#if you can't already tell this is my favourite meme format
madrewrites · 2 years
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philcoulsonismyhero · 1 month
@squireofgeekdom tagged me in a 'share the titles of your WIPs and let people ask you about them' meme, and I was actually thinking about doing something like that anyway with the various original comics ideas I've got going at the moment, so I'm bending the rules slightly and giving you a little bit more than just the titles:
No Place For A Doctor - a short (24 pages) backstory comic for my beloved old DnD character Sam Harnendil, featuring his days as a conscripted army surgeon and how he accidentally got cleric powers from yelling at a god for not doing her job. This is the one I'm currently thumbnailing, which is exciting, because it's starting to resemble an actual comic
The Woodsman And The Wolf - a queerplatonic fairytale-ish thing about a woodsman and the injured traveller he finds in the woods one day who, spoilers but not really, turns out to be a werewolf. It's a story about monsters and what makes one and I'm very attached to it, and I'm currently at the stage of turning a pretty thorough outline into something resembling a script
Untitled space hero thing - a shorter thing, hopefully, that came about from bouncing some of my favourite mentor-mentee relationship tropes off of Captain Marvel. The space-disaster equivalent of a firefighter crash lands on Earth and ends up teaming up with an engineering student in order to save the planet and maybe herself in the process. Still needs the plot properly outlined after a certain point, but it's got Themes already (grief, mostly, and new beginnings and letting people back in)
Red Shift Blue Shift - beloved long-in-development sci-fi webcomic project with @yourfriendlyneighborhoodenby, which you can find a bunch more about over on the blog we made for the project @redshiftblueshiftcomic. We've got a bunch of short character backstory comics at various stages of figuring out that I really want to actually make this year, as well as finally getting together a proper script for Chapter 1, which is about saving a sentient generation ship from unscrupulous scavengers
Untitled gay detective thriller - this one spontaneously manifested in my brain the other day in the format of a movie, but I can't make those so now it's a comic I guess. It's a serial killer investigation starring a police detective who used to be a spy, whose life gets increasingly complicated as he starts to suspect the killer is someone from his past, who may even be trying to frame Our Hero for the murders... Also he's gay, because action-y crime thriller heroes so rarely are, and his partner is a forensic pathologist working on the same case. Still just broad strokes for now, but getting places, and something of an exercise in writing something that fits into quite a specific genre But Gay This Time
I'm very much in the mood for talking about any and all of these, so send me a title and I'll tell you a bit more about that one! (Or ask specific questions if you've got them, that's also good!) You might also get some character design doodles or panel thumbnails for some of them...
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Besto friendo!! Good evening!
I'll share with you my recipes, just give me time to translate them because, as you can imagine, they are all in Spanish! Unless you want to try and read them like that! Tell me what works better for you!
I absolutely love playing carts!! But I also love other games like board games, specially trivia games (is this term ok?).
OMG WENDY, I've looked for what Spanakopita is and I've just realised it is a really common food here! We call it "tarta de verdura" (mind you, verdura is a really broad term which includes vegetables such as spinach, chard, corn, zucchini and more). Actually, we ate that last night. Unfortunately, there isn't any Greek festival round here! There used to be a festival with different countries delegations where you can eat food from each country, but because of the pandemic, it has been cancelled since then!
Is he the same dog from the previous photo you sent me? I can't believe it!!! He looks so fierce! But he is still such a cute boyyy! 💙🐶
My favourite food is ✨ICE-CREAM✨. I'm deeply, madly and absolutely in love with 🍨! If I had to choose my last meal, it would surely be ice-cream! Pasta and my mother's home-made pizza are in second place!
Then, about the memes, where do I start? I follow a lot of profiles on Instagram! I enjoy puns a lot. I also like classical art and literature memes. And there is this page which uploads some memes about language! I found it really funny and informative about other languages characteristics! I like the ones which are called "curse image". Idk if they are memes but they are fun! And of course I like pop culture and anime-based memes! I like a lot of things, you see! But if I had to choose only one, I think I would choose the ones about literature! I like how some people is so clever to mock book characters so fine that I laugh until I'm wheezing!
What about you? What memes do you like? Also, what is your favourite carts/ board game? And, how was your day?
With love,
P.s: I hope you can see the pages I attached on the words! Sorry if you can't. I'm not used to using hyperlinks 😔😣
First of all, those meme pages??? I follow ALL of those already! we must be best friends because we like the same *THINGS*! Also, to answer your questions: I love solitaire, and Scrabble for board games. And my day was okay. We've had some rough situations that have been popping up lately, but I'm taking time to rest and not overdoing the writing or the working.
You can send the recipes in any format you want; I can try my best to read them or hound my neighbor who speaks Spanish! Either way, I would super excited to see what you've got.
You did use the terms correctly! I understood everything you said perfectly, and your English is (again) very, very good. I'm sorry to hear about your festivals, but I hope they will return soon! There's nothing more exciting than going to mingle with other people from different cultures, which is why my family makes it a point to travel as much as we can. I love learning about other cultures and being exposed to different ways of living.
(In Norwegian, they are: pasta, pizza, and ris, respectively.) I have a major love affair with pizza. Pepperoni pizza with *garlic butter crust* is the BEST. Just shove it in my mouth whole, thank you.
And yes, that is the Bupster (buppy, bubby, Sebastian, Bash, Nuggy, Bug-Nug, Stinky Booty, Tormentus [but only when he's really trying to kill us] and various other names we come up with on the spot). He has so many names but only responds to a few that he likes. Tormentus is not one of those.
Do you have other names for your pupper? What flavor of ice cream do you like? Have you had pistachio ice cream? What about gelato?Do you have a favorite fruit?
Can't wait to hear from you!
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