shapa-likes-art · 1 year
i would LOVE to hear about the aus of the au
(sorry late reply, I had school haha)
Oh man there are so many I don't know which to tall about. I'd also need to back read a lot haha
@thunderholtz what do you think? Which au should we share haha
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shapa-likes-art · 1 year
aha! i have returned! with more supervillain au asks! >:D
What if they started dating before Virgil found out Roman was the Phantom? It'd probably be a lot angstier I'd assume lol
What was their first date like? I'd take Roman for the classy guy to take them out to some expensive fancy restaurant, but then something more private and romantic after, but could you confirm lol?
do they have arguments often? (i probably know the answer to this already but asking anyway lol) if so, how do they get resolved/how do they fix them?
i don't really have anymore official questions tbh but if there's anything/any tidbits or mini fun facts you'd like to add/rant about use this as an opportunity to do so!! id love to hear anything :D
Hello :3.
1. I feel like Skye (@thunderholtz ) and I have talked about it before but I can't remember clearly haha
I feel like they'd feel kind of betrayed but I can't recall much about how exactly it would go I feel like skye would be better equipped to answer.
Roman would probably be very calm and resign himself to accepting that Virgil might leave him and they they'd be hurt and angry and so he's prepared many methods on keeping Virgil with him or having them keep secrecy.
2. Their first date wasn't all that classy imo
Roman knew that Virgil would probably prefer a more chill and casual date than to a big and extravagant one. He might reserve a table at One of Virgil's favorite restaurants and after they take a small walk and then they go over to Roman's to cuddle and talk while they watch a show. Very sweet and chill.
You're not too far off! :D.
3. They do not <3
They might bicker sometimes and challenge each other with stupid and silly stuff but they almost never get into huge arguments.
Both of them are very logical so whenever they start to have a beginning of an argument they pause and go into separate rooms to calm down before meeting back up in the living room and calmly and carefully discuss and talk it out.
They get resolved so quick and without much frustration you can barely call it an argument. They just end up cuddling and exchanging affection.
They might have play-arguments however because they don't have any often. Its mostly them being silly and overdramatic bddjdbfb
Skye and I joked that they once had a "breakup" where they did one of their play arguments that ended with "GAAASSP how dare you, we're over >:0!!" and both know it's all a joke.
One of them acts offended and leaves and they pretend that they're spending time away from each other before they get bored and call the other back and they reunite with a playful kiss and monologue and they continue their lives like normal hahaha
4. Skye and I have many aus of this au it's insane
Right now we're talking about an AU where Roman's royalty and Virgil was hired to be his assistant. Because of circumstances, they start fake dating and because of Dominic and Analyn they get engaged.
We like to do silly things and concepts with this au. In every au of this au, Roman's still phantom and still some sort of heir and Virgil's still Nonbinary and still some sort of Journalist.
We also had an au where they met in high school in a boarding school and they were kind of Rivals <3.
You're free to ask about the aus of this au hahaha
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shapa-likes-art · 1 month
hii shapa!!! I have some questions about the phantom au again!!
1. I remember reading from past asks that Roman went to a technology institution in Germany to train for owning Kingdom Ent., right? Could you elaborate on that? Like, did he use the knowledge he got from there to help become Phantom? Was he the Phantom during this time, or after?
2. Is Virgil the *only* person who knows Roman's the Phantom? I have a feeling there's other people who HAVE to know, like even those who built his mansion with the lair? Or did it magically come with the house😭 (Also does he have any allies? Whether it be other supervillains in Cardenia or not?)
3. Does Virgil meet Roman's parents? I feel like they would, what are their impressions of each other? I have a feeling Analyn would like them sjdksjd
4. What exactly are his nanobots? I know you said they're used for hacking and stuff like that but could you elaborate on them? In my head they're like the tiny bots in Big Hero 6 ngl but I have a feeling that's inaccurate😭 Could you confirm what exactly they're like?
5. Do you have a voice claim for Roman's Phantom voice?? My best friend and I are very much obsessed with this au together and she was wondering about this skdjdk
6. What's Roman's lair like? Is it like underground? Above ground? I know you said Roman and Virgil both get into it via fingerprint access, but how does the entrance look assuming it'd be disguised? What does it look like inside?
7. Another question from my friend, since the public knows they're together, what kind of dates do they go on, if any? I get they're less intimate in public but do they go out that much?
8. My friend also asks, if Patton/Janus were hypothetically in this au, would they be heroes or villains? Ik that Janus isn't in the au at all since he's your least fav iirc, but she's still curious hahah
9. Would Roman ever retire from being the Phantom? I assume he would at ONE point but if it's not due to age, what would be the reason if he ever does? (From my friend)
10. Do they ever get a pet together?? (From my friend)
(ik it's a lot and ofc you don't have to answer all of them, especially if you're not developing the au that much anymore but tysm anyway if you do!! 🫶)
Well, Skye ( @thunderholtz) and I don't have much of a narrative for the au so the world building stopped at “World of superpowers, one non-superpowered Villain”  but there is tons of character building and AUs of this AU we like to talk about.
In all honesty we made a baijillion AUs and what-ifs for the supervillain au so if you're still interested, You can ask about those >:3.
Anyway, here are the answers!
He went to college there for about 2-3 years and he more accurately was an apprentice for a prolific nanotechnologist. He wasn't the Phantom at this time but he was drawing up his plans to carry out during that time.
He's been good at business for a long while Thanks to how Dominic raised him (and traumatized him) so he didn't exactly have to train to take over Kingdom Ent. Because he's been primed his entire life, however, he did go to Germany to learn technology and mechanics.
(He “debuted” as Phantom at 21, he went off to college at 18 and assumed the role of CEO at 20 so he’s been in college for just about 2 years. But this isn't hammered out :3.)
Well, Virgil's the only one to know with absolute certainty that it's Roman because he revealed his identity to them. 
The only other people who could possibly know is Remus and Analyn (His mother) but they don't pay as much attention to the news or any theories like some people do. 
If anyone does suspect Roman’s identity it's most likely based in conjecture and they don't have any solid proof of them being the same person. I mean, at most if they try to point it out it'd either be dismissed as a crazy theory or be turned into a meme that no one takes seriously.
I mean, in this world where super-powered people exist, most people assume the Phantom has a power in some capacity. Roman is very publicly known to be a person without super abilities or powers so the discrepancy is very clear.
And Tbh y’all the public is very stupid, they don't pay close attention to things and there's a lot of details they gloss over or miss unless they're exactly like Virgil:  A psychoanalyst who literally can notice every little thing about people then from their habits and preferences they can practically weave together fragments of their life, They literally cannot think any theory is too crazy to investigate. They are on a level of intellectually unhinged that people can’t match which is the reason why they managed to be right.
The lair thing will be answered later, and the Phantom is known to work alone and Roman doesn't trust anyone else but himself (Or Virgil) to carry out his plans so he doesn't make any allies.
Tl,dr: Yes, Virgil's basically the only one who knows. Remus and Analyn have a hunch but they don't act on it / Doubt it.
Skye and I Discussed this before (Very long ago)! “Virgil would be passive aggressive towards Dominic, but in a very southern American way. Like they’re sweet and kind and everything, but they’re also looking at him with that little edge in their eyes and also with an edge about them like they’re waiting for him to move wrong so they can protect the one they love. They would love Analyn, though! They think she’s sweet and wonderful and they know where Roman got all of his charm from when they meet her” - Skye 
Dominic wouldn't approve much of Virgil because he thinks that they won't be much of a good influence on Roman or good for the Princes’ reputation but he holds his tongue on any critique because of Analyn.
Analyn absolutely loves Virgil and believes that they can make Roman happy and treat him well. After all, if her son is happy and there's no glaring issues with Virgil, she sees no reason to be unhappy with their relationship.
I feel like Virgil would meet a Roman’s parents just a half year into dating. 
Well, as a general rule of thumb in my mind, They're about the size of a tiny fruit fly and they're generally multi-purpose: they hack, they survey, they make holographic displays, they restrain (With metallic tendrils), etc.
Roman does make some specialized bots which do one function with the fullest capability. For example, he has nanobots for chipping and wiretapping purposes, he has nanobots for purely combative and restrictive purposes, etc…
They're basically just little bots that aid him in carrying out his plans as simple as that :3.
Unfortunately no 😔
It's already hard trying to find a voice claim for Roman so it's even harder to find one of his Phantom voice. I think the closest we can get to his vocal quality is AJ LoCascio as Lotor but it's still off with what I imagine his voice to be :’).
His lair is basically a repurposed basement. It had many entries from inside the house so he simply closed some entries off and built in the locks and tech himself. He studied mechanics and technology, he can pick up on home repair and installments himself :3. He also may Have stolen some materials to use as the Phantom so people won't suspect anything. 
I haven't really thought much about the interior if I’m being honest. I mean, obviously, It’d be littered with blueprints and plans  and have organized shelves of his tech and info… but the layout, I haven't thought much of it.
As much as possible they like to keep their dates private so sometimes they go undercover (Though they know paparazzi will still find them), sometimes Roman reserves private booths/rooms at restaurants or venues… but most times they have their dates at home. 
Virgil doesn’t like going out in public much because of a.) Being chased by paparazzi is very anxiety-inducing and not what they want on a date, and  B.) Roman always has to “perform” in public in order to keep up his image and they don’t like that because it’s practically a fake version of him and not who they fell in love with. It’s pointless to go on a date if your partner is keeping a facade the entire time, no?
Roman also hates having to perform and pretend on dates so he always tries to keep everything private not only for Virgil’s but also his comfort.
As long as they're spending time together with romantic intent, they count it as a date so A simple at-home dinner talking about their day and a few drinks is a date to them.
I mean to be fair, Logan Patton and Janus haven't come up much in mine and skye's au discussions but we have a vague idea of Patton being Virgil's college friend.
As for Janus, all I can think about is him working alongside Logan in the government trying to unmask the Phantom. As for powers, I think he'd be a lie detector but only if the other person is attracted to him So he’s probably androgynous in style and presentation to appeal to anyone. But idk haha
Well, age would be his one and only reason ideally but if he were to lose mobility i.e: Losing limbs or developing a chronic illness… or if his being the Phantom detrimentally affects his family (I assume he would have adopted kids with Virgil at that point) then he would retire or at the very least slow down his activity. 
Personally, I feel like They would probably adopt a pet during the period where they're married and Virgil wants kids but Roman wasn't ready for them. 
I feel like knowing their personality, they'd adopt a cat but I can also see them adopting a dog. Either or both, honestly.  Thank you for asking all of these questions!! :D.
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shapa-likes-art · 1 month
Ah tysm for all the answers!! Btw YES I would love to hear about all the what-ifs and whatnot for the Phantom au !! :D
Here's the selection :3.
Highschool AU (Many of these)
An AU where they began dating before Virgil found out Roman's identity
Alternate identity discovery (A baijillion of these tbh)
Investigative Journalist AU (Virgil is an investigative journalist instead of a freelance one. We have two of these)
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shapa-likes-art · 1 year
heyy back with more questions on the supervillain au because it's been rotting my brain lately 😭 /pos (you don't have to answer if you're no longer developing it tho!)
1. In one of your arts regarding Roman's character sheet, you mentioned he has disguised weapons as jewelry and other accessories, what exactly are they?
2. Does Roman ever meet Virgil's parents?
3. Hypothetically, what would happen if Roman's identity as the Phantom was ever discovered? What would he do? What would Virgil do?
4. What would their wedding be like if they ever have one? 👀
I will always and forever be happy to get Supervillain au asks!!
His disguised jewelry are his Bee Cufflinks. They make tendril-like things that immediately tie up the target. His ring which is like a mini bomb: you press the gem, throw, and wait to explode. His watch, it's like a control for his bots and tech. And there's a lot more with different functions but those are what he takes with him all the time. (Not to mention, he also carries a container of his nanobots for quick and emergency chipping and hacking)
He does, the circumstances or how it plays our always changes whenever Skye and I talk about it so we never settled on a canon meeting. But they have met at least once and Roman always offers to kill Virgil's birthgiver and sperm donor for them or at least make their lives living hell.
The company would be put through hell and possibly crumble. The Prince name is sullied and shunned. Roman is arrested and put on death sentence. Virgil would be in grief and take over being the phantom without care and due to their recklessness and grief they die. It would be a different story if Roman gets sentenced to prison though.
I know you've already asked but I am more than happy to repeat it (possibly for others)! Their wedding would be very small and private, held at home and with only a select full of friends. They're not the type to be very public about their personal affairs <3.
Thank you for the ask!!! ✨💖✨💖✨💖
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shapa-likes-art · 1 year
back with more questions for the supervillain because god im hyperfixating on this au rn dhhdkjskh
You probably answered this one before but I forgot :,)) how does virgil figure it out? is it like over time or suddenly all the pieces snap together
Could you elaborate more on roman's nanobots?? the concept of it is so cool omg
If Logan was in this au (I know you and skye mentioned if he was he'd be like some sort of agent after Roman), how would he try and discover the Phantom? Like just any overall elaboration?
Does Roman have somewhere specific where he tortures and murders his victims? Is it in his lair?
Since Roman is powerless, does he use any weapons aside from his disguised gadgets/knives? Like guns or stuff like that?
Considering he goes for corrupt business owners and rich people etc, do many heroes still go after him regardless of that? Or is he more like an anti-hero rather than a supervillain?
If he does manage to take over the Cardenia (if that is one of his goals), what does/would he do?
again you dont have to answer all of them if its too many! im just really interested in it sm 😭😭
No problem 🫡
I will answer these to the best of my abilities <3.
1. Virgil figures it out and had been picking up on small little things but the main thing that makes things click is Roman's voice. You see When Roman's the phantom his voice is deeper, tougher, and incredibly filled to the brim with manic murder and bloodthirst. He talks like everything is a game. Roman as himself is soft and buttery smooth, Very proper and charming while retaining a calculative-ness to it. When Roman does his phantom voice once, everything immediately snaps into place.
2. Have I mentioned that Roman studied abroad for his college years? Well he did and he went to a prestigious tech college in Germany and he apprenticed under a prolific nanobot engineer. His nanobots are never larger than a fruit fly and are generally undetectable. Most of his nanobots are multi-use for hacking and messing up cameras but he has some specified for hacking, chipping, recording audio, and recording footage. He could probably make something like the MCU Spiderman suit if he pleases but he just prefers to be fashionable.
3. Logan would either be working in the government or under one of the hero agencies. Skye and I never really plan to make this a fully fledged thing so we never felt the need to flesh our his role or give him a presence at all.
4. He never brings them to his lair or have any hideouts. He kills them and tortures them right where they are <3. He ALWAYS makes sure they're secluded without any means of escape and in the dead hours of the night. He. Does. Not. Bring. Them. Back
Too much risk that way.
5. He is proficient in using knives; He has a whole collection of knives in his lair, all ornate and lethal. He also knows how to handle a gun but he prefers Knives because, like, majority of guns are clunky, obvious, and not as ornate as Knives. Knives win overall. However, He can improvise and use anything as a weapon if he so chooses. He also can just use good old fashioned hands, arms, feet and legs.
6. Yes because apparently killing corrupt people are still ✨Crimes✨. The people in heroes agencies have a black and white way or thinking which is what makes them SHIT at their jobs. They're like the police force but has powers and unnecessarily even shittier at getting the correct people.
In the people's eyes, He is an antihero but in the Government's and Authority's eyes, he is nothing but filth and a villain.
Roman prefers a Villain title, honestly. Even if he does good, It's for his own benefit and self-satisfaction. He is no hero and will kill an innocent regardless of they annoy him or if they bother Virgil.
7. He NEVER wants to take over cardenia. Period.
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shapa-likes-art · 2 years
It was mentioned before how Virgil quit their job at Kingdom Ent., right? So why did they?
This kind of questions are best answered by skye (@thunderholtz )!
Don't forget that xe handles Virgil's side of the au while I handle Roman's!
So if you have questions about Virgil in the supervillain au, it's best to ask xem so xe could give the answer directly!
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shapa-likes-art · 2 years
im back with more ✨💫 questions 💫✨ for the supervillain au sjsjdhd
does roman target anyone specifically? like,, i had the idea he mainly goes after corrupt rich people but is there a different specific target? or does he just go after anyone and everyone? 🤔
and another one, are the other sides (apart from remus) involved in the au? if so, how?
Hello, sorry for answering late, I just woke up :D
You know how intimately and detailed he plans, right? That means he always, always has a specific target. Choosing randomly on a whim is not his style at all.
He does extensive research on the people he targets to the point he knows their routine and daily life. Then he plans and then strikes, he like to he clean and swift as to not make a mess or leave any threads that would make him discovered. Honestly, most of his plans aren't all big an bombastic, some are quiet and can only be known the next day.
Even his heists and stealing are planned, so random and messy is a no go for him. But he does know how to improvise so if anything unexpected happens, he can adapt, y'know?
Also, Skye (@thunderholtz ) and I have only small shreds of how the other sides are involved. Patton is Virgil's best friend whom they've met in college...and that's about it. We've played around with the idea of Logan being an agent after Roman but we're not entirely sure about it.
As for Janus, we both equally dislike him so we can't think of a suitable role for him in the AU. Sorry for being Janus negative lol
But yeah, that's it! Thanks for asking, Nearlu no one is interested in the supervillain au anymore except for me and Skye :D.
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shapa-likes-art · 2 years
Regarding the supervillain!roman au (which i am obsessing over tyvm), how did Roman and Virgil fall in love? Could we get some elaborations on that? hdahdjhk
Bdhdd Don't forget to go over to @thunderholtz for more insight on Virgil's side of the AU!
Well, Since a lot of things have changed since the first time We've talked about it (i.e Virgil being nonbinary now, bits of Roman's trauma, etc) I don't see the harm in explaining it again.
And also because my memory is kinda crap and I can't be bothered to look through the archives of the au lol-
I'll be putting this under a read more because it's gonna be kinda long
So, basically, How Roman and Virgil get together starts from their office banter.
They would joke around a lot and chat during work and oftentimes check up on one another, they were basically like work spouses.
I feel like from then on, They would develop won't little crushes ok one another but, of course, being work spouses and co-workers (in a sense) they never acted In it to be professional.
That is until Virgil uncovered Roman's identity as Phantom. Of course, the whole confrontation ensues and they talk things through and now Virgil knows Roman's identity (with no intention of revealing it) and Roman now no longer has to act around them.
This is a pivotal point of their road of their relationship because in trusting Virgil to knowing the Phantom's identity, Roman is showing that he trusts Virgil deeply which eases Virgil's fears of Roman harming them greatly.
After that, they would feel a lot more at ease with each other not only at work but in general. They would talk longer, Keep each other company during over time at work, and care about each other a whole lot more than before. They would also joke (or is it) flirt a lot more.
It would be a slow but natural progression of feelings building until they do get together. It isn't a spectacle or dramatic, it... Happened
And I guess you can gather how their relationship's doing right now!
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shapa-likes-art · 2 years
Are Roman and Virgil married? If so what was their wedding like? :) (Supervillain au)
They do eventually get married! Just maybe after like a year or so of Being together.
Their wedding wouldn't be something big or fairytale-like. They both don't want their wedding to be something for show or superficial with, like, 100+ guests.
Their wedding would be very small and private with only their (more like Roman's) family and a couple of friends attending.
But in all honesty, they love each other so much that they could probably get married dangling off a building and they'd be happy.
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