#living with infertility
onepinkline · 3 months
✨exciting news✨
Letrozole cycle April 2024 is happening!
I have so much hope for this cycle, everything feels like it’s lining up perfectly and I cannot wait to share every detail of what’s to come 🩷
We’re following a really strict diet/exercise/supplement regime this time around and I’ve been carefully reviewing all of my products for hormone imbalancing chemicals and replacing things as needed. I plan on doing a total detox before we start progesterone.
Good vibes, I feel it!
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hjartasalt · 5 months
Cis men will never have to worry about being forced to keep a pregnancy and give birth to a child against their will. Trans men do.
This literally does not apply to all trans men at all. This is not a worry I have ever had in my life as a trans man. Stop trying to find things that separate us because there is nothing that unites all trans men or all cis men except the fact that they are men.
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 month
What do you think about the Arthur is infertile because he is born of magic theory?
I think, if that’s the case, then it’s something he inherited from Ygraine rather than a result of magic. She probably passed down a trait that made them both infertile. Her inability to have children is probably also the reason that she died in childbirth: her body was simply not prepared for labor.
That said, I like to believe that Arthur and Gwen’s, ahem, final night together in 5x12 led to an heir. After all, they didn’t have to imply sex there, but they did, so it’s up in the air!
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
I was out at dinner with my parents the other night for my birthday (it was a hibachi grill) so we got seated by this couple who was talking about their kids moving out and then becoming grandparents. They kept asking when I was going to have kids and were my folks ready to become grandparents. It’s getting harder to be nice to people, I swear to God.
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menlove · 10 months
this is veeery niche discourse i doubt most of you even know it is discourse going on but i gotta rant a lil sorry. but there's been an uptick in "privatized adoption is bad" belief and i do believe that like there really should Not be an industry for buying and selling children that exploits poor people like that sucks. however it has now started to tip over into "surrogacy/foster to adopt/donor conception is all evil and bad and immoral" and i just gotta say like..... this idea that the Only morally right and good family is two biological parents and their biological children with exceptions for death/extreme abuse is so so christian and it's insane to me that this has become a leftist talking point. do you hear yourselves.
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kirstielol · 1 year
my crested gecko kiwi laid eggs last night 🥺🥺🥺😭
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just-a-creep-babe · 8 months
adding on to the other anon, this whole “nobody can get pregnant” thing reminds me of black widow where yelena says she had an involuntary hysterectomy. maybe it’s less of slenderman being a protective dad of a bunch of horny 20 somethings, and more of him trying to create better soldiers to carry out his will without worrying about the possibilities of pregnancy or periods and the like
sorry for putting too much brain power into a smut fic😭
Involuntary hysterectomy is kinda,,, scary territory 😳😳
But I absolutely agree that he wants better “soldiers” without worrying about pregnancy kind of stuff—it makes sense!!!
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onepinkline · 2 years
I saw you in my dream today.
Normally you’re all your dad, brown hair that goes straight down your forehead. Hazel eyes dotted with his thick, dark lashes. Olive skin with pink cheeks and a mole just under your left eye.
I saw you in my dream. You had soft pale skin, golden curls stuck right to your head and big, blue eyes. In your high chair at your first birthday party, cake up to your elbows.
Sometimes I wish I could sleep and never wake up, just to spend time with you. I don’t know how you feel emotions in your dreams. I don’t know how you can still feel them when you wake up.
I love you so much, and you don’t even exist. My heart is physically full with how much joy having you brings me. How much it would bring me, if you existed outside of my dreams.
Some days I convince myself I don’t want you anymore. I’m happy with just your dad and I, I really am. But then I have these dreams and it reminds me how I have already made a home in my heart for you.
I’ll always have a space that is owned by you. Even if you never come. It’ll be yours, empty until I die.
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like-sands-of-time · 1 year
So apparently it was a money/politics issue, and Lisa edelstein chose to leave the show for a few reasons I've read.. either the people in charge of the show decided to give more funding to Olivia Wilde over her, despite her significance in the show and seniority on the staff, or they disagreed with her political decisions outside of the show and she chose to leave.
Either way it's clear after six years of build up, and apparently twenty years of the characters having history, chemistry, genuine attraction to each other, that the relationship was boring and House being a moody self destructive addict was better for views (I roll my eyes here)
So House, the addict if you recall, was able to tell Stacy she should be with her husband after he slept with her, after he genuinely tried to win her back, because her husband begged him and he realized that they still had a future.
Then a few years later House, the addict who's been reformed and has since been going to therapy and working on himself for two years, is able to see Cuddy with another man and accepts it, offers his blessing, gives her a housewarming gift.
Then Cuddy once again tells him he's alone, always has been, always will be. Just like Wilson has done. It's hurtful, it sucks, but he's heard it before. And he's thought it before. He's not even outwardly emotional about it. He confesses to the dying woman that he is in fact alone and it's not worth it, pride and vanity to have his leg in tact wasn't worth losing his heart.
She decides to call off her relationship that we have to assume she's been hesitant on the whole time, given even Lucas has mentioned it, all because she has to give 'this', their relationship, a shot. Ok. So... Now what?
Back from the edge of using once more, he's struggling but managing. He knows she's gonna leave him one way or another but she's sure she won't, and despite every warning bell he's trying not to self sabotage. He respects her opinion at work more, genuinely, and he preps Rachel for preschool, forming an actual bond with her over cartoons and toys.
He gets drunk and confesses to Cuddy that him listening to her, him being more cautious and overthinking himself is making him a worse diagnostician, and that logically he should break up with her. But that he'd rather find the happiness that comes with their relationship, than the stress and inevitable pain that comes with losing patients. She seems to take this as drunken ramblings and we see nothing more on the subject, until her surgery.
She breaks up with him because he relapses. She got together with him because he was going to relapse. Is it irony? Is it fate? Is it a dumbass character move that someone who's loved another for years and knows how much he struggles with the genuine physical pain would do? You're telling me after perjuring herself just a few years earlier she's not willing to handle a relapse he had at the very real fear she was dying? He didn't hurt her, or Rachel, he took the pill for the pain both physical and emotional he was in. How does that seem unlike House? All that means is just how much he cared about her and couldn't handle losing her, like millions of other people in the world.
Maybe she wants to take a step back, maybe she insists that he go to a rehab facility for 30 days, but breaking up...? "He's never going to be there for me?" That doesn't quite make sense. You've never wanted that before? You've never needed that before? So this is different, this is extreme, and cuddy is scared too. But how she doesn't accept his actions doesn't make any sense for her character. Even if her enabling him is morally wrong or anything else, it was very uncharacteristic for her to break up with him knowing how he'd take it. Knowing how she'd take it.
Then to have Cuddy spend the next several episodes trying to poke it him, force him to talk to her? Why not his therapist? That doesn't make sense
It's writing laziness and I started season eight anyway because I know I hate leaving things unfinished but honestly I just don't feel it. I don't feel the emotional connection to the show, to the new characters in it, I just don't care. Because it doesn't matter right? We're not gonna see either Lisa again and she was fundamental to both the show and the character.
Seeing the spoilers that I have for the end of the show no longer push me to see what happens leading up to it, they honestly just disappoint me. Cancer is a weak and doubly ironic way to end things for an oncologist, but I just don't even care anymore.
His years of friendships and eventual self help are worthless within half a season. It's amazing really.
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livingasaghost · 6 months
cannot believe we got cursed with patriarchy like if this was a woman’s world we would have cured period cramps and ended menstruation
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magnoliamyrrh · 6 months
makes me happy that tumblr for a long time now has been on the "neanderthals were people too" train because they were! and they were humans! so were denisovans! we were able to successfully have offspring meaning they very much were a subsect of homosapiens! theyre basically our ancestral cousins. they werent stupid they were people with culture and hopes and wants and beauty just like we are
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coochiequeens · 1 month
Both reproductive purchasers are 55. Waiting too long to have kids is not infertility
By Ainhoa Barcelona 3 MAY 2024, 16:00 BST
Congratulations are in order for Prince Gustav and Princess Carina of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, who have welcomed a second child, a daughter
According to Danish media outlet Billet-Bladet, Gustav – who is the first cousin of King Frederik and the eldest child of Princess Benedikte – and his wife Carina became parents again on Friday 26 April. The couple's spokesperson announced that "everyone is doing well and is very happy".
The newborn girl, whose name has not yet been announced, was welcomed via surrogacy in the US, much like her older brother Prince Gustav Albrecht, who turns one at the end of this month. Little Gustav was also born Stateside in May 2023
The Danish royal family are yet to acknowledge the happy news on their social media accounts, although last summer in August, they did share official portraits from baby Prince Gustav's christening.
The post at the time revealed that the youngster was baptised at home, in Berleburg Castle in Germany, with his grandmother Princess Benedikte – the younger sister of Queen Margrethe – in attendance, as well as King Frederik and Queen Mary. 
Frederik and Mary's son Crown Prince Christian, who is one of baby Gustav's godparents, was also present.
Proud parents Gustav and Carina, both 55, married in June 2022, after nearly two decades together. They were unable to marry because of a strict rule implemented in the will of the Prince's grandfather, Prince Gustav Albrecht. 
The will stated that Gustav would be prevented from inheriting family property if he married someone not of Protestant, noble, and Aryan descent. His partner Carina, an American author and former model, is of Swedish and Mexican descent.
However, after a lengthy battle with certain members of his family, it was determined that Gustav met the conditions of the will and would inherit Berleburg Castle, where they now reside.
In April 2022, the Danish court confirmed that Gustav and Carina would marry in June of that year, first in a civil service followed by a religious ceremony in Bad Berleburg, a town in Germany.
They tied the knot in front of 80 guests, including King Frederik and Queen Mary, before going on to start their family.
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One of my little sisters is pregnant again, and my mom's first reaction was to ask me when I was planning on getting married and having kids.
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jjhonanana · 10 months
Trans Confession #9173681
My biggest fear when I was younger was somehow becoming the Virgin Mary because my period was late.
My second biggest fear was my period.
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kurt-nightcrawler · 3 months
Why is a hysterectomy so much work and so many bad side effects
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hawnks · 1 year
having thoughts about true bdsm couple. like……. one wants to be punished/craves release and the other craves control.
nicest people you’ll ever meet, but behind closed doors…..
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