#literally 90% of them are racist CHILDREN
alwida10 · 4 months
The thing that baffles me the most about the Israel/Gaza conflict is that it shows how many people are susceptible to propaganda. People I respected for doing fact-checks before have utterly failed in educating themselves.
You want to help the people of Gaza and want to see them live in peace?
Great! In that case you should care to educate yourself on the matter that they actually GOT to settle down in peace. For example in Jordan (which’s population consists to 90% of Palestinians), until Arafat (who was Egyptian, and not Palestinian) realized he could utilize them by pocketing 400$ / month for each Palestinian civilian he forced to stay a refugee.
And like Arafat used these civilians to get rich himself, the Hamas uses all the money spend on humanitarian aid for Gaza to get rich. Their leaders are literally Billionaires who lived on Qatar, while their henchmen shoot at desperate starving civilians who want part of the humanitarian aid! The Hamas is pocketing the fuel, the water and the food for themselves. They even admit they want the civilians’ suffering because it will pressure Israel.
Anyone here who was heartbroken for the girls killed in Iran a few years ago? Someone who thinks Black Lives Matter?
Because yeah, you’re supporting right now the people that killed that girls in Iran AND all the children in Gaza. Who are racist against POC.
Putin would call you an “useful idiot”, well done.
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auramgold · 4 months
homestuck fans: oh my god i hate andrew hussie he's so racist and ableist and queerphobic and ate my children i have to prefix any talking about his work with how awful he used to be
also homestuck fans: actually i never read past act 5, that's when the comic was ruined :)
like i don't know how to tell you this but all the "bad parts" of homestuck, both inside and out, are the early parts. the parts where hussie was actually showing their whole ass abt racism in side material were like act 3, and the r-word is literally only dropped once in act 6
like we can all agree the dancestors are bad, (because jesus fuck they are awful from a doylist perspective), but a lot of time it feels like people only criticize hussie's flaws (which they grew on! their later work shows it! some of it was literally internalized queerphobia!) because they want a social justice excuse to dislike something
like buddy. you're allowed to hate homestuck. you're allowed to hate act 6. you don't have to act like hussie murdered your children to do it.
criticize hussie where it's due, obviously, and there's a lot to criticize them for in their earlier work, but ask yourself if you're doing that to actually get somewhere, or if you're doing that to score points validating your personal taste by saying disagreeing with it is "problematic". because if it is just the latter, the actual problematic parts of homestuck are 90% the acts 1-5 you act like is the only "real" homestuck.
the epilogues aren't the Problematic part. hs2 isn't the Problematic part. psycholonials sure as fuck aren't either.
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tepkunset · 2 years
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X-Men Evolution ft. Alpha Flight
Been enjoying X-Men Evolution recently, and it made me think about how great an Alpha Flight episode could've been. Hell, there was a Captain America one, so why not?
Anyway, some thoughts about what an Evolution version of the characters might be like:
Age 16, Québécois
Super-speed, flight, can create blinding light by linking with his sister
A jerk, but in his defence is straight up not having a good time. Only does homework for the classes he likes
Backstory only semi-unlocked because it's none of these clowns's business: Kid on his way to being an Olympic-level skier who is hinted to having been blackmailed into joining AF by Guardian, but mostly remains for the sake of his twin sister he only recently reunited with
I didn't bother designing new superhero outfits for JP and JM because why mess with existing perfection?
Age 16, Québécois
Super-speed, flight, can create blinding light by linking with her brother
Either very outgoing and bubbly or very shy and quiet, (depending on if she's Aurora or Jeanne-Marie of course). Definitely forgot about the homework
Backstory unlocked: Raised in a very old-fashioned Catholic boarding school hinted at to be abusive, until running away as Aurora and was found and recruited by Guardian. Really not sure how her DID might be handled in a kid-friendly cartoon, but I think it should still be present because I don't see why children can't be educated on such things
I originally had her civvies designed to reference her 2.0 yellow costume, but then I liked the idea of JM wearing blue and JP wearing pink too much
Age 14, Newfoundlander
Super-speed underwater, can breathe underwater as well as on land
Just happy to be here; tries too hard to seek validation from everyone older than her. Agonizes over not being able to go to public school due to her looks
Backstory unlocked: Was adopted by a small coastal family and raised in a very happy environment, joined AF because she wanted to see more of the outside world and genuinely believes Guardian is teaching them to do good
I literally just drew her in a wetsuit for a superhero outfit lol
Age 15, Albertan / Tsuut'ina
Deus ex machina mystic powers
Running on anxiety and bitterness towards Guardian. Won't let you copy her homework but will help you with your own for as long as it takes
Backstory unlocked: She and her father were recruited to Alpha Flight as what she believes is a PR stunt for so-called Reconciliation. Her magic circlet helps her control her mystical powers, but unlike in the comics she's capable of taking it off
Of all the characters I was most excited to design a new age-appropriate look for her, since 90% of her outfits in the comics look like they're racist Spirit Halloween costumes
Age 17, Nunavummiuq / Inuk
Animal shape-shifting
Easily forgotten from being so quiet, very prim and proper behaviour that can sometimes come off as up-tight. Studies above and beyond regular homework because she feels like she has to work twice as hard to be respected
Backstory semi-unlocked: With her parents divorced, Anne was used to spending the school year down south with her father and summer up north with her mother, but when her powers started manifesting, her father scorned her and wanted to give up his custody. Instead she now spends her school year under the care of Department H
I hate Snowbird's comic backstory so much; the whole "she's 100% white because her mother was a goddess who temporarily transformed into a white woman to appeal to her white father" makes zero sense and also has gross connotations, so I decided since this is my adaptation, she's not a demigod but rather just a mutant, because why not...
I thought about giving her tunniit, but since I know so little I figured I wasn't the best person to depict them
Age 17, British Colombian
Super-strength, super-stamina (when in gamma form)
Biggest nerd in any room, pretty chipper. Will do your homework for you just for fun
Backstory unlocked: Walter was taken in by Department H after being branded as a failed experiment by a group of scientists playing with gamma radiation—except the experiment didn't fail, turning Walter into a gamma mutate, but one with control over himself and the transformation
I had such a hard time trying to decide what to do with this bitch... His power is to turn into a 'cryptid' that is just lifting from spirits across multiple Indigenous cultures so that's really awkward, but I didn't want to leave him out since that felt weird? I do imagine this version of him having a different personality though, where he's less annoying
Age 35, Ontarian
Flight and super-strength granted by super-suit
Thinks acting like a Cool Dad™ will make children like him. Believes recruiting kids to work for the government is justified because they have superpowers, but at the same time hypocritically insults the X-Men
Backstory unlocked: Oil corporation research and developer who designed a super-suit for oil extraction, except then the Canadian government put him on the payroll to head Department H for monitoring superhumans in Canada
I knew I still wanted him to be decked out with the maple-leaf because it fits his asshole nature, but I wanted to make him look like he's trying too hard to be Hip
Age 40, Albertan / Tsuut'ina
Healing mystic powers
Is the actual Cool Dad because he's so chill and actually cares about the well-being of the kids
Backstory Unlocked: A surgeon who turned to traditional medicines in attempt to save his wife when western medicine failed her, and though he he did not succeed, he did discover he had innate mystical powers, putting him on Department H's radar. Just here to protect and patch up the children the best he can
Age 42, Saskatchewanian
Says thinks like 'back in my day' and 'eh' unironically way too much, low-key waiting on that inevitable divorce between the Hudsons
Backstory semi-unlocked: Is mostly there to train the kids how to be superheroes and survive the experience
Like Snowbird I think Puck's backstory is some bullshit that they should've just left alone instead of trying to create this magic explanation for his dwarfism and chronic pain... just let him be disabled! Disabled superheroes exist! So again, in this version he's just a mutant who happens to also have dwarfism and chronic pain
Age 37, Albertan
Guardian's wife, tries to be a Team Mom and make up for her annoying husband
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i had literally never heard about the BANANA FISH antisemetism; what happened? (i haven't watched it because i am semi-allergic to horrible major character death lol)
There's two main parts that I remember distinctly after not revisiting the series for like four years. And I'm not Jewish, so this is just what I noticed.
One is more obvious than the other.
The first one to happen is this nerdy scientist who created the BANANA FISH drug was, in fact, Jewish. One: hell of a stereotype about Jewish nerds. But more importantly, he was referred to as a slur for Jewish people and then...decided to....BANANA FISH them?
Now, BANANA FISH is clearly like, based off on MK Ultra or some shit: there's no cure and it controls people's minds and makes people basically trapped in a living hell and makes them very violent.
People he tested this thing on include Ash's older brother, Griffin, whom our racist scientist admitted had done nothing actually to him. But other soldiers they were in the military with were abusive to him and called him a slur for Jewish people.
And so...he just. Killed people in a gruesome, horrific way because he was oppressed. Ash murders him, and we're not even supposed to feel bad because his actions were completely inexcusable and disgusting.
The more obvious one is this fucking line after Blanca shows up about Union Corse wanting to be the next "Jewish American community" like, excuse me, what, the pedophile mafia?
This obviously traffics in the antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jewish people are rich and powerful and control things behind the scenes, and it also draws a connection to another antisemitic conspiracy theory that (Christian) children are in danger from Jewish people (yay, blood libel!) both physically and sexually and etc. This is where the QAnon pedophile conspiracy comes from.
This line about the Jewish American community was actually removed from the original English translation of the manga. It was in the Japanese, and whoever looked at it when translating it into English in the 90s clearly went, "Whoa, okay, no," and they changed it to the "Rockerfellers" which frankly makes more sense anyway.
The anime kept it.
So, uh, yeah.
Not great.
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disco-cola · 7 months
ok im boutta rant so hard. so honestly the reaction of people (or sometimes lack thereof) to the recent events between palestine and israel is so telling… so many people even in my own surroundings are so ignorant and stupid and one-sided. being in support of a free independent palestine and still acknowledging the ongoing nearly daily mistreatments of Palestinian people by the IDF in the gaza strip west bank etc. even now after those recent horrible attacks on israel (which are not condonable or justifiable ever to me) does not make you a „terror sympathizer“ or even „anti-semitic“ like be so for real. this is exactly what the western media has been trying to make people believe for all those past years and they‘re doing it again now and using it for propaganda- which is why it’s so important to ALSO get updates from Palestinian sources (I use eye.on.palestine and theimeu and byplestia on insta since getting back from the trip and actually learning about the situation in 2020 and they are doing educational work on top of news too but beware it also contains uncensored extremely disturbing footage that a lot of western media just casually completely refuses to report about). It’s this complete disregard and erasure of Palestinian struggles for the past nearly eight decades and history under israeli occupation. The complete justification of the counterattack and pledges of unwavering solidarity in the big western newspapers without telling the whole story NEUTRALLY. Like what I’ve read in newspaper articles in the past days is actually SCARY bc it sounds like absolute brainwashing and is not neutral truthful reporting at all. I will say it as it is I don’t give a flying fuck about any of those violent colonialist settlers losing their lives. I also dont give a shit about any violent hamas member who killed an israeli civilian involved bc they are just as racist and evil. Scum like that needs to be wiped off the earth so that maybe one day this place really can find a solution in peace. And I really do wish that for Palestinian AND Israeli people, for Jewish AND Muslim people. I‘m so sorry for all the innocent lives lost who get caught in the crossfire but you also can’t tell me, and I’ve literally read this today in a big newspaper that I quote „israeli forces will do anything to protect Palestinian civilian lives“ bc it doesn’t line up at all with the footage shared from targeted regions in Gaza and that „Palestinian terrorists will use their children as shields and then cry into cameras and we cannot show sympathy for them“ when all I’ve seen are traumatized mothers or fathers who couldn’t even walk or stand up straight bc they were crying so hard. It’s inhuman to not show empathy like hello? I can’t believe this is actually what they’re printing and people are buying into it bc they think this is the right and political correct thing to do.
Also don’t forget about the fact Israel has one of the top high tech modern military forces in the world. Israel has iron dome and david’s sling (and thank god they do bc it does prevent more senseless deaths) which are highly advanced air defense systems which are said to have a catch rate of 90%. they are not catching and preventing ALL missiles from hitting sadly but A LOT of them. however when israeli military fires missiles on gaza, they KNOW for sure they WILL hit. Even if they apparently give „warnings“ to the population before starting an attack. In Gaza at least 900 civilians have already died in in the last 3 days, reportedly half of whom are women and children. Please think about them too when you mourn the victims, even if their pictures are not shown in the newspapers.
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mdccanon · 1 year
Zuko and Pink Diamond are functionally identical, so its just a matter of sentimentality for if you recognize one as an imperialist and the other as "an abuse victim": A rant about Lily from Glass of Water
Lily has a lot of great points behind why she wants abuse victims written the way she does literally up until she starts using logic like "Because ONLY 30% of abuse victims become abusers, NO fiction should portray that." That's... not how math works, Lily. Because it even brings up the idea of who gets the privilege of being labeled a past victim. She doesn't want Zuko to be called a villain going through a redemption arc basically BECAUSE he went through a successful redemption arc. She wants HIM to be called the victim... Even though he was just as willing to kill, kidnap, and destroy as Azula before his redemption arc began. They were raised by the same father, they had the same influences. Zuko was treated as the black sheep for caring about Fire Nation soldiers. Hell, the story is written acknowledging that Iroh had to go realize the flaws of his people and past, too.
It's just that, unlike with Shadow Weaver and Catra, the show never glamorized or zoomed in on Iroh and Zuko's crimes because they knew they wanted them to become good guys; so Zhao is introduced almost immediately to siphon off our animosity towards the villains. How mad can we be at Zuko burning down Suki's town when he's being bullied, too? lol. A cheap but effective trick. One that people don't have to fall for. There are people (especially people of color) who feel that it doesn't matter how sad a backstory an imperialist has, a colonizer is still a colonizer and ending the show with his apologist, reactionary monarchy government turning the colonies into their own republic is still coddling imperialism. Lily is so stuck on Zuko being a Good Imperialist that she won't even acknowledge that he needs a redemption arc to GET to that position! So, to justify her lowered standards, she points to White Diamond on Steven Universe and begs people to hate that the Bad Imperialist... ... ... continued to be a villain until the very end and was reduced to everyone's embarrassingly racist grandma? What is she mad about, then? That Steven Universe uses some wish fulfillment that if you have a couple of conversations with your racist and sexist relatives, you can get them to at least stop harassing you. "I don't need you to respect me, but I hope one day you want to re-join this party we are having here, when you change your mind." Lily is PISSED off at that -- again because -- that DOES work on a large number of people, but since it doesn't work on ALL annoying relatives or alt-Right people, they shouldn't show it in fiction at all. She goes out of her way to pinpoint exactly why it works: your cousin spouting Facebook memes has no real commitment to the ideas he's repeating. Only dedicated political activists need more than a stern talking to for changing their minds. Okay then. Lily, these are CARTOONS. 90% of the people in the lives of the CHILDREN and families watching Avatar The Last Airbender, She-Ra, and Steven Universe are just spouting memes they saw on Facebook. Why are you asking cartoons to give advice on how to deal with Ben Shapiro?!
Lily even gets mad about Greg's cousin Andy. I'm sorry, allegory aside, I didn't realize that its illegal for Greg's family to be angry with him for disappearing for 20 years. Ya remember that he was just a little punk rock wannabe who hated his suburban family, right? And how DARE Andy be confused and angry that Greg 1) had a kid and never told the family and 2) had a kid with an alien. I'm sorry, how much of a bigot can we call Andy for being confused about a childbirth with a 100% chance of killing the mother? But since Andy is supposed to represent your Republican-voting uncle, he isn't even allowed to have a point when all he was upset about was that he's taking care of the elderly family members all by himself because Greg ran away. Nope, he's not allowed ANY personality. And even though his only redemption was that he wanted to know his cousin, Steven, this is treated as some pie-in-the-sky unrealistic wish fulfillment and the writers didn't punish him enough because... ... ... I'm sorry, what does Andy owe to his cousin's dead wife's old subordinates? He should apologize that he cares as little about Gems as they do about him? Lily is more upset that the show is "selling" their queer fans the idea that going no contact with relatives actually does hurt their feelings than she cares about actual human-Gem relations.
So, on one hand, you have Lily hating a show because Steven saves the galaxy by telling a sisterhood that their dysfunctional family drove their sister-daughter to suicide - and that's a bad show because that sisterhood are colonizing, genociding imperialists, so why should Lily care that they realize the error of their ways through how they've damaged themselves? (Why should we care if white people hurt themselves when they are racist against people of color; why should we care that men hurt themselves when they are sexist against women, why should heteronormative people care that their toxic views on sex, gender, and orientation hurt themselves as much as queer people?) On the other hand, Lily refuses to call the crown prince of a colonizing, genociding imperialist royal family a "villain" because he had a rough childhood, buddy.
Zuko is fundamentally incapable of leaving the paradigm he was born into; if he did, he'd be the freakin' Buddha. (Unlike Pink Diamond, who actually DID die and reincarnate into a new paradigm so that she COULD offer new solutions for Gems as Steven. XD) Every solution Zuko can propose starts with justifying the continued existence of the very political structure that caused the world 100 years of grief.
Prince Zuko and Pink Diamond are functionally the same character and Lily's mad that Pink Diamond's family weren't written as sociopaths who don't love her... because it gets in the way of her belief that bigoted family members aren't capable of loving you.
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eviltothecore13 · 2 years
Favourite and least favourite things about each version of The Addams Family
 Currently just doing the ones I’m already most familiar with, will add to this another time.
1) Invented the characters! Can’t not love them for that.
2) Lots of clever and dark humour including some iconic moments that later appeared in the films.
3) Gomez is drawn as actually dark-skinned...something most cartoons “based on the comics designs” seem to forget.
Least favourite
1) The fact they are a healthy family despite the creepiness hadn’t quite been established yet and Morticia seems uncharacteristically uncaring towards the children on occasion as a result.
2) While technically these aren’t Addams Family comics, Charles Addams also drew some quite racist caricatures and they tend to end up in the same collections.
3) The fact they’re one-panel comics without much dialogue does limit the amount of characterisation and plot compared to what later versions can do with the characters.
1) Introduced lots of my favourite character quirks. Gomez pulling lit cigars out of his pockets and having two watches set to different times. Morticia being able to literally “smoke”. etc. The trains!
2) So many scenes of the characters just doing random stuff! Swordfighting, knifethrowing...Gomez standing on his head or hanging from the chandelier...Morticia painting or knitting...it really helps establish the characters and I just love seeing characters’ (very unusual) day-to-day lives like this.
3) This is the show that established just how much Gomez and Morticia love each other--not just the kissing/French scenes but the way they’re almost always arm-in-arm just walking about, the way he thinks her rather...unusual abstract paintings are the most amazing artworks in the world, just...everything.
Least Favourite
1) Being a sitcom, it unfortunately does put comedy over consistency at times. e.g. while Gomez’s swordfighting is never as impressive as in the films, in many episodes he still is portrayed as knowing how (and he’s near-superhuman at knifethrowing), but there’s at least two episodes where he’s completely useless for the sake of a joke. The same goes for various characters’ levels of knowledge of all kinds of things and some other character traits as well.
2) John Astin is a great actor but it doesn’t change that Gomez is being portrayed by someone not remotely Hispanic.
3) While it was progressive for its time, some stuff really hasn’t aged well. Voodoo/witch doctor tropes (straight out of Charles Addams’s racist caricatures in some cases), general portrayal of foreign cultures as “weird”, a few references to the Civil War that don’t seem to realise that the Confederacy was TOO horrifically evil and bigoted to ever be the right kind of “funny evil” for the Addamses.
1) The entire summer camp plotline making fun of rich WASPs/Republicans/bigots so perfectly.
2) The increased budget just made these films really aesthetically amazing in general. The house finally looks like a proper creepy mansion, the outfits are more detailed and varied, you get to see the whole extended family together, THAT DANCE between Gomez and Morticia in the second one... but most of all, the absolutely amazing swordfighting scenes.
3) The best cast of any version...Raúl Juliá’s performance will always be my favourite Gomez portrayal, Anjelica Huston is amazingly sinister...but the biggest improvement compared to the show is Christina Ricci, obviously Wednesday is older in the films and it’s easier to find a good 11-year-old actress than a 6-year-old so this is not meant as an insult to Lisa Loring, but having a much more capable actress in the role allows for so much more to be done with the character.
Least Favourite
1) Pugsley becoming a sidekick who isn’t as much of a genius.
2) Both films focus heavily on Fester, who I don’’t hate, but he is my least favourite character, and Gomez and Morticia were very much the main characters of the show.
3) In general the mad-science aspects of the Addamses are downplayed here in favour of the supernatural and aesthetically old-fashioned aspects...and I love those aspects but I find it more entertaining to have the contrast of them also building robots, computers, rockets better than NASA’s,  etc...
1) All the political humour! I’m still bitter because a Munsters fan claimed that the Addamses would be Republicans because they were rich (as a “our fandom’s superior” thing), OK? This more than any other version disproves that with a lot of mocking of the right-wing. Mal calls them “creeped-out, left-wing Spanish weirdos” as an insult but I honestly think they’d take it as a compliment.
2) I don’t normally even like musical-style songs, but The Addams Family is a nonsensical enough series already for it to work and some of the songs are truly amazing.
3) Lots of very funny dialogue. Gomez seems to get most of the best lines here...Alfonso the Enormous, for instance...or discussing his ancestor who was burned at the stake as dinner-table conversation.
Least Favourite
1) The touring version in particular, but both to some extent, makes Morticia unusually harsh--not just in terms of the misunderstanding that forms part of the plot (I can accept that the characters won’t always get on perfectly all the time! In fact, I wouldn’t want them to!) but just randomly sometimes? Like, treating her as if she’s always disliked Grandmama and held her in disdain? Where did that come from? That wasn’t in any previous version that I know of.
2) The Broadway version has the song “Where Did We Go Wrong?” which feels like it has character inconsistencies with most previous versions. Lines like “we did all that we could to keep her sad”...OK, so Morticia seems to enjoy being “unhappy” sometimes and they talk about a “gloomy”-looking room as a good thing, but...none of them, including Wednesday, were ever previously depicted as sad all the time, wanting to be sad all the time, going out of their way to make the others sad, or seeing happiness as a bad thing. Morticia even talks about what a “happy colour” black is in the show, Gomez in the films has lines like “to mirth, to merriment, to manslaughter”, and if someone is actually sad about something the rest of the family generally worry about them and try to help (which is even the case later in the musical with Gomez worrying he’s made Morticia upset)...it feels like the writers went “they like dark things!” without actually checking how they feel about specific things in previous versions.
3) OK so... That giant squid plotline in the Broadway version. [NONCON TW].
Now, anyone who’s spoken to me about Wesker might know, I have nothing against tentacle sex. Far from it. But it has to be consensual! Mal gets dragged off with no idea what’s going to happen to him, even though he’d expressed some kind of interest in the squid he doesn’t actually say he wants sex with her, and while we don’t know exactly what happened between then and his next appearance, without seeing him give consent and seeing him get dragged off like that...it comes across more noncon than was maybe intended. And then we’re told “oh actually he enjoyed it and it made him less uptight”...I do not like the way this is handled and I’m glad the touring version of the script changed this plotline.
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angelsaxis · 2 years
Truly the only way to reduce the number of abortions in this country is to make this place actually inhabitable because the US is fucking hostile to pregnant people, fetuses, and babies/children of literally all ages. Increasing the minimum wage, maternity leave that isn't just 6 weeks, PTO, a full-time work week that isn't 40 fucking hours, guaranteed protections for laborers (so, unions) that will guard the interests of current parents and parents-to-be, and probably other things I'm not remembering at the moment. Healthcare (both mental and physical) should be free and universal so that someone who gets pregnant knows that they'll be taken care of throughout their entire pregnancy. There's plenty of people who live in shitty environments, so stronger environmental protections I imagine would also have an affect on maternal and fetal health. Why not put more funding into women's/maternal health care. Why not guarantee gender pay equity.
Obv money isn't the only reason why an abortion might be needed, but for plenty of people it is. They literally cannot afford a child. They cannot safely raise a child that they might really want because this capitalist and individualist country is financially hostile to children. It's environmentally hostile to children. It's also socially hostile to children but idk how anyone can legislate against that.
And lots of prolifers claim to want these things but then keep voting in the people who are explicitly against all of this. No, don't raise the minimum wage because then the price of everything will go up (even tho this isn't true). No, don't support unions bc they'll fuck over corporations. No, don't protect labor rights because they're fuck over corporations. No, don't support better education across the board, didn't you know that they're just teaching your children how to be racist fornicators? No, don't put funding into researching maternity health issues or diseases that affect women. No, don't give people free healthcare, that'll encourage free loaders and also it's expensive :( we should fund the military instead.
Like have you noticed how a lot of pro life politicians over the last decades but especially in the 80s and 90s claimed to want to save the babies, but then also supported gutting things like SNAP and other federal welfare programs--things that would disproportionately affect women and children? Y'all have never proven to me that you actually care about unborn babies, because if you did you'd be making sure they actually were born into a world that supported them
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
The thing is Marvel used to be pretty great. I was a fan of the comics for years before things started to go downhill. Hopeful optimistic characters were turned into cynics who didn't believe in working together anymore and various character relationships were destroyed. Characters werent allowed to be happy or get married. And writers began forcing their own political views onto characters who never shared them before. It's really gotten bad and I think you hit the nail on the head on why.
Follow up- I've seen a lot of these poeple openly admit they hate the idea of canon and don't even do research on the characters before writing them. She-Hulk was the most recent casualty of this. Not only did they utterly assassinate her character but when fans didn't like it they accused the fans of hating female Heroes...ignoring the fact that She-Hulk has existed for decades and has had fans for just as long. Theres also this underlying hatred for fandoms not just writing in general.
Oh no, I'm not discoursing about M/arvel comics, please don't waste your time trying to change my opinion on any of it. I really don't care. I certainly care about the preservation of art and challenging commercialised storytelling, though, which means that even if I have [redacted] opinions about the comics I do give a shit on some level about how that's influencing the current market.
Hopeful optimistic characters were turned into cynics who didn't believe in working together anymore and various character relationships were destroyed.
Right, so you're talking about the shift of the comics in the 90's when everything went grimdark to hold onto a narrowing fanbase? That was really when narrative cynicism crept in. Overtures to hold onto whatever narrowing fanbase have been attempted since then.
Then again, I think there's a serious disconnect between what M/arvel comics were and what the authors and readers might think they're supposed to be. Children's media is good and necessary, but trying to force it to be something it isn't whilst preserving the aesthetics of children's media is something I take major issue with. The fallout of M/arvel comics might have something to do with that, in my opinion, but I don't care enough and don't want to discuss it any further.
And writers began forcing their own political views onto characters who never shared them before.
This is something that when you say it makes people look at you funny and think you're a secret misogynist and racist, and saying it as an anon in my inbox I have to make some assumptions. I would hope the actual problem you have (which is the one I have) is that they're not very good writers skillful at writing the dynamics of political beliefs because they think depiction = endorsement and every character needs to be perfect ever and everybody needs to emulate all characters in fiction. Which, to be fair, circles back to the problem of kidult media. The question of guiding children with media versus adults is very different.
That's where things start to go wrong (and it has roots deeper than whatever transactional moral didactic purpose people think fiction has now) even back in the 90's with the comics because that was when narrative itself was beginning to errode. Lol.
I also just take issue with the idea that you can teach a perfect profound political/moral lesson through fiction because many people have different takeaways. Your political opponents probably think they're Luke Skywalker fighting the Empire. I'm not necessarily morally better for sympathising with Kylo Ren, and it's not indicative of any of my political values (I'm not literally an IRL non-political ideologue hulking sad space prince who needs a kiss) but it certainly indicates that I care about the thematic heart of the piece because I understand him.
Of course, now we're talking about how to address deeper questions in society - can deep wounds in society be solved through fiction? Is this the actual battleground? Is this where it really matters? That's a real question, I think it's hard and more complicated than people make out, but I don't want to be told what to think. In general I think not cultivating critical thinking is a serious problem and something worth thinking about. It's what leads to easy conclusions that dominate this discourse which prove dissatisfying and unstable, which leads to flat reductionist defenses because there is no other defense, and if you challenge that you're a problem. If I criticise something I think is a cash grab I'm suddenly lumped in with actual misogynists or I just hate fun or, alternatively, I'm a misandrist? Not sure. I get all of them.
Not only did they utterly assassinate her character but when fans didn't like it they accused the fans of hating female Heroes...ignoring the fact that She-Hulk has existed for decades and has had fans for just as long.
Well, yes, that was what I was trying to describe in the previous post in so many words. When idiots muddy the water with 'Rey is a Mary Sue' it ruins it for the rest of us, because the takeaway was never about learning from Rey's character or the Heroine's Journey but to realise that an unassailable point of defense was the female character defense, which I find literarily/cinematically ignorant. Then on the other side you have people saying Rey's major relationship and narrative inverse and equal whose love is redeeming and purifying is somehow unfeminist and/or stupid women romance bullshit despite the fact it embodies the thematic and mythic heart of S/tar Wars and now suddenly actually I hate everyone.
Where was I going with this? Anyway, yes, now our silly corporate production that doesn't care about art is indefensible because the currency online is social justice despite the fact we don't care about social justice we just performatively do. And people who would otherwise genuinely care about social justice will defend us, and people who don't will act like there's some great agenda that's pro-women destroying everything, and everything will be awesome whilst they tear each other apart and don't pay attention to us.
And the anon who relentlessly sent me all those asks about Knightfall being anti-men and Jaune being a simp for showing compassion and mercy and Cinder not deserving love WISHES he could rain down his hellfire on me. Cunt!
Theres also this underlying hatred for fandoms not just writing in general.
There's some element of that but you're not really thinking about why certain writers get jobs over others, and I can guarantee you nobody high-up cares about art or meaning or fans. They don't understand fanbases either, or why fans like what they like, or the psychology of fans at all, they think fans are uncritical minions who cheer at references to things they remember and stuff I guess. Iconography without meaning, sign without signified. Sometimes fans get angry but they don't know any better so you better release some merchandise and maybe make a cursory social media post about it. Lol.
Thanks for your asks and have a nice day.
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katatonicimpression · 2 years
One of the things I love about Shinobi objectively being stupid and weak and lazy and ineffectual is that I feel so many abuse narratives focus on showing the victim ISN'T the things the abuser said and THAT'S why they shouldn't have been abused, whereas with Shin yeah he IS these things and guess what STILL DOESN'T DESERVE ABUSE. I don't think that was the authorial intent, the text is rarely at all sympathtic to Shin, but it's how I choose to handle it. That yeah, he is a big stupid screwup and vain and obnoxious and objectively not a good person and still 110% worthy of sympathy and compassion and should never have been hurt because there's never any justification for that. SORRY FOR THE RAMBLE just I in general love Shin being dumb bc it's funny but also this!
YOU'RE SO RIGHT! I enjoy making fun of him but it's worth saying this!
I'd also add that, if we set aside the times he's written as (or coded as) perv-y - those moments are 100% there for racist and biphobic reasons - his other character flaws are clearly there as a result of Sebastian. They're not the "reason" for the abuse, it's the exact opposite.
And yeah the framing is weird because it's not at all actually sympathetic to him, but also very reluctant to have him actually be the biggest baddie in the room at any point and will constantly have shit things happen to him while he achieves no real villainy.
I think it's mostly coming from a (racist) desire to emasculate the character at every turn, but it winds up making him just not seem that bad and oh my god this got out of hand have a "keep reading"
OK right by my reckoning there are only 2 shin appearances where he's actually the main villain. The one where he kidnaps Warren and Betsy, and the x-force one that is a blatant rehash of it.
The betsy and Warren issue dedicates itself to just listing his damage and, while firmly not on his side, its still a pretty sympathetic take... or is it?
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Maybe this was supposed to be an own and they just failed at that.
The x-force one is much more simplistic. He doesn't really get pathos, kidnaps some children and actually murders someone directly with his powers (for I think the first and only time?). It's genuinely ooc how he's actually a straight forward, mostly competent villain here.
So thats TWO issues where he's actually the main bad guy and one of them is a deep exploration of his trauma.
His other appearances are either a story where he's in opposition to other villains, or he's just fucking about (e.g. marauders). With the former, it's that desire to emasculate him again. He's almost always shown as a complete mess next to these other, scarier villains.
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Shout out to this very brief cameo where he apparently does some behind the scenes scheming with the Mandarin. Apparently he can be a competent villain so long as he's off the page.
But the rest of the time he's:
Failing at being a super villain in japan
Ignoring Cordelia Frost's weird plans
Being ghosted by the British hellfire club
Failing at being an Upstart
Playing chess with some guy
et alia...
None of this makes me hate him I'm sorry.
The absolute weirdest one framing wise is the storm thing. Shin is coded as a predator. He invites ororo for dinner and drugs her drink. Coding-wise, they're not being subtle here.
But then we immediately find out that it's Candra's plan AND that she's also drugging/otherwise manipulating Shinobi. AND it's implied that they have a physical relationship. So... that's not consensual. It literally can't be.
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So, in an issue where he's unambiguously coded as a date r*pist, he's implicitly being sexually abused.
And like..... um???? What am I supposed to take from that?
My best guess it's that it's a 90s "haha man under a woman's control how pathetic of him" but like.. I am incapable of reading it like that.
It's just throughout: this character is intended to be seen as bad but for toxic, racist and queer-phobic reasons, but if you read him without that lens, it's just: "Oh, he's kind of a dumb jerk I guess. He should probably quit drinking."
Basically, if you think a man being weak and ineffectual makes him worthy of scorn, then he'll come across as villainous.... which is kind of ironic I guess.
..um so this got off topic from the original ask. I just started typing about how his characters framed and it became a whole thing sorry.
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kalisbaby · 5 months
Actually, no... Lemme rant for a lil bit. This country truly hates the elderly. Like as soon as you no longer become marketable or a financially viable target for them, it'll literally wash it's hands of you. I feel like this country is angry that people make it to 60 at least. And resolves to punish you for that by making shit like taking care of your health difficult. Because, why are you trying to live even longer when you have no worth or value to the capitalist scheme, ykwim?
Like imagine living in this shit hole country, living through Jim Crow, the bullshit ass "war on drugs," seeing every revolutionary that steps up murdered, disappeared, or exiled, raising your children in a racist and anti-black world, surviving like a whole lotta shit I can't even type out, buring a brother, a sister, both parents, a husband, countless other friends and relatives, surviving a pandemic, multiple inflations to the point where you can't even feed yourself, three near-death experiences, having chronic health issues because of said experiences, paying into the survival of the American system via your taxes for the entirety of your fucking life, only to get to your old age, able to finally rest and, at the very fucking least, being able to tend to your health needs, and the government looks you in your eyes, laughs, and basically says, "Can you hurry up and die now please?"
Like that's what it's like for my mother right now.
And that's just my mother! It's legit this but in different forms for my father (a veteran who died in the VA hospital because it's legit trash), my grandparents, uncles, and older cousins.
And like what if you're gay? Imagine surviving the governmental indifference to the AIDS epidemic of the 80s and 90s and, let's say you're a gay elder now, and you go through ALL OF THAT only to be told in your old age, "Damn? You still here???? But can you, like, not be???"
Like the list can go on and on. Like what's it like for indigenous elders? Elder immigrants? Anyone who's not a rich, old white war criminal?
This country give no fucks to any one. Young or old. But especially towards the elderly because, like I said, they're not a prime marketing demographic. They're not gonna spend their excess income, if they even have it to begin with, on random shit like the youth will. Which is why once a generation gets to a certain age, everything starts catering to them even if the previous generation is still in it's youth. (Apparently I'm a "geriatric" millennial even though I'm only 37. But capitalism has already decided that my "worth" has diminished because the next two generations are reaching buyer power.) Because it's not about longevity. They legit do not care. The entire elder population could die out tomorrow and the only thing that would happen is the death industry would start popping big bottles and that's infuriating.
Truly truly hate it here.
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donnabroadway · 11 months
Skin folk and not kin folk
I ask my millennial, Gen X, and Gen Z brethren that as we moved up in the world, get educated, get better jobs, make more money, have more access, and are able to move our kids into wealthier neighborhoods and private schools, make sure your black kids know black people other than you and their siblings. There are too many black kids online crying about how they've been rejected by the black community because they speak well, they have money, they like rap music, they care about their grades, are light skinned, have "good hair," ethnically ambiguous features, etc. And while colorism, texturism, and classism are big problems in the black community, black people don't really have the space to reject "our own." Although mulattos, and the upper and middle class have always existed with some proximity to whiteness, the law literally stated that children took on the status of their mothers, meaning it was expected and unofficially accepted, that slave masters would be procreating with their slaves and those slaves would become slave and would be counted as black at worst, at best, mulatto and acknowledged by their white fathers and given some privileges, educational opportunities, access to land and money, a skill that will allow them to make money and become the upper and middle class or their freedom. There is a reason why many of the "firsts" were by men and women who could pass for white or Italian. The proximity to whiteness, when acknowledged, allowed them opportunities to advance but don't get it twisted, they may not be able to tell with the naked eye but once they knew, you became another, you know what. Biracials, of all mixes, didn't have the right to claim their whiteness or more than once race, and it was usually the phenotype or colored one, until the 2000 census. It wasn't until white women starting having, and raising, babies of color in the 80s and 90s that biracial people gained some sort of proximity to whiteness.
The problem is we have these phenotypically black children being raised in environments where they are often the only person of color. Not only that, they are often raised in families where they, their father, and siblings are the only people of color their mother and their family has interacted with and there is a lot of internalized racism and prejudice and when the family is called out on it, they often justify it with a whataboutism of "blacks are racist too," "look at the jokes they tell about us," "it's true, look at statistics," or "do you think they want us over there?" And this becomes a shadow belief that blacks are just as racist and unaccepting of whites, so when the child decides they want a closer connection to the black community and they enter into black spaces with their internalized racism and the black community responds by either distancing themselves, trying to educate and correct a lifetime of ignorance and self hatred, or by becoming vocal opponents of what is being said, they feel rejected and start the "biracial people don't fit in either side or they have to choose" and I am not biracial and I don't have biracial children but my interpretation of this is "Society is telling me to choose black but I want to choose white, so I will blame black people because of white supremacy."
I am a suburban Baltimore black girl. What does that mean? It means I live on tree lined streets with half million dollar homes, luxury cars, career minded people, and not a white person in sight. This means I attended schools and interacted with majority of black people and I can tell you there is plenty of diversity in thought. Being a black republican won't get you exiled nor will speaking well, liking alternative music, or being educated but being intraracist and buying into the conservative talking points will. You can't make a living by being spewing racist talking points, saying that racism from whites to blacks hasn't existed since the 60s, there are no systematic issues holding people of color back and then dog whistle us when you're inconvenienced, reminding us that you're a black woman. Like we told the Asians, Hispanics, and white women who voted to Trump, get somebody else to do it.
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marlmckitten · 2 years
People need to stop coming after Harry Potter fans just cause it’s trendy to hate Harry Potter because of what jkr has done 20 years later. That doesn’t erase that it is a series that raised an entire generation. Trying to make people feel bad for liking a series when they had no idea about issues that might arise a decade later is ridiculous. Not to mention tons of media creators are awful. That’s the sad truth but right now the one we hear about is jkr. I see so many posts about how awful her writing is and how no one who likes fiction should like her books. Like or or not her books were phenomenal. Her story had the incredible ability to have a single line foreshadow what would happen six books later and no one pick up on it. There are still gems fans find in it. Plus there are the other factors of how many people find happiness over the years in potter puppet pals or avpm or anything else it influenced. And it influenced so much because it was the biggest series to hit literally ever. It is the top selling series of all time. Nothing has impacted an entire generation like Harry Potter has. And no one hates jkr more than Harry Potter fans because it has made us had to hide something that is so important to us because simply liking it makes us racist and transphobic and sexist apparently.
I even saw posts about how hermione has no real contribution and how jk can���t write a female character. Are you kidding me??? Hermione literally saved my life. She was the only strong female heroine a lot of us saw. So many people are forgetting that when these books came out resources were so much more limited. The internet wasn’t what it is today. We didn’t have female representation outside of things like Disney where we saw damsel in distress heroine and that was all. Jkr hid her name in initials because her series would not have sold as well if people knew it was a woman behind it. Do you have any idea how incredibly sad that it!? You can hate her all you want but it does not dismiss what she did for women all over the world with writing hermione how she did.
And the goblins!!! Uggggghhhhh!!! There is no way on earth that young kids reading the series are reading it thinking that it is racist and based off of any archetype. Maybe there are the similarities now, and it is wrong, but it doesn’t make someone racist because at 12 years old they didn’t link a fantasy book with racial propaganda they never would have seen before. I have one friend who always tells me the whole series is awful because the goblins are so obviously writing out of hate for Jewish people. Forgetting that it is not obvious and was not obvious for those of us who grew up reading them. We are expected to still read all the “great American classics” that throw around the N word and speak to horrors of black people having children with white peoples to create an inpure world but that’s okay because????? Because why? How is that better than Harry Potter?
Do they stop to think how many trans people still love Harry Potter? Despite JKR. Once again it is not as if she writes transphobia into the series. There isn’t even evident homophobia in the books. It is wrong but they were released in a time period where it was not very accepted to write LGBT characters. Jkr was already trying to get cancelled by every Christian group out there for having witchcraft! That was bad enough in the 90’s/2000’s. The world was so different 20 years ago. People are forgetting that fact. I am not saying it is okay, because it is not, none of it is. But the facts are facts and 95% of media that was available in the years Harry Potter were released had no or poorly written LGBT characters. And very few female heroines. Not a lot of disabled characters. And most mainstream media was all white except for a few POC per show/movie/book. It sucked. I am so glad gen z has so many options but we did not!!
All this aside I do not think liking something by a problematic creator makes you a bad person. Especially when you did not know at the time of its creation. There are so many awful horrible people in media who continue to be given opportunists. An example that comes to mind is Jared Leto. But you can still be a fan of his and get off the hook. He still is playing a lead role in a Marvel movie that is going to be a huge hit. People like James Charles still have a platform souly due to fans. We still live in a world where Donald Trump was elected into office. Reality shows star people at their worst and they still have fans. In general women are still paid less, inequality is still so rich in this world but you want to waste all your energy on telling an entire generation to give up something that grew up with them and raised them?
Harry Potter made me what I am today. And in the end, it is a story about love and forgiveness. It is about giving second and third chances and never judging a book by it’s colour. It is about love conquering hate and teaching patience and tolerance. It’s far from perfect but it helped countless people. You can’t erase someone’s childhood because 2 decades later the author behind something said intolerant things that the fans do not stand behind. That’s not how it works.
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thesmutgoddess · 2 years
i think it's so ironic how radfems are often misogynistic like when they say that women are those weak fragile creatures that can do no wrong and men are inherently evil, its in their dna or whatever, it feels a lot like excusing men's awful behaviour. it's literally saying that 'boys will be boys' but rebranded as feminism. i also met a lot of women that are racist, homophobic, antisemitic so they are pretty much oppressors themselves. acting like all women are good no matter what they do is also pretty misogynistic and it harms women of color.
same for lesbian terfs that talk about trans women the same way homophobes talk about gay people. lesbians have been called creepy and predatory for fucking decades and now they go on to call trans women that. almost like radical feminism isn't about women's liberation anymore but about hating trans people.
i don't feel welcomed in any feminist spaces because i am against liberal feminism, which isn't thought provoking in any way, doesn't question any power structure and acts like women's oppression is actually empowering (the sex work debate - i am against the industry but i support the workers). and then on a other hand, there's radical feminism which actually makes some good points but they are overshadowed by all the terf and bio essentialist bs. i think radical feminism, how it used to be in the 80s and 90s was actually pretty based but unfortunately it lost all its meaning. i agree with you tho about the pink comunism post, i too would love to live in a pretty comunist utopia ruled by ALL women <3
It absolutely overlooks that women have been just as guilty of upholding corrupt institutions. Turning patriarchy into gynocracy will not automatically make a feminist utopian society if they uphold the same governments that oppress women of color, poor and working class and trans women.
With the terf rhetoric they've created a baseless strawman argument to justify their warped worldview and prejudice. It doesn't matter that trans-women are statistically more likely to be victims of sexual assault and literal murder when you can create a imaginary moral panic around them being predators. Think of the children!
I think it is important to continue having these discussions and recognizing the flaws and positives in both rad and lib ideologies so we can move towards a feminism that is inclusive and also recognizes the need for structural change.
btw it's really encouraging that i've gotten so little pushback for these posts! either my points are resonating or i have the chilliest tumblr community ever lmfao
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bubonickitten · 3 years
Goddddd if one more patron tries to complain about the Dr. Seuss thing at me I’m gonna yeet myself into outer space.
“Are you taking Dr. Seuss off the shelves?!” No. No, we’re not. It’s a public library; we are not allowed to censor things. (And yes, there are many Terrible Books here that I would PERSONALLY love to slam-dunk into the garbage! But anti-censorship is, like... one of the core tenets of public libraries, and for good reasons.)
“I can’t believe they’re banning Dr. Seuss!” No one is banning Dr. Seuss!! His estate is VOLUNTARILY deciding to no longer publish SIX (6) titles!! Mostly because it’s bad for their public image (or, if I’m being EXTREMELY uncharitable, to garner attention and sell more product). If I’m being more optimistic, maybe it’s a genuine acknowledgment that centering books with racist imagery is both detrimental & alienating to children of color and normalizes racism (and we should avoid instilling children with racist worldviews from a young age).
“Dr. Seuss is an absolutely necessary staple of childhood!!” There are still MANY Dr. Seuss titles to choose from. Honestly, when’s the last time you, a grown adult not involved in any way with raising or educating children, ACTUALLY thought about Dr. Seuss? The only reason you’re wailing about it now and all scrambling to put these titles on hold is because you don’t like active attempts at inclusion and anti-racism. Also -- and this goes for adult literature as well as children’s literature -- there’s nothing wrong with acknowledging the flaws in classic books and their authors, as well as the obvious biases in what we label a “classic” (hint: white and male authors dominate the ‘classics’ genre). I get flack for this sometimes, but Sometimes The Classics Are Bad, actually. Sometimes they’re fascinating, significant, and/or worth studying from, like, a historical standpoint -- as a reflection of the society the author lived in, or literary trends and evolution throughout the ages, etc. But sometimes the people who wrote them were shitheads and the story itself is overrated (granted, a subjective judgment) and it’s okay to acknowledge that maybe it’s only considered a classic because it’s old and well-known and not because it’s Actually Good.
“They’re removing Dr. Seuss as the face of Read Across America!” And? There are SO MANY other authors and series out there to fill the void. There are plenty of undiscovered, underrated, and/or new writers who deserve more attention and appreciation. Maybe we can make some room for underappreciated things. Especially diverse stories by diverse authors.
“Cancel culture!!” I don’t want to see your Tucker Carlson impression. I am not allowed to get into awkward debates with patrons. Also I guarantee you’ve taken part in ‘cancel culture’ before. CPAC cancelled a speaker when they didn’t want to be associated with blatant antisemitism (but only in that particular instance; they’re fine with antisemitic conspiracy theories and dogwhistles, apparently) -- and again, that was because they were concerned about CPAC’s public image, rather than because they thought those statements were actually harmful. Right-leaning people “cancel” things as much as left-leaning people do. It’s just especially funny to me seeing people who spent the 90s calling every fad piece of media ‘satanic’ (and trying to cancel Pokemon and comic books and rock/metal music and video games and fantasy books and so on and so forth) now crying about “cancel culture”. People have been “cancelling” things throughout human history, and honestly, for people obsessed with the free market, they really don’t like when the market decides “actually, you know what? fuck this” -- or when a company finally decides that the optics of a thing aren’t good for their profit margins and adjusts accordingly, not out of any assumed moral obligation, but because they want to sell more shit.
“Mr. Potato Head--” I will astrally project out of my goddamn body if you finish that sentence I s2g. There’s a pandemic on and you clowns are literally out here white knighting for a dead racist and unnecessarily gendered potatoes. I get that we can care about more than one thing at once but maybe, JUST MAYBE, one is a non-issue and one should have more real estate on your priorities list right about now.
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