the-myrna-loy-blog · 1 year
We forget sometimes that the essence of democracy is to question.  In those days [McCarthy Era], people thought - some still do - that liberal meant Communist.  To me a liberal is one who moves slightly left when the Fascists get too strong and slightly right when the Communists get too pushy.  A real liberal has to be flexible that way.  ….  I believe in liberality of thought and have no time for any kind of totalitarianism - be it right or left.
Myrna Loy
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phroyd · 6 years
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Justice & Liberty Are Liberal Concepts!
Always Have Been ... Always Will Be!
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libertariantaoist · 7 years
How ridiculous it is for Matt Lewis of The Daily Beast to write, “It seems observably true that libertarianism is disproportionately a gateway drug to the alt-right.”
To say the libertarian movement is a “gateway drug” is to say more than that some prominent members of the alt-right once called themselves libertarians. It’s also to say that alt-rightism provides a purer form of what those members had found in libertarianism (aka original liberalism, or simply liberalism).
Those who migrate from the libertarian movement to the alt-right have rejected the essence of the freedom movement and its philosophy. They are certainly not looking for a purer version of it.
[Read More] (https://www.libertarianinstitute.org/articles/sheldon/tgif-liberal-spirit-opposite-alt-rightism/)
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hagmannreport-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on The Hagmann Report
New Post has been published on https://www.hagmannreport.com/featured-content/obamas-farewell-soap-opera-for-liberals-and-minority-pawns/
Obama’s farewell: soap opera for liberals and minority pawns
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By Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News January 12, 2017 Here are a few snippets from Obama’s goodbye speech to the American people: “Going forward, we must uphold laws against discrimination…But laws alone won’t be enough. Hearts must change…For blacks and other minorities, it means tying our own st...
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markacaserta · 6 years
Has Huntington, WV’s only newspaper joined forces with the liberal media?
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  Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor
  Our nation’s number one threat may no longer emanate from a foreign entity, a rogue leader or even threat of war.
Our nation’s single, most urgent peril may stem from within – the liberal media.
I believe the liberal media has successfully propagated a vehement, political discourse that’s become nothing short of a debilitating disease, spreading its effect throughout every bone and sinew of our nation, crippling our Republic and dividing the American people.
And I’m very saddened to report, I firmly believe the Tri-State area has now been infected by this “journalistic disorder.”
For the past 14 years, I’ve been arguably, the primary, if not only, regular local, “conservative” contributor to the Herald-Dispatch (HD) in Huntington, WV.  I’ve never taken that responsibility lightly. I’ve been honored to be the voice of thousands of people who, otherwise, would not have their opinions shared in such a venue.
Together, my readers and I have had some successes.  In the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump, the conservative candidate, won West Virginia with a whopping 68.5% of the vote per BallotPedia.  I happen to believe my readers and I, along with FreeStatePatriot.com, had some impact on the outcome of our state’s choice.
Following Hillary Clinton’s embarrassing loss to political outsider, Donald Trump, liberals simply lost their grasp of reality.  I believe they’ve proven they hate President Trump more than they love their country and I’ve endeavored to substantiate it with what I believe to be undeniable truths.  My columns have produced supportive evidence showing that no matter what “wins” President Trump has for the American people, liberals are more concerned with delegitimizing his presidency and his supporters than they are with fostering America’s peace and prosperity.
From the miraculous rebound of our economy, to record-low unemployment, increasing labor participation rate, more viable healthcare options, lower taxes, a stronger military and improved foreign relations, President Trump has amassed victories like nothing in my lifetime!  Yet, all the liberal media can do, including local columnists in the HD, is trash Trump based on his tweets, relationships and political incorrectness!
And as with President Trump, my readers have supported my writing through the years because I’ve always done my best to present the truth with integrity and the best interest of the people in mind.
Unfortunately, in my opinion, providing information in the “best interest of the people” is a diminishing aspiration for the HD.  In fact, HD leadership, for all intents and purposes, said just that.
In the interest of absolute clarity and transparency, here is the text from the actual email I received from the HD editorial page editor notifying me my columns would no longer be acceptable for publication in the newspaper.
“Hi Mark: I didn’t find pieces of your column submitted this week acceptable, in terms of your attacks on other columnists. Therefore, I am not publishing it.
 I have also decided that the H-D will no longer publish any more of your columns, partly due to this most recent submission, but also for a couple of other reasons. One is that you seldom write about any subject that is more local in nature; the other is that most of your columns repeat the same theme from week to week.”
Just so you’ll know that this isn’t about conservative vs. liberal, we are also discontinuing publication of Milt Hankins columns. He, too, veered off into a more direct response to your columns in a recent piece that I also chose not to publish, and also poses the same issues regarding local content and repetition.
 I appreciate the many columns you have contributed over the years, but I’m afraid this is no longer working in the newspaper’s best interests.”
I haven’t the words to share with my readers the shock I felt after receiving this, rather “matter of fact” email from my editor after 14 years of service.  Yes, I was paid for my columns, but I assure you, it was a gratuitous amount. I would have written for free.
If you’ve followed the Herald Dispatch for any length of time, you’ve noticed the guest column lineup throughout the week.  It’s not unusual to see back to back opinion pieces from the other liberal, local contributors lambasting Donald Trump and/or conservative values.
I was obviously the “token” conservative columnist!
On Fridays, which has been typically the day my column was published, many readers shared it was a “breath of fresh air” being able to read someone who truly represents who I believe are most readers in this area, with an opinion piece, usually written in support of a conservative agenda.
The “unacceptable” column to which the editor refers contained some direct call outs on local columnists for their hypocritical attacks on President Trump.  It’s available in its entirety on my blog’s website.  It’s “in your face” accuracy in identifying local hypocrisy, while not revealing columnist’s names, was apparently more than the HD leadership could fathom!
Let’s be clear.  Removing me as a local contributor to the newspaper had little to do with my final column.  The column was simply the “opportunity” for which the HD had been hoping, enabling them to rid themselves of this “rogue conservative” staining the editorial page and giving them headaches every Friday.
Allow me to offer these points in presenting my case that my dismissal was “politically expedient” for the HD.
Through the years, I’ve had a good working relationship with my editors. I’ve respected their position and learned from their experience. There have been a handful of instances where my editor refused to publish a column as it was originally submitted. Perhaps it was a bit “over-the-top” with regard to my conservative position, or the editor felt the column may have compromised my “credibility” as a writer.
However, in every single instance, the editor would reach out to me asking for a re-write, or at least give me an opportunity to write another piece. In the interest of being a paid, regular contributor, I would always comply.
This email arrived less than 24 hours prior to publication of what was to be my final column, hence no opportunity for a re-write.
Additionally, the HD editor felt the need to share that he was also discontinuing publication of another “liberal” columnist to show this had nothing to do with “liberal vs. conservative.”
How thoughtful.
While I strongly disagree with this liberal columnist’s dismissal, I believe he became an unfortunate casualty in an effort for the HD to save face.  Milt Hankins, the aforementioned columnist, in my opinion, had already lost credibility with readers by fostering outlandish liberal positions, I believe even local liberals stopped reading his material.  I believe the HD felt he wasn’t adding value and was simply expendable.
Regarding the “repetition” of my columns, I encourage readers to check out the exact same form of repetition from even the most “tenured” columnists still writing for the HD in their attacks on President Trump and his supporters.
The bottom-line, in this humble writer’s opinion, is the leadership and ownership of the Herald Dispatch had simply gotten tired of losing ground to this deplorable, right-wing, Trump supporter.  For no matter how many liberal columns the HD published – by Friday morning, they were rendered null and void.
As my friend Tom Roten, host of the popular, “Tom Roten Morning Show”, on 800 WVHU would say, “A lie is still a lie, no matter how many times you say it!”
My columns, for 14 years, offered truth and integrity.  While I sincerely appreciate the HD publishing my material, I did not write in the “interest of the newspaper.”  I wrote in the interest of the people.
And I shall continue to write!  Following my conversation with Tom on his morning show the day after my release from the HD, my blog, FreeStatePatriot.com, received a record number of hits, most likely more than the HD sold papers!  Tom also shared the podcast of the interview went “viral” in terms of normal site visits.  Praise God!
When liberals cannot substantiate their lies and animosity toward President Trump or any conservative, the only way they can “win” an argument is to quiet the voice of the opposition.
Unfortunately, for the HD, they haven’t quieted my voice, they’ve wakened a sleeping giant!  Doug Smith, co-editor of Free State Patriot, and I will continue our work “exposing the progressive movement” in our nation and in our area.
Part of that mission now includes exposing the Herald Dispatch for what I believe to be enabling the progressive movement in the Tri-State.
And folks, we should be taking that personally.  When a town’s local newspaper begins filtering the message being delivered to the reader, they’re negating the very amendment of the Constitution which provides them the opportunity.  That, my friend, is the epitome of hypocrisy.
I look forward to partnering with each of you in helping “Keep America Great” and making the Tri-State great again!
God bless America and God Bless the Tri-State!  May He continue to deliver us from progressives who would silence His Word!
Stay tuned and armed with knowledge by visiting Freestatepatriot.com and HuntingtonNews.net.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
            Mark Caserta: Nation’s political discourse impacts local columnist. Has Huntington, WV's only newspaper joined forces with the liberal media? Mark Caserta:  Free State Patriot editor…
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baconator137 · 6 years
And no one. Is willing to talk about this because they’ve convinced themselves that this man is a racist and a bigot. After a week 3 men have returned home unharmed. This took our previous president 17 months and when he was delivered back to his family he died within a month. This is the hypocrisy of the American media. 17 months and dead within a month and our president is a hero. 1 week and the media is absolutely silent on the matter.
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beyondthecusp · 7 years
One Single Judaism for One Unified Israel
One Single Judaism for One Unified Israel
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  Of late, there has been much unrest and noise from out of the Jewish New Orthodoxy, the Torat Chayim, Open Orthodox or Progressive Orthodox organization, demanding that Israel bend to their versions of acceptability for conversions that are not strictly Halachic according to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. They were kind enough to put their demands into a letter written to express their…
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brunomindcast · 4 years
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The Significance of the SCOTUS Bakery Ruling
     The Supreme Court of the United States’ ruling in favor of the Colorado baker who refused to make a cake for a gay wedding is a victory for the rights and freedoms of individuals across the Western liberal world. The freedom of expression at the basis of our democracy is under attack from an increasingly authoritarian left. They seek to correct the morality of its citizens through legislative force, picking up what the radical right-wing social policy culminating during the Nixon era started, but taking it in a different direction.
     Not all discrimination is based on hate. For example, a university discriminates based on the capability of students. If universities stop discriminating by passing versus failing grades then their degrees would become meaningless. So, unequal outcomes and discrimination are not inherently based on hate; instead, they are essential mechanisms that make systems functional and worthwhile.
     Therefore, condemning the baker in this case for promoting unequal outcomes through discrimination is an incomplete analysis. First we must ask whether this act was based in hate, and whether legislating the forced baking of wedding cakes will improve or worsen the situation.
     To determine hateful intent we must examine the reasoning that the baker, Jack Phillips, used in making the decision to decline the couple service. In an interview with CNN, Phillips articulated the reason he refused to bake a cake for the gay couple’s wedding.
     He said, "I didn't want to use my artistic talents to create something that went against my Christian faith." He specified that he has also declined to make many other cakes that went against his religious convictions, including cakes for Halloween celebrations.      
     David Mullins, one of the customers who was declined service, had this to say: "This case is about more than us, and it's not about cakes. It's about the right of gay people to receive equal service."
    The Solicitor General, Noel Francisco, had this to say: "A custom wedding cake is not an ordinary baked good; its function is more communicative and artistic than utilitarian. Accordingly, the government may not enact content-based laws commanding a speaker to engage in protected expression: An artist cannot be forced to paint, a musician cannot be forced to play, and a poet cannot be forced to write."
     Critics argue that this is a violation of religious neutrality that must be upheld in the commercial sphere. In response to this, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy strongly reaffirmed protections for individual rights. “The outcome of cases like this in other circumstances must await further      elaboration in the courts,” he wrote, “all in the context of recognizing that these disputes must be resolved with tolerance, without undue disrespect to sincere religious beliefs, and without subjecting gay persons to indignities when they seek goods and services in an open market.”
     It is important to remember the role that politics plays in society. Politics and legislation are euphemisms for power and coercion—doing what cannot be done through consent using force. When we try to legislate away the freedom to express religious convictions, we see equal opposite reactions that nullify all of our protective legislation. As government parents society to try to force bakers to make cakes for everyone indiscriminately to be fair, animosity builds. As people’s livelihoods become dependent on providing services they morally disagree with, less debate is had amongst citizens afraid to have the wrong opinions. This makes it harder to distinguish prejudice in society as people are forced to fake tolerance.
     The most powerful way to dissuade this is through boycotting, through rival bakeries that will service gay couples refused by others, baking more beautiful and delicious cakes. This is how our society gets better in a positive feedback loop—when passionate individuals out-compete, out-plan, and out-serve their dissenters, rather than trying to force them to conform to their moral ideals.
This ruling was a victory for individual freedom.
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Leftists at University in California Throw Fit at anti-Communism Display
Leftists at University in California Throw Fit at anti-Communism Display
By Onan Coca
Do you know, how I know, that the modern American Left is filled with ignorant, indoctrinated fools?
Because the modern American Left still has a large percentage of their adherents who believe that communism could actually work.
On college campuses across the nation, silly liberals argue that “true communism” has never been tried. Which would likely come as a shock to the…
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critter0139 · 5 years
Feels like any and all right, especially constitutional, has been eroded and ignored.
Where is the free speech crowd defending disagreeing / critiquing authority? Where is assembly? Where is protest?
Anarchists died for these rights to be given to adjacent liberalsim.
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fullgrade-blog · 6 years
history 122
I thought is was interesting that you mentioned Liberalsim and Socialism as having the biggest impack on European event/situations during the early 19th centry.  To me, it was Nationalism that played this role.  I say that because many of the issue that faced the continent arose from differences between individual contries or cultures.  What gave tou the opinion that is was the other two…
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American Colleges: the Least Diverse Place in America
American Colleges: the Least Diverse Place in America
The brilliant minds at Prager University have just released their latest video and it’s driving liberals crazy. The recently released video is entitled the Least Diverse Place in America and it features Turning Point USA‘s Charlie Kirk explaining how colleges are the least diverse place in the nation. Interestingly, the lack of diversity also means that colleges are the “least free” places in the…
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biblicalfaith · 11 years
And the pendulum swings.
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slide-to-the-right · 11 years
I've always wondered...
Why do liberals preach tolerance of every world religion while being incredibly bitter and hostile towards Christians?
I've had multiple liberals on twitter use the KKK and Westboro Baptist Church and the Crusades as examples of "Christian violence" and I can't help but laugh.
When I tell them that those aren't real Christians, they remain ignorant. Even with my limited knowledge of theology, I know that true Christians have no business acting all "holier than thou," especially given that we're all sinners fallen short of God. 
As for the Crusades, we're talking about Catholics fighting against Protestants. That's hardly a valid example.
Then they have the nerve to get put off when a conservative uses extreme tumblr liberals and feminists as a representation of their party. 
When I dare mention Islamic terrorism and its effects on other religious beliefs, they actually defend the enemy in place of our nation. They then go on to complain about how we were "unjustly" founded and how all white people are evil and have done nothing but steal cultural ideas from other ethnic groups.(I could write multiple paragraphs explaining the hysterical inaccuracy of this theory, but I'm sure most of you realize where this is going.)
In that case, I have a question. Why do you live here? There are plenty of European first world nations that have adopted all of the ideological ideas you wish to see implemented in the US. (Nearly all bankrupt, might I add.)
The hypocrisy and stupidity is just too much for me to take. I'd say it's pretty clear that they strongly dislike our country and what we've been founded upon, despite the fact that we have the highest standard of living in the world and enjoy many privileges that are not availiable to most. I don't know when they're going to stop regurgitating the bullshit and realize that capitalism is what works. 
Maybe they don't even want it to. Maybe they see it fit that we suffer under Keynesianism, so we can live in "equal" turmoil with the rest of the world. (Gee, that sounds familiar...)
I know I definitely wouldn't put it past them.
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