#idk why but that manga Affected me it Changed me
melaks · 11 months
If anyone wants to know more about me than I know myself, go read beauty pop the shojo manga about cutting hair
It's really really good in my memory 😌
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tg-pilled · 1 month
Let's discuss: Queerness in Tokyo Ghoul!
To start off, I just want to mention that these are things I have noticed. Nothing is necessarily canon (or non canon) but it's something I'm very interested in. I've been learning a lot in the queer horror club I'm in and it's been really fun dissecting Tokyo Ghoul in the same way!
This will go character to character. It's not going to be a complete list as there's SO much to cover but...
Kaneki: Not to state the obvious but his friendship with Hide surpasses a Lot of what heteronormativity usually allows. I don't think he's even fully aware of his attraction until after he meets Touka. Because Hide had been such a permanent fixture in his life growing up, they never really had ever been apart. Their bond is deep and strong and definitely can be looked at from an extremely queer perspective. (I'm not trying to say that all men who show affection to one another are queer because that is simply not true.) Once he becomes a ghoul and he has that separation from Hide, I think that is when his sexuality is fully recognized. Especially in the manga, his bond with Hide runs deeper than with almost every other character. I'd say the exception to that rule is Touka in :re. In the manga during the death kiss, he didn't even know if Hide was real or not. He was in such a state of disorientation and confusion but Hide was still the one that he saw. Of course, Hide was actually there with him. But because Kaneki was in such a delirious state, surely he could have hallucinated the death kiss to be with Touka? Or anyone else? Why specifically did Hide come to mind during that time? Again, he was in a moment of crisis and Hide had always been that stability for him but it's just curious to think about...
Hide: I've seen and read so many different rumours about how Sui Ishida intended for Hide to be canonically bisexual. However, I can't find that interview or confession ANYWHERE in a way that makes it clear that Sui Ishida actually said that so we will disregard that for now. Setting that aside, Hide has a very intriguing point of view of Kaneki. His insight on Kaneki's life is the closest we get to an outside perspective of Kaneki's behaviour from an intimate view. Obviously we see other ghouls, CCG members, etc. studying the way Kaneki behaves but we never see it in the same way that we do with Hide. That boy has been taking notes on Kaneki since he first started acting odd. He caught onto Kaneki being a ghoul with ease (ofc this depends on the version as well. We are ignoring the live action version because it screws up the source material.) No matter how hard Kaneki tried, he could not get Hide to stop caring and stop observing. Hide went undercover in both the CCG and ghoul world to make sure Kaneki was okay. His life centred around Kaneki. That in itself is a confession of love and not in the platonic way.
Uta: Setting aside the way he looks at Renji for a moment, his entire being breaks the norms which is what queerness and queer history has always been. Uta quite literally makes masks so ghouls can create a whole other identity surrounding their otherness. His entire presence screams queer-coded.
Tsukiyama: I don't think I need to explain this one much tbh but his obsession with Kaneki cannot be overlooked. It is obviously super creepy in a lot of way and he crosses a TON of boundaries. However, that level of obsession is definitely not in a "you're my guy pal, let's go lift weights at the gym" (idk what cishet men do I'm sorry). His fascination with both the male and female ghouls feels very queer to me even though it is to an extreme that needs to be observed and dissected with caution.
Nico: He is the embodiment of a gay stereotype. Obviously not all rep is good rep but he definitely fits the mold and he is definitely queer, no doubt about it.
Mutsuki: Without a doubt, he is trans. Many people argue "oh he only transitioned so he could become a Quinx Squad member and change his identity better blah blah blah." HOWEVER. I raise you: once Urie found out his assigned gender at birth, why did he feel so deeply uncomfortable? Obviously, he was worried that Urie would tell everyone and their mom but even after Urie kept that a secret, he was still nervous. It's almost like he didn't want to be treated differently because of his assigned gender at birth and transition... There is a lot about Mutsuki that could have been handled better but I also think that him keeping his preferred name, pronouns, etc. is so important. Not once did Urie question it, he just wanted Mutsuki to keep doing his job well. Mutsuki is a very complex character and you can dissect his storyline from a million povs but I think first and foremost that he is trans and that there isn't really a question as to whether or not he wants to be referred to as a man or not
Overall, all these characters are only a small part of an even LARGER queer analogy! Tokyo Ghoul is about a man learning to grapple with being both ghoul AND human. Taking this into account, a ton of queer people have to be worried about being 'found out' or 'outed' because we live in a world where it is dangerous for queer people to exist still (much like it is dangerous for ghouls to exist). Kaneki is coming to terms with the fact that he might not be fully human (or the societal norm). Learning to deal with that, especially when you feel like you're the first EVER because you have no prior experience or relationships with other members of the LGBTQ+ community is terrifying! That feeling of 'otherness' or 'monstrosity' is unfortunately something a lot of queer folks have to go through. The CCG has a very religious/governmental parallel to it and could even be used as a metaphor for the hate that queer people receive from institutions that benefit from our suffering. However, Akira AND Amon both empathize with Takizawa eventually and are subject to abuse and rejection because they love and care about someone in the 'other' community. Haise's transition and morphing with Kaneki is a beautiful metaphor for how many queer people will try to be 'normal' or conform to society for protection but you always kind of know your identity is there. As mentioned earlier, Uta makes masks for other ghouls so they can create a separate identity to protect themselves when trying to exist. That feeling of two separate identities, two separate worlds that you think cannot combine is SO common in the queer community. Kaneki feeling like he isn't enough of ghoul OR human to fit into the world at all is often how queer people are treated too. Being told you're not enough of something and being rejected by communities who allegedly were there to protect you. To conclude, I'd like to say thank you for reading all this (if you did) and also feel free to add on, debate, or include things I'm missing! Also I wrote this very very sleep deprived so I'm sorry about my grammar. Okay goodnight oomfies
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marmar-woff · 1 year
The candidates
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I have some mixing feelings. While I found this new characters interesting enough, idk if it is good to introduce more characters to an already big cast (talking about Mephisto and Zebubra, Narnia was already mentioned before). But let's see how the author develop them. One or more of them would be crowns, that means they would be part of the grandchildren's plan to raise the new Demon King; thinking about it, I imagine that each crown would give the grandsons their personal training or piece of wisdom, if they going to really educate them.
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Probably the most recognizable name. From what I read (and it wasn't much) he is a demon from German folklore, the servant of Satan who does not attack arbitrarily but targets already damned souls (probably someone with more knowledge would do a better job parsing this character with the real lore).
What stands out the most about his design is his cool hat, which we don't know if it is a regular item or part of his costume, and his tail in the shape of a rope, as if to hang...people...kind of creepy, but still cool.
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Now his title, both English translations name him differently, but the Spanish translation called him "The discarded from the (game) board", and they made a note about this: "His tittle is "bangai" and it's literally translated as "off the board" or "discarded from the board", it's a term that in Shogi (Japanese chess) or Go games refers to the tactics that are made outside the game to advance advantageously, confusing or putting psychological pressure on the opponent". Reading this I can think he's a master manipulator, he certainly gives off the vibes of a confident and charismatic guy. He could also use magic like Murmur's, which mainly affects the mind. It would be nice to see someone like that back in action.
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Zebubra are like the opposed of Mephisto. They wear simple ropes, seem to have a beast-like appearance, no visible legs and insect wings. Their mask has also a monster vibe, it remains me of the ones that the creatures called hollows have in the manga Bleach, that are made of bone, like the Menos grande.
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People with good eyesight realized that they had two tails, but one was female and the other was male. Could they be another non-binary character? Or maybe intersexual or hermaphrodite. Their title give me other ideas. Again, the English translations don't seem to agree, so I'll stick with the Spanish. They called them "The King of Two Faces", so what if they have two faces/heads? (siamese?). Some demons are described as having them (Asmodeous, for example, is described as having three heads, one of a man, one of a sheep and one of a bull). Zebubra could have the faces of both male or famale, and not necessarily human-like. The last thing that occurs to me is that it is a single being with a double personality, which changes between a female and a male voice.
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Now Narnia and his escort. We all joked about the escort with the raws, but that the same joke was in the story... thanks Nishi! Both looks are immaculate. Baal wears a more modern style, while Narnia adopts an oriental-inspired outfit. I love that Nishi mixes different styles, from different times and places.
And perhaps this difference in styles is an indication of their difference in postures. There's a good theory that Narnia doesn't really work with Baal, but only pretends to in order to bring him down. This one here by @aeonian225
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In ch. 291 he's described to be intolerant of those who do any form of harm to the netherworld. Baal is doing precisely that. But that's what Sullivan also did by breaking the rules and bringing a human into the underworld. Not to mention that this is the territory of Narnia, protecting the border patrol that controls the borders with the human world. Narnia may not be Baal's ally, but I don't think he would be Sullivan's either.
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There is also the issue with his eyes, and how they seem to be the same as those who have returned to origins. Maybe that's why he's wearing sunglasses indoors (if only they cover his eyes, we all see them). I don't think demons can fake that state, however as a one of the six fingers, Shiida is suppose to be a demon who returned to origins and look how she is. Well, there are many clues about Narnia's alliance with Baal, we will have to wait and see what his true intentions are.
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yatorihell · 5 months
Noragami Reread Volume 22-27
I've finally reached the end of my reread. I am reading the final chapter tonight, and I haven't seen a single spoiler for the cover nor ending. This is going to be crisp.
Vol 22
Nora trying to keep up with Father walking away knowing she's being abandoned
Yato realising he abandoned Yukine like yes the mommy issues are now here
Yukine partying and living it up like he did when he first got named, but now he's more self aware
Remember when Yukine started become an ayakashi and then
'Your god is not your dad' Nora projecting the abandonment but yh she's right
Nora with the 'please say my name' I hate this
Takemika is ripped fuck damn bitch
Kofuku figured out Yato's plan to kill Father
Ojkjbj Takemika spins Ebisu to divine the Sorcerer's location
Oh the seahorse he buried is called Takemika how cute
Adult Yukine vision like we didn't need the reminder he won't grow up
Hagusa is born and its a bad time for like a year
Oh Father's so evil (he is hugging Yukine) and he's going to the house
Yato can't believe Yukine is stray bitch same
Nora seems to have turned a corner with Father leaving her (this lasts like 10 chapters)
'Can I even be normal again' (as of right now I have read the chapter nor been spoiled so idk!!!!)
Hiyori doesn't want to be stuck this way which is good
Nora mumbling to herself about Hiyori
Nora played pretend family because she's a good girl
Foreshadowing of Nora asking why it's easy for girls to come into the world because she never made it
Shinigami protecting Hiyori from Nora and it turns out its actually her grandpa
Grandma Iki's death and her telling Hiyori to go to the person she loves
'If you wait until he's gone it'll be too late' I hate this manga
Seeing grief affecting the family reminds Hiyori she has to come back
Plot to hide Nora's names revealed
God it was all a ploy to befriend yukine
Hiyori and Nora the unlikely friendship
Ebisu trying to throw salt on Kofuku to protect the economy nsnd
Old Ebisu talking to himself is so cute and sad when we know what he's been through
Oh we've reached the refrigerator I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
Oh they're at the old house I hate this
Yukine's been dead 35 years which was a surprise
Hiyori laying flowers on the fridge and praying
Oh he's learning who he was and the barber wouldve been his friend I'm so sad they forgot about him right when they were talking
Yukine's dad was handing out fliers to search for murdered son this plot is dastardly and I don't believe we'll get resolution because that's how the world is
Sobbing they knew there were problems and thought Yukine chose to stay
Yukine finding out his life wasn't all sunshine and not wanting to know more mood
Vol 23
Oh it's Yukine's grave and sister's house I'm so sad
'Even you've got one or two assholes you don't want to probe'
Yato thinking Yukine would want to kill his family
Yukine wanted the dogs to eat him that killed Suzuha hate!!!
Living Yukine encouraging his sister to live and run towards the future he wouldn't see
Father goading Yukine into finding his family and talking about giving him a proper burial I've had enough of this dude
Gunna throw up there's a beer can in the fridge
'Even now my father is still killing me'
Yukine's had his reverse Kaneki phase
Fuck offf with the flower Father you heartless bitch
Oh Yukine's gone baby boy he's Hagusa nke
Yato's face that Yukine is changed and the ending saying unprecedented agony fucking mood
Yukine's mother is dead reveal
'He's my hafuri'
Yato apologising and explaining immediately why he did it
Yato's hesitation to draw his sword against Yukine
We've got a catboy on our hands
Sorcerer was human and has a grave finally a plot to kill him for good
Yukine seeing his dad in Yato
Yato protecting the tree and cutting Yukine's hand because he chose that spot for Yuka to think of her brother and he's actually there
Yato laying absolutely fucked up on the grave of the boy who just did it to him
Oh Yukine doesn't even realise it was Yato he thought he hurt his dad
Hiyori's got a letter for Yuka oh we were dying to know what it said for ages
'You'll die you idiot' and Hiyori's face like I didn't believe it would happen
Hiyori death foreshadowing tracker: 7
Hiyori and Nora holding hands when they meet Yuka
Oh I'm so sad Yuka thinks Haruki is alive and had children Adachitoka you make me so sad
Yato not wanting to draw on Yukine because of his dad
Remember when we got that panel of Yuka and it had showed up in chapter 3 like 1p years ago the foreshadowing is insane
Yukine's possession of people is a good thing tbh but it goes too extreme
Once again the art is insane rip Adachitoka
Yuka has the letter ndnd
Yuka forced the divorce and the were forced to rock paper scissors to decide who would stay behind
Bishamon is kinda up I wish she did more in the final
Throwing up screaming thank you Okuninushi for blessing Yatori's plaques I can't wait to see what the effect of that is in the final chapter
Oh the return box of letters all torn up I hate this
Yukine's power just shows the good of humanity but its still flawed like humans
Ooharai begins and lasts like 25 chapters
Volume 24
Yato's back in the trashcan
Nora doesn't hate heaven but Yukine does because he cut it accidentally trying to save Yato logic
Father laughing about taking Yukine to the fridge he is the worst man
OK so Rekki can't cut the word interesting
'Daddy's just gunna have to take another one away from you' and trying to name Kazuma
Shocked pikachu face that Yato sold him out to Heaven
The expressions are really popping off
Father mentioning Yukine's dead in front if Kazuma hhfn
Yukine let Yato get away <3
'Mind full of nothing but viina just like normal'
Takemika and Ebisu the unlikely friendship to go lookinf for the grave
Yukine on a rager about finding his dad and Father hitting him here we gooo
'You're not allowed to have desires and wishes because that's what a god is'
Father back on his breaking Kazuma bullshit
'Kazuma's love is unphantomable like a bog'
Father neck cut tracker: 2
Adachitoka really got us with the earplugs for Kazuma a bit of common sense finally
'Yukine is mine, Hiyori will die someday, so why bother running from me'
Nora backstory
It's strange how an ayakashi could latch onto Nora before she was born
'I wanted someone who knows neither good nor evil'
Baby Yato and his ear necklace ft Sakura's tree??
Father is the delulu king he thinks Yato's putting on an act to save him
Oh the image of baby Yaboku fighting father sjbdbd
Father was this close to getting killed and then nothing
Takemika and Ebisu did a room of requirement finding the island tbh
Amaterasu feeling the net
'Heaven has missed things so we have to find someone to punish' logic
How did we go from Father's pinned down to back fighting
How dare Yato betray him after getting food water shelter
Oh Yukine can't look when he's told to attack Yato I hate it here
Gods are getting stuck in the net
Saving Yukine is priority over killing Father <3
Kazuma gets called Kazune and makes up a sweat song ldndb
We're so close to saving Yukine and then it gets worse
Volume 25
Oh the letter Yuka never got his letters and he's asking why she won't wrote back I'm so fucking miserable
AND IT LED TO HIS DEATH oh I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad
Kazuma trying to fly to Yukine with Rekkis scarf sjdb
Oh yes we're getting Okuninushi fucking it up like I wished
Nora be like I'm not stupid he's trying to use me and then....
Ah now the gods are calling the shinki when they shouldn't
Oh Nora why did you have to go to him
Nora's just so happy to be useful again
Damn the town's really just burning
'Someone like me who's ever called her Nora doesn't have the power to call her back' hopefully Nora gets/choses a name for herself irrespective of shinkihood
Likening having a name to being given life
Fathers lost it he doesn't even want to do what he wanted he's just angry and wants to kill Amaterasu now and Nora's like no
Grave has been found and the gravekeeper family was a surprise
The Sorcerer killed someone who escaped justice and saved the gravekeeper
Lol remember when we got Father's backstory and people were trying to argue that he didn't kill the monk
I wonder if he stole the clothes off his body they're awfully similar
Nora is absolutely fucking them up go girl
Father used Heaven's systems to his advantage to name Nora, control ayakashi and create Yato
Father calling himself a necessary evil and Amaterasu clapping back that Yato is the necessary one
Amaterasu starts taking Nora's names
Father flashback to Yomi and Kaya revealed
Yukine stopping Amaterasu as she tries to release Chiki
Oh all the vents opening
Amaterasu can't take names made with the word
Yato's back in the fight let's gooo
Father does have a bit of a point to be like why do gods do this to the world
Father's finally been shot
We never really get Amaterasus story, was she reincarnated to keep young and manageable, is that just how old she grows
The living live and the dead die
Yukine's finally realised what he's done to the world
'To death do we part and in death we shall meet again' oh I'm so sad that's such a Yatori thing Adachitoka you make me so sad
Yukine's gone to Yuka oh he sees her as a young girl I'm so sad adachitoka you make me so sad
Oh this is the last time Yukine sees Hiyori before That happens I'm so sad this is awful
Their mother was absolutely spinless she just have the letters back to him and gave him money and she never heard from her son again
Oh Yukine's realised he's dead and he sees the truth and Yuka I'm so sad
Oh I'm so fucking miserable Yukine's memories and the burial and he's at the postbox and he's got the protection charm Yato and Hiyori gave him and Yato's hand reaching out and he's called him name and he's gone back to blond I'm actually so miserable this is awful
Oh he knows he's dead I'm so fucking miserable this is the worst chapter in my opinion (so far)
Vol 26
Oh Hiyori can smell Yato now I'm
Oh I'm actually so sad this is the worst manga in the world
Kazuma still blissfully ignorant of death <3
Father's lost it again he's so mad
Bishamon shown up
Bishamon wondering where Kazuma is and that she won't forgive herself if something happened to him hsdbdb
Yat about to finish the job and Nora has to go break Kazuma
Oh Bishamon can feel Kazuma fading
Nora was holding back all that time hdhd
Kazuma believes he and Nora are even
It's been quite a day yeah it started with Hiyori and Nora meeting Yuka and it ends with That
Back to Father's backstory
Father saved the village from a boulder and was enshrined by the villagers who keep his grave
Takemika is just ready to destroy the grave
Oh Yuka says about visiting Haru's grave if she knows where will Hiyori even get the chance I hate this
Father I'm begging you just die Yato isn't coming back to you this wasn't a little prank
Oh Hiyori no go home
'Because I love my father'
Oh Hiyori's tail is hanging by a THREAD
Hiyori death foreshadowing tracker: 7?
Nora healing Hiyori's blight and sorting her body before leaving she is a good girl really
Remember when we found Hiyori couldn't go back to her body shdhf
'You're gunna be fine' my mantra until That happened in 108
Quickly flashback of baby Yato foreshadowing what's about to happen
Ebisu figuring out the gravekeeper does soul calls
Remember when we thought they were gunna kill that whole family jdbdb
Father is the queen of gaslighting himself
Father neck cut tracker: 3
The reveal that the gravekeepers family were ghosts was so good
Ebisu promising to keep going but I know that his name will never be revealed not even to us for that fourth wall content
Love how the gravekeeper just died like immediately thank you king
'I'm going to go on with them living in a world without you' please please please final chapter they get to live together (they can't <3)
Oh Yato's hand is small in Yukine's he's ready to reincarnate
Oh Kazuma is remembering
Oh we were so pressed that he said he could go home and he vanished but its because he's gone back to Bishamon I'm so sad
DISAPPEARING WITHOUT A TRACE WOULD BE A FITTING END FOR ME this is the worst I'm so sad this is awful I hate foreshadowing
It's just endless isn't it Father with 5000 lifelines
Back to Father's backstory ie how he got killed over rice and then rejected dkndn
Oh he made a mask that looked like her
Father likening Kaya to paradise in death
Oh I'm so fucking miserable Kazuma returns to Bishamon and asks if he's in Heaven this is peak romance
'Can you just shut up and die already' fucking mood
Father with the two lifelines like just die
Vol 27
We are shook that Father's original form has appeared
Poor Fujisaki's gunna feel so hungover been possessed by that musty bitch for like 16 years(?)
Oh he called Nora a dumpster baby now its personal
Oh Yomi powers we've got the final form and new nation
Shiiho calling Arahabaki dad <3
Oh Okuninushi and the reincarnated gods I'm so sad
Hiyori is in the nation and the Sakura tree is there I hate this I wanna stop
Oh he's put Yato and Nora in their weakest forms I hate him die die die
Oh Nora has completely given up same
And now it's world domination some men just need therapy tbh
It's interesting that all the sacrifices of the real world are apparently in the new nation and Father really thought he'd find Kaya alive in there djbdbd
People say he's a good dad and I agree <3 (he is attempting deicide)
This is the worst manga in the world the fridge is full of sakura blossoms and Yukine is coming to save Yato and now he's a fucking ayakashi dog he's fully evolved into a furry
If you told me this was the final boss fight when I joined this manga I'd be like how the hell did we get here
Now we've got the human possession
I wonder if the people who were killed will come back or if the gods just had to kill them for real
The gods telling their shinki they have to kill and like this is a fucked up situation but it needs to be controlled ig
Nora beginning to question Father and what he does and realising she's scared of him and she's been a pawn
So Sekki is able to break the barrier
Oh Hiyori you're looking rough
Oh Yukine is disintegrating help
It's strange how we never get an inkling he's looking for Kaya and this new nation, it was about culls and removing the gods not finding her
Amaterasu really doesn't interfere she just watches or sometimes gets involved
How is it that the shinki can be seen by the near shore now its still the true world
Father be like I've returned from the dead and I scare you why don't you love me you were crying
Someone says divine punishment and immediately Father is like the gods did this specifically like he didn't play a part in her death
Father bitches that forgiveness is for the weak but thinks Kaya would forgive him
Father says he couldn't do anything but the belief system back then meant that he could be recalled after death did he even try?
Daikoku refusing to kill that child like a normal person
'He's been seeking something his whole life just like me' and there's the shrine and Yukine
We fr thought we'd found Kaya lol I mean I guess we did but Father thought she'd be normal and not like the others he called sacrifices
Oh he's so sad it's giving Pedro Pascal (I think I said that when it came out and I was shot)
Screaming throwing up Yato knows Hiyori is here
Oh I'm so fucking miserable 'we shall meet again those words have come full circle' I gate this life
For a brief shining moment I thought it was a trick and the real Hiyori was elsewhere but then SOMEONE had to go and do THAT
Oh I'm actually so fucking sad Yato's voiceover saying its his fault he wouldn't fix her problem with the flashbacks and then Sakura's words about you can never see them again when they die Adachitoka you're the worst
Kiun seeing sense and letting the young lesd because times have changed
Kofuku calling Daikoku's actions irrational like he's just not only locked him in a phone box for a bit instead of killing him
I wonder who summoned all the shinki though because how are Kuzuha and Kuruha helping with containment, Bishamon's not around
Takemika saying that Amaterasu may never change
'Why would you do that to her' because he's a bitch!!!!!!!
Oh I hate this manga Father's trying to name Hiyori and he pulls her head back and the light is gone fron her eyes and there's a tear and I'm ending it after tbe final chapter
Oh he's naming her I hate my life Yukine's nearly gone too
All this time all the warnings we never believed we'd get this
Oh its all her memories and one page is just Yato and he's thanking her for the shrine I'm so sad Adachitoka you make me so sad why did you do this
Oh the shattered image if Hiyori like reflections of my life
OK so theory is that because Hiyori was a shinki made within the nation of the word, she was able to destroy it?
Also if the brush is gone then Chiki and Yuuki should be gone
Yukine's back oh I'm so sad
Oh I'm so fucking miserable Hiyori looks so innocent and Yukine nearly says her name but Nora stops him and then Yato nearly says her name and then he realises he can't and then he screams and so do I
Father die challenge?????? Stfu
Yukine furry form is here to stay ig I wish he mauled Father a bit but he found her body!!!!!
Yato saying be can't handle a world without Hiyori but he can't destroy it like his dad would
Oh I'm so sad 'this world she protected is the grave where she sleeps' worst manga ever
'You can make miracles happens can't you'
Remember when we thought Yato was looking up to Amaterasu for help lol
Kazubisha having a quick catch up
Now is not the time but Yato looks good jdhdb
Hiyori just not got a clue whats happening
Father's still being a little bitch
The fact he has no lifelines like when did Yato cuts Fujisaki's ties???
Nora finally standing up to Father
Father has drowned, ignored by his children <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 my heart is so full
Oh I'm so sad they've been there so long there's snow on their heads and Yukine is crying and I hate it
But that also means they keep Hiyori clear of snow to keep her warm I hate it here!!!
Yato disappearing because everyone who knew him was dead and he breathed Hiyori back to life and saved her (and himself I'm maifesting)
Oh now they're both crying for Yato and Yukine's hugging him this is the worst day ever
Oh this really is the worst day ever the final kiss of life and HIS TEAR IS ON HER FACE WHEN SHE WAKES UP
Oh she nearly says his name I'm so sad how is this going to end there is so much to unpack in this manga
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camodielsart · 5 months
Hello Duke of Hell,
Do you feel like you experience hyperfixations differently now compared to how you did when you were younger? can you describe the difference?
I certainly feel a difference myself, new fandoms and interests just don't rot my brain as all consumingly or as long as they used too
It's not a bad change, but I find myself missing it. There was a comfort to being consumed, absorbed, engrossed, to being lost completely in an idea. It was a powerful drug. One of the few parts of myself I thought I'd never be at risk of losings.
If you have experienced this deterioration, how has it affected your art and writing?
i still get super hyper fixated on media, mainly cuz of psychological stuff (not gonna get personal but yeah) so a certain media will just consume my attention at that moment in time. sometimes it’s for a few months, sometimes it’s for years. and sometimes it comes and go (like blue exorcist, my current hyper fixation haha).
idk if it’s different from when i was younger tho, i try not go around talking about my interests cuz i used to be that kid in middle school/high school that would never shut up about his favorite show and annoy everyone. and also get bullied for it as well (i got bullied for pokémon, like when it was popular, ?????). so i just don’t talk about my hyper fixations as much cuz of that. which in turn has made it harder for me to express my ideas on my favorite media so i have trouble getting involved in communities. also fandoms tend to scare me. i lived through some bad fandoms in my younger days online. so yeah.
and i do miss the old days were i would just go on and on about my favorite show/anime or manga. i would draw fan art and fan ocs all the time and post them online. i have been trying to watch/read new stuff in general cuz i know it would help with not only inspiration but motivation as well. and i haven’t made fan ocs for a long time (besides the welcome home one which i haven’t drawn for a bit). i definitely think of some, just seldom draw them. i want to do that stuff again, too. like you said, there’s a comfort to it. but i get nervous. not so much of being cringe, but more so, why would ppl care to see my oc. most ppl want to see the established characters in fan art. which i don’t blame them. that’s why they like media, it’s cuz of the characters. idk my deterioration is more so self inflicted from being outcasted and fear of drama and not really something that went away naturally cuz i still do get super consumed by it, i just hide it now.
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sojirosteacup · 8 months
Finally reached volume 27. 26 just about killed me, and I'm so anxiously excited for what's to come.
what are your thoughts sojiro and the kimono tying scene? I doubt there's any emotions on his part, but it seemed he took longer/more care with Yuki's than with Tsukushi's. He said it was because of Tsukasa, but I wonder what you think?? Am I reading too much into this or was he telling the truth?
Sojiro's feelings are a complicated topic for everybody involved.
Before answering your question, I'm going to warn you that it might be a little spoilery depending on how much you remember the manga ending.
and it also turned into a dissertation
Now going to the actual answer:
On one hand, he was just doing his job and probably tied the yukatas of the other characters (oh God, imagine the comments Sakurako made), or at least of the ones who don't know how to tie a yukata (which gives us... uhh... idk how many of them know how. I'm gonna bet Shigeru knows and maybe Akira too). And Makino has always exaggerated their relationship in her head and was even more alert than usual because of Yuuki's confession at the shop.
On the other hand, Sojiro feels a lot of affection towards Yuuki. You can see how he treats her in a much softer way compared to other girls, like in the yukata scene you mentioned, and how he is always interested in the topic of her. Sojiro is also a very horny gentleman (or at least he wants to believe he is) so he tries to act nicer to girls he has some kind of affection or attraction to at least before he sleeps with them.
(But also the way he treats Makino is not a good comparison because these two are like annoying siblings who pick on each other, so he would be harsher to her no matter what. lol)
Sojiro's actual feelings are a complicated topic I believe even he is unable to give a clear answer about. The boy has fallen in love in the past (with Sarah), so he is definitely able to feel romantic attraction, but he feels unable to do it again because of his childhood trauma. But at the same time he wants to feel love again!!! He is still looking for it during one of his outings at the ending of Hana nochi hare:
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Poor Akira being the therapist friend again
And it's tragic! Stop Sojiro's suffering! Let my man be happy! With Yuuki! It's why I prefer his ending in the Kdrama and the versions after it. They give him a more hopeful ending. I get the message the mangaka was trying to send by making them not end up together (players won't magically change with the power of love and insistence). And I think she is right in a real life setting, and their story in the manga is beautiful in its own way, but I also care too much about Sojiro to see him suffering even five years after the ending. lol
I can fix him.
Or make him worse.
But going back to the topic of Sojiro and Yuuki, Sojiro claims he can't love Yuuki because he is not sexually attracted to her but (besides the obvious scene near the end of the manga) he has shown sexual interest in her at the beginning of the manga during a party.
(It sucks that all my sources are not in english so i can't put it here but, chapter 17, volume 3. Let's all pretend there is an image here.)
Knowing this, and how much he would call her cute back then, I believe his interest in her did start as some kind of sexual attraction, maybe even a crush, but it died as soon as she became closer to him. Again, that's his trauma working.
Knowing this, can we say Sojiro's affection to Yuuki is romantic in nature? Who knows! It's not unlikely, considering he falls for her in many adaptations. But Yuuki is very important to him either way and that's why he was acting like that during the yukata party. He cares about her in his own way.
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koiyin · 1 year
so uh idk why i come back on tumblr every couple months and make posts like this but i've basically ruined my account at this point haha perfectionist issues and i'm going to try to be honest with everyone of you guys because. idek at this point
i don't know how everyone's opinion of me is at this point, and it feels like i'm ruining it. i don't know if this is me now, if i kind of put up a front before, but why these posts seem different than the others on my blog is a mystery to me ^^'
maybe i'm just overthinking it, though?
well, my life is pretty shit. i don't really have any friends, except for a couple close ones who can somehow deal with me-- and, yeah. people at my school don't really like me, and i've fucked up a lot recently. this post sounds really depressing. sorry for that.
i don't know, i guess prior to the whole incident (moots, yk what i'm talking about) i always tried to put up a cheerful front. i had an idealized version of myself, and that was koi. and i did act like myself a lot around you guys, because i became comfortable with all of you and i felt accepted. i'm really grateful for what you all have done for me.
so, more about what's going on- basically, i'm just... not happy with myself, i guess. i wish i had more friends.
you know, my goal in life at one point was to be friends with everyone in my grade. that was more than a year ago. i guess that whole hope pretty much died out. but i do still try my very best, and this is turning into a ramble which i'm sorry for but i just want to get everything off of my chest.
i'll probably never use tumblr regularly again- but, who knows, shit changes.
the incident really affected me. after i was told about everything and learned about all of what happened, i was just... i don't know. i was told that it was that day that i began to eat less, act angrier, and all of that shit- and that went on for a couple weeks.
eventually, i tried to forget about it. i still think about every once in a while, though.
well, i'm starting to sound like a pessimist. i miss when i could be koi, the friendly, cheerful, happy person who had a bunch of friends that worried about him and asked if he was feeling okay.
i don't even know what's going on anymore. i feel fine, and then i go through short spikes of depression. or maybe i'm just a person that's sad all the time, but i choose to be ignorant. i'm really sorry that whoever reads this has to hear me vent and all that shit, but i'm just glad that i can say all of my feelings in the hopes that someone will read this.
so, let's talk about what's been going on since i've left- since i really feel like i should add some filler because of my long absensce '- -
well, i got a suit that kind of reminded me of haruchiyo sanzu from tokyo revengers (haha weeb things) and i look pretty hot in it, ngl- and, my family moved back to our house, which got remodeled. i've done a lot of drawing, too.
and, for context of the tokyo revengers comment earlier- i've been hyperfixating on it for so long. i love the series and the characters aaa
also, i started bakuman and black butler, and they're pretty good! i love the plot of bakuman so much!! (the death note team always makes amazing manga) i also got the first book of haikyuu from the library, because i've seen it referenced online so much and i haven't taken the time to check it out yet.
whew. i don't know, i guess saying all this makes me sound more human than just pixels on a screen. (but i'm actually 3 ducks in a trenchcoat) (i'm not funny)
i've had a lot of homework, so i've been pretty busy.
and i have to go eat dinner now, so i'll be leaving- but again, thank you guys for being my friends for so long. and, why are people still following me when my blog is inactive like- ????
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bluelockednyx · 2 years
mind if i brainrot about rin/isarin in your anon asks? sorry, i know of zero other isarin shippers on tumblr 😭 personally, one of the reasons isarin has such a tight grip on me is because of rin himself. i was thinking abt this for a while but now ive got a bigger urge to talk about it cuz of something that the author aparently said about his depiction of his character. his edginess is sorta how he represents rin's apparent attempt at "having to become an adult" which i thought was interesting. the author also said he thinks his desire to grow up is why rin intentionally complicates his relationship with sae. to me, it reads as though rin associates maturity with broody angst. reminds me of a lot of the "friends are stupid, everything sucks" type of faux maturity where ppl think them closing themselves off to healthy emotional support is them being logical. the fact that he's younger than isagi makes a lot of his underlying naivete matter a lot to me and my feelings towards this ship. ig i use isarin as a way to develop rin opening up to love and affection again, and realising that growing up is so much more than just being angsty 24/7 idk if this makes any sense tho. i could just be being dumb lmaoo
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I will take any and all opportunities to talk about Isagirin, and yes, there are very few of us, so ask away as many times as you want :D
I'm not surprised Kaneshiro-sensei said that -- referring to his edginess specifically -- about Rin, because he and Nomura-sensei did a really good job showing it in the manga! The sweet, sweet angst of growing up in shonen manga; Rin being all broody about it is so typical teenager but also depicted so well.
The edginess and 'friends are stupid, everything sucks' mentality is a side effect, imo, of being so attached, and then badly hurt by Sae. I would say that it's a bit of a self-defense mechanism too, because if his own brother, whom he adored so much, and he's sure loves him back too, could hurt him this badly, then it's a bit of a no brainer for someone who's not even family, to hurt him too. I'm pretty sure Rin hesitates to let himself get emotionally attached to anyone at this point, and I'm also pretty sure he's not fully aware of this part of his psyche yet.
On growing up and how Rin intentionally complicates his relationship with Sae: I think yes and no, on this. The simple part - they're brothers, and they always will be. Neither of them can erase that even if they wanted to.
On the complicated part - sibling relationships can be very complex, and just because at the end of the day they can interact properly with each other in a civil manner doesn't mean that there hasn't been real damage done in a relationship, and to a person's psyche. Even the dumbest things done without real intention of hurt can cause lasting psychological effects, whether or not the person knows it for themselves.
Kaneshiro-sensei views Rin as intentionally complicating his relationship with Sae. I don't. But YMMV with this: this POV is personal, and there's a ton of cultural aspects to consider which I am definitely not in a position to talk about.
Sae was cruel to Rin in the flashback when they had their 1v1 after Sae came back from Madrid, and Rin never gets the chance to address that issue because he never gets to communicate properly about it with Sae. There's probably a camp out there who says Rin should just get over it, that Sae said it in the heat of the moment, but I'm not part of that camp. I don't believe in sweeping stuff like that under the rug. It's not fair to the person who was hurt. It's also, well, a common tactic in abusive relationships to trivialize the victim's feelings, which sits even less right with me.
We know Sae better because we get an omniscient POV as readers, but from Rin's perspective, Sae stonewalls Rin and never tries to explain or elaborate. While I do agree that trying to talk in the middle of a football match isn't the best place for it, it still doesn't change the fact that they wouldn't be in this situation at all if it weren't for Sae (and also for the sake of compelling plot drama). Sae definitely owes Rin an apology imo, though given what you've just told me about Kaneshiro-sensei's view on Rin intentionally complicating their relationship, I really doubt he's ever going to have that happen in the manga, so :/
And yes!! Rin being younger than Isagi was something that I had suspected back when they were doing the first 3v3 matchup, from just reading the way he spoke. It was confirmed later, I think, in the yoga scene, then the character guides. And yeah, one of Rin's bigger flaws is definitely his lack of close relationships. It severely limits his ability to empathize with other people, and can become a horrible feedback loop in and of itself. Yet, like I said in my meta, if Kaneshiro-sensei wants to develop him into a healthier, more well-rounded character, that's what Rin needs to do -- develop relationships with the rest of the Blue Lock boys as equals, and become actual friends.
I get you!!!! That's what I want for Rin in the Isarin ship too. Just Rin opening up to love and affection again from Isagi, and growing up and realising that he needs friends the other Blue Lock boys that he can count on too. Let's be dumb about fantasizing Isarin with a loving and affectionate Rin together!!!
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xsoulxsilencex · 4 months
I was thinking for a while how I should handle my (critical) thoughts on ep 95 on tumblr. And I decided that I will use the tags and simply hide my explanation under "keep reading" so you can choose to continue reading or stop already. Maybe some will end up agreeing with me, others might disagree and think "man, you missed the point/you don't get it" - which is fine.
So what to say about ep 95? Firstly, my opinion hasn't changed after watching it with subs: I didn't cry, I wasn't even really sad which might be weird considering I do like Nishaw and the Velgearians. (and I have cried for or was at least feeling a bit emotional about other death scenes, even in ygo so it's not like I'm just not caring enough or even cold-hearted)
But Idk... them dying didn't affect me and it might be because the "wrong" people were there to see it happen. I know this sounds mean but Asaka and Tazaki over Yudias (and the twins)? Really? And before someone says "well duh, he's not supposed to know so ofc we get nothing of him in that regard" - well, I don't like. I had a feeling from the spoiler summary that they would go down the "we don't want to upset Yudias so lets keep quiet about his comrades dying, we mean well" road and I still can't vibe with that, no matter how good the intention behind it is.
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So on one hand, Tazaki can understand the Velgearians' feelings but he also knows that Yudias should know what's going on. And at first he made me believe that he would go back to UTS and tell him the truth - but no, he changes his mind and asks Asaka if she can give him some of her employees to act as the Velgearians for a while which is a pretty meh plan imo.
Asaka's reaction to this is basically mine:
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Ngl, for a while, I thought Asaka would stay with her opinion that keeping everything a secret is a bad idea since that's not changing reality and the grief would just be postponed - and I agree with her. But it's not like she's uncaring since you see in her change of expression that it pains her too what's happening but it is how it is.
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And then I thought Tazaki might change his opinion even if he still has this dilemma of trying to respect the Velgearians' last wish and letting Yudias know.
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So, did Tazaki end up siding with Asaka? Well, we get no answer yet because Nishaw randomly shows up, looking kinda frozen. Asaka goes into explanation mode and exposes herself as a hypocrite:
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At least she knows herself that she's hypocritical.
But still, I'm disappointed. I had wished in her not changing her mind even though deep inside, I had this (bad) feeling she's gonna side with Tazaki eventually and say nothing. Because it was the most predictable outcome no matter if she had lost or won. (*side eye at Luge vs Zaion*)
Also: Asaka freezing Nishaw to prevent him from dying feels like coming out of nowhere imo. And if freezing was really her best idea then why didn't she ever think of asking Luge? You know, the guy who can turn people into ice blocks by letting them see his boring manga? (and he can still freeze people despite being transformed into a massage chair iirc) Did she think he would refuse to help her or immediately tell Yudias and co. about her idea? Ngl, I do wonder if Luge's ice would've been better to prevent the death of the Velgearians than whatever Asaka developed since the former is ice made by alien power so it might be stronger than what humans developed. But I guess I will never get an answer for that...
When the duel ends, Tazaki holds a dead Valvelgear close while Asaka can just look at them with sadness. I know that many people got emotional seeing this and here comes my issue that I mentioned earlier in my post: the "wrong" characters witnessed the deaths. I like Tazaki and I'm overall cool with Asaka but no way this duel didn't happen mainly for some "Asana vs Galient" nostalgia similar to Rovian vs Princess Minstrel being a reminder of Romin vs Princess G. Nobody can tell me it wouldn't have been way more devastating to see the episode ending with Yudias or Yuhi holding Valvelgear with a tear-stained face since those two are the ones with the strongest bond with them. Did Tazaki even have scenes with Valvelgear alone before this episode? I honestly can't remember if yes - which is why I feel like they did that scene of Tazaki wanting to feed Valvelgear like a baby at the beginning of the ep + him using Valvelgear as a duel disk (like Yuhi usually does) to show that they have a bond even though it was pretty stupid to use Valvegear when the Velgearians in it are dying aka are already weakened and so shouldn't have been running around and pushing things just to work as a duel disk.
Nishaw was barely there but considering how sad Yudias and co. already looked when hearing about the Dudi people dying, they would've been sad to see him die too ofc.
The episode ends in Yudias and co. being back to MIK, talking with Phaser about the Rush Robot. And the very last scene is Yuga caught on camera. We likely just got Yuga there because he's gonna be the reason for the Yuna vs Manabu rematch.
I'm probably starting to repeat myself but damn... if the episode had actually ended with Yudias knowing what happened to his comrades and Nishaw (and the next ep would go more into his feelings after hearing that) instead... I kinda doubt that ep 96 will give us much focus on him considering the duel match up we get but I really hope that Yudias and the twins getting the sad news told won't be done off screen or in a quick flashback. Come on, I need to see their shocked faces, their tears and potential screams because no way Yuhi will just silently cry. Heck, he might be so mad (and maybe even feeling useless again after he had promised Valvelgear to save them and failed) that either Yuamu or Yudias must bring him back to his senses. I can see Yuamu either "just" looking sad or crying but not in a loud way.
As for Yudias... I think there are two ways he could take the news: He either starts crying and blaming himself for not noticing that his comrades were already dying and be very down (which Asaka and Tazaki wanted to prevent) - or Yudias cries but surprises everyone by not being completely crushed by the news but is still determined to find a way to save (and now also revive) his people. After all, we just know that the Velgearians in Valvelgear are dead. What's with the Velgearians who are still on Velgear? Are they already dead too or still alive? Is anyone even caring to check on them? And there's Dinois, Myuda and Zwijo too ofc.
Speaking of Zwijo: I dislike how he's always gone and in the middle of an arc, he comes back because the plot needs him. Like why can't we get a glimpse of what he's doing in the meantime? Where is he right now? Did he check on Velgear? Did he have contact with Yuga? Did he find something relevant? Is he maybe already too weak to do anything? Why do we always have to wait for such information until he's the focus again? Is it so hard having a duel between some characters and still show on the side what Zwijo's up to? He's the main rival and a freaking Velgearian! His kind is dying and we don't have a freaking clue how he feels about it and where he even is.
So yeah, those were my thoughts on ep 95. Sorry if they sound mostly negative but I really wished the writers had done some different choices there. But let's see how ep 96 and the rest of arc 8 will be...
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ram-de · 6 months
[read] oxnard is my son
Reading wolfsong rn and why is the writing style so eerie LIKE... you know what it reminds me... Like typical murder thriller storytelling in mangas I used to read. (like I know it will? Eventually involves murder) BUT MAN ITS SO EERIE
I guess it's the way the story is told like a diary. Like a dissection to the innocent thoughts of ox... he's so precious like I get why gordo wants him in the pack it's the paternal instinct. Ox's dad is probably the murderer right...
Not going to comment about the romance bcs it felt icky at the point I know I know no yucking peoples yums and its just like, what, 5?6?years age gap. but idk they're like at different levels of school... Like... Typically high schoolers wouldn't date a middle school kids right?? Then again idk when I was in middle school, ive heard of (typically girls) students that thought of dating highs schooler as something, like, normal... Idk how they would meet in the first place but?? Like alright ill stop writing. This is a post about wolfsong asshdhdjjj idk the point is im not too keen on age gaps...... Typically I wouldn't even mind 6-7 years if that happened when they're both adults at their 20s or something it's just this one they met at the very young age... ;-;
But I looked up at some spoilers and got reassured that the romance part happened in later parts, which I guess?? Makes it better??? I DON'T KNOW guess I'll see how it's handled OK, in tj klune I trust
ALRIGHT AGE DISCUSSION ASIDE I love love love the writing of the book so far. It has the thrills, the suspense but also... How soft it can be. I've read like, what, two books involving werewolfs so I get the gist of like wolf-traits but not so much on packs and groups aspect of it. Wolfsong delves heavy (as far as I read) and the affectionate (I would say platonic) touches, ruffling heads, patting backs LIKE... ox deserved that yes give my son the affection he deserve
Idk why ox is in two packs tho aren't wolves like territorial how come he has gordo's and the bennets... Hm...
UGHH OX LEARNED HOW TO TEXT😭 that's my son right there (we're barely years apart)
Joe uses =D emotes... I uses :D (and I know I've said enough about the age topic but the fact that joe has to ask for his mom if he can go to cinema with ox is a bit... Like this doesn't make it better, mentally THIS kid is a kid!!! what do I do im like pretty invested in this book but also... Is the age gap rly necessary mr klune... I'll pretend that joe is only two years younger for the rest of my readthrough for my own sake and see if that changes anything. Crisis averted! I'm a genius.)
Did my son ox really just had his 𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 moment HSGSHJSSJJ
Did gordo just sneak into ox's room in the middle of the night... like is he,, is he sneaking through thee windows or the front door. And did they lock the house when they left I HAD SO MANY QUESTION
Why is he leaving my man gordo in the forest why is this so eerie and why I am having a lot of fun reading this chapter... noooooo he's leaving gordo's pack😔
I LIKE PUPPIESS I've been watching a lot of cute doggies wagging their tails videos though I'm not too keen on alpha/beta/omega dynamics (why the hell i read a werewolf book then, uh, tj klune)
They really spammed (pack pack pack pack) in my son's head hsgzhsjsjhs so are they sharing like a mind?? Telepathy??? Is ox tethered to two packs now... Pls no abusive alpha😔 I trust in you nephew joe
Omega were dark things in the wolves society??? I thought they're the one that can get pregnant??
Tethers... Possessive... ANYTHING TO SAY GORDO....??? I'm sure he's gonna be paired up with Mark for second chances stories in another book bcs I know this is a series
This isn't fair to Jessie ngl
I'm visualizing the story as if it's told in a manga medium and I'm floored... It fits so well... The dramatics...! The sound effects in the bg. I'm being weird
"I'm always going to be here." Ox denied what his mom said, but he promised Joe the same thing himself. Loyalty runs wild within the pack...
JUSTICE FOR JESSIE she was brought to the story to be given dirt I hate this tropes in mm books sometimes AND WHATEVER HAPPEN TO GORDO'S GUYS, like Chris?? (fuck me I spoiled myself looking for posts about Jessie, WELL OK THEN)
Ok I wrote too early there he is, chris
thank the lords that my son ox is checking out peers his age at this point bcs pls let joe's be one-sided until for a longer while. on another note, Carter... Cutie... same age... what we could have... 😔 I could get away with forgetting but mr klune kept reminding me of the age problem ughgcgj (and I keep writing it to the point of casual reminders) I will try harder to ignore things I do not want to perceive.
I was so used to see a/b/o dynamics being soooo sexualized (is it a sexual term? Idk) in like memes when I casually scroll Twitter or YouTube so I can't take the whole 'My Alpha' thing seriously... Tho it's nice to see it portrayed like, possessiveness, taken two levels higher I guess, then again it's... This isn't really Abo per se?? It's like typical cute wolf pack dynamics. If so, I don't mind pack dynamics that much.
wait they took ox's mom (I forgot her name) to training and bonding too that's so cute AAAHHJ I love love love tu klune's side character and how it brings a lot of life to the story, how they're incorporated and like have character growth... (I STILL LOVE THE KIDS AT CERULEAN SEA though I forgot most of their names except Lucy I'm sorry dwarf daughter slime son uhh fairy kid and griffin (not?)kid and Lucy too)
my son ox forgets names easily too, he got it from me😭
Carter and ox being domestic. this is love... I LOVE THIS PAIR.... Who tf is nick? Wdym he never saw him again. DID... DID JOE KILL HIM...
Four years later, and Joe is actually 20💕 brainwashing myself has never been this easy
AHHHHH I remember ox's mother name... Remembered the spoiler I saw.... Connected the two....... Spoilers alert even tho it's in tags pls😭 ok I'll mourn ig....
Fuck me ox is catching feelings... I tried to ignore the age but they kept mentioning Joe's age and how short he is AND I'M.... OKAY... But then Joe turned 17 and suddenly ox is realizing the butterflies like I'm sorry is the age gap really necessary mr klune 😭 but I like everything else.... The characters, the world, the writing... I need to pause and sleep it off for now...
I CANT SLEEP I WANT TO READ AHHH ok ok it's ok, haven't even see how it's handled so it's ok. Alright denial is a river in Egypt whatever which means I'll get over it soon so...
I warmed up to joe(21) and ox(23) already😭 CUTE my son is so clumsy and delusional (mildly)
am I yucking someone else yum... if so I'm sorry but the later half of this chapter, seriously... The word underage is mentioned and this is still the direction they went with shzvjsjshshshs how can I live in denial if things kept getting shoved on my face wdym it's okay carter😭
flustered ox is so... Hes so cute UGHH not to mention joe(21) being smug about it like this man (guy (kid)) is confident as hell. He's gonna be the death of ox (hopefully not literally)
I folded so easily because why is this so cute... This is like peak friends(both adults and /over/age) to lovers pipeline
PLEASEEE joe(21) just did a proposal... a cutiepie and a half
this is cracking me up so bad I love this book (certain trope aside) they're just hiding outside listening😂
Okay, okay, so the reasoning being that thing about experiences and how some kids mature early and stuff balut werewolves minds and compatibility and stuff. Fair, fair, but, AHHH whatever, moving on...
Maybe I teared up a bit,,, oxnard my son you're indeed worth everything😭
Joseph you possessive pup... His speech? Poem? Is peak creep and obsession... As expected from alphas ig
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danaty-consolation · 2 years
Yeah, umm, I wanted to ask, since you are the most UY centered blog around here (and if you have any time as well) What do you think of Lum? I mean, I have seen one post and you said she was your 2nd favorite UY character just after Ataru. That's great cus I loved Ataru a Lot! He ended up becoming my fave Rumiko mc, but Lum on the other hand 🥶. Idk, I disliked her a lot, I never figured out why she is so into Ataru so much, and although she changes her aggressiveness against him as the series advances in both manga and anime, she seemed so boring to me, almost every other female character with relevance was more entertaining than her imo (specially Sakura and Ran) so, can I get your take on her? OR if you have already answered something similar, could you show me? I tried to see YT videos about her but most of them only repeated random facts or bare explanations of the story. Maybe I just need some sort of analysis? 😅 but don't worry if you don't have the time
I feel so flattered you think of me as a UY-centered blog QuQ
I am gonna be brutally honest.
Lum is favored by her appearance by most of the youtube fandom. She is a girl with a bikini who loves hard and is loyal, she's a dream girl for every guy, lesbians, bisexuals and pansexuals.
Attraction and love can make people blind and the same can be say with hate.
I also had seen videos on Youtube and I hate how they put trash on Ataru's character, defining him as a poor and stupid loser who doesn't deserve perfect Lum.
First of all, let's not put this in the narrative speaking. Lum was a temporary character, Shinobu was Ataru's official and only love interest before Lum became the fan favorite and Rumiko was forced to make her the real love interest.
An option that I applaud because she added her in a believable way and developed her character.
Since you know how another character acted like that in her entry and still tries her best to force the protagonist to love her forcibly? Shampoo from Ranma 1/2.
She is a good character but she forces herself into Ranma too much and doesn't think about how he feels. That sounds so much like Lum in the first chapters.
Lum wasn't supposed to actually make Ataru fall in love with her right away. That's why she was acting like that and later had a change so she could fit better the story as a second protagonist.
Now with the narrative, it makes sense that Lum has a temper. She is a freaking ogre.
An alien one but still one.
She is not the perfect girl everyone pictures. She is insecure when it comes to Ataru's love for her that's why she gets jealous and craves his attention, she has also bad luck since when she tries her best sometimes her inventions cause more problems than anything. As Ran said once:
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Now, with her love to Ataru. She didn't fell in love with him right away.
She only accepted to marry him because he won and thought it was his wish. She only began to feel attracted to him when she spent time with him and when she noticed how he wasn't a bad character after all. Lum is starved for his affection because she knows he cares for her, if he didn't she could pretty sure have finished their things as she did with Rei.
She is smart and knows her value, she always is there to help and one of the things I love is that after their first chapter with Shinobu she doesn't blame the girls at all. She punishes Ataru because he is the one flirting, the other girls don't take him seriously. She doesn't blame them or tells them to stop seducing her Darling.
We can exclude Ran but that's because she at first wanted to steal Ataru's strength as vengeance for Lum stealing the guy she liked but later she just flirts with him to annoy Lum.
Also, can we say how much Lum supports Ran's relationship with Rei?! Even if they finished badly in their relationship Lum wants Ran to be happy because she is her friend and how much she wishes Rei to be over her.
Back to her love for Ataru, Lum is loyal to him and she can actually see how he truly is behind his search for attention. She decided to stay with him even with all his flaws and even if he triggered hers but they actually are having a good development knowing how proud Ataru is.
My love for Lum is more about how flawed and real her character feels. She is curious and knows when things are too absurd to even for her standards, she calls Ataru out when he does something stupid but she also does her best when she is in a mess she got herself into and does stupid things.
Also, she is a teenager, it's already hard to be one when you're feeling so many emotions when you're that age and she being an ogre...increasing those feelings more I think she deserves some slack in that department.
Lum is far from perfect and there is a lot of room for her to grow but that is what makes her more charming for me. She has a personality, has flaws but also many positive things.
She is the first female character that broke that "Every female love interest is a soft and motherly" stereotype that was a thing in the 70's.
Sure she may be a product of her time but she is still an amazing character nonetheless. Making room for more strong female characters as we know them today.
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ghostybreads · 11 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
hello!! i absolutely don't mind! this is such a cute question, i love talking about my interests 🥰 the top few are my absolute all time favourites, but otherwise no particular order! Put under a cut because I rambled a bit!
How to Train Your Dragon
I'm so so obsessed with this franchise, I'm not even sure where to start on why I love it. I actually have a toothless tattoo! and like, six toothless plushies that my friends and I call the council. The show race to the edge for it is one of my favourite parts, but nothing will top the first movie for me. There's just something so magical about it. It's truly beautiful, every time I watch it I genuinely feel like my heart is soaring <3 A lot of people don't know that the shows exist but I think they're so good and silly, they're such a comfort for me.
This is a manga I always end up going back to again and again. I'm sure people have put it better than i could, but it reflects a very real and flawed human experience (despite the vampires lol). It feels like each and every side character gets so much depth, and everyone has their own journey, and its a very sympathetic and nuanced with its antagonists. The main pair grow SO much as people over the course of the story, and they build up plot twists so fucking well, ive watched it unfold and still felt like it was all planned from the very beginning. Also has british vampire catboy who goes 'meow' in the most serious deep voice ever, my beloved.
The Legend of Zelda
I'm counting this as one because I feel this way about most of the games, they're all so special to me in different ways. Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom I've loved playing, I felt so immersed in the world in such little ways, and all the small interactions with the people in that world felt so real and made me care about it. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are also so incredible and such wonderful stories, and I have such a soft spot for Skyward Sword, idk I couldn't choose a favourite if I tried. I've loved them since I was a kid so its hard to pinpoint what exactly it is that draws me to them.
Jing Wei Qing Shang/Clear and Muddy Loss of Love
TOXIC LESBIANS. I fear that since i've read JWQS no sapphic media will ever be good enough for me again, its insane how perfectly to my taste it was. The main chara can telepathically communicate with horses in an otherwise normal non-fantasy world and there's no explanation or even plot necessity for it, its so perfect for me. Qiyan, the MC, has so much gender. She's a malewife, she's a pathetic boyfriend, she's a lesbian, she's a boygirl, she's everything. The premise is that Qiyan, in her quest for revenge, ends up accidentally in an arranged marriage to the daughter of her enemy. And despite falling in love with her, she continues with her revenge anyway, prepared for the love of her life to kill her with her own hands when its over. There's so much emotion on both sides, its overflowing love and hatred and anger and bitterness and affection all at once. It truly is a whole journey to get through and I've been a changed man since.
Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Another one I'm so batshit over that I don't know if any series will ever replicate. They're so insane. Shen Qingqiu's unreliable narration is so funny but also so fascinating to unpack, there's so much to read in what he doesn't say. It's so funny, but then when you think about what's really happening, it's kind of horrifying, there's this constant whiplash. The whole premise of one persons impact changing the story, the very narrative itself, is sooo important to me on so many levels. Bingqius dynamic is so incredible to me too, they're just so insane and so much fun to read. They've always stuck with me.
I LOVE MILGRAM it's a song story project told through music videos and audio dramas! The producer is one of my favourite artists, DECO*27, and every song is consistently a banger. Every character has such an interesting, nuanced story, and as the audience you're challenged to figure it out yourself based on the clues, and your interaction decides where the story goes. It's so much fun seeing a new MV come out and everyone come together to theorise and discuss. It's still ongoing, and very easy to get into, so I always recommend it! My favourite prisoner is Fuuta :)
Okay look. The question said favourite media, not explicitly media I thought was good. It is a show that is very very dear to my heart, and I think it fucking sucks after a certain point. The PREMISE is so so good, it had so much going for it on concept, and the characters carried it. I got so attached to them, I love their silly dynamics and they're so funny. I really do love the first few seasons, and I love the potential for what it could've been :') I very frequently text my best friend to rewrite parts of the lore.
That's 7 in detail, and the bonus additions are: Natsume's book of friends, good omens, and word of honour!
Thank you for asking!!! 💖💖💖 I don't think my thoughts were very comprehensive but I had fun, I hope they make some sense??
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shadowed-dancer · 2 years
Thoughts on Episode 119 (S6 E6)
Terrifying Toga, pensive pussycats, and a chilling chase. Let’s talk about it
Spoilers for the episode but nothing for the manga
This episode was very cool, but it was very much what I call “transitional”. It was more about setting up all the characters in place for the future, which is fine and extremely necessary, but aside from the reveal of Shigaraki having multiple quirks and him chasing Deku, nothing major really happened. Again though, we need episodes like this, so it works in the grand scheme of things
This isn’t isolated to this episode but I find it funny when heroes call Mt Lady “lady”. Same when Dabi called Mr Compress “Mister”. It makes me chuckle and idk why
That being said, Lady was gorgeous this episode
Toga’s scene was so cool! Loved the return of her music from MVA
The scene of Deku facing away with a bright light like how All Might was represented… yeah I liked that
A hero died named Funkman. FUNKMAN. I don’t know who that is but 10/10 name my dude. The heroes will never recover from this loss
Burnin’s hair was (sometimes) animated this episode. It makes me wonder how they decide when it will act like fire and when it won’t lol
They made the “down there” scene 10x scarier and I love it. You really feel the dread and gravity of the situation
They didn’t adapt the panel of Endeavor racing down towards Shigaraki while the villain stands with his cape blowing around all dramatically. I loved that panel and I know a lot of others did too. It doesn’t matter overall but it was a great visual blurring of who the hero and villain are
They didn’t include the volume-extra bonus scene of Gigantomachia picking up the villains but I’m holding out hope that they will put it next episode (since we will see the rest of the league next week!) it would actually flow better to have it next week, it just means my suspense must continue longer haha
Bakugo got a character card for the commercial break! I’m curious if they will change the name on it when he picks one since they usually put hero names
Speaking of character cards, I’m glad Shigaraki got his. I was curious if they would use his key art or the promo image they made for the villain radio show (since that’s what they put on his profile on the site), but it looks like they went with key art. They’ll probably do the same for Dabi, eh?
During the Bakugo flashback (specifically when he was thinking about All Might in Kamino) there was a really pretty track playing in the background. I don’t think we’ve heard it before, but I really liked it
They drew a new version of the “Deku following Bakugo” flashback where Deku is farther away. I’m glad. I remember someone once saying that each time we see the flashback Deku is further and further behind, so I’m happy someone on the animation team caught that and didn’t take the easy way out by reusing what they already have (especially if this ends up being important later)
I was never someone who was super offended by Bakugo’s added scenes early in the season, but I was nervous how they would affect this moment (him abandoning the evacuation). I think it’s fine, but I can definitely see someone reading this as him just wanting to fight a villain to prove he was better than being stuck on evacuation duty
Shigaraki’s right, Eraser Head IS so cool
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talkingbl · 2 years
Actually Unpopular BL Opinions pt. 2
So, people are doing this again.
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If you haven't seen my first Actually Unpopular BL Opinions, click here!
Since folks wanna do this again, I'll bite. Remember, these are just my opinion--opinions which are fluid and open to change as circumstances change. Anyway, here they are:
Jaechan acting in Semantic Error doesn't = queerbaiting.
I actually agree with folks that Bad Buddy got boring in the latter half of the story. Looking back at the second part of my post on Bad Buddy, I'm realizing that the latter half of the season was a subpar, lackluster, overly contrived, terribly paced mess. Stuff seemed to just happen for no reason and the chemistry started to waver a bit because of it I think. Now, I'm not one of those people who thinks Ohm and Nanon never had chemistry just because Nanon came out as straight (which, lmao to the idea of coming out as straight and also to those who thought he was anything but despite him constantly telling y'all he was only into women). But, I do think that at certain points their chemistry felt more platonic than romantic (but honestly this just added to the overall chemistry for me as I think most good couples have a friendly chemistry in addition to the romantic chemistry). I also want to be clear that I never really felt sexual chemistry between the two and I think that's why some people believe they lack chemistry.
Currently, the only 2 popular BL actors I ever want to hear sing again are Billkin and Jeff. Nunew might get a pass every now and again. Everyone else, kindly stop.
Most Japanese live-action BLs are not interesting in the slightest. Actually, I'll take this a step further and say most Japanese BL manga I've read aren't particularly interesting either. It's so strange too because I like certain anime (AOT, JoJo) but I just can't get into the BLs.
Even though I liked it, KinnPorsche is overrated. There, I said it. Now that I said it, let's be clear about something: KinnPorsche didn't 'fall off' like Bad Buddy the way people are claiming, nor is the acting, production, etc. egregiously bad. It is the plot that was extremely convoluted, had no real goal, and relied mainly on cheap/nonsensical plot twists, BL tropes, and sex in lieu of a coherent story. The story is somewhat like Check Out if Check Out was actually entertaining and well executed. But I don't wanna get into this one too deeply as I haven't done a write up on it yet.
Never Let Me Go looks like the best BL of 2022 (I don't consider Not Me 2022).
We Best Love is so incredibly difficult to get into. I don't feel the chemistry between the leads, I'm not sure what the storyline is, the acting isn't great, and the production isn't the crispy high quality I'm used to. Idk, I just don't get the hype.
Fish Upon The Sky is GMM's most all-around entertaining BL after Not Me and Theory of Love.
I don't know if I'm just letting his performance in Bad Buddy affect me, but I can't bring myself to watch anything with Jimmy in it. I am literally not watching Vice Versa because his acting style really bothers me.
Story-wise, Young Royals is better than any BL I've watched thus far ,with the exception of Not Me. I know this is the hottest take on planet earth, especially because I loved ITSAY, but understand I'm not saying overall it's the best, I'm saying the story/plot is the best combination of interesting and well executed.
Don't Say No wasn't good or interesting and the only thing that saved it was LeonPob. Actually, I have to do a write up on this one because I have much more than can reasonably fit here.
Heartstopper is for them kids. I tried episode 1 and just could not get into it. That doesn't mean it's bad, just that it's for them kids.
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kyoyaphilia · 2 years
The TokRev Plot Sucks- A Rant
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- These are just my opinions! Feel free to argue with them I don't mind listening to other perspectives. I just needed to say all this lmao.
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Okay! So TokRev is a pretty popular series, I myself have watched it and read the manga and am keeping up with it often- but I'll be honest, I really hate the series.
Initially, it was fun but the storyline was never something that really made you go- oh hell yeah this is great. In fact I find myself often thinking about how stupid it is.
Much of the plot is pretty pointless and the story just goes in random ways to suit a specific plan ig?
I think the only reason people do enjoy it at all is the same as for me, the characters are really interesting/hot/daddy/imsosorrylmao.
Now let me explain what points in the plot actually bother me:
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1 • The Main Plot
So the story begins with Takemitchy traveling back in time to save his ex-gf from dying.
While it's understandable that you would go save someone once so dear to you if you had the chance..... BRO- CHANGING THE PAST HAS CONSEQUENCES, ARE YOU REALLY GONNA GO THROUGH THAT FOR YOUR DEAD EX WHO YOU BROKE UP WITH LIKE 10 YEARS AGO? I get you're miserable and broke and all... But the amount of drive he had for this goal which feels really pointless just bothers me.
2 • The Plot Armour
Do I even need to explain this? The amount of plot armour in this story is SO annoyingly obvious ㅠㅠ
To begin- we have the MC Takemitchy who is this weak ass lil boy who gets his ass kicked all the time but apparently has never been to the hospital or gotten killed despite the amount of blood he loses and critical hits he takes ....what?
Then we have the much ignored case of Shinichiro- who died after being hit in the head with a metal pipe by a child. On the other hand, Draken the Great is still up and running even after being hit in the head with a bat, was it? During the attempt on his life by Valhalla and Peh Yan. So somehow, Draken survived and still got up to fight later, but Shinichiro died instantly? Shinichiro was weak, but no kind of strength helps you survive a fatal hit in the head. Especially for a half bald guy like Draken Vs fluffy haired Shinichiro (yes that matters). It's just so confusing.
And the character with the strongest plot armour, The Invincible Mikey. Somehow, despite almost always being a whole foot shorter and 3× lankier than his opponents, bro manages to beat their ass with ease and even if he gets hit it just doesn't affect him...? Wierd, huh.
Other than that plot armour protects like, half of Toman and all of Takemitchy's friends.
3 • Dark Impulses???
I cannot be the only one utterly confused over the dark Impulses thing.
What the heck are they? Why is it such a big deal? Was the time leaping not enough of a fantasy element for the story?
I think we can agree that dark Impulses is a sugar coated way to say "mentally ill and a borderline serial killer"
4 • Takemitchy and his friends
So, these so-called delinquents, constantly get their ass beaten but- for some reason can't protect themselves. Also, MC Takemitchy makes it his goal to be Toman's top member despite how weak he is.
The obvious solution to him and his friends' problems... Learn to fight, you dimwits? Wanna be Toman's top member, be strong enough for the title. Wanna be free from being absolutely destroyed by everyone you fight... Learn to fight, hit the gym, idk- something?
Literally don't understand why they don't do this pls.
5 • Senju
This is a little unpopular but, I hate Senju. She had SO much potential as a character but it was absolutely crushed.
She was considered one of the three deities but still couldn't beat her brother- Sanzu? And is revealed do be low-key weak cuz she was strengthened by her team's support- but a few chapters later we're talking about her being OP as heck and hiding her true strength? For what reason?
Plus, she feels like a filler character cuz she's so poorly written. Instead of making her strong and admirable she was made to just act so, when she really isn't the shit. It's very disappointing cuz I really thought her character could be so much better if it was just slightly tweaked.
6 • The Plot Was Dragged after Kisaki's Death
I think his death should have ended the story, it was the initial main goal and he really carried the plot. The story easily could have ended in a satisfying way at this point but of course Mikey needs therapy so he'll take the plot to hell until he gets it?
Would have been a great and relieving ending at this point.
7 • Kisaki's Boring Backstory
.. so, love huh?
WASN'T HE LIKE, A CHILD??? WHY ARE YOU SUCH A SIMP? Pls his backstory was just, not giving what it was supposed to give.
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So those are my main reasons for disliking Tokyo Revengers' storyline. No hate to Ken Wakui, I'm sorry if this offends anyone! The show is still fun to watch, just not for the plot. As I said before, most of the characters are really interesting and make the series worth watching/reading.
Also- imma predict the ending real quick cuz I think that Takemitchy and the second time leaper (that's probably Hanma) or some other important character are gonna activate the final time leap farrrr back and that's gonna fix everything completely and like half- if not all of the dead characters, will come back and everything will be great.
But I feel there's a 50/50 chance this ends in some tragedy, like everyone dies and Mikey survives, or quite the opposite where Mikey dies but everyone else survives and is happy.
Idk bro, we'll see.
Until next time!
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fyodorkitkat · 2 months
do u have thoughts on what beast flavoured fyodor is like?
Similar to main manga Fyodor imo! Though there are things that would affect him differently I think? Without the challenge that is an ADA Dazai that might change things for him, but I wonder if he would just be more sure of his plans or maybe a little more bored as time goes on? I know it was only added into the movie, but when he watches Dazai die and learns about the nature of their universe he does not even seem that surprised despite talking like this is new information to him, but also says the next thing to do or whatever is to take out Atushi and Akutagawa because too many people can't know about it or things will become unstable. So he seems just as ruthless as he is not in beast. But why does he care about that?
If I think about it too long it does make me wonder if he would come to the conclusion that he can't effect things within this "story" the same way as the other him that he has to assume exists could, that the book he could obtain in his universe isn't the same as "the Book". I don't do great with multiverse shit or explanations it gets confusing for me so I won't go too far into that I'll just confuse myself. But, idk if he would be one to give up or lament. Or just obtain even more information to try and solve things?
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