inhwa-kim · 4 months
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January 3, 2023.
Ikseon-dong, Seoul.
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nhdiary · 1 year
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irisslove · 1 year
Travelogue: Annyeong Seoul (See You Again!)
Travelogue: Annyeong Seoul (See You Again!)
We booked a driver through Seoul Private Driver for our day tour which would take us to Alpaca world, Gangchon Rail Bike & Nami Island and pickup was at 7am. I thought it would take us 3 hours to get to Alpaca world hence I timed it at 7am (cos the place opens at 10am). If I knew it would only take 2 hours, I would have scheduled the pickup at 8am -.- And the driver also didn’t initiate to let…
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alphabetboyluvr · 7 months
Hiii, I’m headed to South Korea in a couple days and wondering if you have any must-do/see/eat recommendations in the Seoul or Busan area! :)
ahh exciting, I hope you have the best time! the weather's cooling so youve chosen a great time ^^
for seoul, ikseondong is a really sweet hanok-lined neighbourhood crammed full of places to eat / things to do. you can easily lose a day here! there's a tteok shop that sells traditional rice cakes - I loveeee tteok so much, so you should deffo try some!
one of my fave cafe chains is camel coffee. they've got branches dotted all over the place in seoul - the seongsu branch is tiny and I love it, the one near seoul forest (no.7) is probably my fave.
my must-visit place for a bts lover is DAEO bookstore/cafe. its where I take all of my bts friends on their first visits - namjoon has been a couple of times and the vibe is just immaculate.
it's probably already on your list, but hyuga, the cafe in the old bts dorm is worth a visit - you might see an old post it note from me there hehe.
The Royal in itaewon is one of my fave brunch spots, and Plant too (but you're often waiting for a table).
for busan - DADAEPO!!!! it's my fave beach and you get the most gorgeous sunset over a mountainous horizon. just stunning!! ride the orange line right to the end, and you'll find it ^^
now the weather is cooling, I'd suggest the igidae coastal trail, too. I'm not a hiker at all, but it's a pretty chill trail and has the most amazing views.
there's a cafe called little aus that I highly recommend - again, a good brunch spot!!
I'm very much a cafe throughout the day as opposed to a big meal in the evening kinda girlie haha.
for general branches all over the country, ttangttangs chicken do my fave chicken - the herb chicken is to die for and the herb fries, my gaaaawd I love them. they've got branches in loads of places, but there's one right near haeundae beach front. dooki tteokbokki is a chain of serve yourself / buffet style tteokbokki. Good for small groups!
if you want, you can message me off anon and I can send you a list of navermaps pins for my faves ^^
enjoy your trip!!!
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milkybonya · 2 years
viii. new crush confirmed?!
°•.🎾 back to part vii. step back or move closer
°•.🎾 masterlist
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°•.🎾 next to part ix.
[💌: the cafe photo Changmin tweeted is actually mine from a café in ikseondong >_< a friend and i studied there yesterday! ♡ edit: 'yesterday' because i was still in korea when i drafted this chapter.. i miss it :")]
taglist: @justchuji @sunoo-bby @baekhyuns-lipchain @sickvision @yogurteume @xavi-in-kpopland @lilyujin @lumixen @chewryy @jeonnyread @kyucix @alohajun ♡ ask to be added!
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resentfuljustice · 7 months
한국 pt. 7 - tangerine serendipity
Prieš vidurnaktį stovėjau prie judrios sankryžos esančio kiosko, kur mažyčiame ekranėlyje išsinešimui rinkausi karštą sumuštinį. Jį buvo galima valgyti ir vietoje – bet atidžiau įsižiūrėjus pamačiau, kad kėdė klientams buvo ne kas kita, o kaip apversta plastikinė dėžė tuštiems alaus buteliams sudėti. Nors ir ant viršaus buvo pritvirtintas kažkoks odinis paminkštinimas, nutariau nerizikuoti ir naktipiečiauti viešbučio lovoje. Paskutinį kartą ant tokios taros dėžės sėdėjau prieš nepilną mėnesį – perrinkinėdama bulves kaime, ir tie plastikiniai raštai liko įsispaudę ant mano sėdynės turbūt geras tris dienas.
Kioskelio pardavėja / sumuštinių šefė / užsislėpusi profesionali dovanų pakuotoja vyniojo sumuštinį į du papildomus popierius, tada apvilko plastikiniu maišeliu ir viską užlankstė taip, kad galėčiau tą sumuštinį be gėdos įteikti premjerei kaip lauktuves iš tolimųjų rytų. Žingsniuodama atgal iki viešbučio išvyniojau savo sumuštinį (nuoširdžiai nesitikėjau tarp kumpio ir sūrio rasti kukurūzų) ir stebėjau vos paeinančius, absoliučiai išsitaškiusius korėjiečius, iš lėto plaukiančius link netoliese išsimėčiusių metro stotelių. Tokį vaizdą šioje kelionėje mačiau pirmą kartą – trys vyriškiai susikibę per pečius bandė išsilaikyti ant šaligatvio, vienas vaikinas vartėsi viduryje gatvės ir niekaip negalėjo atsikelti, o dvi draugės tvirtai laikėsi už šviesoforo stulpo, nes vos pabandžiusios jį paleisti, tuoj pat nešdavosi į šoną. Buvo paskutinioji ilgojo savaitgalio diena – niekas nenorėjo grįžti atgal į realybę, ir tą akimirką aš jaučiausi kaip niekad gerai juos suprantanti.
Ryte turėjome iš Gimpo oro uosto išskristi į Jeju salą – dar kartą pasidžiaugę, kad susipakuoti daiktus atgal užtruko ne ilgiau kaip 10 minučių, išsiregistravome iš viešbučio ir palikome savo rankinius lagaminus pasaugojimui. Klaidžiojome po Ikseondong kaimelį, kurio tradiciniai korėjietiški namai buvo paversti mažomis, jaukiomis parduotuvėmis, vienas už kitą keistesniais restoranais ir teminėmis kavinėmis. Tikrai nežinau to kaimelio priešistorės – ar ten gyvenę žmonės išmirė? Ar juos iš ten išstūmė? Kaip atsirado galimybė visą kaimelį paversti tokiu rajonu? Bet visa tradicinė išorė buvo išsaugota taip skoningai ir su protu, kad pamiršdavau bevaikščiojanti po parduotuves, o ne po gatvę tarp muziejų.
Dar nebuvo nei 11 valandos ryto, o aš jau gėriau margaritą, ir pro restorano langą nužiūrinėjau vietinius gyventojus, kurie žingsniavo apsirengę kaip rudens-žiemos 2024 kolekcijos podiumu. Pirmomis dienomis galvojau, jog tai tiesiog atsitiktinumas – negali visi korėjiečiai VISADA taip gražiai atrodyti, bet paaiškėjo, kad gali. Ir atrodo! Po kelių sekundžių jau būčiau galėjusi lažintis, kuris praeivis yra turistas, o kuris korėjietis.
Šilti viršutiniai rūbai prie +25 laipsnių lauke (striukės, paltai, megztiniai) – korėjiečiai
Aptempti rūbai (siauri džinsai, pilvus išryškinantys marškinėliai) – turistai
Akinių rėmeliai priderinti prie batų ir rankinės (greičiausiai dar ir vardiniai) – korėjiečiai
Moterys, apsirengusios atvirus drabužius (suknelės virš kelių, nuogi pečiai, iškirpt��s) – turistės
Žmogus su Crocsais (bus išpuošti visokiais teminiais animacinių herojų "segtukais") – korėjietis 
Žmogus su šortais (Karolis) – turistas
Į oro uostą nuriedėjome su vienu metro be persėdimų – ir vėl buvau apžavėta jo patogumu, greitumu, švarumu ir kaina – žinoma, nereikėtų tikėtis, kad viešasis transportas valstybei atneš pelno, bet radusi informaciją, jog 2021 metais Seoulas dėl jo patyrė 680 milijonų eurų nuostolių, likau šiek tiek šokiruota. Gerdama turbūt iš litrinio puodelio ledinę kavą, žiūrėjau į už lango besikaupiančius juodus audros debesis ir tikėjausi, kad lėktuvas pakils ir skris su tokia pačia ramybe, kokia mus sutiko Gimpo oro uosto darbuotojai. Taip, nesu mačiusi VISŲ pasaulio oro uostų, bet mačiau jų daug ir tikrai skirtingų – ir dar niekur kitur neturėjau tokios pačios patirties. Darbuotojai patikroje net neleido man pačiai susikrauti daiktų į dėžės – jie iš lėto laukė, kol visas mano šlamštas privažiuos arčiau jų konvejeriu, tada pagarbiai viską sudėjo į krepšelius, neleido man nusiimti nei batų (OK, didesniuose oro uostuose irgi nereikia, jeigu eini per tą besisukančią x-ray patikros kabiną, bet čia buvo tie paprasti "vartai"), nei saulės akinių (???), nei diržo. Ir viskas vyko tokioje tyloje ir ramybėje, kad net pamiršau nerimauti dėl savo baigiančio praplyšti skysčių maišelio.
Automobilių nuomos punkte atsidūrėme jau sutemus, kaip kokiam banke išsimušėme numerėlį, paspaudę vieną vienintelį suprantamą mygtuką – FOREIGNER. Darbuotoja iškart paprašė tarptautinio leidimo vairuoti (ne, paprastos mūsų teisės netinka – Korėjoje mašinos neišnuomos be keisto popieriuko su štampu iš Regitros už 8 eurus). Buvome išsirinkę SsangYong Torres – mergina greitai spaudinėdama klaviatūros mygtukus informavo, kad mūsų automobilyje nebus angliško GPS – linktelėjome ir patikinome, kad tai nebus bėda, nes vis tiek viskam naudojame GPS programėlę telefone. Padavusi popieriukus pasirašyti, ji mostelėjo ranka į aikštelę ir pasakė, kad mūsų mašina priparkuota vietoje 4-F, rakteliai bus salono viduje. 
Išėję į lauką supratome, kad absoliučiai visos nuomojamos mašinos buvo atrakintos, atidarytas langais ir su rakteliais viduje. Aikštelė net nebuvo kažkaip ypatingai saugiai aptverta nuo išorinių gyvybe dūzgiančių gatvių. Apėmė keistas jausmas – sunku suvokti, kaip čia visi vieni kitais besąlygiškai pasitiki, bet tuo pačiu ir buvo malonu bent porą savaičių pasijausti esant tokios visuomenės dalimi. 
Savo pirmajame Jeju salos Airbnb atsidūrėme per valandą, iš lėto vingiuodami kaimo keliukais. Greitai iškrovę lagaminus ir apsižvalgę po nakvynės vietą – pro virtuvės langus matėsi ranka pasiekiamas mandarinų sodas – patraukėme link artimiausio miestelio paslampinėti mieguistomis gatvėmis, o atsiradus progai, gal kažkur ir pavakarieniauti. Kadangi jau buvo vėlu, daug vietų buvo užsidariusios. Bet mūsų abiejų žvilgsnius patraukė jūrinį konteinerį primenantis pastatas, kurioje viduje degė šviesa. Priėję arčiau pastebėjome antrame aukšte įsikūrusi biliardą, o pirmame aukšte įsikūrusi maitinimo įstaiga net neturėjo durų – tik stumdomus tinklelius, kurie švelniai plevėsavo, kiekvieną kartą į juos atsisukus visu pajėgumu įjungtam ventiliatoriui. Viduje buvo gal keturi staliukai, o prie vieno vakarieniavo pora, kas kelias minutes vis susidauždama sklidinais stikliukais soju gėrimo.
Spėju, jog mus prie kasos iškart pasitiko vietos savininkė – ji šiek tiek kalbėjo angliškai, ir kai pasakėme, kad neimsime išsinešimui, o valgysime viduje – labai nustebo, ir puolė valyti patį didžiausią stalą. Užsisakėme jos firminės vištienos ir alaus, o tuo tarpu aš per priešais esantį veidrodį stebėjau virtuvėje vykstantį veiksmą. Kai per dešimt minučių užsuko trys skirtingos šeimos atsiimti telefonu pateiktų užsakymų išsinešimui, supratau, kad pataikėme į visai neblogą vietą. Paskutinieji užsakymo atsiimti atvyko tėvas su sūnumi – abu apsirengę pižamomis, ir apsiavę tik šlepetes, tyliai lūkuriavo ant vienišos baro kėdės, pastatytos arčiausiai išėjimo.
Savininkė neilgai trukus atšuoliavo link mūsų stalo su viena didele lėkšte vištienos, ir keletu mažyčių, kuriose gulėjo neaiškūs garnyrai. Mudu su Karoliu jau tiesėme rankas link pirštinių ir ruošėmės kibti į vakarienę, kai ji staigiau už mus jau užsimovė pirštinę ir pradėjo plėšyti vištieną nuo kaulo. Klausiamai susižvalgėm, ir pakėlėm akis į ją. Ji pradėjo juoktis.
– I will show you how to eat it the TASTIEST way.
Mes net vištienos išlaikyti rankose negalėjom ilgiau negu dvi sekundes, ji buvo dar tokia karšta, kad iškart padėjome atgal, o savininkė be jokių neigiamų emocijų ramiai ją plėšė ir dėliojo kažką panašaus į vištienos sumuštinį. Į delną įsidėjusi gabaliuką vištienos, ant jo uždėjo kepto česnako, tada šiek tiek kimchi, ir galiausiai pasėmė iš indelio rutuliuką lipnių, žalsvų ryžių, ir jį užkrovė ant viršaus. Gavosi toks nedidelis, gardžiai atrodantis bokštelis, su kuriuo ji pradėjo žaisti keistą žaidimą – sukinėti tai link Karolio, tai link mano burnos, lyg laukdama, kol kuris nors prasižios kaip koks paukštelio jauniklis. Karolis drąsiai priėmė šitą iššūkį, ir jau po sekundėlės čiaumojo savininkės firminiu metodu sukonstruotą vakarienę. 
Vėliau atėjusi išnešti mūsų praktiškai išlaižytas lėkštes, savininkė besišypsodama, bet be žodžių padėjo ant stalo du vietinius Jeju mandarinus. Aš dar gurkšnojau alų, žiūrėdama į palubėje kabantį medinį kryžių, ir negalėjau nusipurtyti minties, jog valgau vakarienę pas savo korėjietišką močiutę – lyg trumpai valandėlei būčiau gavusi šansą pažiūrėti į vieną savo paralelinių gyvenimų.
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casual012xyzcom · 1 year
#JessicaK #CasGames #Beauty 
Live https://www.twitch.tv/jessicakohh
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instantarchives · 2 months
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Ikseondong, Seoul, 2023.
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shop-cailey · 4 months
life in seoul: hanging out with Daisy Choi 🧸🤍 cafehopping in Ikseondong,...
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hurinhaeng · 6 months
Week 12
Summative Assessment Prep — Session 2
In response to the first question, "What is my design strength?" my answer is that I have diverse interests and studies in various fields such as fashion, music, and architecture.
For the second question, "What do I want to become in 5 years?" my aspiration is to operate my own studio and brand as a Brand Director.
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Regarding the third question, "What do I want to do between now and then? Why?" I plan to study business, cultural understanding, market economics, and law to prepare myself for the role of a Brand Director. Additionally, I aim to gain practical experience through various internship programs, working in both small and large-scale branding teams and exploring different industries. These experiences will contribute to my growth as a designer.
In response to the last question, "How will I do it?" I have contemplated my attitude and approach to facing diverse challenges and experiences. The key lies in my proactive attitude towards experimentation. It is not just about finding areas of interest but also about analyzing new experiences and transforming them creatively. I believe it is essential to explore various methods to present these experiences in ways that resonate with a diverse audience.
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In the context of "Design for tradition and lineages" I am inspired by the work of two designers who revitalized an old neighborhood in Seoul called Ikseon-dong.
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This area, once overlooked and populated mainly by elderly residents, was transformed through an urban regeneration project. Located in the heart of Seoul, a city known for its fast-paced and busy lifestyle, Insadong has transformed into a place where people consume something created by human hands, even if it's slower. The mentality of consuming tradition and slowness has turned this area into a neighborhood where many footsteps visit as a place for a brief respite, meaning a momentary escape for those leading hectic lives.
The designers preserved the traditional hanok buildings while redesigning their interiors to blend traditional and modern elements seamlessly.
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This transformation revitalized the area, making it a trendsetting neighborhood that embraces both tradition and modernity. This example demonstrates a successful fusion of traditional and contemporary design, preserving heritage while embracing modern trends.
In the CTS Week 12 class, I learned that accurately understanding contemporary issues and social phenomena and utilizing them to provide new experiences or unprecedented convenience to many people is a crucial element for a student studying Design Communication.
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Similar to the example of revitalizing forgotten traditions in Ikseon-dong, I, too, as a Brand Director or Designer, will strive to address various social issues, creating designs that prioritize people. Furthermore, I will study to pioneer new trends that blend existing design elements creatively, similar to the concepts of 'new analogue' and 'back to analogue' explored in the Ikseon-dong project.
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I aim to become a trailblazer, studying to anticipate and contribute to the new trends that designers should focus on in the future.
Kim man na on Jul.28.2021
[Oh!, Creator] #223 익선 다다 vol1."Ikseondong and Ikseon Dada: Misunderstanding and Truth"
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mnovenia · 8 months
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Day 11 in Korea - 7 Aug 2023
Ok ditulis di tgl 8 nov 2023, backsound again J-US psalm 139, knapa J-us terus ya muncul tiap update blog (kebetulan ini lagu sering w dnger entah dr mana n exactly Psalm jg yg mg lalu kusuru anak2 sun baca Oow tida ada yg kebetulan). Hahaha finally find time again to update my Seoul trip yg sudah 3 bulan berlalu tapi masih bikin senyam senyum.
Baiklah, abis panas dingin telp an sama Gwang Hui gw balik kamar, Bella kynya sih udah tidur tp kyknya dia dnger jg gw telpan. Dengan kepanasan keringetan gw mlm itu bisa tidur juga dan pindah ke lantai sodara2. Lanjut bangun2 keramas trus jangronim uda bangun, suaminya lagi manjat gunung and I minum vit magic yg bikin detox. Pokoke pagi itu nyenengin bgt, disiapin bubur juga and ga lama naik mobil jibsanim di drop ke gereja (mewah deh pokoknya).
Sampe gereja aku me time krn bella ke salon, titip tas di gereja, me time minum pumpkin apa gt di ediya sambil wifi an. Kita hari ini ada janji pula sama jibsanim (yg feeling gw Bella pernah mau jodohin tp dia udah cerai sama istrinya, punya tour business dan pgen ke Bali, ktnya sih november). Sebenernya sih ingin mencoba positip aja siapa tau cocok n jodoh, even ini blum pergi sm GH ya konteksnya. Kita ke cafe klenci2 gt lucu n enak makanannya, dia byk catch up sm bella n yoora aja sih, entah bhs korea gw lg mampet, ga mood krn mo dapet, ga cocok or ga tertarik aja deh pokoke wkwkw abis gt ngopi tmptnya enak padahal n lucu, tp ya gitu deh.. gw uda pusing aja ga sabar mo ketemu eunice jg.. gainget pokoke misah, yoora pulang ktr naik otoped, bella dropin gw d greja trus naik taxi lah w ke sheraton.
Finally met Eunice setelah setahun. Tp tetep sih dr awal uda komplen, org korea bau lah, ga bs bhs inggris lah, dia ga dpt feelingnya bgt lah, au dah. Trus gw cm inget taro barang, isi Tcard, trus kita jalan ke area hanok bukcheon, haha hehe, Onion antri and lumayan catch up. Foto2 liat2 aksesories di toko yg th lalu aku samperin, foto d spot yg sama sm th lalu, liat baju2 utk mei2, trus ke osulloc. Kynya sih gaya kita mmg ga cocok aja ya, dr jalan ktnya gw suru pelan2, byk tnya bgt pas d toko, ke toko bahan2 koreya yg kurang menarik, ktmu micin saram juga, trus doi pelit nya tuh ga pada tempatnya, byk hal2 intense deh yg bkin gw males argument sampe akhirnya ogut foto2 sky yg bentuknya hati (heart) jelas bgt sampe gw videoin haha... gw gatau itu sign apa tapi gw punya harapan besar I'd experience love in seoul hihii (taunya besokannya kan).
Trus kita jalan terus ke ikseondong, agak takut2 gt trus nemu tempat makan dumpling, foto2, liat2 aksesories, liat tmpt sogeum ppang yg gw nyesel gak beli, tas dll. Kurang enjoyable tp yaudalah ditahan aja toh cm semalem. Abis gt kita ga lama pulang ada ahjussi2 ngikutin rada shibal sekiya gt. Oh ya mlm itu tuh gw rada ga konsen jg krn sambil arrange schedule sm GH, aga2 miskom dikit seinget w. Trus pulang cepet k hotel, mampir olive young bentar abis gt gw mandi, fitting pulang bsok 'date' aka lebih mikirin meeting ke gangnam pake baju apa. Akhirnya terpilihlah baju tarzan item + celana item.
(sountrack hanahim appeseo muncul terus di mobil + coram deo live rabu). Kita lumayan seneng malem2 ktawa2 spongebob n discuss besok pagi mo makan apa. Akhirnya kita jalkak ke Ryan Coffee, agak2 nyasar2 dikit trus kopinya kenceng bgt or entah gw nervous jg. Kita adalah cerita heart to heart ttg papaku aku WA, netesin air mata, trus ngoborl2 sm sajangnim, istrinya pun muji kok hangukmal nya bagus pdhl dr bali etc. Eun sih seneng krn kynya itu tipe dia gt n kopinya legit (btw dia sambil makan kimbap lol), dia jg blg gw gak present, ya emang ini trip bukan ktemu lu n lu yg mengide n maksa jadi bukan salah w ya tlg in my defense.
Abis gt coba jalan2 d sekitar tp ky gaada yg menarik gt, muter2 sekililng hotel pun sama aja, akhirnya kita siap2 bentar n siap berpisah, gw pun siap ambil koper krn sudah menunjukkan hampir jm 12. Ok sampai dsni Eun
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inhwa-kim · 4 months
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January 3, 2024.
Ikseon-dong, Seoul.
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nhdiary · 1 year
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myjiating · 9 months
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We started our first day in Seoul by having Korean dumplings (mando) and noodles for breakfast. Then off to the Gyeongbokgung palace, the famous Baskin Robbins there, cafe hopping in Ikseondong, Nanta show, tshirt customization, and finally some Korean bbq. #Myeongdonggyoza
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gnwookieee · 10 months
hi hi hi, im so sorry about not replying straight away! i love your messages so much that i wanted to spend time making sure i gave a good reply <33
Aww, thank you! I already read your reply once before writing my response and it’s sooo sweet 🫶 THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO WRITE BACK SOO BEAUTIFULLY.
shipping and tax prices are my biggest enemy 🥺, sometimes it literally costs 3x the price of the album! South Korean fans are very lucky they don't have to pay ridiculous shipping costs lol. ive seen some people do those group orders which is suppose to lower the shipping costs for you but it takes longer for the album to be delievered to you... i don't have that kind of patience 😅
I feel you on that! And sometimes I have to pay additional duties in Canada depending on where I order from. It’s also hard to predict how much it’ll cost in some stores (there’s some KPOP stores in my city). 
aah your Canada recs sound amazing! 🫶🏻 i'm adding them all to a list so i dont forget them when i plan a trip there!! i have been researching a plan to fly from London to Toronto and then take a high-speed train all the way to Vancover, apparently it takes 3 days and 20 hours but it is supposed to be really picturesque.
I never took the train from Toronto to Vancouver (it's very pricey) but I heard it’s beautiful as well. If you do get to go, I hope you enjoy it!!!
i definetly want to go to British Columbia, have you ever been to Stanley Park? I’ve seen it pop up on alot of ‘must-do things in BC’ and it looks pretty. 
Yep! I’ve been to Stanley Park a few times. When it's nice out, you can bike around the sea wall (there's bike rentals) or you can take a 4 to 5 hour stroll (that’s what I did LMAO). I think they also do horse carriages. 
do you think autumn/fall would be a good time to visit? or is it better in the summer months? i'm sure it depends on where abouts in Canada you are as it is so large. autumn is my favourite season and i really like seeing all the folliage, i can image the trees in canada turn really pretty.
Honestly, it’s probably better to visit in the Fall but I’m biased because I hateee the summer heat. It does rain quite a bit in British Columbia during October or November depending on the year and if you’re in Alberta, you might get hit with snow, hail, idkkk (honestly, I don’t know why people live there. The weather is sooo extreme there but everyone I met there was nice) depending on how Mother Nature is feeling. 
OMG how was South Korea??? i'm very jealous i want to go so bad but noone i know wants to go with me and i'm a little scared to travel so far on my own at the momenet but in a few years i'm sure i'll be brave enough lol. i hope you have an amazing time when you go back as well, do you have any plans or things you want to do when you go back? March/May time sounds so perfect to be there, the cherry blossoms are supposed to be so pretty at that time!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
It was super fun. I was there for 19 days but there was a typhoon on the day of my birthday (thank you for the present, South Korea 🥰) so unfortunately we (as in my bf and I) lost two to three full days. We also had to rebook a couple of things because we were suppose to fly from Busan to Jeju Island while the typhoon hit. Though regardless, it was still lots of fun fun!! 
Most of the time, we were hiding indoors in cute cafes or cute stores because it was sooo freaking hot while we were there (over 30 degree celsius 😭). The weather was a lot better after the typhoon though. There’s sooo much I could talk about but my my favourite areas I visited were the Bukchon Hanok Village (Seoul), Ikseondong Hanok Village (Seoul), Gamcheon Culture Village (Busan), and Aewol Cafe Street (Jeju Island). Here's some Seoul cafe recommendation. If you want to know more, let me know!!! I can literally write an essay about my trip.
As for places I want to go, here’s a list of cafes in Seoul I want to go. For Busan, I’m hoping to do stuff I didn’t get to do such as going to the Songdo Cloud Trails + Base Station + Sky Park + Suspension Bridge, Sky Capsule, Gaya Land, and probably Haeundae Market + Beach as well. For Jeju, so far I’m planning to return to the Aewol Cafe Street and just visit the cafes in the island (they’re so beautiful, boujee, and spacious). These are some possible cafes I might visit in Seoul.
honestly ilysm!! thank you so much for all of your messages, i have loved talking about travel recommendations with you! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
It was super fun. I was there for 19 days but there was a typhoon on the day of my birthday (thank you for the present, South Korea 🥰) so unfortunately we (as in my bf and I) lost two to three full days. We also had to rebook a couple of things because we were suppose to fly from Busan to Jeju Island while the typhoon hit. Though regardless, it was still lots of fun fun!! 
oh gosh how typical that there was a typhoon on your birthday 🥺!! annoying that you lost some of your days bc of it but i’m glad you stayed safe and still had a good time 🫶🏻! i went to Florida last year and a similar thing happened to me with a hurricane, not great lol😅
Most of the time, we were hiding indoors in cute cafes or cute stores because it was sooo freaking hot while we were there (over 30 degree celsius 😭). The weather was a lot better after the typhoon though. There’s sooo much I could talk about but my my favourite areas I visited were the Bukchon Hanok Village (Seoul), Ikseondong Hanok Village (Seoul), Gamcheon Culture Village (Busan), and Aewol Cafe Street (Jeju Island). Here's some Seoul cafe recommendation. If you want to know more, let me know!!! I can literally write an essay about my trip.
you are giving me all of the travel inspiration, i love it 🥰!! i feel like you should be a travel planner/coordinator, bc you give such good recommendations!! the traditional villages look so pretty, it’s amazing how the country has such a mix of modern and traditional areas! i’m going to have a look at all the cafes you recommended tysm!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
As for places I want to go, here’s a list of cafes in Seoul I want to go. For Busan, I’m hoping to do stuff I didn’t get to do such as going to the Songdo Cloud Trails + Base Station + Sky Park + Suspension Bridge, Sky Capsule, Gaya Land, and probably Haeundae Market + Beach as well. For Jeju, so far I’m planning to return to the Aewol Cafe Street and just visit the cafes in the island (they’re so beautiful, boujee, and spacious). These are some possible cafes I might visit in Seoul.
aaah it all sounds so amazing 🤩 !! i’m going to ask you about any South Korea travel questions i have in the future! you are now my personal travel expert. i have made notes on and googled all of the places/things you have wrote, i’m really interested in the Songdo Cloud Trails and Sky Capsule! i might have to start planning my dream future trip now just for fun
i love that there is such a big cafe culture in South Korea! i feel like it will be my happy place if I ever get to go! cafés are really just the best.
i really hope you get to visit/see everything, and that there are no natural disasters this time!
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Seoul, Korea (2022)
Dates: 25th November 2022 to 2nd December 2022
ICN Airport to City: 45 min Express Train from ICN to Seoul Station. About S$9.
Seoul Station to CBD area (Eujiro 2 or Cheonggyecheon stream): Cab- about S$8- 9.
 Travel within city: All cabs to places from CBD: S$8 to S$22. Furthest being Gangnam.
Google the desired location, click its Google Map. Find Korean words below photos at Google Map. Audio playback Korean words to cab drivers (most don’t know English). Or, copy Korean address, then find in Naver app for bus/ subway/ walk options.
Get transport card from any CU (their 7-11) store. Can be used on buses and subway trains. STAY 
Where to stay:  from orientation and observations done in this trip, these two areas are ideal. 
 1. Somewhere along Cheonggyecheon Stream between Euljiro 1 and 3 stations.  CBD.  Eg Lotte City Hotel Myeondong is superbly situated. Four Points Sheraton, Nine Tree Myeondong are options too. 
 2. Yeonamm is a charming, alternative area. Hipster Haji-lane vibes.   Only down side - further from everything else as Yeonamm -Hongdae is in the west.  (Think Holland V) WHERE’S WHERE 
The following clustering of activities and highlights is done with efficient moving-around in mind.
Cluster 1: Gyeongbokgung Palace
Cafe Onion- one of the most well-known cafes among Singaporean tourists. has a couple of branches. good pastries and aesthetic interior design. Anguk branch is in a century-old hanok. Unique place for breakfast.  
Go west for 5-10 min, you will reach MCCA Seoul branch (also got other branches, so be careful when navigating), which is just across the road from Gyeongbokgung Palace.  
National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Art (MCCA Seoul)- a great museum to visit if you want a break from shopping and the outdoors. relatively edgy exhibits. has a big cafe and gift shop too.
Gyeongbokgung Palace — one of the most popular tourist destinations in Seoul. A fun thing to do would be to loan traditional costumes from the nearby shops for a couple of hours, to explore the palace grounds in while taking photos. note that the palace is closed on Tuesdays. we had a good experience loaning costumes from Hanbok Girls. when done, walk to nearby restaurant Tosokchon Samgyetang, famous for ginseng chicken.  
There are two Hanok villages in this area too - Bukchon (more famous) and Seochon. 
About S$8 cab fare from Euljiro 3 to Onion Anguk. Cluster 2: Jongno (Ikseondong - Insadong - Pocha) 
Ikseon-dong- a unique hanok village that is popular with social media influencers due to very aesthetic cafes. good for a cafe-hopping afternoon. notable cafes include: Cheong Su Dang (清水堂)and Kafe 溫 (카페 온 溫). 
Walk minutes to the west, you will reach Insadong - tourist shopping street, with a youth design centre that has floors of crafts based on original IP.
Walk south and you will reach the road Donhwamum-ro 11-Gil.  Where exits 4 and 5 of Jongno 3 Station areat.  This is where there is a concentration of Pochas at night in winter, and in the alleys, a cluster of gay bars such as Bar Friends and Gnomes. 
If you stay near Eujilro 1-3, all these are within walking distances.
Cluster 3: Cheonggyecheon Stream
North of Stream, between Jonggak station and Jongno 2 street is Avenue of Youth.  Noisy Ximending-like.  Lots of food though - BHC and Kyonchon fried chicken shops are here. Also, a huge orange pocha with good food! 
South of Stream: Myeondong.  Myeongdong- traditionally known as a shopping area popular for cosmetic products. but many shops have closed due to the pandemic. currently worth visiting mainly to check out the street food stalls and a famous dumpling eatery named Myeongdong Kyoja, which only serves 4 dishes but is a must-visit. has 2 branches in the area.
Can also cover walk Lotte Town - a series of huge shopping malls with familiar brands like Uniqlo, Samsonite . 
If you stay near Eujilro 1-3, all these are within walking distances. Cluster 4: Gwangjang Market + DDP
Gwangjang Market- a vibrant street food destination, including a couple of stalls featured on Netflix programme Street Food. come here for lunch and to check out the market stalls selling snacks and dry goods.
DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza)- an architectural wonder that’s one of the most recognisable landmarks in Seoul. visit to take photos of the facade, then check out the exhibition spaces and gift shop within. 
If you stay near Eujilro 1-3, all these are within walking distances. Or a short cab or bus ride to the east.  Can cover both over lunch and an afternoon.   Cluster 5: Hongdae and Yeonnam
Hongdae- probably one of the best shopping areas in Seoul for youths and the young at heart. wide range of shopping options, from international brands to indie shops. good to come in the evening and stay on till night falls. many f&b offerings too. we began exploring the area from an arts complex we love named KT&G.
Yeonnam-dong- a charming area near Hongdae, with alleyways of numerous cafes, boutiques and bookshops. notable eateries include: Greem Cafe, Gosh Gosh 
Yeonnam is more Haji Lane and Hongdae is more Bugis.  They are separated by Hongik University Station. 
About S$10 - 15 cab fare from Eujiro 3 to Yeonamm or Hongdae. Cluster 6: Gangnam
Further south, must cross Han River. At least 20-30 min cab ride (S$18-22) from Cheonggyecheon Stream. So plan activities together to avoid travelling up and down. 
Starfield Library- located within COEX mall, this aesthetic library has been a popular photo destination for years. the underground mall itself is connected to Hyundai Department Store. 
Then go west to Apgujeong area for Sinsajeon Honey Comb Makgeolli. Good pancakes too.  Must visit! 
The street in front of Makgeolli shop is Dosan-daero 11 Gil.  And it has CK and Gentle Monster etc. Can walk and lead you to Hyundai Departmental Main Store. Sulwhasoo flagship store is nearby too. Others
Lotte Mart next to Seoul Station- massive supermarket good for buying snacks and other gifts before flying home 
Seoul Forest- more like a Botanic Gardens than an actual forest, but a good option for a walk in nature without leaving Seoul
Paradise City- a relatively new casino resort near Incheon Airport. it has a refreshing focus on modern art, and features some stunning architectural wonders. worth visiting for photo opportunities. locker service on level 3 of Incheon Airport, then free shuttle service (10min) available to get you here.
Zest- a chic bar that’s in the list of World’s 50 Best Bars 2022. Prides itself on cocktails that use Korean ingredients in a sustainable manner
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