erza-uzumaki · 2 years
The Fallen Lucifer
A/N:Headcanon turned drabble about Bonten!Takemichi torturing someone for this first time and why
Characters: Hanagaki "Takemitchi" Takemichi, Akashi "Sanzu" Haruchiyo,Sano "Mikey" Manjiro, Kakucho Hitto
Mentioned: Akashi "god of war" Takeomi, Ran Haitani, Rindo Haitani, Kokonui "Koko" Hajime
If you want to use the headcanons to make a story talk to me first and tag me in it- i would love to do a complete story myslef about it but im not that inventive and i dont really have time
Please don't copy on another site
Reblogs,comments and kudos are appreciated
Tags: @roczdust @rozcdust @soubi122
Dei i really hope you like what i did because if it wasnt for you i wouldn't have the courage to do it
Not proofread
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As we know Takemichi is very calm and reserved and he dosen't like violence or to commit it himself
But theres also a known fact from canon that he would do anything to protect his loved ones
Takemichi is also the type of person who dosen't really care much about himslef and what others non-important persons think about him
But there are the people he cares about and that protect him and fight back instead of him
Thats how we got here:
There was a meeting with Bonten executives (Takemichi being an executive too) and some other people that work under them
Some poor dude thoughts it was a good idea to question why such a "weak willed and sunshine and flowers person who refuse to commit violence" is a Bonten executive
And that just pissed Mikey soo much that he let him to have a BEAUTIFUL "DATE"(*cough*torture*cough*) with Sanzu before killing him
The others executives were not far off from going on a killing spree on the dude as they all cared about Takemichi and had affected them in some way or another
Takemichi was sad because because Mikey would lose members because of him (i mean that Takemichi were talking about)
To be honest Takemichi might not like violence and doing it (that what he was taught when he was younger by his parents-"because people dont like agressive and violent people" and "no one will like you if youre agressive and violent") but since he entred Bonten he decided he would not hide his dark side anymore if its really needed
During the "Date" sesion the dude though it was a good idea to comment something about Kakucho being almost useless because he was half blind
That comment just pissed Takemichi so hard that he asked Mikey and Sanzu approval to take over the "Date" session
With the approval taken he got to torture and break the poor dude with psihological,verbal and phisic torture so bad that the dude didnt even remember his own name
Before his ultimate death the dude had whispered with a lost face "You are The Fallen Lucifer" as like thats what he tought about Takemichi
Less to say that Sanzu had fallen head over heels with Takemichi for what he showed and felt like a proud dad that his first torture session turned so great
Kakucho in the other hand was trying to contain his maniacal laughter at other people bewilded face - because being childhood friends sincee before his parents death with Takemichi meant that he knew him well enough
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actualfkingvoid · 3 years
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lazysublimeengineer · 2 years
tender reconciliation
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Summary: Kakucho stared at those ocean blue eyes that held those familiar determination and fearlessness that pulled him into his orbit when they were kids. It’s like being reunited with his childhood hero once again.
Characters: Hanagaki "Takemitchy" Takemichi & Kakucho Hitto
(A/N: Has anyone seen the chapter 254 leaks of the manga that’s circulating online? The leaks alone watered my crops and extended my lifespan because the childhood friendship reunion that I’ve been waiting for has finally happened. I always have a soft spot for Kakucho’s and Takemichi’s relationship and it makes me happy that Wakui has finally created the awaited concession between these two star crossed childhood friends. I can’t wait for the chapter to come out next week. For now, I’d like to contribute this meager one-shot fic of mine that was inspired by the leaks of the upcoming chapter of the manga next week. I don’t own anything from this franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Ken Wakui for this wonderful franchise).
“What are you looking away for, jackass!” Kakucho clocked him on the jaw that sent Takemichi spiraling a few meters away from him and landed on the rail tracks.
Kakucho was annoyed that Takemichi was being distracted once again in their fight as he kept looking at his fellow comrades who was fighting with the other Kantou members. Despite being on the receiving end of his attacks, Takemichi was still worried about other people rather than himself.
That’s a recognizable trait that he had ever since they were kids. Wasn’t he the one who saved him back then from those bullies? It was that time that he vowed to himself to get stronger so he could protect Takemichi in return before the tragic accident happened to him which not only claim his parents’ life but his precious friendship with Takemichi as well since he was brought at the orphanage where he met Izana and diverged his destiny away from him.
It’s like his childhood friendship with Takemichi was a brief respite before the turbulent storm that caused chaos in his life and altered his fate.
Takemichi’s existence into his life was akin to a washed-up memory in a shore… a thing that never revisited… including those ideals and feelings of being a hero to him.
And he resigned himself to just drift away into the sea of turbulence and dark path of life ever since the defeat of Tenjiku and death of Izana and their goals of making a kingdom for orphaned children.
It’s as if this was the only path that he was meant to be: to be under the wings of morally questionable people like South in Rokuhara Tandai and Mikey in Kantou Manji gang.
But seeing Takemichi once again as the President of the 2nd generation of Toman threatened to awaken these forgotten feelings of delight and hopefulness within him once again.
It laid dormant inside of him that he eventually forgot on what it felt like.
What it felt like to have a purpose and meaning into his life once again.
The feeling of his own punch that sent him flying to the other side of the platform reminded him on how Takemichi came to be not only his precious childhood friend but his childhood hero as well.
Hence the reason why it irked him to see those precious, expressive blue eyes held a desperate expression…
…an expression to which he was familiar with.
Of wanting to save everyone from this whatever clusterfuck that they’re actually on.
Because it meant that Takemichi was putting his own life once again for this people rather than his own.
A probability that he could lost him in the void of nothingness once again.
“Kaku-chan! I know that this is not the right time to say this but…! Something is bad going to happen and I need to stop Sanzu from operating the train! You don’t have to believe me now but can we please… stop this for a moment and let me help in saving everyone…?” Takemichi’s eyes clashed against Kakucho’s own and it felt like an eternity for the both of them.
Kakucho tried to absorb his words, perusing the meaning behind the confusing jumble of desperation and genuineness behind them.
But despite his own misgivings about the situation and wanting to stop Takemichi from making a mistake that could cost his own life… he knew that Takemichi was unstoppable… and he was not only his hero that he was waiting on but for everyone.
Kakucho stared at those ocean blue eyes that held those familiar determination and fearlessness that pulled him into his orbit when they were kids. It’s like being reunited with his childhood hero once again.
If Takemichi made his choice then so can he. He will stand by his side from now on.
“Okay.” Kakucho replied simply.
“Huh?” His short response and confirmation seemed to throw Takemichi off as he was expecting some little argument from him.
Kakucho wanted to laugh at the familiar genuine confoundedness of the other which made his heart coo at the adorable sight.
“Until we stop Sanzu, I will be your second in command to stop the worst. So, let me hear your plan then Takemichi.” Kakucho shot him a blinding smile that made Takemichi blinked a few times before returning it with a sincere smile and a determined glint of his eyes.
“Okay! You can count on me Kaku-chan.”
‘I know I will Takemichi. You’re my childhood hero that I can always count on.’ Kakucho thought to himself with a small smile on his face as he followed Takemichi by his side, determined to stop Sanzu and his plans of annihilating everybody.
(A/N: Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you).
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el-mnopqr · 2 years
kakucho’s “looks like we sucked at living” to izana and “it wasn’t such a bad life” to takemichi. im sobbing 😭😭😭
man he better not be dead. i need more kakutake
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caprin-fishie · 4 years
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(Old design)
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Decided to redesign an old character of mine
He wasn’t as developed as my other characters, so Ill give him more love ☺️
but in short, his species are humanoid wood creatures that can extend their thin legs to ridiculous lengths,
the species usually lives in forests, hiding in plain sight due to their height advantage,
their wood type changes depending on what forest of trees they live in (ie. bamboo, red wood, birch etc.)
the species are vegetarian, eating only fruits and veggies, and are mostly a docile species
This chop stalker in particular,
named Kakutake, a bamboo type chop stalker
He longs to learn how to fight, to protect his friends and family from threats, if anything like that were occur, even though everyone tells him not to worry, he’s currently training in martial arts with the help of a frog named master Lili-dawn
Hope you like him as much as I do 😊
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lazysublimeengineer · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers Manga Spoilers for Chapter 255
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Kakucho having a big brain moment at this panel. Like dude Takemichi is beyond a seer. He's time leaper + clairvoyant now. Almost transcends a God tbh. But anyways, I find it cute when Kakucho is adorably confused at the moment but completely understandable.
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Stop Kakucho. Stop. I hate when my one of my faves is speaking like they'll took a last breath and then they'll bid goodbye to one of the most important people in their lives 💔💔💔💔💔 Kakutake childhood friendship is one of my favorite friendships in the franchise and I ain't ready for this to happen 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Kakucho fighting for Takemichi 🥺 find a friend like a loyal guy like him. Ugh. Also, Sanzu looking good here despite being clocked on the jaw 😳
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Wdym "Sanzu's blade slashed Kakucho" wtf does that even mean 😭😭😭😭😭 I'm not ready for the next chapter next week. Also Kakucho stop saying that! You just got reunited with Michi what the heck 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
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