bimobuddy · 1 year
Oh, Lighten Up
Characters belong to @fluffymary thank you for letting me write about your snazzy little guys
Switch!Bleu, Switch!Jaune
I'm literally so excited to write this
I'm really really hoping I got their personalities right jsbsjsbsj
Summary: Jaune is being awfully strict about how things should be done, but Bleu knows how to handle it.
It had been a particularly long day for each of the butlers, Bleu in particular. He was on cleaning duty, which meant Jaune was right there behind him micromanaging. He knew the yellow butler meant well and never meant any harm, he just liked things to be done a certain way in a certain order.
"Bleu, dust, don't scrub, you'll damage the furniture."
"Bleu, the centerpiece is called the centerpiece because it goes in the center of the table."
"Bleu the laundry has to be sorted by color- and those are hand wash only."
"Bleu that has to be shifted to the left- Oh wait, it was actually fine the first time."
He liked everything to be done a certain way but man was it exhausting. Bleu was dusting off a shelf when he heard a familiar voice behind him, yet again. "Bleu, you really should move things and not just dust around them. Just some advice." Bleu inhaled a little and turned around. "Yes, Jaune, thank you for your advice. All day. Don't you think you should relax though? Just a little?"
The yellow butler raised an eyebrow. "Relax? Bleu, surely you understand a butler doesn't 'relax' when there is work to be done. After all, everything must be clean and in order for Felix."
"Felix would understand, trust me. At least sit down for a few minutes.. Quietly. Without watching me."
"Sit down on the couch that you only half vacuumed? No tha- hmph!"
Bleu huffed and just reached foreard, stuffing the feathered end of his duster up Jaune's shirt, catching him off guard. "Really Jaune, you're so uptight. Lighten up a little." He said with an amused smirk, flicking his wrist a little.
"B-Bleu! Thi- grrr, mph! This is v-very unprofehehessional! Cease!" Jaune was half bent over, trying to push the duster away from his tummy, as well as trying (and failing) not to laugh. Bleu only stepped closer, moving the duster to his left side, causing his face to heat up and for him to awkwardly try to bring an elbow down to block the area. "Bleu stohoho- ahEM- stop this ahat once! We hahave wohohork! Ah!" He let out a yelp having unexpectedly hit the edge of the couch, which forced him to fall back and sit down, Bleu sitting next to him.
Ditching the duster, Bleu slipped his hands under his friend's arms, gently clawing at his ribs and wiggling his thumbs into his underarms. Jaune immediately turned his blushing face away and reluctantly let it all out. "HEHEHEHAHAHAHA! BLEU NOHOHO!"
Bleu chuckled a little bit. It was rare to see Jaune smile, let alone laugh. "Oh I'm sorry, is this the half-vaccumed couch you mentioned? Such a shame you went and sat down on my work, really." He said, as if he wasn't digging his fingers into Jaune's tummy, watching him kick a leg out and try to push away the offending hand. "Blehehuhu! Stahahahap!" "Stop? Why would I stop when you're clearly still stressed? I'm trying to help you relax."
Planning on stopping soon so he didn't push any limits, Bleu decided to have fun with this first. He darted his hands down, grabbed Jaune's hips, and vibrated his thumbs into the dips of the bone. Jaune grabbed at his hands, kicking his legs out. "NOHOHO HAHAHAHAHA! BLEU- HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Deciding his fun was over, Bleu stopped, letting his friend breathe. "Hope you lightened up." He said, lightheartedly, going to stand up. Jaune grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him back down onto the couch. "More than you were probably hoping for," was all he said before latching his own hands onto Bleu's sides, lightly squeezing, making sure his thumbs dug and wiggled into his tummy.
"Wha- wahahahahahait!" Bleu arched his back out of reflex. "Jahahahaune I'm sahahaharry! Ihihit was a johohoHOHOKE-" He had tried to cover his mouth to stifle his laughs mid sentence, but when he raised his arm, Jaune took the opportunity to tickle his highest rib that was just below his arm.
"A joke? I'm sure it was absolutely hilarious." Probably his attempt at teasing, implying it was funny since Bleu was laughing. Either way, it still had a big effect on the poor butler, who blushed and laughed harder
After a while, Jaune did stop, patting his knee. "Well I can't say that wasn't.. fun. Oh don't look at me like that. Lighten up~" He smirked as he walked away. Bleu just sat up, panting, still smiling and giggly from the ordeal. It may have come at his expense, but he did succeed in getting Jaune to relax a little.
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gh0styyt0astyy · 2 years
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Look guyz see i still do content i
Bleu (light blue) belongs to @fluffymary
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yallmakemyassitch · 2 years
The duty to please
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2 minutes later...
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This has been a wip for months so it was about time I'd finish the dang thing. Hope you like it, Felix :3
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iamalwaystiredok · 2 years
Can I request walnut getting tickled by roguefort cookie? (Sorriieeee)
I fell in love with my own art while I was working on this piece. I've always seen these two as a friendly rivalry/"oops I accidentally got a new parental figure/oh im now a parental figure" kind of pair.
And for those who ship these two, please get off my blog. :)
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thatfreakything · 2 years
OOH OOH AND WHAT ABOUT EARL GREAY COOKIE? (lee or ler up to you!) :) /nf
Oooh, this is a fun one! I love butlers so much (Felix's creating Bleu didn't help lmao /pos)
As a ler, I think Earl Grey would be rather calculating and logical, just because of his typical demeanor. He'd analyze for his lee's best spots both before and during the process, and he'd be the quiet, focused kind of ler. If he does tease, it'd be less of a tease and more of a compliment, like, "I find your laugh quite endearing," or something like that!
As a lee...well, you know I love my stoics. He'd be the kind to pretend that he's not ticklish, but crumble as soon as someone touches him (pun not intended)-- His worst spots are his stomach, neck, and shoulders, and he has THE most stupid laugh, full of snorts and high-pitched little giggles. It flusters him to no end--
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Quais são as probabilidades de apostas para os favoritos da Euro 2024?
🎰🎲✨ Receba 2.000 reais e 200 rodadas grátis, além de um bônus instantâneo para jogar jogos de cassino com apenas um clique! ✨🎲🎰
Quais são as probabilidades de apostas para os favoritos da Euro 2024?
Probabilidades de aposta
As probabilidades de aposta desempenham um papel crucial no mundo das apostas esportivas e jogos de azar. Elas são fundamentais para os apostadores tomarem decisões informadas sobre onde investir seu dinheiro. Mas o que exatamente são as probabilidades de aposta e como elas funcionam?
Em termos simples, as probabilidades de aposta representam a probabilidade de um determinado resultado ocorrer em um evento esportivo ou jogo de cassino. Elas são expressas de diferentes maneiras, incluindo decimal, fracionária e americana, dependendo da região e da preferência dos apostadores.
Na forma decimal, as probabilidades mostram quanto dinheiro um apostador pode ganhar com uma aposta de um determinado valor. Por exemplo, se as probabilidades são 2.50, isso significa que para cada unidade apostada, o apostador pode receber duas vezes e meia o valor apostado, incluindo sua aposta inicial.
Já nas probabilidades fracionárias, o primeiro número representa o lucro potencial, enquanto o segundo número indica a aposta inicial. Por exemplo, as probabilidades de 3/1 significam que o apostador pode ganhar três vezes sua aposta inicial.
Por fim, as probabilidades americanas utilizam números positivos e negativos para indicar o quanto um apostador deve apostar para ganhar $100 (números negativos) ou quanto o apostador ganhará ao apostar $100 (números positivos).
Entender como ler e interpretar as probabilidades de aposta é essencial para os apostadores maximizarem seus lucros e minimizarem suas perdas. Além disso, acompanhar as mudanças nas probabilidades pode fornecer insights valiosos sobre as tendências do mercado e as expectativas dos apostadores em relação a um determinado evento. Em última análise, as probabilidades de aposta são uma ferramenta poderosa para os apostadores que desejam fazer escolhas informadas e aumentar suas chances de sucesso nas apostas esportivas e nos jogos de azar.
Favoritos da Euro 2024
Claro! Aqui está o artigo sobre os favoritos da Euro 2024:
A Euro 2024 está chegando e a emoção do futebol europeu está no ar. Com uma variedade de talentos em campo, os fãs estão ansiosos para ver quais equipes se destacarão neste torneio altamente antecipado. Vamos dar uma olhada nos favoritos para levantar o troféu da Euro 2024.
França: Atuais campeões do mundo, os Bleus têm uma equipe repleta de estrelas que podem fazer a diferença a qualquer momento. Com jogadores como Mbappé, Pogba e Kanté, a França é uma força a ser reconhecida e é uma das principais candidatas ao título.
Portugal: Os atuais campeões europeus estão determinados a defender seu título com unhas e dentes. Com Cristiano Ronaldo liderando o ataque e uma mistura de jovens talentos e jogadores experientes, Portugal é uma equipe que pode surpreender novamente neste torneio.
Inglaterra: Após o sucesso na Copa do Mundo de 2022, a Inglaterra está confiante e ansiosa para fazer uma boa campanha na Euro 2024. Com uma equipe jovem e talentosa, liderada por Harry Kane, os Três Leões têm todas as condições para chegar longe no torneio.
Bélgica: Com uma geração de ouro de jogadores como De Bruyne, Hazard e Lukaku, a Bélgica é outra equipe que tem o potencial de chegar à final e conquistar o tão almejado título europeu.
Alemanha: Sempre uma força no futebol europeu, a Alemanha possui uma equipe sólida e bem equilibrada. Com uma mistura de juventude e experiência, os alemães são sempre candidatos ao título em qualquer competição.
Estes são apenas alguns dos favoritos para a Euro 2024, mas como sempre, o futebol é imprevisível e qualquer equipe pode surpreender. Os fãs estão ansiosos para ver qual equipe sairá por cima neste emocionante torneio continental.
Análise de chances
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
A análise de chances, também conhecida como probabilidade ou estudo de probabilidades, é uma ferramenta crucial em diversos campos, desde estatística até jogos de azar. Essa prática consiste em avaliar a possibilidade de ocorrência de determinados eventos com base em dados históricos, padrões observados e outros fatores relevantes.
Na estatística, a análise de chances é utilizada para prever resultados futuros com base em dados passados. Por exemplo, em um estudo sobre o mercado de ações, os analistas podem usar a análise de chances para determinar a probabilidade de uma determinada ação aumentar ou diminuir de valor em um determinado período de tempo. Essas previsões podem orientar investidores na tomada de decisões mais informadas.
Em jogos de azar, como pôquer ou roleta, a análise de chances desempenha um papel fundamental na estratégia dos jogadores. Ao calcular a probabilidade de receber uma determinada mão de cartas ou de acertar um número específico na roleta, os jogadores podem tomar decisões mais calculadas, aumentando suas chances de sucesso a longo prazo.
Além disso, a análise de chances é amplamente aplicada em diversos setores, incluindo esportes, seguro, medicina e até mesmo no planejamento de projetos. Em cada um desses contextos, compreender as probabilidades envolvidas permite tomar decisões mais assertivas e minimizar riscos.
Em resumo, a análise de chances é uma ferramenta poderosa que permite avaliar e prever resultados com base em dados e probabilidades. Seja na tomada de decisões financeiras, na estratégia de jogos ou em qualquer outro contexto, compreender as chances envolvidas é essencial para alcançar o sucesso.
Odds dos principais times
Certamente! Aqui está o artigo solicitado:
As probabilidades nos principais times do mundo do futebol são um aspecto crucial para os apostadores e entusiastas do esporte. Vamos dar uma olhada nas chances de alguns dos times mais famosos e poderosos do cenário futebolístico global.
Real Madrid: Um dos clubes mais prestigiados do mundo, o Real Madrid geralmente tem boas chances devido à sua história de sucesso e elenco de estrelas. As probabilidades para o Real Madrid geralmente refletem sua posição como um dos favoritos em competições como a La Liga e a Liga dos Campeões da UEFA.
Barcelona: Outro gigante espanhol, o Barcelona também costuma ter probabilidades competitivas, especialmente quando conta com jogadores como Lionel Messi e outros talentos de classe mundial. Sua rivalidade com o Real Madrid torna as apostas em seus jogos ainda mais emocionantes.
Liverpool: Na Inglaterra, o Liverpool é um time que frequentemente tem boas chances, especialmente após suas recentes conquistas na Premier League e na Liga dos Campeões. A consistência e o estilo de jogo ofensivo da equipe costumam atrair a atenção dos apostadores.
Bayern de Munique: Na Alemanha, o Bayern de Munique é um dos times mais dominantes, tanto nacional quanto internacionalmente. Suas chances geralmente refletem sua posição como favorito para vencer a Bundesliga e competir na Liga dos Campeões.
Paris Saint-Germain (PSG): Com um elenco repleto de estrelas, incluindo Neymar e Mbappé, o PSG é um dos favoritos na França e na Europa. Suas probabilidades refletem o investimento significativo em talentos e recursos.
É importante notar que as probabilidades podem variar de acordo com diversos fatores, como lesões de jogadores-chave, forma recente da equipe e confrontos específicos. Portanto, os apostadores devem sempre realizar uma análise cuidadosa antes de fazerem suas escolhas.
Espero que esteja conforme o que você estava procurando!
Previsões de apostas
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Previsões de Apostas: Como Aumentar Suas Chances de Ganhar
Apostar em eventos esportivos é uma atividade que atrai muitos entusiastas em todo o mundo. No entanto, para aumentar suas chances de ganhar, é essencial fazer previsões informadas e estratégicas. Aqui estão algumas dicas para ajudá-lo a melhorar suas previsões de apostas:
Faça sua pesquisa: Antes de fazer uma aposta, pesquise sobre os times ou atletas envolvidos, seu desempenho recente, lesões, histórico de confrontos e outros fatores relevantes. Quanto mais informações você tiver, mais fundamentada será sua previsão.
Analise as estatísticas: As estatísticas podem fornecer insights valiosos sobre o desempenho passado e as tendências de um time ou jogador. Analise os números, como média de gols marcados e sofridos, porcentagem de vitórias em casa ou fora, entre outros indicadores relevantes.
Considere o contexto: Leve em conta o contexto do evento, como o local da partida, o clima, a importância do jogo para cada equipe e outros fatores externos que possam influenciar o resultado.
Esteja ciente das probabilidades: Entenda como as probabilidades funcionam e como elas refletem as chances percebidas de um determinado resultado. Isso pode ajudá-lo a avaliar o risco e a recompensa de diferentes apostas.
Gerencie sua banca: Estabeleça um orçamento para suas apostas e evite apostar mais do que pode perder. Gerenciar sua banca de forma responsável é fundamental para garantir uma experiência de apostas sustentável a longo prazo.
Seguindo essas dicas e desenvolvendo suas habilidades de análise, você pode aumentar suas chances de fazer previsões precisas e, consequentemente, melhorar seus resultados nas apostas esportivas. Lembre-se sempre de apostar de forma responsável e aproveitar a experiência de apostas de forma consciente. Boa sorte!
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vlsualex · 10 months
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                                                        ˗ˏˋ ꒰ Tano Tanoshimi ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Tano est un jeune homme d'origine japonaise âgé de 18 ans. Il est actuellement en dernière année de lycée et vit seul dans un petit appartement situé en ville et sous la surveillance des services sociaux, et jusqu'à l'obtention son diplôme, depuis bientôt 4 ans. Pour ce jeune homme, vivre seul n'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus difficile. Survivre, est ce qu'il y a de plus dur. 
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La vie n'a jamais été un long fleuve tranquille pour Tano. Son existence même est une erreur. Un acte inconscient. Sa mère, qui elle profitait de la vie, n'avait pas prévu de se retrouver enceinte à un si jeune âge que le sien, à peine plus jeune que Tano à l'heure actuelle. Sa vie n'en était que plus misérable avec un gosse qu'elle n'avait pas souhaité sous le bras et dont l'identité du père était inconnue, et la déception de ses parents à son égard. Si le début de l'existence de Tano s'était déroulé sans soucis, tout bascula à partir de sa 6e année de vie. Sa mère avait déjà eu du mal à obtenir son diplôme avec son fils sous les bras, mais il devenait difficile pour elle de joindre les deux bouts. La colère, le stress, la frustration ainsi que la haine qui l'habitait l'on conduite à porter la main à Tano pour la première fois lors de l'année de ses 6 ans. À partir de ce moment-là, tout devenait une excuse pour crier ou même encore se défouler sur Tano. En été, alors que les autres enfants portaient des chemises à manches courtes, Tano devait en porter à manches longues, prétextant que sa peau craignait beaucoup le soleil. Il pensait pouvoir surmonter la douleur, surmonter la haine de sa mère et surmonter cette épreuve. Rien ne pouvait être pire après tout.
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Pourtant, un jour, alors qu'il rentrait de l'école, 7 hommes se tenaient dans le salon, accompagné de sa mère, prêt à l'accueillir. Sans un bonjour, ni quoi que ce soit d'autre, sa mère lui dit simplement : "Tu vas enfin pouvoir me servir à quelque chose d'utile." Alors qu'il se débattait, Tano se fit déshabiller contre son grès par sa mère. Alors qu'il criait, il vit sa mère recevoir de l'argent de ces hommes avant de se faire vi*ler. Alors qu'il pleurait, Tano comprit qu'il y avait bien pire et qu'il avait sans doute atterri véritablement en enfer. Tano n'avait alors que 11 ans. Ce calvaire devint son quotidien pendant les trois années qui suivirent. Il finit par s'enfuir, tout simplement, à 14 ans à peine, loin, très loin de chez lui, important une très grosse somme d'argent gardé par sa mère avec lui. Après s'être réfugié auprès des services sociaux qui lui ont permis d'être autonome, et de continuer le lycée jusqu'à son diplôme, Tano vit seul. Sa mère n'a pas cherché à le retrouver et il pense tout simplement que sa disparition doit aussi être un soulagement pour elle, autant que sa fuite était libératrice. Ou pas ?... Pour l'instant, Tano ne connaît qu'un seul moyen de survivre et c'est un moyen, et même le seul, qui lui a toujours été appris et dont il peine à s'en défaire.
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                               ˗ˏˋ Les caractéristiques physiques ˎˊ˗
Tano possède une chevelure courte noire tirant sur le bleuté et des yeux tout aussi bleu et sombre que sa chevelure. Sa peau est blanche et légèrement rosé, mais celle-ci est aussi parsemé de nombreuses cicatrice et plus particulièrement sur le dos et les jambes, dus aux coups qu'il a reçu autrefois de sa mère. Son visage est fin, son nez bien dessiné, et ses lèvres sont d'un rose léger ainsi que très légèrement pulpeuse. Tano possède également un point de beauté sur son visage, situé sur sa joue gauche, juste en dessus de son œil. Même s'il est de constitution plutôt mince, Tano est assez robuste et prend, dans la mesure du possible, bien soin de lui. 
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                                           ˗ˏˋ Aime & déteste ˎˊ˗    
Il aime beaucoup les chats et ces animaux le lui rendent bien car ils sont aussi gagas de lui. Il affectionne tout particulièrement les bâtonnets de glace à l'eau et les plats chauds et réconfortants. 
Il a horreur des mathématiques bien qu'il ait des notes correctes dans cette matière. Il déteste par-dessous tout les gens méprisant envers ceux qui doivent se battre dans la vie. Malgré ça, il ne déteste rien au monde plus que la haine qu'il voue à sa mère.  
                                                𓆩 Ses RPs 𓆪 Ce personnage est jouable dans un contexte : omegaverse (Ω), surnaturel, fantaisiste, historique/contemporain 
✧ Roman Castillo — Petit ami  ꒰ Je pense que le rencontrer a été la meilleure chose qui me soit arrivé. Sans lui, je ne serais peut-être plus de ce monde, mais tant qu'il est à mes côtés, je pense que je peux tout surmonter. Même cette épreuve qui m'attend. Je l'aime si fort. ꒱ 
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jorgetomesantos · 11 months
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O AZUL DO CAFETÃ (Le Bleu du Caftan) de Maryam Touzani
Este é um dos mais interessantes e ternos filmes LGBT que tenho visto nos últimos tempos. Podem ler a minha opinião e ver algumas imagens no meu blog FITAS & VIDA QUEER: https://fitas-queer.blogspot.com/2023/06/o-azul-do-cafeta-le-bleu-du-caftan-de.html
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liu82stephens · 2 years
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quackspot · 5 years
What did it make you think of
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here it is. the horrible cursed idea i had, drawn 
edit: man roguefort isnt even 1 day old and i’ve done this to them im so sorry,
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safetybuzz · 5 years
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02.03.2019: kotkaniemi scores the tying goal to send the game to OT
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gh0styyt0astyy · 2 years
What about c-l for the Bleu?
Heck yeah >:)
requests: open! || alphabet
I just reused some of my prev answers LOL
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
⭐️ So, Bleu is a very fast runner, and they happen to be a parkour artist as well and they’re pretty good at hiding when they need too. Their chances in a chase both as a lee and ler are pretty wide, but it also depends on who they’re running too or from.
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
⭐️ Their ribs, 100% hands down. Even a gentle touch on their ribs has them screaming and trying to get away.
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
⭐️ Bleu cannot, for the life of him, say the word “tickle.” They instead substitute it for “the thing.” So they don’t ever ask to tickle someone and they harass others into tickling them when they’re in one of those moods.
F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
⭐️ A lot of squirming and kicking and also screaming “fuck you” occasionally. They never win, ever.
G: Gentle | How do they react to gentle tickles?
⭐️ Due to being EXTREMELY feather sensitive, any type of gentle tickles, with the ler’s hand OR anything else soft, will absolutely MURDER them.
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
⭐️ (Lee) Tends to accidentally insult, constantly. Doesn’t usually pull away from the ler but DOES fight, a lot.
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
⭐️ Bleu won’t crack under that kind of method, having gone through a little worse during their life— so a little tickle interrogation won’t do much. (…Unless of course you’re someone that Bleu knows, and you KNOW their worst spots)
J: Joy | Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
⭐️ It actually takes their mind off of all their day to day stresses. On the occasion it’s a really nice thing between him and the others.
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
⭐️ He’s not NORMALLY a ler, but on the occasions that he is they tend to point out a of their lee’s reaction, just cos it’s funny.
L: Laughter | What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
⭐️LOUD. Loud and different and SQUEAKY from their normal persona. Very bubbly and actually a little contagious. I like to think that their constant lers just tickle them for their laugh.
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feathery-fall · 2 years
Head canons, should have mentioned that I’m dumb
nah you're good, I thought so but just wanted to be sure.
these are kinda long, putting em under cut
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averagely ticklish in most of the standard spots
his worst spots are his sides and the back of his neck
has that deep and soft old man laughter(he's not even that old, he just has it)
he uses his chain cuff things as a light restraint sometimes (the restrained can escape if they try honestly at all)
he likes to tickle Walnut the most, especially after a failed chase that makes her sad(but honestly, he does it any chance he gets)
Walnut tries to tickle him for the same reason
it works because it cheers him up, but only because he gets to tickle her back as "revenge"(her laugh never fails to make him smile <3)
when Cream Puff comes over to have a little play date with Walnut, they try to team up on him
it ends with him holding them each in on arm and giving them a little lecture
speaking of, he uses lectures as a sort of tease
he goes on about not sneaking up on an "old man" and how they should "respect their elders", and sometimes goes on about "proper" technique
"and so you see- excuse me are you even listening? someone ought to teach you some manners" *proceeds to target worst spot*
Roguefort likes to spend time with Almond outside of being the Phantom Bleu
Almond will "punish" them if they've committed crime recently
Roguefort and Latte are the only one's who've been successful in tickling him on their own
Latte is the only one to escape revenge
he has sworn it, yet has not been successful in achieving it so far
all four of then have attempted to team up against him
it worked at first, but everything quickly fell apart
he gave them yet another, and very long, lecture(Latte escape though, ofc)
ugh I keep spelling it as Latter, for some reason?? if one slips by me I'm sorry qwq
ler leaning switch
she has gentle but loud laughter
is a little above averagely ticklish, but not in a lot of places
most ticklish in her thighs and knees(good for her, as they are mostly protected by her boots)
she thinks tickling is a very fun way to bond
she's really good at finding weak spots, and also really good at running away(even in her heels, pop off queen)
she definitely has long nails, which if you've ever been very lightly with long nails, oh my gods
Espresso and her grew up together in the coffee tribe, and had a lot of tickle fights(she won most of them)
she still likes to mess with him whenever she can
he actively avoids her because of this, but sometimes it's just not possible
she used to head down to Eclair's office after hours a lot to just hang out
it often developed into tickle fights, somehow(though they were mostly one sided to Latte's favor)
she still visits the museum every now and then, and it still happens
she can use little latte glyphs on tickle spots, and they're very effective
they're warm, tingly, spread out slowly across the skin, and take a few minutes to dissipate
(she can also use them on herself,, just sayin)
Eclair was incredibly fascinated in this and would let her try a few different kinds and combinations on him
all in the name of research of course... yes, that is the only reason, mhm
Eclair and Espresso are the only one's who've been successful in tickling her
Cream Puff and Almond have gotten close, but she's quick to avoid and then turn it on them
whenever she bumps into Cream Puff stressing over some kind of assignment, she pulls her aside and gives her soft tickles while whispering encouraging words into her ear
she loves messing with Almond using magic if she can
he has sworn to get her back one day, has yet to be successful
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iamalwaystiredok · 2 years
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Got this request in my comments, so here it is!
This is the third part of two other t-arts.
Part 1
Part 2
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thatfreakything · 2 years
(It’s here, everyone!~ The Almondfort fic I’ve been teasing for a couple of weeks is finally being posted -- I’m really nervous about this one, because similar to The Monster, this one’s more intense. It’s less spooky, though. I hope you all enjoy it! I’m embarrassed to death about this one, I love Almondfort with all of my heart and I almost died rereading Roguefort’s teases-- Sorry to the Almond x Latte shippers, maybe I’ll write for them some day.)
Warning: This is a tickle fic, and I run a SFW tickle-themed blog. NSFW are more than welcome to read, but please do not reblog if you are primarily kink themed blog. Thank you for respecting my boundaries.
Fandom: Cookie Run: Ovenbreak
Ship: Almondfort (Roguefort x Almond, romantic)
Characters: Lee!Almond, Ler!Roguefort
Words: 2219
Potential Warnings: SFW bonds, obligatory intensity warning, romance and flirtation (if that’s not your thing)
Almond Cookie was not one to be captured.
The detective was stoic, calculated, and downright grumpy at times. He was known for never resting until he felt the city was at peace for the day. He would chase down bad guys for hours on end, surviving solely on coffee and spite. And everyone knew that he chased after the Phantom Bleu every chance he got -- at least until he was called away for some other task.
Some members of the force thought he was a little too soft with Phantom Bleu, though. Oftentimes, the thief would easily escape, or slip away even after being caught, as if Almond was letting them go. But that didn't matter -- the detective was still clever and able to get out of tight situations.
That was what made this so humiliating.
You see, Almond had been on another one of his chases, going after the Phantom Bleu with an almost animalistic drive. The clues had led him to an underground bunker, which he would have called backup for if he didn't know the thief's behaviors and mysterious moral code. He'd heard them darting about the bunker, and he had foolishly taken out his handcuffs to try and capture the elusive trickster. All that had resulted in was him sitting in a chair, his shackled hands behind him, and his ankles tied to the legs of the chair.
It was dark, with a single dim light near the exit, but Almond could still make out the faint figure of the Phantom Bleu, circling him curiously. He struggled, to no avail. Oh, well.
"Hello, Roguefort," he greeted with a defeated sigh. The thief stopped in front of him and leaned forward, flashing a toothy grin.
"Hello, detective~" they purred back, their voice low and full of mischief. The back of Almond's neck turned red.
"So, what's the plan for today?" the detective asked, trying to calm the fluttering in his chest. "Based on the way you're circling me, you're not just going to leave me here for the others to find this time."
Roguefort chuckled -- their laugh was almost akin to a fox's, full of lighter sounds and snickering. "Oh, no, of course not! I have great plans for you this time, detective."
Almond cleared his throat, masking his nervousness. "Oh, is that so? I suppose I'm just that entertaining."
"Mm, you're trying to be smug. It's cute, really." The thief crossed behind Almond, laying their arms over his shoulders in a sort of hug. His ears were red now.
The detective scoffed, smirking a little. "Well, Mx. Phantom Bleu, why don't you give me a kiss if you think I'm so cute?"
"Perhaps another time," Roguefort hummed, almost lamenting. "But trust me, you're going to get all sorts of attention today~"
Now Almond was a little concerned. "I'm not entirely sure what you're implying."
"Tell me, detective," Roguefort hummed, begging to tap their fingers thoughtfully on Almond's side, "do you remember our little excursion in the forest earlier this year?~"
The detective was now grateful for the darkness -- he had to be cherry red at this point. "H-how could I forget?" he managed to stammer out after a little while. "You were...incredibly persistent."
"Only because you were so stubborn," Roguefort teased back, pinching one of Almond's sides. "And now, I've got you riiiight where I want you~"
Almond jolted at the touch slightly -- he wouldn't be so reactive, but this was a bit different than the other sorts of torment he put up with. Plus, this was Roguefort. It was near impossible to resist their charm, even disregarding the detective's prior...relations with them.
"Ahand? You know I can take it," he retorted, resisting the urge to laugh as his ribs were repeatedly tweaked.
"Oh, can you?~" Roguefort whispered directly into Almond's ear. "I'll just have to tickle you until you break for me, then~"
The detective huffed in defiance, shutting both his eyes and his mouth in an effort to keep his composure. This was not easy for him, and the thief's teasing only made it that much more flustering -- and thus, much more unbearable. It didn't help that they already knew that he was deathly ticklish AND exactly where to strike.
"Aw, struggling already?~ You're so sensitive, I almost don't know what to do with you~" The playful statement was reinforced with two hands scribbling at Almond's sides, making him snort.
"Sh-shahaddup!" he protested, barely succeeding in choking back a stream of laughter.
"Hmmm, no~" Roguefort responded simply, clearly enjoying themselves. "Since I'm not gonna be quiet no matter what, would you like to know what I'm going to do to you?"
"Doho NOT," Almond countered, though it came out as more of a whine than intended.
"Well, first, I'm going to continue tickling your sensitive sides here, since you seem to enjoy that very much--"
"H-huhush!" the flustered detective interrupted, kicking his leg a little bit out of both frustration and embarrassment (it didn't budge much, but it was the thought that counted). Roguefort burst out laughing at the response.
"Ohoho my goohohodness!" they giggled, faltering for a moment. "Yohohou are sohoho pouty--"
Almond, having received a pause in his torment, caught his breath and glared at the thief. "I'm not pouty."
Trying to calm down, Roguefort wiped their eyes and smirked back. "Thehehen why the kicking?~"
"Um." The detective thought for a moment, then looked away when he had no response.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," Roguefort taunted, moving in front of their captive this time. They sat on his legs as best they could, facing him sideways with a Cheshire grin. "How about a new position this time?~"
Almond gulped, a nervous look on his face. "A-and what, exactly, is your next move?"
"Oh, so now you care," the thief chuckled, moving Almond's coat out of the way so they could reach his stomach. "Isn't it obvious?"
"Things are never obvious with you."
Roguefort smiled simply. "Of course, darling. Silly me. I should keep you guessing, shouldn't I? Make you use that clever brain of yours~"
Almond's eyes went a little wide -- it'd be harder for him to stay calm like that. "W-wait, that's not what I--"
"Thank you for the tip, detective!~ I'll keep your preferences in mind~" Roguefort purred, redirecting and clawing mercilessly at Almond's thighs before he had a chance to protest.
That did the trick -- the detective squawked in surprise before breaking into a loud, embarrassed stream of laughter. If he'd just kept his mouth shut, Roguefort would have attacked his stomach first, and he could've held out for at least another twenty minutes. But no, he just had to be cocky. The thief brought something out of him, no doubt about that. And it wasn't just laughter or reddened cheeks (though that was something they both clearly enjoyed).
"My goodness, you're so cute!~" Roguefort remarked, relishing in their victory. "Oh, right, I have to keep you guessing-- Alright, what about here?" they asked, squeezing Almond's sides and making him jolt. "Ooorrr here?" This time, quick and sporadic tickling to the underarms. "Oooh!~ What about this spot?~" they teased, spidering along the detective's ribs. The resulting cackling was music to the Phantom Bleu's ears.
"Stahahap ihihit! Rohohoguefohohort!" Almond protested, his face painted with an impressive blush. The quick, unpredictable movements were almost too much for him to handle.
"Awww!~ Why should I?~ Don't you like it when I tease you?~" the thief cooed, gently tickling Almond under the chin before tormenting his sides again.
"Yehehes, buhuhut--!" Almond began before stopping mid-sentence and trying to hide in his coat collar.
"What was that?" Dammit, Roguefort heard him.
"Nothing?" the thief mused, scribbling over Almond's stomach. "Nothing?~ Come on, you really think I'm going to believe that? Say it again~"
The detective shook his head defiantly, trying to clamp his mouth shut but unable to in his current state.
"Do I have to make you?~"
Almond nodded again, somehow confidently.
"Fine, suit yourself!~" Roguefort chirped, shoving their hands up Almond's button-down shirt and immediately attacking his ribs.
Now, had it been anywhere else, Almond would have been fine. Even his thighs again or his back (which couldn't be reached) would not have been a problem. But unfortunately for him, his ribs were his worst spot, especially sensitive to the spidery, clawing sort of tickling. And double unfortunately (or perhaps not), the mischief-making thief knew that.
Nerves now properly on fire, Almond bucked his hips and threw his head backwards, laughing loudly enough that it even startled Roguefort for a moment. He twisted against his restraints, not out of dismay mind you, but in the simple instinct to lean away from the incredibly ticklish feeling.
"NAHAHAT THEHEHERE! ROHOHOGUEFOHORT!" the detective gasped out through his cackling. The thief giggled a little in response, not slowing their onslaught.
"Say it again and I'll sto-ooop!~" Roguefort taunted in a sing-songy voice. They let Almond writhe for a bit longer before dragging their nails up to where the ribcage met the armpits. "Here, is this better?" they asked with mock innocence.
Oh, that bastard-- Almond's laughter went up several octaves as he jerked at the touch, swearing a bit and trying not to meet the thief's devilish gaze. "NOHOHO, YOHOU JEHEHEHERK!"
"Come on, say iiit~"
Roguefort began to take even more note of Almond's breathing and tone, just in case. "It's not that hard, darling~ Come onnn~" They slowed their tickling into dragging their nails up and down his ribs gently. It was much softer and less aggressive, but it didn't do much to stop Almond's cackling.
"Say it, sweetheart~"
Roguefort brought their hands out of Almond's shirt, stopping and rubbing his head gently while letting him breathe. The detective gripped the chair, looking down and trying to stop a wave of stray giggles. He leaned into the thief's affectionate touch, heaving a bit but recovering quickly.
"Was that too much?" Roguefort asked, all mischief gone from their voice for a second. Almond shook his head, and they sighed with relief. "Good. You okay?" Another nod.
After a few moments of peace and recovery, Roguefort lifted up Almond's chin, meeting his gaze. The smug, playful look returned to their face. "Go on, then~"
"I-I...ugh," the detective huffed, looking away as best he could. "I d-do like it when you...t-tease...me."
"There you go," the thief hummed, kissing Almond's forehead softly. "Was that so hard?"
"God, yes," Almond stated gruffly, making Roguefort laugh a little. His blush was toning down, but his face was still a light shade of red. "Don't ever make me say that again."
"No promises~" Roguefort sang, cupping Almond's cheek. "Now, I'm going to untie you and take off those handcuffs -- don't turn on me, or I'll tickle you again."
"No promises," Almond echoed with a smirk, rolling his eyes. "I'll get you back one of these days."
"You always say that," the thief tsked playfully, removing Almond's restraints. Once finished, they helped him stand, pulling him into a loving embrace.
"Mmph, you're warm," Almond mumbled, sinking into the thief's arms. He was rewarded with a quiet chuckle and a back rub.
"Well, I'm afraid I can't stay -- your little detective friend is probably close to finding us by now." Roguefort paused, thinking. "Would you be up for this again sometime?~"
"Pick a more romantic location, and you've got yourself a deal," Almond responded, only half-joking. "You go ahead and get out of here, I'll catch up to you again soon."
"Hah, you wish," Roguefort taunted, kissing Almond's nose for good measure. "Have fun with your boring law stuff, I've got mansions to rob. Adieu!~ And with that farewell, the Phantom Bleu disappeared into a puff of smoke.
The tired detective sighed, retrieving his handcuffs and walking upstairs as he tucked them into his coat pocket. When he opened the door leading outside, he was greeted by a very anxious Walnut.
"Ohmigosh, Almond!" she exclaimed, hugging her coworker so tightly that he wondered how someone so tiny could be so strong. "Are you okay?! What happened?! Did you find the Phantom Bleu?!"
"Relax, Walnut," he stated calmly, patting her head. "I'm fine. Just another dead end. I'm tired though, let's go get some coffee."
"Finneee… you have GOT to be more careful, okay? I was worried!" Almond chuckled at her indignance.
"I know, I know, it's alright," he soothed, walking with her at his side. As the tiny detective continued to berate him, he thought about what had just happened.
His relationship with Roguefort was...confusing, to say the least. The two were at least friendly with each other, more than a detective and criminal should be. And yet, the two didn't exactly behave like friends. This wasn't just because of their work lives though -- Roguefort was incredibly flirtatious, and though Almond could deny these affections at any time, he strangely didn't want to. Being old friends didn't help.
Was it something more? Perhaps. Almond was a bit too consistently stoic to really figure it out, in contrast with most problems he was presented with. He didn't quite know what kind of relationship they had.
All he knew was that it was exciting, and he liked it that way.
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plumedepoete · 5 years
Nouvel article depuis le site littéraire Plume de Poète - Notre rose des vents - Les Mots Bleus
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