#ihw au
the-fiction-witch · 2 years
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I was so angry! I wandered around our house for the sixteenth time today going and checking the sofa, checking the table, the windowsill, the mantle going to the porch and checking everywhere possible, I checked all through the kitchen and all through the laundry room. I had turned this damn house upside down looking for them but still, I can't find them, I can't even remember where I left them.
"Hello Isaac" y/n smiled as she hurried down the stairs having had her shower and got dressed going into the kitchen to make her usual cup of tea
"Hello, dear,"
"Rearranging I see?" she giggled having seen everything I had done in my search
"No" I sighed "You haven't seen them have you?"
"seen what?" she asked
"My glasses"
"Your glasses?"
"Yeah I've turned the house upside down looking for them but I can't find them"
"Isaac" she giggled
"Isaac. you're wearing your glasses" she giggled
"you're wearing your glasses Isaac" she giggles taking my glasses off my face giving my nose a kiss and then returning my glasses for me "Better now?"
"Yes. thank you, dear"
"Your welcome" she smiled hurrying back to the kitchen for her tea
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lawrinlewis · 6 days
sure, my fic can have some antagonistic yet meaningful mafurui friendship. as a treat
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inhushedwhispershp · 1 year
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tw : harry potter, guerre, violences, dictature, expériences, contrôle des naissances et des unions. Bonjour à tous, On est ravis de vous présenter notre projet, IHW. Inspiré de l'univers d'Harry Potter et saupoudré d'un peu d'Hunger Games, l'Attaque des Titans, Under the dome, GO, Squid Game... KEYWORDS : Dystopie ; Huis-clos ; Chute du monde sorcier ; Île de Skye ; Guerre et reconstruction ; 80' ; Clans et familles ; Nouveau monde ; Contrôle ; Extinction ; Expérimentations (tbc) PLOT : Dans une Grande-Bretagne où la plus terrible des chasses aux sorciers a condamné la maigre population magique à s'exiler sur l'Île de Skye sans accès à des terres extérieures, la vie se fait de plus en plus difficile. Capacité chérie en voie d'extinction depuis la révélation au grand jour du secret magique, ils se voient doucement disparaître au profit des moldus. Leur existence n'en est que plus torturée sous la menace d'actions liberticide pour assurer leurs survies. Comment résisteront-ils à l'enfermement, la dictature qui se dessine depuis plusieurs années et la reconstruction douloureuse d'une terre où tout est à repenser ?
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exrthwalker · 6 years
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took some cool pics in Byron s/o to my homie
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dreadfutures · 2 years
fic idea for anyone who wants it
(if they are already out there plz rec ‘em. and if there are those out there already, i hope people make more)
was doing nominations for the @/arlathanxchange and then began brainstorming with @rosella-writes and others in the dragon age fanfiction writing server:
premise: time travel au back to the Dalish Kingdom during Ameridan’s era. averting (or failing to avert) the Exalted March upon the Dales.
pitch: as an elvhenan au writer i understand why that’s a fun time to write about--we just have more to go off of. But consider: Fade Hunters rooting out maleficar, High Priests of the Dalish Gods running massive temples and honing crafts whose art has been passed down in secret by generations, Emerald Knights and their wolf Guardians, and the political intrigue of trying to figure out how to avert the most significant historical event since Andraste’s death.
without the fall of the dales, Orlais’s main route to make its Ferelden land grab is cut off. Rivain and Antiva’s Orlesian Chantry influence is likely nixed. Anti elven sentiment everywhere is massively different, because the racism promoted by the Chantry to justify the land grab wouldn’t have worked and elves would have a place where they are free, as an example to the world. Teachings on magic all over the world would be less harsh.
the face of thedas would be changed.
possible entry points:
A Lavellan, having just met Ameridan, chases his memories through the Frostback Basin and falls through a time rift like the ones that appeared around the Hinterlands right before IHW.
OC can go back in time to specifically help Ameridan defeat Hakkon, thus allowing him to return to the Dales and implore them & Drakon/Drakon’s son to not be expansionist. (Living Ameridan!)
OC can help convince the Avvar to join the war against the Darkspawn (thanks Windwalker for the idea) since the Hakkonites want a war. Dragon v. Dragon, anyone
OC can go back in time even earlier and work their way up through being an Emerald Knight or become a cleric to gain political influence to make their moves
OC could influence the events of Red Crossing to bridge racial divides and avert the powder keg moment that started the exalted march
OC could commit assassinations and stuff and make it a war between tevinter & orlais or orlais & nevarra instead
other bonuses:
emerald knight OC can get the OP sulevin blade and i love a two-handing elf
especially an elf with a wolf companion
develop what a Dalish priesthood looks like (because we know there were High Priests of June, etc)
seekers of truth! seekers of truth!
fade hunters!
enough emerald knights to eventually create the vallasdahlen forest ! what a sight to behold!
probably eluvians tbh
the dalish architecture!
maybe some encounters with ancient elves on the border of the arbor wilds :O
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queen-scribbles · 6 years
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World State:
--Warden Trinne Amell, romanced Alistair, left Anora queen, Alistair stayed a Warden, OGB, Trinne killed the Archdemon, still alive(Happy Ending sans Harvey AU, I guess xD)
--Evi Hawke, red personality, warrior, romanced Anders(rival path), very pro-templar, executed Anders, recruited Seb, sided w/templars endgame
       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-
For this AU, Trinne told Jowan to run from Redcliffe, rather than conscripting him to the Wardens(wouldn’t wish this life on her best friend or something). She lets him out of his cell and tells him to run after he goes in the Fade to fight the demon and free Connor bc it’s clear that’s not going to buy him much mercy and she couldn’t live with herself if she just lets him get killed/made Tranquil. So he does the aiding refugees things, changes his name to Levyn to avoid the templars looking for him. Also, new name for a new start. (basically, I like having him fight the demon to count as his Harrowing, and also needed him to run so voila)
About a year post-Blight, after the Archdemon, Mother, and Architect are all dead and the darkspawn threat starts to die down, he gets tired of running. But what else is there for someone like him? The average civilian doesn’t recognize the scars on his hands and arms, but a templar probably would. He goes anywhere near a Circle, he’s as good as executed.
So he makes do as a (sort-of)hedge mage, trading help for whatever people can afford to pay. Sometimes this means food or clothes or learning new skills instead of money. He’s fine with that. One family was so poor his “payment” was a flower crown made by their six year old daughter. He keeps a couple of the flowers long after they dry out, pressed between the pages of a book to help him remember on bad days that he can be both good and good for something in spite of his mistakes.
After the Chantry Explosion in Kirkwall, he gives up using magic entirely(had already been saving it for emergencies only), and settles in a small, out of the way village(Chilltread) near the foothills of the Frostback Mountains. It’s remote, has no templar presence, and the people are kind without being nosy. He tells them he got in trouble at home and had to leave(which is true enough), and they don’t pry.
Chilltread is quiet and hard to reach enough the Mage-Templar War doesn’t really touch them, and news takes so long to get there the first they hear of the Conclave is when the delegation from the Ostwick Circle passes through. They make it sound important enough to pique Levyn’s curiosity and he asks if he can go with them. He’s starting to go stir-crazy staying in one place and this seems a good excuse to leave for awhile but come back. They agree, long as he brings his own provisions/gear and pulls his weight. He’s willing to do that, and so leaves with them when they depart the next morning. When one of the escorts asks his name and he says Levyn, the man chuckles and turns to a nearby mage in the delegation. “What were you sayin’ about your name not bein’ common, Trevelyan?”
The mage in question, dark haired with pale green-blue eyes, scoffs and makes some comment about how one nobody from a backwater Fereldan village sharing his given name does not make it common. They press on, already running slightly behind desired schedule and with three more days’ travel ahead of them. That evening when they make camp, Levyn Trevelyan apologizes to Levyn the Nobody for his attitude. “Today was not a good day, for many reasons, and  had me all out of sorts. My humblest apologies for disparaging you.”
Levyn brushes it off(“I am technically a nobody, so you’re not wrong”) and they chat for a while. Trevelyan waxes eloquent about both his family and the Ostwick Circle, while Levyn is a little more vague. Lots of ‘you wouldn’t have heard of that place’ and ‘I haven’t done anything spectacular, really’ dodging.
It gets colder the higher into the mountains they go, and the next(last) village they pass through on the way to Haven(even smaller than Chilltread), Levyn trades a good chunk of his provisions to a villager for warmer clothes. He can deal with being hungry, has before. But the cold is wicked this high up, and he can’t stand it. (acquired: starting armor :D)
They’re among the last to arrive at the Conclave, which suits Levyn fine; less time around a large number of templars. He is, of course, not important enough to actually be included in the talks, but there’s plenty of gossip to be heard from servants, mercs, and guards. It gives him a pretty clear picture of where things stand and how ugly the Mage-Templar War has gotten. Trevelyan is included in some of the meetings, but doesn’t want to discuss them when he’s free, preferring to talk about his family or the friends still at Ostwick’s Circle, all of whom he clearly misses.
Being so wary of people--especially Chantry-affiliated people--Levyn spends a fair bit of time wandering the temple halls, wondering what parts Trinne saw when she was here.
And then comes the explosion.
Running, things chasing him, the woman, climbing… something, a cliff, maybe? Or stairs? The bright flare of light and rubble under his feet and then a cell and angrily hissed words.
“Tell me why we shouldn’t kill you now.”
      -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-       -o- -o- -o- -o-
Turns out, when he stumbles out of the Fade, he stayed (semi)conscious just long enough to say his name was Levyn before passing out entirely. Since the Ostwick delegation didn’t add him to their roster when he joined them, the only Levyn to find is Levyn Trevelyan. So they assume that’s him and run with it.
It hits him almost as soon as his head clears what happened, but Cassandra sounds a hairs-breadth from killing him on the spot, and he’s terrified she will if she knows he’s Levyn-the-nobody-apostate instead of Levyn-with-noble-family-ties. So he plays along, he figures just long enough to fix this and leave. Sidesteps Varric’s guess about where he’s from with “What is this, an interrogation?”
By the time they seal the Breach and he’s no longer in immediate danger of execution, he’s ‘Herald of Andraste’ and in too deep to stop lying about who he is. Everyone thinks he’s Lord Trevelyan of Ostwick, and the nobody from Chilltread village is just another tick mark on a casualty report. (not that anyone cares) So he decides to play the part. He’s good at pretending to be someone he’s not, after all. And he can’t think of a pleasant outcome if he tells the truth.
Has something of a panic attack when he sees Cullen in the War Room. Only person in the whole Inquisition who might recognize him(he thinks). But it’s been a decade since Kinloch Hold, and they’ve both been through enough hell Cullen doesn’t seem to recognize him. He’s still anxious about talking to the man the entire game bc what if he remembers?!
Leliana thinks he looks vaguely familiar, but can’t put her finger on why until mid-late game, and keeps her deduction to herself. Part of why she’s so protective Josie when she thinks there’s maybe something starting there
He’s also wary of talking to Cassandra in the walking-on-eggshells sense, given the first impression of brazen righteous fury he got from her. (They’ll eventually be friends, but it’s gonna take awhile)
Goes with the ‘Not sure I’m chosen’ route(but does believe in the Maker) bc he can’t keep that bit of his true self from peeking through. He’s been trying so hard to atone for his mistakes for years, but still can’t believe Andraste would choose someone like him as Her Herald. (still not doing great in the self-confidence department)
Really likes Mother Giselle. Is petrified Chancellor Roderick will find him out and blow it wide open to discredit the Inquisition.
Has another near-panic attack when Cole shows up, bc oh BOY is keeping him around flirting with disaster. But help is help and can he really turn him away?
Tries his best to come off as quiet and reserved rather than overwhelmed. Inner monologue more
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Josephine is a breath of fresh air. Someone who’s not tied to the Chantry, so he doesn’t feel like he has to be as guarded around her. She’s kind. She’s strong. She’s gracious. He feels like he can relax around her more than anyone else in the Inquisition. (Not so much he tells her everything right away, but more than around Cass or Cullen for example. Or Leliana, who treats him like a riddle she’s trying to solve.)
Still deciding whether to do CotJ or IHW bc it’s either walking into the templar stronghold or walking into Redcliffe, and I”m not sure which would be worse for him. One has templars(+the envy demon glitch), but the other has a host of bad memories/guilt and higher odds of being recognized as the blood mage who poisoned Arl Eamon. (At least, in his mind. It’s been ten years, the only one who might recognize him is Connor.)
Gonna sacrifice Hawke in HLtA bc Alistair is still in a relationship with Trinne and there’s no way Jowan would do something so devastating to his best friend(sister, really) as sacrifice the man she loves.
Really embraces the concept of “Whatever we were before, we are now the Inquisition” bc leaving his past far, far behind him sounds fucking fantastic.
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wardenmages · 6 years
since i apparently can’t write just 1 au at a time, i’ve been thinking abt inquisitor elissa at halamshiral, both in the au where she’s married to teagan, and the one where she isn’t
... i’ve been trying to write the 1st one for several months going on years, but, you know. i’m getting there
but! i have a hc that gaspard has the court herald add that weird bit about either the mages or templars as a power play, esp. with elissa bc she’s fereldan
i don’t want it to be the mage thing in either case, esp. bc i’m having her do both IHW and COTJ, but idk what to change it to. i had an idea for the one where she’s unmarried romancing cullen, but idk if that one would be too far out of character (bringing up the rumors that she’s alistair’s mistress) but idk
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lordeasriel · 4 years
A, D, T, V, Z? (also: insert screaming cat emoji re your prior answer)
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?Probably In Hushed Whispers and All Those Sacred Touches, because I actually put effort into writing them lmao It’s not my style to overthink things too much, but out of the two I think IHW is my favourite because I spent a lot of time doing canon worldbuilding and I think that’s cool.
D: What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written?It’s one that I haven’t posted because I never finished it and it’s about Lyra and Asriel, it’s based on “my father is a hero” little comic and it’s just big sad.
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?Anything fluff, or slightly soft lmao Coffee shop au, friends to lovers, soft, romantic stuff it’s not my cup of tea.V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?I don’t get many comments, so I remember pretty much all I get and they’re all very nice. Kate’s “You’re sadist.” at the end of In Hushed Whispers is what I expect from people who read my stuff lmao parrillasquinn’s comment "I love Dorothea's character is so original and fresh that not even when it is irritating can it bother you,” it’s hilarious and i love it cause i didn’t expect people to notice dorothea. (and your comments are also so nice, you give great feedback and i just get bubbly when u comment cause i feel so flattered lmao)
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?Twin Suns (the star wars au) and The Delamare Dinners; like they got the response I expected, I don’t have many readers, but I think I actually did a great job with them and I expected more, idk lmao
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Dec 18th Christmas Movies
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Media IRL
Character Isaac Hempstead Wright
Couple Isaac X Reader
Rating Sweet
18th of December 2022
I smiled as I set up the space in the living room, with the sofa reclined, a toasty blanket each, a hot bottle plushie to snuggle with freshly toasted, pillows and stuffies to hug, a bowl of popcorn on the table along with various little Christmas themed snacks, the only light the fireplace crackling away at the wooden log and the flashing glow of the tree's Christmas lights, the curtains pulled to block out the cold of the snowy world outside. I got myself settled on my side pulling my hot bottle close to me when I heard him coming through from the kitchen.
"Red. white. or festive?" Isaac asks popping his head around the doorway
"Festive?" I queried 
"Mulled wine"
"Alright go for festive then" I smiled so he brought through our two glasses and a bottle of mulled wine as well as the bag of snowman marshmallows under his arm 
"Have you picked a Christmas movie for us then?"
"Not yet I was waiting for your input"
"I told you I don't care." 
"well I like your input" I smiled as he sat down too so I snuggled close 
"Okay, you against animation?"
"okay... new or classic?"
"Don't mind" 
"I know what my lady wants" He smiled filling our glasses up and cuddling close "Muppet Christmas Carol?"
"We can?"
"I know you love it"
"Thank you Isaac"
"Your welcome, come on put it on then and we'll get cosy" 
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Valentine's 2021 Netflix and Blankets
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I yawned turning over and cuddling tightly into the warm snuggly chest on the other side of my bed "Umm good morning" I heard as he gave my head a little kiss
"Good Morning Isaac" I giggled 
"How did you sleep, hun?"
"Okay, It's nice sleeping here with you"
"I love when you're here sleeping with me too Hun"
"What are we going to do today?" 
"I don't know, stay in bed? go shopping? we could bake cupcakes?" he suggested
"nothing more fun?" I asked 
"Well... thats up to you hun" He smirked pulling me closer so I was on top of him
"Well, It is valentines day" I smiled
"Stay in bed all day?" he suggests
"Fine with me Isaac" I smiled
"Shall we sit and watch some of the movies you like?"
"Or do you wanna binge watch the lord of the rings"
"Lord of the rings and cuddles are perfect with me hun" he cooes kissing my head.
Isaac set up the TV and I set up our bed with all our cosy cover's, blankets, pillows and such while he made popcorn, once he returned he changed into his black sweatpants and fluffy blue and pink striped socks, his messy white shirt even if I had washed it a thousand times, he kept having to poke his glasses back up his nose thought to prevent them from falling down where he needed the arms fixing again as he does very so often, I changed into my comfy leggings and cute little shirt putting my hair inna relaxed bun climbing into bed with him again "I shall set an alarm on my phone for Eleven thirty so we can order pizza for lunch" he explained typing with his phone as we got cosy
"Good plan" I nodded nuzzling on his neck
"You take that." He says handing me the remote and wrapping his arms around me tightly so he held me in a relaxed but cosy way so I set the movie to start and grabbed some popcorn tucking the covers around us tightly "love you hun"
"Love you too isaac" I smiled giving him a soft kiss.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
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I sat on the sofa flicking through the channels trying desperately to find something to watch, all this being stuck at home was so boring and hardly any of the TV channels where airing anything good it's all Simpsons from ten years ago and reruns of reality TV shows. I sighed laying down a little more looking up at the celling a moment.
"Morning sweetheart, sleep okay?" Isaac yawned as his feet slowly shuffled down the stairs, he was barefoot, his grey sweatpants loose fitting and hanging off his thin figure, he was shirtless his arms stretching and rubbing the back of his head Messing a little with the Trainwreck already happening with his hair he got his glasses from his pocket slipping them on as he walked down with another big yawn
"Morning, you sound like your still sleeping" I laughed
"Ummm maybe because I'm out of bed but haven't had a kiss yet?" He smiled I giggled sitting up as he came over giving him a gentle kiss
"Good morning Isaac"
"Good morning y/n" he smiled "hey how about we Go may some pancakes?" He suggested
"Okay" I giggled hugging him and he pretty much carried me to our kitchen I stood getting the pan ready and Isaac gathered the ingredients from around the kitchen, I smirked a little looking at him working as his bare chest revealed his muscles doing all the little things making them seem much more epic and heroic, and his sweatpants he had tied them up but they where slowly slipping off him revealing the top of the curves of his cute little butt I stood looking at him a while and he spotted me
"What?" He asked before he turned a little to see what I was looking at "ooh? Checking me out are you sweetheart?" He smirked gently wiggling his butt at me
"I wanna look a little more" I smiled cuddling him from behind wrapping my arms around his chest feeling his soft skin giving his back a kiss
"Oh? What are you gonna do?" He asked curiously I smiled kissing him again and pulling down his grey sweatpants at the back so the elastic waistband sat under his butt I stepped back leaning on the counter looking at his cute little perfectly rounded butt I smirked and I could see his face turning Red a little where he was blushing I slapped his butt making him jump before I put his sweatpants back how they should have been, I began cooking the pancakes even if I could see Isaacs bright red blush as he gently rubbed his butt where I slapped him I could see clearly in the loose nature of his grey sweatpants that he was as hard as a rock, I could see from base to tip as the sweatpants did nothing to conceal him the fabric cradled his erection and made it seem more prominent I saw and he instantly saw me looking making him blush harder
"You have an erection don't you?" I asked
"Yes" he blushed
"Can I touch?" I asked
"Well... Okay" he smiled leaning on the counter beside me I took one hand away from my work to rub on the hard buldge it was almost like I was just jerking him while he wore a condom as hardly anything concealed him from my hand the thin fabric going slightly darker at his head as I gently stroked and rubbed on his shaft I giggled seeing his dark grey area of the fabric and he blushed harder biting his lip a little
"Is that pre cum Isaac?"
"Yes" he blushed
"Aww do you want to cum Isaac?' I asked and he nodded shutting his eyes taking a grip on the counter top as I sped up my hand "are you close?"
"Yes" he groans
"Can I play?" I asked
"As much as you want sweetheart" he smiled so I turned off my cooking giving his lips a soft kiss running my hands down his bare chest before pushing down his sweatpants enough to fully reveal his long hard cock, precum dripping from the head and the vains prominent around the shaft
"Somebody looks a little desperate" I whispered slyly
"Desperation for you sweetheart' he reassured
"Good boy" I smiled kissing down his neck as I ran my fingers cross his shaft
"Uhhh! Y/n please, I'm desperate for you, it's been so long" he whined
"It's been two days Isaac" I laughed
"It has? Wow not being allowed to go outside really messed with your understanding of time" he says "but I'm still desperate for you"
"Okay, be nice and Loud Isaac I wanna anoy our neighbors' I smiled kissing his lips then getting on my knees and taking every inch of him in my mouth...
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
NSFW 30 : Isaac Hempstead Wright
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1. When did they lose their virginity?
about 17 while on the GOT set, after sneaking away to his room
2. Do they have any kinks or fetishes?
he has a little bit of a biting kink and a marks all over you
3. What is the weirdest place they've had sex?
The back of his car, Or behind the GOT sets
4. What is their favourite position?
He loves missionary and you riding him
5. Are they dominant, submissive, or switch?
Switch for whatever you want him to do
6. Have they had any one night stands?
Not much only ever with you
7. Would they be more likely to do it in the bed, on the couch, on the floor, or somewhere else?
in bed, on the couch but not the floor, he is rather fond of the kitchen side.
8. Have they had sex in a public place?
so many times in the back of his car in the park or somewhere else a little sneaky
9. Have they ever been caught masturbating?
so many times, before you where together you used to catch him all the time but he hardly does anymore
10. What does their favourite sexy underwear (to wear) look like?
he had a tight pair of boxers that are your favourite colour and he likes wearing them a little higher so you can see them over his pants
11. How often do they have sex?
He loves having sex at least twice a week but he'll ever say he didn't want to
12. Is there anybody right now they'd like to have sex with?
You, of course, you're his favourite
13. Do they like giving oral?
he likes giving he's not too good but he practices anytime you want him too
14. Do they like receiving oral?
He loves to receive, he will never say no if you suggest it
15. What is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to them during sex?
Mostly his glasses falling off and hitting you in the face and the number of times he has accidentally cum on your stomach
16. What is a song they'd listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex?
Love in an elevator
17. What is a song they'd listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?
Ghost of a rose
18. Are they into roleplay or dress-up during sex?
he's kinda into it, he kinda likes dressing as bran and imagining your in Westeros and you are snuggled on your bed and having sex for hours
19. Would they prefer sex in the tub or sex in the shower?
He loves having sex in the shower he loves pushing you to hold onto the taps and pipes of the shower while he stands behind lifts you up and has his way with you while biting on your neck to keep himself quiet
20. If they could have sex with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
of course you, but marlin Monroe if possible someday if Futurama robots become a thing
21. Have they ever had a threesome? If not, would they?
He is 10000% down for a threesome he has often told you so long as you check who else with first he's totally in
22. Do they/would they use sex toys?
He used to have a fleshlight but that was quickly replaced by you and he has since thrown it away.
23. Have they ever given someone a dirty text/letter/picture?
he sends you dirty pictures and texts whenever he's away for work.
24. Would they have sex with their best friend?
he has thought about it a lot but he isn't sure
25. Is there anything they do after sex? (ex: smoke, eat, drink, cuddle)
he loves to cuddle up after sex even if its just keeping you tucked under his arm while he gets his breath back.
26. What is something that will never fail to get them horny?
whenever you have a dress/shirt that reveals your neck he almost gets blood lust like a vampire desperate to kiss and bite your neck leaving hiki's all over you
27. Do they prefer morning sex or night sex?
He loves morning sex, walking up beside you and pulling you into a kiss that turns into much much more before he's even got his glasses on.
28. What is their favourite body part on the opposite sex?
29. What is their favourite body part on the same sex?
30. Do they watch porn/read dirty magazines?
He likes watching some naughty little video's when he's tucked up in bed if you're not there or if he's trying to get a sneaky bonner ready for when you get home
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Room 206
dominik528 said:  Reader/Isaac Wright smut-ish where the reader is a lucky fan getting to meet the actor and then invited to his hotel room where they make out and dry-hump.
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I stood beyond excited, I had one the contest of my dreams getting to meet a member of the GOT cast before a Talk show, I didn't know who it was going to be but I was on bouncing off the walls with excitement as the staff took me up to the hotel room, I blushed hard as I reached the door 206, the security left me so I knocked on the door trying to imagine who it would be
"Ooohh... Hi, You're the contest winner right?" Isaac asked as he leant on the door
"Yeah" I blushed looking at him, as he stood in his blue button-down and lighter blue jumper, his tight black jeans hugging his every curve, his thick black glasses sat perfectly on his nose and his hair done sweetly and cute.
"Yeah come on in" he smiled letting me in the room it was a beautiful luxurious hotel room and he shut the door behind me we had some chats and took some cute little pictures till he was about to take one of us together for Instagram and he gave my cheek a kiss and I blushed hard a little shocked "What's the matter?" he asked
"I uhhhhhh............... I uhh I ummm" I stutter unsure how to respond
"Was it my kiss?" he asked and I nodded "Awww I'm sorry," He blushed
"No, It's okay" I blushed hard trying not to look at him
"If you want I can do it again?" He smirked giving my shoulder a kiss  
"well I uhhh" I stutter
"Sorry... it's okay" he blushed "if you don't want to kiss me?"
"No no, of course, I'd want to kiss you" I blushed
"Yeah?" he asks "You wanna kiss me?" he smirked giving my shoulder a kiss and holding my hand he smirked caressing my cheek and kissing my lips softly his lips were so soft and he tasted like, tea, smoke and cider he kissed me deeply till he pulled away "Ummm you're a good kisser" he smirked "Unusual for such a beautiful girl to be such a good kisser" he smirked
"Y-Your a good kisser too" I blushed
"You Like kissing me?" he smirked and I nodded "you wanna keep kissing then?" he smirked and I nodded "Come on" He smirked holding my hand and pulling me with him to the little bedroom with a huge bed he sat on the bed and pulled me close so I stood between his legs "You wanna come to sit on my lap beautiful?" he smirked I blushed hard and nodded so he put his hands on my hips and pulled me to sit on his lap, I blushed so hard as I felt his hard cock under me his chest tight against my own he pulled me to kiss him again so I kissed back holding his neck pulling him closer as he slowly began to grind on me by gently moving my hips as we kissed, slowly our kisses got deeper and deeper eventually turning into making out as he kept grinding my hips onto him, I blushed harder pulling away moving so he didn't have to which made him smirk more
"Ohh Isaac" I blushed
"What's wrong?" he asked
"I uhhh I ummm" I blushed
"You wanna keep going?" he asked and I nodded "then why did you stop?" he asked
"Worried about you being late"
"Don't you worry about that beautiful" he smirked kissing me pulling me closer as our grinding turned to humping till he pulled back, biting his lip and he smirked his dark eyes looking at me up and down a moment "I can't wait any longer" He smirked holding my waist and flipping us over so I was laid on the bed and he was on top of me in between my legs I couldn't help but giggle as he kissed me again
"Mr Wright! you have ten minutes!" a security person yelled at the door
"Aww guess you have to go" he sighed helping me up and fixing my dress for me going back to the main room "I had a nice time meeting with you" he smiled
"I had an amazing time" I smiled going towards the door
"Hey, stay for the show, as soon as its over. Come back to my room" He smiled holding my hand "We'll finish what we started" He smirked
"Okay" I blushed "I'll be back later" I smiled
"Before you go" he said stopping me again and grabbing a hotel napkin, "Here write your number down I'll text you when I'm back in my room" He smiled
"Okay" I smiled writing my number on it and he happily took it putting it n his phone and he rang me making my phone go off "Okay I'll see you later" He winked
"See you later" I smiled giving him a kiss...
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
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I sat in the library with my books trying to finish my homework for my next class but my eyes kept getting distracted, I forced my eyes back on my work putting a headphone in trying to focus but my eyes still wondered.
To the front desk of the library, where sat one of the librarian girls from my year y/n, her beautiful y/e/c eyes reading her book, her glasses perched on her nose, her hair in a sweet braid down her shoulder, her sweet lips curved into a beautiful smile her uniform perfect as she sat reading her book I could look at her all day...
Then the bell went oh no! I didn't get finished I got up grabbing my stuff going to sign out the little book when she saw my work
"Isaac?" She whispered
"Yeah?" I asked
"B, C, D, B, E, A" She whispered winking at me and going off to do something else I quickly put those answers in and rushed off to my next class.
I sat trying to do some work on my lunch break but my eyes always wondered from my books looking at y/n as she puts books back having to bend down to the lower shelves often flashing a little more of under her skirt then I think she realized she was often seeing the darker rim of her tights, often when she had to get a little stool to reach the higher shelves where her white school shirt stretched her blue flower patterned bra because much clearer under the shirt I did my best to keep my eyes on my books but it got much more difficult the closer she got to my table I looked up seeing her stood putting the books away she looked at me and I instantly put my eyes back to my books blushing hard I kept my eyes on my books terrified of what she would think till I felt a kiss on my head making me blush very very hard looking up at her she winked and dropped a bit of paper on my book so I unfolded it and saw
A phone number and
'call me later isaac Xx'
I blushed and looked up at her and she gave me a flirty little wave so I smiled and blew her a little kiss ...
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
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I smiled as I made cups of tea, as I did our little puppy Luke woke up from his little basket
"Luke, Go wake Isaac" I smiled and the little pup ran up the stairs and I could hear him run into the bedroom and the creak of the bedsprings and I heard a loud groan
"Ughhh! Luke don't jump on me!" Isaac complained I laughed taking the cup of tea and going upstairs to our room putting the tea on his bedside table "Hello sugar" He smiled at me his skinny body hidden under the cosy covers his cute little blue striped PJ shirt and little boxers with Luke sat on his lap snuggling with our pup and he petted Luke a little petting his soft fluff.
"Hi Isaac" I giggled with a little smirk
"Oh no, sugar please-" he began but I jumped on him cuddling him tightly "Ughhh! why do you have to jump on me sugar?"
"because I like jump snuggles" I giggled giving him a kiss
"I like jump snuggles to sugar" he smiled hugging me tightly too "But do you have to jump on me and crush me?" He asks
"But crushing is part of the love" I giggled hugging him tighter
"Can't you love me without crushing me?" he asks as he struggled to breath
"Nope it's now I love" I giggled
"Aww okay sugar" He laughs hugging me tighter so he squeezed me tight too "come on let me go so I can have my cup of tea"
"Can I keep hugging?" I asked
"Of course you can sugar" He smiled sitting up and I hugged him close wrapping my legs around him "Ummmm you wanna sit on the sofa and cuddle up and watch some Netflix?"
"Okay," I smiled "I'll go make popcorn" I smiled giving him a kiss and running down to the kitchen I made us both a bowl of popcorn, and a few drinks and snacks setting them up on the table and sorting the Netflix as he came down and brought the duvet with him, so he sat o the sofa and I sat beside him wrapping my arms around him tightly and he wrapped his arms around me to giving me kisses as we watched some old shows with luke cuddled up with or duvet.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
La Luna P1
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I smiled as I stood on the stage listening to the band gently play the sweet tunes as couples in elegant clothes dance the waiters in there perfect white suits serving food and drinks as I sang my song.
Many men in there suits looking at me with those sinful eyes while they had there drinks, once I finished my song I smiled as they all applauded me. But still the loudest applause came from the side I looked over seeing Isaac the familiar brunette in his blue suit applauding louder then anyone else, his black glasses perched on his nose
I laughed a little at him as his boss tapped his shoulder and told him to get back to work on the bar.
I began my final song as most where getting ready to head back to there cabins and I saw Isaac stood at the bar cleaning glasses the waiter boys where bringing back.
The couples and the People who has hit it off Tonight having there last cuddly dances before going to bed as I began to finish up I heard a loud noise outside of the hall it sounded like screaming everyone paused a moment as the screams grew louder and another sound became clearer, Gunfire.
I froze in that moment as the dance halls glass doors where destroyed in a wave of gunfire before being kicked open in a mess of blood and gun smoke men stood firing on anything that moved.
Next I knew someone grabbed my hand pulling me down the back way into the kitchens it was Isaac he held me tightly as we ran thought the dim corridors out into the main corridors of the ship, everywhere was caked with blood and bodies I was almost sick but Isaac made me look away as we hurried thought the hallways of beautiful marble, gold and glass all soaked in blood and with the mist of gunsmoke In the air.
We turned to go down the main stairs of the ship seeing more of these men, shooting the men, stabbing the children, raping the women, bruterly murdering any of the little dogs aboard. We hurried thought doing our best to avoid anything that was happening,
I felt someone grab my other hand and I Screamed as it felt like it was burning me Isaac punched him and held my hand tightly
"Holy fuck, come on y/n" he says pulling me quickly though the halls and the massacre of everyone else. We managed to stop a moment In a passenger room that was empty as Isaac had a cut on his arm we sat a moment ripping some old white shirt to bandage him up a little and he checked my hand I had a brand in my skin he looked heartbroken but gave my painful skin a little kiss making me blush a little even given the circumstances, He slipped his jacket around me so protect my skin where I had my little stage dress on.
"You look beautiful tonight y/n" he smiled
"Thank you Isaac" I blushed trying to hide my face a little
"We can't stay here, there's an life boat on the other side of the deck" he says and I nodded even if I was nervous and he gave me a sweet smile "just hold onto my hand, don't let go" he told me and I smiled and nodded holding his hand tightly before he opened the door and we ran as fast as we possibly could threw the piles of bodies and the bloody floor given I was in heels till we reached the deck. It was no different the dance floor and viewing areas piled high with bodies we hurried over to a life boat that had a clear path as well as some previsions aboard already, Isaac carefully and gentlemanly helped me into it and began working in setting it loose
"Aren't you coming?" I asked confused
"Someone has to drop it down... And I'm not letting that be you" he says
"What Isaac no, I'm not going without you"
"I have to"
"You stay you'll die"
"I know... But you won't, and that's all I care about" he says looking at my lips like he was going to kiss me
"Jump?" I suggest
"What?" He asks
"It the button to drop it and jump in with me" I told him
"THERE OVER HERE!" A voice screamed
"I'm sorry my love" he says hitting the Button and I almost instantly dropped I tried to grab his hand as I dropped and he even tried to reach out for me but men grabbed him pulling him away from me
"Nooo!!" I yelled as the boat hit the rough dark water. I held on for dear life as the boat bounced on the water grabbing the ores trying desperately to stay level as I moved back away from the ship I saw then men holding Isaac and with one loud echoing gunshot and I saw him fall "Noooooooo!! Isaac!" I screamed as his body fell into the water the men saw me and with another pricing gunshot a hole began in my little boat I did my best to bail the water as it flooded into the boat the currents already working on pulling me further and further away from the ship but I was taking in water and with the rough waters I soon found myself upside down in the freezing water-
I shot awake in a cold sweat gasping for breath as I sat up in bed.
"Morning sleepy head" Luke laughs at my door
"Oohh piss off luke" I complain throwing my pillow at him
"Max wants you on the bridge!" He laughs as he goes off to the bridge, and I sighed getting out of bed and getting dressed trying to fit into my jeans
"Ummm... Why couldn't I be born in the fifty's they'd adore this body then" I sighed as I finished getting dressed and heading up to the bridge where max stood "what's up?" I asked
"We got something" he says pointing outside so I opened the door to the deck and I saw on the vast open ocean sat a cruise liner that was rusted and abandoned.
"What the fuck?" I asked looking at it
"It's the La luna, the thing went missing back in the fifty's just stopped calling in, stopped everything knowones seen it since" max says as he stood with me
"The la Luna? What happened?' I asked
"Knowone knows, wanna go find out?" He smirked
"Definitely" I smirked.
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