#justine marjan
tisdale-mermaid · 9 months
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chicgeekgirl89 · 2 years
A Firefighter, a Cop, and a Construction Worker Walk Into a Bachelor Party
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Marjan Marwani, Nancy Gillian, Judd Ryder, Mateo Chavez, Paul Strickland, Francesca Reyes, Cousin Adriana
Summary: A combined bachelor party with all their friends promises a night of fun and celebration. But when some unexpected guests show up, the party goes from Rated G to XXX.
Rating: T
A/N: This came at a suggestion from @bluenet13 involving Adriana and Francesca and strippers and I could not have been more delighted to cause some chaos for our sweet boys.
Read on AO3
“All right, who needs a top off?” Judd asks and several people respond with an affirmative as he walks around with a bottle of whiskey and pours it into their raised cups. “T.K.? What can I get you? Another bubbly water? Mocktail?”
“It’s my own loft,” T.K. says with a laugh. “If I need anything I can go get it myself.”
“Yeah but it’s your bachelor party,” Judd tells him. “You don’t need to be getting anything when we can get it for you.”
“Yeah dude, just sit back a relax!” Mateo says, slapping him good-naturedly on the leg. “Let your people serve you for the night! Hey Carlos!” he yells over his shoulder. “Tell T.K. to relax and enjoy his bachelor party!”
“T.K. relax and enjoy your bachelor party,” Carlos calls back obediently from where he’s leaning against the wall, chatting with his brothers-in-law, Javier, Justin, and Elías. 
The day had started with the two of them doing separate activities, T.K. hanging with the 126 crew and driving go-karts, while Carlos had gone to the batting cages with his brothers-in-law and a couple buddies from work. Both groups had met back up for dinner and were now hanging out in the loft, drinking and laughing and playing games. 
“This from the man who keeps circling the room and picking up garbage,” T.K. says with a fond roll of his eyes. 
It had been a good idea to do this together. The room was full of people they both loved and cared about. 
And Adriana and Francesca. Who had shown up despite Carlos explicitly telling them they weren’t invited. 
They were currently deep in conversation with Carlos’ work friends. T.K. had heard the words “community policing” and “deescalation” being thrown around and he didn’t envy Carlos’ friends in the slightest. If they all weren’t considering career changes before the night ended, he would be shocked.
“Hey!” Marjan calls over the din, holding up her cup with one hand while she scrolls through her phone with the other. “I found a drinking game! I’m going to ask a question and the answer will be either T.K. or Carlos. If you get it right, you drink.”
There are cheers of agreement and Judd makes the rounds once more to make sure everyone has a full glass. 
“Question number one,” Marjan pauses for dramatic effect, clearly happy to be holding court. “Who fell in love first?”
There are laughs all around and when Marjan says Carlos’ name, every hand goes up. Carlos and T.K. exchange amused looks. “That would be true,” Carlos says and everyone yells and laughs and takes a sip.
“Next question,” Nancy reaches over and pulls Marjan’s phone from her hand, scrolling down the list. “Who is the neat freak in the relationship?”
“Carlos,” everyone choruses, taking a drink without even waiting for confirmation.
“This going to be a short game if all the questions are like this,” T.K. says, sipping on the mock-jito someone made for him. 
“Well the next one is: who’s louder in bed?” Marjan says, smiling wickedly.
T.K. immediately bites his lip and looks at Carlos who is blushing deeply as everyone laughs. “That depends on the situation,” he says coyly and Carlos looks like he wants to melt into the floor. 
Their fun is interrupted by a knock at the door and Carlos’ forehead wrinkles as he scans the room to see if anyone is missing, coming up empty. He wanders over to open it anyway as the game continues with Nancy taking over the questioning. He wouldn’t put it past Mateo or one of his buddies to have ordered pizza in the middle of the party.
But when he opens the door, it’s not a pizza delivery.
“Is this the Reyes-Strand residence?” asks the police officer standing in their hallway.
“Yes,” Carlos says slowly. “Is there some kind of problem?”
“I need to speak with T.K. Strand,” the officer says, pulling a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and brushing past Carlos to get inside the loft.
Carlos turns around, eyes finding T.K. who looks completely stunned, the exhilaration in the room replaced by surprised murmurs and silence. “T.K. what—?”
“I have no idea,” T.K. says. “I—“
“Sir, what’s your badge number?” Carlos says, already pulling out his phone to call his captain and figure out what the hell is going on.
“You’re T.K.?” the officer asks.
“Yes,” T.K. replies in confusion.
“Can you stand up for me please?”
T.K. slowly complies, looking nervous. Carlos takes a step toward them both. “Now wait a second—“
“I hope you’re ready,” the officer says.
T.K. swallows hard. “Ready for…?” 
The officer pulls a portable speaker out of nowhere and grins. “Ready for a strip search.”
He pushes a button, music suddenly blasting through the room, and then rips open his shirt revealing an incredible six pack. 
Everyone’s jaw drops as the man begins moving in time to the music with truly astonishing hip rolls and pelvic thrusts. 
“Oh my god, I cannot see this,” Judd says, putting a hand over his eyes and turning toward the kitchen. “Gracie’ll murder me.”
“He’s a guy Judd!” Mateo says.
“Don’t matter,” Judd says with a shake of his head.
T.K. looks at Carlos in total shock. “You hired a stripper?!”
“No I didn’t—“ Carlos’ eyes search the room, landing on Marjan and Nancy.
“Don’t look at us,” Marjan says quickly, although she’s clearly enjoying the scene. “We wouldn’t dare.”
It couldn’t have been his brothers-in-law, his sisters would kill them, and his work friends know better too.
That’s when he spots his sister and his cousin in the corner, grinning like maniacs, their phones out recording every second of this chaos. “Happy Bachelor Party T.K.!” Francesca yells, glee all over her face.
“Oh my god. I am going to KILL you,” Carlos bellows over the music.
“Hi, oh, hi, yeah, no thanks,” T.K. says as the cop stripper moves closer.
The man stops, confused. “No thanks? Do you want something different? I can do a lap dance? Or—“
“No, no, no,” T.K. says as Paul finally gets the music shut off. “You’re great, and very attractive, it’s just, I am marrying that really hot guy over there and I don’t need…this.”
“Oh okay, that’s cool, I’m all about consent,” the guy says. He looks Carlos up and down. “You’re the fiancé?”
Carlos crosses his arms over his chest, eyes going hard. “Yeah. I am.”
“Damn. Respect bro.” He holds out a fist and T.K. bumps it. 
Carlos takes a breath and tries to salvage the evening’s dignity. “Okay, sorry about this everyone,” he says. “Apparently my sister and my cousin decided to have a little fun at our expense. Let’s all just—“
“Excuse me?”
Carlos turns to find a man in a fireman’s uniform striding into the loft. “Are you Carlos Reyes?” he asks.
“Yes, but—“
It’s too late. The man pulls out a speaker identical to the cop’s and yanks at his pants, which come flying off, leaving nothing but an incredibly revealing thong. 
“Oh, those are definitely not regulation,” Marjan says, eyes wide.
“Carlos Reyes, I’m here to get you fired up!” the man shouts, swinging the pants around over his head.
“Actually, technically firefighters are there to put the fire down,” Paul says as Mateo nods in agreement. 
Carlos rounds on his cousin and his sister. “I am calling Tía Maria and letting her send BOTH of you to a convent, I swear to GOD  Cesca—No, no, no!” he interrupts himself as the man gyrates toward him. “If you touch me I will have you arrested for assaulting an officer!”
The man stops and frowns. “I’m not even close to that guy,” he says, nodding toward the stripper cop who has been handed a beer and a slice of cake. 
“Not him. Me,” Carlos says, eyes like thunder.
“Oh come on Carlitos!” Adriana calls. “Have a little fun!”
“Babe, hey, it’s okay,” T.K. says, coming around the couch and taking his hand. “It’s fine, we will laugh about this later.”
“Oh I’ll laugh,” Carlos says. “I’ll laugh when I CALL MOM AND TELL HER WHAT THEY DID!”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Francesca says, her eyes still sparkling with mirth.
“Hi, sorry, what’s happening?” stripper firefighter asks.
“We’re not going to be needing your services tonight,” T.K. says smoothly. “But you’re welcome to stay and have some cake.”
“Oh cool, thanks,” the guy says. “I’m Matt by the way.”
“Joel!” the cop stripper calls.
“Matt why don’t you come on in here we’ll get you a beer,” Judd says, having reappeared now that the imminent threat of nudity has ended.
“Carlos, breathe,” T.K. says, rubbing his hands soothingly up and down Carlos’ arms. “You can’t kill them. They’re family. And you’re a cop.”
“Which means no one will ever find their bodies,” Carlos grinds out, glaring at his sister and his cousin who are sauntering toward them. “I wouldn’t come over here right now if I were you!” he snaps.
“Don’t be such a prude!” Francesca says with a roll of her eyes. “It’s your bachelor party! It’s what people do!”
“People!” Carlos practically yells it. “Not us!”
Everyone turns as a construction worker steps in through the still open door. “I’m looking for Carlos and T.K.?”
“What did you do, invite all the village people to my house?” Carlos cries.
“We thought maybe a cop and firefighter were too on the nose,” Francesca says. “Thought we’d add a little variety.” 
“Hey, you know I’m not a firefighter anymore, right?” T.K. asks.
“Yeah, we tried, but apparently paramedic strippers aren’t very in demand,” Adriana tells him. “So unless you want to brush off some of your own stripper moves…”
“Dude, you’re a dancer too?” Matt asks as he walks by with a plate of cheese and crackers, still pants-less. “Right on! What clubs do you work?”
“No, I—I am not a stripper,” T.K. says.
Carlos is seething. “I swear to god, if a sailor or a biker walks through that door…”
“What, do you think we’re made of money?” Adriana scoffs. “You may be special primo, but you’re not four strippers in one night special.”
T.K. reaches around Carlos and shakes the construction worker’s hand. “Hi…?”
“Dylan,” the man supplies.
“Hi Dylan, I’m T.K., this is my fiancé Carlos, and we are so sorry about all the confusion. How do you feel about cake?”
“I can just go…” Dylan says slowly, clearly realizing he’s stepped into something.
“No, please stay,” T.K. says. “We have plenty of food and it’s the least we can do for your trouble, right Carlos?”
He squeezes Carlos’ hand reassuringly. “Fine,” Carlos says, his voice tired and resigned. “But everyone who’s staying needs to be wearing all their clothes! And please use a coaster!”
Despite the unexpected arrival of extra guests, the rest of the night goes off without a hitch. T.K. keeps his fiancé well away from Adriana and Francesca who are refusing to apologize and honestly really feel they deserve a little more gratitude for making the party so much more fun.
It’s nearly two am by the time they say goodbye to the last of their guests. Carlos locks the door and then slumps against it. “Never again,” he says.
“Well I hope not,” T.K. says with a smile, letting his hands slide from Carlos’ ribs down to his hips. “If we’re both bachelors again, something has gone seriously wrong.”
“What did I do to deserve Adriana and Francesca?” Carlos moans. “I mean, what were they thinking?”
“They were thinking that you like hot guys and they like hot guys,” T.K. tells him. “They’re really smart babe, but their people skills need work. You know that.”
“I don’t like hot guys. I just like you,” Carlos tells him, a slight pout on his face.
T.K. chuckles. “That’s a little offensive, but thanks. I like you too.” 
“You know what I mean,” Carlos says with a sigh. 
“I do.” T.K. reaches up and runs a thumb gently over the crease in his fiancé’s forehead. “Stop worrying about tonight. Everyone had fun. Your brothers-in-law already know what Cesca and Adriana are like. The 126 doesn’t care, in fact, I’m sure they all found it very hilarious and will be making jokes at my expense for the rest of my life. And your work buddies didn’t seem to mind either.”
“I know, I know,” Carlos says. “I just…they drive me so crazy sometimes. How is that possible? We’re grown adults and they still know how to push all my buttons.”
“Because they’re family,” T.K. tells him. “It’s what they do.”
“Well I wish they didn’t,” Carlos grumbles.
T.K. studies him for a minute and then casually hooks a finger through one of Carlos’ belt loops, tugging just a little. “You know, I was thinking…”
Carlos raises his eyebrows. “Oh were you?”
T.K. nods, a mischievous smile spreading across his face. “I was thinking that it’s not fair that I got the full stripper cop experience tonight, but you didn’t get the full stripper paramedic experience.”
“Yeah, I really think I’m okay with that,” Carlos says.
“Are you sure?” T.K. asks, running a finger down Carlos’ chest. “Because if you’d like a paramedic stripper experience, I might know a guy.”
Carlos’ dour expression shifts as he bites his lip, fighting a grin at T.K.’s overt flirtation. “Oh you might huh?”
“Yeah I might.” T.K. smirks as he leans in and kisses Carlos once, then again, then gently pulls him away from the door so that he’s walking backward toward the bedroom. “Is that something you’d be interested in?”
“I think I could be.”
“Oh you think you could be?” T.K. teases.
“Yes, I think I could be.”
“I think you could be too.”
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daemontephillips · 10 months
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Good American Campaign (2023)
Photo: Greg Wales
Stylist: Greg Ross and Daemonte Phillips
MUA: Ash Kholm
Hair: Justine Marjan
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bookclub4m · 24 days
35 Non-fiction Graphic Novels by BIPOC Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
This Place: 150 Years Retold
Zodiac: A Graphic Memoir by Ai Weiwei with Elettra Stamboulis & Gianluca Costantini
Nat Turner by Kyle Baker
The Talk by Darrin Bell
The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui
I’m a Wild Seed by Sharon Lee De la Cruz
Messy Roots: A Graphic Memoir of a Wuhanese American by Laura Gao
Stamped from the Beginning: A Graphic History of Racist Ideas in America by Joel Christian Gill and Ibram X. Kendi
Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts by Rebecca Hall and Hugo Martinez
The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book by Gord Hill
Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations by Mira Jacob
The American Dream? A Journey on Route 66 Discovering Dinosaur Statues, Muffler Man, and the Perfect Breakfast Burrito: a Graphic Memoir by Shing Yin Khor
Banned Book Club by Kim Hyun Sook, Ryan Estrada, and Ko Hyung-Ju
In Limbo by Deb J.J. Lee
This Country: Searching for Home in (Very) Rural America by Navied Mahdavian
Mexikid: A Graphic Memoir by Pedro Martín
Monstrous: A Transracial Adoption Story by Sarah Myer
Steady Rollin': Preacher Kid, Black Punk and Pedaling Papa by Fred Noland
Citizen 13660 by Mine Okubo
Your Black Friend and Other Strangers by Ben Passmore
Kwändǖr by Cole Pauls
Worm: A Cuban American Odyssey by Edel Rodriguez
Power Born of Dreams: My Story is Palestine by Mohammad Sabaaneh
A First Time for Everything by Dan Santat
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi
Grandmothers, Our Grandmothers: Remembering the "Comfort Women" of World War II by Han Seong-Won
Death Threat by Vivek Shraya and Ness Lee
Palimpsest: Documents From A Korean Adoption by Lisa Wool-Rim Sjöblom
Big Black: Stand at Attica by Frank "Big Black" Smith, Jared Reinmuth, and Améziane
Victory. Stand!: Raising My Fist for Justice by Tommie Smith, Dawud Anyabwile, and Derrick Barnes
The High Desert by James Spooner
They Called Us Enemy by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott, and Harmony Becker
Feelings by Manjit Thapp
The Black Panther Party: A Graphic Novel History by David F. Walker and Marcus Kwame Anderson
Now Let Me Fly: A Portrait of Eugene Bullard by Ronald Wimberly and Braham Revel
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olatokunbo · 1 month
Must Read: Anne Hathaway Covers 'Vanity Fair,' Jen Atkin, Mary Phillips and Justine Marjan Launch Talent Management Agency
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kingdomtee · 2 years
Skeleton Est 1896 MS football shirt
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exactlysassytragedy · 2 years
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CUTE CURLY UPDO hair tutorial by justine marjan using the new ghd thin curl wand
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jahron · 3 years
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Dorit Kemsley in Vivienne Westwood circa 1990-1991 Corset
Depiction of François Boucher's painting of Daphnis and Chloe printed on front panel. Shoulder straps feature classical motifs printed in gold and mauve and corset sides are of gold lycra fabric.
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illuminatecosmetics · 4 years
illuminatecosmetics: Who is ready to GLOW UP?! We are so excited to announce that The Glow Up Palette drops 1/31. #glowuppalette #itstimetoglowup
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tisdale-mermaid · 1 year
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Photographed by Dyan Jong
Styled by Tiffani Chynel
Hair by Justine Marjan
Makeup by Adam Breuchaud
Full credits here
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daemontephillips · 10 months
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Good American Campaign (2023)
Photo: Greg Wales
Stylist: Greg Ross and Daemonte Phillips
MUA: Ash Kholm
Hair: Justine Marjan
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suchahotmesswithyou · 5 years
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d-cameronnews · 6 years
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tisdaleconfessionss · 6 years
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ashleygrahamweb · 6 years
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“Album dropping soon- name it!” (x)
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