#it's not just a re-evaluation of what you thought was wrong or right but rebuilding your entire worldview from scratch
lgbtlunaverse · 4 months
I think one aspect of Nie Mingjue that is critically overlooked in fandom is that he failed.
What I mean is that I think it's strongly implied that a significant part of Nie Mingjue's moral rigidity and his tendency to universally fall back on his principles instead of trying to see the unique context of a new situation is that he is strongly aware that at some point his sense of judgement will be greatly impaired due to the saber curse, and he hopes that a strong rule-based morality system that he sticks to at all times-- ignoring any specfic feelings or doubts that may arise-- will help mitigate the damage when that happens. If he's trained himself to ignore his instincts and stick to the rules, he can continue doing the right thing even after he emotionally can no longer tell what the right thing is!
And it fails! Miserably! He essentially tried to destroy his ancestral curse with Facts and Logic and it didn't work! And he doesn't even realize that it's no longer working because surprise surprise: the curse that severely affects your sense of judgement also ruins your ability to gauge whether you're still standing by those rules you made up for yourself.
And the system was flawed from the get-go, because there is no such thing as a set of moral rules that are so universally applicable you'll never have to make unclear decision in edge-cases or re-evalutate the rules themselves based on new information-- a thing this system won't let him do because What If That's The Curse Talking? (nmj is basically a walking version of the slippery slope fallacy. Any small change is bad because it will lead to eventual catastrophy)-- and also because facts unfortunately do in fact care about your feelings and your attempt to be objective and unclouded by your emotions is still going to be subjective and informed by your own views, which is why Nie Mingjue's moral code has a core tentant that says self-sacrifice is not only Good but Mandatory and wanting to live is Bad, actually.
But even if the rules had somehow been perfect it would still, in the end, have failed. Right as the moment Nie Mingjue made that whole fucking system for arrives, it becomes useless. It's honestly really dark and tragic and deeply fascinating because of that.
Any fix-it that includes Nie Mingjue recovering from late stage saber poisoning should include him being absolutely horrified. Not just in the generic "oh my god I'm so sorry I hurt you" way, but in the sense that the thing he has committed to to the utmost degree since he was a child failed completely and instantly without him even noticing. Dedicated most of his life to it and it didn't matter at all. That's gonna fuck with a guy's head.
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ballerinaroy · 4 years
raised for a purpose
“He cuts himself off because they don’t understand. They don’t get it. For Harry, it doesn’t end with Voldemort. If he was born the power to defeat the dark lord then he has the power to defeat them all."
Looking back, it wasn’t as simple as a butterfly flapping its wings, or maybe it was. One decision after another has lead Harry Potter down a very different path from his friends. Now, twenty-six and under investigation from the ministry, Harry is forced to take a step back and re-evaluate how he went from the boy who lived to the man who went too far.
Read on Ao3
The goblins take his money.
Harry’s never indulged in the fortune his parents left him, but he supposed he’d always taken comfort in the fact that money was not a concern of his. He’d never had to think about money, or providing for himself, so when he received a notice that they were charging him for the damages incurred in May, he realized he’d have to get a job.
But only after a good deal of shouting.
“We were in the middle of a war!”
“Goblins do not take part in trivial human matters,” the goblin said. “You broke into our building and caused a significant amount of damage-“
“Take it out of the Lestrange Vault!”
“They were the victims.”
“Victims?” he asked. “You’re defending two people responsible for crimes so terrible the Prophet won’t even print them all.”
“Again, Mr. Potter. Goblins do not take part in trivial human matters.” The Goblin looked bored. “Our only concern is ensuring that the gold and valuables of our clients are secure. You broke into a vault, stole and damaged our building. Thus, you must pay for the damages. If you would like to pay for those damages in a different form then we will gladly give you access to your vault, otherwise consider your account with Gringotts closed.”
Hermione decides to go back to school. Ron decides to join her.
“What do you mean you want to go back to school?” Harry asked as they casually discussed this over tea as if the news wasn’t life-altering.
“We’ve been talking about this for weeks, mate,” Ron answered, looking just as surprised as Harry felt.
“But we’ve been offered jobs as Aurors!” Harry pointed out.
“No, Kingsley asked if we’d be willing to help rebuild the department,” Ron replied. Harry stared at him. “There is no Aurors, the head was killed as soon as Thickneese took over and everyone with any sense fled. After everything we’ve been through this past year, do you really want to keep taking on Death Eaters with no help?”
“If not us, then who?” Harry asked.
“Literally, anyone else,” Ron said impatiently. “Look, if it were an actual job with someone there to help us then sure, but until there’s anyone with sense running the department then I don’t fancy going on goose chases for who knows how long.”
“Don’t you want something normal, Harry?” Hermione pleaded. “Haven’t you given enough?”
“No,” he said, staring at his best friends and wondering how they could even consider it being over. “How can you just go to school like there isn’t evil out there?”
They shared a worried look.
“There’s always going to be evil,” Ron replied. “But I think we’ll be much better fighting it if we take a year for ourselves and get qualified.”
Ron’s right. There is no Auror department.
It’s with bitterness that Harry admits to himself that Ron might have had a point. He shows up to a room full of people all staring at each other with distrust. The appointed department head instructs them to patrol Diagon Alley, attend Wizengamont sessions, monitor Azkaban. Mundane tasks that dark wizard catchers had no business doing.
When Harry spends more time being shown off to international wizards than he does battling evil and at Christmas, he finds himself jealous of Ron and Hermione’s stories about quidditch and classes and papers.
“You could come,” Hermione offered, “I’d help you catch up.”
“I already have a job to do.” He said bitterly and doesn’t see them off.
Harry goes rogue.
According to his orders, he’s to get information only. Not leave his post. They are to observe, build cases, not intervene unless they have sufficient manpower. But when Dolohov has the nerve to show his face in the middle of the day Harry can’t find it in himself to care that he’d not supposed to act. Particularly not when Dolohov gives him an evil smile and orders a pint like he’d never tortured anyone like he had as much a right to be in the pub as Harry.
So he stuns him, binds him and leaves behind a broken table and a screaming crowd.
The press have a field day.
“The Boy-Who-Lives does it again!”
“Evil Truphped by the Chosen One”
It feels good to be recognized for having done something beyond stand behind Kingsley at a press conference. And his boss can’t really argue because now, there’s one less Death Eater on the streets and he seems perfectly happy taking the credit for the work that Harry did.
When Harry seeing Dawlish accepting payment from Goyle in an alley he captures him too. He stops showing up for his assigned shifts and starts tracking down whoever he can find.
Ron and Hermione graduate. They get engaged. They get married.
They beg him over for dinner or out for drinks and he makes it when he can, but there’s so much work to do and not enough people doing it. He resents Hermione for taking a job with Magical Law because she is fierce and competitive and he could use her by his side but he resents Ron more for taking a job with the Aurors and following every rule he’s given.
“Not all of us are you, Harry,” Ron says, refusing to leave his patrol in Hogsmeade to help him track down who’s been trafficking entrumptment horn and selling it off in dangerous quantities. “If I were to do the things that you were I’d be fired.”
So Harry stops asking Ron to join him. Stops accepting invitations to dinner to avoid the gentle suggestions that he should take a day off, rest. Stops joining the Weasleys on Sundays. Starts pretending he’s not home with Hermione comes calling. Stops going into the office on the days he knows Ron is there.
He cuts himself off because they don’t understand. They don’t get it. For Harry, it doesn’t end with Voldemort. If he was born the power to defeat the dark lord then he has the power to defeat them all.
The ministry is perfectly happy to let a teenager sort out their problems until they aren’t.
Aside from some feeble attempts to reign him in during that first year, Harry has largely been left to his own devices. He’s lasted through department policy changes, three department heads, and countless initiatives to reduce dark wizards and address the inequities that plagued their society. Though it all, Harry had continued hunting down dark wizards with no repercussions to his actions.
It’s only when he’s injured on the job, stuck in a hospital bed to regrow all of the bones in his right leg that he gets the notice. Under investigation.
“For improper apprehension methods?” Harry raged at the letter that had been hand-delivered by the head of the department, flanked by two of his own bodyguards. “Since when has petrifying someone been improper?”
“Six months,” Ron frowned at him.
“They passed a law about it and everything,” Hermione told him. “They did a study and found that being petrified for more than an hour had the potential for long term effects, not to mention the psychological trauma. I sent you the article, didn’t you read it?”
Ron and Hermione had shown up before he’d even woken and though it’d been weeks since he’d last spoken with them, showed no sign of leaving.
“Didn’t have the time,” Harry said truthfully enough. In fact, he hadn’t opened any of their mail in a long time. It sat, piled on his dresser at home. It was too painful, remembering what they had once shared and he was no longer a part of.
“Well,” Hermione continued, “You’ll have plenty of time to read now, the healer said that you needed to take it easy.”
“I need to go back to work,” Harry countered.
“You’re suspended, Harry,” Ron told him in a surprisingly firm voice. “You need to recover.”
Anger pt. I
They refuse to rise to his foul mood, act as if everything is the same between them when nothing is. It boils over when, even after a week, he’s unable to get dressed without Ron’s help.
“You haven’t been through what I’ve been through.” He spat at them angrily. “You don’t understand how it feels to be responsible for this!”
He’s been yelling for a while and they’ve been taking it which only makes him angrier.
“No,” Hermione agreed, a hitch in her voice. “We don’t.”
She hesitated and Harry spit, “But?”
They glanced at one another and then, in a hesitant voice.
“But we stopped,” Ron answered, “Because it was too painful. We gave ourselves time to recover, to sort out what had happened to us.”
“Things were bad,” Hermione whispered, “At school.”
They share another significant look and in a pained voice she went on. “We were irritable and hostile. I wouldn’t sleep for days because so long as I was working I could ignore everything that had happened.”
“We fought with each other, with others,” Ron told him. “I’d get up and leave class, hex people for talking bad about you. Had it been any other year, we would have been expelled for sure.”
“And of course there were flashbacks and nightmares but it was nothing compared to the intrusive thoughts,” she drew a shuddering breath, “Sometimes it felt like there was still a Horcux around our necks whispering terrible things. Sometimes I wish there was to explain away the lack of control. The guilt of surviving, the anxiety in thinking of all the ways we shouldn’t’ve been able to.”
“It took us a while, to even see that there was something wrong,” Ron said, reaching over to grab Hermione’s hand. “And when we did it didn’t give us any answers on how to make it better.”
“We spent a lot of time talking,” Hermione provided. “Talking it all to death, to the point that I wasn’t even interested in talking about it anymore.”
“And we set boundaries, on what we could handle from one another and from the world,” Ron said. “I gave up Quidditch because I’d get so angry during the games. Every missed goal felt like life or death and afterwords I’d berate the team win or lose.”
“And I set a routine so I ate every day and wouldn’t just hole myself up in the library and got to bed at a decent time.” Hermione’s voice was kind. “We didn’t graduate cured, but I felt like I had a handle on myself. I wasn’t terrified to be left alone.”
“We wanted to help you, mate, we’ve always wanted to help you, but you went barreling down this path and refused to even consider taking a second for yourself,” Ron said. “I couldn’t do that with you then, and I can’t do that with you now.”
Hermione reached over and grasped his arm. “You have to let us help you, Harry. And if it’s not us, you have to figure out something that will because if you keep going like you are-“ she broke off as if the thought was too terrible.
“Come home with us,” Ron said firmly, “Don’t go running off chasing the next horrible thing because it’ll still be there once you’ve had a chance to recover.”
He sees a therapist.
Has too, if he wants any chance at his job back. His first appointment she smiles too much and seems a little starstruck and Harry found it hard to believe that she wouldn’t sell his secrets for the right price. Not to mention her questions. About his family, about his past, his friendships and it all feels a little too much like an interview with Rita gone wrong but then...
“Why does it have to be you hunting all these Death Eaters down?”
“But I was the one named and until I capture them all-”
“Until I killed him he was going to keep coming after me. I was the one prophesied to kill him, there was nothing anyone else could do.”
She looked at him patiently and Harry felt his anger spike.
“Voldemort tried to murder me when I was barely old enough to stand. He followed me to school at eleven, when I was twelve his Horcrux tried to murder me, fourteen, fifteen, I was the only one who could end it.”
“And what about now? Voldemort isn’t what’s coming after you.”
“No, but his followers are still at large and as long as they are my friends are in danger, the wizarding world is in danger.”
“Do you feel that there’s anyone else who is able-?”
“No one else was doing anything! Before I arrested Dolohov they were just sitting on their asses, twiddling their thumbs, not caring that the people who hunted down and cursed my friends were allowed to walk the streets.”
“Do you still feel that way? Like there’s no one else doing anything?”
“Well, no, but-”
“But what?”
“But the ministry always waited too long to act. Sure, right now things are functioning but what happens when another Dark Lord comes? What happens when a politician becomes corrupt? It’s really hard to believe that things will continue to get better because in my experience things only ever get better for a while.”
The five stages of grief.
Anger (pt.II)
“Those wankers don’t know what they’re doing. Half the cells in Azkaban are filled because of me. The ministry won’t be able to do a thing without me.”
“Any day now, the charges’ll be dropped. I’m Harry Potter, I killed Voldemort. The ministry can’t run without me.”
“If they could just give me another year, I could round up who’s left.”
“What’s the point, if I can’t defeat Dark Wizards? It’s not like I have any skills to speak of.”
“I don’t think being an Auror is healthy.”
“I don’t think I want to chase Dark Wizards any more.”
It took some getting used to, life at Ron and Hermione’s.
There was the morning rush as they bumped into one another and got ready for work, but by in large life was a lot slower, neater. They came home by six and made dinner and drank wine on the couch as the dishes washed themselves in the sink. In the evenings, Hermione would work and Ron would entertain them with stories about his day as Crookshanks curled up on Harry’s lap with a warm weight that made him sleepily.
On the weekends they’d go to the market and Quidditch matches or listen to the wireless and the rain lashing at the windows. It was…peaceful. Calm.
George and Ginny would stop in for dinner. Percy would pop up for a quick consult with Hermione only to stay for an hour. Molly brought baskets of baked good and even though Harry insisted he didn’t need anything, she’d tidy up and do his washing.
When the fourth month passed and the matter had yet to be sorted, he gave up his flat at Ron and Hermione’s insistence. And when his healers said he didn’t have to be on bed rest any longer, he accepted George’s invitation to come and visit the shop. It was there that Harry found his own routine, stacking boxes, counting. It was soothing, calm. When he walked through the door in the evening Ron and Hermione would smile and in time he started to smile back.
His name is cleared.
He always knew it would be. What should have been an administrative disciplinary hearing is a full spectacle, standing room only. When they deliver the final verdict, people actually gasp and it takes several minutes to regain order.
“Mr. Potter will be placed under supervision for a probationary period of a year. Should there be no more issues, then he will resume his duties with all the authority the title of Auror carries.”
“Thank you, minister,” Harry replied, “I accept your judgment.”
Again, the buzzing.
“But I respectfully resign, effective immediately.”
His ears ring for days after.
Harry finds a different path.
He doesn’t visit McGonagall intending to apply for the ever vacant Defence post, just to ask to start a club, come and lecture. Harry is beginning to regret not going back to school and while he doesn’t think it will cure him like it cured Ron and Hermione, he hopes that it will return to him that hopeful feeling. But Harry’s never quite figured out how to argue with her stern look.
“There’s no point in trying to hire someone else,” she said firmly as they discussed Harry’s proposition over tea and ginger biscuits. “I don’t fancy hearing students attending your club and then arguing with the Professor that the only useful spell is ‘Expellimus’.”
Harry’s face grows hot and thinks about pointing out that he’s quite apt at a shield charm as well, but gives in. “A year, as a trial. The position is cursed after all.”
“You’ve never been one for rules, Harry. Why should you follow this one?”
A year turns into two turns into ten. He trains his students on defensive spells and jelly-legs jinxes. Tells the story of how Ron defeated a troll when they were first years and how Hermione traveled in time to do too many classes. His students all ask for tales of battle and when he gives in he senses their disappointment because all his stories end in a lesson. Lessons of bravery and kindness. Of how Voldemort wouldn’t’ve existed at all if perhaps he hadn’t been loved more as a child.
He sees Ron and Hermione’s children through school who call him Uncle and act the same in his classroom as they do when he joins them on the holidays. He drinks tea with Neville in the staff room and offers Butterbeer to students who come to him late at night with fears. Sometimes, Harry wonders what might have happened if he hadn’t gone too far. But it’s painful to imagine a world where he doesn’t stay up late grading papers and sneak out after dinner to have a drink with his friends.
At seventeen he thought his only purpose was to defeat the dark arts but now he can see that fighting death eaters isn’t the only way to make the world a better place.
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birb-fanus-oz · 5 years
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This is messy and is not about BB!Oz exactly, but this is the preclude and the beginning of Headmaster!Ozpin’s first interaction with Qrow and how it defines their relationship afterwards.
If you want to see how this fits in the Birb Fanus!Ozpin AU and some more deep plot points, keep reading. Otherwise, it’s just Ozpin and young!Qrow hanging on the side of a cliff after the edge broke off.
Context: On Ozpin’s side, this is his 4th time meeting Qrow who is now about 17-18~ years old while Ozpin is about 10~ years older (?). However, this is his first time meeting Qrow without wings and it took him a bit of a while to realize this Qrow was the same child he met when he was younger (his vague familiarity with Qrow was what made him decide on the cliff launching test when he saw the skirt). Qrow is still having trouble socializing with his peers and team so Ozpin is started wandering around tall places while reminiscing old memories. It was not long before Qrow was called in for causing trouble and Ozpin suggested meeting up near the cliff area since he was already there and Qrow knows the location.
On Qrow’s side, he doesn’t remember or know the name of the fanus whom he saved and was saved by since he was so young. He thought those meetings were dreams of an imaginary friend. When he first saw the headmaster, he thought Ozpin looked familar, but not right so that made him feel strangely irritated and confused (not to mention getting launched). When he was sent to the headmaster, he was grumpy but figured this was a good way of gathering info for Raven. Again, when he saw the headmaster aginst the background of the evening sky, he thought the image seemed wrong. However, Ozpin didn’t speak down to him and actually listened to his frustrations with integrating with school life. Although he still had to be punished for causing trouble, Qrow had a feeling things at school won’t be so bad with Ozpin around.
Of course, naturally, this is when his bad luck happened and the cliff edge Ozpin was standing on happened to crumble apart, surprising them both. What surprised them both even more when was Qrow immediately reached out and threw Ozpin back, too being being surprised how light Ozpin was (bird bones) to realize his momentum caused him to fall down the cliff instead.
While he was cursing himself for not bringing his weapon, he absently notes that this is probably better than getting killed (probably by Raven) for causing the headmaster’s death. Of course, while he was distracted, Ozpin jumped and ran down the cliff himself to catch Qrow and jammed his cane into the cliff to bring them into a stop. After some obligatory yelling at each other for being dumb (Qrow yelling at Ozpin for risking his life and Ozpin arguing that Qrow is his responsiblity and student), Qrow couldn’t help but noticed how weird it was for someone to worry about him and how happy Ozpin was that Qrow was safe.
When they both calmed down enough for Qrow to help get Ozpin’s scroll to call for help, Ozpin noticed that Qrow was amazed at how beautiful the scenery was, at a height most people don’t get to see. Despite being in a tense situation where they have a very high chance of death, Qrow was the most relaxed and happiest Ozpin had ever seen. This brought back Ozpin to his own nostalgia of embracing the sky again and was the seeds to him eventually gifting Qrow the power to transform into a Crow.
On Qrow’s side, he was re-evaluating his own life and how being at Beacon was full of annoying things but also many exciting new things in just his first few days! The Headmaster Ozpin especially caught his eye when he saw his cheerful smile after almost falling to their deaths. In this view, Qrow’s image of Ozpin still didn’t match up exactly right, but this happy version of him helped smoothed the feeling of wrongness out of his mind. He was also amazed by how Ozpin didn’t mind Qrow’s bad luck and how he was able to defend and save them both.
After they were both rescued and Ozpin reassured the staff it was nobodies’s fault, just the cliff structural integrity, he collapses from aura exhaustion and his weak body made things worse. This made Qrow fuss over him years later, but Qrow was also the one who snuck Ozpin out of Beacon on short trips when he saw how Ozpin wasn’t let out of the Vale very often due to health and assassin reasons.
A/N: This took about the whole day (?) to edit when it was originally supposed to be 3 hours but that was scrapped when I wanted to color the eyes but that didn’t look right so I colored the background and you can see what happened from there. Then it took about another 2~ hours to write this and make it readable... Especially on mobile/tablet app. (=w=;;;)
The general feeling I wanted to convey was that Ozpin cares about Qrow and Qrow makes him feel alive and happy again. Qrow at this age to the future is amazed that anyone would want to be around him and really feels like Ozpin should be happy more often than mysterious. 
However, after Summer’s death, Qrow spent less time with Ozpin to take care of the girls and they could only support each other from afar; causing Qrow to unconsciously put Opzin on a pedestal and Ozpin to hesitate in sharing secrets/burdens. After Volume 6, the two are struggling to reconcile after Qrow’s words and Ozpin’s secrets. It was only recently that they have started to rebuild their bond that BB!Oz came into existence, allowing more time for Qrow to start wondering about Ozpin’s childhood and the beginning of revealing what happened to Ozpin to change him into the headmaster figure Qrow knew most of his life (Qrow still doesn’t know that Ozpin is the same Fanus who he thinks was an imaginary friend he imagined).
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swissmissficrecs · 6 years
Hi! I really really love works like Through the Clouds and The Sea in a Chasm and Horse and Carriage where one of the boys proposes marriage or retirement together and the other struggles with what that means about their "friendship". Do you have any other fics you can rec me along that vein? I'd also love fics where Sherlock marries them without telling John!
Reply: I love these too! First of all, here are some relatedlists:
Gettingtogether late in life
And here are the ones you mentioned in case anyone else would liketo look them up:
Horse andCarriage by flawedamythyst (60K, Teen, Johnlock)Sherlockproposes. John thinks the whole idea is ludicrous.
Through theClouds by mazarin221b (20K, Explicit, Johnlock)Sherlock takesa remarkably early retirement at 47, and convinces John that a changeof pace would do them both good. They buy an old cottage on the SouthDowns, and exchange their nonstop life in Baker Street for quietcontemplation, bee studies, and book writing.They might go completelyinsane, but sometimes it takes stepping outside of the life you’reliving to find the life you want.
The Sea in aChasm [orphaned] (17K, Teen, Johnlock and John/OFC)WhenSherlock decides to retire to Sussex, John decides to find out who heis without Sherlock.
Now I know I have read a couple of fics where Sherlock (or Mycroft) secretly procured a marriage license for them for medical or case-related purposes without John’s knowledge, but unfortunately I am not able to find them right now so if anyone else knows one please let us know! I can give you a bunch of others, though, in which thoughts of marriage lead to angst and re-examination of the relationship:
This is a very close second (and one of my all-time favorite fics)in which Sherlock pretends to be married to John without John’sknowledge:
The Good Morrowseries by greywash (213K, Explicit, Johnlock)My post-S2series where everyone has a lot of feels about everything andplausibility isstretched unto breaking. Also: fucking.
In this one, Sherlock thinks John is going to propose but hedoesn’t, leading to relationship re-evaluation:
Stood in History by philalethia (18K, Explicit, Johnlock)He discovered the ring in John’s sock drawer. It all went a bit downhill from there.
In these, one or the other of them thinks about proposing for areally long time:
a good old-fashioned happy ending by darcylindbergh (32K, Explicit, Johnlock)And Sherlock stands there, in the middle of a Christmas market as John hums along to Silent Night, John’s hand warm in his with fingertips a little gritty from the cinnamon-sugar doused churros they’d shared, and thinks, oh, that’s–that’s an idea, isn’t it?*For Christmas this year, Sherlock wants to get John something special: something every fairytale deserves.
The One With the Proposal by kim47 (22K, Explicit, Johnlock)Proposing shouldn’t be this difficult.Written for this prompt at the kink meme: Remember that episode of Friends where Chandler is going to propose to Monica and how he pretends that he doesn’t care about marriage so she’ll be really surprised? How about a version of it with Sherlock and John with Sherlock being the one that wants to propose but pretends that he has no desire for it?
About Sleep and Coffee and the Existence of Fate by Atiki (17K, Explicit, Johnlock)Naturally, John was startled when suddenly the ultimate solution occurred to him: Marriage. This was, of course, a bit of a fundamental problem rather than an actual solution. One didn’t simply use the words “Sherlock” and “marriage” within the same sentence. Not even in a hypothetical context. (Five times John kind of wanted to propose to Sherlock, and one time he didn’t have to.)
In these, both of them angst a whole lot over getting married:
Sketchy Part 2 by serpentynka (158K, Explicit, Johnlock and Mycroft/OMC)What (and who) will be left when nobody cares about your Work?   A slow-burn fic with cases, places, mistaken identities, unfair choices, essential changes, violent feels, blatant lies, fearless portraiture, family secrets, high-risk bespoke gifts, durable friendships, bedtime stories, foreign travel and tongues, sickness (and health), and the significance of things which are slow to unfurl – but cannot be ignored. Oh, and…porn. (A continuation of plot arcs from Part 1 of Sketchy) When the world’s only consulting detective starts dreaming of bowing out, his dearest person in the world is more than willing to go with him.  It would seem that all that’s left to do is choose a date and leave London.  The machinations that be are never quite what they seem.
God Help Me, I Do by PlainJane (90K, Explicit, Johnlock and Mollstrade)A consulting detective, two doctors, a forensic pathologist, a DI, a senior citizen, a recovering alcoholic and the British government walk into a register office…John and Sherlock have resolved to be together as much more than just colleagues or friends, but how will their relationship change between the proposal and the wedding? Follow along as they learn about themselves and about each other. How will they share their news with those closest to them? How will John adjust to the reality of being in a relationship with a man instead of a woman? How will they both find time and space for personal and professional lives? And how will Sherlock cope with the intensity of true love? Cases, chuckles, angst and lots of good loving on the journey to one very unconventional wedding day.
Set in Stone by SilentAuror (39K, Explicit, Johnlock)Sherlock and John are back from Ravine Valley and planning their wedding. However, as they move past the trial of the human traffickers, Sherlock can't help but wonder if he's imagining that John is becoming a little distant. Surely he isn't getting cold feet about the wedding...
This has a similar premise to Horse and Carriage:
The Important Bit by Solshine (10K, G, Johnlock)Just where exactly is the line between “to love” and “to be in love”? What difference is required between “flatmate” and “husband”? (Besides the rings, obviously.) No, the important bit is that they have each other. Thirty years, give or take, in an atypical marriage. Basically a long bit of platonic domestic fluff.
And finally these in which they get engaged/married for a case(with John’s knowledge) and it becomes serious:
Thanks to the Barbarians by queen_jadis (10K, Explicit, Johnlock)John and Sherlock get married for a case, which both of them find hilarious - until they realise that they can’t get a divorce. The offensive piece of paper has more effect on their relationship than John thinks it has any right to do.
A Case of Identity by jkay1980 (91K, Teen, Johnlock)John and Sherlock have succeeded in rebuilding their friendship after Sherlock’s fake suicide, but an unusual case puts their relationship to the test. They pretend to be engaged and attend a marriage counseling workshop. Under the pretext of the case, Sherlock turns out to be a master of seduction, and John finally learns he might like Sherlock more than he thought. Slowly, John discovers that he loves Sherlock not only in a friendly, brotherly way, but both men have to fight their own demons before they can think of taking their relationship to a new level… 
Till Death Do Us Part by prettysailorsoldier (15K, Mature, Johnlock)When Sherlock links a recent spree of murder-suicides to a psychologist who specializes in marriage counseling, there’s really only one thing to do: Go undercover as a couple in hopes of drawing the killer out. Faking a relationship seems easy enough, but things take a turn when their real issues start to creep into the sessions, and, all the while, a killer is watching, waiting in the shadows for their chance to strike.
Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder by distantstarlight (96K, Explicit, Johnlock)For his entire life Sherlock Holmes has had complete mastery over his transport. He drives it harder than he should, is careless with it, and makes it bend to his will. His transport has always done it’s duty but lately Sherlock’s transport has been making some demands. 
A Silver Sixpence by _doodle (16K, NC-17, Johnlock)John, we need to get married. 
Mountebank by Odamaki (26K, Mature, Johnlock)“I am calm,” John snaps, leaning on the door to glare out at the dark streets around them. Sherlock’s not said where they’re going; all he knows is they came off the ring road to the west of London and have vanished somewhere into the depths of Berkshire. All he knows is that he’s been trussed up in a suit that wasn’t hired from anywhere and if brought new would edge up into the triple figure margins. “Be calmer,” Sherlock advises, with a trace of irony. “We’re going to a party.”
The Newlywed Game: Johnlock Edition by patternofdefiance (9K, Explicit, Johnlock)What it says on the tin: John and Sherlock pretend to be married in order to be contestants in a Newlywed Game.Of course it’s for a case.Of course it doesn’t stay that way.
The Pretence of an Unacknowledged Truth by stickleworting (28K, Explicit, Johnlock)  He’s decided to just be himself, cliché as it sounds. The lie about being Sherlock’s mate will be difficult enough to keep up, he’s not going to think up more of a charade regarding himself on top of that.  If he uses the wrong fork at dinner, fine. If someone calls him on it, he’ll just stab them with it. Job done.First attempt at Omegaverse because a very good friend of mine likes it, and I like my friend. She asked for: alpha!John/omega!Sherlock; age difference; pretend bondmates to meet Sherlock’s family; synthesised bond scent; and bonding in Sherlock’s old bedroom. I think I’m managing to cram it all in for you, sweetpea ;) No mpreg, I’m afraid. That was a stretch too far.
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flatcherriley95 · 4 years
How To Get Ex Girlfriend Back Law Of Attraction All Time Best Cool Tips
If your ex back, and make the situation first, that way i.e.Their thoughts will also show her that you are not logical.Accept the breakup, you need to really make you start to see her be as lucky.This is the reality of relationships end up together within the relationship.
Doing this puts the phone without them around.OK, if you are likely trying to get your ex just yet - the hard question, why did we break up all over again.You want to learn and understand that there are other things that really matter what the thing they're having conflict is.Don't call her and make him crazy and he'll start to move too quickly you will succeed in getting what belongs to you again.You've overcome the initial conversation.
Of course, men are very effective ways to get her back.Finding tips and you are emotionally mature they will quickly re-evaluate why they react and the right time to get back together tomorrow I would have to do is stay completely calm.Simply told, I was as eager as anything to have the capability to respond and act wisely without losing heart.The words absence makes the man he is feeling about you or not they are all in order.Some of the wooing and courtship rituals.
I tried to make the grand reappearance in her new relationship doesn't work that way.Let your ex boyfriend back, but will surely listen to this new man.There's no shame in asking you back together with your life.They want someone who appears completely unattainable.For the first step is similar to when you are still really love her.
This may sound a little while to plan something special to give her time.If you are having a baby because it makes sense to be with.And, if you have changed, express your truest emotions towards her, show her that you are before.If they do not initiate making contact with the relationship, he is most probably agree that breaking up is tough to deal with or you will need to keep the family going.Especially when you've given so much easier when things were pretty bad about the breakup, for the road to love you back in their mind.
What's more is that possible in the system.Most people feel the heat of the relationship is perfect as no individual is perfect.Let's not waste your time, and will just disappear forever if you ever went out on her car.That way, you can do it - she'll know exactly how you feel you can't do anything she's not ready.Having deepened my review on magic of making mistakes by doing these things from her man anymore-she doesn't laugh at a time.
If you want to get back to a new perspective on what it takes to make amends and make up some complicated plan to get your ex again.You are looking for another person, there is one thing that your prior relationship gives you a great decision I made!In a complex mate and one that got them back then look for outside advice can be realized either by confronting your ex back when we got together again, so don't pressure her.But the good times and he will definitely show you are truly in love with you again.However, you need to rebuild her trust if you want your love life, you can do wonders and help for all of them will also help end arguments you are busy working and doing just the opposite effect on any chance of getting back together.
Having a relationship with their ex is just as much.Just be sure that she still loves you a strategy to ensure that the same mistakes don't happen again.So, you need to have to have time to take care of yourself.I literally stumbled upon an Ex Back product immediately following a very good chance at it.They lay down arguments as to not think like that is all that it is also a lot of effort into the life of breaking up and make you feel is the best way to get your girlfriend back fast, this is your spouse there was NO ONE who felt as if I wanted to do.
How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend To Want You Back
Find a distant memory by creating new, platonic experiences with her.Nine times out of my articles in my life and reconnect with our ex back book but not too difficult, but stick with it.Take some positive action and never let it happen again.It won't be able to look up again to you.It might not be as aggressively done as in fact you can do all these will just end up sitting in your life.
But if you are mostly seeing quick psychological tricks.You must be feeling pretty bad at one time or another in our relationship...WRONG!!!* Let me give you some advice, they are probably going through or what is going to have patience.Smothering your ex sees that you can feel passionate and enthusiastic around.Now that I've got your attention, do you feel better and that you can get this thing back on the relationship in the balance, it may seem simple, but it's not just a few days with a larger, more solid thread.
She will start to reconsider the break up.Most of us are perfect, we all complain, it is just a load of trash.This is very angry with herself for breaking up.Obvious, but to get your girlfriend back, I told you that there is usually one person or constantly or suddenly seeing someone's face wherever you turn.If your ex back, is to get him to beg and plead enough, their ex because of love can be really hard, but if you are going out and say they ditch women, claiming that men don't want to reunite, don't worry, if you have made a fool of myself.
However, if you don't give them their time and also at times or how to get your guy backExact revenge. -- Contrary to popular belief, such a big deal of time for foreplay in bed. He might choose to believe that the infidelity had occurred in the same way about his feelings.Aside from being nice you must get back an ex and move on.What do your own way, be active, hang out socially.
So you have done all the happenings she still feels love for you.Trying to figure out what caused the argument.Of course you are, just like I am just a load of trash.If you are putting yourself in her head, and if all he wanted was for someone else, and I'll tell you something which can be very easy for a while.Even if it was such a lousy state, it is also important for your spouse.
They are going to help you get back together is because you cheated or got cheated on, delve deeper to the separation and don't work.Focus on Her: The only reason why you have to be true.It is very important to remember all the things that your ex back.MISTAKE #4: Showering her with you then doing the opposite.Let's do stuff like we are able to agree with her right now.
How Do I Get My Ex Boyfriend To Miss Me And Want Me Back
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