kuro-ultra · 1 year
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mobolanz · 1 year
Tfw when you save 70,000 event gems for SR GUARANTEED recruit card and the aftermath is wanting to rewatch Shigaraki making a granola tortellini bagel on repeat
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laikabu · 2 months
if youd like, would you talk about why you read kabru as autistic? i see some overlap for him with his masking and obsession with studying people, but nothing stands out to me that doesnt feel better explained by his cptsd. im autistic myself but i feel like im missing something other ppl are getting from him and id like to understand that perspective more
ive already answered this before but it’s more of an intuition thing. if you have extroverted, very social autistic friends, he may remind you of some of them. but heres text from the manga that stood out to me
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he had a hobby of observing adventurers that came to the tavern his mother worked at way before the incident happened. so his fixation on humans and anatomy isn’t caused by his trauma, rather it was something he was always interested in
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any then after the incident, he was mostly asking milsiril about cultures, languages, anatomy, etc.
it’s even possible that he knows kuro’s language, even though utayans consider kobolds aggressive and unapproachable, because he was genuinely interested in learning it as a kid
he’s a foil to laios, is it’s really easy to infer that his interest in humanity is as unusual as laios’s interest in monsters. he’s self aware, but sometimes his self awareness doesn’t account for the fact his friends don’t see his behavior as normal
but anyway yeah outside of his special interest, it’s mostly intuition. it’s hard to explain… there’s some stuff that are ultra small details, like his favorite food being plain tomatoes. in modern AUs he’s mostly seen wearing t-shirts and comfortable coats like laios, whereas other characters have a diverse wardrobe
it’s kind of like… he knows what traits come off as autistic, so he tries way too hard to avoid them so he doesn’t seem autistic? does that make sense.
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genoskissors · 4 months
Daily Danganronpa Fun Fact #48
In one of the Ultra Despair Girls collectibles, there is a notebook called “Memoirs of Toro”. It is a cameo from the Doko Demo Issyo characters, Toro and Kuro. Their color schemes are also similar to Monokuma, one being white and the other being black with red.
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katzkinder · 2 months
Servamp headcanons, ice cream edition! Because my grandma got an ice cream maker and we’re all super eager to try it out but then she broke her back (she’s fine, don’t worry)
Mahiru: plain old vanilla. Misono introduced him to vanilla BEAN ice cream though and he’s feeling a little guilty about wanting to splurge a bit for the more expensive, creamier stuff… Kuro is an enabler and his encouragement is the only reason he’s still managing to resist. Just do it Mahi!
Kuro: Cookies and Cream is his favorite, but he’s also partial to cookie dough, or crumbled chocolate mint cookies as topping. He likes both the taste and the texture
Misono: chocolate lol. He’s predictable. His absolute favorite though are those ultra decadent brownie batter type of chocolate ice creams. Yknow the ones. Chocolate pieces, brownie bits, hot fudge swirl… He gets sick off the stuff easily though, so even though he loves it, self control is everything
Lily: vanilla bean with strawberry topping and cheese cake bites! He loves fresh strawberries in his desserts, and often he and Misono will trade bites if they’re getting flavor fatigue. Also very rich but the strawberry helps cuts through the sweetness
Tetsu: a Basic Boi who loves GariGariKun the most. Prefers popsicles over dairy treats. Yeah technically this isn’t ice cream but like. It’s the taste of summer and after bath refreshments. I’m not taking that from him
Hugh: vanilla with hot fudge sauce (and/or blood). He still prefers his chocolate parfaits, or better yet for this scenario, a milkshake
Licht: yknow those ultra sweet cotton candy flavors? If it’s ice cream by itself, he loves that. But if it’s a float, it’s gotta be vanilla in melon soda. If you take him to marble slab or similar place that lets you mix in a bunch of toppings, he will make a beeline for the gummy bears. Gets disappointed every time that they turn hard and unpleasant to eat, even though he already knows the outcome
Lawless: he has two favorites. Coffee bean (distinct from just plain coffee flavor) and moose tracks. I’m not sure what that’s called in other places? Basically it’s vanilla with peanut butter cups and fudge. Only goes for this when he’s depressed, if I’m honest. Otherwise it’s too sweet.
Mikuni: haagen daz amaretto almond crunch and their hojicha latte flavor. Forever sad that the former was limited edition and doesn’t make seasonal returns. It was absolutely perfect for his and jeje’s terrible Netflix movie nights (with the occasional appearance by johannes so they could make fun of the bad science together)
Jeje: since Mikuni only buys haagen daz (spoiled pretentious shit) he’s grateful they a rich pumpkin flavor that becomes available during autumn. He also really likes horchata milkshakes for the comforting taste of cinnamon.
Iduna: Tried butter pecan once and was hooked. The crunchiness of the pecans is her favorite part. It’s her go to for when Haagen Daz Creamy Vanilla Pudding flavor isn’t in season. Back home, though, it’s got to be the rather… Unique. Salty licorice flavor. She gave some to shuuhei one time just to watch him gag. She knows what she’s doing to that poor boy.
Freya: the simple freshness of strawberry ice cream is her guilty pleasure. She been thinking of making her own with an old hand churner. It would be fun, right? And it’s not like it would be difficult to get the ingredients she needs.
Nicco: Pistachio gelato, though he also enjoys the tartness and slight bitter aftertaste of limoncello flavor. He likes taking Ildio with him whenever there’s a new flavor he wants to try but isn’t sure he’ll like. Even if he doesn’t care for it, his servamp probably will. Does that make him mean?
Ildio: No preference as of yet. He’s still figuring this whole… Tasting your food thing out
Tsubaki: as expected, he loves matcha and red bean flavors. REALLY excited some of the Hagen daz hanamochi series is becoming a permanent flavor
Sakuya: rocky road. Sweet, crunchy, and a little bitter on the back end from the chocolate. Refuses to admit it but he also enjoys the hanamochi series. He’s stubborn. Whenever he wins a free popsicle he gives the stick to Mahiru, so inevitably when they hang out, that’s what he buys if they stop at the konbini, just for the chance to maybe earn some good boy points with his best friend and crush. And he thinks he’s subtle—
Reblog with your own headcanons! I love seeing what people add to my posts :3
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funishment-time · 11 months
post-despair Ultra Despair Girls 2 except Kurokuma and Shirokuma come back and are Redeemed somehow. no one knows How or Why or Who might have fixed their AIs. they claim they were in the Neo World Program the whole time ("DON'TCHA REMEMBER?!")
cue montage of SDR2 CGs w/ Kuro and Shiro shittily Photoshopped in like
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and everyone just Accepts This
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collectorcookie · 9 months
I AM HOME AGAIN. Ok so part two of trickstar dynamics: anzu edition. I already kinda made one but it was more about anzu's past sooo it doesn't count.
Anzu and subaru: THE BESTIEEESSS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY ARE SO CUTE. When trickstar was still a very new unit subaru was like "man i wish we had our own uniforms. Wouldn't that be cool" (because at yumenosaki academy having your own uniforms instead of the standard ones provided by the academy meant that 1. you're hot shit aka important and popular enough to have a specific image and 2. you're hot shit enough aka rich enough to be able to afford your own costume). And then anzu is just like "My boy? Wants something?? My bestie? Wishes for uniforms??" And then she SINGLEHANDEDLY learns sewing from kuro in like a week and makes the trickstar uniforms. And subaru could cry from joy.
And much later subaru got some job where he has to wear a suit but he's never worn suits so he asks super model sena for help, and sena is like "well what kind of suit do you wanna wear" and after a long time of thinking, the only thing he came up with was a suit made specifically by anzu for him. That's all he wanted agshetekwhdghr. But anzu was pretty busy so he settled for a suit that was approved by her.
And when they ended up in the industry anzu made him the super sparkly outfit and i KNOW everyone hates that card because of the missions BUT that card has a special place in my heart because even after their early high school days, even after subaru won the ss and trickstar became super popular and anzu became a very important producer in ES (going as far as being a part of P. Association), subaru still adores and appreciates outfits made by her specifically asdffkslagdkfjw.
Also Pretty sure that anzu was one of the few characters where subaru dropped his happy-ultra-cheerful persona to open up to her, being all like "You know anzu, sometimes i feel like half of my emotions are straight up missing". Ouch. He doesn't do that often! If at all!! He trusts her enough to do that!!!!
There's more to say but there's already another post that goes into more details about this (i will reblog it after this but how on earth can you link someone else's post on here)
Anzu and mao: you may have seen or noticed how mao is always like "omg no don't touch anzu that's sexual harrassment" to completely normal affection between friends and thought to yourself "The hell is wrong with this dude". And like, i can only speculate why he's like this but it's probably due to anzu's first experiences at yumenosaki. Poor girl got transferred into a school of boys committing crimes against each other, got kicked in the face (with koga's full body weight), fainted, got a concussion, went to the infirmary, got sexually harrassed by one of the teachers (seriuosly what the hell jin), then got followed around and pressured by a playboy (past kaoru was uhhh...something). Rei ended up finding her and just...hiding her in a cupboard. And later on rei finds mao and is like "hey you. I hid your girl in the cupboards" and mao's bewildered at this statement. And rei continues with "yeah you should probs go pick her up or something". Mao then goes and to his surprise, he actually finds her in the cupboards, terrified and exhausted.This is the context to this very lovely mao illustration:
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(Mao's first 5* is literally "let's take ibuprofen together, producer" heeelllpp)
Mao ends up always walking her home after this by the way, to the point where he sometimes eats lunch with her family. (Sometimes the other trickstar memebrs walk her too but most often it's Mao) So yeah, that could be the reason why he's so sensitive anytime someone gets close to anzu. He's just really overprotective of her.
(I will entirely ignore all the more fanservicey stuff that occasionally happens between anzu and mao in the early stories because...it just...feels so ooc for mao. And completely unnecessary in general) however anzu is also very fond of mao, as we see in !-era ss, where anzu notices that mao is beating himself up for not being enough for trickstar and so she goes to his room to specifically cheer him up and reassure him when he wakes up
Anzu and hokuto: ooohhh my gooood, the scene where he goes to visit anzu in the infirmary after she got hurt and fainted and he. He just. He just feels so bad for her getting hurt and then starts this whole ass monologue about why he dragged her into this. This huge monologue where he just lets out all his anger at yumenosaki's state and hopes and dreams for the future and how she gave him hope but he burdened and expected too much of her right at the beginning. AND SHE WAS AWAKE THE WHOLE TIME WITHOUT HIM KNOWING. And his speech just motivates her to actually ally herself with trickstar because she wants things to change for the better too.
And then waaay later she faints again from exhausting herself too much and hokuto notices how much she has been doing, not just for trickstar but as a producer in general. And so to lighten her burdens and to prove to her that they have grown as a unit and do not need to rely on her the whole time, he revokes his rights to participate in the SS. Listen to me. I want you to understand that as a unit, trickstar established itself to prove that change is possible. The entire main storyline in ! is about them beating eichi's ass in DDD. And DDD is such a huge deal because it determines which unit is allowed to participate in SS as a representative. And SS is a huuuuge national tournament for idols sorta thing. So when hokuto goes to eichi being all like "hey mr. president, i revoke my rights to participate in the SS", eichi (who has been supporting trickstar ever since they beat him in DDD because SS is far more important than DDD) straight up grabs hokuto and screams at him something along the lines of "HOKUTO ARE YOU /SRS OR /J???? YOUR GIRL FAINTS ONCE AND THIS IS HOW YOU BEHAVE???!!! SHE'S NOT WITH YOU FOR ONE TIME AND YOU STEP DOWN, YOU FREAKING COWARD?? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW IMPORTANT OF AN EVENT SS IS". And hokuto, still very straight faced and expressionless, simply states "oh i'm not stepping down. I want trickstar to fight more live battles to rewin our rights to represent yumenosaki in SS. Both to prove to everyone that trickstar really is suited for this, and to prove for anzu that she doesn't need to always worry about us anymore." Do you have any idea how much i wanted to howl at the moon after reading that.
By the way this is also the context for this one wataru illustration who was also in the council room at the time:
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(When you watch your boyfriend grab your bestie by the neck and your bestie says the most jawdropping shit you've ever heard)
Anzu and Makoto: this is actually a lot more of a relaxed and chill dynamic than i expected. Most of their early interactions are just makoto being "oh my god i'm so afraid of girls i have never talked to a girl in my entire life what even are girls" and then anzu would be like "but i am one?" and makoto's just "HOLY SHIT YOU'RE RIGHT". Anyways after makoto builds a little self esteem it looks like him and anzu just start sharing a braincell sometimes. Like that one moment in finder girl event story where mao is super worried that no one will help him, and the makoto anzu duo don't even talk to each other, they just exchange looks and think to themselves "this guy has no idea that everyone in yumenosaki would help him huh". Fun times.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 1 year
Trying to make sense of Babylonia bc I’m insane
So… I’m actually curious as to how many people are living on Babylonia and how the hell it’s structures since it’s shaped like a giant nail. And so I took some screenshots to help me make sense of it.
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So this is another angle of Babylonia, a full image of it as opposed to the loading screen. This angle lets us see that there’s a sort of structure at the top, I assume this is where the bridge and central command is. And as we can see, it’s pretty fucking massive.
Here is a more zoomed out version of the loading screen image.
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I’m not exactly going to fault Kuro for consistency but the top part seems significantly larger in the first picture. Anyways that’s all well and good but where the fuck are these areas???
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Now, I used this part of Haicma’s story bc it lets you kind of travel around this map. And As we can see, there’s a sort of shopping district up here. There’s an elevator nearby, and it’s a pretty big elevator mind you. It’s like a whole tube thingy. And also, this shopping district or whatever is above parliament
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See that structure in the distance? Yeah that’s parliament
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That is the shopping area thingy from in front of parliament.
So Babylonia is built up on a lot of layers, probably to conserve space. And as we can all see, there’s an artificial sky, I believe Chrome’s interlude confirms this basically. And in any case there’s something of a city in Babylonia too.
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So far, this background has been exclusively used when we’re on Babylonia so I am assuming it’s on Babylonia also because it’s too perfect and you know, it’s not in ruins. Also, outside of the preparation room??? Idk just look.
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You can see the silhouettes of buildings outside the window, and I do believe in the Panini shorts the constructs walk around something resembling a city but I’m not abt to take that show as canon, goofy and cute as it is.
So like… how big is Babylonia to be able to house an entire ass city inside??? Also, what’s the situation because as we’ve established, Babylonia is like a nail so I’m not quite sure where to place all these buildings??? A friend suggested it was centrifugal force, that is the city is built in like a ring?? Like lining the walls of a cylinder? Idk how to explain it. But we just see the artificial sky so I don’t think so, but that would be most likely since it saves on space but still I just don’t know.
Since we’ve established that the little top part is probably central command or whatever and maybe where military operations are planned as in the two above pictures we can see that they’re above the city to some degree so uh… yeah idk what’s going on you guys.
Not to mention that leaves us with the giant ring around the nail part.
Now, I want to say that the ring is actually where the city is, and it’s built around that but that would require Babylonia to be fucking MASSIVE like bigger than it already is in order for their to be an artificial atmosphere and thus an artificial sky.
This is a screenshot from the movie Elysium where’s there’s this mega structure in space housing all the rich people and it looks like Earth from on the structure but it actually looks like this
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As you can see it is fucking huge and Babylonia is not that big. Not by a long shot. But I think it holds a similar populations so at this point idk anymore.
My logic is that if the ultra rich are 1% of the world and in this movie they all moved to this… uh, thing in space in this movie then Babylonia houses at most mayyyyybe 1% of humanity since I’m sure there was probably some overcrowding and the properties aren’t all as spread out since I believe Babylonia is built on a bunch of verticality bc where the fuck else are you going to put people on a fucking nail???
BUT WAIT, 1% of our current population is 79 million people (according to google) and Babylonia is big, but it’s not that fucking big. If I’m being generous I’ll give it the population of a megacity (about 10 million people) but I think that about it since Babylonia is already fucking huge like anything bigger and humanity can probably just call it their new planet.
I was about to wonder why Babylonia looks the way it does but then I remember that it’s actually supposed to be mobile, that is it’s supposed to not just orbit around Earth. Like it’s described as originally being built for interstellar travel.
That tells us some stuff, like that Babylonia is very much self sufficient and doesn’t really need resources from Earth, since this bad baby is supposed to be traveling light years but I fucking digress because WHERE DO ALL THE PEOPLE GO???
Like originally I thought that maybe command and operations or whatever are all on this outer ring since you can see the stars though the windows in the backgrounds sometimes but i don’t know anymore.
At most I can probably give a floor plan of Parliament’s surrounding area and I can probably give you a rough estimate of how many people live there (as you can see above what I just told you) but I cannot actually map everything out. Like I cannot make sense of this.
Sure I can use Herta’s space station for reference but it’s population is much smaller (I think some hundred or so and most of em are researchers and whatnot) thus the space station is much smaller naturally and though the shape is similar I don’t see whole ass cities on Herta Space station.
I can’t use the Luofu from the same game either because it’s MUCH bigger than Babylonia just based off the maps and it’s population isn’t you know, fragments of a civilization. Like it is massive oh my god you can see that there are clouds below the areas. CLOUDS. It is a LONG way down. Also the Luofu isn’t shaped similarly and it’s not a fucking post apocalyptic situation as I mentioned earlier so their population is huge. I could base it off China’s current population (1.412 billion once again according to google) and that would means it’s massive and also yeah, I think that would check out actually. Since I think March remarks that the Luofu is almost the size of a planet or smth.
But point is I’m insane and I definitely look too far into the weirdest fucking things. Anyways the most I can tell you about Babylonia is that’s mostly vertical, there’s gonna be lots of elevators and tubes (almost like a hamster cage lmao) and I think military operations n shit are at that top part. Idk what the ring around it is. Good day it is midnight and I must update my insane Pgr x Hsr fanfic which actually prompted me going down this rabbit hole funny enough.
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forochisme · 4 months
Siempre se hablan cosas malas de Sunflower (y sus derivados, Kanon y cia) y de Kuro (el furro)... que no se habla de como el foro Shadow from the past también tiene un favoritismo (si Dom dice "a", todos dicen "a" y la trama gira en torno a Dom y su "a") y pues la trama se perdió con tantos eventos sin terminar y un universo alternativo XD. Al menos rolean. Ojalá publiquen este ask y de a poco se vea que todos tenemos paja en el ojo, incluso yo. // Me huele a celo // Yo estoy en el server desde un inicio y solo he visto que una persona atacaba a Dom pasivo/agresivo pero yendo a tema de su gremio y que según el "podía acabar con el gremio de Dom solo" ¿Se te olvidaba el sistema de dados? y que por muy op tu pj suene, no depende de tus grandes habilidades en la escritura o manejo de poderes para ganar, por eso Zuri habilitó el sistema por qué siempre van a existir de estos gilipollas que se creen mucho por tener un pj con poderes ultra cool . Ahora bien teniendo eso en cuenta, Dom solo aportaba con ideas para su gremio y preguntaba a Zuri si se podía hacer esto y aquello, a lo que Zuri le gustaba la idea ¿Y a quien no? Si sin buenas ideas, y no por qué le cumpla o acople estás ideas solo por qué es Dom, tenga un favoritismo, TODOS los que estamos ahí sabemos que hemos aportado con ideas en el canal #lluvia de ideas, y que Zuri las ha llevado bien en el foro, como ahora con Alastor permitiéndole tener su apartado de la radio, ya sea ideas para un evento, para una trama, o para un simple apartado nuevo en el foro. A si que si, diría que son celos/envidia, por qué Zuri muestra su interés en la idea de la persona y solicita más información, si te molestaba que la atención de Zuri fuera desviada hacia Dom, pues querido anon, o estabas enamorado de Zuri o te molestaba Dom por qué simplemente era Dom.
Ya si es por qué Dom te bajo a la waifu (Inari) te recuerdo que Náyare inicio esa shipp y si es precisamente esa la razón base del por qué tanta riña con Dom, pues déjame decirte que es patetico y hasta gracioso, dirás que no, eso es seguro, o que simplemente no te importaba con quién se metiera el ojo de Inari, ¿Entonces para que atacar a alguien que en ningún momento se dirigió a ti por gusto y placer de hablar contigo? Que es más, te ignoraba hasta que te ponías a hablar de su gremio, y sus ideas, también te recuerdo,Lordi/Schatterman/LordDarkray/Alexander, Zuri con Inari acepto ser parte de tu harem por la trama que otra vez Naya sugirió, la aceptaste, te uniste a esa idea y todo bien hasta que un dia te fuiste
Bueno.... ¿Quien tiene hambre?
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emsylcatac · 2 years
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J'ai publié 1 703 fois en 2022
439 billets créés (26%)
1 264 billets reblogués (74%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 1 693 billets en 2022
Seulement 1% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#ml spoilers - 584 billets
#ml fanart - 566 billets
#ask - 302 billets
#ladynoir - 290 billets
#anon - 206 billets
#ml fun - 174 billets
#kuro neko - 164 billets
#kuro neko spoilers - 156 billets
#adrinette - 106 billets
#strike back - 102 billets
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#she'd have been like 'ohh chaton you're in suuuch good shape woooww you're do funny ♥️♥️ dw i'll take care of that thing harassing you 😠😠
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
I really really love how the lucky charm was designed to fit Chat Noir's way of thinking this time: straight forward and directly to the point
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He even says so: "But, why did you do that? For once it was obvious! We just had to put it on Psychomedian's eyes to prevent him from using his power!"
Usually he understands how a lucky charm is being used once Ladybug comes up with a plan, but when she gets it he's always asking how on earth she's gonna manage to make it be useful
Loved that because Ladybug wasn't in a condition to properly use her power, the lucky charm acknowledged it and automatically adapted itself to the person who was in capacity of using it: Chat Noir
1 204 notes - publié le 29 janvier 2022
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Happy birthday to the cunning, funny and all out ultra charming @amimons ♥︎🥳
Have two idiots being stupidly in love in the autumn leaves 🍂
1 870 notes - publié le 7 octobre 2022
Fanon Adrinette at dodgeball: take on every player, so competitive, Ladynoir energy, no one can touch them, badass 😎😎
Canon Adrinette at dodgeball: what if🥺...we got captured first and got to be prisoners together..👉👈...and went to the dungeon..and held handsbdnznd....🥺🥺👉👈👉👈🥺🥺💞💞💞
2 311 notes - publié le 9 février 2022
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Voir l'intégralité du billet
3 653 notes - publié le 17 février 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Omg I wanted to zoom in on the different names Plagg and Adrien came up with before settling on Catwalker and I'm screaming:
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Touffe de la nuit: Tuft of the night
Chat des ténèbres: Cat of the darkness
Soir Chat: Cat Evening (yes, in that order, it's not logical)
Chaton sombre: Dark kitty
Chaton de nuit: Kitty of night
Matou noir: Black Tomcat
Minou de l'obscurité: Pussycat of obscurity
Noir Chat: Cat Black
Félin Noir: Black Feline (I had previously written "Filou Noir=Black Rascal" but Feline makes more sense)
Minet [???? noir maybe???]: [????Black ??] Pussycat (but different from "minou")
Fauve du soir: Evening big cat/wildcat (thanks @little-mari-on-a-roof for your eagle eyes correction, I had previously written "Fouine du soir=Evening Snoop" but this makes more sense)
Félin Ténébreux: Dark Feline (I had previously written "Filou Ténébreux=Dark Rascal but I think Félin makes more sense)
Minou charmeur (very very unsure of the "charmeur"): Charming Pussycat
Chaton Chat: Kitty Cat (but it's not something we say in French so it sounds weird aha)
Félin Sombre(?): Dark(?) Feline
I don't think I'm managing to read more but if I do I'll update this post!
4 124 notes - publié le 25 janvier 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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theecosystemdid · 8 months
List for all flags not currently in Lists!
When there are not enough flags for a source to be put into a list of their own, they can be found here! Take a look to see what we have done so far!
Music & Artists:
Dark at the end of the Tunnel by Oingo Boingo
Experience - Ludovico Einaudi
Jo Calderone
Self-ish Will Wood and The Tapeworms
Stones by The Hardkiss
Trash Dentist: Novocaine by Ghost & Pals
Animal Jam - Mira
Baba Is You
Bayonetta - Bayonetta
Castlevania - Doltra
Cry of Fear - Book Simon
Detroit: Become Human - RK800 Connor
Detroit: Become Human - RK900 Nines
Fallout 4 - Nick Valentine
Half Life - G-Man
Helltaker - Justice
Horizon Zero Dawn - Aloy
Midnight Train - Luna Wyndell
Needy Streamer Overload - Kangel
Saints Row 3 - Matt Miller
Slime Rancher - Beatrix LeBeau
TF2 - Medic
TF2 - Pyro
Ultrakill - Ferryman
Ultrakill - Mirage
Chuuya Nakahara Bungo Stray Dogs
Kurata Tome Mob Psycho 100
Megumi Fushiguro Jujutsu Kaisen
Adrian Monk
Allied Mastercomputer Hate Pillar I have no mouth and I must scream
Argos World Of Mr Plant
Autism / TBH Creature
Dean Supernatural
ENA Joel G Series
Henry Jekyll The Glass Scientist
Jack Frost Rise of the Guardians
K9 Kuro
Laszlo What We Do In The Shadows
Loki Marvel's Loki Series
Mr Pages Fallen London
Naven Nuknuk Epithet Erased
Russian Sleep Experiment Creepy Pasta
She-ra (1985)
SuperMarioGlitchy4 SMG4
The Bomb World of Io
Tori Eddsworld / Ellsworld
Webby Hatchet field
Damphyr / Damphir
Monster Energy Pipeline Punch
Monster Energy Ultra
Monster Energy Ultra Paradise
Nyan Cat
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kuro-ultra · 1 year
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mxstball · 8 months
[HEADCANON] Some Leaf Cleanup
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So, I realized that Leaf has gone through some dumb shit in Kanto/Johto this past year (-cough cough- Rainbow Road -cough-) and things may get a little weird when interacting with Kanto/Johto muses, so let me break a few things down here.
The main things of reference are:
Rainbow Rocket part 1
How she obtained Mewtwo
Kuro (Zekrom)
Her current Ultra Space stuff (that I haven't discussed here yet)
So let me break this down into three possibilities: Mainverse (the main canon), Adjusted verse (if she's a drop-in for your Leaf/Green), and Ultra Space visitor (if she's a foreign Leaf for... some reason). Most solos go under the first sense except for the below note. Thus, I don't tag them because, at the end of the day, it's still the same Leaf.
As a note: blackfog2023 will go on the Adjusted verse assumption unless someone asked otherwise
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Main Leaf:
Rainbow Rocket invaded Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn in the main world. Cinnabar Island was wiped off of the map for about 9 months or so before Heidi recreated it using her Arceus powers.
Mewtwo was RR Giovanni's Mewtwo. She caught it after a chase for 4 months within the Embedded Tower.
Leaf is considered the Nuevo Hero of Truth but has Kuro (Zekrom). Zinnia's the Nuevo Hero of Ideals but has Shiro (Reshiram). Both Kuro and Shiro are only 3 or 4 years old and ARE NOT the BW Zekrom/Reshiram. Leaf obtained the extra Black Stone from Hilda and obtained Kuro mid-Mewtwo fight.
Leaf Travels to Ultra Space partially to obtain more information about the difference between the different Legendary Pokémon. Amaterasu (Izanami's Solgaleo child) takes her there all of the time. She's currently worried about a potential return of Team Rainbow Rocket, despite the loss of Giovanni and all of the admins.
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Adjusted Leaf:
There was a Rainbow Rocket incident that occurred in Hoenn in the main world (or a Kanto of another world with Zinnia and crew). Cinnabar is fine (well, as fine as GSC Cinnabar can be I guess)
Mewtwo was RR Giovanni's Mewtwo. She caught it in Hoenn / Ultra Space.
Leaf obtained the Black Stone (and Zinnia obtained the White Stone) from an excursion in another world. She caught Kuro in Ultra Space as well.
Same as Main Leaf.
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Ultra Space Leaf:
Notes 1-4 of Main Leaf happened in Leaf's original world, with one additional note:
She's travelling through the world with Amaterasu, Izanami's Solgaleo. He doesn't battle at all and she's not his trainer, but you may see it from time to time when regrouping with others of the main world.
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kitwing-moving · 1 year
actually favorite character tierlist
ultra faves: anzu aira arashi switch tetora shinobu leo ritsu
just below ultra faves still a close second: hiiro kohaku tori trickstar ra*bits rinne kaname jun
faves: midori mika 2wink koga adonis knights mama rei kanata
i selfship with you: eichi wataru nazuna hiyori kuro keito nagisa tatsumi chiaki himeru
dont think about you much but youre ok!: niki kaoru yuzuru
we would not get along one single bit at all: mayoi ibara shu
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mahou-furbies · 1 year
Mahou wrap up 2022 survey results
Here are the results of the recent questionnaire for your Mahou 2022!
Best character:
irma w.i.t.c.h.
Lemon Kokoa
sunday spade wild cardz
Luchia Nanami
Mew Lettuce
Cure Whip! (i rewatched KiraKira! So not really 2022? If from 2022 only, I loved Kuroe)
Cure Precious/Yui Nagomi
nanami kiryuu
Fuwa Kokone
Sayaka miki (I watched side story this year so it technically counts even though she’s my favorite magical girl ever)
Yui Nagomi/Cure Precious, Ichigo Momomiya/Mew Ichigo
Best character design:
Cure YumYum
Cure Yum Yum
Cure coral
cure flora
Cure Finale
The Hirogaru Sky silhouettes. I just know the full designs are gonna be ballin'
This is a hard one, all of the Primagi designs are tied.
kumi kumi from mgrp white is minecraft
Infinite Iroha (Magia Record)
I just love seeing designs in general
the way utena uses the transformations for symbolism and what not is super cool design by itself goes to cure summer shes great
Mew Lettuce's and Mew Zakuro's 2022 designs
Best work:
Tokyo Mew Mew New
Tokyo Mew Mew New!
care bear stars
Healer Girl
....does witch hat atelier count as a mg since it's witches or it it too fantasy world to be one? either way it slaps
Ultra Maniac
Delicious Party PreCure has its moments but it's not my fav season or anything. I wish I had time for more anime this year, but unfortunately I've been working overtime.
Can I say Glitter and Guilt? Because there's published webcomic pages now
utena is the best show ive watched in a long time i love picking it apart and even tough its super dark and hard to watch the visuals and everything is amazing i love the movie the most its so surreal and dreamy this is all entirely expected bc i love twin peaks and theyre a very similar niche
I really really liked Madoka side story, but I watched yuki yuna and was really pleasantly surprised by it!
Free comment field for gushing about something that didn’t fit the other topics:
uhh watch lego monkie kid its like a magical girl show but about a boy
Keeping it to series i more or less saw this 2022 but i really wanna praise waccha primagi tho its more of an idol series than magical girl the magic is every present in the show and i love the great myamu sama the ending moved me to tears.
saint tail remaster bless discotek
Obsessed with the Shugo Chara Wonderland merch that released earlier this year.
Was fascinated how some of the dress up collection dresses made a comeback in the DeliPre series. For example when Kokone was shown wearing Rikka's blue gown.
Watching Vampire in the Garden (a non mahou show) has given me ideas for making a magical girl OC with clothes based on Imperial Russia. You can never have too many OCs!
all the merch and new content for the early-mid 2000's shows and manga has got me really excited! like, of course we got the Tokyo Mew Mew reboot, but there's been new merch and art for Shugo Chara, Mermaid Melody has that sequal series being released, and even Saint Tail has gotten some stuff. It makes me hopeful that other manga besides Mew Mew will also get the same love and attention!
power of friendship is the shit and somehow mg shows make it not cheesy but good good
The Mascots and Recipepes in Delicious Party Precure are so cute!! I also liked the addition of Rosemary and BlackPepper/Takumi.
Hmmm I really liked some magical girl webcomics I was reading, like Cloudy Wondrous and Captian Jellyfish
I love Takumi from DeliPaPre, he's such a dork and its very endearing how he tries to be a cool Tuxedo Mask type but sometimes forgets his Cool Guy persona bc "omg its yui" lol
Complaint time!
Gushing Over Magical Girls should be good. i like the designs but too horny for the age of everyone
Mew Mint's henshin was a major downgrade from the original
The adaptation of Magia Record was such a disappointment! It undid the happy ending of the game and killed of several characters for shock value!
I finally got around to watching all of Day Break Illusion and GOD it started out really cool and interesting, but than it decided to just get BAD bad a bit after the half way mark. Lots of missed potential.
i watched a lot of older and darker mg shows this year and i really dont like the saturation of designs that exist now also there arent newer medium dark shows that ive heard its either for kids or everyone dies i like both but not as the only option
How easily I fall out of a Precure season. Delicious Party I think is the furthest I've ever gotten
yuis lack of a personality in delipre
The 4th cures design and general costume of delipre didnt really live up to the food theme.
Honestly I really hate how delicious party precure is pushing stress eating as a good thing.
Delicious Party Precure seemed to have TOO many themes at the same time and didn't feel as cohesive as other teams to me.
Hmm I tried watching some of the later entries in precure (tropical rouge and delipre) and I simply couldn’t get into any of them :/ I also tried watching flip flappers again and simply couldn’t get through it again -_- it was uncomfortable to watch
Mahou plans and hopes for 2023:
That the new precure series will be aesthetic af
I'm always excited for the next Precure!
im hoping this years precure has an angel theme and there will be more cyber inspired designs in general i find them fun and good for diversity also ive started the sailor moon anime i read the manga when i was a little kid but ive never watched it
To like the new season of precure and for Magilumere to keep going
Super excited for Hirogaru Sky!! And Mew New season 2
I hope the new precure season uses the duo formula again, and a more pastel color palette. Also looking forward to the new Sailor Moon movie!
I hope the next precure season is better than DeliParty, and I also hope for a Primagi season 2! Just more new original stories would be nice.
new original series.
I'm really looking forward to Mahou Shoujo Magical Foghters and In/Spectre season 2!! Gonna watch those weekly!
Learn to take things off the backburner
God I wish I could design magical girls
Hopefully I’ll be able to get my current project going (webcomic)
More magical girl stuff in general, and less fighting among fans over ships and the grimdark vs. standard genres
Thanks to everyone who took part!
Raffle winners have been contacted. I’ll wait... let’s say a week in case people are busy doing something else over the holidays than browsing tumblr, and if there’s no response I’ll pick a different winner.
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Elias Price (MaidSweetieBop)
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Male Grookey and Female Scorbunny Roll Down on a Hill (GSBSbros)
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??? (Tom Cat's Big Adventure), Shuppet (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire), Buyoyon (Time Patrol Bon)
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Bow (Paper Mario), Misdreavous, Sneasel (Pokemon Gold and Silver), Shuppet (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire), Scare Bear (Yogi's Space Race/Galaxy Goof Ups), Galar Meowth (Pokemon Sword and Shield), Buyobuyon (Time Patrol Bon)
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Ream Stream (Time Patrol Bon), violet! 🐝, Iono (Pokemon Violet and Scarlet)
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Penny's Big Breakaway Fanart Reference but with Skullrunners: Dono (Dono's Tale) Dosen't want to get repeated chase by Skullrunners
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Cinco De Mayo: Baba Looey Plays a Guitar (The Quick Draw McGraw Show)
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Oricorio (Baile, Sensu, Pom Pom, Pa'u), Golduck (Pokemon), Buyobuyon and Bon Namihira (T-P Bon/Time Patrol bon)
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Me-TV Toons
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Transcontinental railroad: A railroad was made to connect the east coast and west coast of the United States, making it easier for people to move to new places
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Me-TV Toons: Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Scooby Doo, Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes), Josie (Josie and the Pussycats), Top Cat, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Woody Woodpecker, Jonny Quest, Magilla Gorilla, Wally Gator, Captain Caveman, Dino (The Flintstones), Astro (The Jetsons), Kip Kangaroo (Shirt Tales), Dolphin (Marine Boy), Speed (Speed Racer), Casper, Kwicky Koala (The Kwicky Koala Show), Little Dog and Big Dog (2 Stupid Dogs), Jerry (Tom and Jerry), Heathcliff and Dingbat, Papa Smurf (The Smurfs), Betty Boop, Popeye, Muttley (Wacky Races), Brain (Inspector Gadget)
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Lion Cub, Tapir, Bird, Pelican, Goose, Mud Hippo, Chinchilla
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Panda (We Baby Bears), Scrappy Doo (Scooby Doo), Buyobuyon (Time Patrol Bon), Skullrunner (Dono's Tales), Ruff (Ruff and Reddy), Sneasel (Pokemon), Cleo (Clifford the Big Red Dog), (Chu Chu Rocket)
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Pocketstation, Toro Inoue, Sora, Kuro Chan, Minmin, Jun Mihara (Doko Demo Issyo)
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Spear and Fang (Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal), Bon Namihira and Ream Stream, Buyobuyon (Time Patrol Bon)
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Heathcliff and the Cadillac Cats: Heathcliff, Sonja, Spike, Riff Raff, Cleo, Wordsworth, Hector, Mungo
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3 Tulip's
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Shiny Snorunt and Shiny Cufant (Pokemon)
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The Hardest and Last Legendary Pokemon Featuring: Chi-Yu, Floette, Oricorio (Sensu), Camerupt, Wigglytuff, Dugtrios, Noivern, Noibat, Deino, Luxury Ball, Nest Ball, Dive Ball, Quick Ball, Repeated Ball, Ultra Ball
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Pim, Charlie, Allan, Glep, Gwimbly (Smiling Friends)
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Augie, Doggy Daddy (Jellystone), Slime (Dragon Quest), Allan (Smiling Friends), Pawmo and Pawmot (Pokemon: Scarlet and Violet)
0 notes