#journal 3 blacklight edition
monstrousmuse · 2 months
Same idea as before, but this time it’s lines from Journal 3 that have absolutely no right to be as queer as they are. I’ll start:
“I am strange. I was born strange, I am attracted to the strange, and the strange has always been attracted to me.”
@journal-3 @gfanlocalcryptid @biblicallyaccuratechicken @toytanks
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fordarkisthesuede · 3 months
Hi, there. :) I thought you'd like to know your first Blacklight Journal 3 post was on the most recent Film Theory episode. (this ask may have sent twice, sorry)
EHHHH?!?! MatPat mentioned me?!!!?!
Le'ssee... Ah, "Bill Cipher is Still ALIVE...and I found him".
You might not believe me, but funnily enough this video was recommended to me on Monday, despite not being sub'd to Film Theory and having not been sub'd to/watched Game Theory for a couple years... And this was with a decidedly non-fordarkisthesuede Gmail account! Either higher powers were at work, or the YouTube algorithm is really scary...
I did, of course, put it on my save for later list. And I watched it today. I'm just glad he got my name right! (How on Earth did he butcher "axolotl" though... Google is right there, dude...)
For all the newcomers who followed me for Gravity Falls:
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abyssalzones · 6 months
For the character ask game: fidds!! :]
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
PARAGRAPH INCOMING. You activated my storytelling analysis trap card
Everyone who has ever talked about gravity falls and its failings in depth has brought this up already but if I had to name anything I Dislike about him it's not a trait or anything he's done but definitely just.... how the narrative presents him.
I feel like, pulling an example from another animated series I like, simon petrikov is a great example of what gravity falls failed to do with fiddleford's arc. simon's story is well known even to surface level fans of adventure time as an exercise in what I'm going to call hindsight horror (because I can't think of a better term right now), where the narrative switching from "look at this weird pathetic old man! Isn't that hilarious?" to the entirety of I Remember You makes it impossible not to look back on everything initially established about this character with a twinge of horror. I think it's one of many ways AT uniquely grows and evolves with its audience... which is something gravity falls obviously never aspires to, largely because it doesn't need to as a two-season show compared to the cultural monolith of AT, but I make this comparison mostly because I think while both characters have a drastic narrative turnaround (related to tragic memory loss no less) one is done very well and the other is executed pretty poorly.
I'll try and move away from the comparison for now because this is supposed to be about a specific character but the writing in gravity falls tends to give characters a conclusion and then fully ditch them (pacifica is another good example of this). fiddleford is instrumental to the conclusion of this show (I could write More paragraphs about how full-circle the memory gun is as a plot device but I'll spare you) and his arc with ford is... mostly satisfied, including journal 3, but we never really get to see him change tangibly or, even more importantly, see the writing reflect that change. To put it simply it's like they were too content joking about him in the same way since season 1 than they were interested in his character growth or the way he benefits the larger story.
Idk though I mean it's not like I have invested way too much time in thinking about this weird old man in a scarecrow hat's writing
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^ this wall of text is funnier if you read it thinking about this picture the whole time
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proudcyanide · 15 days
my dream is to see gravity falls’ journal 3 blacklight edition reprinted for gf’s ending 10th year anniversary (02/16/2026)
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astro-b-o-y-d · 11 months
Well, I THOUGHT I made a post about it here but I guess I can't find it; anyway, it's still funny to me how I ended up with two Gravity Falls DVD boxsets for the price of one, through a mailing error.
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rabbiteartrans · 2 years
Anyone got £2000 to spare? It's for something important I promise
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fordtato · 2 months
A list of things I asked Alex Hirsch, creator of Gravity Falls:
Were there any excerpts cut from Journal 3 that you can share?
What would you change if you were remaking Gravity Falls today? (feat. a discussion on inadvertent transphobia and Grenda)
What's the deal with that (kinda gay) line being changed in Journal 3?
Was there more grim or mature content planned for the Blacklight edition?
What do the red rectangles in J3 mean?
Is there anything in Journal 3 that has not been discovered or unsolved yet?
Why did you change Fiddleford's creation of the memory gun to be after the gremoblin attack?
Thoughts on the Ford+Fiddleford reunion at and after Weirdmeggedon?
What are your thoughts on how many in the fandom have interpreted Ford as part of the LGBTQIA+ community?
Was Bill able to possess Ford in the multiverse before Ford got the metal plate installed into his head in Dimension 52?
Beyond these questions, Alex gave so many insights into the "complex, fucked up" relationship between Bill Cipher and Ford, who would win in a fight (both sober and drunk) between Stan and Ford, and how fandom engages with content today .
Watch the full video here:
And for a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT INTERVIEW VIDEO, including the questions that ThatGFFan asked Alex (the baby in ATOTS, questions about the Gravity Falls pilot and MUCH MUCH MORE), check out @hkthatgffan's video here.
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ckret2 · 6 months
jokes that are mean to my readers because they only make sense if you're familiar with the extremely rare out-of-print blacklight edition of journal 3, and even then you've gotta stop and think about it to connect the dots.
Ford said, "I never learned if the aliens I spoke to were all talking about the same thing, a group of things—or if what I thought they were talking about was a simple translation error for some other term."
Dipper scrunched his nose. "'Translation error,' what? Across multiple civilizations?"
"The dimensional translator I received was somewhat buggy," Ford said. "From time to time it would offer wildly incorrect translations for individual words. For instance, it consistently replaced the word 'soccer ball' with soccer ball, of all things. You can only imagine what kind of trouble that got me into."
Dipper blinked in bafflement, opened his mouth, decided maybe this was a can of worms best opened later, and shut his mouth. 
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doodlelover · 2 months
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SIGNED BLACKLIGHT EDITION 7,523/10,000 My loss is your gain! In order to stay at home while serving a jail sentence, I need to make some money while waiting for my paychecks to start again.
This is the BLACK LIGHT, SIGNED EDITION. With only 10,000 copies made, this is a collector's item any fan would want. Unfortunately, during a move, the tassle broke off, but everything else is in perfect condition! I read it once and then never touched it again aside from the move. It comes with the original packaging, too!
Please SHARE, even if you can't purchase <3
Here is the eBay link:
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I just realized 2 months and 2 days from now, I should be getting my signed copy of The Book of Bill in the mail. I'm over the moon to get it, but I'm going to keep an eye out for any other copies I need, or one for a friend. It irks me people scalped them to resell already on eBay. These books mean something to actual fans, and it's sickening that this happens. I found one by pure luck, and hope one day to buy Journal 3 in the blacklight edition as well, but that's way, way into the future.
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bracketsoffear · 11 months
In the spirit of Gravity Falls, I've decided to go on a deep dive through my copy of Journal 3 (sadly not the Blacklight Edition) to find relevant quotes by Ford demonstrating his fear of judgement, his secretive nature, his obsession with studying things better left alone, and the reckless folly caused by this obsession. This will take a few asks, so (multi)bear with me:
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This guy's reaction to finding out his R&R cabin is haunted as shit is to start taking samples and cataloguing ghost types.
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After six years of research, he's learned so much about these anomalies--more than enough to get published and earn scientific glory--but he needs to know more. He needs to understand why Gravity Falls is like this. And in his desperation, he accepts help from his "muse"....
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And of course he has to drag Fiddleford down with him by roping him into the portal project at the cost of abandoning his family and dreams. He also traumatizes the shit out of Fiddleford by getting that Gremoblin sketch--which results in his assistant getting attacked by the monster and forcefully shown his worst nightmares.
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But he doesn't trust F enough to tell him about Bill, for fear of being judged, so he fills the Journal with codes instead.
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Ford delights in the idea of exposing the palm reader as a fraud. He also is explicitly told by said palm reader--actually the legitimately magical Hand Witch--that "[He] will have to make a choice very soon, and if [he chooses] the wrong one [he] will never be [himself] again"... and he makes the wrong choice by trusting Bill.
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(Part 1)
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fordarkisthesuede · 7 months
I came across your posts where you published and signed the pages of the journal 3 black light edition. Thank you for sharing. Can I get permissions to translate your posts and publish them on another site? (with you as the author and a link, of course)
Thanks in advance for your reply.
I'm always surprised people keep referencing them after all this time! 🥹💕
My answer is: Yes, definitely, absolutely! 😉👍✨
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dailybill-cipher · 2 years
i am sooooo glad tumblr recommended this blog to me!!! ive been looking for some bill content on my dash but i havent been able to find a blog that posts regularly lol. would i be able to request bill interacting with a cat in some way?
[25] A familiar looking feline...
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From the Journal 3 Limited Blacklight Edition!
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bonethievery · 2 years
screaming sobbing and crying about the fact that i will probably never get my paws on the blacklight edition of Gravity Falls Journal 3
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jacky-rubou · 2 years
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Oh, what are these? A package and a smooshed box? Let's see what's in the package first!
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A blacklight? That's kinda random.
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You saw it here folks, I am now in possession of Journal 3 Special Edition number 6,637/10,000. I found an eBay listing for one that was in my budget and won. Don't get me wrong though, it was a lot of cash. There were a few minor cosmetic issues, mostly just pictures that needed to be taped down better, nothing major. I am happy that I managed to get a hold of one and I'm never selling it so don't bother asking.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 6 months
I've already got the B&N Exclusive Edition bookmarked for preorder after the holidays, I'm not missing out like I did with the blacklight version of Journal 3.
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