#king andriass
cutetanuki-chan · 2 years
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she's still not sure how to look at him
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via-rant · 2 years
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luna--dragon · 2 years
It just hit me
Andrias isn't really a King anymore, is he?
He's taking orders from a higher being, and has virtually no living breathing citizens that are willingly following him.
The only thing that makes him royalty is his heritage.
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unidentifiedfroggy · 7 months
liberal amphibia be like
TRANNES boonchuy
hopeBIah plantar
sasHE/SHE waybright
marSHE/THEY wu
king andriASS
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ferviks · 1 year
I've been thinking about the calamity trio. They were just kids. They were just middle schoolers liveng their lives and in the next moment Anne and Sasha are fighting on swords on a tall ass tower, where the second one almost dies, falling from a crazy hight. Anne is being betrayed by both of her best friends, one of which is a goddamn Leuhtenant ant the other - a royal fucking adviser. AT THE AGE OF THIRTEEN Sasha leads a whole ass army, gets a mythical warhammer, cracks the stone with by getting thrown on it TWICE, fights off of a killer newt and wears unimaginably heavy armor. Marcy is being decieved by a grown ass gigantic newt, get stabbed and might I remind you GET BLAIMED FOR IT. Anne whitnesses Marcy getting, as she might've thought, killed + AndriASS throws Sprig outta window. Girl gets a fucking blue powers that exhaust her body and than Anne gets thrown to Earth with, lemme count: a) Sasha's backstabbing (again), b) Marcy's betrayal, c) possible death of both of her close friends, d) the weight of responsibility of getting the Planters home e) a killer FUCKING ROBOT. In the meantime, Sasha protects Wortwood and than leads the resistance while the whole Amphibia is getting destroyed! And Marcy is getting possesed by a freaking ancient evil, which've been existing even longer then AndriASS.
Once again ! THEY WERE 13!
And than Anne fights government and gets to Amphibia fighting alongside Sasha. In the process of preventing Frogvasion, Grime gets his hand chopped of, Sasha gets SEVERE wounds and almost dies, while Anne is fighting a big asshole in a robotic costume. A. Newt. King. In. A. Robotic. Costume. Against A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL WITH BLUE POWERS. I MEAN SHE'VE BEEN SMACKED TO EVERY POSSIBLE SKYSCRAPER.
And even this is not enough. And they fought a fucking moon and Anne gave her LIFE FOR IT. SHE WAS READY TO GIVE UP ON EVERYTHING FOR AMPHIBIA. A child behaving like a whole ass adult. She've gained unimaginable powers and lost her life. I can't live with the knowledge of it.
They've been through SO MUCH. I don't believe for a second that thay actually got over it. Nu-uh. It was BEYOND traumatic.
Я думала про лихе тріо. Вони були просто дітьми. Вони були просто ученицями середніх класів, які жили своїм життям, а в наступну мить Енн і Саша б'ються на мечах на високій блядь вежі, де друга мало не гине, падаючи з божевільної висоти. Енн зраджують обидві її найкращі подруги, одна з яких - клята Лейтенантка, а інша - довбана королівська радниця. У ТРИНАДЦЯТЬ РОКІВ Саша очолює цілу армію, отримує міфічний бойовий молот, розбиває камінь, бо її кидають в нього ДВІЧІ, відбивається від тритона-вбивці та носить неймовірно важкі обладунки. Марсі обманює дорослий гігантський тритон, її протикають йобаним ножем, і, дозвольте нагадати, що її у цьому ж і звинувачують. Енн стає свідком того, що Марсі, як вона могла подумати, вбивають + Андріас викидає Спріга з вікна. Дівчинка отримує довбані сині сили, які виснажують її тіло, а потім Енн кидають на Землю з: а) ударом в спину від Саші (знову), б) зрадою Марсі, в) можлива смерть обох її близьких друзів, г) вага відповідальність за повернення Плантарів додому e) Вбивчий ЙОБАНИЙ РОБОТ. Тим часом Саша захищає Вортвуд і потім очолює опір, поки всю Амфібію знищують! А Марсі одержує жахливе стародавнє зло, яке існує навіть довше, ніж Андріас.
Знову ж! ЇМ БУЛО 13!
Потім Енн бореться з урядом і потрапляє до Амфібії, борючись разом із Сашою. У процесі запобігання жаб'ячого вторгнення, Грайму відрубують руку, Саша отримує ЖАХЛИВІ рани та ледь не помирає, а Енн бореться з великим мудаком у костюмі робота. Король. Тритон. В. Костюмі. Робота. Проти 13-РІЧНОЇ ДІВЧИНКИ З БЛАКИТНИМИ СИЛАМИ. ТИПУ, ЇЇ ЙОБНУЛИ ОБ КОЖЕН МОЖЛИВИЙ ХМАРОЧОС.
І навіть цього недостатньо. І вони бились із довбаним місяцем, і Енн віддала ЗА ЦЕ ЖИТТЯ. ВОНА ГОТОВА БУЛА ВІД УСЬОГО ВІДМОВИТИСЯ ЗАРАДИ АМФІБІЇ. Дитина поводиться як повноцінна доросла. Вона набула неймовірних сил і втратила життя. Я не можу жити зі знанням про це.
Вони БАГАТО пережили. Я ні на секунду не вірю, що ти справді подолав це. Нє-а. Це було НАДЖЕ травматично.
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Sasha Waybright (resistance)
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Sasha Waybright from Amphibia is sentenced to the pickle jar for crimes against King Andriass!
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megazardx2 · 2 years
Amphibia Week: DAY 1 (Favorite Episode)
Hey, everyone! MegaZardX2 here, making my first post for @picturejasper20​′s Amphibia Week to celebrate the coming of All In! (This is also my first actual tumblr post, I guess, so yay for that!) If any of you readers want to participate, then click on the link below to find out more: 
(Also, this post will contain some spoilers for All In at the very end. You’ve been warned.)
Anyways, today’s the first day of Amphibia week, which means it’s time to talk about my favorite episode--which is a thing I don’t really have atm. There are some top contenders, but honestly, I’d probably need to do a full series rewatch to decide on a definitive favorite. Instead, I’ve decided to talk about an episode which, while it may turn out to not be my favorite in retrospect, does mean a lot to me, and that episode is...the one that literally just came out! 
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So, how ‘bout that kickoff, eh? We got to see everyone fighting together against King Andriass and the Frobot army (including our girl Bella; YAS QUEEN SLAY!), Anne and Sasha dancing circles around Olivia and Yunan, the trio’s unhappy reunion, AND the beginnings of the invasion of Earth! This first 10 to 15 minutes of the finale was a trip and a half, and we’re not even halfway done. I dunno about you, but I feel that Weirdmaggedon is in for some serious competition. 
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However, all the hype moments aren’t why I’m talking about The Beginning of the End today. It’s the emotional beats which truly make the episode for me and are the reason why it means so much to me, especially as a devout member of Team Marcy. 
So, the episode begins with a flashback of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy having one of their sleepovers. They’re all watching one of Marcy’s favorite movies, War of the Warlocks, a clear Lord of the Rings parody with a title probably referencing War of the Worlds. Marcy tries to get them into it by explaining the plot to them, but Anne and Sasha just aren’t interested at all, with Sasha even going so far as to outright say “I don’t actually care.” They’re so bored, in fact, that they even break Sasha’s main rule of sleepovers and fall asleep, leaving Marcy to watch the movie on her lonesome...again. Marcy chuckles, tucks Anne and Sasha in, and happily returns to watching her movie, but not before looking at her friends with a forlorn expression for a split second. 
I must admit; as a fellow person with ASD (yes, I’m well aware that’s technically headcanon, but is it really?), seeing that moment hurt. I’ve tried so many times to share my interests and hyperfixations with my family and some of my friends, only to be met with apathy or even condescension, so I know just how Marcy felt in that moment. 
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However, it’s even deeper than that. This episode serves to properly establish something that many viewers probably guessed about the trio’s relationship: that Marcy is oftentimes treated as the third wheel. It’s not that Anne and Sasha don’t care about her, because they do, but it happened nonetheless. None of this is to excuse her for what she did, of course...but we’ll get to that later. 
We then cut to the present, where Anne and Sasha discuss their plan to take back the Calamity Box: use the big battle as a distraction to sneak in and swipe it from right under Andrias’ nose (just like in Marcy’s movie--which they actually remember)! The team moves out for war, but along the way, Sasha and Anne talk about Marcy and how she got them stuck in Amphibia on (semi)-purpose. Sasha is rightfully still pissed about it, but Anne then says that they’ve all made mistakes and that maybe they’re partially to blame. She admits that they have been ignored Marcy’s interests and probably her needs, too, which led to her going behind their backs with her harebrained scheme. Sasha looks down in shame, accepting this truth and wondering if it’s even possible to save their friendship anymore, to which Anne says “I don’t know, but we have to try.” 
However, even with this realization, Sasha is still not feeling very forgiving towards Marcy--which, again, is completely in-character and fair of her (if not hypocritical). After all, her attribute is Strength, not Heart, and when she vents about her conflicted feelings towards Marcy in the castle, Anne once again shows her the light. 
Sasha: Okay, so let’s say you’re right and we’ve been taking Marcy for granted. That doesn’t change what she’s done.
Anne: It’s not about what she did, Sash. It’s about why she did it. 
Sasha: So I’m just supposed to forgive her? Like it’s easy? 
Anne: It’s not easy. Forgiveness is hard, and it can take time, but believe me...
*And then the camera pans over to Hop Pop; well done in that one, btw*
Anne: It’s worth it. I mean, just look at what you and I have now. <:) 
Sasha: *sniffles* You’re right...Of course you are. Now let’s save that lovable little nerd so we can make things right with her. >:) 
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This moment. This. Moment. Guys, y’all have no idea how much this moment means to me. Like, I’ll be one of the first to defend Season 3 from its dissenters, especially after this episode, but frankly, as a hardcore Marcy fan, watching it felt like crap at times. 
In the episode Olivia & Yunan, the titular duo didn’t try to save Marcy because they cared for her intrinsically; they wanted her for her utilitarian value. Heck, even before that, they were sneaking away in Turning Point even as Marcy was dying on the floor. (I still refuse to forgive them for that, btw. I understand they’re not meant to be her “found family” or anything, but come ON! Did they really feel that LITTLE for her up until she got absorbed by the Core?) The closest relationship that she ever had in Amphibia was with Andrias, and in the end, he chose the Core over her. 
And outside of that episode, she’s barely been mentioned until now. Heck, the only times she was mentioned by name during Season 3A and most of Season 3B was when Anne remembered something that she’d learned from her which connected to the current situation, which had me all like “Really? Is that what Marcy is to you now? An encyclopedia?!” She barely even talked about the fact that Marcy had been shanked with a laser sword. Heck, Escape to Amphibia even made a joke out of it! Even when Anne met up with Sasha again and they addressed that Marcy was in trouble, it felt flat. Like she was just another item on a checklist. 
I was so worried for Marcy, both as a character and as my kin. Would she get the focus she deserved? Did Anne Sasha, or anyone care about her anymore? Did the show even care about her? And furthermore, how would her story come to an end? Would she be forgiven or would her worst fears become reality? What if she ended up dying all over again?! 
And if her story would really end so unhappily...then why? Why did Matt even create her in the first place? Why did he design her in a way to get us attached to her? Just for the sake of making her and all of us (besides people hate Marcy for reasons I will never and do not wish to comprehend) suffer? 
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Even though I knew many of these thoughts were irrational, I couldn’t stop them from plaguing my mind. That was until The Beginning of the End. Now, I’m no longer afraid, because despite everything that’s happened, despite the horrid thing that Marcy did to them...Anne and Sasha still care about her. They want to save her not because she’s their responsibility or their burden, but because they love her. They still want to be her friend, and deeper still, they want to be better friends than ever for her, such as they want to be better for each other and just as Marcy undoubtedly wants to be better for them--if she still remembers them, of course. There’s the matter of the Core wiping her memories and whatnot, but honestly, I’m not scared about that anymore, either. For the first time in forever, even with the darkness looming overhead, even with the knowledge that every season finale of Amphibia so far has some element of tragedy to it, I am one hundred and ten percent HYPED for what it has in store. 
I’m hyped to see these characters fighting for the fate of Earth, Amphibia and all the other worlds.
I’m hyped to see Anne stick it to Andrias, a representation of the dark path that she’ll never go down, once and for all. 
I’m hyped to witness Sasha’s duel with Darcy, swords to scythe, and for her to further grapple with her complex emotions. 
Heck, I’m legit hyped to see more of Darcy. That’s not something I ever thought I’d say, but after this episode, I can let myself sit back and appreciate what an absolutely cool and fun villain they are. 
Most of all, however, I’m so, SO hyped to see Marcy’s side of the story, for her to get those anime powers and finally begin overcoming her demons with the inner strength that I know for a fact she has (and a lil’ help from her friends). 
It’s true that I’m a fantasy nerd, and it was the fantasy aspects which initially drew me towards Amphibia, but for me, the ultimate meaning of the show lies in the relationships between the characters. Anne and the Plantars, Sasha and Grime, Marcy and...apparently no one (except Maddie; wish we’d seen more of them hanging out together), and of course, the Calamity trio’s complicated and heartbreaking yet heartwarming friendship. It’s in the message that an honest, earnest approach to relationships built on trust and mutual respect is always the right way to go, and that even a relationship which lacks those things and has grown toxic can be reforged into a stronger, better one, if its participants are willing to put in the work. If the trio’s friendship is truly broken by the end of the series, especially if only Marcy is cut out, I don’t know what I'd do with myself, but now, I’m positive that won’t be the case. 
Amphibia has been called an “ode to past friendships,” but I’ve always been on the fence about what that means...until now. 
And it’s all thanks to The Beginning of the End that I can finally release myself of my fears and go All In. :) 
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Thank y’all for reading this. I know that was a long one, but I promise, the posts after this will be much more concise. Tune in tomorrow for Day 2 of Amphibia Week when I talk about why Marcy Wu is my favorite Amphibia character (as if that wasn’t obvious already). This is MegaZardX2, signing off! 
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button-drop · 2 years
All I want for the finale is for the Boonchuy parents to do cute romantic stuff together while violently bashing king andriass.
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tmcsartstuff · 4 months
I cannot unhear it
I was back in the amphibia fandom when season 3 was being released and I remember we all hated king andrias with a burning passion and then actually liked his redemption. We thought AndriASS was a jackass but he had an amazing voice by Keith David (ofc) I had only watched princess and the frog once so I didn’t remember what his voice sounded like but now I associate that voice with king andrias. I watched the Hazbin Hotel trailer today, I knew he was gonna sound like him but it’s definitely gonna be hard getting used to, especially when I’m going from a blue tyrannical newt to a angry drunk barcat 😭
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Darcy: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway.
Darcy: Vroom vroom, come out already.
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owl-pines · 2 years
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I slowed down the scene where the helmet is coming down on Marcy and honestly it's worse when you realise that she never stopped resisting, even at the end she looks at someone, presumably either at Olivia & Yunan or Andrias (not that he was looking back) to see if anyone will stop it but it's too late.
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cutetanuki-chan · 2 years
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so, the beginning of the end 
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via-rant · 2 years
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Where is she? Well if she's going to defeat the core maybe......
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But you know.... Just a thought.
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luna--dragon · 2 years
A synopsis of Grime's Pupil: "Due to dire circumstances, Grime is forced to train an apprentice."
I know this might not happen, but I really want the 'dire cicumstance' to be Mother Olm telling Anne and Sasha that they need Marcy to stop Andriass, so the two stay up for like a week straight trying to come up with a rescue plan, and are way too tired and stressed to lead any missions or do anything else
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sashannarcycanon · 2 years
"do you think andrias deserves a second chance?" NO. not even a little bit. He's such a good villain honestly so no, i don't think he should get redemption arc he is literally a colonizer 😭 not to mention he attempted murdering children for like 4-6(?) times now and tortured one too
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amphibafan · 3 years
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