#if N doesn't have the evil little mustache </3
ccarrot · 9 months
you know when stormbringer inevitably gets animated and professor N's design doesn't look like MY professor N design I WILL be heartbroken
scratch that. if ANY of the undesigned stormbringer characters don't look the way I think they look. I will be heartbroken
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mdhwrites · 9 months
So, any theories on what Sasha's parents are like? Like I doubt they were perfect considering Sasha's behavior (remember when she outright stated in True Colors that she was okay never going back home and having zero problem with smashing the box, plus the fact she never shows signs of missing them even after her redemption in season 3). And considering how other redemptions are with their flawed relationship with family like Pacifica on Gravity Falls, Amity and Hunter on Owl House, Andrea on Ghost & Molly McGee, Zuko on Avatar the Last Airbender, Eddy on Ed Edd n Eddy, Catra on She Ra 2018, Lena on DuckTales 2017, Ludo on Star vs the Forces of Evil, and Helga on Hey Arnold, it's hard to believe Sasha had the best relationship with her parents. Granted Sunset Shimmer from the MLP FiM spin off Equestria Girls is a redemption character who also never had her family brought up or ever had an onscreen reason for why she was an evil and mean bully in the first movie (aside from probably just being an arrogant power hungry spoiled brat) so maybe Sasha's kinda like her in a sense too.
So this is a question I actually LOVE. There's a LOT you can glean off of a parent by their kid in general, let alone with any references to them. However... Them being redeemed doesn't always say anything about their relationship. Hell, for Amity since you listed her and I can comment, the speed of her redemption versus how much of a mustache twirling villain Odalia is ACTIVELY CONTRADICT EACH OTHER. It's REALLY bad.
Sasha's redemption says literally fuck all about her parents. Mostly because they don't mean anything to Sasha. Very little means anything to Sasha besides herself and her two best friends. Arguably not even Marcy.
The rest of her context to being willing to see the box destroyed and not return is critical here because she does actually explain herself. "Why rule a school when I can rule a world?" Her priority is self aggrandizing. It's not about freedom and it's not about safety. In fact, Sasha has cared very little for other's freedoms or her own safety. What matters is that Sasha is winning. Even Battle of the Bands made it clear that she is used to doing whatever it takes to be on top and getting her way.
Which to me doesn't mean abusive parents like you want to imply just through saying a lot of other shows did the trope of blaming abusive parents for bad behavior... It just means parents who thought the best way to make their daughter happy was to never tell her no. They let her live a life that had no consequences and where she didn't have to worry because if she skipped school or needed fifty bucks for gal pal time, they'd give it to her. This fits a lot more with Sasha's arc too because her arc has nothing to do with rebelling against her parents. She CHOSE to be a bad person. To not care about others. It's only by realizing that what she does hurt people with her actions and deciding they matter that she becomes a better person.
And to me, that's MUCH more compelling than trying to scapegoat what someone does onto their parent. It's not like everyone is evil just because their parents are shit. It devalues their choices as a character and is honestly a trope I'd like to see LESS. Or, bare minimum, not have standing up to their parent be like flipping a switch and making them automatically a good person because those scars last and their parents couldn't have made them do EVERY bad thing they did. Just look at Amity who decided "I'm going to make my ex-friend's life hell for YEARS despite only having to tell her we're not friends anymore to make my parents happy." That's not her parent's fault, that's her decision to be a monster.
At some point, the blame is on you for what you do. Narratively, for me, that's also more compelling and satisfying because it means you are the only one to blame for your gains too. People always have the choice to do good. It's their decision if it's too much work or relies on caring about others too much.
That to me is what makes Sasha so compelling and why anyone who wanted to see her parents I think are just asking for a categorically weaker story.
I didn't mean for the two blogs to be on a theme today but I decided on this anyways since I had both typed up. For anyone curious why I thought the previous one was dumb but this one was fun, it's simple: One asked if it belonged in the narrative. This one is just nice old character analysis.
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sailingintothenight · 4 years
“WANNABE.” T.H. Imagine.
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And what if after years of chasing each other like a cat and mouse, you and Tom started to wonder if you wanna be something else in each other's life?
A/N: I am posting a one shot after weeks of writer's block. I hope you like it. It's 9:30 pm in Peru and it's still April 28, so it's still my birthday! Give it a try. Pleaseeeeee! And yes, I borrowed a scene from Mean Girls (Because I loveeee that movie)
“Hello God, it's me again, (y/n). What's up? I know we haven't talked much lately, but, hey, listen, I have a favor to ask you- I have behaved well, I haven’t gotten drunk at any crazy party of any Hollywood star and I haven't accepted drugs, ever: I'm afraid my grandmother will appear in my room as a ghost and pull my blankets in the middle of the night, plus, I haven't make out with any Stone-cold Hollywood hottie, and trust me, I've had more than one chance. Anyway, about the favor–”
"Yes, but (y/n)'s grandfather invited us to his birthday party..."
Tom's voice startles you and cuts off your internal dialogue, turning you back to the reality.
It’s 6 am. The sun shines in the clear sky, and you are on a flight back to England in a luxury privet jet that is about to arrive at the airport, while Haz, Harry, Tom and you are sitting in comfortable velvety seats, with the view of morning sky on your left side. 
The exciting memory of your last recording still seemed to run through your veins, too exciting to let you sleep. Because that was the end, the goodbye after incredible months. All your efforts from the past months were hidden behind that last performance that looked like a fantasy, except for the kiss, ugh, you had to erase it from your mind. But now, you're going back home, ready to take a break away from the set-up bridge and blue and green backgrounds, away from the makeup artists who gave your face the final touches of the magic of Hollywood, far from the suit of a superhero who had just won her last battle and who got the cute boy, Peter Parker.
But not far away from Tom Holland.
Because evil takes a human form in Tom Holland, your lifelong neighbor.
How do you even begin to explain Tom Ho– Stop, people say that if you pronounce his name 3 times a curse falls on you.
But fans say Tom Holland is flawless, you heard his curly hair is insured for 10,000 dollars, his favorite movie is “Spider-man Homecoming”, duh, and very soon, “far from home”. One time he met Robert Downey Jr. in his own village and he started hyperventilating, and once he threw a fan's phone on the floor and she said it was awesome.
"Please don't tell me you're going to his birthday party." You complain, because you can't help it.
"Would that bother you that much, darling?" Tom smiles, tilting his head back so that his tender smile fits perfectly with his tender face. “Then of course I will go. Also, your grandfather still has the hope his granddaughter would get a man like me.”
"Ew. Why would my dear grandfather want me to be with someone who enjoys keeping a frog in his mouth?" You ask, earning yourself an Oscar for best actress with the innocence you exude and the seriousness you manage to put on your face, even when Tom's eyes narrow from the attack you just launched, while, enjoying the show, his friend and his younger brother laughs, shaking heads with a familiar expression on their faces because of the familiar discussion between you and him that happens, every two or three days. "Seriously, Tom, give the poor Henry a break."
"Henry?" Tom asks with real confusion, his accent thick, while the other male voices ask it in a collective whisper too.
"I named your frog Henry, hope it doesn't bother you." And you laugh, victorious to feel how Tom exhales the air through his nose.
“Seriously, (y/n), when will you confess that you are in love with me? You don't have to be so shy, darling.” Tom laughs too, using his finger to tap your nose, because he knows perfectly well that you don't like that, just as you don't like being called darling anymore. “Ray is a wise man, you should listen to your grandfather."
"Yes, if you like skinny ones."
"I'm not skinny. I have the perfect body.” Tom defends himself.
"For now, but in a couple of years you will named your big belly as your dad does after drinking with mine." You laugh like a little girl because you love Dom, because he's warm and funny, because he loves his wife and children, and because of how funny he is when he and your dad have had too much alcohol, like the time they started a cartwheel contest in the middle of the street. "Who's there? It's Dom Junior.”
"Shut up! My dad is still sexy!” A heavy silence falls over the small place as everyone looks at Tom with furrowed brows and true confusion, but that's when he realizes the choice of words he used to refer to his dad. "That's not what I meant!"
You raise your hands in a sign of peace, your gaze avoiding his as you stop yourself from laughing and mocking him.
"That's so wrong, Tom." Harry says, with a certain bittersweet taste on the tip of his tongue. "Now because of you I won't be able to see dad's belly the same way."
Harry and Haz chuckle at Dom's expense.
But when the jet landed smoothly on the headlight-lit runway in the early hours of the morning, the heavy hours from the past months feels now as if they weighed the same as a feather, pain and exhausting sleepless nights disappeared in the blink of an eye, and now, there is no oceans that could make you feel far away, because in the end, you always came back home.
"Besides..." You say to finish that conversation, your backpack on your shoulder before making the victory path towards the stairs to get off the plane. "I would like a boyfriend who can grow a mustache, not like the failed attempt on your face. Thank you very much."
"Hey!" Tom frowns as you pass him by, and his voice rises even higher than it already is. "My doctor says it's just a hormone problem."
"Damn, bro..." Harry laughs as he puts an arm around Tom's shoulder, giving him a brotherly hug before walking out to the car waiting outside. “(Y/n) will be hard to catch, you know? But try it, maybe you will make it in this century."
Harry laughs, and then, walks out of the plane.
"What does that mean?" Tom asks Harrison, who is still waiting by his side.
"I think he meant that you are in love with (y/n), but you haven't noticed it yet."
Harrison chuckles, but after patting Tom on the back, he rushes to place a hand on his best friend's shoulder to stop him.
“Hey, mate… you, uh…” Tom's eyes soften, almost to the point where his brown eyes resembled the gaze of a little 5-year-old boy, sad, and lost. “You haven't told anyone why we came back, right?”
“Of course not.” Harrison says, and his gaze smiles just like his lips. “Don’t worry about anything, okay? We are home, you are home. You can take the time you need to rest.”
Tom nods, unsure, but tries to be strong as they both get off the plane. 
The gray autumn clouds hang with invisible strings in the sky as Tom Holland, actor, handsome, wealthy, and the loneliest person in the world, releases a deep breath that is lost among the sounds of the world, because his world is no longer sparkling or velvety thanks to the cameras or a red carpet, and while his new movie is a box office hit that never in his best dreams he would have imagined, something wasn't right for him.
That’s why he is back home.
The car ride is silent as some sleep, except you and Tom, because your eyes seem to recognize the streets you grew up in, because your hearts recognize your home. But for Tom, he recalls tilting his body to the left and a camera captured his best actor pose a week ago, but since then, his body has felt null, as if floating in the air and no longer responding to his orders. He was crystal clear, but a few people seemed to see clearly through him. Tom tries to convince himself that the tickling in his hands is his body's response to tiredness and not his anxiety, because he suffers it too, but he feels that something is eating his soul.
"Are you okay, Tom?"
Among a sea of ​​people, Tom Holland has always pretended to be an interesting person, but now, he takes a deep breath and looks at you, nervous, lost in the middle of that huge world, but you, looking back at him gives him peace, because he doesn’t feel alone anymore. 
What did you think? That someone is interested in knowing if you are really okay? Of course they care, right?
“Of course, darling.” Tom smiles, as if in a snap of fingers, everything is fine.
But there, he catches a movement of yours.
You tilt your head to the side, like his beloved Tessa when she is curious about something, but he doesn't say it out loud because you would take it the wrong way, but the movement in slow motion worthy of a Hollywood scene and the serenity of your gaze makes Tom hold his breath, that breath that previously didn't fit his chest with so many problems that he carried inside.
But suddenly he can breathe again, finally.
The minutes pass until the car stops on a street that you two recognize perfectly. When everyone is out, the car leaves, but because your favorite boys are about to leave, too, you hug everyone as the promise to celebrate Harrison's birthday next week hangs in the air. You love them so much, because they are beautiful people who helped you to save yourself from the storms of doubts and fears, each of them in their own charming way, and for that, you were grateful.
"My friend Danielle is coming so I would like you to meet her, Haz." You chuckle adorably before leaving, noting that Harrison's smile is as real as his desire to meet her.
"I'm looking forward to it, darling."
"Wait, why he can call you darling?" Tom says, and for a second, you see a sparkle in the brightness of his eyes, but as the door of his house opens and his beloved Tessa runs to receive him, the confusion disperses like the morning haze.
"There she is the only darling you will ever get, Thomas."
And the moment you turn around, because the door of your house opens too, you lose sight of Tom's honest smile and the question that he hides behind his sweet eyes. Was he in love with you all this time without realizing it? And what if he wanna be your boyfriend? 
Oh, right. The favor that you were going to ask God for? To get you a boyfriend, a cute one, a hot one... maybe like Tom. Weird, isn't it?
Tag list: @galaxies-of-the-heart​
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kitcat-italica · 4 years
Headcanon/Theory about Crowley's hair:
The longer it is, the more relaxed he is. The shorter it is, the more stressed he is.
Let's break it down:
1. Eden:
Hair length: not just shoulder-length, but CURLY.
Stress level: Snek boi just got his new body! And his first job, which he didn't fuck up! Baby is ready to tempt and explore this brave new world! What could possibly go wrong!
2. The Ark:
Hair length: e v e n l o n g e r t h a n E d e n. Little braids in there. An absolute Glamour Look™
Stress level: honey was having a good day! Wandering around with God's chosen people, causing trouble, sipping date wine without a care in the world! Then he sees that gorgeous angel he talked to all those years ago and his day just got 1000% better! (Hello, Aziraphale!!!) Look how happy this demon is!
(Until he finds out the Ark is being built because the world's gonna flood. But he didn't know that when he was doing his weave that morning!)
3. Golgotha
Hair length: still long, but hidden behind her hood
Stress level: things are technically going well for Hell (the supposed Messiah is being executed), but she's pretty somber about it. The minute she leaves, honey is getting a stress haircut.
4. Rome
Stress level: he's been disillusioned by humans after this long, and to top it all off, he's on assignment to corrupt Caligula. He's damn near close to burnout at this point. Someone give him some oysters and friendly banter pls
5. Wessex
Hair length: unknown. Fucking helmet.
Stress level: unknown. On one hand, he's camping with his ruffian friends making Dramatic Evil Speeches at whoever crosses their path. On the other hand, he'd rather stay home rather than do all this work for nothing. Plus, it's cold and damp. Ew.
6. Globe Theatre
Stress level: back to low! Babe is comfortable again! England's in a golden age, he's not seeing the horrors of the 14th century anymore! And perhaps most significantly, he's been seeing Aziraphale more often due to the Arrangement. Seeing your friend often reduces stress levels! Danger? Uncertainty? Stress? Who is she???
7. Bastille
Hair level: probably sort of long, but it's kept close from all those wig roll things
Stress level: I swear to Satan, angel, if you put your neck literally on the line just because you want to flirt with me in a prison cell, I will withhold crepes from you for an entire week—
8. Victorian England
Hair length: short again
Stress levels: high again. Sweetie is taking the threat to their relationship seriously now. He's got to ask for the equivalent of enriched uranium from his Best Friend, and then Best Friend says no. And they actually fight. Stressed demon is stressed :(
9. The Blitz
Hair length: short. Dapper, but short.
Stress level: It's WW2. He's got to walk over consecrated ground. The last time he saw Aziraphale, they had a pretty bad argument. Who wouldn't be stressed?
10. 1967
Hair length: slightly longer than the last time we saw him. Still relatively short by Crowley standards.
Stress level: Less than before, because 1. It's not WW2 anymore, and 2. He gets to plan a fun little heist! Being all sneaky, creating elaborate plans, looking like A Cool Mysterious Person! But, it's all so he can get holy water so he can protect himself from fellow demons, so life is not all demonic sunshine and rainbows.
11. Disco era
Hair length: still short by Crowley standards, but now we have THE MUSTACHE
Stress level: Honey is starting to just Let. Go. Gotta make a presentation to Hell? Who cares! Gotta move some markers across the field at night? Where's my Fuck Shit Up jacket! I'm gonna dance terribly with Hastur and Ligur with a giant pin in front of a Technicolor CGI backdrop, and everyone else just has to fucking DEAL WITH IT. Nothing can stop me now. I am ferocious. I am sex on legs. I am Tony With The Stache
12. 2008
Stress level: He's been having a good few decades. He's got his holy water insurance in a safe. He's got his intricate plans to fuck with London. He's got his best friend back. He's got an outfit that slays. He is living. His. Best. LIFE.
13. Nanny Ashtoreth
Hair length: getting down to his shoulders again! Baby is using conditioner daily, and it shows. He stops traffic with that bright red shine!
Hair length: pulled back and curled, but he lets it down when he reports to Hell.
Stress level: torn between confidence that the plan will work, and worry that it won't. Still, stress won't stop him from serving looks on a double-decker bus!
14. Armageddon Week
Hair length: short, but with its little floof on top.
Stress level: It's the end of the world we're talking about! He's gonna have to either hope his plan worked (it didn't), kill the kid to save the world (which he's not thrilled about), or fuck off the entire planet and leave behind the world he's fallen in love with (which...how sad is that?). This poor demon might as well change his name to Anthony S Crowley, because Stress is now his middle name :(
15. South Downs cottage
Stress level: He's got a quiet little retirement home by the sea. He gets to choose how to spread his brand of mischief. He gets to live with his best friend and love of his life!
Stress who? Never met her. He's too busy being So Goddamn Relaxed it should be illegal.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 6 years
Some RT Animated Villains and Their Rankings (in my opinion):
O'Malley: The original Bad Boy™, every RT Villain's grandfather, and deserves all of our respect and appreciation. Or maybe not, but I'm giving it to him anyway. 12/10
Dr. Leonard Church: Sadman Deadwife. Handsome silver fox, but also cliche as Hell and I'd fight him in a parking lot. After kissing him. Also I'm avoiding putting Freelancers on the list just because they were all working for him, so I'm counting everything they did as his fault (also the list already has enough RvB villains). 8/10
Malcolm Hargrove: Rich white asshole who has too much time and money on his hands. 4/10
Aiden Price: Smart, puts up with too much bullshit while also providing too much bullshit of his own. Has very pretty eyes. 8/10
Felix McScouty/Isaac Gates/Garbage Weasel Boy/Tangerine Waffleiron: Wonderful trash boy. Stabs a lot. Looks like a fucking ferret and is the absolute worst. 10/10 but don't tell him, he doesn't need the ego boost.
Locus/Samuel Ortez: Handsome bug man. The writing with him isn't perfect, but I still enjoy seeing him every time he's on screen. Also his appearances in s15 and interactions with Grif were great. 10/10
Terrence Ephemera Sharkface: A good shark boy. Was killed too soon and I'm bitter. 9/10
Mark Temple: Wishes he was as cool as Felix, but the super cliched parts of his character are fun. Also the murder fridge thing was...horrifying. 6/10
Roman Torchwick: A fun garbage candle boy. Loved his design and character. Apparently tasty to griffons. 9/10
Neo: Wicked little ice cream girl. I'm so fucking WEAK for that color scheme and I'd let her murder me. SHE'S SO CUTE !!!!! 13/10
Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black: GARBAGE KIDS !! I LOVE THE GARBAGE KIDS !! 10/10 for both of them
Adam Taurus: Friendzoned meninist and a fucking garbage asshole (not even in a fun way). Can someone just KILL HIM ALREADY??? 1/10
Cinder Fall: The worst.....but also the best.....Love that garbage fire girl. Even if she did THAT THING WE ALL HATED. FUCK HER FOR THAT. 8/10 which would have been a perfect score if it hadn't been for THAT THING. THAT FUCKING THING.
Salem: Big n' Scary witch wife. Love it. 9/10
Salem's Team: Don't care that much about Watts or Tyrian. Hazel is big n' buff and I like that. 7/10 with Hazel getting at least five of those points.
Cardin Winchester: Oh, right, he existed. 1/10
Jacques Schnee: Horrible. 0/10
Xray and Vav:
The Corpirate: One big pun and I love it. Only wish the show could have lasted longer so we could have seen him become the Yarrrgarita. 10/10
The Mad King: Perfect, wonderful, evil, attractive. Everything about him was amazing. He puts cows in holes. He's based on Ryan. I'd let him kill me. 20/10.
Camp Camp:
Cameron Campbell: Also another rich, old asshole with too much time and money on his hands. At least he has hair and a sweet mustache. I'd still kick his ass. 4/10
Daniel: Just a cult joke. No real personality that hasn't already been done by the other villains listed above. Though he does have an amazing villain song, and animation within the song to match, and is actually pretty terrifying. Also kills kids, which is VERY villainous. 5/10
Jen: Had one line and she already stole my heart. I'd actually let her steal my heart literally if she wanted to. 30/10 because I'm love girls
The Woodscouts: Bunch of losers who take selling popcorn too seriously. 3/10
The Flowerscouts: Also a bunch of losers but they're funnier. Also cookies are better than popcorn. 4/10
Sex Swing:
I completely forgot about that show and its villain. He had a twin I think? I don't know, XaV was better. 0/10
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