#idk this stuff gets me excited lolol
Can I request a Matt smith x reader where in real life theyre married and in the show theyre hot sibling lovers 🥵🥵 anyways 👀 theyre doing a bunch of press junkets, interviews, games, etc. and its sooo fluffy☺️ and domestic☺️ and I just want to envision my life with Matt smith 😭
+ some star points if an interviewer asks about their 😏 scenes and they get really embarrassed but cute 🥰🥰😫😫😫☺️
I Can't Help It
Matt Smith x (ME PLS I WANTHIM) Actress!Reader
Summary: The tumblr girlies were absolutely wrecked when they found out their resident girlboss was dating their superwholock tumblr boy.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Crackfic, i use y/n im sorry im not that strong, head empty only matt, a bunch of made up stuff because plot!, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: NAH ANON YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I WAS WHEN I SAW THIS I WAS LIKE I GOTTA ZOOM THROUGH ALL MY REQS FOR THIS IASFHASFAS. i swear my anons and i share the same brain fr we all just want the same loser dont we PLSSSSSS [foams in the mouth] Also, idk if you've ever read any of my chris evans fics, but what you want me to do for matt is what i did for him & IM ABOUT TO HAVE A FIELD DAY IM ON CRACK HELLO ALSO ALSO, i get you probably meant they're targaryen sibling/lovers, cause otherwise ALFHKAFA MISS ME W THAT BS, but i decided on doing something different all together so lolol i hope you like it nonnie <3 idk what you feel about matt smith but im still going to tag you anyway holla Tagging: @pinksirensong what do you feel about matt smith HAHAHAHAAHHA
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It all started with this tweet that was prompted during a brief interaction at a movie premiere:
@fannygurl007: yeah but matt smith and y/n interacted for 20 seconds and i want them to get married and have babies [clip attached]
being liked by Matt's mom.
Then all hell broke lose.
And hell hath no mercy.
It lead with intense investigations of:
@ihave100problems retweeted: AWFHASL:FHAH WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY WHISPER TO EACH OTHER?!?!? 👹👹👹 @thedoctorswife retweeted: IN FRONT OF MY SINGLE ASS?? THEY FLIRTED IN FRONT OF *MY* SINGLE ASS??? JAIL @mattsmithbithc retweeted: "Oh, I think you look so pretty ------- yeah, that's great -----" HELP WHAT ELSE DID SHE SAY @mattsmithbithc replied: I THINK SHE SAID SMTH ABOUT HIS SUIT BUT IDK WHAT SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP @tennantsmith1 retweeted: you really can't trust men look at the way he's looking at her. i bet it was love at first sight for him. was anything between us even real </3 @mmmyehs retweeted: what's that? my matt smith and y/n cutouts gon sleep outside? I HOPE YOU KEEP EACH OTHER WARM IN HELL @y/nloml666 retweeted: NAH NAH NAH BUT MY BISEXUAL ASS WANTS TO BE IN BETWEEN THAT SANDWHICH @datass00 replied: me watching that vid like [image attached below]
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Then these things popped up on youtube:
proof matt smith and y/n have been dating all along 🤡🤡
Clip #1
I stick my hand in a jar and pull out a folded piece of paper. "Who's my celebrity crush," I read out the question, turning back to the camera, "I have long list," I refold the paper as I push it beneath my seat, "and the unfortunate king of that, currently, is Matt Smith."
*cut to a bunch of 🤡🤡🤡 and really loud background music*
One of the staff asks, off camera, "why unfortunate?"
"Well," I chuckle, crossing my arms, "if you know me, then you know when I like something so, so much, I end up hating it." I straighten up, "yeah, Matt Smith may or may not have been subjected to verbal abuse as of late."
I chuckle as I hear a few of the staff wheeze.
I raise a hand and cut through the air, "affectionately, affectionately."
Clip #2
There is an abrupt cut to a sound of a crowd cheering.
Matt leans in, scrunching his face as he brings the mic close to his lips, "sorry, love, what was that?"
*The clip is replayed twice and captioned [IM SORRY THE WAY HE SAID THAT WAS JUST SO HOT I HAD TO REPEAT IT]*
The crowd is gracious enough to quiet down, keeping their fangirling internal.
"Is there an actor or actress that you have not yet worked with but always wanted to?" the lucky fan asks her question again.
Matt hums, leaning back on his sofa chair, repeating the words for good measure. He pulls the mic away as he thinks, then brings it back, "you know what, I have been lucky enough to work with some amazing people," he starts, "but-"
The crowd cheers.
Matt smiles and releases a chuckle, waving the mic around, "but," he carefully says, "I have recently watched Vampire in the Locker for the first time."
The crowd cheers again.
"Yeah, and thought y/n was absolutely fabulous in it."
Someone in the crowd says loudly, "same!"
The crowd, along with Matt, laughs. He straightens up and points, "that person gets it!"
But what it really took was this Instagram post to destroy the internet:
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@imthebesty/n: ok but you cant get mad a me, i was there during superwholock. at least one of us won!! ps, he's a horrible cook, i promise you don't want him. i took one for the team 😇
That paired with headlines like:
Y/N confirms relationship with Matt Smith on Instagram with hilarious caption
Matt Smith cooks horribly, according to girlfriend, Y/N, who confirmed rumors with Instagram post
"I took one for the team," Y/N says in Instagram post, referring to dating Matt Smith
Tumblr but all stayed sane:
winchester-pie: Are you normal, or are you losing your mind overthinking one of the superwholock girlies is secretly y/n 369,278 notes dont-talk3me: When I gaslight people, it's bad, when y/n gaslights people, it's taking one for the team? 16,586 notes uowbish: I'm gonna say it: I DONT CARE THAT YOU'RE DATING MATT SMITH YOU SHOULD BE DATING ME [image attatched] 99,345 notes sh3l0ck3D: thinking about how y/n once said that she wrote fanfiction that was popular online. i should have known it was superwholock, she unhinged as fuck. 836,084 y/nb00tyluv: OK but i genuinely think y/n and matt smith talked for 5 minutes then decided to date after that 74,670 notes prettyeyebrows: ok but tell me y/n doesn't look like the type to make memes like this [image attached below] 424,245 notes
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The cherry on top was when Vogue magazine graced the world with this brilliant interview:
I introduce myself and turn to my side, smiling at the man next to me.
"I'm Matt, and today we-"
Matt turns to me, words going dry.
"You're Matt Smith," I correct, blinking at him.
Matt looks at me for a good moment then raises a hand between our faces, turning back to the camera, "and today, we're going to be-" he cuts himself off with a laugh when he hears me laughing.
He drops his hand and gives me a look before continuing, "we're going to be answering some questions for-"
Matt points to me so that I finish his sentence.
"Vogue magazine!" I say, making the man beside me clap his hands.
The most played part of that interview is this scene:
Matt is reading from a card, "if you could have something of the other's, what would it be?" He chucks the card away, turning to me just as I turn to him.
I mutter under my breath as I think, "something of the other's?"
Matt furrows pouts his lips out in thought.
A beat of silence passes.
We then simultaneously trail off as we both whisper, "like a baby."
I wheeze and lean into Matt, dying of laughter. He snorts and beams like a boy on Christmas, dropping his jaw low.
"No," I warn as I raise a finger through my chuckles, "behave."
Matt throws an arm around me as he lets out more deep laughs.
"The fact we both keep answering the same thing means me hang out too much."
He scoffs. "Clearly not enough though," Matt notes, making me glare at him and shake him off. He withdraws his arm, face still awfully pleased.
I give him a look, "your mother has been ingraining that ideation in your head too religiously."
"I mean," he grabs my hand. He looks at me for 3 whole seconds before sighing and saying, "you would make a great mother."
I purse my lips and sighing as well. I lean into him a bit as I softly admit, "and I think you would make a great father."
For a moment, the two of us look at each other.
I pull my hand away from him, moving to grab another card.
Here are a few of the most liked comments on that video:
Jason Stone: I have absolutely no idea who either of these people are and only watched this video because it autoplayed. Do I want them to get married and have babies though? Yes. Yes I do. 88.9k likes kpopinmybloodstream: matt the entire video:😍🥰😘 y/n the entire video: 😍🥰😘 me the entire video: 😍🥰😘 but single as fock 🤡🤡🤡 103k likes sowrr88: if i cant have what they have, i dont want it 94k likes
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thotpuppy · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
tumblr hid my notifs so i only got one tag ping but i was tagged by @dear-massacre, @whimsicalmeerkat, and @lavender-lotion (the last of which is the one that actually pinged me lol)
I won't apologize but yall are getting Addabge Dmaddiage again, which FINALLY has a title!!!!
Trsikelion Reign: The Shepherd, the Lamb, and the Wolf
I MAY have shared that last time i talked abt it but idk. I am also YEARNING to do a cover for it even tho i only have 4 chapters written and the arranged marriage wedding hasn't even happened yet lolol oops! anyways! here's the snippet <3
This excerpt is still from chapter two:
The castle walls are abuzz with an infectious energy despite the tumultuous weather outside. The summer has been hot and humid, but the deepest reaches of the stone fortress are nice and cool. Of course, when there is a humid summer, there are plentiful storms. The sky is black as night, sconces lit in every hall to compensate for the poor lighting, and thunder rumbles deep. Stiles thinks, despite the excitement of his staff in preparing a send-off feast in his honor, the sky rather well reflects his mood. He’s angry, of course. Not just at his situation, but at himself for being angry about it. He’s known his entire life, or at least his life since he began to understand what it means to be an omega, that he would be married off to someone as a boon rather than a lover. He even has the advantage of being betrothed to a kingdom that harbors multiple lovers for their monarchs, and he has no doubt that, should it be needed, he can likely find if not true companionship then at least relief.  Nevertheless, he is more than disquieted over his situation.
I hope yall are even a PINCH as excited as i am for this behemoth to be born. i wanna share it so bad so bad so bad but i want to get ti finished first, especially because i might have to take a project hiatus right in the middle for the @sterekcollabang. I AM trying to get as much done as i can now so i MIGHT be able to post it before/during!
no pressure tags!! @wolfspurr @endwersed @just-another-busy-fangirl-writes @sugareey-makes-stuff @geekmom13 @foofsterwolf
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vacantgodling · 1 year
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since @sarahlizziewrites asked, i figure it’d be good to make a post kind of explaining my method of madness or how i’m trying to force myself to finish a book by catering to and weaponizing my interest focused brain
STEP 1: i have a full outline for myself where i actually do bracket out what happens in every single chapter. obviously when i go to write things stuff may change, get added, will be longer etc but we’re focusing on the “first draft get it out!” scenario. your outline doesn’t have to be perfect—you can leave stuff out etc. but the goal is that you literally have the entire story written out beat for beat. how are we getting from point a to point z. paramour’s full outline is 12 pages but yours could be longer or shorter than that. the reason for this is because as a lot of people do, it’s easy to figure out the beginning and the end but the middle is always a befuddled mess. so i’m basically doing this to take the excuse out of my brain that i can’t write this because idk what happens next—because i do! the outline also serves as a rekindling of interest for me because it’s like reading an abridged version of the book i know i want to write and love. when i lose motivation i can go back and reread my notes for a chapter or the whole thing and get reinvigorated to work on everything because WOW!! i can’t wait to get here!!!
STEP 2: this is optional but if your memory isn’t great like mine this might help. i create “chapter titles” more so as a guide to tell me in even shorter hand what a chapter is about. for instance, the chapter i’m currently working on in paramour is chapter 10. it’s cheat sheet title is “aloe” to remind me, oh yeah, this is the chapter that hya and aloe meet in person for the first time. stuff like that. this will help with the next step.
STEP 3: rank each chapter, between 1-5 stars, based on how excited i am to write it. it doesn’t matter what the reason, my goal was to simply gauge my interest level for each chapter, what things do i have a good idea of, which scenes are more difficult or require more research or technical or they aren’t as interesting or whatever.
STEP 4: FINALLY i group them all together, all the five stars, the four stars, the three, etc. and then among those lists, which of THOSE am i the most excited to write? same 5 star scale. and that’s how i ended up creating my list: most excited to write to least excited to write. for me that process looked like this:
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now, what you do with this list is up for you to decide. for me, i’m playing into my interest addled brain: i wrote the chapter i was MOST EXCITED to write first (chapter 20 i finished it in 2 days lolol) but now i went to the very bottom of my list to write the chapter i want to write the least with the promise that i can go back up to the top to write the chapter i want to write most next as a motivator! so yeah that’s the process for how i decided everything it’s been working pretty good so far (even tho it’s only been a few days). i hope that explanation makes sense haha,,
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2smolbeans · 2 days
Just wanted to get this small obey me rant out abt my personal opinions on it: warning I wrote messy lolol:
When it comes to the game, I stopped playing around 2021-2020 because of how I didn't see the story go anywhere along with its characters. Whatever choices you made in the game didnt really matter, the progression system was kind of annoying, and the story writing just seemed..Bland?
When it comes to obey me, I enjoy the fandoms and the fans own version and takings on it rather than the game itself since its more outside the box y'know???
Like in the game, they never really delved into the characters backstory and lore, if anything they treated the brothers- the SEVEN DEADLY SINS- as 'ohhh powerful anime men that look conventionally attractive' instead of..Well..Demons.
Its why I enjoy obey me more in the fan content rather than the Canon stuff since..Well, people tend to write and show the brothers more as demons and add more to the game than the devs! I've seen fanfics go deep into devildom's world building with fleshed out ideas more than the game itself! Ive seen writers flesh out the brothers flaws and roles in hell than the story in obey me ever told me!
And with the devs abandoning the og game without finishing it and going to night bringer kinda made me lose all interest in any canon content. When I first initally saw night bringer being the prequel to obey me (meeting the brothers after they fell or during their 'anchient' time you could say) I was really excited! Like oh, its gonna go more into world writing and building! The devs were advertising night bringer as that!
But then seeing the actual game itself from a few glances was kind of a let down. If the game is supposed to take place during or not long after the fall, why do the brothers still look the same as obey me? (Like same outfit, hair, EVERYTHING) What time period are we in? Is hell still being established now that the 7 deadly sins are just forming. If its supposed to focus more on the celestial war then why didnt it do that more? I dont know, i just didn't really like the writing I guess? Like if this is the aftermath of the celestial war, (im gonna sound dumb), why is there technology? Why does everything still look the same as the og game?? It literally just feels like obey me but "Oh the brothers have amnesia!" And that's it.
I guess I was expecting more of an anchient/etheral demonic vibe from the game since it was hinted as being a prequel and taking place right after the brothers fell. Idk my brain is kind of rotting right now 😅
But yeah idk, I still love obey me and all, but just not its canon content ig? Still I gotta give it to Obey me for being the first game ive ever written fanfic and delved into fandom interactions for! I mean if it weren't for obey me, I wouldn't have started writing or made this account in the first place!
But yeah thats all i wanted to say haha ^^
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stars-and-birds · 6 months
honestly any !! maybe more spidey stuff??? idm i've only read the hawkeye comics tho KFDHSFKDH
shjsjsjs alr then here’s a few comics i like! (it got pretty long sorryyyyy i just get excited talking about comics)
in terms of spidey spidey: freshman year (2019) is pretty fun! it’s a more modern version of peter and it’s not just the classic origin story
the original miles morales comics are pretty good ngl. Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man from 2014 i think? if you’re into miles or enjoyed the movie :>
kinda related to miles but the champions is honestly one of my fav superhero teams. it’s primarily nova, ms marvel, and miles and a few others. their adventures (i would read the og comics from 2016) are super fun but they also deal with some heavy stuff like human trafficking.
maybe you’ve read it already but if you liked the clint hawkeye book then hawkeye: private eye (idk the name of the actual run but that’s the first collected edition) is about kate bishop on her own in L.A.! i sound like a broken record but it is really fun lolol
and if you’ve already read that! the west coast avengers (2018) is a continuation. it’s less good but i like it. it’s a fun mix of heroes working together in the most disasterly ways
… andddd if you’ve already read that and are looking for more kate bishop… young avengers. actually you should probably read young avengers anyway. i loveee the comics (the original ones from 2005) are soooo good. this kate bishop is a lot different (don’t even get me started) but it’s >>. idk maybe that’s just me so if u do read it lmk what u think
a quick tldr of other comics that are good: ms marvel (2015), runaways (2017), marauders (2019)
AHHH SORRY THIS IS SO LONG!! lmk if u have any questions and ofc don’t feel obliged to read any! if you decide none of them are interesting or ur looking for something else tell me and i will open the other can of worms lolol
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edith-is-a-cat · 2 months
OMG!! i love crystals so muchhhhh that's got such a good vibe you captured me perfectly :D
i also love minecraft foxes especially the Rotund Ones in that one mod. i'm so excited to see more arctic foxes in game because those are my favorite :) i would keep your netherite sword safe!!!
also dw i'm not worried :3 i don't mind anxiety, i have it myself. i'm not the most social person in the world but online i tend to be more outgoing. i'm kinda getting back into the tumblr scene after a year or two of neglecting it so i'm a little anxious here and there too lolol. patting your head! don't drink too much energy stuff~
in return, i am telling you to look up blue tiger's eye crystals, since you seem to like blue and you are also a cat. :) they have really cool banding and it's so reflective and pretty. one of my favorite crystals.
THE NOISE I MADE I LOVE READING LONG ASK THEY ARE SO SWEET 💕 (My older sibling made a noise back at me from downstairs 😭)
yes all the photos have flash on because im a "one of those creatures who've evolved to spend their entire existence in a pitch black cave that's closed off from the world" (direct quote from my friend) an i never have any lights on i just run into things
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WUGH WHAT MOD EXACTLY??? IM GOING TO WRITE IT DOWN AND HOPEFULLY USE IT ONE DAY!! (I haven't gotten minecraft on my pc yet, ive wanted to mod minecraft for a while but couldn't bc forever on an ipad, but i have modded stardew valley and it wasn't as scary as I thought it was! Now i can live happily with my 6 wives!! Plus ive been wanting to mod Deltarune for the Ribbit mod! but its more scary and complicated since there isn't as big of a modding community around it, ill figure it out though!!!)
also if u were like a little fox in minecraft i would give you a special nametag using my magic §!! (you can get that symbol by holding down &!! idk if your keyboard is the same but that how i get it!! It changes the text color depending on what letter you put by it!!!) Also i would construct you the best enclosure ever (or just plant a forest!!)
WUGH SO REAL if real life was like being online everything would be so cool (and maybe suck a bit more?? people get more voiced online for better and for worse ;~;)
+ I got back into tumblr like!!! October 2022, well i was never really into it but I did have my first blog that i never really did anything with (its now my reblog account)
also on the energy drink note my chem teacher said i had a problem 😭 (I dont!!! I exist like a month without any!! (I love her i showed her my can locker where i had filled my school locker with energy drink cans and shes just like "cool bud" SHE ALSO WAS ONE OF THE TWO TEACHERS TO ASK FOR OUT PREFERRED NAMES I LOVE HER))
On the blue tiger's eye note!!!! Yes. please. give. I need them i have so many things to decorate!!!! I need to put up shelves around my bed so i can look at my random stuff i adore!!!!! (the only thing i have up on my wall is something i drew for my art class and my Undertale heart locket aka one of my most prized possessions... sadly the the music box in it doesn't work anymore i played it so often, cries, it broke when i was trying to wind it for the little kids at my old school)
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airasora · 3 months
Plot Twist: Do a power move and ship Miguel with Chel to really stick it to Tulio! (Obviously this isn't a serious suggestion xD)
As for serious suggestions, I will admit, my brain isn't that creative for such stuff as well as being unsure what exactly you're looking for, I can't even explain any of my choices/suggestions lol.
For Girls I thought Lottie or Tiana from Princess and the Frog, Marina from Sinbad, Kida from Atlantis or Pcoahontas maybe?
As for guys I could only think of Milo from Atlantis or the Beast/Adam (After Quasi stole his girl)
For some strange reason I thought of either Nani or David from Lilo and the Stitch.
Now if you want smth more angsty or "toxic" for interesting dynamics, maybe Gaston or Eris from Sinbad...?
I also thought maybe Thomas from Pocahontas, but then remembered you made him Lina's brother in your Hollina AUs, but at the same time it'd be kinda funny for both Lina and Thomas falling for the fun-loving outgoing blondes.
And last one I kept thinking of Eric but we already had Sinric, but then again... they all got two hands so who knows.
Again idk enough movies or series probably to fit for Non Disney stuff and especially in the guys department I seem to be lacking ideas for, but I just pondered as a fellow Miguel fan. I always felt like an outlier.
I know you're joking, but honestly, I agree with the energy lolol xD
I know I'm gonna break some hearts here, but I REALLY don't like Lottie... x'D I get what they were going for, and I do think they accomplished that so I appreciate her in an objective fashion... but me personally? She just annoys me so much xD
Tiana and Naveen make me so sad cause their human designs were SO GOOD and then they're frogs most of the time - I almost wish their human designs had sucked so them being frogs wouldn't have felt like such a slap in the face Dx
I like that you said Chel wasn't a serious suggestion, but then suggest the other "native babes" like Kida and Pocahontas and I am ALL for Miguel getting the hot princess. If anyone deserves it, he does!
I like the idea of Pocahontas because with Miguel, rather than John Smith's initial dismissive and racist attitude, Miguel would (like we see in El Dorado) just run around and want to genuinely learn about her culture. He'd be so excited about literally everything and I could see Pocahontas falling head over heels with that. I think Pocahontas might be my favorite option so far!
My issue with Kida and Milo is the same I have for Hercules and Megara: their animation styles are a little bit too unique.
What I mean by this is that Atlantis' animation is very "sharp." The edges are SO square on, for example, their hands and I don't like when animation is too sharp or too soft - it gotta be just right!
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Hercules has a similar, but ALSO opposite problem. If you take a look at Megara's hand here, it legit looks like the back of her hand is swollen, as if she got stung by a bee and that entire area swelled up like this. But no, this is just the animation style. And it freaks me out xD I dislike the sharp edges in movies like Atlantis, but the opposite extreme isn't good either.
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These animation styles aren't so different from other (non)Disney styles that it takes me out of crossovers (like The Last Unicorn does, I will die on this hill, I hate that it's considered (non)Disney by majority of the crossover community xD) so I can definitely still ship characters from these movies. It's not that they are hard to work with, but that I'm just not a big fan off overly sharp or round character designs.
I've seen a few Miguel and Nani videos actually, and what is interesting is that in quite a few of them... Nani is toxic as hell xD Something you may have noticed about crossovers (and by you I mean anyone reading this) is that some characters are more often portrayed as the abuser in comparison to other characters, and what they all have in common is that they have a lot of scenes where they're angry - cause that can be used to represent abuse, toxicity or just being mean. Odette is also often used as the "abusive" character because she has so many scenes where she's angry - I think that's why Nani is used to portray that sort of character often in crossovers x'D
I can definitely see her fall for Miguel cause he and David are kinda similar? Good guys with good hearts, absolute himbos and loyal as hell. Which is kinda why I don't personally ship Miguel and David, there isn't quite enough contrast between them for me personally.
Eris is a character I would edit with ALL THE TIME if it wasn't for her amazing, but pain in the ass hair xD
Thank you for all the suggestions! It gave a lot of food for thought, and it was fun to think about Miguel this much :D
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luthiest · 2 years
I want to start learning Violin! I have a background in Percussion (7 years) and woodwind instruments (4 years) but I have no idea where to start when it comes a good starter Violin. Do you have any recommendations for brands or examples of what I should look for?
exciting !! id definitely start out with a rental, but price and quality is pretty variable and dependent on where you are
i know a lot of people go through shar music for online rentals, and they also do rent to buy so you’d be renting with the intention of keeping it if you like it. potter violins seemed to be popular too, though that may have been a regional thing since i grew up in virginia. (these are both domestic us only i believe, unfortunately i don’t have any personal experience w online rentals outside of the us ://)
if you’re just looking to purchase outright, i’d honestly recommend getting an appointment at a local shop, letting them know your price range, and just trying things out. it’s a little more difficult if you don’t have things like scales and a piece or two in your back pocket yet to compare sound quality, but it’s really important to pick an instrument based on the sound and how it feels in hand. when you’re looking to purchase, most shops will let you take instruments out on trial for some time, so take advantage of that if you can.
bows are super important to how an instrument sounds too, so when testing different instruments, try to keep the bow a constant. i know it’s a little tacky to talk dollar amounts, but i would say if a nice student violin usually starts at around 2k, a nice bow is likely going to start at about 500? these are by no means hard figures, and the most important thing about playing is the sound. i would definitely ask to try out at least a few different bows, if ur able
also, don’t shy away from contemporary american instruments and chinese instruments ! you’ll have a lot of people trying to push you towards german and italian violins, but they’re not necessarily better and likely are a lot more expensive than the quality would dictate. older and european doesn’t necessarily mean better !!!!!!! chinese factory instruments get a bad rep but honestly? they’re not all terrible and can actually be really cost effective, especially if you’re just getting started and dont plan on sinking a ton of time/effort/money into a violin. but if they don’t let you take it out on trial, please, please do not purchase !!!!!!!!!
last bit: i know i said sound is the most important but let’s be honest, the aesthetics do kinda matter lolol.. you don’t like the shape/placement/height of the chin rest? easily changed. you’d like more decorative pegs? easily changed. the tail piece is ugly? easily changed. i love my viola, its served me well and is perfect for the type of playing i do, but man… the second i get a chance, im stripping the varnish and changing the color because i cannot stand how red it is. idk that i have a point with this part besides if you hate the varnish now, you’ll likely still hate it in 10 years
sorry for the info dump, i know a lot of it is probably a bit premature for where u are in the renting/purchasing process, but i hope it’s a least a little helpful ! if u want more specific advice later on strings/setup/rosin/case stuff or even just a second opinion on pricing, i’d be happy to help <33333
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spreenitos · 1 year
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ok this is nunki time to be a little discourse pilled NO HATE TO THIS ANON but i rlly think. it would be awesome if we think about stuff a little more 😅
as a tldr, because i understand if you don’t want to read the whole thing: this video should not be supported because it was done in bad faith. we do not need anyone on dream’s side because they dislike q, in the same way q looks very bad as half of his supporters in the english side are just drantis. 
so. the thing
ok my friends and other people dallas is a very fucked up person. as sapybara thankfully put in well understandable words (very different from my panic-induced response), dalas is simply not a trustable person. to put it lightly, aside from the points sapybara makes, dallas is a man that first and foremost wants controversy and the subsequent attention it brings, and doesn’t care how much fucked up shit he has to do or support to get it. his involvement with the dream and q situation is first and foremost because in the hispanic side, q is seen on a particular way, as dream is (i think a good example of this is elrubius being good collaborator with q and going full fan on dream). my point is that dalas smelled blood. in the list of dalas related acusations, he was accused of abuse and mistreatment (abusing of fans at a con), of mistreatment of his pet, of also abusing and harassing his ex, with also sending his fans after her due to the dog … that he was accused of mistreating. As these were all legal matters, you’d think he wouldn’t turn them into content… but he did. Multiple times
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there’s. at least 29 videos of which only 3 are not done by him. Um. 
anyway there are a lotta reasons to dislike the guy that's what i mean but rn he is so fucking irrelevant is a little funny but he still has a consistent viewer count of people that enjoy this type of drama content, i find it of poor taste WHATEVERRR point is he lives to leech off drama this is the point. also he doesn’t like q, and that matters too, because this isn’t a thing about him being sympathetic of dream, is about disliking q. whichhhhh brings me to the second point a little idk TRANSITION IS WHATEVER THIS IS ALREADY A MESS 
 elrichmc is an okayish youtuber who in the middle of the speedrun controversy badmouthed dream DREAM FORGETS BUT I DONT!!!! there’s a lot of things lost in translation when we see videos from other languages, a lot of context and info missed by the fact english spaces usually don’t manage other languages, etc etc and that’s FINE but i seriously need people to start either looking for info themselves or ask a person that speaks that language before promoting something made in other spaces. this is similar to people being excited about vegetta777 and foolish before realizing vegetta was a very spaniard person lolol 
the thing i want people to know now is to please look around or ask and pray this doesn’t breach contentment. it is Not good that this dude is on our side AND WE ARE NOOOOT DREAM STANS BEFORE DECENT PEOPLE. we are not and we should not ignore a person's missgivings because they talk good of dream and THIS PERSON despite the video being "good" (because, and i have no shame to admit it, dalas is an excellent investigator. doens't mean he's not a piece of shit.) because this is just not good PR. good PR is normal people being neutral. good PR
ok that's it bye
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bunycube · 2 years
!!! hi again (sorry in advance for the very long message ,_,)
wait so do you mean that there is not english translation of Lamento ? so like if i were to download it I'd need to play it in Japanese ? o.o and like find a translation and read from there at the same time !? heck :")
ominous yes!! but there's something really nice about it ??!!
💀💀 not me imagining Tetsuo as a cardboard box now ksndjdjdj i see what you mean tho still i love him nonetheless :') i think he's just a lil bit shy and quiet, keeps to himself alot.. i feel like he's never really had any close friends,, maybe any friends at all i liked seeing glimp of soft and gentle Tetsuo :') there were some really cute and tender moment with Youji too (well as cute and tender as it can be given the circumstances lolol) it's fun to imagine what they all could have been like without all this innerbeings stuff fuckin them all up
it's ok to feel so close to Youji even if you don't know why 😊♡ and YEAAAS i felt the same same same about Z!!!! :"))) very interested to hear more of your thoughts about him if you ever feel like writing them down 👀👀
skdjdjdj entire cities apart made me laugh but true :^) tho even if he left his dad and all that the hell within would still follow him,,, he can't help that he been dragged into all this by his dad and he literally has no escape ,_,
hahajjsjsjsjs i know now there are no sweet endings lmao i can't say i didnt know at first because i had been warned but STILLLLLL i wasnt expecting that from Makoto!!!!! for that end to be so unhinged x') i thought he'd be the less bad difjfjdj
i do like to also imagine something where they someone all get free from the nonsense and just get to have normal lives and happiness ;_;
LOL i dont remember the ugly outfit :"))) i wasn't sure about Rin at first like ,,,, what's his angle,,, he is just pretending to be nice,,, why so mysterious,,,, he did grow on me but idk idk
aw im sorry Nano's made you feel that way :'( i love him very much :'):
aaaa i wasn't sure what to think of Motomi in all the other routes i was very mmm🤔🤔🤔🤔mmm but when i did his route i was like !!!!😍😍😍!!!!!
yeah Akira was alright but Aoba probably remains my fav protagonist(is that the right word??) and and i loved Takeru alot too , before he died when he sees like his sister and his parents and ;_; made me cry lowkey wish he had a route too ~ aND IT'S OK I LOVE GUNJI TOO WOAA
i like Arbitro too a little for some reason there's just something about him ,,,,, but his route was really underwhelming to me ??? idk i was expecting more from him
NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE!! RAMBLE AWAY very interesting to read someone being excited about what they are talking about !! :)))))))
never apologize for long messages!!! i love em! response under cut
there IS an eng translation for lamento! its just a pretty long process to download it haha. i was saying that i had to download some dvd mounting thing to get it to work snfbsb the game itself is fully translated, no worriesbthere!!
yesyes its like kimda ominous but still calming w all rhe quiet sunset empty classroom vibez...you know....
😭😭 oh yeah i get u, i think tetsuo is just a reserved kid plus he prob felt like he didnt fit in very well? thats just me guessing but he seems like that kind of guy...i think hes the same as youji in that respect, both of them kimd of quiet n awkward n not teh type to easily make friends :) he does some pretty bad things but im like sigh well its this kind of game so ofc that happens...besides that i think hes just an awkward quiet kid who looks rly intimidating like hes not bad once u start talking to him. i lovednsome of his gentler scenes w youji, my favs when they were eating ramen and tetsuo picks out the bamboo shoots from youjis bowl bc he doesnt like them...it made me so 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i also loved when youji was showing him pics of his nephew ...idk idk sp is so dark but i loveee gentler scenes like this its so 💔 to me that they manage to find moments of peace despite everything around them...
oh true i thought abt this too...no matter how far zenya runs away he can never escape bc the thing thats causimg all his problems is his own body, so he just cant run away from it or do anything abt it ;___; poor boy he never asked for this n his whole life is just doomed from tjebstart bc of his shitty father...
if i started talking abt why i like zenya we would be here ALLL LDAY and rhis post would literslly never end lol i just like analysing him and how everythign hes been through shapes his actions and behaviour n all hmmmm
OH YES...sweetnpool normal au :))) i lvoe to imagine it i feel like tetsuo youji n makoto would hang our together n zenya is that one guy no one invited but he jsut joined in anyway n the others dont rlycwant him there but well. hes there now
lmaoo this is the ugly outfit
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ohh yeah i was thinking abt this yesterday too and aoba is hands-down my fav chiral protag!,$& i jusr love him sm his personality design everything is chef kiss hes so fun and lovely and means sm to me. hes very comforting to me personally as well and hes just a special boy...tho i love the other protags as well haha
OH YEAH i loved takeru too wtfff i wasnso sad when he died bc he had never had antthing good ivhis life n thenche dies SO BRUTALLY...and he jsut wantednto help his family it made me v sad :( they spent sm time on him i fully expected him to atleast have an ending so when he died i was like huh, wiat what 😭😭😭😭
ngl, arbitro makes me sick 2 my stomach for reasons u prob already know but he surprisingly isnt relevant ti the plot st all? so i keep forgetting abt him. i liked how campy his design was but thats it. hecmakes me sick !!! yeah jdbfbd
same for u! i lovenreading lomg responses haha i always ramble a lot so i feel less guilty if the person also writes a long reoly, beside its very fun to read and respond to!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
Tales of the Walking Dead 1x01: Joe and Evie
how did everyone like ToTWD 1x01? I actually loved it! I didn’t expect to like it so much. So, let me just put the main reason out there right at the start: Joe and Evie were a retelling of Beth and Daryl in SO many ways. They had a similar dynamic that complimented one another. They had similar conversations. Even similar situations (Joe taking a piss and such.)
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Me and my fellow theorists’ thoughts are below. If you didn’t read the episode this way, I think we’re about to change your minds.  😁
I watched the episode! I loved it. Omg, like I knew I’d like it, but it was actually much more entertaining and sharper than I sort of thought it would be. I really like Olivia Munn in her role here. Someone mentioned it above, sort of, but she reminded me of like a quirky, hippie “good” Leah. She’s even wearing a red hat when we first meet her. It took me a long time to get through the episode. I took a lot of notes and a lot of screenshots lol, just as you predicted Ann. I will share those tomorrow. For now, I just want to share one thing that got me most excited, because I have been thinking a lot about the WB coda and what it could mean for Daryl’s spin-off. So, the big thing I was paying attention to in the episode, which had me continuously smiling, was the setting: Ohio. Joe played football at Ohio State, and this wasn’t the end of it. Him and Evie do a full blown road trip through Ohio on the I-75. I loved all the signs and ofc I mapped everything out lol.
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They drive through many cities: Hamilton, Dayton, Springfield, Lima, and Bowling Green, and the montages are sure to tell us all of them. These are all real places, most of the Ohio locations along the I-75 or on smaller freeways around it.
Anyway, the most intriguing thing I noticed was where they camp, after their nice little sunset Beth/Daryl conversation about there still being “magic” in the world. They are probably camping very near to Toledo. If you look on the map above, you'll see they pass through Toledo metro between Bowling Green and Ann Arbor, MI. Toledo isn’t mentioned on any of the locations they pass, obviously.
That would be too straightforward lol. Gimple is, like you said, Ann, talking to people who are going to, idk, be obsessive and map the road trip lolol. So, when they stop to camp it’s immediately after the “Greetings from Ohio” sign, but it's BEFORE they see the “Welcome to Michigan” sign, implying that they’re camping between Bowling Green and the Michigan state line. They’re in Toledo! Or right outside it.
This is what really got me: When they camp, they see something very interesting—one of the walkers that attacks them that night has its heart completely, surgically removed from its body. Joe takes notice and says something about it, to which Evie responds that she hopes it happened “after they turned.” 
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All of this is happening after the Ohio sign, which says, “Greetings from Ohio! The HEART of it all.”
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Okay, so I think this is a big nod to the Primrose Team, who is supposedly in Toledo, OH for a conference during the outbreak. I also think it's a nod to Dr. Jenner’s talk about kick-starting the circulatory systems of walkers. The key to the cure is in the heart, not the brain. Ohio is the “heart” of it all, and we have a walker with a missing heart. Ohio is very important, apparently.
Also, Idk if the walker is a pure symbol, or if it’s meant to imply that perhaps the Primrose Team was doing experiments at/for the “conference” in Toledo, or even after the turn, and some of those experiments got loose. Idk the whole thing was very exciting to me. Because the Commonwealth is also in Ohio, ie: Daryl is not in Ohio yet, but he will be in about ten years…what is he about to find there? And ofc who wears hearts? Heart necklace, hearts on her cowboy boots…Can’t be Beth. Anyway. That’s all for tonight. I had lots of other things, ofc, the episode was full of symbols and interesting stuff I loved, and I can’t wait to hear what you all saw, too!!
Oh, also, I'm just going to throw this out there because it occurred to me only just now. The I-75 was familiar, so I went back to my notes. The I-75 is the freeway that goes north out of Atlanta and is part of the original "Green Route," as marked by the Terminus map. It runs basically straight from Macon (Terminus) to Atlanta, and then due north through KNOXVILLE, all the way up to Toledo.
Idk I'm trying to find connections between Ohio and Atlanta, via smart walkers, trying to trace what may have happened at Grady back to T. Brooks Ellis and the Primrose Team. I don't have a ton yet, but this episode really made me feel strongly that whatever happened with Team Primrose, we're going to learn more about that, and it feeds in some way into the Daryl Spin-off...
Oh, here's one more map, of the I-75, just for a visual:
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I did assume though that they were going near Toronto. I can help you out on how you can find a connection from Atlanta to Toronto Ohio, this is something I research a couple of years ago but at the time it didn't seem all that important which is laughable now. In s4&5 we saw signs on the back of the railroad sign where Maggie, Sasha and Bob first find out about terminus. A railroad number, it's the same number I believe that is on the sign when Rick and TF come out of terminus. My point is that railroad eventually goes to Toronto Ohio. I would suggest you recheck this because it has been quite a while.
Now I can give y'all part "A" of one of the biggest clues of what happened to Beth after the end of Coda. Part "B" I'll give later on because I don't want it to be overshadowed by "A." @galadriel, I immediately thought of you when I did a related Google search that will be near the end of this ramble. On my first watch of the episode, I thought the little animal that Joe and Evie rescues was a goat. It looked like a little goat to me because of the spots. I thought it was a nod to the goat in Here's Not Here, named Tabitha which was a nod to Resurrection because of the New Testament Bible figure by the name of Tabitha who was risen from the dead by one of Jesus's apostles.
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On rewatch of the episode I realized that they kept referring to it as a lamb. So not a goat, but the more I thought about it being a lamb the more excited I got. It was a sacrificial lamb! That lamb was sacrificed in order so that its owner could got away. Are we all hearing in our heads the conversation between Father Gabriel and Sasha about, "leaving one of your own behind."
The other thing is Jesus is often referred to as the Lamb of God. With Beth being a Christ, Jesus type figure then she was team families sacrificial lamb being left behind in order for the family to escape. I'm sure you guys already came to the same conclusion about this lamb but here's something you might not have done that I did first thing this morning, I Google spotted sheep. I'm going to cover my ears now for this part because I know that @galadriel will be screaming when she reads it. They're known as Dutch spotted sheep in Europe but here in America they are better known as..... Jacob's American sheep. They're called that as a nod to the Bible story of Jacob who raised spotted sheep. Are you freaking out Tarah because I know I was when I read that. I cannot wait to read what you have to say about this and how it adds another layer to the ties with Beth and Leah and the story of Jacob that you have already so brilliantly written.
@galadriel, there was something in your initial comment above, far above this point, that I wanted to clear up. Maybe I misunderstood you, but I got the impression that you thought I was referring to Evie as a Leah proxy. I was actually referring to the nut job that Joe was searching for. The lady that went crazy and try to kill both Joe and Evie. Imo Evie is definitely a Beth proxy and to emphasize that and also a tie in to railroad tracks leading to Toronto, here's the shot of the clue that tptb gave us.
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Here's Joe and Evie on the railroad tracks that you pointed out must be near Toronto. Evie a proxy to Beth holding the sacrificial lamb, another Beth proxy.
Ooh I’m going to look into these more today. The connection between Ohio/Atlanta and the sheep. Jacobs spotted sheep were thought to have been a sign of his favor from God and his prosperity. It took him 7 years to breed his spotted sheep, the seven years he waited to wed Rachel after being tricked into wedding Leah in her place. Very interesting!! 
Also I definitely saw Evie as a Beth proxy. I saw her as an inversion of Leah. She’s this hermit woman but she’s a good person. I noticed how she ties up Joe, holds him at gunpoint, all these things reminded me of Find Me, but Evie is ultimately good, and she saves Joe’s life. So I saw her as Beth, but situationally, I saw the writers creating parallels with the Leah arc, almost to cal attention to the fact that Leah and Beth are mirror images, if that makes sense. She reminded me a lot of Beth spiritually. Even her name, Evie, which is very close to “Eve,” made me think of Still as an Eden allegory.
Evie's red hat would definitely fit in with Kari's theory about Beth holding the gate since Evie would be a proxy to Beth.
Joe was fooled by shelter woman (SW) sorry I don't know her name, he thought she was a good person. Whereas Eva he grew to respect and care for because he saw that she was a good person and had all the qualities that he mistakenly put on SW. Then at SW shelter he realizes that she is not what he thought she was and ended up killing her. That is so the story of Daryl and Leah being mistaken for someone good and ultimately realizing that she wasn't and killing her.
I thought of that too, and as the red hat being related to Leah’s red hair in Find Me. Maybe they stand on opposite sides of the gates: Leah ushering Daryl into hell/death, while Beth ushers him back to earth/the living. Just a thought. But I definitely saw the red hat as being a way of thinking about Leah’s red hair as a disguise of some sort. She has blond hair but Daryl remembers it as red. I just thought w Evie it was another way of pointing this out to us. I’m also remember when I went back to “Guts” and “Tell it to the Frogs” earlier this week, there’s this insanely obvious shot of Amy carrying a red bucket. Knowing Amy dies soon, I saw the red imagery as being g a sort of red flag death warning as early as this.
I was just thinking something similar. Shelter woman’s name is Sandra, and her screen name USHLDBSCRD, ie: YOU SHOHLD BE SCARED. She has blond hair, like Leah, but her screen name is this obvious warning, sort of like Leah’s red hair.
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Joe is easily swindled by her and drugged. She has gone insane and puts on clown make-up, another aspect of disguise. Only the disguise is the reality. She is insane and lives in a clown reality in which she can’t trust anybody. She collects watches too, which made me think of Terminus but also a little like she’s just collecting time. She’s definitely some sort of underworld creature, akin to Leah.
Then Evie comes with her lamb and pulls him out of hell.
Good points. I was thinking more on the lines that Beth at the end of s3 wear a knit hat look comic book Andrea's. I thought Evie knit hat might be a nod to Beth's.
Yes!! Totally. Beth’s hat is white, I believe.
Joe's screen name was DOTTHEEYES, dot the eyes. A total eye symbol. And another was of saying look closely and read what's your seeing.
I was also kind of struck by Evie’s husbands hate paintings. They reminded me of that horrific painting Carl finds at the house with Michonne in “Claimed.” And the painting Carl finds, if I recall, looks a lot like Mary from Terminus. Same hair. She was a redhead. Just lots of weird parallels. I also liked how Evie was content with learning she was loved. She didn’t need to search for Steven. It was t about getting him back, just acknowledging that she was loved, and she could move on.
Yes! Well said. There were several clues pointing to the house in both s4 episodes e9 &11. Joe said to Eva that she ties a good Clover hitch and that is something that Carl said to Rick when tying up the door in s4e9. Joe also asked if Eva's father was military which brought in the thought of military.
Loving all of this, too. I’ll start with what you’ve already discussed. I had much the same thought as you about the lamb. I compared it to Tabitha, and thought the lamb would die by the end of the episode, but it didn’t. (Not sad about that; just kinda surprised.) But as you said, it’s not a goat. A slightly different symbol, so it’s even more significant that the lamb lived. I definitely thought of it as Christ the lamb. The other really interesting thing of note (which is why I totally agree it’s symbolic of what happened to Beth after Coda) is that when it was left, it was tied to a concrete block. So, not only left behind, but left behind shackled, or imprisoned.
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I haven’t worked out all my thoughts about this yet, but I also think there’s something very significant about Joe’s bike being stolen. We had all the details of Daryl’s bike dying in 10x21, him working on it, finding some way to fix it, etc. And then in 6x06, Sherry and Dwight also stole his bike. Now we have the same thing happening to Joe. I maintain that at least one level of the symbolism is that the bike represents Beth. Something precious, that’s part of who he is, forcibly taken from him. 
And after the bike left, Joe went on and on about how the bike was his whole life. Everything that meant anything to him was on it. Sounds like how Daryl felt about Beth to me. Love all your mapping, and the connection to Toledo. Awesome. I definitely noticed the walker with no heart, but didn’t think to link it to the primrose group. That’s genius! On a more abstract, and perhaps more obvious, level, I think it also represents Daryl’s heart (Beth) being taken from him. Here, Evie is Joe’s heart, or will become so eventually, and he saw the heartless walker with her, not Sandra.
In terms of which is which, I think both women represent both Beth and Leah at various times. Which is pretty much what you said above. Overall, clearly Evie is Beth because she’s the good one and probably Joe’s soulmate, and obviously Sandra was coo-coo. But Sandra was wearing bright yellow, which was interesting. I think the thing there is that yellow doesn’t have to be about romance. It definitely can be, but it’s really about reunion, and specifically finding someone you’ve been separated from and are searching for. What happens after the finding and reunion can go any which way. So, the yellow doesn’t specifically symbolize Beth and Daryl’s romantic feelings. There are other symbols for that. It does represent that she’ll live, and he’ll find her again.
I thought of the pre-Terminus paintings as well. That was a really interesting aspect of the show, and one I want to think about more. Of course we had Beth talking to Edwards about art and painting. But I really loved the moment when Evie when through them and was labeling them as “hated” or “loved.” The interesting thing is that all the “hated” ones were clearly gross and sinister looking, which is why we thought of Terminus. But the one of her was lovely and sweet. It made me think of the paintings above Maggie’s desk at Hilltop. Beth, of course, but even Glenn and Hershel, etc. When Evie said, “loved” I thought of all of them. It was just so sweet and compelling. And, though we all already knew this, a good confirmation of the emotions behind paintings we see in the show.
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Yeah, her doll/clown make up was something else. I was thinking, okay yes, we definitely have the dark comedy and the obligatory walker gore, but this is also super creepy! I agree that it was a mask she put on, and sometimes, with evil people, the mask reflects the madness within. CREE.PEE.
I also loved that when they finally got out, Joe started laughing. It was clearly a laugh of relief, but like I said before, Terry Crews was just perfect and adorable in this episode.
Let’s talk about Joe’s dog for a minute. First, and most obviously, we have that it’s his companion and the most important relationship in his life, which is taken from him. I don’t know if we should read into the fact that the dog was bitten. It doesn’t mirror how Daryl thinks Beth died or anything, but it’s still a bite/cure theory sort of situation, and the writers could have just had the dog pass away from old age or something. The other thing I thought of—and maybe I’m splitting hairs here—had to do with his pajama bottoms. They made me laugh, because every time he woke up, he was wearing a different shirt, or no shirt, but he always had on the same pajama bottoms, lol. So, his dog was a Doberman, but the dogs on the PJs looked too husky to be Dobermans to me. They honestly looked more like Rottweiler. Same coloring, but different build and different breed. And Emily was seen filming with a Rottweiler during the missing scenes from S5. That’s all.
Okay, I’m going through my notes, now. There was also a dog mailbox, which I want to think about more. We’ve talked about mailboxes being about communication, and how he knew something was wrong was that the mailbox had been knocked over. So, breakdown in communication? Because this is the thing that led to him losing his dog, I want to equate it to when Beth was first taken from Daryl. They didn’t know they were being watched by someone. Or maybe it should even be equated to the loss of the prison. Idk. Like I said, I need to think about it more. 
There was also a fallen mailbox in the episode with Connie and Virgil in the creepy house. I need to deep dive and figure out what this symbol means in detail. The dog’s name was Gilligan and at the end, he wanted to name the lamb Skipper. Gilligan’s island is all about being stranded with a limited number of companions, and making the best of it. Similar to Beth and Daryl being thrown together, and then Joe and Evie here. 
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Oh, I have a note that it was a blond, female walker who bit the dog. The sudoku puzzles reminded me of the mystery/detective symbol. And even here, finding her, figuring out where she was, took some detective work. She never told him directly, though she sent a picture. So he had to do some investigating and deductive reasoning in order to find her. Meanwhile, there’s the Daryl/homicide detective reference.
At one point, he says to himself, “You made it. When everyone else didn’t.” Beth echo. Of course there were cuffs. As you talked about, it mirrored Leah tying Daryl up in her cabin, but with the handcuff theme thrown in. Her talking a lot is what made her a lot like Beth as well. Leah was oddly silent in those early scenes. Which isn’t a bad thing. Daryl is oddly silent most of the time, and on him, it’s endearing. But Beth talked constantly. So, just another way she’s opposite of Leah and why Evie = Beth. (P.S. I thought of the Adam and Eve reference to her name as well.) There were at least 2, possibly 3 “serious/Sirius” references.
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One of the red-letter Bethyl scenes for me was when he stopped to pee. Not only did he “take a piss” but he basically told her to stop talking so he could pee in silence. Not exactly how it all went down in Still (the situation, not the pee) but it was just such a Beth and Daryl interaction.
There was also the part where he said something about new age hippie bullshit. Of course, Beth wasn’t actually a hippie, but it just shows their different but complimentary beliefs. 
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Between that and the scene with the magic-of-the-sunset conversation, it parallels Beth talking about faith and Daryl said “faith ain’t done shit for us.” We even saw Joe feeling sorry for what he said, and apologizing, as Daryl felt bad after saying what he did about Hershel. 
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And of course their big fight on the train tracks after his bike is taken mirrors Beth and Daryl’s in Still. They both sing. Badly. Which was adorable. But it hearkens back to Daryl’s “I never” about how he’s never sung out in public before. We STILL don’t know how that is going to be fulfilled, but I absolutely loved seeing these two sing together.
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Oh! The freaking sloth! What did everyone make of that? We saw that EXACT thing with Eugene at the Sanctuary. We really have to nail down this symbol because it’s driving me bonkers.
Joe taught Evie things, like how to sharpen a blade. Just as Daryl taught Beth how to use a crossbow. Oh, and the quote you said yesterday, Ann. Hope is a thing with feathers. All birds on the show, in some way, represent hope. I think different birds represent different nuances, but none of them represent death or despair. They always represent something hopeful. “Puppies and poetry.” Both houses they were looking for were by the river, so that symbol was present.
Sandra talked about someone getting in, at some point. She killed them, but I couldn’t help but think of Terminus. Maybe she was raped or otherwise brutalized, and it messed her up. Before that, maybe she really was an okay person. We also haven’t mentioned the parallel between Joe and Sandra talking online, and Eugene and Stephanie talking on the radio. Then, much like Eugene meeting Stephony, but it was really a mask and not who he thought she was, Sandra turns out to be crazy and evil. Meanwhile, the real soulmate is around, and he just has to find her again.
There was a big Side A/Side B emphasis, though I didn’t write down the details of that. I’ll have to re-watch (what a shame. ;D).
The watches she had were also very creepy. They smacked of a serial killer collecting trophies. You have to wonder if ever lured men there just to kill them. And maybe a symbolic tie to John Dorie, Sr. and Teddy.
That’s most of what I have in my notes. In terms of templates, here’s what I worked out. The first part between Joe and Evie is clearly a Beth and Daryl template. They meet, are awkward together at first, but come to trust and be comfortable with one another, survive together, get in a fight, later make up. I think Sandra represents Beth as well, but more in terms of her template than her personality. Obviously. She’s the girl he found. She was hidden in a bunker. Wearing yellow. He didn’t know if she was still alive. By all counts, she shouldn’t be, but his heart told him she might be. He searched for her. Etc.
In terms of the lamb, I was thinking that both the bike and the lamb represent Beth in different ways. It’s all about what Daryl understands, perceives, and focuses on. When the bike was taken (Beth being shot) he could only focus on what he’d lost, and he gets very emotional about it, as Joe does here. He doesn’t realize the lamb (also Beth) is still alive and close by. Just imprisoned. He’s not truly seeing that, and what he sees, he discounts, because his grief is too strong. When Joe and Evie walk off together at the end, the lamb is still with them, which symbolizes that Beth is still alive and with Daryl. He just isn’t aware of it, yet. That’s what I have thus far. Might try to rewatch tonight. I’m sure there’s more I can glean, template-wise. Can’t wait to hear more all of your thoughts!
Great comments, @twdmusicboxmystery​!! Per the lamb thing. I did think of Officer Lamson, whose death indicates a sorrowful omen in Coda, following the red flag on the car antenna. Lamson’s death screws up the exchange. I have often thought of him as the sacrificial lamb in Coda, as he appears with “Shepherd.” Tho his sacrifice is in vain. I believe his death is engineered to communicate Rick’s migration away from the shepherd role and toward the wolf. He hits and murders Lamson needlessly. 
So here I thought, the lamb survives! I don’t know what that means. Lambs are hugely sacred creatures in the Bible and their sacrifice is an act of worship. Christ is also considered the Lamb of God. I see it as a reversal of outcomes in a way. Had Lamson lived, perhaps Beth would have lived. It would have been the “B” scenario, rather than the dreaded “A.” Idk if this makes sense?
Also, per the “hope is a thing with feathers” quote. I actually recognized that right away. It’s from an Emily Dickinson poem:
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It reminds me of Beth and Daryl. There are a lot of birds in this episode. Lots of the signs for the cities and the signs for Ohio and Michigan both features state birds
Also, I didn’t think about the bike getting stolen as being related to Always Accountable. They leave the lamb behind, like a trade? It’s tied to a brick. In AA, the sacrifice is Tina, another Beth proxy.
It’s a good connection. I wanna think on it more.
Makes total sense! I agree about Lambson. I always thought his name was WAY too obvious to be accidental. Not to mention, he was the second Bob in Sasha's life, so we have a dichotomy or dualtiiy pairing there. And maybe we really could equate Skipper the Lamb and Tabitha the goat. Tabitha = scenario A (Beth dies) and Skipper = scenario B (Beth lives.)
I didn't realize this was from a Dickenson poem. Awesome!
This is the huge deer symbol I mentioned yesterday. 
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It is not a legit John Deere but because of the colors of green and yellow that's what it represents. I'm sure they probably had some legal issues about using the John Deere name logo.
I totally missed that! But I agree. A generic John Deere tractor, same as in Go Getters with Maggie.
I want to talk about Evie taking Joe with the handcuffs. It didn't feel quite right for Evie to be a Leah proxy although I could see her being a opposite parallel proxy. I felt with crazy Sandra taking Joe captive using zip ties truly was more of a comparison to Leah taking Daryl captive. Other than the pictures of Sandra with the tractor my first impression when I saw her in the shelter was that she was wearing yellow, an important Beth color. She also had on multiple tank tops similar to what Beth wore but remember they did the same thing with Leah just in the opposite colors earlier this season. I feel that the writers wanted us to think of Beth when we saw Sandra and when I say ‘us,’ in this case I mean TD.
She appeared to be so nice, and Joe was blinded (eye reference) by what he wanted to believe Sandra was and didn't recognize the telltale signs that she was giving off that Evie caught right away. Just as the writers in s11A used the yellow house as a decoy for where Maggie was hiding when in fact she was in the green house, in this scenario Sandra's yellow tank top represented her being a decoy, Sandra wasn't a Beth proxy, she was a Leah proxy.
I feel that Evie holding Joe with handcuffs was just an easy way to throw in many Beth symbols. Handcuffs are a Beth symbol that has tie to Daryl. In Alone, Beth hurt her ankle taking down a police walker, Joe also hurt his ankle, both Beth and Joe were helped to walk by their companions. In Alone, we saw in the cemetery that Beth was wearing the police walker’s utility belt which has handcuffs, and we actually see that when Daryl was carrying her. Handcuffs=Beth symbolism tied to Daryl.
Daryl saw handcuffs in the outstation during AOW, where someone had been held. Andrea was held captive with handcuffs in s3, just as Beth was given comic book Andrea symbols like wearing a knit cap. The other big handcuff tie was Daryl's brother Merle being held on a roof with handcuffs. Both Merle and Beth have appeared as hallucinations. @frangipanilove pointed out recently that when the car trunk (tomb) was opened by Beth in Still, we can see behind Daryl the number 3 which look like open handcuffs. This is why I think the handcuffs used on Joe relates to Beth and not Leah.
Now for what the stuffed animal sloth symbolism means.
While Evie and Joe are talking as Joe is sitting in handcuffs Evie is packing a type of what I've known as a carpet bag. The pattern gave me major Daryl feels because it reminds me so much of 2 throws that we see in Daryl’s AZ apartment in s10e21 Diverged. It's not exact but it does have several of the colors and patterns combined that are in the carpet bag.
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 This in my mind is a symbolic tie to Daryl. Evie packs the Sloth in this bag.
This Sloth is apparently a dear companion to Evie.
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Just like you mentioned above @twdmusicboxmystery, it reminded me that we have seen a Sloth in TWD several times. You mentioned Eugene with one at the Sanctuary. I couldn't remember exactly what episode that was so I did not get a shot of it, but I did remember seeing a Sloth in s10e10 Stalker and in Daryl's apartments in Diverged.
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In the first shot the Sloth is in the baby's highchair. Look who is in this shot, Rosita and Father Gabriel, the living Sirius symbol and we could say a Beth proxy. We can also include Eugene especially after the time jump as being a Beth proxy. Daryl is not a Beth proxy, he is Daryl the other half of Daryl and Beth (the love story).
Am I trying to say that Sloth=Beth? Yes, I am. Why a Sloth you asked, let’s think about sloths. They are known for living most of their lives in trees. Trees are a crucifixion symbols, Christ was nailed to a tree. That's not much of a connection for calling a Sloth a Beth symbol, you say. I agree totally, so what else is Sloth known for? Being slooow. If you have to used only one word to describe Beth's long-awaited return than Sloth would be the perfect word. It represents the slowest in all the years that has gone by without Beth's. Sloth=Beth. Or Sloth=Beth's slow return.
Now think about the scene in the episode when Joe and Evie see the sacrificial lamb and go to investigate. They see the motorcycle speeding away and Joe desperately runs after it. In this scene Joe is Daryl's proxy chasing after the vehicle carrying away the things most dear to him. It's a strange remix of Alone. The main question regarding Beth after Alone was, what happened, where is Beth, that question was answered in s5.
After Coda, the question was what happened to Beth's body. Looking at the whole scene with Joe as a Daryl's proxy and Evie, the lamb and Sloth are in part acting as a Beth proxy, the lamb Beth is sacrifice in order for the motorcycle owner to get away. Joe chase after it just as Daryl chased after the car for Beth in Alone. What need would there be for the Sloth in the remix story of Beth and Daryl if Beth was dead? We know Beth lives because the Sloth symbolized Beth. 
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In the next scene of this remix before the Still fight, Joe states that everything he cared about was in that motorcycle and Evie agreed by saying that the Sloth was in it as she is holding the lamb. The Sloth had apparently been placed in the carpet bag. A type of trunk/ tomb. Hope you guys like this.
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Really how can we not read into these so innocent focused on items. They had me with the first two books, Green and (Daryl's) the path of Zen.
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Love that Joe has a orange/rust colored backpack like the one that Rick, Michonne and Carl took in episode Clear. So much like to backpack Glenn used when the escape the prison. Many important scenes were shared by this orange/rust colored backpack.
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A bridge with diamond/X covered sides. I don't see any important symbolism here, not.
Oh, remember I mentioned a red "A."
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Her high forehead. It caught my eye in the scene even though it went by very fast. I'm sorry, but to me it's screams "A."
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Jo in his doggie PJ's.
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Love the X, + cross railing on the porch.
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Did anyone get the full lyrics of the song sung by a woman at the beginning of the episode. Caught my attention, certain lines. Find it's me that's your dreaming of. I'm going to take a chance and offer you true romance. You're going to give me that second chance.
Can we talk about the fact that Joe had a black journal with white crisp paper inside. Black and white, Daryl and Beth.
Love all your thoughts! I’ve only ever read the sloth through a more generic Christian lens, re: the cardinal sin and how it relates to Biblical indifference. It tends to show up around characters who are struggling with indifference, choosing a side, choosing God, etc.
But I really love your reading here of how it actually relates to Beth. Super interesting and I’m going to think about it some more… Also, amazing catch on that “A” on Evie’s forehead! It looks super obvious now that I can see it. Does anyone have any takes on that? I know the A/B theory is still pretty fragmented, like I have theories, but they all feel sort of incoherent or incomplete. Also, another great catch with the orange backpack. That is definitely a callback.
I love the sloth = Beth, too. It makes me want to go rewatch parts of S8 when Eugene is at the Sanctuary. Because that probably means Eugene = Beth in that template/foreshadow. Which I’m pretty sure we’ve theorized before (he used music to try and get the walkers away from the Sanctuary) but this just solidifies it. 
Couple of other notes note mentioned above. When they first leave together, Evie starts telling him which way to go, and Joe says, “I’m not deviating from my route.” She responds with, “then you’ll just be heading directly into a trap.” Sounds like a Greenroute/Grady sort of thing to me.
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Also, at one point they stop and he offers her alcohol (Bethyl) which she declines. He then says he has orange juice powder. She drinks that. I’m linking that to the orange soda around Denise, who was also a Beth proxy.
That’s it for ep 1x01 of Tales. As you can see, we really loved all the symbolism in it and had...just a few thoughts, lol. How did everyone else like it ?
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enviedear · 2 years
Hi there! I'm a new writer on tumblr and i had a couple of questions about just random stuff if that is alright :)
• is there any advice for new writers? i'm a very shy writer so i was wondering if you had any ways of being more confident in my writing. any advice would be helpful! :)
•This is just a random one but, how did you do the thing where you can click on the thing under your name and send you a question like this? idk how to explain it sorry lol. I can't find a setting for it :/
and that's it. i really enjoy your writing and i hope you can shed some light on a couple of my questions lolol. hope you're doing well! :)
hi love, i'm so excited that you're going to start writing on here! i'd love to answer your questions, and thank you for trusting me with this topic <3
for your first question, i have tons of advice and tips!
you say you're a shy writer? then write what feels the most comfortable— whether that means writing things that are longer or shorter or only writing fluff. take your first few fics and just have fun with them! sometimes when i start to feel self-conscious about my work, i go back to basics. i really like doing shorter and fluffier things when i get this way because writing that way is what i feel i do best <3
never stress about your fics! i know sometimes i worry that if i don't finish one soon or if i haven't gotten much traction on a fic i'll feel like it's horrible. don't do that! sometimes we put too much worth on others' perceptions of things when we don't need to. i think it's best to just always write for your enjoyment and not let yourself stress so much.
as a new writer i think you should write as much as you can! post your work as much as you want and really get it out there. i recommend this so that you can both grow a following or (if you'd want) start getting requests.
find yourself some mutuals so that you can have a nice network of people to keep you motivated! my mutuals are wonderful and the love they give to me when i post my work is out of this world. it makes this site so much easier when you have moots because there are always things to interact with. i suggest finding moots organically though because forcing a relationship isn't the best way to go about it.
once you start getting comfortable with writing i'd suggest branching out and trying new styles or ideas! this helps you stay motivated on your blog as well. i have hundreds of wips that are different from what i normally do and when i get in a rut i turn to them to inspire me.
this isn't so much about writing as it is about organization, but, once you get a hang of writing and posting i'd suggest creating a navigation. a navigation is basically a way for people to come on your blog to easily access your main things. if you look at my navigation i have my about me, masterlist, wips, blurbs, taglist, and etc linked. don't feel the need to do all of that— just whatever you think people should be able to see easily. also making sure to have your age, pronouns, and dni criteria somewhere obvious where people can see is also important. a lot of people on tumblr like to know someone's age, especially because forming moots is kind of dependent on it. a lot of blogs have a basic age limit for their mutuals as a boundary.
last thing i think is important is that you should practice and find what works best for you as a writer. i'm still changing the way i write in small ways and i think that looking for improvement is something that makes your work stand out <3
for your second question— i believe that it's on every blog automatically! i can't see mine but i see everyone elses' so i know i and you have it as well !
i hope this helped you out! thank you for your kind words, i can't wait for you work to start coming out! and if you have any more questions, feel free to send them my way <3
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lightlycareless · 2 years
hiiii !!! Thank you for the new chapter !! 💜💜 I Love that Naoaki and yn still continued their friendship . I was afraid that they wouldn’t reconcile and that was her last friend in the house so I was scared LOLOL . Thank goodness that they spoke about it and they still see eachother .
Also props to yn for sticking up for that guy 🙏🙏 regardless of how badly she gets treated it’s good to see her stick up for people especially since she knows what it feels like to be treated so nasty in that place,
THE ENDING THO?!? My girl is finally gonna be reunited with the babies😢😢💟 hopefully it’s not a sour moment bc they’re afraid of her bc of the last time they saw eachother 😭 I’d understand if it is tho. It’ll prob take a lil for them to warm back up .
Now I’m just afraid that naoya might know she’s been around Naoaki . I mean ; he might not know but part of me feels like he’s been hearing stuff from his little helper 😭 hopefully he’s just focusing on his exam so my girl yn Can be in peace 😭😭💟 if not idk what she OR Naoaki gonna do. Especially with that “adulterer” comment the brother made😭😭 naoya is gonna be furious 👺
Anyways such a good update !! Thank you so much . Hope your week goes well and I’ll wait for the next !! 😊😊 - 👾
Hello 👾 anon!!! I'm always happy to see your asks 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you for coming back every update, I greatly appreciate it 🥰
I was afraid as well!! Although not that much, since Naoaki is someone who can detect when there's something going on, you know? As well as being aware enough that his background is something that not many will process easily, so in between his sad story, her sudden "sickness" and Mariya's duties, he understood that maybe it was best to let her rest a bit.
That doesn't mean he wasn't sad about it lol but he tried his best to be as understanding as possible.
Y/N on the other hand was freaking out, and within reason. She's so... hurt by the fact that she was abandoned by everyone (her family, her staff, and the friends she's somewhat managed to make inside the estate) it's like her mind is always working against her and that hurts me 😭 But it's all good now :3 they just needed to talk about it. In a way, there really was no reason for them to stop being friends (at least for me) BECAUSE LETS BE REAL Naoaki is deserving of second chances (although he did nothing wrong) unlike ummm idk this bastard Naoya.
And yes!! Props to Y/N 😤 it was a way to show her that she's starting to understand her surroundings a bit more (although she doesn't seem to like Mariya that much hahahaha but we'll deal with that later :3) and I'm glad that the servants (or some of them) took a notice of it. Guess we shall see what happens next chapter 🫢
Lastly...Naoya is coming back on 2 chapters hahahahahaha all I can say is that he hasn't seen his wife in a long time 😳 (i fear for her)
Anyways, thank you so much dear 👾 anon 🥺❤️ I'm always looking forward to your feedback, and how accurate you are!! I'm glad what I'm trying to convey is coming through my words 😭 that's like my biggest fear when writing (since I don't have much experience 🥹) but you give me the reassurance I need 🥰 thank you so much. (I hope I'm not bothering you with this, I'm just very grateful 🥲)
I hope you have a wonderful week! Take care, and see you soon 🥰❤️❤️❤️
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saiiboat · 23 days
ok. ac: shadows thoughts. anyways im a little annoyed that it looks like once again ubisoft is doing the different protags thing again. but at least this time the characters and playstyles look unique enough that it doesnt just seem like a slapdash way to not make the gamergate crowd angry. but now theyre pissing off the gamergate crowd "because of woke" PLUS pissing off the loreheads who hate the different protag options with a passion. idk its funny. though at least its not another kassandra and alexios situation where it was clearly just giving them a cheap out from making a woman the sole protag (esp when shes confirmed to be the canonical protag LOLOL). i do think that a black man for a protag is very cool and exciting to see in the series but its also like. what do we have to do to get a woman as the sole ac protag in a mainline game. do i have to conduct a blood ritual. pay ubisoft 100 million dollars. what is it. what do i have to do. itll be interesting though im still excited for the game even though i still havent beaten valhalla or mirage 😭😭😭shadows please do not have 300 hours of gameplay i am begging i cannot do another massive fucking game again. tbh ill be happy if it has any sort of meaningful lore that connects well to the rest of the series. and please please give me more modern storyline stuff im so sorry im revealing my hand here as someone who adores the modern day storyline please give me more rebecca layla and shaun crumbs. please give me one more mention of desmond thats all i want. either way once i finish these other two damn fucking games i'll actually be able to play this one. all in all despite my annoyance over the two different protags i think they made it unique enough for me to not get insanely vexed over it 😭😭it looks like between the two you'll have the option to either play the classic ac stealth playstyle vs with the guy being able to play as a berzerker. so an actual difference in playstyle is cool. gonna end this by saying that either way the characters look cool and im moderately excited. if gameplay is over 60h though im gonna scream
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kyetalksshit · 1 month
got my "new" car today
it's a 1998, it's only 3 years younger than me lmao oof
gonna do some protection magic and cleansing and bindings and stuff on it tomorrow, I feel like her name is something older like tootie or something? idk lol
i wanna be relieved and excited about the car but honestly a chunk of me is just simply worried. I'm glad to be back on the road again but i'm concerned about all the issues it has already and so many quirks. apparently she'll only take 93 gas (which is fucking 4.30-ish right now and like fuck dude goddamnit i may as well still be in fucking California with those prices) and I can't let it get below 1/4 tank (but really should keep it above 1/2 tank apparently??) or it'll start acting up bc it'll start getting all dirty and stuff. hate that lol i'm a very "i've gotten further on less gas it'll be fine" kind of person. partly because i'm fuckin poor tbh lol but yk. i'll adjust I guess, especially once I have more money in my account. i'm so beyond broke right now.
that's the other thing too, I'm paying 125 weekly for this through January 2025. which is MORE per month than the last car I had which got repossessed. so i'm a bit nervous honestly.
i mean look, my team orchestrated this deal for me to begin with and I have been reassured that in time it will be fine and I can relax. so really I should just be excited, and in a way I am, really. I just also haven't quite had the time to explore the car in a positive way yet, I signed the paperwork and gave him literally all my money right before work today, barely got home and then to work on time (in fact I was 5 minutes late). and the emergency brake issue as soon as I got in my car was not the most fun experience i've ever had. like to the point that I was praying to Cernunnos and asking him if I needed to try and back out of the deal (even though i've signed paperwork and everything and it's too late now legally speaking). he reassured me of course. but yeah, so far all of my time in my new car has been full of stress. I'm sure once i've had a few days (and the money for gas and stuff) I'll feel better about everything.
anyway. it's been awhile since i've just done a thought stream blog instead of a dream post or a poem, but i'm drinking (out of celebration AND stress haha) and needed to process the acid in my gut a little bit.
(if you want to buy a tarot reading from me rn I could very much use it lolol linktr.ee/chaosandmoss )
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altruistic-meme · 1 month
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
i went to copy the emojis and i somehow copied the whole post lolol so here
the same thing happened to me sakfhs idk why it did that ? it doesn't usually
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
because of my sister! she brought home a fic and we all read it together, and after that she would bring home more fics and share them with us. i only started writing because there was a specific kind of fic i wanted to read, but she couldn't find anything like i was asking for. so i wrote it myself!
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I finally have a new car!!! something i have been wanting for a few years!!! and it's all my own :) i am so unbelievably excited about it now that the initial stress and anxiety about the shopping/buying process is over
i have been feeling more and more appreciated(? not really the right word hhh) at work lately. i knew before that i was objectively a good worker, but it's only started to really hit me recently just how much people actually recognize that! i think it's because of a conversation i had with one of my pseudo-supervisors: i was talking to her about how it was hard because after you've been working here for some time, people stop actually introducing themselves to you. and i would always feel kind of lost because all these people seemed to know my name but i never knew who they were! because they didn't introduce themselves!! but she told me that the reason they knew my name is because people talked about me. and it hit me again yesterday bc i was working in my old area but with primarily new people, but the manager there had heard of me before!! she recognized my name. idk. it's just kind of a nice feeling that people actually do see how hard i work.
despite the horror of April, i am actually looking forward to a few things this month :) including the Haikyuu movie (please let at least one of my theaters have it, they've been having quite a few anime movies recently ;; ) and also momocon !!! which i convinced my sister to let me drag her to it lmao <3 and i'll be hunting for bsd plushies there hehehe
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
do not seek out stuff that upsets you. it is self-harm. i have so many thoughts about it, but that's the base of it. just don't.
[ writers truth or dare ask game ]
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