#like yes it's halloween year round im my life but i have to have ideas months ahead of time for cookies
silks-up-my-sleeve · 10 months
It's mid-August and I'm already starting to plan what Christmas cookies I'm baking... who am I?
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toriwakes · 4 years
Chrysanthemums [Draco Malfoy x Potter!Reader]
summary: you’ve lived in america for the past 15 years of your life. then, everything changed with one letter.
content warnings: very light cursing. some angst (?)
a/n: omg hi!! officially my second request, im so excited to share!! i know it’s SUUUUPER long but bars with me? i’m so proud of it and i’d actually love to do a mini series w this so lmk what u all think! ty for the request @peneflop !
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everyone in america knew about harry potter. even though voldemort was a criminal in another country, americans felt just as worried. when the news got out, everyone was all over you. ‘(y/n) potter! are you related to him?’ you didn’t know the answer. but it was most likely not, right?
you sat next to your best friends, wishing them a good morning. “want to go pick up the mail?” lena asked. you nodded. the three of you walked down the halls, giggling and gossiping. “what’re you doing for halloween, (y/n)?” gina asked. you shrugged. “dunno. probably nothing. why?” she let out a dramatic gasp. “you’ve gotta come to this party! please don’t miss it, it’s gonna be amazing!” you laughed at her and turned the corner, entering the mail room. “i’ll think about it.” she made a face and you all separated to open your mail boxes. you flipped through your letters- nothing special. then something caught your eye. a parchment envelope with a burgundy wax seal. “guys?” your two friends rushed over. “what?” the said in unison. with a shaky hand, you lifted up the letter. “holy.” “shit.”
it was settled. you were moving to london and going to hogwarts. you were not keen on the idea at all, but the albus dumbledore demanded you be there. no witch could just say no. right now you were at the station, watching as hundreds of witches and wizards staggered around. “why’d you have to go before halloween?” gina sighed. you pouted. “i’ll write to you both once a week. i’ll tell you everything.” “yeah, you better!” lena teased. then you were met with anna. anna was your care taker. she wasn’t related to you but she cared for you since you didn’t have any connections to your family. you were told that your parents died in a car crash and they were both only children, so you had no aunts or uncles. poor circumstances, but that was your life. “i’m gonna miss you.” you said it quickly, afraid you may cry if you spoke too slow. “i’ll miss you too.” she was already crying. “now go, everyones already on.” you hugged them and waved goodbye before boarding the train.
you didn’t know anyone here. you shuffled to the back of the train and tried not to make yourself stand out too much. you walked back as far as you could and found yourself in a dark section of the train with empty booths. you smiled and sat down, pulling out your book that you brought along. you were daydreaming of lena and gina when you heard footsteps. when you shifted your gaze to the doorway, you jaw almost dropped. a tall (yet skinny) pale boy stood there. he along with two beefy men didn’t pay any mind to you. you hoped they wouldn’t notice you, but you were the only one there, it was unlikely they wouldn’t. they actually all got situated and you thought you were in the clear- until someone else came in. “i saw the saint on the way in. almost puked.” a brunette girl in all black clothes joked. they all laughed. “how was everyone’s- oh?” she saw you. the three boys looked at you, eyebrows furrowed. “hello, i’ve never seen you.” she spoke softly and say in front of you. “yeah. i’m new, it’s nice to meet you.” you stuck out your hand for a handshake. “american? that’s cute. i’m pansy.” she took your hand and you smiled. “pansy, that’s a pretty name. like the flower?” she didn’t say anything. you cleared your throat awkwardly. “i’m (y/n).” she smiled as a response. “would you three stop being so rude? introduce yourselves!” she was referring to the three boys. the blonde one stood up first. “malfoy.” he said curtly. you gave him a friendly smile. he didn’t return it. “goyle. that’s crabbe. he doesn’t talk much.” crabbe gave you a smile that you gladly returned. “come sit with us.”
for the next hour or so you bonded with your three new friends. pansy did most of the talking, goyle occasionally dropping in. draco didn’t speak too much but you could tell he was listening. every time he did, however, your ears got hot and you felt warm. he was very cute, but you didn’t know him like that. “the trolly is passing. (y/n), if i gave you some galleons would you get us some snacks? anything is fine.” you nodded, but were mildly confused. what the fuck are galleons? “pansy, she’s american. she doesn’t know what galleons are.” draco said. “oh- that’s right. go with her then.” pansy suggested. you took the gold coins from pansy and stood, draco following you. “hello! anything from the trolly?” the kind old woman asked. you picked out the thinks that look the nicest, draco talking the coins from your hand and giving them to the woman. you ignored the race in your heart when his hand touched yours. “did you get that?” he asked. you nodded. “you don’t speak too much, do you.” it wasn’t really a question. as you were about to answer, you made eye contact with a boy with very round glasses. could it be harry? draco noticed this and ushered you forward. “don’t talk to him.” just wait till they found out about your last name...
the students piled into the great hall, which was huge and rather beautiful. gather headmaster, who you recognized as professor dumbledore rose and spoke a few words. then, he made eye contact with you. “let the sorting ceremony begin!” you shuffled in with all the first years feeling awkward. the upper class man gave you strange looks- they must’ve thought you were daft. finally, you heard your name. “(y/n) potter?” you heard gasps in every direction. you stepped forward and sat on the stool. then, you felt the hat on your head. your hands were sweating.“another potter, eh? same qualities as the first yes... but where to put you?” everyone seemed to be on the edge of their seats. the 7 minutes that had passed felt like 10 hours. then, you heard a small voice in your head. this voice wasn’t yours. “what’ll it be then? gryffinor or slytherin?’ you blinked. ‘just put me where you think i’ll exceed.’ you don’t know how, but you felt the sorting hat smirk. “SLYTHERIN!” the hat boomed. a mixture of gasps and cheers erupted. the witch who sorted you pointed to the direction of the house decorated in green and silver- you beamed when you saw pansy. you sat next to her and she embraced you into a hug. “bloody hell, you didn’t tell me you were a potter! you don’t remember anything from that night, do you?” draco didn’t say anything. “what do you mean?” you asked. now they all just looked at you weird. “do you actually not know what happened?” draco asked. you shook your head. “(y/n)...almost a decade ago, voldemort killed your parents. you and harry survived, you’re the only two that have ever lived after getting hit with the killing curse.” hearing all of this was almost too much to handle. so you did have a family? it wasn’t a car crash? your brother is the chosen one? “how? how did no one know?” pansy looked at you with pity. “you two were separated as infants. no one knew what you looked like. besides, for some reason you don’t have the scar like he does.” pansy said while moving your hair out of your face. scar? like the one on your chest? you didn’t mention it, but you wondered if that was what she meant. “we’ll treat you all the same. don’t you fret.” pansy smiled. “thank merlin she’s not a gryffindor though.” goyle commented. everyone laughed. “what’s wrong with the gryffindors?” draco eyed the table behind you. “they’re a bunch of snobs. think they’re so much better than everyone because they’ve got potter on their side, well guess what? now so do we.” you hummed and turned around. harry was gazing at you already.
that night you found a tie, a sweater, some slytherin robes and a little slytherin flag in your dorm. if harry was a gryffinor, shouldn’t you also be? you shook your head from the thought- you’re done second guessing yourself. to take your mind off it, you pulled out your stationary and began to write to your best friends back in america. boy did you have some things to share...
officially 3 weeeks till halloween. your friends were sending you letter about how excited they were, but you were bummed. you didn’t tell them that your parents died on halloween, you knew it would kill the fun for them. you smiled at the letter and the cute picture of them attached. you pinned it to the cork board- right next to the slytherin flag. you smiled to yourself and grabbed your school bag, existing the dorms and heading into the common rooms. your friends seemed to be waiting for you. “finally! i’m starved, let’s go.” pansy linked arms with you and led you out, hiding you to the great hall. the stares you used to revive everywhere faded. it was like you were always there. “what classes do you all have today?” you questioned, biting into your bagel. “astronomy, potions, transfiguration and defense. you?” draco asked. you and draco finally became formal friends. you owed it all to the many classes you shared together and pansy’s constant pestering. “the same. i just gave potions first.” everyone dove into conversation about their school schedule, followed by how much they hated it. you laughed every now and then but your mind was somewhere else. you had harry in a few classes today. you and him haven’t talked at hall, surprisingly. you were simply too intimidated to do so. “(y/n)!” goyle was calling you. “yeah?” “i said we better get going. if your first class is potions, you don’t want to be late.” you simply nodded and headed with your group to your classes. everyone broke off to their classes as you walked around the castle, but you noticed that draco stuck with you. “i thought you had astronomy?” you only asked once he was outside your classroom. “i do.” “then why are you here?” you never really noticed how much taller draco was than you. “i just wanted to make sure you got here safe. if that not what friends do?” you cocked a brow. “you never walk me to my classes. “bloody hell, im sorry i won’t do it again!” he said quickly. you chuckled. “that’s more like it.” at that, you entered class and he walked away. there was something about him...
“pay attention mrs.granger.” you felt like rolling your eyes at your professor. he was always finding a reason to kick on the gryffindors. however when snape saw nearly everyone was struggling, he huffed and raised his hands to gain the class’s attention. “alright. split into groups of two and finish the potion. do not pair with someone from your house.” everyone shuffled around- harry was looking at you. you acted first, picking up your books and moving to harry’s desk. “hi.” you said. “hello.” he responded. you two worked silently but used teamwork. you ready him instructions while he acted out. “wow, we’re doing way better than i thought we would’ve.” you gave him a curious look. “not that i didn’t think you’d do good, i meant-“ you cut him off by laughing. “you really are my brother aren’t you?” he went quiet. “about that.” you moved your head up to look at him. “i guess we should talk about it.” he nodded in agreement. snape approached your table. “since you two like to do a lot of chatting, we’ll test your potion. snape stuck a dropper in the potion and poured it onto a round item covered in warts. slowly but surely, the warts popped away. “perhaps you’re not as incompetent as i thought.” was all he said before leaving the cauldron and dismissing you both.
you and harry spent the rest of potions and a bit of lunch sitting outside, talking about life and everything you missed out on. “so when you were thirteen- you blew up our aunt?” harry laughed harder at the memory. “harry! there you are.” hermione and ron showed up behind him. “oh- hey guys. wanna sit?” hermione gave you an uncomfortable look. “i’d love to, but i need to speak to you alone harry.” just in cue, you heard your best friends voice. “(y/n)!” you turned around and saw pansy as well as draco. “it’s fine, i have to go anyway. see you later.” you hugged your brother and you both split off. “finally talked to him?” pansy questioned. “yeah. it felt good.” she smiled as a response and the three of you settled on hanging out near the lank for the remainder of lunch. you didn’t catch it, but draco smiled at your happiness.
one week till halloween. you were more upset than happy, but harry wasn’t too effected, but he’s known the truth for 4 years. you found out last month. since it was a weekend, the hogwarts students were roaming about, chatting about their plans for the big night. your friends apologized to you, explaining that they all had detention early morning with mcgonagall. well- all but one. draco walked up to you in the common room and sat beside you. over the past month you and draco became even closer than before. you found yourself having a lot of alone time with him, learning new things about the boy every time. the more you learned a the more interested you became, and before you knew it; you were slowly falling for draco malfoy.
“hey.” you chimed. “do you want to go for a walk?” he said after a minute of silence. you noticed he wasn’t making eye contact with you. you set down your book slowly. finally he looked at you, curious why you were taking so long to answer. “are you bloody deaf? i asked if you wanted to go for a walk.” you giggled while nodding. “yes-yes, i just love hearing how sassy you get. cmon.” you left first and you could hear draco mumbling something along the lines of ‘i’m not sassy...’ under his breath. you thought he was adorable.
the two of you ended up at the lake. it became a usual hangout spot for you and your friends. you did things like talk the day away, finish homework and especially practice magic here. there was a small patch of flowers in the grass- that’s how you identified your spot. as you and draco relaxed you flicked your wand, a flower now blooming in your hand. “..you love that spell.” he said, interrupting his last sentence. you looked at him, moving your body so that you were facing him. “guess i do.” you hummed softly, leaning forward to tuck the chrysanthemum behind his ear. he looked at you like you had three heads- was he not used to kind gestures? “that looks nice next to your hair.” you commented. his confused gaze stuck. you ignored it and continued swishing your wand, anxious that you may have done something wrong. just then, draco let out a sigh. “goddamnit.” he sounded defeated. “what’s wrong?” you asked. he finally looked at you normally, but this time he looked sad. “you. this is all your fault, you know that? i’m supposed to be this cold hearted, asshole type of guy. i wasn’t going to let myself get soft for some girl, especially an american.” you had no idea where he was going with this. the more he spoke, the more nervous you got. is he saying he doesn’t want to be friends? “but you’re so kind, and smart. you care so much about your friends and those you love. how could i not like you? and you being gorgeous is just a bonus...” you could not believe what you were hearing. was he admitting to having feelings for you? the silence scared him, so you spoke up. “are you saying what i think you’re saying?” he winced. “bloody hell, i’m saying i like you, you dimwit!” so you were right. “well..i like you too, draco?” he widened his eyes and tilted his head as if to say, ‘really?’ “yes, you dimwit.” you mocked. he chuckled and pulled out his wand. “hold out your hands and close your eyes.” you did as he asked, feeling something sprout in your palms. “open.” when you did, what appeared to be a flower crown (made up from chrysanthemums) rested in your hands. you gasped from joy, lifting it up so you could get a better look at it. “i love it.” you spoke. “(y/n)...would you ever consider being my girlfriend?” you felt time stop. draco really wanted you to be his girlfriend. “yes!” you said happily. he beamed back at you, looked at the flower-clad ground and smiling even brighter. “cool.” he chuckled. “cool.” you responded.
a few days later when you finally got the chance, you ran to your dorm to write to lena and gina. they were gonna flip! just as you planted the wax seal, you heard screaming coming from outside your door. there was pansy, bursting in and hugging you. “you’re dating draco?! oh my god!” she squealed. you laughed at the excitement. “yes! it’s amazing isn’t it?” you said. “yes! oh i’m so excited, my two best friends- dating!!!” pansy smiled greatly. “i’m going to the owlery, would you-“ “DRACO! take your girlfriend to the owlery!” you shook your head at pansy, bidding her goodbye and leaving with draco.
“who are you sending this to?” draco questioned as you attached the letter to the owls leg. “my friends back in america.” you stared as the owl flew away, farther and father, until it was out of sight. suddenly you felt a hand wrap around your waist- draco was looking at you with heart eyes. “what?” you laughed. “you’re just...really gorgeous.” you blushed hard. you didn’t even notice that you were staring at draco’s lips- and he was staring back. you both leaned in closer and one of his plate hands cupped your cheek. “can i kiss you?” he whispered so quietly you weren’t even sure you heard it. still, you nodded and he closed the gap. his lips were as soft as clouds, fitting like a missing puzzle piece with yours. you could’ve stayed like that forever; just you and him. but all good things must come to an end, right? “(y/n)?” the voice of your brother alarmed you, making you break away from draco. “potter.” draco spat. “get away from her!” harry ran to pull you away from him, standing in front of you as if draco was going to hurt you. “harry what are you doing?” you whined, moving him out of the way so now you were in between the boys. the way the two boys looked at each other- you knew there was some history you haven’t discovered. “protecting you? you don’t know what he could’ve brought you up here for!” draco looked at you; he was extremely annoyed. “harry, draco’s my boyfriend. i’m fine..” harry’s mouth hung open, eyes flickering from you to draco and back again. “potter, is there a problem?” draco asked in his usual sassy voice. “let’s see; you’re dating my sister, why would we have a problem malfoy?” shit.
harry stormed away out of rage. the walk back to the common rooms was silent. your head was too full to talk. you had just reconnected with harry, were you going to ruin it all just by being with draco? you really likes the blonde, but was he worth ruining your new founded family? “what are you thinking about?” he spoke finally. you snapped out of your gaze, shaking your head. “nothing.” “no, i know you’re thinking. you get all quiet when you think.” he knew you well, which made you feel a little better. “i think harry’s mad at me. i just met him and he already hates me.” draco cupped your cheeks, making you look at him. “listen to me- he does not hate you. you’re his sister, his only family. he couldn’t hate you.” you smiled in his hands. you told him you’d meet him back in the common room later. you had to find harry.
you walked around the castle for what felt like an hour, finally finding him in an empty classroom on the third floor. you entered silently. he was sitting on a desk with his back facing you. “hi.” you choked out. harry turned around and said nothing when he saw you. you took it upon yourself to sit next to him. “harry-“ “do you like him? like, actually like him?” you thought about it for a moment. you considered lying, maybe that’ll make him hate you less. but you knew he’d eventually find out and it’s only make things worse. “yeah. i do.” harry put his face in his hands. “not only are you a slytherin but you’re dating my sworn enemy.” he shook his head and laughed while saying it. “hey!” you said while playfully shoving him. the laughter died and you sat in sad silence again. “i don’t me being with draco to mess up our relationship.” harry but his lip in thought. “is there anything i could do to make it up to you?” you pleaded. an idea popped into your head. you pulled out your wand and swished it- a flower wreath following. “chrysanthemums?” harry asked, taking the wreath into his hands. you smiled. “yeah.” he put the wreath on his head as a joke, but it brushed some of his hair out of his forehead on the way. “i meant to ask you about the scar.” “what about it?” he said. you moves your shirt down, exposing the lightning bolt scar on your chest. “blimey.” he looked very shocked. “i don’t really know what this means.” you whispered. harry shook his head, implying he didn’t either. “are we alright then?” harry fidgeted with the wreath. it dawned upon him that no- he couldn’t stay mad at you. you’re the only family he has left. “i guess.”
over the next week you magras to patch things up with harry and draco well enough to celebrate halloween in peace. the feast was ravishing. you ate so many sweets that you couldn’t imagine having back in america. as per usual you sat with the slytherins- but something was telling you u that you should be with harry. so without a second though you turned to draco, “what do you think of eating with harry?” he almost spit out his pumpkin juice. “you brother hates me (y/n), you know that.” he knew you were going to get your way, but he was trying to convince you not to. your mind was made up. “he’ll have to deal with it.” let’s just say gryffindor wasn’t too fond of having slytherins at their table.
being draco’s girlfriend was a blessing. he showered you with gifts, affection, appreciation. you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend. there was never a time where you doubted his feelings for you. now was one of them. you two were in his dorm, listening to the soft, low music coming from his record player. you were both just gazing at the ceiling while wrapped in each other’s arms. it’s not that you didn’t love lazy days with draco- you certainly did. you just really wanted to do something right now. “draco?” you finally said. “hmm?” you loved when he responded with a hum. you couldn’t explain why, but it made you go all fuzzy inside. “i wanna do something fun,” you flipped over so you were hovering above him now. he scrunched his brows. “like what?” you thought about it. what could two, 15 year olds do at one in the morning? “wanna sneak into the kitchens?” he burst out in laughter. you wanted to ask him what was so funny, but with a smile like that? you had to laugh with him. “alright- alright. let’s go.” so that’s how you two ended up there, pajamas and all. everything would’ve gone fine if draco would’ve just worn shoes. “bloody hell!” he screamed, dropping all the snacks. draco stubbed his toe on a nearby cart, and of course he had to be dramatic about it. “draco hush!-“ but it was too late. the lights turned on and the house elves caught you, immediately reporting to filch.
you never wished draco wasn’t such a diva more than right now. your saturday was being stolen by detention. even though you were with him, the detention was being watched by snape and you weren’t risking it again. you checked the clock; still two hours? god, you were gonna be here forever if something didn’t happen- “professor!” it was dolores umbridge, dressed in all pink, stumbling through the door. “yes, professor?” snape sneered. she straightened herself up and spoke in her high voice, “there are difficulties with some gryffindor student i could use some assistance with.” she said. “is there anyone else you can ask? i’m preoccupied at the moment..” she giggled. “yes, but i’m sure these students will listen to you.” umbridge looked at you and draco, obviously noticing the green color on your robes. “besides. i’m sure they’ve learned their lesson- haven’t you, children?” you both nodded frantically. “you’re dismissed.” you and draco shot up, not asking any questions and only daring to speak once they were both out of ear shot. “you’re an idiot, you know that?” you told him, playfully (but not really) shoving him to the side. he took your hand and put it in his, smirking to himself more than at you. “‘m your idiot.” rolled your eyes at the blonde. he really was.
before you knew it, the school year was passing by. you and harry were going to america along with some other friends to visit your home. ron was a nervous reck on the plane, not understanding why muggles put themselves through this torture. finally the four of you landed, slowly but surely making it through security and such. that’s when you spotted your two best friends- from miles away, at that. you ran towards them at full speed, almost toppling then over when you embraced them. “i missed you so much!” lena shouted. “i missed you too! god i have so many stories- oh! i need to introduce you to some people!” you face palmed, completely forgetting about your guests. “this-“ you grabbed harry’s arm and shoved him in front of you. “-is harry.” your friends gave you the exact same look; ‘is he..?’ you nodded. “erm- pleasure to meet you. i’m her brother.” both their eyes went wide, and they both hopped on him. “anna is going to go crazy! two potters- wow! she’s already had enough with toria let me tell you-“ “gina!” you scolded. she just laughed. “ah yes, this is ron, he hated me when i first met him.” ron threw his arms up. “you’re a slytherin, what’d you expect?” you hit him in the head as a response. you also ignored how lena ogled ron. then, you felt your boyfriends long arm snake around your waste and press a chaste kiss to your head. “it’s not as bad as i thought it’d be here.” he commented. “and this my dear friends; is draco. my boyfriend.” draco smiled kindly and held out his hand. they both shook it. harry rolled his eyes in annoyance. then you saw her. “anna!” you’ve done a lot of screaming today, you noticed. harry showed up behind you, tapping you on the shoulder. “who’s that?”
harry almost cried when he found out he had a guardian. he had told you about sirius, but he sadly passed away. it’s like he was getting a second chance. anna took you all home in her van (ron getting even more nervous now). right now, all of you sat in anna’s back yard. “did you learn anything cool over there? new spells?” gina inquired. you smirked, pulling out your wand and preforming the spell you’ve mastered this school year.
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lindzem · 4 years
Jack laughed as he strode down the sidewalk with his sister Emma. They'd had a normal day of school and the chilly october breeze whirled leaves all around. Emma giggled as she bounced into a pile of leaves playfully before jogging back next to her brother.
Jack pulled out his wallet and hummed.
"Ready for some pumpkin ice cream to celebrate you getting an A on your math test?"
Emma twirled and bounced.
"Yes yes yes! Its pumpkin season! Woohoo!"
Jack smiled as he kept walking with her until they both heard a piercing screech from a nearby alleyway. Emma hid behind her brother instinctively with a frown.
"What was that...?"
Jack frowned and paused also.
"The heck...? Hey, stay here. I'll check it out."
"Be careful, Jack..."
The brown haired boy cautiously walked over to the alley entrance. The closer he got to the commotion the worse he heard. A sniggering voice babbled while a few others laughed.
"Let's glue its tail to its back!"
Another voice chimed.
"No, let's pour the glue in its ears!"
Jack rushed forwards to see three male teens a few years older than him had trapped a black cat in a broken cage. They were harrassing it terribly and one of the boys had a bottle of super glue in his hand. Jack couldn't bear what was about to happen.
He yelled and rushed forwards, slamming into the kid with the glue and it crashed onto the ground.
"Leave the cat alone, you assholes!"
Flustered, all the teens watched as Jack threw himself between them.
"The hell?! Go away if you know what's good for you, punk!"
"It's just a stupid cat! Mind your own business!"
Jack growled angrily.
"Leave it alone!"
The tallest teen hissed.
"Get him!"
Jack's eyes widened and he turned around to shield the cat with his body as all the bullies began to wail on him. Jack took the blows and winced, cringing with every kick and punch until they got bored. They left and Jack slowly sat up. His body ached and stung all over. But the cat was alright. That was what mattered.
"H-Hey...its ok little fella...they're gone. Here, lemme get you out of there."
Slowly but surely Jack pried some of the cage wiring back enough for the cat to yank out of it. The feline rushed a few feet away but turned around and stared back at him confused. After a minute it ran away and Jack sighed. He stood and walked back out to Emma.
"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting."
Emma hugged him and he yelped.
"What happened?!"
"Oh, just had to save a cat from these jerks. You know, cool hero stuff~ Now let's go get you some ice cream!"
Emma nodded and they walked off to the ice cream shop.
The next morning Jack awoke much sorer and groaned. He tried to sit up until he saw something at the end of his bed. He rubbed his eyes and blinked. It was the same black cat he saved yesterday. He startled and jerked back, hitting his head on his bedboard. He squeaked and held it.
"Ow! Fuck-!"
The cat merely watched him curiously and calmly, swishing its tail. Jack saw it had such bright gold eyes that stared deeply and intently, but they meant no harm.
"What are you doing here? How did you even get inside my house?"
The cat stayed silent and still. Jack blinked and groaned.
"Alright you gotta go. Come on."
He slowly got out of bed and reached for the cat, but it jumped away from him onto the floor with a chirp. Emma came through the door and gasped when she saw the cat.
"Jack lets go, we're gonna be late for the movie--! Is that the cat?! It's so cuuute!!!"
Surprisingly the cat seemed content with Emma picking it up and hugging it.
"Yeah, but its gotta go. And so do we. Come on then."
He gets dressed and goes with her downstairs to the front door. They walk out and stroll down the sidewalk into town. Suddenly the cat begins to squirm and meow. Emma frowned.
"Huh, whats wrong kitty?"
It jumps down from her arms and meows at them loudly. It rushes forwards and turns around constantly to see if they are following.
"It wants us to follow it!"
Jack shrugged.
"Emma if we go that way, we'll be late for the movie."
She pouted and looked back at him.
"No we wont, come on!"
Jack sighed and followed along. The cat leads them down to the end of the block and stops in front of a black oranate metal doorway with golden painted etchings all over. The cat pushed the door open and ran inside. Emma giggled and followed.
"Wait kitty!"
Jack looked more concerned now, not wanting his sister to rush into someplace dangerous.
"Emma, wait, stop!"
He went in after her and slowed down, seeing all sorts of whacky looking artifacts and trinkets everywhere. The place was only illuminated by candles and everything was mostly the colors of black and gold. Jack was relieved to see Emma staring into an beautiful crystal ball on top of a round table in the middle of the room.
"This place is so cool, Jack!"
Jack walked over to her and kept eyeing around the room.
"Uh, yeah, but it's also a bit creepy. Never too early for Halloween I guess. Where's the cat?"
"I dunno. I lost it. Maybe it lives here! We brought it back home, yay!"
Jack gently nudged her.
"Alright, now lets get back to the movie, huh?"
Emma sighed.
"Aww but I like this place!"
Just that moment a tall man stepped out from behind a drapery of black velvet curtains. Jack gasped and instinctively stepped in front of his sister to protect her if need be. The man was lithe and draped in a gorgeous black silk robe with delicate golden lace all over the neck and arms. He also wore a sparkling golden feathery boa around his neck. His hair was ebony black and his eyes glinted gold in the candle light.
"Good afternoon, children~ How may I be of service?"
Jack felt oddly uneasy about this man and forced a smile.
"O-Oh no, we're sorry to intrude. We were just leaving, really--"
The man tisked his tongue and chuckled.
"It's no bother at all~ Im always happy to have guests. My name is Pitch and I am a fortune teller by trade."
Emma gasped and squealed.
"Really?! Jack, let's get our fortunes told! Pleeeease!"
Jack eyed her.
"But I thought you wanted to see the Perfect Princess Ponypal movie?"
"We can see it next week! Please please please!"
Jack sighed and smiled a little. He couldn't say no to her.
"Ok ok, we can. How much is it?"
Pitch smiled and motioned to the table.
"For you two, I'll make it free. Come, sit."
Pitch sat across the table from Emma and Jack. Jack sat and watched as the man sprinkled some golden powder over the crystal ball. It began to swirl around in various colors.
"Now then. Who's fortune shall we tell?"
Emma piped up.
Jack rolled his eyes and laughed a little. Pitch nodded with a smile.
"Very well~ Now let's see. Your aura is a beautiful snowy white, my boy. How interesting indeed."
Jack watched Pitch carress the crystal ball with his finger tips and the coloring inside turned all sparkling white.
"Woah, that's cool. What does it mean?"
"You put on a tough exterior show, but deep down you are as soft as the first snowfall in winter."
Jack flustered a tad.
"Eheh, yeah ok. Sure."
Pitch smiled and eyed the young teen curiously.
"I'd like to read your palms, if you'll allow."
"Uh, sure."
Jack held out his right hand. Pitch gently took it im his own and began to trace some lines softly.
"Very interesting. You're going to live a very long fulfilling life it seems. You have untold strength and destiny awaiting you."
Jack laughed a little, not believing it because fortune tellers were always just cheap parlor tricks and observation.
"Wow. Who knew."
Pitch smiled and looked directly at him.
"Give me that ring on your necklace."
Jack's blood froze. It was a gift from his departed mother. He hesitated.
He slowly took it off and handed it over. Pitch accepted it and gazed for a minute quietly.
Jack eyed him oddly.
"This ring is a treasured memory of yours. From your mother, yes?"
Jack felt a lump in his throat and uneasyness in his stomach. How could he have possibly known that? Unless he'd been spying on them somehow. Was it something to do with that cat? No, that's crazy...
Jack held his hand out urgently, not comfortable being there anymore.
"Uh, thanks, but I just remembered we have things we need to do at home."
Jack took back the ring and stood, grabbing Emma's arm and tugging. She groaned in upset and confusion.
"Jaaack, no we dont-!"
He interrupted her sharply.
"Yes, we really do. Come on, we need to go now."
Pitch stood and eyed Jack with his own sense of unease.
"Jack, please, I didn't mean any harm."
Jack didn't answer. He knew this felt like a bad idea. Just as Jack got to the door, it suddenly locked itself. Jack's eyes widened in fear as he grabbed and yanked at the handle.
"W-What the hell-?! Unlock this door right--"
Jack whirled around, but Pitch was right behind him. It was a split second before Jack felt Pitch's hand on his head. Instantly Jack slipped into a deep sleep.
When the boy awoke he realized he was still in Pitch's home. He jerked up and looked around frantically. Why did he feel so cold? He jumped up off the bed and paused. Why wasn't he feeling sore from his injuries? In fact, he felt better than ever before, like a new energy was flowing through him.
No, he needed to find his sister. Who knows what awful things that creep could have done to her. He rushed out from the small bedroom area and down the stairs into what appeared to be the kitchen. He saw Pitch cooking some eggs and growled.
"Where is Emma?! What did you do to her, you sick bastard!?"
Pitch blinked and glanced over his shoulder.
"Oh good, you're awake! Now we can get start--"
Jack lunged and slammed into Pitch, shoving him down to the ground. The teen grasped his hands around Pitch's neck and began to choke him with a strength he never knew he had. Pitch tried to pull the boy's hands off, but he wasn't as strong.
"What did you to her?!"
Pitch rasped out.
"Sh..She's f-fine!!! Home, a-at your ho--me!"
Jack began to see frost and ice crystalize its way around Pitch's neck and face as he choked him. He suddenly let him go and backed away in fear.
"W-What the hell-!? What was that?!"
Pitch coughed and gasped for air, clutching his neck. He wheezed and eyed the teen cautiously as he rasped.
Jack seemed confused until Pitch pointed frantically at a huge wall length mirror nearby. Jack glanced up and then did a double take with horrified eyes. He slowly walked over in mortified shock. His eyes were blue now and his hair was white as snow, instead of both being his normal brown.
"What did you do to me-!? I--I--! Where's Emma--the stupid fucking cat-?!"
Pitch stood up and slowly approached.
"Jack, I am the cat. Im just repaying you for saving me in the alleyway."
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pyrodarknessanny · 3 years
Whilst the topic of treating women with  respect is a hot button issue at the moment it got me thinking about my own experiences in life. and whilst I can say that I am one of the lucky ones who’s not been assaulted   things have happened around me that  had they gone differently  my story would be very different indeed. it also saddens me  that I know so many close friends and family who were not so lucky , many of them were children when they were first abused. and yes I do know  “not all men”   but   as the brothers , fathers , uncles , cousins ,friends and co-workers  the weight of this falls on you to call out  the  unacceptable behaviour of your peers. I’m going to list this instances in chronological order. and keep in mind that  I am a  goblin , short, weird , don’t care for looking nice and makeup and such  but still  ive been put on the spot numerus times in the past by  “nice guys”™ high school , senior years .   met some one I thought was decent online . we had an on again off again  video call thing going it spanned years  and started innocently enough  however in the latter years  when I was super depressed it turned quite toxic and manipulative   where he would refuse to   pay attention to me, controlling the calls , there was a time zone difference  so I was up till 4am most nights  hoping that this person would be around.    When we did get into calls  he had me doing  increasingly  dangerous things .   he’d even convinced me to  send him a  substantial amount of money of the last 12 months of our contact.          I’ve since cut them off  cold some years ago now but   they’ve certainly had an impact on me
 In between this on again off again online thing   when I was single I’ve and no less than 3   older male friends  try to hit me up because their  partners at the time were out of town. one even messaged me one night when I was high and tried very hard to convince me that it would be a good idea to drop round.       I don’t talk to any of them now but  each one I told to stay faithful to their partners and denied their offers.    
Also in high school - this happened at my  part time job. boss had a mate who would often sell him stuff for the store ,  bit of a flipper. one of the other senior staff thought it was FUNNY  to tell him that  I was fair game. so this guy who is well in his 40’s   would seek me out at work and harass me. usually when I was at the back of the shop bagging the bulk produce into smaller retail portions. mind you I’m  an 18 yr old autistic person .  had to find excuses to  avoid this person   make it look like im working  in the areas that had security cameras on them or   hope that there were customers so he couldn’t  talk to me.       I had spoken out about this  to the boss and  the owner of the business ( as it was one of his friends)   but they  all thought it was a harmless game. guy bailed me up at the back of the store one afternoon as im bagging  up animal feed.  Store was dead quiet  so not a lot of escape options   I had had enough of it by that point  and put him in his place.   Fortunately  for me he was a little old Asian man  had he of been some one of my dad’s stature  that scenario would have played out MUCH differently.  
Hey now speaking of family! growing up in an abusive household sure dose   wounders for building character huh? im on good talking terms with my family now but growing up  was interesting.
Our house hold was one of hard disciplines.  We didn’t just get smacked we got absolutely belted.
Or our things were broken… actually it was only ever MY things that got trashed out of discipline. my 4 brothers always got off Scott free. Whenever there was a fight or argument ? it was always me that was in trouble  regardless of the circumstance.
Good lessons to teach the kids eh’
My real dad  was off the sceen,  we were more or less raised by our step dad but   when he got an upper management job at his place of work , shit at home  got  bad.    The abuse turned from physical   to psychological .     nothing was ever good enough.   You were always trash  or a disgrace. and praise was only ever given to  the brothers.          So  yeah more good lessons  for  impressionable teens.   shitty ex #1 -  met them at a convention , seamed like a reasonable kind of guy we hit it off and it was great.    Very quickly realised something was off about them. tried very hard to control me .  would say one thing and then do something else entirely. caught them out on numerous lies and on more than one occasion said some very concerning things about minors.       Moments that stand out the most .   was staying at my place for a party , either a birthday or Halloween .   at my house with my family and close friends , had the gall to try and control my behaviour  because  he thought I was being too weird , he did this in front of my mother and best friend.     Another time , it was my birthday and he promised  to buy dinner out . started out as  we would go to this fancy casino restaurant .    ended at a Mc Donald’s with me catching the train home by my self  fuming.     I should have ended that one much sooner than I did but I didn’t want to come across as “mean” or unreasonable  so it let it drag out for another 6 months before I told him to fuck off.
 Dude then proceeded to cyber stalk me and  several friends there after. he was super bad at this and  finaly backed off when I threatened to call the cops. YEET!
 Shitty ex #2 -  technically we only dated for a few weeks decided that it didn’t work for either of us but stayed good friends .        had to tell them  frequently  about what things were and weren’t appropriate  for the friendship afterwards ,    eneded turning into one of the biggest narcicists ive ever seen.
 Miscellaneous things.   Im mentioned before about peer pressure and that its on the boys to call this shit out when they see it. I’ve had  to be the voice of reason for a number of male friends   when they were getting  a bit too obsessed over  girls who had zero interest in them.        One guy in particular  could not leave it alone  , this girl he was white knighting for    was a friend from school , she had a partner but he  swore black and blue that   he could “save her”  from making shitty decisions.     I think he eventually gave up on her when she ripped him off over some digital art that was a trace job and he lost  a good sum of money but   it was disturbing to hear just how obsessed he was with  her.
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fandomoblivion · 6 years
And There She Was (Part 1)
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Request: can u do a cute steve harrington x henderson ! reader? idrc what it is im just in the mood for something steve lol
Summary: (Y/N) Henderson has lived all her life pining after Steve Harrington. Steve Harrington: the athlete. Steve Harrington: the King of Hawkins. Steve Harrington: the player. Steve Harrington: the boyfriend of her best friend. But the thing is, when they’re forced to be together while fighting other-worldly creatures… stuff goes down. But hey, you know what they say. Shit happens.
Warnings: Swearing, violence
Word Count: 1,951
Notes: Hmu to be added to the new tag list!
“Son of a bitch… son of a bitch!” Dustin yelled as he ran into the living room, flipping up cushions on the other side of the couch that you were sitting on.
“Dustin, what the hell are you doing?” You groaned, pushing your glasses up on your nose with the base of your palm. You and your mom were watching the news, as another police chase had happened, following the same group of people. Yes, it was in another state, but it was still interesting to you.
“Another stupid penny…” Dustin grumbled as he threw the penny across the living room.
“Dusty, watch it! You almost hit Mews.” Mom said as your cat meowed in her arms.
“Can I please check under your cushions?” Dustin asked the two of you.
You looked at your position on the couch. You had been comfy sitting here for about a half hour and you did not want to move. Your legs were pulled up under you and you were leaning on an armrest.
“Uh, no, Dude. I’m sitting here.”
“(Y/N).” Your mom said.
“Mom!” You replied.
“Mom, please? It’s an emergency!”
“What qualifies as an emergency to you? Did your Lucas’s little sister glue his ass to his chair again?”
“C’mon, (Y/N)!”
You groaned and stood up as your mom did the same, and Dustin checked under the cushions and found what you assumed he had been looking for: two quarters. “Dude, if you just wanted quarters, you could have asked me. I’ve made a buttload of money teaching those little kids how to dance.”
“What? Really?!” Dustin smiled widely, showing off his new(ish) front teeth.
“I mean, pay me back eventually, but yeah.” You said, walking into your room. You heard him trailing behind you, which made you smile slightly. You took out your piggy bank--you and Nancy have had matching ones since you saved up to buy them in fourth grade (which was hard with no piggy bank to put your savings in)--and you poured the coins onto your bed. “Take the quarters. Just pay me back when you can.”
Dustin scrambled to grab as many quarters as he could. “Thanks, (Y/N), you’re the best! Love you!” He said hurriedly, then he rushed into his room. You heard him turn on his walkie-talkie and start talking to Lucas about the money. From this, you knew he was going straight to the arcade.
“(Y/N),” your mom said as you sat back down on the couch.
“Yeah?” You asked, chewing on your fingernail as you watched the television.
“Would you please drive Dusty to the arcade?”
You scowled, your eyes still trained on the tv. “Why? He has a bike.”
“Well yes, but I don’t want him biking home too late.”
You rolled your eyes and got up from the couch. “Fine. May as well stay out there instead of coming back then going out again. Hey, Little Dude,” you said, stopping Dustin who was running down the hall. “I’m driving you. Wait a minute while I get dress.”
Dustin groaned loudly and dramatically and fell back onto the couch as he waited for you. You changed into a pair of jeans and a yellow sweater. You pulled on your blue suede Adidas (popularized into women’s fashion by Billie Jean King in 1976), tucked your necklace from Steve under your sweater, and tied your hair up in a scrunchie.
“(Y/N)!! It’s been more than a minute! Come on!” Dustin yelled from outside your door. You laughed, grabbed your keys, and left your room. Dustin held up your cross-body bag for you, you took it, and he said, “Wow, you’re welcome.”
You laughed. “And you’re welcome for driving you to and from the arcade today.”
Dustin grinned widely as the two of you got into the car. “(Y/N), do you love me?” He asked sweetly.
You rolled your eyes. “What else do you want?”
“Can you drive Mike and maybe Will home today?”
You laughed. “You know I usually take home Mike. And yeah, sure, I’ll bring Will home, too.”
Dustin cheered and punched the air. “Thanks, (Y/N)!”
You huffed and pulled into the arcade parking lot. “No prob, Little Dude. Now, uh, remember:”
Dustin rolled his eyes as he spoke the next few words with you in unison. “Don’t talk to anyone creepy, especially that dude Keith. Don’t die or let any of your friends die. I love you, Little Dude.”
You laughed, knowing he had heard your spiel one too many times. “Ciao, Kid.” You watched as Dustin excitedly joined his friends in the arcade, and you started your car back up and drove to the movie theater, which was a few blocks away. Seeing the new movie, Terminator, was playing, you bought yourself a ticket and wasted time--okay, not wasted, Terminator was a fucking good movie--while waiting to pick up Dustin.
The next morning, you got ready for school. Dustin was talking the entire ride to the Byers’ house, and to the Wheelers’ house, and home, about somebody named MadMax who had beaten his score on… PacMan? No… Thayer’s Quest? No, it was Dig Dug. Yeah, Dig Dug. Anyway, you didn’t really care about the conversation, since you knew Dustin would find a way to somehow, someday, beat that MadMax. Even if it meant helping him yourself.
You pulled up to school, sitting in your car for a few minutes, making sure you had everything with you. You picked a piece of lint off your stripey sweater, one that Nancy had given you when she outgrew it (somehow, you managed to fit into it years after she gave it to you). You looked over at the car next to you and saw a dude smoking in his car. You scowled, hating smoking because it reminded you of your father. You got out of your car and immediately his eyes trained themselves on… your fucking chest. Really, dude?
“Hey, you know smoking isn’t allowed on campus, right?” You said to him once he took notice of you.
The dude smirked and let out a puff of smoke before flicking his cigarette onto the ground. “Sorry, Sweet Pea. I’m new in town. Don’t really know the ropes for your dumbass school yet. Maybe you can teach me?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
You scoffed. “You’re pretty cocky. I’m sure they’ll find someone to show you around. But…” You paused and sighed. “If they don’t, come find me at lunch. I usually sit near the window.”
He chucked. “Thanks, Sweet Pea.”
You scrunched up your nose as you walked away. “Don’t call me Sweet Pea,” you said under your breath.
You quietly cursed under your breath as the guy from the morning walked up to you while you were at your locker getting your lunch.
“So listen, Sweet Pea-”
“Please don’t call me that.” You said with a sarcastic smile, but he just kept talking.
“After school today you’re gonna tell me all the shit that I should know about your school. How’s 7:30?”
“I can’t, I go straight from school to dance. I don’t get off until 6:30 each night.”
He chucked and leaned in. “I don’t think you heard me. 7:30. I’ll pick you up.”
“Like a date?” You asked unenthusiastically. He just smirked. You hung your head down and took a breath, before looking back up at him with a fake ass smile. “7:30. Here’s my address.” You said, before writing your address on the back of his hand. “Don’t be late.” You said, then turning around, your whipping around your face, and heading to the cafeteria.
You knew it was stupid to say yes. You knew it was a bad idea. And yet…
It would get your mind off Steve.
At least for a bit.
After lunch, you, Nancy, and Jonathan exited the cafeteria, only to be greeted with none other than Tina Cline handing out flyers for her Halloween party. She handed Nancy and you one, and you immediately crumpled it up and threw it at your feet, kicking it along the linoleum floor as Nancy asked Tina for two more.
“You two are going to this!” Nancy said, before pushing the two flyers into your and Jonathan’s chests. You started to crumple yours up again, but Nancy shot you her famous “don’t-fucking-do-it-or-I’ll-crazy-murder-you” look. You smiled sheepishly and flattened it out against the book you were holding.
“‘Come and get sheet-faced.’ No, I’m not going.” Jonathan said, laughing.
“No, I can’t let the two of you sit home alone all Halloween. That’s just not acceptable!”
“Well, you can relax. We won’t be alone,” you said, pushing your glasses up your nose. “We’re going with the kids while they trick-or-treat.”
“All night?” Nancy asked.
Jonathan nodded. “Yeah…?”
“No, no way. You two are gonna be home by 8:00, Jonathan, you’re going to be listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut or something. (Y/N), you’re going to be watching some cheesy horror movie, eating ice cream out of its container and clutching your cat all night.”
Jonathan shrugged. “Sounds like a night night.” You laughed and agreed.
“Guys! Just come! I mean, who knows? You might even, like, meet someone.” Nancy said, opening her locker. Just then, Steve rounded the corner and picked up Nancy, making her shriek/squeal/make some weird, high-pitched noise that made you and Jonathan look at each other uncomfortably.
Steve set Nancy down, laughing, and Nancy hit his arm. “Oh, my God! Take those stupid things off.” She said, referencing his sunglasses.
He kept laughing and hugged her close to him, saying, “I missed you.”
“It’s been, like, an hour!” Nancy laughed.
“Tell me about it.” Steve said before pulling Nancy in for a kiss.
When they kept kissing, you turned to Jonathan and said, “So… how about the weather? Interesting, isnt’t it?” Which made Jonathan laugh and the two who were kissing separate. “C’mon.” You mumbled to Jonathan. The two of you walked down the hall together, leaving Nancy and Steve alone.
“I’m sorry you had to see that.” You said to him. You were the only one who knew about his huge crush on Nancy.
He sighed. “It’s fine. I… it just sucks, you know?” You nodded. “You’re lucky you don’t have to deal with that.”
You noticed the two of you were about to walk by Mrs. Armstrong’s history class, and you knew she had the next period free and wouldn’t be in her classroom. You tapped Jonathan on his shoulder and pulled him into the classroom.
“Okay, I might be absolutely insane for telling you this, but I’m gonna tell you anyway.”
Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows in concern. “You okay?” He asked.
You took a deep breath. “Not exactly. See, I’ve kinda had a teensy-weensy crush on Steve for a little while now. Okay, not so teensy-weensy. More like hugesy-wugesy. And it hasn’t been for a little while. I’ve liked him since middle school. It’s just like… every time I see him, I feel lightheaded and I get butterflies in my stomach and I can’t form words properly and when I do I sound like an asshole and… and… and I’m in love with my best friend’s boyfriend.” You felt your face grow hot as you put your feelings for Steve into words
As you were saying this, Jonathan’s eyes widened. “Really? Oh… shit. Well, I, uh… I guess we’re in the same boat, then, huh? Except I have a crush on my best friend, and you have a crush on your best friend’s boyfriend… but, essentially, we’re in this together, huh?” He said with a sad smile.
You nodded. “Yeah. We’re in this together.”
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kae-karo · 5 years
knlalla’s fics of 2018
hello dears! now that the year’s coming to a close, i wanted to round up a quick post of all my fics from this year, please enjoy! i’ve highlighted my personal faves/the ones i’m most proud of :’) it’s been a wild year, so thanks so much to everyone for all your kind support!
Phancakes (x) 1k (g) - the bois being domestic on pancake day (look okay we don’t have pancake day in america i have to live vicariously through dnp), insp by this tweet and the iconic vid no tw! just domestic fluff
did you make me a video for valentine’s day? (x) 1k (g) - Dan has a tradition, every year on Valentine's day he asks Phil the same question... no tw, minor angst
my talents include... (x) 1k (g) - Dan's whiny because Phil won't pay him any attention, so he sends out a passive-aggressive tweet. shoutout to @daliensgrandads​ on tumblr for bugging me to write this (instead of my current wip whoops) no tw, unless whiny!dan counts
Days like this (Security) (x) 800 (g) - Some days just aren’t good ones. tw depression
Balance (x) 1k (t) - Phil wants to post the bunk bed insta story, but Dan just wants to sleep. no tw
i missed you (x) 1k (g) - basically their history as told by dan no tw
the way you look tonight (x) 1k (g) - dan has a vid to edit. phil has other ideas. you have to listen to the way you look tonight by frank sinatra (youtube, spotify) whilst listening to this okay no tw
Chan (x) 1k (g) - insp by the anon that sent "demon hc: phil just chuckling fondly at dan thirsting over chan, while chan searches the bus and they’re both stood outside in pyjamas on the canadian border. idk, it’s just the kinda fond, secure bde that phil exudes these days" no tw
morning coffee (x) 1k (t) - inspired by the lovely anon who sent me "I dreamed Dan posted an insta story of Phil drinking coffee in bed and he was laying on his shoulder and I kept trying to show people how cute it was but no one cared, and when I woke up I remembered that you would care, and I realized it was a dream and now I’m a tad disappointed in my subconscious for trolling me." no tw
doing nothing often leads to the very best of something (x) 2k (g) - based on this (x) and a lil imagine i wrote (x) and expanded on so thanks to the lovely anon who originally sent "that pic phil posted of dan for his bday i think where dan is making a funny face and theres a nearly empty wine bottle in the background hhhhh that makes my demon heart drop" and to the lovely anon who asked for more! no tw
The House at Pooh Corner (x) 1k (g) - insp by the anon that sent "Full demon mode: Im just finishing up the Undertale series for the first time and all I can think about as Dan and Phil talk back in forth in their different character voices is how #blessed any future child of theirs is. Just imagine them snuggled up with a kid on each of their laps, reading Winnie the Pooh and doing voices for all the characters. RIP my heart." and the anon that sent "I've been having a really bad day. And something that I find really cute is imagining what Dan and Phil would be like as parents. (noting that you don't have to have kids ever to be a fulfilled human, just that people being good parents warms my heart). Hypothetically, what do you think it'd be like? I bet Dan would surprise himself by being a good dad. b/c he'd want his kid to feel free to be themselves and we all know he can be very protective when he needs to be." no tw, parent!phan
waffles (x) 2k (g) - phil goes to the 24hr diner with the hopes of seeing his favorite waiter (insp by me seeing a cute waitress at a diner. unfortunately none of the rest actually happened to me lmao) no tw, meet cute
it’s not living if it’s not with you (x) 800 (g) - dan and phil in bed at phil's parents' home, briefly reminiscing no tw
if we stopped shipping phan (x) 8k (g) - what would happen if the entire phandom just...stopped shipping phan? insp by this post about not shipping phan for a month cause they'd freak out. Happy Valentine's day, @phantasizeit​! no tw, friends to lovers
sleepover in the moon room (x) 6k (g) - It's a tradition they've had for years (Note: this was written with the intent that it can be read completely platonically or non-platonically, whichever you prefer. It's not written to imply one way or another.) a platonic fic sorta lmao
printer error (x) 16k (m) - Dan's a fanfic writer who's desperate to meet the AmazingPhil, but one printing mishap could bring him closer to his idol than he ever anticipated. no tw, strangers to lovers with a bit of fic commentary
everyone knows that (x) 5.5k (g) - They fight more often than they don’t, but that’s just how relationships are. Everyone knows that. Phil bakes when he’s worried, especially when he's worried about Dan. And Phil bakes quite a lot. Dan hates that he's the cause of Phil's nervous baking, that Phil's always so stressed because of him, but Dan has a hard time feeling too bad when the outcome is a plate of warm cookies. no tw just some angst
The Seven Deadly Insta Stories (x) 7k (e) - A collection of seven short fics based on the seven deadly sins, as told in the form of insta stories dnp didn’t post. as a prompt from @phanfichallenge to post a fic every day this week, have my tour fic twist on the seven deadly sins!! no tw, tour fic(s)
i’d do anything to not be alone (x) 16k (t) - I don’t know why I bother waking up. It’s one of those nonessential activities, like eating or drinking or breathing. But I do it, because if I don’t, then nobody would water the plants. Phil left and Dan doesn't know why. But he has to take care of the plants, because Phil would be so disappointed if he came back and his plants had died. no tw, just lots of sadness n a bit of angst but it does, as always, end happily i promise
dark purple sky (darkness comes out to play) (x) 4k (e) - It’s not that he hates parties, it’s just that- well, no, he hates parties. And costumes. And showing up to parties in costumes, and showing up to parties decidedly not wearing costumes, and all the mumbled judgements that come along with doing so. And he hates sweets - really, the only things he does like about Halloween are the autumnal vibes and the cool weather, and experiencing those certainly did not require his friends dragging him out to some abandoned castle grounds for a half-assed late-night party. Or the one where Dan gets a blowjob from a complete stranger in the middle of the forest on Halloween. no tw really, strangers to lovers?, mostly just pwp
Properly (x) 10k (e) - Dan's been trying to take advantage of the all-hours pool for a late night swim, but some guy always shows up before him. no tw just pwp and some strangers to lovers
Demons and Diners (x) 65k (m) - A broke Dan, on the run from his previous life, finds temporary shelter in an abandoned diner...for the night? tw depression, some blood mentions, but happy ending as always!
What day is it? (x) 32k (t) - It's the first day of the semester, and it's already gone to shit: Dan's late to his first class, finds out his mortal enemy, Phil Lester, is the TA, and gets rejected by the girl of his dreams, but at least tomorrow's a new day...right? Aka the one where Dan and Phil are stuck reliving the same day over and over and can't figure out why. no tw except some major angst, uni au, enemies to lovers
Axiom (x) 31k (t) - Axiom: a proposition that is not actually proved or demonstrated, but is considered to be self-evident and universally accepted. Dan's out for the umpteenth time at the bar for its weekly speed-dating night (not that they'd actually call it that). tw depression and a really cliche plot twist whoops but a happy ending, always
one second (x) 41k (e) - When you spend your life getting glimpses of a myriad of possible futures every time you get a little emotional, you tend to lose sight of reality, of the present; a bad day turns into a bad week because all you see are the worst-case futures. You get a little excited about something, things start to go your way, but then all you can see are the realities where things are even better. Life tends not to measure up. Or the one where Dan meets Phil on a plane, and maybe reality starts to become better than even Dan could predict. no tw really, strangers to lovers
slow-closing doors (x) 44k (t) - SECRETS, DRAMA, BETRAYAL (okay no betrayal dw). Phil's agreed to be an RA for his floor this year at uni, and he's determined to be the best RA ever - after all, this is these students' first year, he wants them to have the best year ever. Loosely inspired by Freeze Tag by Caroline B Cooney. tw minor violence nothing graphic just a lil scary, uni au strangers to lovers
Peter Phan (x) 37k (m) - Phil's woken in the middle of the night by a mysterious guy at his window who's intent on dragging him off on an adventure, and for some inexplicable reason, he agrees. Dan's stuck - quite literally - in his own head, and he's desperate for anyone to help him escape. Maybe, if he's lucky, that person could be Phil. He hopes it is. tw depression and suicide attempt, implied/referenced non-con, lots of angst, but definitely a happy ending, strangers to lovers
angel boy (x) 22k+ (e) - for the anon that sent "Oh fuck, now I need a smutty fanfic with twink!Dan taking it from behind with his angel wing tattoo (or real ones for that matter... actually, yes please, real ones. And Phil has a kink for being a bit rough with them... maybe Phil's a demon... fuuuck, someone write this for me?)" Aka the one where angel!Dan goes into a demon club looking for a bit of entertainment. no tw, my attempt at pwp turned into porn with a plot lmao
Sea Glass (x) 58k (t) - Phil arrives on the Isle of Man to house-sit at his family's cabin while it's repaired and sold. Except the cabin's in far worse shape than expected, and Phil's got to find somewhere else to stay no tw really but like i updated this a few times this year so i’m counting it
Exile (x) 172k (e) - Exile's a fucking bitch. Dan finds himself kicked out of town and searching for literally anywhere out of the rain - somehow, he must have just enough luck, as he stumbles upon a seemingly abandoned house in the middle of the forest. Except it isn't abandoned, and the resident isn't exactly...normal...
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mysterybustershq · 6 years
cristian’s birthday » event.
we forgot to post it so here it is!
kimberly didn’t want to be here. while she was fully in support of celebrating the birth of a god, she knew the chances of spending any time alone with him were slim to none. she watched as the mysterybusters tolerated each other, leaning against the wall with her phone in hand. she was considering faking an excuse to leave, but the idea of leaving without saying anything to cristian was too much. but she couldn’t talk to him directly. struck with an idea, she pushed off of the wall. “hey, guys,” she called, loud enough to get their attention. “who’s up for a game?”
isaiah had been talking to ashley, when of course kimi interrupted, by calling out about wanting to play a game. isaiah couldn’t help but already get a bad feeling about said game, whatever it may be. he still didnt feel entirely right about being at a party since gina, and he honestly didn’t care about cristian or his birthday (in fact, he couldnt think of something worse to celebrate). but ashley had wanted to come, so of course… isaiah had too. isaiah took  a sip from his bottle of beer, glancing around. “what kinda game? you sound like the guy from saw when you say that.”
blair (rip!)
“i’m sorry i didn’t know we were all in middle school,” blair speaks up from her spot in the room,  eyeing everyone. she didn’t want to be here, celebrating the birthday of her best friend’s ex who, by the way, had cheated on her. it felt wrong but blair hated being left out of things and damaris was here too so that made it more tolerable.
truthfully, the only reason julian tagged along with kimi was to make sure she didn’t end up sleeping with the birthday boy by the end of the night. he sat with a half-empty beer bottle, waiting for someone to pick a game. “spin the bottle is not happening.”
“but spin the bottle would be so fun!” bryce replied, his words slurred as he finished off his beer- tossing the can over his shoulder. lately he had been drinking more than usual but he didn’t care- it was relaxing.
“we have enough drama without whatever spin the bottle would bring.” vanessa deadpanned, eyeing everyone in the group and lingering a little on bryce with a degree of exasperation, not quite able to believe her ears. like they needed THAT on top of everything else. on the other hand… “we could break out the ouija board,” was her suggestion, said with a small shrug as she sat back in her chair, “see if anyone wants to give some birthday wishes from the other side.”
sofia took a sip of her beer. she was happy to be at crisitian’s party, even if some of the other were not. she grinned when vanessa mentioned the ouija board, nodding. “ouija board? i’m totally down.”
daniel (rip!)
“absolutely not,” daniel said immediately, before the rest of the group got too behind the idea. it was the weekend; it was a party, they needed one night where they were just normal kids without all of the ghost bullshit. “no ouija board. what game do you guys wanna play?”
isaiah held up his hands. “no. no. no board.” he said, exasperated, as he so often was whenever vanessa spoke. “i hate to agree with daniel. ” in fact, he hated daniel in general
reaching for a new beer can, bryce began to chant ouija board over and over again- not really stopping to think that, he wouldn’t enjoy that.
“yeah, no board. that’s why weird shit always happens to us— we fuck with the dead too much.” naomi commented, as if her opinion mattered. “let’s just play something dumb like truth or dare… or pictionary! better yet, let the birthday boy choose.”
“uh, yeah, that’s a big no,” cristian exclaimed, following along with the others’ protests, before he sipped the drink in his hand. he had been trying for so long to fight the demon on his back,  using a ouija board at his birthday party would just be asking for it. could he just have a day where it wasn’t brought up ? upon hearing naomi’s suggestion, cristian shrugged. “i don’t really care. just something that doesn’t get in the way of me drinking.” his focus went back to the drink in his hand, but their blank stares egged him on, forcing him to speak up again a bit reluctantly. “or  . . truth or dare, i guess? that sounds as good as anything.” he shrugged again, nonchalantly.
“truth or dare it is! who goes first?” naomi looks around at the group, raising her eyebrows. “that’s how it goes, right? i haven’t played this game in so long i literally forgot how to play it. well not forgot but just very iffy on how it’s supposed to be played.” this was the first time since the halloween party since naomi had been excited to have some real, non-threatning fun. no ghosts or demons, just her and her friends.
“i want to go first!” bryce cried as soon as he heard that they’d settled on truth or dare, nearly falling off of the couch in the process. he loved truth or dare- or well, he loved games.
isaiah pinched the bridge of his nose, taking another long drag of his beer before deciding to just go with this inevitable disaster for now. he glanced over to where damaris was, and patted the spot next to him, for her to come sit. “i haven’t played truth or dare in like 80 years.”
blair takes damaris’ hand and drags her to where everyone else is, sitting on the other side of her brother. “you ask someone truth or dare, if they answer truth then you ask them a question and if they answer with dare then you dare them to do something. not that hard… idiots,” she mumbles the last part, “so okay, i’ll ask bryce. truth or dare?”
“oh oh oh,” bryce responded, his eyes lighting up in excitement as he looked at naomi. he was so excited that was getting to start- this was just amazing, his dream come true. “uh- dare! wait no truth,” he responded, “wait no dare! okay that’s my final answer!”
damaris didn’t really care what they did, or where she was, so long as they could have just One quiet night. getting pulled around by blair was all well and good provided that it was done in a calm environment, though she was considerably happier when she was able to sit in place beside isaiah - best friend one side and about the only person in the group she felt happy and safe around, at this point, on the other. she watched bryce try choose with only vague interest, murmuring to isaiah as he struggled, “to think we coulda been finishing brooklyn 99 instead of being here.”
“i dare you to… not say anything for the next three rounds. vanessa and naomi are already here, we don’t need another chatterbox in the group.” blair flashes him a fake smile, “who’s next?”
“oh, that’s such a lame dare!” sofia protested,  shooting blair a look. “truth or dare is already less exciting than the ouija board, don’t make it stupid.”
a frown spread across bryce’s face as he heard blair’s comment, “b-but,” he stammered as he slowly sunk back on the couch, his arms folded across his chest. this sucked. blair was mean.
isaiah couldn’t help barking out a small laugh at blairs ‘dare’. “alright. anyways. moving on.” isaiah said, wondering how he always ended up being the one moderating this. “somebody ask blair, or whatever. im getting another drink. anyone want one?”
alex said plainly next to sofia, a smile resting lightly on her face, for once in her life content to be quiet ― half out of general distaste on being called on. “cariña, chill out, it’s not… that bad,” she told her friend. “i mean, truth or dare? not good. but not… that bad.”
naomi wasn’t even phased by her comment, “i— okay go off i guess…” she shoots bryce a sympathetic smile, looking at isaiah. “i’d like one if you don’t mind!”
“yes,” julian called out, taking isaiah up on his offer. he hadn’t finished his, but worked quickly, chugging the last of it down. “bryce can’t even ask the next person,” he laughed, realizing that the game was now stopped. “who’s next?”
“do you want a hand?” damaris asked after two people had piled onto his offer, taking any opportunity to exit the game she didn’t have much desire to take part in.
isaiah nodded, pointing to naomi and julian to show he’d get their drinks before looking at damaris. she definitely looked like she needed a drink. “i’ll get you one too.” he said, already shuffling off to the kitchen to see what he could grab up. he looked back as damaris called out, and hesitated, before realising she probably just wanted out. “uh yeah, sure. i can’t carry all these drinks myself.” he lied, with a nod.
sofia made a face and took another sip of her drink.  "still–you know what? tonight’s for cristian. this is what he wanted.“ there was something about alex’s use of cariña that made her heart melt a little, but she ignored that feeling for now. "i’ll go next. somebody ask me?”
blair smirked at everyone’s reactions and leaned back on her hands, waiting for someone to go. “okay! uh… truth or dare sof?” naomi spoke up, hoping to lighten the mood after the rude dare blair had given bryce.
“don’t want you spilling any!” she was already up and off her feet, stepping carefully around everyone else to join him in the search for more drinks, and more than happy to have even the briefest of escapes. “you as big a fan of the game as i am?” she asked him with a smile as she joined him in the kitchen, naomi’s voice carrying through from the other room. the sarcasm to it was obvious.
“dare,” sofia replied, leaning towards naomi expectantly, smiling. “always dare.”
“hm…” naomi tried to think of something good before an idea popped into her head. “i dare you to prank call nathan and act like you’re asking for a booty call.” she clapped her hands together excitedly, proud of herself for thinking that up.
isaiah chuckled at damaris’ clear sarcasm. “yeah, i mean … if it makes the others happy, i guess we can both mutually suffer.” he nudged her gently. “plus side is, if we’re gone long enough i doubt anyone will even notice. i doubt we were prime truth or darers anyways.” he joked. he glanced around the kitchen before finding a stray bottle of vodka. “here, let me make you a cocktail. it’ll be good. promise.”
sofia laughed. “easy.” she pulled her phone out of her pocket, flipping through it for a moment to search for nathan’s number. “let’s see…ah, got it!”  she put it up to her ear, finishing off the end of the beer as it rang on the other line. “nathan?  it’s me, sofia. i was feeling really lonely, and i started thinking about you, and how guys in sweaters are just super sexy. and i know i complain about you telling me what to do all the time, but i can think of one place where i’d be happy to let you…call me back.”
julian sat with his head in his hands, really hoping that isaiah would be coming back with another beer soon. or a gun.
“so long as my suffering doesn’t become me having to do one of blair’s dares… or truths. they’re probably just as bad,” she chuckled, softly, her affection for the friend she’d left sat inside obvious as her distaste for everything, as a whole. “i don’t know about you not being a prime candidate for it all, though- at least… two of the girls in there, wouldn’t mind getting dared to 7 minutes in heaven with you,” she teased, knowing he was a taken fella ( side eyes at verena ), and also knowing the group. if they had eyes, then they’d thought about isaiah in that way. she grinned and nodded, happily, trusting him totally with whatever it was he was about to make. “i’ll get julian and all their not-amazing-and-specially-made-by-isaiah-maxwell drinks, while you do!”
isaiah couldn’t help grinning, as he so often did, just around damaris. he couldn’t help looking at her, even leaning in closer to drop his voice, in faux-flirtatiousness. “what about any of the girls in here?” he couldn’t help tease, before straightening back up, still grinning. “well, know that if i get to pick someone for truth or dare- you’re my prime candidate.” he wasn’t even joking either, he liked doing dumb stuff to and for damaris. he nodded, chuckling. “good idea. now what are you in the mood for? something strong, fruity, sweet, orr… ?” he asked, already grabbing up a few other bottles and inspecting them
Nathan (who was enjoying a glass of wine he got in the clearance basket of Bottle King) was interrupted by the sound of his voicemail inbox pinging. He opened the message, listened, and promptly put his drink down to text the girl back. He had already gone into uncharted territory by going balls deep into Ash, he certainly was not going to try and frickle frack Julian’s cousin.
sofia blinked in surprise as his quick response. "oh my god,” she said, tilting her phone screen to show alex what nathan had said. she wasn’t that worried about it. who cares what the babysitter thought of her? she sent him a text back and she laughed, shaking her head. “he’s not gonna be able to look me in the eye on monday. amazing–okay, who’s next?”
she couldn’t even help it- she let out what could only be called a hoot of quiet laughter, struggling to try and sober herself for a play along and a, “oh, i’d definitely be the third girl,” before dissolving into her giggles for a minute. it was absolutely true that she’d once had a tiny ( maybe not so tiny ) crush on the boy before her, and back when he was a relative stranger, she certainly wouldn’t have minded being dared to anything with isaiah - but he was so much MORE to her than just someone nice to look at. he’d maybe become her best friend in the time they’d been rooming together ( sorry blair ) and that was, as they say, that. “consider yourself mine too,” she managed, finally, her mood well and truly upped as she moved about the kitchen, making the others some basic drinks, “why don’t you surprise me? anything isaiah maxwell approved is good by me.” and for once, she really wasn’t saying that to be her eager to please, always-willing-to-let-others-take-the-easy-route self - she trusted him, without rhyme nor reason.
“good job, sofia. didn’t think you’d go through with it.” naomi crosses her legs and rests her head on daniel’s shoulder. “you can ask anyone in the group now.” she answers.
blair glares at naomi and daniel but says nothing, looking away and waiting for someone to hurry up and ask something so they can finish the dumb game.
isaiah grinned, even bigger, as he got the desired reaction from damaris. he had to admit - he had fun with the girl. even when they were doing nothing. she was just so easy to talk to. “stop, you’ll flatter me. i might even blush, mari.” he said playfully.  "damaris lennox wanting me? wait til the rest of the lacrosse team hears. they’ll lose their shit. .also, blairs truth or dares arent that bad. she .. as a whole actually … i dont know. shes different, kinda.“ he shrugged, not knowing how to explain it. "kinda feels like we’re actually family these days instead of two people arguing over a credit card.” he added, as a joke.  isaiah glanced over at damaris once again, before nodding slowly. “sure.” isaiah said, already putting way too much vodka in the drink because he hadn’t seen damaris have fun in ages. he even carefully lined the rim of the drink with sugar crystals, to give her the full cocktail experience. “and you gotta drink the whole thing!” he added, hoping she hadn’t seen how much vodka he’d put in
as naomi rested her head on his shoulder, daniel was overcome with a wave of affection, not just for naomi but for the whole team. it made him so happy to see them all getting along (kind of). he wrapped his arms around the girls on either side of him, pulling both naomi and ashley closer. “sof, who’re you asking?”
“me? not go through with a dare? who do you think i am?” sofia scanned the group around her, tapping her finger on her chin as she considered her options.  she raised an eyebrow at daniel, then crossed her arms. “since you interrupted my thinking, daniel: truth or dare?”
daniel raised his eyebrows and nodded as sofia spoke. “dare,” he answered, not wanting to risk any questions about him and naomi.
“alright. dare it is. i dare you…” she trailed off, leaving a dramatic pause. in truth, she was trying to find something to get him to do. “uh…take off your shirt. for the rest of the game. y'know. for science.”
“no one will ever believe you,” she replied with an easy smile, pausing in the pouring of julian’s drink to look over her shoulder at him, “and if i’m asked, i’ll play dumb.” ( writers note: “she’d watched ashley so much, it wouldn’t be hard” would be included here, if damaris was that Type of Character ). “blair’s not bad. not really,” was her swift response, her need to gas up the other girl at a time where it seemed almost right to, too much. it was nice to hear that they were getting on better - it’d always felt like she was friends with blair and then, separately, friends with her brother, and it wasn’t hard to see from either side the divide that had sort of existed there. “i’m glad to hear that,” she said, very genuinely, “i know she cares. about you, i mean- she cares about a lot of people, and things, more than she ever really lets on. it’s good that you two are doing better.” and then, because that was sappy and i, as a writer, shy from anything remotely so, she moved on again. “oof, the whole thing?” she was a little skeptic, of course, but always willing. “i promise i will, soon as we’ve got these back to the others- if they haven’t forgotten, they’re probably wondering what’s taking so long!”
“maris! beers?!” he needed another before daniel’s shirt came off. for sure.
“ooh, bring me one too!” sofia called, waving her empty beer bottle in the air.
alex pointedly looked away from sofia, nope, nope nope, that is NOT my friend she thought at a giggly loop. she also avoided looking at daniel (lest she not be able to look away) as she completely downed the rest of her drink. “do we have any more wine?!?” she called out towards them.
“alright, alright,” daniel said with a laugh. removing his arms from the girls’ shoulders, he used his newly freed hands to pull his shirt off. dropping it in ashley’s lap, his eyes scanned the room, deciding who to ask. “alex. truth or dare?”
alex slowly dragged her eyes towards him, “you need jesus,” she murmured to herself. half the idea of not talking was not getting called on, and yet here she was, talking and getting called on. fucking god. “… truth. if i MUST, you profound scoundrel.”
“truth. truth, truth, truth, truth, truth,” daniel said, tapping his finger tips together mischievously as he considered what he could ask alex. “alright.” his eyes lit up as he decided, shooting her a smile. “are you and sof hooking up?”
as more people called out for drinks now, isaiah realised they had been gone for a while. “shit. looks like people are missing us. julian seems to be missing you.” isaiah wiggled his eyebrows. “maybe you and julian could date. think of that! my two best buds. plus, julians handsome. and sweet.” isaiah couldnt help but always want to set up damaris with ANYONE so long as she stayed away from that demon (cristian). isaiah smiled then, warmly, because as always- damaris was just kind, and always willing to talk to him about anything, any time. “yeah, i agree. i mean.. i know she puts on this .. act. or show. but she’s not always like that. and its good to be reminded of that sometimes.” isaiah said, “you’re a really good friend, mari. not just to me.” isaiah poured lemonade now, as well as a splash of orange juice, and cranberry juice. he rummaged for a second, before topping the drink off with an umbrella. “ta daaaaa!” he presented the bright red drink to her. “WE’LL BE THERE IN A SEC!” isaiah called out, as he heard more people wonder about the drinks. “okay, how’d you go? find beer and wine and whatnot? gotta keep the people happy, huh?”
alex slapped her hand on her knee, cheeks heating up at an absurdly quick rate and, with all her being, avoiding even thinking about sofia, looking at sofia, or answering that question. “DARE! i mean dare!” she coped out, like the coward her momma raised her to be. “dare!” where was that wine????
“do you even know how the game works?” blair looks at alex, “you can’t change it once you’ve said it. now answer his question.”
sofia’s eyes widened, and she felt her face turning pink. she fell uncharacteristically silent. she stared at her empty beer bottle, as if she could will more alcohol into existence.
alex decided to glare at blair firstly, and then turn to daniel. she went with her same flair, and replied evenly, “wouldn’t you just love that?” with that, she kissed sofia harshly on the cheek, leaving a dark red stain, before standing, “i have to use the ladies room!”
“wait!” ashley called out, not picking up on the awkward tension. “before you pee, ask someone else.”
she, quite commonly, stomped her foot - way for ash to ruin a dramatic exit. “uh, you, go, my young padawan. t or d?” with that she continued her way out.
“his drink. he’s missing his drink,” she corrected, very, very quick to respond to isaiah’s matchmaking ( which was sweet, but very much unneccessory - in a way that was  a very 'reality star after her 5th breakup of the year, in february’ way, she had long since resigned herself to a period of lonesomeness in aid of 'finding herself’, and it was going very well, she’d have you know ), “i think julian has eyes on someone else, 'zay. but he is very sweet, and definitely the top notch kinda guy i’ll look for some time in the future.” they were having such a wholesome moment, it was very easy forget that they’d left the main party for a REASON, and everyone elses shouts really put a damper on the wholesomeness. maris smiled back at him, kindly, taking the compliment that she was sure she didn’t deserve ( she hadn’t been a great friend of late to ANYONE, but it was nice he thought so ), maris very gratefully took her own drink from him with a 'thank you, isaiah. for everything! not just the drink.’ another smile ( because as a writer, i feel i haven’t yet exhausted my 'she smiled’’s), and grabbed what she could for the others that were yelling. “you grab that wine-” she nodded her head towards the bottle on the top, “and i’ll bring the beers-” they were already in her arms, and she finally made her way back through the door, handing off the nearest one to whoever it was close by.
“dare.” ashley answered, before leaning over to daniel. “what’s a padawan? should i be offended?” she whispered.
sofia stood statue-still, watching alex as she stood up with wide eyes. if this were a cartoon, she probably would have little hearts flying around her head. she un-froze, reaching up and touching her cheek lightly before clearing her throat. she made a point to not look at julian. or anyone else. “ISAIAH. BEER. PLEASE.”
Bryce had honestly lost track of how many rounds it had been- but he was still silent, instead choosing to spend his time throwing things at Micah.
“it’s something from star wars, i think.” naomi hears ashley’s question and decides to answer before daniel does, “i don’t know. nerd shit.”
micah swatted the object from the air, sticking his tongue out at bryce. he wasn’t paying attention to anyone here, but he was very focused on not being hit. 
“it’s from star wars,” kimi supplied, watching the two idiots, with her most pleasant voice. was it time for her to go yet? “actually, um, i think i left something in my car, is it cool if i step out to get it?” and never come back?
“ooooooooh,” ashley nodded, drawing out the word in exaggerated understanding. “i hope it’s not that ugly bear guy.” shrugging it off, she turned back to the rest of the group. “someone dare me.” alex had left, and ashley was too impatient to let the game stall.
cristian continues drinking, not keeping track of how much, already starting to feel a bit tipsy as he listened on with a curious brow., things getting a bit interesting.
it had been hard of late, for isaiah to talk to damaris. she’d been distant, or just unaviailable since the halloween party. isaiah hadn’t felt like they were them for a while. until now. “julian has his eyes on someone?” isaiah couldn’t help repeating, surprised. julian hadn’t ever said anything to him. “you know.. i have a few guys on the lacrosse team. just say the word and you know they’d line up for you. court you even. it’d be like an episode of the bachelorette.” isaiah paused. “not that i watch that.” he added. fake bitch. he smiled, pleased when damaris took the drink. sofia joining in the yelling now. with a small sigh, he turned back, walking with damaris into the room. ( enter gif from community of troy entering with pizza and the place is on fire). “what the… where’d daniel’s shirt go? where’s alex?” he handed the drinks off to julian and sofia and naomi and whoever tf else wanted one. “you guys are all so damn impatient.” he said, with a shake of his head, sitting back down with them though.
happily taking the next beer, julian popped it open, taking a good swig before pointing to ashley. “i dare you to watch a single star wars movie. once in your life,” he said, jokingly, laughing.
sofia opened her drink up and took a sip as quickly as she could, then headed over and sat next to cristian. there was still a giant lipstick stain on her face. “fuck this game, man,” she mumbled. she looked over at him, leaning forward and resting her chin in her hand. “are you having fun? it’s your party, after all.”
“i can’t do that,” ashley shook her head. “they look bad. okay, who hasn’t gone yet?”  her eyes settled on the person that had dared her. “julian! truth or dare?”
isaiah’s eyebrows raised, unsure as to why they asked julian how he felt about verena. this game was making less and less sense to him. “julian, do you ever pick dare?” isaiah couldnt help asking, genuinely curious.
“ah, well,” sofia replied with a shrug. “there’s always next year. and the year after that. and the year after that. and the year after…well, y'know.” she hit him softly with the back of her hand, trying in vain to rub the lipstick mark off of her cheek. despite her efforts, she just ended up with a big red mark. “shut up. probably more action than you’ve gotten lately.” she turned to the room, and yelled: “julian never picks dare 'cause he’s a wuss!”
“i pick–” interrupted by sofia, julian frowned. “i do too pick dare! sober julian picks dare. after three beers, julian picks truth.” he raised his beer, taking another swig.
“the best reporter on the team ?” cristian mocked, glancing at julian with a confused look, finding his answer uninteresting, “weak. we all know you want to bone her, man. just admit it.” he rolled his eyes slightly, shrugging. then, as sofia hit him with the back of her hand, cristian let out a light laugh, which only continued as she tried to wipe the red off her cheek. “ more action than me ? please, ” he poked back smugly, shaking his head.
“wait what?” isaiah’s voice was loud, cutting across every other conversation as he looked over at julian and nobody else. “what?” he repeated, and he felt this awful, awful swooping sensation in his stomach. “you… and vee?” isaiah wasn’t sure if it was just cristian being cristian, or if it was true- but isaiah felt terrible suddenly. mainly because he hadn’t thought about vee once that entire night, but also because he truly had never known anything about julian and verena. other then that .. isaiah had to admit he didn’t actually feel … anything, except for surprise.
“yeah… vee your girlfriend. c'mon 'saiah, she and julian have been all heart eyes over each other for months.” blair figured her already knew that but alas.
isaiah was nonplussed, “why didn’t anyone tell me ?” he couldn’t help ask finally, still looking at julian for confirmation. “y'all just let me date my best bro’s crush? that’s so uncool of me.”
“cristian…” sofia said, a warning tone creeping into her voice. she didn’t often find herself in this situation. still, she’d had enough to drink that she couldn’t quite verbalize what she wanted to say. “wait julian, is that true?” she just looked between her cousin and her friend a few times. she scoffed at cristian’s comment. “definitely more action than you. what can i say? the ladies love me.” she was starting to calm down, brush the kiss on the cheek off as a bit. something to tell daniel off. alex didn’t really like her like that…did she?
“i don’t want to–no, hey–” julians voice was drowned out by all the other comments being thrown around. he put his beer to the side, sinking into his seat more, trying to avoid isaiah’s eyes. “he’s just talking shit,” julian said, refering to cristian’s unwanted comment.
bryce perked up at the sound of his friend’s name, eagerly looking around for her. once he realized that she wasnt there, he sunk back into the couch, as he took a sip of his beer.
isaiah still looked unsure, especially because julian wasn’t meeting his eyes. “but blair said it too.” he couldn’t help pointing out, glancing over at cristian briefly. isaiah drank more of his beer down, trying to think of what to say or do now.
“i sure did.” she crosses her arms against her chest and looks over at julian.
cristian wasn’t even phased. “what?” he declared, looking from julian to sofia and back, unmindful of the sensitive subject he had exposed and not really finding the awkwardness in the situation. “no shame, julian,” he shrugged, “forgot she was your girlfriend though, maxwell. oh well.” his tone came through with a carelessness.
julian chose to ignore cristian, leaving sofia to deal with him. “blair, isn’t it your turn, anyways? come on, back to the game. truth or dare, blair?” he was quick to change the subject.
isaiah shot cristian an unimpressed look, before looking back at julian. he still didn’t really want to let this go. “you’d tell me though, right? if you liked her. if you didn’t want me to date her.” isaiah repeated. he didn’t entirely believe julian right now.
“yeah i’m not participating in this game. i only told bryce to shut up to save me from a headache.”  blair shrugs her shoulders,  "so find another contestant.“
bill nye-12/08/2017
bryce narrowed his eyes, his grip on his can tightening as he heard blair’s comment. sure he was probably being annoying, but did she have to be so mean? her words kind of hurt. "s-shut up blair,” he mumbled
“i’ll go,” daniel volunteered, just wanting to get the attention off the topic at hand and back on something slightly lighter. “do your worst, vega.”
“yeah, i would tell you, man,” julian said, quietly to isaiah, aside from the group. more drunk than sober, julian really thought he was being convincing. “ah, yeah okay. truth or dare, daniel?”
“you…are trouble,” sofia said, not un-affectionately. “big trouble. like i said before, fuuuuck this game.” she became very interested in her beer again, then found herself staring at the door alex had left from.  at the mention of  the name, vega, she started paying attention to the game again. “ha, daniel is getting dared by both vegas.”
“dare, i guess,” he nodded as sofia made the decision for him.
“you got the first one, i get this one,” he said, pointing over to his cousin. he then looked at daniel, shirtless, and laughed. “i mean, you’re already halfway there. take your pants off, dude. that’s your dare.” julian was desperate for any distraction he could make to turn the focus off of him.
with a sigh, daniel stood up, undoing his belt and pulling of his jeans, leaving him in just a bair of boxers. “next time i’ll have to pick truth, gotta keep some of my dignity.” his gaze darted around the circle, settling on cris. “birthday boy. truth or dare?”
naomi’s cheeks reddened as daniel undressed and she made sure to divert her gaze somewhere else to keep herself from drooling. x
bryce finds himself drawn to daniel, but after a few seconds of staring he adverts his gaze. 
almost forgetting he hadn’t gone,  cristian looked up from his drink when daniel called him out and gave the other a bold look, eyes unworried. “dare,” he said as if his response were obvious.
as soon as blair heard daniel call cristian out, she knew what she had to do. “i dare you to tell us who you cheated on damaris with.” at this point, blair does not give (1) fuck about anything.
isaiah glanced at damaris, who suddenly looked extremely, extremely sad. he felt a rush of anger, yet again, at cristian, and then looked at blair. “blair… come on, maybe we shouldn’t talk about this.” he couldn’t help putting a protective hand on top of damaris’, offering it a small squeeze and hoping to god they’d change the damn subject
cristian definitely wasn’t expecting that, his eyes widening as blair finished speaking. he knew that information was bound to get out eventually, but he didn’t think for a second that it’d be like this. part of him wanted to whine and complain about blair’s dare, and maybe it was the alcohol taking over, but he wasn’t the type to just give up defeat. especially when he had just called julian out for not being truthful. cristian gave ashley a subtle, sorry look before speaking, “well, she’s in this room,” he started vaguely, avoiding eye contact with damaris and taking as long as he could to answer the question.
blair glares at naomi.
in the same way that she had never been able to avert her eyes from horrible events before her, like crashes on the freeway that were impossible not to look at as she drove by, there was some kind of morbid interest in what he had to say. she couldn’t help but WANT to hear the answer she hadn’t had in all the time since, even though her heartbeat was drumming hard and fast and isaiah’s hand on hers, suddenly, was urging her to want anything but. keep the peace. it’d be easy to do, like always - all she had to do was agree with him, shoot down blair’s idea, and let what cristian said fall on deaf ears. let the night go by, without incident. they could have one, NICE night, if she just choked back her words and let someone else change the subject. but she was so sick of it - she was so sick of being nice, and of letting things go by unsaid because she didn’t want to cause a fuss, of letting her feelings fester and mold instead of acting on them. and in spite of better judgement, of knowing that it wouldn’t lead anywhere good, she cleared her throat and said directly to cris, after a long moment had passed, “you don’t see how that’s… worse than not saying anything at all, do you?- because…- because if you hadn’t said THAT, then i wouldn’t be sat here looking at ALL of my so called friends, and wondering if they…- if they were part of ruining what we HAD. instead of just… being honest, and decent, for once in your life, you’re dodging the question, and making everything WORSE, like… like you always do.” a pause, to catch her breath, and then she wa piggy backing on blair’s dare- “who WAS it, cristian?- which one of our friends did you screw on the side?”
isaiah kept his eyes on damaris, feeling his own heart twist in pain for her. damaris was the last person who deserved to be treated like this, and seeing her this upset made isaiah want to truly whisk her away, back to the safety of their flat, and watch brooklyn nine nine. suddenly, he really regretted bringing her with him, and playing this dumb game. maybe they should have just stayed in the kitchen. “mari.” he said softly, but he didn’t know what else to say, or do. it was just painful  to see her like this. “blair, why’d you have to bring that up?” isaiah couldn’t help adding, before looking over at cristian. “and you’re a real asshole, dude.”
bryce chewed on his lip as he noticed the tension in the room, his eyes immediately going towards damaris, to see if she was okay. she wasn’t- but he wasn’t sure what much he could do. she probably wouldn’t want his drunkass trying to hug her, so he settled for a small, sympathetic smile.
“why? because i’m tired of having liars and backstabbers in this group.” blair replies, “and damaris doesn’t deserve to have the truth being hid from her. so, cristian, grow some fucking balls and tell us who you slept with.”
ashley could feel her heart pounding against her chest as cris answered, her eyes dropping to daniel’s shirt that was still in her lap, her fingers wrapping around a loose thread. her heart broke as damaris spoke, knowing how she felt. she didn’t know if cris would say it was her or not, but she didn’t even give him the chance. “it was me,” ashley blurted out, finally looking up and meeting damaris’ eyes. “i’m sorry damaris, i didn’t know you, or even that you existed. i was gonna say something as soon as i found out, but,” her voice trailed off, not wanting to put that blame on cris.
ashley spoke up before cristian had the chance, his mouth half open as if it were about to speak but then, with the secret coming to light, his face froze at the blonde’s confession. there wasn’t many times in his life where he was left speechless, but he honestly didn’t really know what to say. “yeah, well,” he mumbled to no one in particular, “there ya’ go.” cristian knew it had to be awful for damaris to have to hear that, especially after all this time– but it had to come out eventually, and at this point, there was not much he could do but accept the consequences. his eyes diverted to the floor for a moment before glancing at damaris with a mix of uneasiness and guilt. “i’m uh– sorry too,” he decided to add, nodding awkwardly, his voice low as he dug his teeth into the bottom of his lip, “sorry you had to find out like this.” his jaw clenched stiffly, uneasy with the vulnerability of the situation, but a part of him did actually feel bad.
blair let out a laugh as ashley spoke up. OF COURSE she was the mystery girl.  and to top it off, cristian confirmed it. “you’re literally such a moron. why are you on the team? let me guess you spread them open for daniel too.” she glares at naomi and daniel before her gaze is back on ashley, “and the fact that you never told damaris… why? to keep cristian from not talking to you or what? my god you’re like a free for all, ashley. is there anyone you haven’t slept with? i’m sure that list is as small as your brain.”
the stilted 'im sorry’ from cristian had isaiah glaring even more so at the boy now. isaiah tried not to groan at ashley’s admission. he closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. couldn’t they all just have one night? one night without this crap? without someone sleeping with someone, or somebody kissing somebody else? isaiah didn’t look at ashley, instead fixing his gaze on cristian. “you’re sorry ? wow, that sounds so genuine dude. and you know what? you’ve totally fixed it. damaris is the nicest girl any of us have ever fuckin’ met and you destroyed her. do you think about that? or anything other then yourself?” isaiah couldn’t help snapping. as blair began speaking, isaiah’s eyes closed once again. “blair” he said, sharply.
blair hummed and pointed to isaiah as he spoke, “he’s right. a half assed sorry isn’t going to fix everything, you fucking idiot.” she rolled her eyes as isaiah said her name, “what, isaiah? you’re mad because ashley’s given it to everyone except you? jesus christ you deserve better than someone who has an open twenty four hours sign in between her legs and knows how to count to four.”
“blair, for once in your life: shut the fuck up.” isaiah sniped, “ashley can do whatever she wants, its her fuckin’ body.” his eyes finally went to ashley. “so long as it doesnt hurt people.” but it had. it had destroyed damaris, and neither her or cristian had ever said anything. isaiah knew ashley probably didnt intentionally hurt damaris, but it was still awful news, all around
“how about you—” blair doesn’t reply, instead she gets really quiet and sighs. “fine.” she’ll remember this like a true scorpio.
as soon as the insults began to leave blair’s lips, naomi went to sit next to ashley and wrapped her arm over her shoulder. “don’t listen to her.”  she gives the blonde a reassuring smile. she’s been the target of blair’s wrath before and it was never pretty so the only thing naomi could suggest ashley to do was to just stay quiet.
“fuck off, blair.” it was the first thing micah had said all night. usually, he and blair didn’t butt heads. they were similar, in some ways, and it was why he kind of liked her. but he liked ashley more, and he wasn’t gonna let her be talked about. “it’s her body, and she can do what she wants with it. she doesn’t owe anyone shit.”
having been initially stunned by it all, cristian was suddenly shot back into reality once blair started to go off. “ hey, hey! no need to attack ashley like that, okay ? just quit it, blair,” he spoke up, his brows drawn in frustration, the intensity of the sitation pushing him to intervene. “ it’s not all on her. i’m definitely more at fault than she is. so just–“  he ran a hand across his face, sighing deeply, evidently annoyed with how shit had gone down hill. cristian rolled his eyes at the maxwells now turning to him with the harsh words, having had enough with people messing in his business. "yes, i’m fucking sorry. what ? i can’t say sorry ?” he spat back, palms out, getting heated, “ i’m well fucking aware that’s it’s not going to fix everything, dude.” eyes narrowed at isaiah.  "and i rather not have to explain myself or plead for fucking forgiveness in front of all of you, when there’s really only one person it concerns.“ he took another heavy sigh, his anger rising.
he didn’t want to draw any attention to himself, but julian had reached the bottom of his beer three blair-drags ago. he quickly rose out of his chair and practically ran away to the kitchen.
she’d been at peace with it. that was the WORST part - damaris had, in one sense of the words, let it go. her heart still ached when she thought back to what they’d lost, and there were times that she had caught herself looking towards cristian with a crushing sort of sadness at what he’d done ( her mind straying more than she’d admit to the other party, and who she was… question now answered ), but she’d done what she could to move on, and it had shown. ask anyone - they were getting on, now, better than ever. if she closed her eyes then and there instead of wasting all her time staring across at cris, eyes tearful, then she could even conjure up the image of him bending his head over the birthday cake she’d made, and hear their easy back and forth. easy. that’s what it had become, to be around him, to talk to him, or at least… what it was getting to. her heart was MENDING and she was better for it - and then blair had brought it up. she knew her friend had, in her heart of hearts, meant well. whatever her motivations, she had, in a way, meant to do good. but the road to hell was paved in good intentions, and knowing that it was ashley - the girl she’d smiled across the room to every morning since she’d joined, the blonde she’d been so HOPING would end up with the very boy who’s hand she now tore her own from, didn’t make it any better. it didn’t make her feel RELIEVED, to know, and to not have to look at naomi, and kimberly, and vanessa, and the others, and wonder who it was. no - knowing didn’t make ANYTHING better. it just brought it all back again, everything she’d felt when it had first happened. it reopened the wound she’d managed to close, and standing up, damaris was done. she’d gotten what she wanted and she was DONE, with cristian, with ashley, with the whole entire group of people who had until then been sat around celebrating her ex boyfriends birthday."thank you, for your apologies,” her words were stiff and stilted, the lack of emotion behind them startling considering that at current moment, her hands were shaking violently and her heart seemed fit to burst from her chest, “they mean a lot.” they didn’t. it was obvious, they didn’t, but she didn’t care. damaris’ gaze leveled with blair, and she added before anything more could be said, “don’t, blair. DON’T DO THAT. i…- i- you being nasty is just… it’s so uncalled for, right now. don’t pick on her, and insult her, and… and belittle her choices, because you think you’re standing up for me, because you’re NOT. nothing you just said to ashley has made me feel ANY better, and nothing else that comes out of your mouth WILL, so for once just shut up, and stay out of it.” it hurt her, to be so blunt to blair, but it was so important for her to know - for her to let her know, that ripping into another girl didn’t make damaris feel any better at current moment. it took two to tango. they could say all they wanted about ashley, and cristian, but it didnt’ change what they’d done, and it didn’t help. what would help, she knew, was getting herself out of a situation that was making it difficult for her to breathe - and with one final look around ( mostly for dramatic effect by me ), damaris carefully stepped around them all, and made her much needed exit with a softly spoken, “night.” over her shoulder.
ashley nodded, leaning into naomi’s touch. she wasn’t planning on saying anything; what could she say? blair was right, except for the sleeping with daniel part. and blair should be defending her friend. she shot both micah, cris, and isaiah a small smile, thanking them for defending her.
“oh you guys don’t piss cristian off too much because then he’s going to go off on another killing spree and blame it on the ghosts!” she says sarcastically, still not over the silverwood thing. however as damaris started talking and directed all that attitude at her, blair had just about enough. “oh whatever damaris. i’m tired of you acting like such a weak and soft person and for what? only to be walked all over? cheated on? you’re a mess and trust me when i say that i don’t want to get involved with you or your dumbass drama again. so consider me staying out of it, forever.” she glares at damaris as she leaves and waits a few minutes before gathering her things and leaving as well.
there was a beat of silence after damaris spoke, and then stood and walked away. isaiah was speechless. he’d known damaris for a while now and he’d never, ever, ever seen her so heartbroken. he’d never seen her look so destroyed and upset, and he couldn’t help it. isaiah’s attention turned back to cristian, as he stood up now too. “mari-” he called out, knowing it was too late and she’d gone. she probably needed alone time, but that didn’t mean isaiah couldn’t at least try. he turned, to face cristian properly, his palms balling into fists as he glared at the stupid male. “man, you aren’t trying to fuckin’ fix anything. stop pretending like you have some redeeming quality to you, the only reason half of us are here is because of the free alcohol. nobody gives a shit its your birthday because nobody gives a shit about you.” isaiah couldn’t stop, he was on a roll as he walked right over to cristian, for no discernible reason. he thought of this asshole with slimy gross hands touching ashley of all people, and that was what pushed him over the edge. isaiah didn’t realise he’d lifted his arm until it was too late, and then … he was punching cristian right across the jaw.
“daniel put your clothes on you look like an imbecile.” naomi mutters, grabbing the shirt from ashley’s lap and throwing it in his direction. “you wanna go get something to drink? i know julian’s in the kitchen!”
even though he had ran away, julian kept an ear to the room where the team was, hearing mostly everything that was being yelled at each other. it wasn’t until he heard the sound of the fight beginning that he actually did anything about it. “whoa!” he called out, rushing out of the kitchen. “two fucking seconds–god dammit,” he muttered, looking to daniel. “ah, you get cris?” he said, figuring he would grab isaiah.
“oh, fucking save it, ma–” cristian started to say, waving off isaiah who was now standing above him, but before he could even finish his sentance, he felt a heated force collide with the side of his jaw, sending cristian through a whiplash of emotions. and just like that, that was all it took. as cristian brought his head back to look isaiah square in the face with such irritation, he almost wanted to laugh. “wrong move, maxwell,” he hissed between his teeth, still soaking up the pain of the punch to the face. it was as if he had been waiting so long for this moment. all the tension and hate had finally built up between the two, and it was all coming to light. almost immediately following, cristian got up with the same force as isaiah had and immediately reciprocated the other’s punch, his body clashing with his opponent’s as the two began to entangle themselves in a brawl.
daniel had just finished putting his clothes back on and was already on his way over to isaiah and cris when julian returned. he nodded silently at him, moving over to cris as quickly as he could, but was a few seconds too late. flinching as cris threw a punch, daniel gabbed on to him and tried to pull him off of isaiah. “dude, c'mon. let it go. you guys are even now.” couldn’t they just have one night?
julian entered into the fray at the same time daniel did, pulling isaiah back away from cristian, trying not to get hit himself. “you’ve made your fucking points,” he groaned.
“shit. cris, dude–” he tried to grab his best friend, in hopes of pulling him off of isaiah. while micah liked isaiah, and had the confidence that he could take just about anyone else, cristian would eat him alive. “dude, stop. both of you.”
“Well,” from her place sat in the corner, clutching her drink like she’d just been on a wild rollercoaster and had to keep it safe ( which is what the past ten minutes had felt like ), Nessa let out a low whistle under her breath announcing to them all, “Your display of testosterone is really, really cool and all- really, I think Naom.. some very eager beaver might just PEE herself … or himself, with all these hot men bickering right in front of her, or him, but- maybe you should both ask yourselves very carefully, 'does it solve anything to punch my foe again and again’? And if the answer is no, then.. don’t.” She paused, considered, and then clarified ( though she didn’t expect her words to do any kind of good ), “this isn’t a test, the answer is very much NO, so quit it and drink your problems away like normal people.”
kimberly… well, she planned on leaving. and she wanted to, really. then the game got interesting, and she wasn’t the type to miss a good show. it wasn’t like she didn’t already know cristian and ashley were fucking. it was how she and cristian met, really. but she did feel a sting in her chest, having to hear it announced to the whole group. she hated it. but, apparently, not as much as everyone else. she sat back and watched as the group imploded. she wasn’t surprised by that either; any “pure, wholesome night of good, pure fun” was bound to be ruined by either ashley’s stupidity or someone else’s big, fat mouth. (or lana’s dramatic ass passing out. whatever.) as fun as that was to watch, nothing quite compared to watching cristian attack isaiah. she bit her lower lip, suppressing a smile. oh, she’d be having good dreams tonight. she listened to what nessa said, giving her a small fraction of her attention, as her eyes followed cristian’s form. “drinks would be good,” she commented in response to vanessa. her voice might’ve been a little high pitched, but she could blame that on nerves. and not the fact that this fight was turning her on a little.
chest heaving with adrenaline, cristian eventually allowed himself to be pulled from isaiah, his eyes still rushing with fury as his two friends stopped him. he didn’t say anything – just gave isaiah a dirty look as their fight came to an end, and nodded reluctantly to micah and daniel at his sides, his arms settling. he wasn’t one to give in easily, so his chin still held up superiorly as he turned away.
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transsteves · 7 years
1 through 50
1: What are you wearing?im in tracksuit trousers and a mighty boosh shirt ayy
2: Ever been in love?yes ugh
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?yes, even more ugh.
4: How tall are you?5'7"
5: How much do you weigh?last I checked, 104 lbs?? but I’ve been sick so that might have fluctuated
6: Any tattoos do you want?I already have two (sloth on my right arm, three dots on my left ankle), but I really want like… a spaceman in space in a bottle with “it’ll all make sense again” on a ribbon around it.i want quite a lot of tattoos tho and I want the right side of my body to be in colour and the left side to be all in b&w dotwork
7: Any piercings that you want?again, I already have a few (left nostril, right bottom lip, two in left ear, and a stretcher in my right ear), but I want my right eyebrow pierced maybe a couple times and I want the cartilage of my ears pierced like. all the way down and I’ve been playing with the idea of a septum??
8: OTP?I legit can’t narrow this down to one ok it’s impossible
9: Favorite Show?right now it’s stranger things. but like, long term rewatchability it’s probably the mighty boosh just because it’s fucking insane.
10: Favorite bands?SO MANY um. the classic emo shit that I’m sure you expect from me (bmth, mcr, fob, p!atd, atl, and others), but right now I’m really into like. emotional folky music?? like bright eyes, the boy least likely to, pixies, mumford & sons, someone still loves you boris yeltsin, and like a ton more goddamn just add me on spotify
11: Something you miss?I… don’t know??? probably mardy and mick right now. I wish I could see them.
12: Favorite song?aaaaa right now you don’t know by kaitlyn tarver
13: How old are you?18 years and exactly 3 months tomorrow
14: Zodiac sign?leoooo
15: Hair Color?naturally I think it’s like. really dark brown/almost black but it’s dyed pastelish green rn
16: Favorite Quote?homosexuals are not interested in making other people homosexual. homophobes are interested in making other people homophobic (stephen fry)
18: Favorite color?red/black, but then like… separately, pastel yellow/blue
19: Loud music or soft?separately, both.
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?I hide in my room
21: How long does it take you to shower?like 5 minutes. unless I’m dissociating, bc then it can legit be 3 hours.
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?15 minutes on a good day! but it takes me about 3 hours to actually get out of bed
23: Ever been in a physical fight?quite a few!!! I only started one of them tho and I think a lot of them can be considered beat downs instead of fights
24: Turn on?people just. being. adorable.
26: The reason I joined Tumblr?originally? fucked up shit, but that was like 7 years ago and I was a dumb suicidal abused 11 year old. but I came back for the fandoms
27: Fears?not much??? the dark a little, mannequins, dolls, puppets, but only in real life. polystyrene, balloons, and bad quality felt pens tho? get tf away from me
28: Last thing that made you cry?flashbacks.
29: Last time you cried?yesterday.
30: Meaning behind your urleLEVEN HOPPER IS NON BINARY AS HELL FITE ME
31: Last book you read?im re reading IT rn bc I’m motherfucking trash !!!!
32: Last song you listened to?sleeping with a gun under my pillow - the boy least likely to
33: Last show you watched?stranger things 2
34: Last person you talked to?irl? mum. online? eddskaspbrak
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?oh shit who did I last text// it was my step dad I had to edit this in my drafts for that
36: Favorite food?frozen sweet corn and pickled gherkins (separately)
37: Place you want to visit?Canada??
38: Last place you were?my… room??? like I’m there right now???
40: Last time you kissed someone?ummmmmmmmmmmmmm I have no memory but I’m gonna assume it was my last ex so like. a month to 2 months ago maybe
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it?my mum was being low-key transphobic
42: What color underwear are you wearing?I had to check but blue boxer briefs w/ red spots
43: What color shirt are you wearing?black
44: What color bottoms are you wearing?black
45: Wearing any bracelets?I got my fit watch and a dodie tour wristband bc I’m trash
46: Last sport you played?????????? I do not remember but probably boxing if holding the pads and flinching wildly counts
47: Last song you sang?seasons of love from rent
48: Last prank call you remember doing?I??? don’t know???
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?irl… halloween night bc Charlie came round and we watched movies and I’ve been sick since
50: Favorite movie?OH GOD UM I’m gonna like. do a few??? so the nightmare before Christmas, the rocky horror picture show, o brother where art thou, it (obvs), and deadpool
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If someone tells you a really juicy gossip right now, would you pass it on? Well apart from the fact that it’s 2:20am, no. I mean, I tell my best mate everything but like I have no energy for gossip of any sort right now. What’s one song you can’t stop listening to right now? Nothing, I went through a day of loving Billie Eilish Ocean Eyes but all in all I find music a huge trigger for me unless i’m listening with someone else. Do you have index cards in your room right now? No. Do you have an attic? No. What was the last song you sang out loud to? Me & D watched a lot of films this weekend so was either something from Les Mis or Labryinth.
Have you ever lived in the country before? Nah. Do you drink coffee everyday? Never had coffee, I hate the smell. Have you ever had mice in your house? No, never in mine. My mum has though which is so gross & also my best mate had them in her uni house when she was there YEARS ago & she found a dead one in her favourite Doc Martens :(. Have you ever stayed in a suite? Don’t think so. Do you take good pictures? Don’t know really, I do of Hades. Do you remember names or faces better? Probably faces. Do you enjoy working with animals? I worked as a receptionist at a vet last year & I loved it but the job was too emotional. 
Have you ever been in a tornado or hurricane? No, don’t think we get them here?! Do you have any bookmarks in your internet browser? If so, how many? Only Open University atm I think. Have you ever seen any movie version of Romeo and Juliet? Yes, the really old one & then the one with Leonardo DiCaprio is one of my favourite films, he is delicious in it too. In your opinion, which decade has the best hairstyle? Fuck knows haha, this one, love 50′s & 80′s too though (yes I just Googled it) ha.. If you’re in a competition, are you in it to win it or just for the fun? I’m not competitive at all so i’d only compete if I knew I could win. Do you have winter, spring, summer, and fall where you live? Yeah but we call fall autumn. Is the computer you’re using a desktop or laptop? Laptop. Do you know anyone in the military right now? No. What’s your favorite show on Comedy Central? Not sure, don’t often watch it. Though i’ve just gone on my Now Tv app & apparently Ru Paul’s Drag Race is on there so that :). How old is the oldest person you know? What a weird question, no idea. Have you ever had braces? Yeah. Is there a TV show right now that you just can’t miss an episode of? Teen Mom OG & Teen Mum UK are like my only sit down things on at the moment, American Horror Story will be when it comes out too. Tbh I love Youtube so I could name you many a Youtuber I can’t miss a video of. Which love story would you want your life to turn out like? Romeo & Juliet haha, that’s how it feels at the moment anyway... Do you usually go to sleep before or after the people you’re living with? It’s always been after with D but i’m living alone right now so. Are you into ripped jeans? Yeah I prefer them tbh. Do you watch the Discovery Channel? Yeah I love it. Have you ever wanted to live in the Playboy mansion? Only for that cave in the swimming pool they have but nah, I couldn’t think of anything worse than living in a huge house with a fuck tonne of people. Would you ever name your child after someone famous? Unless they happen to have a nature name that I wanna name my future kid, no. Have you ever participated in a car wash for charity? No. Which band has the best name, in your opinion? No idea. Do kids often knock on your door on Halloween? Nah, I live in a flat anyway. But I think in the UK there’s an unwritten rule that unless the house is decorated/has a pumpkin outside, you don’t knock, us British don’t like it as much as the Americans. Which one of your exes do you feel like you have the most chemistry with? I only have chemistry with my actual bf funny enough. Do you like where your house is located? I loved it at first but now I FUCKING despise it & want to move ASAP. What’s the best hotel you’ve been to? The Intercontinental near the 02 Arena in London or the Newport Bay CLub at Disneyland Paris. Are you into designer clothes? Not really, I prefer higher end/designer jewellery. Have you ever watched the show How I Met Your Mother? Yeah but never really got into it. Do you share the same political views as your parents? No. How often do you eat chocolate? Not really that often, it goes through phases, i’m more of a cake person.
Did you have a good day yesterday? Absolutely not, my mental health couldn’t get worse if I tried unless I actually tried to OD or something. What about today? How has your day been so far? It’s now 2:54am & im too anxious to fall asleep so yeaaa greaaat. Do you think tomorrow will be enjoyable for you? Hell no, iv’ve been dreading tomorrow for months. How many pairs of earphones do you own? 3 maybe? Wireless over ear headphones for bed, random Apple ones that come with the phone & then Skullcandy ones in my bag. What colour are the earphones you use the most? Black.
Who is your favourite person to have a deep conversation with? There’s a few people, but I find it so hard sometimes. Do you remember what you had for lunch yesterday? I didn’t as I was asleep. Who/what has been on your mind the most today? D & his drinking & his mum, money, wether I should move or not, general triggers of depression & anxiety, the fact that stress delayed my period 4 days which means it’s more painful than ever, the general desire to want to die but not trusting anyone with Hades- I reckon I could reel off 100+ points if I wanted lol. Does/did the last person you text messaged go to the same school as you? Yeah. What kind of personality are you attracted to? I literally don’t have a type, I like what I like & that is it. Is there anything worrying you? If so, have you talked to anyone about it? Yeah, i’m worried about D & his drinking, he went back to his mums & he was very sick & had to go to the hospital so I need to talk to her about it but i’m sure because he was here she’ll blame me but she has no idea how hard I tried to sober him up this weekend & what that situation is likek from my point because he’s never let me talk to her about it but it’s now at the point where I have too in order for him to get better. Have you ever liked someone that your friend also liked? Nah. When was the last time you were asked out? Did you accept or decline? D 5 years ago & obviously I said yes lol. Which one of your friends would you say you’re most similar to? My best mate Tash is honestly so similar yet so opposite to me it’s weird. We’ll be in a shop & go round it being like ‘I don’t like this but you will’ but emotionally we are so similar, she is much stronger than me as a person though for sure. What colour are the eyes of the last person you held hands with? Brown. What colour was the last lipstick you put on? Nude color. Have you ever worn lipstick in an unusual colour, like black or blue? I have Anastasia Beverly Hills ‘Midnight’ which is black & ‘Griffin’ which is grey but like way greyer than Mac ‘Stone’ but I wear the Mac one the most. Is it possible to be “just friends” with someone you had feelings for? Idk. Is there someone of the opposite sex that you can talk to about anything? Somewhat. What did your last Facebook status say? How many likes/comments did it get? No idea, I literally never go on it. Are you looking forward to anything? Death. The last time you cried, what was wrong? Everything was wrong & about an hour ago. Should you be doing something else right now? Sleeping. What time is it? 3:14am. What’s today’s date? 13.09.2019 What do you like the most about your own appearance? My boobs. What do you like the most about your own personality? That im selfless af & how caring I am.
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lindyhunt · 6 years
30 of the Funniest Tweets About Social Media We've Ever Seen
There are a lot of things to be negative about on the internet today.
And between cyberbullying on Twitter, fake news on Facebook, and too many weight loss tea ads on Instagram, it's easy to feel jaded about social media in particular.
In fact, we surveyed more than 3,000 people around the world, and one-third responded that they feel "awful" after browsing social media -- with Facebook taking the crown for most awful feelings induced.
So, in an effort to combat these feelings of awfulness, we've compiled 30 of the funniest tweets about social media we could find. And with a healthy mix of snark, mockery, and memes, we think they sum up what it's like to be a social media user -- the good, the bad, and the ugly.
30 of the Funniest Tweets About Social Media We've Ever Seen
1) On Optimism
Instagram: My life is a party. Snapchat: My life is a quirky tv show Facebook: My life turned out great! Twitter: We're all going to die.
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) January 8, 2017
2) Life Imitates Twitter
"describe your Twitter feed" pic.twitter.com/ifp6izdVCz
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) September 28, 2016
3) Just Keep Mowing ...
how it feels to log off twitter in 2017 pic.twitter.com/PsGAAPI7GN
— Ziwe (@ziwe) June 5, 2017
4) Hot Dog Bae
A photographer took pictures of people before and after she called them beautiful pic.twitter.com/Ef5tLvFcd5
— Memes 😈 (@memesl0rd) July 8, 2017
5) Take the Good with the Bad
Twitter: your jokes suck Instagram: your face sucks Snapchat: your life sucks Facebook: your family misses you and is also racist
— Adrienne Airhart (@craydrienne) October 29, 2015
6) Social Media Gods Don't Give with Both Hands
it's super annoying to me when people are very good at twitter and also really good at instagram come on you can't have both
— Marissa Emanuele (@HiThisIsMarissa) April 25, 2017
7) You Had One Job
twitter users: let us edit tweets twitter: the stars are now hearts twitter users: an edit button please twitter: we made everything round
— Haley Byrd (@byrdinator) June 15, 2017
8) On Twitter Expanding its Character Limit
This account has been asked to test Twitter's new 280 character limit, but as a 100-year-old brand, we believe our fans most enjoy traditional tweets with brevity, so we declined. We hope to continue to provide a fun, positive place to discuss MoonPies moving forward. Thank you.
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) September 27, 2017
9) Seriously, Though
I would love to start an interview series with random people from Instagram called “How Do You Afford Your Life?”
— Sam Lansky (@samlansky) September 25, 2017
10) Time to Check-In on Facebook
When you notice someone using your app and you watch closely to make sure everything works well pic.twitter.com/MWLWsvE4je
— Or Arbel (@orarbel) September 5, 2017
11) Please, Don't Auto-Play Videos with Sound
I want an app for each website I visit. And I want all of them to have loud videos that play automatically. This is my ideal user experience
— Shuja Haider (@shujaxhaider) August 28, 2017
12) Change Your Passwords, People
how i'll feel if my DMs ever leak pic.twitter.com/Re6UH60EtV
— corey kindberg (@coreykindberg) August 28, 2017
13) Personal Branding Is Everything
This is my Twitter brand. pic.twitter.com/I0D19IJ6EJ
— liz (@eedollmeyer) August 27, 2017
14) At Least They're Honest
I'm a: ⚪️ man ⚪️ woman 🔘 brand Seeking: ⚪️ men ⚪️ women 🔘 retweets and attention
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) August 23, 2017
15) Total Eclipse of the Tweet
it's a big day for circular foods pic.twitter.com/qMWfLs0dsS
— [halloween name] (@arb) August 21, 2017
16) We All Have One
my aunts running to the comment section every time I post a picture on Facebook pic.twitter.com/kdZLNG0SdM
— Makeup (@MakeupSuppIier) September 12, 2017
17) It's Important to Keep Things in Perspective
Facebook: Essential oils. Snapchat: I'm a bunny! Instagram: I ate a hamburger. Twitter: THIS COUNTRY IS BURNING TO THE GROUND.
— Jeanne Hulme (@jeannes_jargon) July 28, 2017
18) Short, Sweet, and To the Point (1/47)
The 280-character limit is a terrible idea. The whole beauty of Twitter is that it forces you to express your ideas concisely (1/47)
— James Poniewozik (@poniewozik) September 26, 2017
19) Seriously, Twitter Users Are Salty About This One
139 characters pic.twitter.com/WkfdXL8oLh
— Caitlin Kelly (@caitlin__kelly) September 26, 2017
20) Caution: Parents on Facebook
Thanks for the clarification, Dad. pic.twitter.com/Y2ulMh7sJV
— Ray (@rayy_baybay) July 21, 2017
21) Hindsight Is 20/20
What was I smoking... pic.twitter.com/xZareCENLM
— Eric Peters (@EricPeters0) July 12, 2017
22) When You Gotta Tweet, You Gotta Tweet
[detective inspecting my body at the bottom of the grand canyon] looks like the victim was tweeting "more like the bland canyon" and fell in
— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) July 7, 2017
23) Life Comes At You Fast
Me every morning v. me after five minutes on Twitter pic.twitter.com/KBEzzVZ9i6
— Sady Doyle (@sadydoyle) June 21, 2017
24) In a World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind
Being on Twitter pic.twitter.com/sQbDWShv4i
— clicky but scary (@djclickbait) June 11, 2017
25) You're Amazing. Yes, You.
Me looking at my own snapchat stories, selfies and tweets after a long day, just reflecting on how great I am. pic.twitter.com/x6002kyihv
— MaKayla MaShelle (@MakaylaMashelle) June 8, 2017
26) I Wish I Knew How to Quit You
Me: I should do a three day social media detox Also me: I should ask Twitter what they think of that idea
— M. Keaney Anderson (@meghkeaney) June 3, 2017
27) We All Have Guilty Pleasures
me: twitter is a cesspool also me: twitter has provided 98% of my entertainment for the day
— keithlaw (@keithlaw) June 2, 2017
28) On Technical Difficulties
It's reassuring that even Mark Zuckerberg's crew can't overcome the awkward moments that linger while ending a Facebook Live pic.twitter.com/VVqRHKS9iv
— Brian Ries (@moneyries) September 21, 2017
29) Because I Miss Vine and These Are Hysterical
ok im gonna do a thread of vines tht made me actually lol here we go
— alex ;-) (@firedupbby) June 7, 2017
30) See? I Told You
— alex ;-) (@firedupbby) June 7, 2017
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