardrops (or the other way around), but also being able to see the sun through the clouds.
I never know who to tag and also I’m way too tired to figure that out right now bc it’s like 3 am so this is me officially tagging any mutuals/anyone who sees this and feels inspired (as in you can say i tagged you if you feel like it) sorry for breaking the rules :/
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onceuponawildflower · 7 years
If someone walked up to you, handed you one million dollars, and said that you had to use it to travel, where would you go?
I was trying to think about this one. I’m also the sort of person who is going to research how much it costs to go from one place to the next, to answer this as accurately as possible, so here we go.
I’d leave Ohio and first head to Denver/Fort Collins, Colorado to see my best friend, who I would subsequently drag along with me on all of my travels because we both want to travel all over the world. (You’re welcome @lupus-majoris​). 
Price: $50
From there, we’d go to San Diego, because I want to see Southern California, and then up to San Francisco, because I’ve been there once (backpacking across the city) and I want to see it again. 
Price: $300
Total so far: $350
After that, we’d head up to Eugene, Portland, and Seattle. All places on the west coast I’ve always wanted to see, and I’m sure he’d like to see too.
Price: $800
Total so far: $1,200
From there, we’d head to Vancouver, and then on up to Anchorage, Alaska, before heading out to Russia, where we’d visit Lake Baikal, Moscow, and St. Petersburg, and then over to Charlie’s Top Three Pick, Mongolia. 
Price: $14,500
TSF: $16,000
After that, we’d head to Thailand for Christmas and Phnom-Penh, Cambodia for New Years.
Price: $1,500
TSF: $17,500
We’d explore Oceana more (Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea), and sail to Brisbane, Australia. 
Price: $7,500
TSF: ~ $25,000
From Brisbane, I want to sail to New Caledonia, and then dive with sharks and whales and see what’s left of the Great Barrier Reef before it’s entirely oxidized and bleached. 
Price: $2,000
TSF: $26,000
Once we do that, I’d like to head back over to Australia, and check out New South Wales. Preferably visiting Byron Bay, Sydney, Uluru, and Melbourne. 
Price: $2,000
TSF: $28,000
After which, we’d head over to Tasmania, and then down to New Zealand. Charlie’s heard good things about Christchurch, and we have to go camping and hiking at length here. And of course, for pure fangirl and fanboy pleasure, visit Matamata to see the Shire. 
Price: $1,500
TSF: ~ $30,000
After New Zealand, Charlie would use his new-found skills in sailing to whisk us across the Indian Ocean to Madagascar and then South Africa. 
Price: $2,000
TSF: $32,000
There’s so much of Africa I want to see. I’d imagine we’d visit DR of Congo, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, Cote D’Ivoire, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Egypt, before heading to the Middle East. 
Price: $12,000
TSF: $44,000
In the Middle East, we’d like to explore Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Cyprus, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Pakistan.
Price: $15,000
TSF: $70,000
After we’ve thoroughly explored the Middle East, we’d head back to the Far East to explore India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal at length. 
Price: $15,000
TSF: $85,000
After which, Charlie and I would head to Europe. From Nepal to Greece, and then on to Macedonia, Italy, Sicily, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, the Faroe Islands, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway (where we’d stay for a great while for Charlie), Iceland, and Greenland.
Price: $22,000
TSF: $107,000
Since we’d be so close, from Greenland, we’d head into Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. I definitely want to see the other provinces of Canada besides Newfoundland and British Columbia, especially the francophone provinces. We would most likely go to Quebec. And then head north to Nunavut. After visiting Eskimo Point and the Northwestern Territories, we would head to warmer climates, in Latin and South America. 
Price: $8,000
TSF: $115,000
I want to see Baja California and Mexico City in Mexico, as well as other countries in Latin America: Belize, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. 
Price: $3,000
TSF: $118,000
One of my biggest goals in life is to witness the wonders of the Galapagos Islands. This would be a priority in South America, and I’d like to stay for a while. We would also travel to Columbia, (the rest of) Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil (with as large as it is, I’d like to explore this in detail), French Guiana, and Venezuela, before heading up to Puerto Rico.
Price: $9,000
TSF: ~ $130,000
In the Caribbean region, I’d travel from Puerto Rico to Haiti, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, Cuba, and the Bahamas.
Price: $5,500
TSF: $135,000
Charlie and I have discussed this and we’re both a-okay with not coming back to the United States. However, at this point, I’d probably miss my family and want to see my Mama (my grandma), since she’s so close, so I’d make a quick detour to Orlando, FL and surprise her. We’d only stay for a little while, before whisking Charlie away to a place I’ve been researching and talking to him about for months/years now. Hawai’i. I know it’s part of the United States, technically, but I don’t think it should be, and I really hope they seek independence. So from the Bahamas, I’d go up to Orlando for a quick spell, and then fly off to Hawai’i. We’d probably land on Big Island, but I want to see all of the islands that are accessible to non-indigenous people. Charlie would obviously be sailing us between each island. He’d also be teaching me how to do it because at this point, it seems like a given that I would need to at least start learning. 
Price: $3,000
TSF: ~$140,000
And from there, we might choose to live in Hawai’i and help them push for independence, clean up the beaches, live in an intentional community, and become permanent vagabonds. We might split the money halfway and go our separate ways (he prefers colder climates and wants to go to this folk school in Norway and I like mild, warm climates, and might move back to Brazil or Australia or India). Regardless of where we go, we’d have a good sum of money left over from that million dollars. Granted, the prices I provided were from justfly and only included the price of airfare/estimate travel fare. It didn’t include lodging, food, gear, supplies, etc. I’m sure we could use up a bit of that money on these needed amenities, but in general, we’re pretty frugal people, and a little can get us pretty far. (So a lot can get us really, really far). 
All added up, that’s eighty-eight countries. According to my plan, we would finish our trip as early as June 2020. 
Thanks for sending me this ask, this was fun! I spent about… three and a half hours or so planning all of this, but I really enjoyed it.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
England vs New Zealand World Cup Ultimate: How you can Watch Reside Stream on Cell and Desktop
http://tinyurl.com/yxstsz4e 47 matches and 46 days after ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 began, all of it comes down to 1 match. England vs New Zealand might not be the World Cup last everybody imagined when the match kicked off at The Oval on Might 30th, however nobody would begrudge the 2 groups their day trip within the solar — if the climate staus clear — at Lord’s on Sunday. Historical past can be made, as neither England nor New Zealand have received the ICC Cricket World Cup earlier than. New Zealand can be hoping to go one higher than final time, once they misplaced within the last to Australia. England have made the World Cup last thrice, and ended up because the dropping aspect on all events. In 1979, they misplaced to the all conquering West Indies aspect, whereas in 1987, Gatting’s males misplaced to Alan Border-led Australia, to present the latter their first World Cup victory. However the defeat that can in all probability damage them probably the most was in opposition to the Imran Khan-led Pakistan aspect in 1992, once they went into the ultimate because the favourites. Eoin Morgan would wish to succeed the place Brearley, Gatting, and Gooch failed, and carry the trophy above his head, come finish of the World Cup Ultimate 2019. England entered the match as favourites, and whereas their path by the league stage turned out to be harder than they’d’ve favored, a complete victory in opposition to previous rivals Australia within the semi-finals means England will fancy their probabilities in opposition to New Zealand within the last. The Kiwis, then again, managed to scrape into the highest 4 on internet run price, and discover themselves within the last after edging out India in a low-scoring semi-final at Outdated Trafford. However England will underestimate New Zealand at their very own peril, as Virat Kohli’s males found earlier this week. England vs New Zealand toss and crew information New Zealand have received the toss and elected to bat first within the World Cup 2019 last. Each groups have named unchanged XIs, retaining religion with the gamers that received their respective semi-finals. England: Jason Roy, Jonny Bairstow, Joe Root, Eoin Morgan, Ben Stokes, Jos Buttler, Chris Woakes, Liam Plunkett, Adil Rashid, Jofra Archer, Mark Wooden New Zealand : Martin Guptill, Henry Nicholls, Kane Williamson, Ross Taylor, Tom Latham, Jimmy Neesham, Colin de Grandhomme, Mitchell Santner, Matt Henry, Trent Boult, Lockie Ferguson Relying on which a part of the world you reside in, here is how one can catch a stay stream England vs New Zealand World Cup last. How you can watch England vs New Zealand Reside World Cup last in India Hotstar has digital rights for the Cricket World Cup last in a number of elements of the world, together with India, Bhutan, Canada, Maldives, Nepal, and the US. In India, Hotstar prices Rs. 299 per 30 days or Rs. 999 per yr. These are at the moment the one two plans out there. How you can watch England vs New Zealand cricket World Cup last stay in Pakistan Each PTV Sports and SonyLIV will supply stay streaming of the World Cup to these residing in Pakistan. How you can watch England vs New Zealand cricket World Cup last stay in Sri Lanka The Cricket World Cup last can be streamed stay on Rupavahini in Sri Lanka. How you can watch England vs New Zealand cricket World Cup last stay in Bangladesh For those who stay in Bangladesh and wish to catch the ICC World Cup on-line, you will want Rabbithole Prime. How you can watch England vs New Zealand cricket World Cup last stay in USA and Canada Within the US, you will get a subscription to both Hotstar or Willow TV to look at the World Cup motion on-line. This additionally applies to US territories corresponding to Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. In Canada, Hotstar is the only on-line supplier, as we stated at first. How you can watch stay streaming of World Cup last in England Sky Go is the unique on-line broadcaster for the Cricket World Cup last in England, Eire, Scotland, and Wales. How you can watch World Cup last stay in South Africa In South Africa and a number of other African nations, you’ll be able to catch a stay stream of the Cricket World Cup last on SuperSport. You possibly can watch the Cricket World Cup last stay on-line in Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros Islands, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti , Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mayotte, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Rwanda, St Helena, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zaire, and Zimbabwe by way of SuperSport. How you can watch stay streaming of World Cup last in Australia Australians will want a subscription to Foxtel GO, Foxtel Now, or Kayo Sports to look at the World Cup motion on-line. How you can watch stay streaming of World Cup last in New Zealand For those who’re in New Zealand in the course of the World Cup of cricket, you will have to Sky Sports activities’ Fan Pass to catch the cricketing motion. England are hoping to win ICC Cricket World Cup for the primary timePhotograph Credit score: AFP   How you can watch World Cup last stay telecast in West Indies ESPNPlay Caribbean (Android, iPhone) is the World Cup last stay stream supplier for these residing within the Caribbean. That features the islands of Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Saba, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten, Tortola (British Virgin Islands), Trinidad and Tobago, and Turks and Caicos. How you can watch World Cup last stay in Afghanistan Sadly, there would not appear to be a web based supplier for the Cricket World Cup last in Afghanistan. A minimum of not but. It will likely be aired on Radio Tv Afghanistan on TV, for what it is value. How you can watch cricket World Cup last stay in remainder of the world In Center East and northern Africa, the stay stream rights for the Cricket World Cup last are with OSN Play and Wavo. This contains Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, West Financial institution, Gaza Strip, Palestine and Western Sahara. In a lot of South America, ESPN Play North, ESPN Play South, and Watch ESPN Brazil will supply stay stream of the Cricket World Cup last, relying on the place you reside within the continent. This contains Argentina, Aruba, Ascension Island, Belize, Bolivia, Bonaire, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In the meantime in continental Europe, you will want a subscription to Yupp TV to look at World Cup motion. This contains Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Spain, Belarus, Bulgaria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Republic of Macedonia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Gibraltar, Greece, Malta, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Monaco, Cyprus, Vatican Metropolis, Georgia, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Fox+ is the only on-line broadcaster of the Cricket World Cup last in China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, and Thailand. Source link
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ad7000 · 6 years
It was where the Galapagos Islands are now, and it’s come round in a big circle. It came from where the Galapagos Islands are now, over to where South America is now, right the way round to where South Africa is, and it came round in a great big wheel. St Bees, with the dunes, they were formed when it got to where the Sahara desert is now; there was no Mediterranean in that time. The Mediterranean didn’t exist. And it kept on wheeling, wheeling round, then 65,000,000 years ago, at the time of the great extinction, which is the extinction of the dinosaurs, we also had the breakup of the continents. That is when America, and the Americas, split off and went over that way, and Antarctica broke up, with Australia attached to it. Antarctica and Australia went that way, new Zealand broke off from those two and went further up, and India broke off the side and where just about Madagascar and mogodisia are now, and that broke off as a piece of land, which is India shaped now, and it was also pointed at the top. And, it collided with the Arabian, what is now Arabia. And this point pushed in, and it pushed up the Himalayas and the Tibetan plains, and all you can see now is the bit of India that what was like this, you can’t see what was like this because it is now, what is now part of the Himalayas, and what not, you know? It’s part of the Himalayas and the Tibetan plains. And then, Australia broke away from Antarctica, Antarctica drifted over, and at one time Antarctica was tropical, and Australia went over that way. Antarctica didn’t become Antarctica, until New Zealand split over, and stopped the hot water current, stopped the warm water current. Then, it froze. And it’s the same as Britain is today, is it not for the Gulf Stream we would be a frozen bloody mass. We’d be like Greenland and Iceland. It’s only for the fact that the current comes over, and it takes 1000 years. It starts off here, it goes down, round the coast of Britain, round the coast of south Africa, up into the Arabian gulf and India, through the Indian ocean, and then it turns and loops round on the east side of Australia comes back, crosses over itself, but one is going under and the others coming over, its hot watered you see, it’s warmer water, it’s rising. And that comes back round the cape, round the cape, the African cape, the south African cape, goes out across the Atlantic to the gulf of Mexico, it sweeps round- this is where the gulf of Mexico comes from, that current swinging round in there, then I heads back for us. Hits Ireland, splits, and this is why the weather is shit here, you can go up to Ullapool in Scotland and the grow palm trees in their gardens there. Because the Gulf Stream splits on Ireland, and half of it goes up that way and the other half goes down over Devon and Cornwall, you see? And that’s where things happened. When the continents broke up, you’ve more or less got- we’re used to seeing the land masses as they are now, but if we came back in say, 300,000,000 years’ time, you’ll probably find that it’s all gone, it’s all one big land mass because that’s where but’s heading at the moment, everything’s closing in again, you see? We nearly had, after the last ice age, we nearly had another one, because Canada was full, in the middle of Canada of you have a look at a map, Canada is a bunch of lakes, its loads and loads and loads of lakes, and these are glacial, and they’re left after the ice age. Well, when the ice melted, it filled Canada full, of water, basically the middle it was like a bloody big inland sea, and eventually what they call the ice wall, which was the remains, the remains of a bloody great glacier, it broke. And the water came out, and into the, what we have now is the north Atlantic. Now, now this created the way it came out, you could quite clearly see where it came out, the great ice wall was along here, and when it came out the water came out with such force that it created the St. Lawrence seaway, it washed all the land away, and left- apart from the rocky bit- and left newfoundland, where it is now, and it dug all with such a force, this is fresh water, and it came out with such a force that up routed the seabed, and this is why the titanic is 2 ½ miles down. Now, if you go a little bit further over, right, they have what they call the fog area, it’s where they call the grand banks, and they used to fish, the Portuguese used to sail sailing ships on with these wooden boats, what they call the dories, and they used to fish for cod with hand lines. So they could fish with it with a hand line, and hit the bottom of the Atlantic there. And this is where it’s blown, now, if you imagine –I could show you how it works in my fish tank at home to be honest with you- the force of water hitting the sand, it blows it up into a cloud and propels it that way, then the sand then settles out, and this went on for thousands of years. Well, aye, thousands of years didn’t it? But what actually happened was, all that induction of water, of plain water, it diluted the sea, and the salt in the sea, it diluted it down so far that it couldn’t start, the warm water, the cold water current going round because there was not enough sand in and not enough salt in to sink, so the gulf stream very nearly stopped. Because the way the Gulf Stream works now, and this is why we get so much shit and water over here, it’s the evaporation off the sea. The salt level in the sea becomes so dense, that it has to sink, and it draws the water down with it and takes it along the coast of England. And it’s replaced by warm water from the Gulf of Mexico, at the other end of the Gulf Stream coming back up here and replacing it, alright? And then the process starts all over again.  But, it’s the warm water coming up that causes the evaporation that goes up here and this is why it bloody rains up here so much, it’s because of this. But, it takes 1000 years for the water to leave the Iceland-Greenland-England area here, to travel down and around, and around Africa and Australia, it takes 1000 years for it to go round there and then come back.
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We went up, I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it’s a very popular picture for calendars, and there’s a very, very old bridge, and it’s a pack horse bridge and it’s built of stone. And, it’s got a keystone in the middle, called Ashness Bridge; it’s very very pretty the river is underneath it, it’s beautiful. The tourists aren’t bloody helping because they’re having to make bigger car parks and what not which is damned- I don’t believe in that it’s bloody unnatural, like, you know- but the village of whatendsworth, which is very, very small, is further up. Now, there’s two big overhangs of rocks, and I just just just got the van through them when I took your mam up there, but they’ve closed up some more I can’t get the van through there anymore, they’re slipping, they’re sliding, but I can’t. I tried, I was going fishing with Jon, my mate Jon, and we just couldn’t get it through, just could not. I just squeezed it through with your mam but I can’t get it up there anymore. All it is, is a big tarn up there full of trout and what not, handy for a picnic and what not , it’s got swans and geese, it’s got all the bloody lot in there. Do you remember that, when we went to whatendworth?
Tell me what was there and I’ll probably remember it
Well it was a bloody great puddle full of trout and what not, and we went over Ashness Bridge, yes, and we just got the van between the overhangs of rock, do you remember?
I do
Well, they’ve moved now
I remember sitting there going over the bridge with my eyes shut, I do remember that
All it is, is a little packhorse bridge, it’s no suspension bridge or anything, it’s just a… over a ditch like
It doesn’t matter, it’s water under it, Mary got used to it I was hugging her real tight every time we went over a bridge with water under it
I can’t get the van up there now, we’ve had another coat of paint put on it, like, do you remember going through those rocks? Well I can’t get there because that rock overhang has now moved by about 4 inches since then and I can’t get the van through anymore. It won’t fit through.
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This is where, this is where you went yesterday, see the la’al ratty track? In the bottom there, there’s a railway track just in the bottom, I’ve just seen it but it’s… there it is look, there.
It’s lovely looking over at hem mountains isn’t it
Yeha, I’ve told you this is the west, this is the west central. There we go, Muncaster mill just down there, that’s worth a look at. I don’t know whether they’re still open, it’s an old fashioned flour mill there, it worked on the water wheel that they resurrected.
Can’t believe we’d had that rain, can you?
Bloody hell I woke up a couple of times, it was bloody lashing down.
You talk in your sleep, you. Tony.
Do I? I don’t know, never heard myself. Must be asleep. Don’t know about that one. Basically, over there, see where those mountains are over there roughly? That’s where we’re going, down this side. That’s the other side of the mountain that you saw yesterday. But if you have a look up here you can see between the mountians, there’s a massive glacial- the glaciers came down here it’s a massive glacial valley between two lots of mountains. See these, to go tomorrow, these are the sorts of roads you’re on to go ullswater way. It is shorter but much longer if you know what I mean, time wise it’s far longer. And, if the weathers bad it’s not ideal to drive in, like, you know.
Where are we going tomorrow?
Dustan hill, I believe. Sticking to the plan.
You forget what day it is when you’re camping.
Now, theres great gable right in front of us, she’s got a hat on at the miniute, that’s great gable right in front of you. WE could hardly see them last time could we.
WE couldn’t see them at all, we couldn’t see this.
That’s beautiful.
When you get there it doesn’t seem so high and you think ‘oh my god these aren’t high mountains’ but you’ve been going up ever since we left the main road, and you were going up before that, since we left st bees. Ravenglass beach is obviously at sea level, but you’ve been going up ever since, apart from like this where we’re going down, but you go up more than you go down. We’re still a bit off the lake yet, but looks like the waters running as well which will make it- well it bloody should be the amount of bloody shit that came down.  
Now you can see all the herdwick lamns. When your mother came up in may, these were just little things like this running about, like, you know. They’re still black now, they wont go grey until spring next year. About spring, and they’ll be another crop of black ones about. Have you ever seen a- did you notice on the ratty yesterday, some of the sheep have got red spots on their back? and diifferent coloured spots on? Well, right, some peope will tell you it’s to distinnguish which ones are to go to slaughter- this is the river that comes out, theres plenty of water in it, yeah, plenty of water in it... -but in point of fact they’re not. They can’t breed the herdwick sheep, they won’t breed in captivity. It’s got to be loose on the fells. So, the rams have to be let loose with them, you see what i mean? now then, the- anything mary?
So the rams, when they go out, they have a harness on them and they have what they call a ruttle block, underneath and it come in different coloured osft, it’s like grase paint. Right, now then, When the ram does what he’s supposed to do witht the ewe, this is on his chest, and it rubs all of the colour onto her coat, you see what i mean? And it goes right through. So then they know when they count the spots which rams worth its keep and which ram needs to go the the bloody pop shop, like, you know. They’ll you go look, a couple of lambs there. Teh herdwick lambs are very prolific and you dont need many of them before the whole bloody jobs done, you know, like. Can you see the fault lines here in the rock, on there? 
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Ooh theres another ambulance is it? yeah, mountain rescue. Someones chucked themselves off. Oh, theres another. This is the problem now, I can’t see down both roads, i can see down that one, I can’t see down here. Right, you might see some more sheep, it’s not beyond the bounds of possiblity. Yes, nice little waterfall, that’ll have come from the top. Hey do you know, I think that water falls actually slowed down since the last time we were here. These are the heardwicks theyre the locals. It seems to have slowed down, that waterfall, do you know that? since, when we first got here. I suppose it’s only so much water and when it’s come down it’s down, like. You’re coming up the the deepest bit now, toward this end. Compared, It’s fairly deep there, but in comparison it’s shallow there. 
It’s not a very wide road is it?
It’s not a good road, no. No. That;s the best bit the stop for dogs, it’s a bit cobbly getting down, that way. There’s one thing about it though, i tell you what, like, with all these people about size does matter, like, doesnt it ey?
It’s funny shaped isn’t it. 
I like them trees, there. 
There we go, look. Another waterfall there, somewhere. 
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barefoodangel · 7 years
Essiac Tea
Essiac tea detoxifies the body, attacks cancer cells, and ramps up the immune system with powerful antioxidants.
For general health, drink ½ ounce of tea in two ounces of water once daily. Rene Caisse suggested it be taken at bedtime on an empty stomach. To fight disease, gradually increase consumption of Essiac tea to 1 ounce of tea in 2 ounces of water once daily. The tea can be consumed cold or hot and more water can be added for a milder flavor. Nurse Caisse cautioned against drinking more in hopes of better or faster results and to increase water consumption.
Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse, treated her patients with an inexpensive, natural tea for fifty years – free of charge − and had the support of many renowned scientists, respected doctors, and cancer survivors until her death in 1978. A mixture originally used by the Canadian Ojibwa tribe, this “tea of life” was recreated by Nurse Caisse and administered to her patients starting in the 1920s. Patients who were told there was no hope by their doctors were able to beat their cancer. Despite attacks to her reputation, legal trouble for her treating patients without a license, and being dragged into court countless times, Nurse Caisse never stopped helping her patients. The fact she wasn’t charging for her tea is probably the only thing that kept her out of jail. In 1938, she received more than 55,000 signatures on a petition to allow her to continue giving her tea to patients who were told nothing could be done to treat their disease.
I purchase a special blend Essiac Tea Blend from Essiac West. The herbs are certified organic or ethically wildcrafted and US-grown. It includes Burdock seed, Sheep sorrel seed.
source: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/cancer-fighting-essiac-tea-recipe/
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I am a health/wellness practitioner
Essiac Tea
Essiac tea detoxifies the body, attacks cancer cells, and ramps up the immune system with powerful antioxidants.
Prep Time 5min
Cook Time 5min
Prep Time 5min
Cook Time 5min
1.5lb burdock rootcut
1lb sheep sorrelpowdered
1/4lb slippery elmpowdered
1ounce turkish rhubarb rootpowdered
Mix all four herbs thoroughly, store in a tightly sealed glass container away from light
For a quart of tea you need 1 ounce of herbal blend.
For a gallon of tea you need 4 ounces of herbal blend
Bring desired amount of water to a rolling boil in a steel or cast iron pot for 15 minutes
Cover with a lid, steep at least 12 hours
The following day reheat the water but do not boil
Allow to settle, then strain out herbs (there will be sediment in the bottom)
Pour into tightly sealed glass or ceramic containers and cool
Refrigerate and use as recommended (sweetened with honey or natural sugar to taste)
Recipe Notes
I like to add the following herbs to make it even more potent. Depending on your protocol or dietary guideline, you may or may not want or be able to sweeten it with honey or JujuBean
1 tablespoon of Pau D'Arco
1 Tablespoon of Nettle Stinging Leaf
1 Tablespoon of Rooibos tea (optional)
1 teaspoon of honey (optional) or 2 dried JujuBeans
The post Essiac Tea appeared first on Barefood Angel.
0 notes
barefoodangelblog · 7 years
Essiac Tea
Essiac tea detoxifies the body, attacks cancer cells, and ramps up the immune system with powerful antioxidants.
For general health, drink ½ ounce of tea in two ounces of water once daily. Rene Caisse suggested it be taken at bedtime on an empty stomach. To fight disease, gradually increase consumption of Essiac tea to 1 ounce of tea in 2 ounces of water once daily. The tea can be consumed cold or hot and more water can be added for a milder flavor. Nurse Caisse cautioned against drinking more in hopes of better or faster results and to increase water consumption.
Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse, treated her patients with an inexpensive, natural tea for fifty years – free of charge − and had the support of many renowned scientists, respected doctors, and cancer survivors until her death in 1978. A mixture originally used by the Canadian Ojibwa tribe, this “tea of life” was recreated by Nurse Caisse and administered to her patients starting in the 1920s. Patients who were told there was no hope by their doctors were able to beat their cancer. Despite attacks to her reputation, legal trouble for her treating patients without a license, and being dragged into court countless times, Nurse Caisse never stopped helping her patients. The fact she wasn’t charging for her tea is probably the only thing that kept her out of jail. In 1938, she received more than 55,000 signatures on a petition to allow her to continue giving her tea to patients who were told nothing could be done to treat their disease.
I purchase a special blend Essiac Tea Blend from Essiac West. The herbs are certified organic or ethically wildcrafted and US-grown. It includes Burdock seed, Sheep sorrel seed.
source: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/cancer-fighting-essiac-tea-recipe/
Leave your thoughts and ideas directly in the comment section below. Remember, share as much detail as possible in your reply. Your comments may provide insight and inspiration and your experience may help someone else have a meaningful breakthrough. Links to other posts, videos, etc. will be deleted as they come across as spammy. Thank you as always, for watching, sharing and allowing me to be a part of your world. It’s a true honor. Feel free to share this post. Ask your friends and family to sign up through this link to automatically receive my latest posts/recipes/practical healthful ideas.
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StateAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareD.C.FloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew MexicoNew JerseyNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingAlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNova ScotiaNorthwest TerritoriesNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanYukon(AU) Australian Capital Territory(AU) New South Wales(AU) Victoria(AU) Queensland(AU) Northern Territory(AU) Western Australia(AU) South Australia(AU) Tasmania(AF) Gauteng(AF) Western Cape(AF) Eastern Cape(AF) KwaZulu Natal(AF) North West(AF) Northern Cape(AF) Mpumalanga(AF) Free StateMy State is not listed
I am a health/wellness practitioner
Essiac Tea
Essiac tea detoxifies the body, attacks cancer cells, and ramps up the immune system with powerful antioxidants.
Prep Time 5min
Cook Time 5min
Prep Time 5min
Cook Time 5min
1.5lb burdock rootcut
1lb sheep sorrelpowdered
1/4lb slippery elmpowdered
1ounce turkish rhubarb rootpowdered
Mix all four herbs thoroughly, store in a tightly sealed glass container away from light
For a quart of tea you need 1 ounce of herbal blend.
For a gallon of tea you need 4 ounces of herbal blend
Bring desired amount of water to a rolling boil in a steel or cast iron pot for 15 minutes
Cover with a lid, steep at least 12 hours
The following day reheat the water but do not boil
Allow to settle, then strain out herbs (there will be sediment in the bottom)
Pour into tightly sealed glass or ceramic containers and cool
Refrigerate and use as recommended (sweetened with honey or natural sugar to taste)
Recipe Notes
I like to add the following herbs to make it even more potent. Depending on your protocol or dietary guideline, you may or may not want or be able to sweeten it with honey or JujuBean
1 tablespoon of Pau D'Arco
1 Tablespoon of Nettle Stinging Leaf
1 Tablespoon of Rooibos tea (optional)
1 teaspoon of honey (optional) or 2 dried JujuBeans
The post Essiac Tea appeared first on Barefood Angel.
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gs-offshore · 7 years
The Five Categories of Jurisdictions
But first
Let’s address the elephant in the room first: the dormancy of the blog. I have ideas for blog posts but limited time in which to write them. I don’t want to sacrifice on quality by sticking to a schedule so for the coming months, the blog will probably be responsive and reactive (i.e. writing about stuff as it comes to me based on discussions on forums and elsewhere) as opposed to writing about something new every X days/weeks.
Today’s post started out as a response to a thread by @Raphael in which the following question was posed: Which IBCs/LLCs do Georgian Banks go with? What started out as a short answer because a small treatise and I decided to share it here instead.
With the usual caveat that everything varies depending each unique situation and there’s no silver bullet approach – many banks will accept precisely any non-sanctioned jurisdiction for the right amount of money and risk profile.
Having read, reviewed, and even written dozens of compliance manuals for banks and other financial institutions (payment processors, e-money) and financial and corporate service providers, it’s apparent that nations are not equal. To financial service providers, some nations are preferred over others.
There are, by and large, five categories of jurisdictions. This refers to jurisdiction of incorporation, residence and citizenship (UBO, share holders, directors), banking, and even things like operations, customers, warehousing, web hosting, suppliers, and business partners. These categories are based on a a lot of different factors such as wealth, social and political stability, and international perception.
In this article, I will present these categories and the jurisdictions that go in them.
I’ll be painting with a broad brush here. Regional, political, cultural, economical, and other variations apply. There are also internal rankings. Some jurisdictions in a category can be favoured over others. As an example, Bulgaria falls into the Trusted category because it’s an EU jurisdiction, but there is no shortage of default suspicion against Bulgarian entities or persons.
While the categories may seem Eurocentric or Western-centric, what I’ve pieced together here is from businesses across the globe. A bank in Namibia isn’t more trusting of Nigeria than a Dutch bank might be.
Arguably, there aren’t five categories. There are only three: highly respected (Trusted), Tolerated, and Garbage. My inclusion of Familiar and Unknown are in the case of the former a middle-ground between Trusted and Tolerated and in the case of the former, somewhere between Tolerated and Garbage.
The Trusted category consists of jurisdictions which are universally or almost universally viewed favourably internationally.
As you can probably guess, we’re talking about EU/EEA, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, et cetera in this category.
Residents, citizens, and companies in these jurisdictions typically enjoy a more favourable risk assessment with banks, fiduciaries, and governments. There is a presumption of good character.
These are nations for which a presumption of good character might not exist, but a presumption of bad character doesn’t apply either. These are jurisdictions which are familiar to most compliance officers. They have seen at least a dozen or so applications involving these jurisdictions have and have often find them to be good applications.
A higher degree of due diligence may be applied.
For companies, public registries are sometimes incomplete, missing, or of poor usability which means banks and others are more likely to insist on notarised copies of documents when that often isn’t the case in Trusted jurisdictions where company ownership can be fully verified online for free or for a small fee.
Applications are subject to more scrutiny.
Tolerated (Offshore)
This is an unspoken category. On paper, many banks and financial service providers will not engage with the likes of Seychelles and Belize, but almost always will for example take on a Seychelles IBC if the amount of money is attractive and character of the client is more favourable.
An EU resident and citizen with a Mauritius offshore company might find it easier to bank with a Maltese bank than resident and citizen of Indonesia.
These jurisdictions often lack public registries for companies or such registries are incomplete. However, there is frequent legitimate usage of offshore companies and banks are often well aware of how to handle and verify applicants involving these jurisdictions.
Applications involving these jurisdictions are often subject to additional screening. As a means to weed out unprofitable small fish, many banks ask for a much higher minimum deposit to take on clients (persons or corporates) from Tolerated jurisdictions. You might also be asked for additional reference letters or more in-depth proof of source of wealth/income.
These are jurisdictions which are usually assigned a higher level of risk due to primarily lack of familiarity. Poor international perception (high crime, corruption, war, political instability, et cetera), along with substandard (if any) transparency on company ownership and failure to meet international standards on compliance and cooperation.
This category may be the largest but it’s shrinking. Jurisdictions typically move from Unfamiliar to Garbage once it becomes clear how profoundly malfunctioning they are or to Familiar or even to Trusted.
Africa and Central Asia are home to most of these jurisdictions. I have found Bolivia, Paraguay, and some nations in South-East Asia also often fall into this category but specialized or regional banks often treat them differently (better).
In some cases, dealing with a local or regional financial service provider may be preferred as they may be more familiar with your jurisdiction than someone halfway across the globe.
This category contains nations that are politically unstable, have severe sanctions imposed them, and generally poorly regarded internationally (very high crime, corruption, war-torn, totalitarian government, severely limited freedom of speech and press, et cetera).
It’s the most controversial category.
No bank will tell you that all residents of Pakistan are automatically bunched together with terrorist organizations and money launderers, but in the eyes of an average bank in a wealthy nation, it is a fact that income earned from an average or median Pakistani resident is far less than the fines and other compliance headaches associated with taking on one the aforementioned terrorists and money launderers that do exist in Pakistan.
Applications from these jurisdictions are often declined on the spot or subject to extreme scrutiny.
Map and List
The below is compiled from the aforementioned source materials: compliance manuals from banks, e-money institutes, financial and corporate service providers, fiduciaries, trusties, financial services regulators and other government bodies, and international organizations engaged in compliance and financial services. By having such a vast source material, the consolidated data on the one hand perhaps ends up being too vague and on the other hand has enough of a sample size to be relevant.
American Samoa
Czech Republic
Faroe Islands
Hong Kong
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Puerto Rico
South Africa
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States
US Virgin Islands
Cook Islands
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Isle of Man
San Marino
Saudi Arabia
Sri Lanka
Antigua and Barbuda
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
Costa Rica
Marshall Islands
St Kitts and Nevis
St Lucia
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Arab Emirates
British Indian Ocean Territory
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Christmas Island
Cocos Islands
DR Congo
Falkland Islands
Federated States of Micronisia
French Guiana
French Polynesia
French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Guinea Bissau
Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Northern Mariana Islands
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
St Helena
St Pierre et Miquelon
Wallis and Futuna
West Bank
Western Sahara
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Central African Republic
Cote d Ivoire
Dominican Republic
North Korea
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
South Sudan
Special Cases
Some jurisdictions are worth special note. I might update this section based on comments and discussions.
I listed Azerbaijan as Familiar because from the sources I was looking at, that’s where it on average would fit in. However, it is listed as Garbage (high-risk) in many cases.
Islands and Remote Territories
This applies in particular to France, whose overseas territories essentially are just an extension of mainland France. Technically, Guadeloupe is as French as any other region of France. Similar can be said about for example Guam and the US.
To some banks, this means that our example islands of Guadeloupe are treated equal with France (i.e. Trusted). However, some take a different approach and simply classify these islands and remote territories as risky or unfamiliar.
Middle East
This whole region is often classified as posing elevated risk, but there is so much trade and economic activity that many jurisdictions in the Middle East that many financial service providers are comfortable with the more stable nations.
Even a Familiar or Trusted jurisdiction in this region will very often be subject to scrutiny (due diligence) as if it were a Garbage jurisdiction.
Malaysia (Labuan)
While Malaysia is typically considered quite favourably (moderate risk), the island of Labuan is sometimes treated differently. This is akin to how the UK is Trusted but Bermuda is Familiar and Cayman Islands are Tolerated.
The biggest question mark in the Garbage category is probably Russia. Due to its profoundly unique standing internationally, Russia fits in both Familiar and Garbage on most banks’ compliance lists.
Sanctions come and go. Crime and corruption are huge problems. But Russia is big and there is a lot of trade to and from Russia, so it’s in a sense Garbage that’s very Familiar.
Because of FATCA, the USA is both highly compliant but also a compliance headache. While there is a presumption of good character for American natural persons, the compliance cost has until recently been prohibitive to many banks. This is easing up, with banks being more likely to take on Americans once they sign the adequate forms to enable disclosure.
However, some banks still struggle with FATCA compliance and turn down all or at least non-HNWI Americans.
See also Offshore, USA.
The post The Five Categories of Jurisdictions appeared first on STREBER Weekly.
from STREBER Weekly http://ift.tt/2iIdqis via IFTTT
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
India vs Australia Dwell Stream: The right way to Watch Cricket World Cup 2019 on Cell and PC
http://tinyurl.com/y2qtna87 India are taking up Australia on the Kia Oval in 14th match of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 on Sunday. India gained their opening match towards South Africa with relative ease, whereas Australia come into the sport having gained their opening video games towards Afghanistan and West Indies. India vs Australia is arguably essentially the most anticipated conflict of the World Cup 2019 until date, and the groups will probably be taking part in in entrance of a packed home. India have gained the toss and determined to bat first, with Virat Kohli’s males hoping to place an enormous whole on board within the high-voltage conflict. Neutrals will probably be hoping for a detailed contest within the India vs Australia match, with many one-sided encounters already within the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019. The cricket World Cup will go on for a month-and-a-half as all 10 groups — Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and West Indies being the opposite eight — taking part in one another to find out the winners. Nicely, not precisely. The highest 4 will proceed to the semi-finals and you understand how it goes then. If you happen to aren’t fortunate sufficient to be in England, you will be seemingly be tuning in to the Pakistan vs West Indies sport and the remainder of the Cricket World Cup 2019 from the lounge sofa — or on the workplace. We aren’t right here to evaluate. In truth, we’re simply making an attempt to make it simpler for you. Relying on which a part of the world you reside in, here is how one can catch a dwell stream India vs Australia sport and the remainder of ICC Cricket World Cup 2019. The right way to watch dwell cricket World Cup 2019 in India Hotstar has digital rights for the Cricket World Cup 2019 in a number of elements of the world, together with India, Bhutan, Canada, Maldives, Nepal, and the US. In India, Hotstar prices Rs. 299 per thirty days or Rs. 999 per 12 months. These are at present the one two plans obtainable. The right way to watch dwell cricket World Cup 2019 in Pakistan Each PTV Sports and SonyLIV will provide dwell streaming of the World Cup to these dwelling in Pakistan. The right way to watch dwell cricket World Cup 2019 in Bangladesh If you happen to dwell in Bangladesh and wish to catch the ICC World Cup on-line, you will want Rabbithole Prime. The right way to watch dwell cricket World Cup 2019 in Sri Lanka The Cricket World Cup 2019 will probably be streamed dwell on Rupavahini in Sri Lanka. The right way to watch dwell cricket World Cup 2019 in USA and Canada Within the US, you may get a subscription to both Hotstar or Willow TV to observe the World Cup motion on-line. This additionally applies to US territories equivalent to Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. In Canada, Hotstar is the only on-line supplier, as we mentioned at first. Use These Apps for ICC Cricket World Cup Live Scores The right way to watch dwell streaming of World Cup 2019 in England Sky Go is the unique on-line broadcaster for the Cricket World Cup 2019 in England, Eire, Scotland, and Wales. The right way to watch dwell streaming of World Cup 2019 in South Africa In South Africa and several other African nations, you may catch a dwell stream of the Cricket World Cup 2019 on SuperSport. You possibly can watch the Cricket World Cup 2019 dwell on-line in Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros Islands, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti , Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mayotte, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Rwanda, St Helena, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zaire, and Zimbabwe through SuperSport. The right way to watch dwell streaming of World Cup 2019 in Australia Australians will want a subscription to Foxtel GO, Foxtel Now, or Kayo Sports to observe the World Cup motion on-line. The right way to watch dwell streaming of World Cup 2019 in New Zealand If you happen to’re in New Zealand in the course of the World Cup of cricket, you will have to Sky Sports activities’ Fan Pass to catch the cricketing motion. India will probably be hoping to win ICC Cricket World Cup for the third timePhotograph Credit score: Reuters   The right way to watch dwell telecast of World Cup 2019 in West Indies ESPNPlay Caribbean (Android, iPhone) is the World Cup dwell stream supplier for these dwelling within the Caribbean. That features the islands of Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Saba, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten, Tortola (British Virgin Islands), Trinidad and Tobago, and Turks and Caicos. The right way to watch dwell telecast of World Cup 2019 in Afghanistan Sadly, there does not appear to be an internet supplier for the Cricket World Cup 2019 in Afghanistan. At the least not but. It will likely be aired on Radio Tv Afghanistan on TV, for what it is price. The right way to watch dwell telecast of World Cup 2019 in remainder of the world In Center East and northern Africa, the dwell stream rights for the Cricket World Cup 2019 are with OSN Play and Wavo. This contains Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, West Financial institution, Gaza Strip, Palestine and Western Sahara. In a lot of South America, ESPN Play North, ESPN Play South, and Watch ESPN Brazil will provide dwell stream of the Cricket World Cup 2019, relying on the place you reside within the continent. This contains Argentina, Aruba, Ascension Island, Belize, Bolivia, Bonaire, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In the meantime in continental Europe, you will want a subscription to Yupp TV to observe World Cup motion. This contains Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Spain, Belarus, Bulgaria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Republic of Macedonia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Gibraltar, Greece, Malta, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Monaco, Cyprus, Vatican Metropolis, Georgia, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Fox+ is the only on-line broadcaster of the Cricket World Cup 2019 in China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, and Thailand. Source link
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
New Zealand vs Sri Lanka Stay Rating: The way to Watch Cricket World Cup 2019 on Cell and PC
http://tinyurl.com/y2nykxp2 ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 continues with the third match of the match, New Zealand vs Sri Lanka, at Cardiff. Final World Cup’s runners up and six-time semi-finalist New Zealand will likely be taking over the 1996 Champions Sri Lanka in right this moment’s match on the Sophia Gardens cricket floor. Neutrals will likely be hoping for an in depth contest within the New Zealand vs Sri Lanka match, after simple victories for England and West Indies within the first two video games of the World Cup. The ICC Cricket World Cup will go on for a month-and-a-half as all 10 groups — Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and West Indies being the opposite eight — enjoying one another to find out the winners. Properly, not precisely. The highest 4 will proceed to the semi-finals and you know the way it goes then. In case you aren’t fortunate sufficient to be in England, you will be probably be tuning in to the Pakistan vs West Indies recreation and the remainder of the Cricket World Cup 2019 from the lounge sofa — or on the workplace. We aren’t right here to guage. In reality, we’re simply attempting to make it simpler for you. Relying on which a part of the world you reside in, this is how one can catch a reside stream New Zealand vs Sri Lanka recreation and the remainder of ICC Cricket World Cup 2019. The way to watch reside cricket World Cup 2019 in India Hotstar has digital rights for the Cricket World Cup 2019 in a number of components of the world, together with India, Bhutan, Canada, Maldives, Nepal, and the US. In India, Hotstar prices Rs. 299 per 30 days or Rs. 999 per 12 months. These are presently the one two plans out there. The way to watch reside cricket World Cup 2019 in Pakistan Each PTV Sports and SonyLIV will supply reside streaming of the World Cup to these dwelling in Pakistan. The way to watch reside cricket World Cup 2019 in Bangladesh In case you reside in Bangladesh and wish to catch the ICC World Cup on-line, you will want Rabbithole Prime. The way to watch reside cricket World Cup 2019 in Sri Lanka The Cricket World Cup 2019 will likely be streamed reside on Rupavahini in Sri Lanka. The way to watch reside cricket World Cup 2019 in USA and Canada Within the US, you may get a subscription to both Hotstar or Willow TV to observe the World Cup motion on-line. This additionally applies to US territories corresponding to Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. In Canada, Hotstar is the only real on-line supplier, as we stated at first. Cricket World Cup 2019 Begins Today, Google Dedicates Doodle The way to watch reside streaming of World Cup 2019 in England Sky Go is the unique on-line broadcaster for the Cricket World Cup 2019 in England, Eire, Scotland, and Wales. The way to watch reside streaming of World Cup 2019 in South Africa In South Africa and a number of other African nations, you possibly can catch a reside stream of the Cricket World Cup 2019 on SuperSport. You’ll be able to watch the Cricket World Cup 2019 reside on-line in Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros Islands, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti , Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mayotte, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Rwanda, St Helena, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zaire, and Zimbabwe through SuperSport. The way to watch reside streaming of World Cup 2019 in Australia Australians will want a subscription to Foxtel GO, Foxtel Now, or Kayo Sports to observe the World Cup motion on-line. The way to watch reside streaming of World Cup 2019 in New Zealand In case you’re in New Zealand in the course of the World Cup of cricket, you will have to Sky Sports activities’ Fan Pass to catch the cricketing motion. India will likely be hoping to win ICC Cricket World Cup for the third timePhotograph Credit score: Reuters   The way to watch reside telecast of World Cup 2019 in West Indies ESPNPlay Caribbean (Android, iPhone) is the World Cup reside stream supplier for these dwelling within the Caribbean. That features the islands of Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Saba, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten, Tortola (British Virgin Islands), Trinidad and Tobago, and Turks and Caicos. The way to watch reside telecast of World Cup 2019 in Afghanistan Sadly, there would not appear to be an internet supplier for the Cricket World Cup 2019 in Afghanistan. At the least not but. Will probably be aired on Radio Tv Afghanistan on TV, for what it is value. The way to watch reside telecast of World Cup 2019 in remainder of the world In Center East and northern Africa, the reside stream rights for the Cricket World Cup 2019 are with OSN Play and Wavo. This contains Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, West Financial institution, Gaza Strip, Palestine and Western Sahara. In a lot of South America, ESPN Play North, ESPN Play South, and Watch ESPN Brazil will supply reside stream of the Cricket World Cup 2019, relying on the place you reside within the continent. This contains Argentina, Aruba, Ascension Island, Belize, Bolivia, Bonaire, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In the meantime in continental Europe, you will want a subscription to Yupp TV to observe World Cup motion. This contains Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Spain, Belarus, Bulgaria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Republic of Macedonia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Gibraltar, Greece, Malta, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Monaco, Cyprus, Vatican Metropolis, Georgia, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Fox+ is the only real on-line broadcaster of the Cricket World Cup 2019 in China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, and Thailand. Source link
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