#like why go into the dirty ass woods when I can tackle you onto concrete or tile floor
sexswansworld · 2 months
I really want to take somebody into like an abandoned building and chase them the fuck down, you know? It’s so much more scary that way, neither of us know the layout, you won’t know where any hiding places are, I’ll get frustrated trying to find you and it’ll only make me more determined, and then I fuck you into the floor when I finally catch you. Sounds good, doesn’t it?
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holy-mountaineering · 6 years
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This spread is for https://mirron91.tumblr.com/
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You asked for the Qabalistic Tree of Life Spread that I do and here you are. What I’m going to do is go through and briefly explain each card, its position on the Tree, and then I’ll give you a summary/synopsis of the spread as a whole.
Think of this spread as a sort of quantum map, or even the land of a regular map, everything is happening at once, in each place. It’s important to think of yourself as moving “through” the map but you are also simultaneously everywhere at once. For the sake of this specific experiment, think of this as a map.
Where we’re starting the journey from is Kether, the monad, the first sign of creation. We’ll call this your hometown, since it is where you’re from originally. Here we have XXI The Universe, Saturn, Tau.
The Universe is the totality of what we can sense and know. The dance of the Woman with the cosmic serpent and the Eye destroying while everything constantly recreates. We see the Universe only from our position in it. You may send out your satellites to explore unknown areas but you can only process what they might mean from your place. The more we try to take into our restrictive minds and spirits, the more we know about the whole and ourselves and our place in the Universe.
Step back and look at the connections and totality of everything you know and experience. It’s quite a view.
In Chokmah, which is like your freeway getting you out onto the road out of your hometown is the Princess of Swords, the earthy part of Air.
This is the material situations that manifest from your way of thinking and communicating! You have to understand that we literally create reality with our perception, thoughts, and language. And that can get messy if we don’t keep them in check.
Get your head into the game as they say, you’re here right now and what is going on in this moment is what you need to focus on. Stay away from nostalgia and daydreaming, think on your situation, not possible scenarios.
In Binah, which is ruled by Saturn and for the sake of this reading we will call the first stop on your roadtrip. You haven’t really arrived anywhere but you’re stopping and getting a chance to repack your car in a more efficient way. Sitting in Binah is VIII Adjustment, Lamed, Libra.
These are the scales of balance in the higher order of things in your life. The scales are naturally balanced, but it is when we add things onto either side of the scale that it becomes tricky. To return to balance you have to remove things or add on things. Such is a balanced life.
The person who is the beam which the scales are balanced on is not blind justice, she wears a mask, not a blindfold. She carries the Sword of the Magus, which is to say she uses her reasoning powers to cut away imbalance.
You are the crux, balance your mind in higher regards. Add things or take away according to the balance it creates.
In Chesed which is ruled by Jupiter and again for the sake of this experiment we’ll say involves your influence and benevolence in your current trip is the Queen of Disks, the watery part of Earth or how you feel about what is going on in your material world of normal life stuff.
This Queen is above the landscape observing the river create life in the desert. The Queen of Disks is meditative and calm. She sees creation and is a part of it without getting her hands dirty.
This card shows what you feel about what is happening in your everyday “real world” life. The ideal here is to get out of the messy bullshit of “normal” stuff, get higher beyond mundanity, and look back down with new and more complete perspective.
Get above your situation so you can see more of the landscape.
Across the Tree in Geburah, which is Mars Town, where you find your drive and what you’re trying to accomplish/conquer is XVIII The Moon, Pieces, Qoph
This is the ‘Sun at midnight where you stand shines on the other side of the world’. The pull of night and day eventually rising illuminating what was once dark. As opposed to the old Aeon idea of the Sun dying, this is cyclic notion of the push and pull of the day and night. The dark give the light context and vis a versa.
See the light in the dark, accept the cyclic push and pull, if you don’t like what “time of day it is” in your life I assure you it will change like the tides.
In Tiphareth, the Sun and center of gravity holding all this in place, the heart pumping the blood through this, your heart is the 3 of Disks, Works or Work or Working.
Like all the 3s, this is the first formulation of the suit, Earth or material world things. The 3 sided pyramid pictured on this Tarot card sits on water propelled by Dharma Wheels, spinning and causing waves. The drive and energy of the war-like Mars has become stubborn and resolute in the goat-fish Capricorn.
This idea of work is not mindless toil. This is doing the very necessary things in your life so you don’t fuck yourself over on the basic things everyone needs to survive. This is formulating the most simple workable thing that gets your at least basic needs met so you can expand.
Put together a simple way of dealing with the material world, something that can be expanded on. Keep your wheels turning even if they feel like they’re just spinning. Make waves, they’ll go further and affect more than you think!
In Netzach, Venus town, where you have the realization about how this is going to change you as a person with a personality is the Princess of Cups, the earthy part of Water.
This is the canyon wall being ground down over the millennia by moving water. The nutrients and minerals in the earth are transported down river to the fertile delta. This is the natural, “following your feelings” within your daily life. Try not to fool yourself, follow your intuition, not just passing whims. Feel, don’t necessarily react immediately.
Go with what you feel and intuit, let yourself go with the flow, if you will. Allow your situation to move with your emotions and be patient with your progress.
In Mercury Town Hod-ville, where all the Universities are and everyone has real intellectual shit going on is the 7 of Cups Debauch.
This is Venus (beauty, personal growth) in Scorpio, the dark water where things growing aren’t seen so clearly. This is emotional composting so let things rot out to fertilize future emotional growth. But like a compost pile, you must turn it, give it Sun, and make sure that it doesn’t get rancid.
Emotionally things might seem rotten, but it’s just trying to become wonderful fertilizer for greater emotional maturity and better future relationships.
On the Moon in Yesod, the receptive and reflective place that is alot about the feelings that you’re picking up from all this is the Princess of Wands, the earthy part of Fire.
This is the material substance that comes from fuels action. Think of this: you have to make a fire because it is cold. You have a set amount of wood. You can make a big ass, bright ass fire that will leave you cold later that night when you’re out of wood, but jazzed while it’s happening. Or you can make a smaller, less exciting fire that will keep you warm all night.
There is also a message about the last step in any action is really to become the actions and to let them become you. When your very Earthly substance is in it, you are no longer doing you just are.
Don’t burn yourself out and exhaust your resources on what you’re tackling in life right now. Do this and you shall live to dance and play another night.
Down here in Malkuth-istan, the everyday life mundane, waking up pooping, and going to work world is the 2 of Cups, Love.
Like all the 2s the deuces of Water is building towards completion. This is the ever becomingness of love. Love never dies it is simply transformed like any other energy. Love isn’t a competition or something you can measure. You never stop loving someone/thing because you have “reached maximum love levels”, shake hands and walk away from it. There is no end-game to love and that’s why it’s scary and makes people act like idiots sometimes. Astrologically, Venus in Cancer can be interpreted as nurturing your emotional growth.
Build on what you’re feeling and don’t try to think about anything too concretely emotionally or intuitively. This is a building process so try not to focus on the final outcome but work with what you have now.
So, There are things in your life bout to give you a way bigger picture of everything and how you fit in as long as you can leave your head. There is balance in this not overthinking and new view which will, in a way, sort out the shit you’ve been worried about. As it tends to do.
Right now it’s important for you to get above the everyday sausage factory of life and feel yourself taking in and reflecting this change, that like everything else in this spread revolves around you doing the (W)ork to make it work. Again, do not overthink this, just do the thing that makes the wheels turn and the gears move. You can see the results of labor and if they’re good results, you’re doing the right thing.
Allow yourself to be who you are, even if that means feeling a bit swept away from time to time emotionally and how you connect with folks and yourself and what that means to your life, practically speaking. As rotten as the communication can be, rot is a natural process to use things to turn one thing into an(other) thing(s) and is pretty magical. Let that mess go away and turn into different, dare I say, more useful things. Mind your burn out with the “energy you take in” for lack of better terminology. Avoid burnout by saving your energy as much as you can for your “Work” (see cards in Tiphareth and Yesod “mirroring” each other) for now.
“Life’s like a river,” a sweet band once said in a bangin’ ‘80 powerballad, and they were fucking right. Love is also like a river, it has a source and if it’s good and strong and everything goes well, it will pour out into something greater. But it’s the river, not the source or destination of the river you need to focus on. The ebbs and flows, currents, and motion are what you need to see. Do not overthink this. This isn’t about the end result, it’s about your trip.
Ta DA, lemme know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or criticisms and I’d be happy to work it out!
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