leahproblems · 11 years
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This doll copied my hair style.
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How I feel about my life right now
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jewlist · 12 years
I hate my phone because I wanna reblog that colors thing but I can't change the url to my askbox and sob
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allisonargenes-blog · 12 years
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sleazeonhigh · 12 years
I wanna skype Christian but it's only 8:30 where he is and so he might be busy but I don't want to go to bed yet but I'm getting bored just being on Tumblr. Wah. 
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leahproblems · 11 years
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I can't get down.
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leahproblems · 11 years
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Multiplication facts!
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Michigan representative speaks out against Right to Work.
While I do agree that there are issues with Unions as they stand, I do not believe that the bill passed (through lame duck season, I might add) is the solution to it. To me, it is roughly equivalent of  removing workers' rights to collective bargain. It is highly similar to prop. 2 (which was defeated in November) but under a different name. 
My mother was outside those doors protesting that day. Some news outlets claim that the protesters "mobbed" the doors and that policemen had to protect themselves. Really? A group largely populated by school teachers?  Truthfully, they stepped slightly beyond the "line" allowed, but, they were not rioting. Were they loud? Yes. They were chanting in unison. I would say that's pretty typical of a protest. A senator came out and ordered them to stop as he couldn't focus. Just as a note, it is their full right to assemble and he should NOT be able to tell them to be quiet. Is it a hassle to him? Yes, but it is meant to be a democracy.
I am so disappointed in the direction  the Michigan government is taking. The representative in my home district ignores his constituents and I find that to be annoying. The only reason why he continues to win is due to the benefits of incumbency and the unlikelihood of the citizens in my area to become involved.
I know this post is rather widespread (cut me some slack, I'm not writing professionally or for an essay), but, it was meant to be a bit of a diary post. If I have time, I can expand upon it. 
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Am I the only one that gets suddenly nervous when actually writing on this blog thing?
I go to post something and I forget how to write.
Happens every time.
In case anyone wanted an explanation why everything I've ever written on here ever becomes weirdly sappy and full of disconnected ramblings.
So sorry. I swear, I'm not a terrible writer in real life.
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So I went to a lecture
On Turkish-Syrian-United States relations. It was very interesting and I think the speaker effectively highlighted some of the major issues in United States foreign policy, first. Second, she highlighted the interlocking issues of the middle east and connected them with prospects of war, invasion, etc.
At one point, one of the listeners suggested that we, on a random day, bomb the majority of Syrian (effectively wiping out their power-- sort of Israel style).
This, of course, caused a lot of controversy in part because the geography is so 'tightly-packed' in that area there is room for error and second because of the rebuilding process that would accompany it. Needless to say, it soon became a very heated debate.
I really would like to write more on this, but, I have to read about Russian politics and do the ungodly amount of Arabic homework I have. Honestly, that lady does not understand time management. Either way, hopefully I'll have time to construct a thoughtful post on the topic. It was truly quite interesting--- although, I did eat way too much Baklava. Good lord help me.
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Me: Man,  I'm so stressed out.
Me: *picks up more projects*
So, that's my way of telling the internet that I'm entering a public policy competition now.
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A short portrayal of my mom
When I have a boyfriend: Leah, life isn't just about boys? What are you doing? Think about your FUTURE. What about all your goals? Honestly, I wish you'd spend less time with him.
When I don't have a boyfriend: Leah! I just bumped into [insert boy's name here], you remember him? Anyway, I was thinking you two should go on a date. You know? Like a group date. He's grown up a lot! I think you'll like him! He thinks you're pretty. Please, honey, I just want you to be happy.
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Leah, why are you up so early?
Well kids, I'm about to head off to meet the crazy TV people
But you don't sound very excited about that....
Oh, yeah, I'm sure it's just the time. HAHAHAHA.
Why? Just why am I doing this?
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A Lot of writing about writing
For the last few months, I haven't been able to write. I can't explain it. I still have ideas rolling through my head constantly, but, when I sit down to make them into something more every word seems to flee before me. It reminds me of a spoken word I once listened to. The speaker talked about what it was like to write a poem. She claimed that she could often feel it coming and that she'd have to race to a pen and paper in order to write it down as it burst through her. There was one particular instance she related she was unable to find utensils until the final word of the poem had burst through her. She described herself grabbing the final word and pulling the poem through her backwards-- and thus, it was written that way. Writing for me isn't nearly so magical. It is often grueling and filled with self-pity and doubt. Occasionally I sit down and find myself completely focused-- usually when I come up with a new concept. Here's the problem: I don't want to come up with a new concept. I'm still in love with my work in progress, even though I've lost my characters. I'm still enamored by how multi-dimensional this world I've miraculously thought up is. Yet, again, so many parts of the world seem fake or unattainable. Sometimes I sit, look back and realize that my world is nothing but a golem.  So, that's where I've been. Sitting at my computers, feeling dejected, rationalizing reasons why I haven't been able to write: Maybe I've been at the computer for too long. They do say it's bad for you; Maybe I'm just tired and emotionally drained; Oh, I just went through a break up. That's when I realized, if any of my guy friends were there, they'd inform me I was "PMSing" over my story. I was an emotional wreck. Nothing made sense. My characters loved me then they hated me. They made me cry. They were insensitive jerks who thought they could just do whatever the hell they want. They never listened to me! They kept changing and stabbing me in the back. Well, fine, I'd show them I'd just research sociopathy and androstadieone. I'd create new characters. I'd flesh out the world more and just think conceptually. Who needs them anyway.... Then, inevitably, my strong-willedness would end and I'd run back to them sobbing and begging them to forgive me. I'd profess my undying love for them and tell them they could do whatever the hell they wanted just don't leave me.  It was a vicious cycle. I mean I got to such an awful point that convinced myself I couldn't write at all. I looked drearily through my past writing and mourned the death of my dearly departed abilities. I might as well just give up and become an awful YA writer who creates a cardboard cut out female lead. A cardboard female lead who falls in love with a dream boy who she then saves or he saves her. Maybe he'll be a little quirky and dark, but still sensitive.  Yes, this is what I'll reduce myself to. At least it'll sell. You know what though? That's bullshit.  I've now realized that, since I have no one else to call me out on this, I have to call myself out. I have to force myself to not be a self-righteous prick and check myself (something some of our politicians could learn from). My main characters will be kick ass. They deserve a story and they'll get one. So what if I can't figure out those damn filler scenes or I struggle with a tone. I know I'll get there. I need to stop reading stories and idolizing those writers. They wouldn't understand how to write my characters and how to develop my idea. Their version of prose, quite simply, won't fit. I know what I'm doing. I just need to trust in myself a little more. I'll get there.
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My Arabic professor assigns so much homework ALL THE TIME. We had a two hour class on Tuesday before tomorrow at 10 am we have to:
Write and translate the super long text
Correct last week's homework: four pages front and back- all re-written.
Listen to the news (in Arabic) and write a summary: at least five sentences.
Do drill number 9 (which is more translation- 15 sentences)
Write a presentation (at least five minutes long) along with a power point- using the new vocab. 
Oh yeah, and do a listening drill (filling in random words of a super long text) which we will then re-write.
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